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Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
      Gina Heffernan -
      January 4, 2001

These files should only be used as guides for ordering copies of the originals from the
Texas State Health Department. Transcription and typographical errors are possible.

* Corrective files have been added to this directory for names marked with an asterisk.
To access them, erase the name of the file in the address line of the browser and "enter".

            Name                Date        Sex    Marital Status
Abner, Henry D                 5-26-1966     M    Single
Adams, Condell                10-20-1966     M    Single
Adkinson, Clarence            12-24-1966     M    Widowed
Alexander, Ernest Lyle         6-20-1966     M    Separ/Divorced
Alexander, Lucy                 1-4-1966     F    Widowed
Allen, Alice Ann               12-9-1966     F    Widowed
Allen, Joe Clifford             8-3-1966     M    Single
Anderson, Ben                  3-23-1966     M    Single
Anderson, Willis              11-14-1966     M    Widowed
Andrews, Dovie                 5-15-1966     F    Widowed
Arceneaux, William             3-20-1966     M    Married
Archer, Aubrey                 1-26-1966     M    Single
Archibald, William Newton      10-1-1966     M    Single
Armstrong, Carlie Gene         4-22-1966     M    Married
Armstrong, T C                  4-9-1966     M    Single
Arrington, Lula Estelle        8-16-1966     F    Widowed
Baker, Adela                   9-20-1966     F    Widowed
Baker, John Milton             5-27-1966     M    Single
Barnard, Jewell D              3-13-1966     F    Single
Barnes, Newton Alexander        3-2-1966     M    Widowed
Beene, Ada                     4-20-1966     F    Widowed
Bell, Ethel                   12-24-1966     F    Widowed
Bell, Pearlie Louise            2-7-1966     F    Widowed
Bennett, Ray Samuel            1-12-1966     M    Single
Beville, Mary Ella             10-8-1966     F    Widowed
Blackmon, Willis Robert        9-26-1966     M    Widowed
Bonner, Betty Ann              3-10-1966     F    Married
Bostic, Green Dave             4-14-1966     M    Single
Boyd, Woodrow Wilson            7-5-1966     M    Single
Branch, Arthur Clingman         8-8-1966     M    Single
Branch, Jack William           4-23-1966     M    Widowed
Browder, Wilcie Arthur         10-2-1966     M    Single
Browning, Mollie B             11-6-1966     F    Widowed
Bruce, Joseph Edward          12-30-1966     M    Widowed
Bullock, Billy                 4-29-1966     M    Married
Burney, Lasley A              11-24-1966     M    Single
Burns, Alton Wayne             9-11-1966     M    Married
Busby, Wilmer Thomas            5-5-1966     M    Single
Camp, Charles Herbert          4-22-1966     M    Married
Campbell, George Leroy        12-20-1966     M    Single
Campbell, Mary M               5-25-1966     F    Widowed
Carr, Willie Fay               9-15-1966     F    Married
Carr, Willie Ray               9-11-1966     M    Married
Carter, Charles David          7-31-1966     M    Single
Casey, George Washington       7-22-1966     M    Widowed
Causey, Thomas Bryant           7-2-1966     M    Single
Champion, Della                 8-1-1966     F    Married
Chandler, Ada Dassie          12-21-1966     F    Single
Chandler, Nathan Leola         9-29-1966     F    Single
Clifton, Arthur                3-18-1966     M    Single
Cline, Ernest Eli              7-29-1966     M    Single
Cole, Maggie Leona             8-23-1966     F    Widowed
Coleman, Ruth                  5-31-1966     F    Single
Collins, Lenda Joyce           10-7-1966     F    Married
Conner, Alfred                 3-30-1966     M    Single
Cook, Pearl                     6-7-1966     F    Single
Cooper, Jesse Edward          10-13-1966     M    Single
Cooper, Lottie Pauline         2-14-1966     F    Married
Corley, John Henry              8-8-1966     M    Widowed
Cox, Mary Eriah                1-26-1966     F    Widowed
Cox, Otis Otto                 12-4-1966     M    Married
Cross, Maybelle                6-28-1966     F    Married
Crowson, Annie                 1-19-1966     F    Widowed
Cry, D O                       1-23-1966     M    Single
Danford, Elvin Dean           10-24-1966     M    Single
Davis, Mary Ella                2-7-1966     F    Widowed
Davis, Solomon                 6-30-1966     M    Single
Davis, White Lawrence           4-7-1966     M    Single
De La Rosa, Rosa Pau           1-24-1966     F    Married
Deming, Lillie Mae              4-3-1966     F    Single
Dillard, Nancy Elizabeth       2-26-1966     F    Widowed
Dollar, John Silver            8-16-1966     M    Married
Douglas, John Calvin           2-18-1966     M    Separ/Divorced
Dubois, Norman                 9-30-1966     M    Single
Evans, Buna Lena                3-8-1966     F    Widowed
Evans, William Cullen         10-18-1966     M    Married
Fain, Pat                       7-2-1966     M    Single
Fedrick, William Lewis         11-9-1966     M    Married
Fleming, William Edwin          2-4-1966     M    Single
Fletcher, Mattie Bell           9-7-1966     F    Married
Foley, Albert Arthur          12-23-1966     M    Single
Fones, Mattie Nell            10-18-1966     F    Widowed
Foot, Evelyn Hailey             6-2-1966     F    Widowed
Ford, Mack Baskin              6-14-1966     M    Single
Foster, Ethel                  1-24-1966     F    Single
Foster, Georgia Sanders        5-12-1966     F    Widowed
Fox, Wilburn Washington        1-19-1966     M    Widowed
Franklin, Thomas Oscar         6-30-1966     M    Single
French, Rosa Dovie             1-11-1966     F    Widowed
Gamble, Eva Dee                 8-2-1966     F    Single
Gidden, James Aubrey           5-17-1966     M    Single
Gill, John Benjamin            3-24-1966     M    Single
Gill, Lizzie Estelle          12-12-1966     F    Widowed
Gillis, Ruth Hazel             11-1-1966     F    Married
Gray, Cora Catherine           4-13-1966     F    Married
Green, Edgar Owen               1-2-1966     M    Single
Griffin, Harrison C             5-1-1966     M    Single
Gutierrez, Ambrocio            3-10-1966     M    Single
Hagan, Stanley L               11-9-1966     M    Single
Halsey, Alma                   2-27-1966     F    Married
Hammond, Rosa                   2-2-1966     F    Widowed
Hancock, Glenn Adair           12-8-1966     F    Single
Hanks, Annie                   2-20-1966     F    Widowed
Hansen, Christian M            4-28-1966     M    Single
Hayes, Luana                    8-2-1966     F    Married
Henderson, Joseph Thomas       1-30-1966     M    Single
Henderson, L J                 12-4-1966     M    Single
Henderson, Upton Lafette        5-6-1966     M    Single
Hendrick, James Alton          5-30-1966     M    Widowed
Hendrix, Lena                   2-1-1966     F    Single
Herod, Clinton Ernest           3-3-1966     M    Single
Hetmanick, Milton Lee          11-2-1966     M    Married
Hogan, Ada                    11-11-1966     F    Widowed
Houdek, Bessie                  1-1-1966     F    Married
Houston, I J                   5-31-1966     M    Single
Howard, Carroll Lynn           1-31-1966     M    Married
Hughes, Etta Pearl              3-2-1966     F    Married
Hyden, Jay R                   6-13-1966     M    Single
Jackson, Hallie Mays            8-4-1966     F    Widowed
Jackson, Lee Grant            11-22-1966     M    Widowed
Jackson, Oscar Ruby            6-21-1966     M    Single
Johnson, Ruth Mae              1-25-1966     F    Single
Jones, William Ross            6-16-1966     M    Single
Kennedy, Dora Elizabeth        8-24-1966     F    Widowed
Key, W G                       7-20-1966     M    Single
Kilgore, Robert K              1-24-1966     M    Single
Kincheloe, Rosa Nell           2-25-1966     F    Widowed
Knox, Lillian Grace           12-14-1966     F    Single
Lamb, Nathan Edward            1-12-1966     M    Widowed
Latham, Margaret Dorinda        2-1-1966     F    Single
Lawless, Homer                 2-16-1966     M    Single
Leno, Pearl                     2-8-1966     F    Single
Levingston, Henry             11-16-1966     M    Single
Lightsey, Rosa Mae             7-19-1966     F    Widowed
Livingston, Charlie E         10-25-1966     M    Single
Livingston, Titus E            7-15-1966     M    Widowed
Logan, Ada Belle              10-29-1966     F    Married
Lyons, Gail Ann                5-29-1966     F    Married
Martin, Herbert Reeves         11-2-1966     M    Single
Martin, Laura                 11-14-1966     F    Widowed
Martinea, Johnnie B             9-2-1966     M    Widowed
Masters, Jerry Dean            6-11-1966     M    Married
Maynard, James Randolph        4-17-1966     M    Single
Mcdaniel, Loyd                  9-8-1966     M    Single
Mcfall, Marion                 11-8-1966     M    Single
Mckenzie, Rufus                5-30-1966     M    Single
Mcmahon, Daniel                8-11-1966     M    Widowed
Milam, John C                  4-10-1966     M    Single
Miller, Cora                  11-12-1966     F    Widowed
Mills, John Elmer              2-27-1966     M    Single
Mims, Harriet                   7-9-1966     F    Widowed
Montgomery, Laura Lee           4-6-1966     F    Widowed
Moseley, Ora                   9-17-1966     F    Widowed
Muirhead, Jesse Banister      11-22-1966     M    Single
New, Daniel Elijah             7-19-1966     M    Single
Noland, Nora Amanda            10-5-1966     F    Widowed
Obrien, Charlie Frank          2-26-1966     M    Widowed
Ochoa, Adela                   3-13-1966     F    Married
Overstreet, Emma               4-11-1966     F    Widowed
Owens, Dorothy                 7-28-1966     F    Widowed
Owens, Henry Lee               4-17-1966     M    Single
Pace, Delbert O                6-24-1966     M    Single
Parsons, George Grover          9-6-1966     M    Single
Patton, Alton Harrison         7-13-1966     M    Widowed
Peeples, Rufus Roderick        4-14-1966     M    Single
Pegues, Mary Elizabeth          1-6-1966     F    Married
Pender, Sallie Fouty          11-30-1966     F    Widowed
Petersen, Doris Lillian         7-1-1966     F    Married
Phillips, Diedra E             4-11-1966     F    Married
Phillips, Guinevere Y          4-11-1966     F    Married
Phillips, Quardgelyn P         4-11-1966     F    Married
Pike, James Henry             10-27-1966     M    Single
Pinkard, Zeno Lincoln         11-30-1966     M    Single
Priddy, Augie Kirk             3-25-1966     F    Married
Prince, Sarah Elizabeth        5-28-1966     F    Widowed
Proffit, John Henry           11-14-1966     M    Single
Ragan, Olen Reese              11-5-1966     M    Separ/Divorced
Ranier, Emma Lee              11-25-1966     F    Single
Ransom, Larsee C               8-11-1966     M    Widowed
Rasco, Lillie Parilee           4-3-1966     F    Single
Rayford, Commie                3-25-1966     M    Single
Reed, Blanche                  2-28-1966     F    Married
Reed, Peggy Lynn                5-5-1966     F    Married
Rhodes, Fannie S               7-17-1966     F    Widowed
Rhodes, Perry                  3-20-1966     M    Separ/Divorced
Rice, Charley Tom             12-27-1966     M    Single
Richards, Duane               11-30-1966     M    Married
Richardson, Mary Ellen         9-21-1966     F    Widowed
Richardson, William E          7-28-1966     M    Single
Robinson, Jessie Owen          7-23-1966     M    Single
Robinson, John Campbell         3-9-1966     M    Widowed
Sanders, Jimmie James          12-1-1966     M    Single
Sanders, Lily Pearl             2-4-1966     F    Widowed
Sanders, Vernon                9-19-1966     F    Widowed
Sanders, William Russell        5-9-1966     M    Single
Seely, Marcus Renn             4-17-1966     M    Single
Sharp, Junius Spencer         12-31-1966     M    Single
Simmons, Gracie Della          10-6-1966     F    Single
Simmons, James Lester          8-14-1966     M    Widowed
Slovacek, Lillie               11-9-1966     F    Married
Smith, Abe                     3-13-1966     M    Single
Smith, Annie Bell              2-24-1966     F    Single
Sparks, Samuel Walter          7-20-1966     M    Widowed
Stavinoha, Alma Marie          5-15-1966     F    Married
Stephenson, Kitty             11-14-1966     F    Married
Stroud, John Calvin           10-30-1966     M    Single
Strunck, Mattie Agusta         6-26-1966     F    Widowed
Taylor, Sam Byrd                9-1-1966     M    Widowed
Tazewell, Ervin D              5-11-1966     M    Separ/Divorced
Thomas, Ozell                   2-1-1966     F    Married
Thomas, Roy Clark              8-30-1966     M    Single
Thompson, Bettie              12-18-1966     F    Widowed
Tinsley, Allie Mae             2-24-1966     F    Married
Tucker, Cleveland              3-20-1966     M    Single
Tucker, Roberta                7-29-1966     F    Widowed
Turner, Johnie Calip            8-9-1966     M    Single
Vickers, Willie Eugene          3-8-1966     M    Widowed
Walker, Alice Vivian           4-21-1966     F    Widowed
Wallace, Alma Jenson           8-25-1966     F    Widowed
Ward, Cledia Vergenia         10-31-1966     F    Single
Ward, William Jerry            8-31-1966     M    Single
Warren, Laura                  4-22-1966     F    Single
Waters, Alvester               1-23-1966     M    Married
Weaver, Lela                  11-13-1966     F    Married
Webb, Ester Lee                4-25-1966     F    Widowed
Welch, Clara                    6-1-1966     F    Widowed
Whitaker, Jessie              12-30-1966     M    Widowed
White, George Sidney          10-13-1966     M    Single
White, Henry                   5-28-1966     M    Single
White, Katie Mason              1-4-1966     F    Single
Wiley, David Edward           10-27-1966     M    Single
Williams, Frank Julian         7-13-1966     M    Single
Williams, Leeuna               5-10-1966     F    Widowed
Williams, Pauleta              5-19-1966     F    Single
Wilson, Charlene               4-10-1966     F    Married
Wilson, Cora Mae               6-15-1966     F    Single
Wilson, Lisa Ann              10-14-1966     F    Married
Wilson, Relic B               12-15-1966     M    Single
Wilson, Sarah Elizabeth        10-5-1966     F    Widowed
Winn, Albertus B W            10-20-1966     M    Single
Wofford, Clarence Leonard       7-5-1966     M    Single
Wood, Lou Emma                 1-31-1966     F    Married
Wood, Raymond Dowell           1-12-1966     M    Married
Woods, Hugh Clem               6-25-1966     M    Single
Wootonn, Earnest Edward        10-2-1966     M    Single
Woychesin, Shirley Ann        12-29-1966     F    Married
Youngblood, John Allen        10-31-1966     M    Single