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Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
      Gina Heffernan -
      November 5, 2000

These files should only be used as guides for ordering copies of the
originals from the Texas State Health Department. Transcription and
typographical errors are possible.

* Corrective files have been added to this directory for names marked with
an asterisk. To access them, erase the name of the file in the address line
of the browser and "enter".

            Name                Date      Sex       Marriage
Adkins, Eli John              6-26-1964    M    Single
Akeson, Ellen Frances         8-27-1964    F    Single
Akin, William Griffin        11-25-1964    M    Single
Alderson, Nina G               8-5-1964    F    Widowed
Allen, Henry Taft             3-31-1964    M    Separ/Divorced
Amason, Luther William         7-9-1964    M    Single
Andrus, Bertha               12-18-1964    F    Single
Arechiga, Gloria              7-20-1964    F    Married
Armstrong, Ernest             4-25-1964    M    Widowed
Arnett, Kay Nell              3-21-1964    F    Married
Arnett, Kodell               10-24-1964    M    Single
Austin, Virgil Louis Jr       6-22-1964    M    Married
Autry, Lou Ellan              1-13-1964    F    Widowed
Barrera, Dennis Ramos         1-13-1964    M    Married
Barrera, Rubin                 7-8-1964    M    Married
Barton, Mose Allen             1-3-1964    M    Widowed
Barton, Sally A              12-23-1964    F    Widowed
Bates, Mollie Conner M        5-12-1964    F    Widowed
Bennett, George Ray            5-7-1964    M    Single
Benzon, George Henry Jr       8-13-1964    M    Widowed
Berry, Carl  Jr              10-11-1964    M    Single
Bland, Albert Lushion         1-17-1964    M    Single
Bleeker, Minnie Victoria       4-3-1964    F    Separ/Divorced
Blocksom, Franklin Boyd        2-4-1964    M    Single
Brazele, Minnie B            12-14-1964    F    Widowed
Breland, Silas Muse           11-4-1964    M    Single
Brewer, Dellora               1-10-1964    F    Single
Bridges, Anis                 9-30-1964    F    Single
Brooks, Robert Craig           5-4-1964    M    Married
Brown, Henry B                6-10-1964    M    Single
Brown, John Arvil             1-17-1964    M    Single
Brown, Josephine               3-2-1964    F    Widowed
Buckner, Daniel Levi         10-27-1964    M    Single
Burns, Kevin R                9-28-1964    M    Married
Burson, Melissa Ann            3-1-1964    F    Widowed
Burton, Harley True           10-9-1964    M    Single
Buth, Edwin Lee               5-27-1964    M    Single
Byrd, Carben Hank            10-17-1964    M    Single
Caddell, Tia Juana Jo        12-26-1964    F    Single
Cade, Hattie Lou              4-17-1964    F    Widowed
Cain, Ruby Edna               10-2-1964    F    Single
Caldwell, Artie Gilmer        8-19-1964    M    Married
Campbell, Mammie Lee         12-19-1964    F    Widowed
Campbell, Sarah Elizabeth      5-7-1964    F    Widowed
Castor, Mertie May            8-24-1964    F    Widowed
Caudle, Archie Harrison       12-1-1964    M    Widowed
Caudle, Edith Ellen           12-1-1964    F    Single
Charo, Cecilio                 9-1-1964    M    Separ/Divorced
Clanton, Bernice Clyde       12-31-1964    M    Single
Clark, Ernest                 2-28-1964    M    Single
Clark, Jennie Bell             4-9-1964    F    Single
Clements, Lizzie               5-9-1964    F    Widowed
Cline, Jake Newton           12-15-1964    M    Widowed
Cobb, John Thomas             12-8-1964    M    Single
Cofer, William               10-24-1964    M    Separ/Divorced
Cole, Ann Linnette            1-30-1964    F    Married
Colmenero, Simona            12-19-1964    F    Married
Contreras, Rudolph             4-1-1964    M    Married
Copeland, Earl               10-30-1964    M    Widowed
Corona, Martin Soto           11-4-1964    M    Married
Council, Alfred               1-12-1964    M    Widowed
Cowart, Loyd B                4-13-1964    M    Single
Creathers, Robert Earl        9-21-1964    M    Single
Cross, Arthur Bert           10-26-1964    M    Widowed
Cross, Osceola                5-15-1964    F    Single
Cruz, Anna Marie              8-31-1964    F    Married
Davis, Leroy Pascal           2-14-1964    M    Single
De La Cruz, Cruz Juan M       12-9-1964    M    Married
Dean, Eleanor Struve         10-20-1964    F    Widowed
Deleon, Evangelitia          11-28-1964    F    Married
Dent, Hardy Lee              12-12-1964    M    Single
Dewbre, Alvy Dock             9-15-1964    M    Single
Diaz, Gilberto               10-26-1964    M    Married
Dunlap, Bulah Mae              5-4-1964    F    Married
Dunlap, Herbert Reed          9-21-1964    M    Single
Dunn, Ada Louise             11-14-1964    F    Single
Durham, Eulam Ithran         12-16-1964    M    Single
Duvall, Mary Mae              7-17-1964    F    Widowed
Eddington, Harvey Mae          8-7-1964    F    Single
Ewing, John William          11-21-1964    M    Single
Falcon, Javier               10-14-1964    M    Married
Farias, Linda                 8-17-1964    F    Married
Fent, Margaret Katherine      9-22-1964    F    Single
Franklin, Aubrey Floyd        12-2-1964    M    Single
Freeman, Nellie Conway        6-12-1964    F    Single
Gage, Belton Leroy            9-13-1964    M    Single
Gaither, Cleopatra           11-21-1964    F    Single
Gaither, Joseph Burton         1-9-1964    M    Single
Galindo, Martin T             1-16-1964    M    Married
Garcia, Fernando              9-21-1964    M    Married
Garcia, Paula                  9-1-1964    F    Married
Garcia, Pilar  Jr             6-29-1964    M    Single
Garrison, Frances C           2-10-1964    F    Widowed
Garza, Maria Castillo          4-6-1964    F    Married
Garza, Mary Elizabeth          7-9-1964    F    Married
Gathright, Ladonna Kay        5-16-1964    F    Married
Gloyna, Lewis Herman          8-17-1964    M    Married
Golden, Lula Alice            1-12-1964    F    Single
Gomez, Debra Lynn              8-6-1964    F    Married
Gregg, Homer Augustas         3-17-1964    M    Single
Griffin, Mark                 5-28-1964    M    Married
Guerrero, Elizabeth          10-20-1964    F    Married
Guthrie, William Nelson        9-2-1964    M    Single
Gutierrez, Oscar              8-27-1964    M    Married
Hackney, Curd C              11-12-1964    M    Single
Hagood, Martha Mcghee        12-16-1964    F    Widowed
Hall, Marion J                 2-8-1964    M    Widowed
Hall, Samantha Gertrude       4-30-1964    F    Widowed
Hartley, Velma Mary          10-14-1964    F    Single
Hastings, Charles H           2-18-1964    M    Single
Hatch, Joseph Allen Sr        11-6-1964    M    Single
Healy, Geneva Muriel          7-12-1964    F    Single
Henry, Eula Mae                1-6-1964    F    Separ/Divorced
Hernandez, Gloria Ann         11-5-1964    F    Married
Hernandez, Lee Roy             7-9-1964    M    Married
Hernandez, Martin S           7-21-1964    M    Married
Hilburn, Mary R               7-23-1964    F    Single
Holland, John William         3-24-1964    M    Single
Holley, Eunice Alvis           5-7-1964    F    Single
Hollis, Tauey Davis            2-3-1964    M    Widowed
Hooper, Zara Edith            2-23-1964    F    Widowed
Hosier, Louisa Jane           3-24-1964    F    Widowed
Howard, Warren Hugh          12-17-1964    M    Single
Hoyler, Peri Eillen           8-29-1964    F    Married
Hurt, Johnnie Catlett         8-26-1964    M    Single
Hutcherson, Pearl Marie       12-1-1964    F    Widowed
Hutcherson, Samuel Carl       3-27-1964    M    Single
Hutton, Thomas Aquilla        9-28-1964    M    Single
Jackson, Thelma Louise        12-4-1964    F    Separ/Divorced
Jaso, Guadalupe                7-9-1964    M    Single
Johnson, Donnie                4-1-1964    M    Married
Johnson, Etta                 1-30-1964    F    Widowed
Johnson, Mary Belle           4-19-1964    F    Single
Jones, Meda Pearl             5-30-1964    F    Single
Jordan, Edna Florine          1-21-1964    F    Single
Jordan, Laudie William        9-29-1964    M    Widowed
Keating, Michael Glynn         1-9-1964    M    Married
Killian, Rosey Lee            6-17-1964    F    Single
King, Billie Walter           6-12-1964    M    Single
Lane, Marvin  Jr             12-15-1964    M    Married
Leon, Valentin V             11-27-1964    M    Single
Lester, William Roscoe         7-1-1964    M    Separ/Divorced
Lewis, Mattie Martha Reed     1-27-1964    F    Widowed
Longmire, Mary A              2-25-1964    F    Widowed
Lopez, Earl Phillip          11-14-1964    M    Married
Lopez, Martina Gonzales      10-25-1964    F    Widowed
Loter, Lisa Dlon               9-5-1964    F    Married
Lucero, Antonia               3-27-1964    F    Single
Maggard, W Silas              5-16-1964    M    Single
Malone, Bessie Gertrude       6-10-1964    F    Single
Malone, Orvil Wayne Jr         2-9-1964    M    Married
Mancha, Frank Pena            1-11-1964    M    Married
Mannin, A R                   1-15-1964    M    Single
Mannin, Shonda Lanese          4-2-1964    F    Married
Marsh, James Rubert           6-12-1964    M    Single
Martin, Ira Earnest           10-6-1964    M    Single
Martinez, Armantina           5-31-1964    F    Married
Martinez, Mary Jane           7-19-1964    F    Married
Masten, John Bruce Sr         1-19-1964    M    Single
Matthews, Cleo Milton         4-26-1964    M    Single
Mccall, Joseph Newton         1-14-1964    M    Widowed
Mccarthy, Margaret C         10-22-1964    F    Single
Mcclaran, Verba Pearline      3-24-1964    F    Single
Mcdaniel, Hazel Gertrude      3-17-1964    F    Married
Mcelroy, Volena Ann          11-18-1964    F    Widowed
Mckinzie, Gerald Leorin       4-17-1964    M    Single
Merriott, Bertha A            5-26-1964    F    Single
Miertschin, Theodore A        6-20-1964    M    Single
Miller, Verril Ward            9-2-1964    M    Single
Montez, Jose Noel            12-31-1964    M    Married
Moon, Andrew Jake            11-22-1964    M    Single
Moralez, Emanuel               5-1-1964    M    Married
Moralez, Juan                 3-29-1964    M    Married
Morgan, Charles Darren         2-4-1964    M    Married
Morgan, Ronnie Bert            6-7-1964    M    Married
Morton, Guy Scott             6-10-1964    M    Single
Neil, Janie Belle              7-3-1964    F    Widowed
Nelms, Joe Hill              12-14-1964    M    Single
Neve, Marion Edward           1-17-1964    M    Single
Nix, Jeffery Allen             2-9-1964    M    Married
Noble, Lydia Minter            9-8-1964    F    Widowed
Noble, Mary Donna             7-23-1964    F    Widowed
Noreen, Levine Randolph       5-30-1964    M    Widowed
Norris, Willie H              7-25-1964    M    Single
Nowlin, Charles Stephen      12-25-1964    M    Single
Ochoa, Florentina G            4-8-1964    F    Widowed
Ochoa, Teadula                6-15-1964    F    Widowed
Olivares, Margarita            3-1-1964    F    Married
Pack, Bruce Harold Sr         11-8-1964    M    Single
Painter, Mary Isabel           2-3-1964    F    Widowed
Parsley, Clyde Alvin           6-5-1964    M    Single
Patterson, Elam Alexander    10-12-1964    M    Single
Payne, Thomas William          1-6-1964    M    Separ/Divorced
Perez, Elvira                 11-8-1964    F    Married
Phillips, George Hollin        8-2-1964    M    Single
Pike, James Harold             1-1-1964    M    Married
Poe, Zona Mae                  7-7-1964    F    Single
Pool, Edward Richard           7-5-1964    M    Separ/Divorced
Posey, Elbert                  6-4-1964    M    Single
Pound, Minnie Leah            12-2-1964    F    Single
Presley, George Oliver         2-8-1964    M    Married
Price, Ida May                2-22-1964    F    Single
Price, Wesley Melvin          4-27-1964    M    Widowed
Quoniones, Raul               9-23-1964    M    Married
Rambo, James Roy              4-27-1964    M    Single
Ramirez, Betty                5-23-1964    F    Married
Ramirez, Lupe                 4-26-1964    M    Married
Ramos, Esabel                 7-27-1964    F    Widowed
Rappe, Alice Elaine          11-20-1964    F    Married
Ray, Franklin Asberry Sr      2-28-1964    M    Single
Redd, Raymond Richard         5-18-1964    M    Single
Regalado, Eugenio Moreno      7-26-1964    M    Single
Resendez, Jimmy Frausto      12-27-1964    M    Married
Reyna, Clara Rodriquez        11-4-1964    F    Separ/Divorced
Richards, Harris Edmon        6-18-1964    M    Single
Rico, Gilberto                12-1-1964    M    Married
Rinehart, Destrey Lane         9-5-1964    M    Married
Roberts, Ada                   1-9-1964    F    Single
Robertson, Auby Layton        3-30-1964    M    Married
Rodriguez, Louis  Jr          9-28-1964    M    Married
Rosales, Mary Lou             8-19-1964    F    Married
Ross, George Lewis            8-29-1964    M    Single
Russell, Charles              1-13-1964    M    Married
Sambrano, Jesus Pedro        12-14-1964    M    Married
Sanches, Maria Eslora         3-20-1964    F    Single
Sanchez, Dolores Mendez       9-27-1964    F    Single
Sansom, Robbie Sue            7-19-1964    F    Married
Saul, Laura H                11-24-1964    F    Widowed
Savage, Lucille Berkley       8-23-1964    F    Single
Schaefer, Fredrick Henry      3-24-1964    M    Single
Schick, Alexine Perreault    11-29-1964    F    Widowed
Schoolcraft, Michael D       10-30-1964    M    Married
Servantez, Sofia              9-25-1964    F    Married
Sewell, Burwell William       11-1-1964    M    Widowed
Sharp, Sarah Frances           6-8-1964    F    Widowed
Shields, Robert Scott          3-9-1964    M    Married
Shook, Clifford Abraham      10-30-1964    M    Single
Simpson, Lucy Irene          10-25-1964    F    Single
Slaughter, Dora Eddie         6-21-1964    F    Widowed
Slough, Robert Doss Sr         7-1-1964    M    Single
Solis, Irma                   12-4-1964    F    Married
Spann, Mollie M               1-15-1964    F    Single
Speck, William Orlando       10-27-1964    M    Single
Stoddard, Mary Ann            4-22-1964    F    Widowed
Stout, Sherman William         9-4-1964    M    Single
Stovall, Ruth Carolyn         6-23-1964    F    Widowed
Sumrall, Joseph Reed         10-15-1964    M    Single
Taylor, Lutie Samantha       10-10-1964    F    Widowed
Thomas, Maggie                 1-6-1964    F    Widowed
Thompson, Bessie Lee          5-15-1964    F    Widowed
Thurman, Eudora               5-15-1964    F    Single
Thurman, Fred Lee              7-4-1964    M    Widowed
Tilson, Emma Matilda           1-2-1964    F    Widowed
Tipton, Rissia               10-10-1964    F    Married
Traylor, Pat                   2-8-1964    M    Single
Trevino, Marcos               2-17-1964    M    Single
Tue, Dee Anna Kay             4-16-1964    F    Married
Velasquez, Ofela              7-13-1964    F    Married
Waddill, Allen Walker        12-29-1964    M    Single
Wade, Lynn Boyd               8-16-1964    M    Single
Walker, Leva Lena             5-22-1964    F    Widowed
Wallace, Rudolph Vanvill     11-21-1964    M    Single
Watley, Floyd Elonzo          5-16-1964    M    Single
Watson, Billie Arlene          8-2-1964    F    Single
Watts, Charles Ivanhoe        8-24-1964    M    Widowed
Watts, Emma Magdalene          7-2-1964    F    Single
Wayland, Harriet Frances      7-14-1964    F    Widowed
Webb, Edna Foster             3-21-1964    F    Widowed
Whitsett, Roger Dale          1-27-1964    M    Married
Williams, Artie Durant        9-25-1964    M    Single
Williams, George Franklin    11-28-1964    M    Single
Williams, Jim William         12-2-1964    M    Single
Williams, Josie                4-5-1964    F    Married
Williamson, William Aca      12-24-1964    M    Single
Wilson, Alfred Byrd           3-26-1964    M    Married
Wilson, Cullen Clark           6-5-1964    M    Separ/Divorced
Wimberly, Margaret Ruth       3-15-1964    F    Single
Windwehen, Alfred Florenz     6-30-1964    M    Widowed
Woods, Robert Dale            6-14-1964    M    Married
Wooley, Ruth                  9-20-1964    F    Widowed
Yancy, Maude M                3-23-1964    F    Widowed
Ybarra, Carmen Deleon         7-12-1964    F    Single
Young, Charlie Ephraim        4-28-1964    M    Single
Zambrano, Jose G Jr            9-6-1964    M    Single
Zapata, David                 1-16-1964    M    Married
Zeigler, Roland S Sr           5-7-1964    M    Single