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MILAM COUNTY TEXAS - A History of Rockdale Texas (Clubs and Organizations)
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Clubs and Organizations

(Researched by Mrs. Walter E. Fischer)

The Art Study Club, organized by Mrs. R. E. Smith and Mrs. Charles Moehring, was in 
existence for about four years from 1955 through 1959. The club was very informal. 
There were no officers, but the fourteen members were very serious in their study of art. 
They studied from slides, texts and lectures. Meetings were held in the various homes of 
the members and each meeting was devoted to the study of Art History. This club was a 
very important one due to the impact on those in Rockdale who appreciated the 
expressions of art.

(Researched by Mrs. Ida Jo Marshall)

Boy Scout Troop 88 was founded in October, 1938 under the sponsorship of the 
American Legion Post. Troop 180 was founded in 1936. A cub pack was chartered in 
February, 1939. Other troops have been founded in later years.

Many able and dedicated scoutmasters have served this organizaffon since its founding. 
Splendid hikes and many activiffes have been enjoyed by the Scout members. Also, 
members of the Boy Scouts have served the interests of the city through volunteer efforts 
to promote worthwhile projects.

This organization is a member of the Heart O' Texas Council. Three Scouts, Erik 
Nystrom, Steve Greene, Jeff Starner, and Scoutmaster Ray Crow, all of Rockdale; along 
with leaders from the Heart O' Texas Council, attended the National Jamboree-West in 
Farragut State Parlc in Idaho. They left Waco on July 27, 1973 and returned August 13, 

(Researched by Mrs. Roy Harrla)

The Busy Flagers and Fancy Doers Qub is sponsored by the National Association of 
Colored Women's Clubs which was set up in July of 1896. In 1904, on July 22, the 
organization was incorporated. The N. A. C. W. C1ubs purchased its first National 
Headquarters building in 1924 at 1114 O. Street in Washington, D. C.

The National Association of Colored Women's Clubs establish programs,
goals, involve women and girls in improving their neighborhoods, in better educational 
facilities, in the arts and crafts, in human relations and in legislation. To stimulate new 
interest in the program, a girls department was organized in 1925. This organization is 
divided into fifteen districts, and promotes scholarships, government and citizenship.

In this district there are twenty one clubs.

Mrs. Eula B. Moultry of 361 Bigger Street in Rockdale took an interest in this club. 
Feeling the need of this organization in Rockdale, she contacted Mrs. Cora James, the 
district president, and organized the Busy Flagero and Fancy Doers Club on November 
21, 1955.

There were ten charter members: namely, Mrs. Eula B. Moultry, Helenia Shields, Ellie 
Wilson, Sarah Tucker, Olivia Wilson, Belle Black, Janie Ferguson, Tommie Sanders, 
Alvenia Nealy, and Trudie Richards. The club's motto is "For God, We Are Lifting As 
We Climb."

(Researched by Loulo Rinn)

Carlyle Post 358 was organized May 2, 1922. The name Carlyle was selected to honor 
two local fallen comrades, Hicks Carlyle and James W. Carlyle. The two brothers were 
killed the same day, October 8, 1918, only thirty days before Germany raised the White 
Flag of surrender. The Carlyle brothers resided in the Hamilton Chapel Community 
which is four miles southwest of Rockdale.

The first meeting of Carlyle Post 358 was held in an upstairs room of the Dr. H. T. 
Coulter Building at the corner of North Main and West Cameron streets. Later a meeting 
place was furnished by the city at the City Hall.

At the first meeting of Carlyle Post the following men were elected as officers of the 
Post: Dr. C. E. Wisecup, Post Commander; Percy Diehl, Vice Commander, H. H. Turner, 
Post Adjutant; John T. Hale Finance Off~cer, Fred Eads, Post Historian; Dr. 1. P. 
Sessions, Post Chaplain; and C. U. Cates, Sergeant at Arms.

The following men were also charter members of the Post: H. E. Blenden, Robert H. 
Floyd, Dr. H. T. Coulter, Max Ferrari, William F. Vogel, Clyde Franklin, Dr. T. E. 
Crump, J. P. Horton, Alvin M. Johnson, and Ralph Larrieu.

In 1935 Carlisle Post purchased the Wolf Hotel at the corner of North Main and East 
Milam Streets. Plans for a new home were soon drawn by Clyde Franklin. This home was 
completed in the early forties.

1952 was the peak year for membership. The total membership for that year was 326. W. 
P. (Red) Hogan was commander of the Post at that time.

Carlisle Post has sent at least one boy to Boys' State in Austin each year since it was 
organized. The Post has sponsored the American Legion baseball team and has 
participated in civic affairs that have taken place in the city of Rockdale.

(Researched by Mrs. lda Jo Marshall)

The Rockdale Chamber of Commerce came into existence in 1952, when the charter was 
issued on July 18. The first manager was Robert Greenwald, who was hired on a full time 
basis on October 9, 1952, the date of the first regular meeting after the Chamber was 

The first president was J. B. Newton, and the original board of directors was
composed of J. B. Newton, W. H. Cooke, E. C. Dillen, Alex McLeod, A. A. Goehler, 
Louis G. Gest, R. E. Fritz, T. B. Ryan, John M. Weed, Sr.

The Rockdale Chamber of Commerce is a voluntarily and privately supported 
organization whose membership represents a wide range of occupational pursuits. The 
value of its program cannot be measured by the work it does this week, this month, or 
even this year. Its real accomplishments in the community spread over long periods of 
planning and action.

As improvements and developments are realized one will often find that their inception 
can be traced back to the time when a group of individuals met at a Chamber of 
Commerce meeting and talked it over. They kindled the spark that later grew into a flame 
of constructive effort; public sentiment fell in line and finally the job was done.

Outstanding events promoted by the Rockdale Chamber include an annual Christmas 
parade and party, annual junior livestock show, annual civic award to the organization 
contributing the ~most to the advancement of community life.

Outstanding accomplishments of the Chamber include street marking and house 
numbering, agricultural committee work with farmers and ranchers, industrial committee 
work on seeking new indus*y for the community, highway committee work on securing 
aid for maintenance of better highways.

Results are cumulative and effects far-reaching. The Rockdale Chamber of Commerce is 
not just an organization; it is the spirit of the whole body of citizens and a medium 
through which any individual may work for community betterment.

(Researched by Mrs. Ida Jo Marshall)

The Crown Garden Club was organized in March 1966. There were five members present 
at the initial meeting.

Officers elected were: Mrs. H. C. Rawls, president; Mrs. Hardy Young, vice-president; 
Mrs. Leland Sorenson, secretary-treasurer. These three newly elected officers, Mrs. D. D. 
White and Mrs. Fred Rogers became the five cliarter members.

There are fourteen members at the present time.

Various projects are carried on by this organization; such as contributions to many 
activities and flowers for shut-ins, for programs, and for churches.

(Researched by Mrs. Robert N. Baker)

On April 15, 1972 the Samuel Harwell Chapter of the Daughters of the American 
Revolution was organized in Rockdale with 21 charter members. Mrs. H. D. Maxwell 
had been named as Organizing Regent and had held the preorganizing meeting before her 
untimely death on March 28, 1972. Mrs. Robert N. Baker was named to take the office. 
Other offcers installed were Mrs. Thomas Underwood, vice Regent; Mrs. Lee Roy Carter, 
registrar, Mrs. Sam P. Peebles, Jr., treasurer; Mrs. L. Gill Naul, secretary; and Mrs. Keen 
Franklin, chaplain.

Samuel Harwell, for whom the chapter was named was the ancestor of Mrs. Maxwell. He 
was born at Prince George County, Virginia, in 1716. He furnished supplies during the 
Revolution, and died in 1794 in North Carolina.

(Researched by Mrs. Eugene Halroton)

The Friends of The Library was established in Rockdale during February of 1964. The 
purpose of this organization was to coordinate library promotion. Helping with the 
orgahization were Mrs. Louise Sessions, Mrs. H. D. Maxwell, and Mrs. Jim Tonder.

Through the annual membership drive and book sales this group has provided funds for 
many articles used by the library. Also, reference books have been purchased, 
subscriptions to magazines have been furnished, a book cart and a record player have 
been bought, additional book shelves have been added, a display case has been provided 
and a reading room as been built and furnished.

Volunteers sponsor and work with the Story Tlme for children. Also book reviews by 
noted authors and art exhibits have been provided.

Past presidents have been: Mrs. Jim Tonder, Mrs. Earl W. Ostendorf, Mrs. Eugene 
Bennett, Rev. Walter Funk, Rev. Paul F. McCallum, Ruth Kirk, Mrs. Helen Boyd and 
Stanley Spell.

(Researched by Albert Timmerman, Jr.)

Vocational Agriculture began in Rockdale High School in 1932 when Mr. H. D. Maxwell 
came to Rockdale as Vocational Agriculture Teacher.

In 1937 the Rockdale FFA Chapter was chartered with the Texas Association of Future 
Farmers of America. During this time the Rockdale FFA Chapter has produced one 
hundred and forty three (143) Lone Star Farmers and seven (7) American Farmers. 
During this time the Chapter has also won numerous Leadership and Judging Contests.

Since 1932 Vocational Agriculture and FFA has undergone many changes in the 
Rockdale School system. In 1954 Mr. Maxwell became Principal of Rockdale High 
School and Albert Timmerman, Jr. was employed as Teacher of Vocational Agriculture. 
By 1964 enrollment in Vocational Agriculture and the FFA had grown to 100 and Mr. 
Billy Hall was employed as the second Voc.-Ag. Teacher.

In 1966 the State changed the Vocational Agriculture program to include training for 
students in the Agri-business fields. Under the leadership of Mr. J. M. Moorman, 
Superintendent of Schools, Rockdale was one of the first schools to offer a course in co-
operative part-time training in agriculture. There were 8 students enrolled in this course 
in 1966. Today there are approximately 20 FFA members pursuing this type of training.

In 1970 the Rockdale schools constructed a new Vocational Agriculture Building and 
again offered a new program in Farm Power and Machinery. Today there are 15 students 
enrolled in the program. As enrollment continued to climb and Vocational Agriculture 
continued to change to meet the needs of students in Agri-business a third teacher, Mr. 
Raymond Pond, was employed in 1971 and a third new program, Ornamental 
Horticulture, was added.

(Researched by Mrs. L. E. Selden)

A group of ladies met at the home of Mrs. H. T. Coulter on March 17, 1937, to organize a 
Garden Club. The purpose of this club was to assist in the improvement of the city and 
to encourage the beautification of the yards of Rockdale.

The following ladies were elected officers: president, Mrs. H. T. Coulter; first vice-
president, Mrs. Ben Loewenstein; second vice-president, Mrs. C. R. Isaacs; secretary, 
Mrs. Gus Backhaus, Jr.; assistant secretary, Mrs. John M. Weed; treasurer, Mrs. C. M. 
Sessions; reporter, Mrs. T. B. Ryan.
Constitution and by-laws were drawn up by Mrs. Ed Simms and the slogan "Let's keep 
them growing. Let's keep the garden club going" was adopted.

The first work of note done by the club was the spraying of oil on water holes around the 
town to prevent mosquito breeding and the cleaning of vacant lots and alleys. Flower 
seeds were planted along the highways and also some shrubbery.

The first flower show was held on April 17, 1938, with Mrs. Jim Lanning chairman of the 
show. The first yard beautiful contest was won by Mr. T. B. Ryan in 1938. Through the 
years many lovely flower shows and pilgrimages have been held. A downtown lot was 
given the city as a park by the E. M. Scarbrough heirs. Concrete benches were placed on 
this park and shrubbery was planted by the Garden Club. Later an attractive Garden Club 
sign was placed on this lot, also.

Through the years, the following Rockdale ladies have served as president of the Garden 
Club: Mesdames H. T. Coulter, John E. Cooke, T. S. Schroeder, John T. Hale, W. D. 
Mullins, Frank Stockton, John W. Clark, Clyde Franklin, Harold Luckey.

In 1957 the Rockdale Garden Club became affiliated with Texas Garden Clubs, Inc.

(Researched by Mrs. George E. Bredt and Mrs. John T. Hale)

The Rockdale Girl Scouts was organized in the autumn of 1946. It was a part of the 
Texas Colorado Lakes Area with headquarters in Austin. Brownies and Intermediate 
Troops met in schoolrooms or homes. When the United Fund was organized in Rockdale, 
it assumed financial responsibility for helping the organization.

In 1955, Wm. Cameron & Company donated a lot in their new addition on Murray Street 
for a permanent home for the Girl Scouts. The keys for this home were given to the Girl 
Scouts at their annual banquet that year.

Camp Texlake at Lake Travis has been a recreation spot for many Girl Scouts from 

(Researched by Mrs. L. E. Selden)

The first Lions Club was organized in January of 1926, with Ben Loewenstein as 
president and M. N. Stricker as Secretary-Treasurer. John Esten Cooke, E. B. Phillips and 
Dr. 1. P. Sessions were among the group of charter members. During the depression 
years, about 1929, the name was changed to the Bonehead Club, and the meetings were 
held in the Opera House, above the City Hall.

According to W. H. Cooke, the entire second floor of the City Hall was used as the Opera 
House, and many enjoyable programs were held there. One story goes that during 
graduation exercises as the procession of students was being formed outside, in 
preparation to enter the building, a large pot plant was
dropped from the balcony of the Opera House, and fell on the ~head of the School 
Superintendent, who luckily was not hurt. Later on, the huge room was used as an indoor 
basketball court, and the local high school thus had ohe of the first iDdoor courts in 
this area. ;

The Lions Club second organization was November 2, 1938, with H. D. Maxwell as 
president, and A. H. Lovvorn as the vice-pres'ident. The present Lions Club was 
organized January 16, 1941. Charter members were Frank Brandon, T. B. Ryan, W. H. 
Cooke, Clyde Franklin, W. S. Duke, W. P.'Hogan, E. A. Camp, Dr. A. A. Urban, N. M. 
Bullock, Howard Suttle,~H. H. Coffield, W. E. Gaither, G. B. Lumpkins, H. D. Maxwell, 
Dr. John T. Richards, M. N. Stricker, W. T. Pearson, Jr., C. E. Prewitt, S. T. Schroeder, 
David McGuyer Q. W. Joiner, Dr. T. S. Barkley, Louis Gest and C. W. Matson.

Typical club activities performed by this organization have been: 
1. Furnished Little League with lighted and fenced baseball field. 
2. Furnished Babe Ruth League with concession house. 
3. Furnished Little League with Public Address System. 
4. Sponsored Babe Ruth Team. 
5. Sponsored Cub Scout Packs. 
6. Purchased glasses for needy children within Rockdale Trade Area. 
7. Presented award to Outstanding Farmer in Taylor District.
8. Co-Sponsored trip for FFA boys to convention in Kansas'
9. Sent crippled boy to summer camp (Kerrville).
10. Sent donations to Kerrville Camp.
11. Contributed to Blind Rehabilitation Center, Salvation Army, Milam County Cancer 
Association, American Red Cross, Lions Lampasas Relief.
12. Assisted in March of Dimes Bucket ~Brigade.
13. Distributed Christmas Baskets including Food and Toys,with Rotary Club. 
14. Sponsored Broom and Mop Sale for benefits to be sent to Texas Lighthouse for the Blind.
15. Passed out candy to children in Christmas Parade.

The Lions Club has always been active in civic and qommunity affairs. The above list 
includes only a few of the activities that this organization carries Qn during each year.

(Researched by Mrs. L. E. Selden)

The idea for this organization was a result of two interested citizens whd'had previous 
experiences in the little theater work. These two citizens were Mrs. Parris Wheatley, wife 
of the Chamber of Commerce manager, and Mrs. Marjorie Godeke, field worker for the 
State Department of Public Welfare.

Both ladies expressed a desire to organize a local group and presented.their idea to the 
editor of the local paper, W. H. Cooke. Mr. Cooke was impressed with the idea and gave 
the necessary publicity to see if others were interested. The response to the idea was 
excellent. The group who responded met April 8, 1958. From this group various 
temporary committees were appointed to assist at the time of organization.

Forty interested citizens met April 29, 1958 to organize the Rockdale Little Theatre. This 
group elected their officers for the~coming year. Those elected were Sam Peebles, 
president; Mrs. Lyman Harris, first vice-president; Mrs. T. B. Ryan, second vice-president;
Mrs. Marjorie Godeke, secretary; Mr. Bill Scurlock, treasurer.

The group also adopted a constitution and by-laws. It was decided seasons tickets would 
be sold. Those membership tickets would admit the holder to the two productions to be 
staged during 1958, and also to all the monthly one-act plays or skits following the 
regular monthly meeting.

The purpose of this organization was to develop and promote amateur dramatics and to 
further good will in the community.

The Rockdale Little Theatre had its first regular meeting May 27, 1958 and the good 
attendance made it evident the interest in this new civic organization was very high. A 
goal of 200 members was set and all membership tickets sold through June would make 
the holder a charter member. Committee members were appointed. The two play 
directors together with the officers would form the board of directors.

(Researched and compiled by Dan C. Drummond, Sr.)

Rockdale Lodge UD met for the first time December 12, 1874. The following June 4, 
1875, the Lodge received its charter from The Grand Lodge of Texas, located at that time 
in Houston, Texas.

On receiving its charter, the Masonic Lodge became Rockdale Lodge # 414, AF'& AM 
(Ancient Free and Accepted Masons). The first stated meeting was held June 12, 1875. 
The following people were installed as the first officers: Worshipful Master, A. C. Isaacs; 
Senior Warden, W. L. Lutner; Junior Warden, Theo Crohn; Treasurer, J. E. Schilling; 
Secretary, W. K. Ayres; Senior Deacon, W. T. H. Beasley; Junior Deacon, E. M. 
Scarbrough; Tiler, B. M. Doss; Stewards, W. M. Penn and J. H. Zeuner.

At one time in its history The Rockdale Masonic Lodge met in a building on South Main 
Street, later moving to its present location on East Cameron. The organization will have 
its one hundredth birthday in June, 1975.

(Researched by Mrs.L. E. Selden)

In point of years, the Matinee Musical Club is the oldest study organization of the city. 
Realizing the wealth of musical talent in the town, Mrs. Preston H. Perry in early January 
of 1909 invited a group of young ladies and matrons to her home to discuss plans for a 
musical club. They quickly decided to organize, and chose the name, Matinee Musical 
Club. The object of the club was to be both social and musical, having for its aim higher 
culture and the dispersing of knowledge of the musical world. The nine charter members 
were Mrs. Preston H. Perry, Mrs. Pearl Cawthon, Mrs. Andrew Perry, Misses Margaret 
MeCalla, Grace Longmoor, Alice Graves, Jessie Sessions, Ruth Isaacs and Norris Wallis. 
The club membership was limited to twelve women. The yearbooks were done by hand 
in the early years and were works of art. They became federated in January of 1922. 
Many whose names have appeared on the roster not only studied under musical artists in 
Tesas, but completed work in Conservatories of the greater musical centers. The club on 
special occasions has provided programs which always drew large and appreciative 
crowds. One memorable occasion was during World War 1. The club gave a benefit, the 
proceeds going to the war relief fund. The members, gowned in Red Cross uniforms, 
gave a program that brought generous applause from every corner of the packed auditorium. 
This club has presented programs at the schools during National Music Week, and in the 
past has offered prizes iD public school music contests.

(Researched by Mrs. Robert N. Baker)

The first meeting of the Milam County Historical and Genealogical Society was held in 
April 1971.

A constitution was drawn up, presented, and accepted in September, 1971. Officers 
elected were Tom Underwood, President; Keen Franklin, Vice-President; Mrs. Mildred 
L. Baker, Secretary; Mrs. Hallie McCoy, Treasurer.

The objective of this society is to gather and preserve all historical and genealogical 
material on Milam County and to eventually establish a permanent museum for records 
and artifacts. The membership is thirty members.

(Researched by Mrs. L. E. Selden)

Around the turn of the century, a group of young women met and organized the M. I. P. 
Club, which in Latin means much in little. Their purpose was for literary achievement 
and to establish a much needed library, the first to be in Rockdale. Miss Gussie Rowlett 
was instrumental in promoting the club. Both the club rooms and library were carried on 
upstairs in the old Opera House, the location being on the second floor of the City Hall. 
A quota of twelve was the membership and their study was of Shakespearian classics. The 
library they founded was well patronized and to finance this worthy project the members 
gave various entertainment made up of local talent. Among the charter members were 
Miss Rowlett, Carrie and Mamie Lewis, Minnie Perry Stribling, Topsy Perry, Imogene 
Hicks, Lalia Leonard, and later members were Margie and Alice Lockett and Minnie 
Cade, the high school Latin teacher.

(Researched by Mrs. Graham Young)

Formerly known as the Parent Teacher Association the local chapter has become an 
organization rather than an association.

The local chapter was formed in 1934. The first president elected was Mrs. Ed Swafford.

This group feels that education is not just the time spent in classrooms, but the total 
impact that teachers, parents, friends and environment exact on a child.

Many of our citizens, realizing that teachers and parents are the predominant 
influences, and teachers are actually an extension of parental guidance over our youth, 
have combined their efforts to reach a common understanding in order to aid in the 
proper guidance of our children, and to fulfill the following objectives: to promote the 
welfare of children and youth in the home, schools, churches and community, to raise the 
standards of home life, to secure adequate laws for the protection of children, to bring 
into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate 
intelligently in the training of the child, and to develop between educators and the 
general public such united efforts as will secure for every child the highest advantages 
in physical, mental, social and spiritual education.

The Rockdale Parent Teacher Organization has worked toward these goals. 
Accomplishments of the Parent Teacher Organization have been many. The first free 
lunch program was sponsored by the P. T. O. and the merchants of Rockdale. During the 
first five months in operation fifteen hundred free lunches were served to underprivileged 
children in this area.

Many projects completed through the years include the providing of playground 
equipment, books for the libraries, equipping first aid rooms, buying new song and music 
books, buying new pianos and fans, landscaping school grounds, and providing clothing 
and school supplies. Other projects have been conducting the preschool medical roundup, 
home visits, helped work with school administrators on an insurance program for 
students, helped with community vaccination programs. Realizing that children need 
more than the three it's, the P. T. O. has sponsored an annual Halloween carnival which 
has provided funds for much needed projects.

(By Mrs. Walter Fischer-Interview with Arnold Sherenan)

The Regeneration Singers is a singing group made up of the youth of the community, 
representing various denominations. The Singers were first organized by Ken Baxter, 
choir director at Meadowbrook Baptist Church, in April, 1969. In the fall of 1969 Arnold 
Sherman, choir director at St. John's United Methodist Church, became the leader of the 
Singers and has worked diligently to the present time. The organization has steadily 
grown in talent and in numbers and there are at present approximately sixty young people 
who meet every Sunday afternoon to work toward various programs.

The St.John's United Methodist Church has become a more or less parent church to the 
group, allowing the use of its Fellowship Hall for practice sessions and promoting the 
cause of the young people whenever possible.

The group has presented eight long performances and productions to the public, has 
raised much of its own money for support, and has made several tours outside Rockdale. 
Other monies have come from voluntary sources.

This group of teenage musicians and singers receives special encouragement from each 
of the churches of Rockdale.


The Community Adult Choir is a recent organization, also under the direction of Arnold 
Sherman. Members are from the choirs of various churches, and they work toward 
rendering special music for special occasions.

(Researched by Mrs. A. A. Blehle)

In Rockdale, Texas, on the night of December 1, 1899, a meeting was held in the 
Masonic Lodge Hall for the purpose of organizing an Eastern Star Chapter.

This is a fraternal organization for charitable and benevolent purposes and to establish 
bonds of good fellowship and brotherly love among its members and adherents.

Mrs. Lizzie Beck served as Worthy Matron and Henry Lockwood was Worthy Patron at 
this time. Other charter members were: Mrs. Lizzie Williams, Mrs. Mary Lockett, Addie 
B. Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. George Fulton, Annie Isaccs, Emma Lockwood, Annie 
Albertson, Elizabeth Porter, Ella G. Brinkman, Belle Farrow, Alice Porter, Claudia 
Tracy, Frances Randle, J. L. Lockett, Sallie Tracy, Emeline Snively, Carrie Giesecke, 
Charles Hanson,

Leonard Isaacs. Others who served during the earlier days of this organization were: Mr. 
and Mrs. E. A. Camp, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Coffield, Branch Lewis, W. E. Gaither, Mr. 
and Mrs. C. M. Sessions, Dr., and Mrs. 1. P. Sessions, Dr. and Mrs. T. D. Rountree, Dr. 
and Mrs. E. A. Swafford, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Thweatt, D. G. Owens, Helen Cone, B. 
Regenbrecht, H. G. Perry, Bertie Hadleson, A. P. Perry, Jr., Mrs. Rena Perry, J. L. 
Luckey, Mrs. Mary Barmore, Mr. and Mrs. S.M. Hubbard, Leona Cooke, Mr. and Mrs. 
A. A. Offield and Miss Nettie Turner.

It was noted that Mrs. Rena Perry was one of the first from Rockdale to hold office in 
Grand Chapter. She served as Grand Organist in 1932-33,

Under the direction of Mrs. Bertie Love, Worthy Matron, 1954, a Rainbow Assembly for 
girls was organized in Rockdale with Mrs. C14rice Kyle being Mother Advisor.

Rockdale Chapter O. E. S. #23 is still very active and~is one of the oldest chapters in the 
state of Texas. Mrs. Clarice Kyle and Mrs. Ruby Grabein, who still reside in Rockdale, 
will soon be fifty year members of our beautiful Order, dedicated to Charity, Truth, and 
Loving kindness.

(Researched by Mrs. Ida Jo Marshall)

The Rockdale Fair was organized in 1908 and ran successfully for a number of years. At 
one time it was considered the third largest fair in Texas and was the pride of every 
citizen in and near Rockdale. The association was incorporated and owned a park of 
thirty acres covered by hundreds of immense oaks. Large and attractive exhibition 
buildings, grandstands, barns, and stalls' dotted the grounds in attractive arrangement. In 
1911, the following officers were serving: H. C. Meyer was President; John Hicks, Vice-
President; A. P. Perry, Jr., Secretary; R. 1. Hale, Treasurer; George Banzaph, L. Isaacs, 
O. K. Phillips, S. G. Hodge, J. F. Coffeld, Jr. and W. E. Gaither as the Board of Directors.

In later years lack of interest, financial loss, and "hard times" cause the Fair Fair to lose 
out. The park is now used by the American Legion for Fourth of July celebrations and 
other entertainments. New playground equipment, a race track, etc. have been added. The 
annual Rockdale Homecoming is held in the Fair Park.

(Researched by Mrs. Ida Jo Marshall)

The Rockdale Saddle Club was organized in August, 1955. lts purpose was to have an 
organized group of horse lovers who like good clean outdoor recreation for all ages.

The first members ranged in age from 8 to 82. The oldest member of the club was W. E. 

The club's earliest project was to build a lighted arena for night practice and to have a 
place to sponsor an annual horse show.

Club members made both the trail rides from Cameron to Waco and numerous other 
parades and horse shows. They often got together on Sunday afternoons for trail rides and 
picnics. At regular monthly meetings the members usually had home made ice cream and 
a movie pertaining to horses or a rodeo.

First year officers were Jim Currey, president; Archie Graham, vice-president; and Pete 
York, secretary and treasurer. The club consisted of 35 members.

(Researched by Mrs. L. E. Selden)

The Rockdale Rotary Club was organized on January 22, 1953, and received its charter 
on March 3, 1953, with the following charter members: N. E. Alford F. R. Blake, E. H. 
Campbell, T. W. Carleton, W. H. Cooke, G. E. Evans R. E. Fritz, W. E. Gaither, H. W. 
Helmer, Q. W. Joiner, F. D. Leech, H. M. Luckey, C. W. Moehring, W. T. Pearson, Jr., P. 
H. Perry, Jr., Sam Perry, J. P. Pogue, R. C. Richards, R. R. Sugg, L. P. Thompson, M. D. 
Weems, D. E. Williams, and R. W. Zett.

The club has been active in all civic affairs of Rockdale. Among outstanding activities 
the solicitation and purchase of books for the Rockdale Public Library should be noted. 
On July 23, 1954, the Rockdale Library received over a thousand books and $550.00 in 
funds from the Club.

This Rockdale Club has sponsored the beautification of the city. Examples of their work 
are beautification of the city by planting trees, shrubbery and carpet grass. It has 
sponsored Good Citizenship Contests in the county high schools, presented scholarship 
awards, and given amateur talent shows inviting youngsters to participate from all of the 
Milam and some of the surrounding counties.

The Club has been active in the solicitation for the March of Dimes, and in 1958 it 
volunteered to handle the Special Gifts Solicitation for the South Milam County United 
Fund Drive.

The first officers of this organization were: Darrell Leech, president; Heabert Helmer, 
vice president; Dick Fritz, treasurer; Charlie Moehring, secretary.

(Researched by Mrs. L. E. Selden)

The Scrap Book Club, the oldest social organization of Rockdale, was always noted for 
its genuine hospitality. Early in 1900 six ladies were invited to meet in the home of Mrs. 
J. L. Lockett to discuss the forming of an informal social club. The purpose was purely 
for a diversion from home duties, just a get-together with a few congenial friends and a 
chat on scrapbook gleanings.

Stipulations for refreshments were that each woman was to bring something to snack on. 
The ladies organized then and there, and the charter members were Mrs. Lockett, Mrs. R. 
H. Ames, Mrs. J. E. Longmoor, Mrs. Ben Loewenstein, Mrs. Leonard Isaacs, and Mrs. 1. 
P. Sessions. So popular did this club become that the membership soon increased, and 
much good was done in civic matters and worthwhile projects. Many years ago they saw 
the need of a piano in the City Auditorium and contributed largely to the purchase of one. 
A delightful annual custom was a New Year's reception given in the homes of members 
and attended by large crowds. In later years the initial plan of refreshments was changed, 
and a designated member or members arrangeed and supplied the menu which was often 
a gourmet's delight.

(Researched by Mrs. Roy Harris)

On January 10, 1945, newspapers carried the story of the safe return of a plane piloted by 
O. F. Glenn Jr. from enemy territory after it had been severely damaged. The plane was 
lost but all crew members were safe. Neighbors of Mrs. Glenn Sr. came to visit and share 
her joy. Some brought their sewing. They had such a pleasant visit that they decided to 
organize a club. The name of this club was the Sew and Sew Club. Mrs. Glenn was 
elected president and has served in this capacity these 28 years.

Original members were Mesdames O. F. Glenn, M. N. Stricker, C. M. Sessions, H. G. 
Murphree, E. B. Vanmeter, Sue Beasley, Clyde Stephens, and H.M. Roark. Of this group 
only Mrs. Glenn and Mrs. Stricker remain.

Twenty-six other members have joined during the years. Of this group some have moved 
away, some have withdrawn for various reasons.

Many worthwhile projects have been carried out by the club members. Among these 
projects are the making of many cancer pads, pillows, etc. for the Cancer Association, 
and the making of patchwork lap robes for wheel patients in the hospital and in the rest 

(Researched by Mrs. L. E. Selden)

During the early days of Rockdale a social club was formed in the Mundine Hotel by the 
young men of the town, and brilliant affairs were given. The officers were H. C. Travers, 
prsident; Minor H. Brown, secretary; the assisting committee, J. E. Longmoor, Homer 
Eads, E. H. Porter, Frank Block, Isaac Crown, Leo Wolfson, Phil Dunnington and others. 
The old Mason Hall and later the Randle Opera House were other centers of social 
gatherings. No set forms were observed and entire families would attend these delightful 

(Researched by Mrs. L. E. Selden)

The Thursday Reading Club was founded in August of 1914, and while not the oldest to 
organize, it was the first to become federated. Ambitious to keep abreast of the times, and 
feeling the need of a literary organization, the idea of this club was made by Mrs. H. T. 
Coulter and Mrs. H. C. Meyer. The eight charter members were Mesdames Meyer, 
Coulter, J. L. Lockett, H. D. Cone, C. G. Green, L. W. Sledge, Bruce Gentry and Cora 
Isaacs Niehaus. In the beginning there were no by-laws or constitution, no officers, no 
dues, no order of business or stated programs. The only stipulation was that the date of
meetings would be alternate Thursdays to be in the homes of members in alphabetical 
order. The programs were to be of an informal mental and social nature. The club was 
federated with the State Federation of Clubs in 1917, and the programs have been of a 
high standard. After America's entrance into the First World War, the club took its place 
among the activities falling to the lot of those "left at home" by assisting in Red Cross 
Work, and in one instance by making and presenting to that cause a creditable sum of 
money. Red Cross work rooms were established here at the time.

(Researched by Mrs. L. E. Selden)

The Elizabeth Wilcox Wallis Chapter No. 1794 of Rockdale received ;Its charter March 
7, 1923. The charter was signed by 26 charter members and the organizer, Mrs. Annie 
Grace Drake. Members numbered 66 persons. In 1923 they celebrated the joint birthdays 
of Lee and Jackson on January 19 with an opening meeting at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth 
Wilcox Wallis. Also in thereport it stated that the club gave a national flag and a state 
flag on April 30, 1924, to the Rockdale High School. Stuart Austin Wier of Dallas made 
the address. On May 30th they observed Memorial Day, placing flags on the graves of 
soldiers. Growing out of this Memorial Day Rally was the compiling of a list of the 
soldier dead of Milam County. When the flu epidemic was raging the winter before, they 
sent flowers to sick and shut-ins.

(Researched by Harold Holliman)
A charter was granted for the V. F. W. Post 6525 by the National Headquarters, Veterans 
of Foreign Wars, Karfsas City, Missouri, on February 11, 1952.

The Veterans Post 6525 was composed of the following members who served their 
country in time of conflict on foreign land: Roy L. Allen, Alexander H. Avrett, Siegfried 
Backhaus, Nolan J. Bland, Weldon L. Henry, John C. Hirt, W. P. Hogan, D. C. Knott, 
Bernard J. Kopecky, Thomas J. Kyle, Tracy Longmire, Alexander McLeod, Doyle T. 
McCoy, Alfred A. McVoy, Jr., Ray G. Offield, James C. Pearson, William T. Pearson, 
Jr., Louis G. Rinn, Edgar L. Sanders, James L. Simonton, Gordon E. Smith, A. D. 
Stewart, and Jess G. Thompson.

The V. F. W. is still composed of members who have served their country in time of 
conflict on foreign land.

The present Post Commander is Harold Holliman.

The Rockdale V. F. W. Post 6525 Auxiliary was granted a charter on Oct. 1, 1965. There 
are thirty-seven members in this organization. It is considered a community service 

(Researched by Mrs. Loy Nelson)

The Woodmen of the World organization in Rockdale is a mixed unit named Pin Oak 
Lodge Unit 222. President for many years was Mr. L. E. Gary.

Officers at the present time are: President, James H. Wright, Jr.; Secretary and Field 
Representative, Mrs. Loree B. Nelson, llreasurer, Adolph McVoy.

The Women's Auxiliary is named Jessamine Grove Woodmen Circle No. 657.

A lodge building is located on Nort Main Street.

The lodge has been charitable in recognition of the work of the Fire Department. 
Contributions have been made to the Fire Departments in Rockdale, Thorndale, 
Lexington and Minerva.

This lodge has been without district representation until recently. At the present time the 
district is being served by Mr. Paul E. Koch of Waco, Texas.

(Researched by Mrs. L. E. Selden)

The "Ye Merry Wives Club" was a couples club that met at night. It was originally 
formed to play 42; in later years it became a couples 42 and bridge club. The club started 
about 1918, and some of the earliest members were Mr. and Mrs. Gus Backhaus, Mr. and 
Mrs. Louis Gest, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Weed, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. John Esten Cooke, Mr. 
and Mrs. E. B. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gaither, Dr. ?nd Mrs. T. S. Barkley, Mr. and 
Mrs. Ed Simms and Mr. and Mrs. Conn Isaacs. Later members were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde 
Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Maxwell and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cooke.

(Researched by Mrs. Buddy Nelson)

Young Homemakers of Texas is a State Association of young women interested in 
improving knowledge and skills related to homemaking.

This organization is formed exclusively for educational purposes with particular 
reference to the area of homemaking.

It functions under the direction of the Division of Homemaking Education, State 
Department of Education, in cooperation with the local school and the homemaking 
teacher who serves as chapter adviser.

The State Association of Young Homemakers of Texas was organized on December 9, 
1961, when a group of young farmers' wives met to organize during the Young Farmers' 
Convention in Dallas, Texas.

The first annual convention was held January 3-5, 1963, at the Hotel Texas,

Fort Worth, Texas. Sixty-seven charter chapters were organized.

Young Homemakers of Texas has grown to the present number of 253 chapters with a 
membership totaling 4,303. It is still growing.

The Rockdale Association of Young Homemakers had its beginning on March 28, 1966, 
when a group of young women met with local homemaking teachers, Mrs. Nelson Davis 
and Mrs. Ollie Young, to organize and elect officers. In October, 1966, dues for ten 
active members were paid to the Executive Secretary-Treasurer for affiliation with the 
Texas Association of Young Homemakers of Texas.

The present chapter now consists of 25 active members who have not only upheld the 
educational purposes, but have also undertaken many worthwhile community projects. 
Some of these projects include the city markers, repairing and purchasing new equipment 
for the city park, birthday cakes for rest home residents, the school clothes closet, boxes 
to local servicemen in Vietnam, room mother for Special Education classes and helping 
with the March of Dimes and the Cancer Drive.

(Researched by Mrs. L. E. Selden)

The Young Men's Business League was o.ganized in the mid 30's and was a very 
energetic, worthwhile club. It promoted agriculture, got the Soil Conservation Service 
located here, promoted the highway programs, and sponsored shows for farmers and 
business men. One helpful service they performed was to buy the old telephone exchange 
service from Sharp, and thus they encouraged the Bell Telephone System to hook up the 
Sharp community with Rockdale. Almost every local business man and most of the 
school personnel were involved in this organization. T. B. Ryan was the first president. 
This club, although called the Young Men's Business League, was open to men of all 
ages so the men in the defunct Commercial Club would become interested and join. This 
organization was very instrumental in organizing a Chamber of Commerce in Rockdale.