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	Compiled by David Darnall Griffin.  This copy contributed for use in 
	the USGenWeb Archives.
	Feb. 25, 2003

     ABBOTT, Harroll Scott
     ABERCROMBIE, Walter Thomas
     ADCOCK, Levi Simmie, Jr.
     ALDERDICE, Joseph Lloyd
     ALDERFER, Oscar Leroy
     ALLEN, James Richard
     ALLMAN, Billy L.
     ANDERSON, Buster Lester
     ANDERSON, Paul H.
     ARMSTRONG, Stanley Ketchel
     ARNOLD, Charleys Summers
     ASBERRY, Charles Lynn, Jr.
     ATHEY, J. B.
     ATKINSON, James Brown
     AUTEN, James Edward

     BAGGETT, Acie
     BAHAN, Harold R.
     BAKER, Norman Nathan
     BALLARD, Ercell Dale
     BENTLEY, Jessie George
     BEYERS, Joseph Adolph
     BIVINS, Arthur T.
     BIVINS, Oscar Francis
     BLACK, Henry Ralph
     BLACKMAN, Ira A.
     BLAIR, Lester James
     BLODGETT, Harold Truman
     BLODGETT, William Serle, Jr.
     BOONE, Martin H., Jr.
     BONNER, Jouette
     BOTT, Nelson Goff
     BOYD, Homer Lee
     BOYD, Hershel Fayne
     BOYD, Jack Cosby
     BRANAN, Raymond Otto
     BRANDON, Eugene
     BRENTS, Jack D.
     BRICE, James Calvin
     BRIM, John T.
     BROMLEY, Vernon Weldon
     BROOKOVER, Leroy E.
     BROWN, George Reynolds
     BROWN,  M. C.
     BROWN, Phillip Richard
     BROWN, William T.
     BROWNE, Ralph S., Jr.
     BRUNETTE, Jack D.
     BRUNETTE, Marion C.
     BRUNETTE, Norman Dean
     BRUNETTE, William T.
     BRUNETTE, Walter Pete
     BURCH, Robert Londy, Jr.
     BUSHAGER, Cecil Leroy
     BUTLER, Finnis Cole
     BUTLER, James Thomas
     BUTLER, William Pat
     BYRD, Clyde Leon

     CAGE, Everett Elle
     CALLAWAY, Jack Leon
     CAMPBELL, John
     CANTNER, Kenneth T.
     CANTRELL, Aubrey
     CARROLL, Clinton Arthur
     CHAFFIN, Burley D.
     CHAFFIN, Edwain Lee
     CHANEY, Paul Elbert
     CHANEY, Verlin Gail
     CLARK, Joe
     CLARK, Quay Bayles
     CLOVIS, Virgil Russell
     COATS, Robert A.
     COLLINS, James W.
     COLLINS, R. J.
     COLVIN, James Walter
     CONAWAY, Carter Horace
     CONE, George Sealy
     COOK, Andrew Brady, Jr.
     COOK, Junior Robert
     CORDES, Olan John
     CORLEY, Alfred Beasley
     COUDDING, William Roscoe
     COWDEN, William Thomas
     COX, George Lewis
     CRABB, Hal I.
     CRAIG, Edward Franklin, Jr.
     CRAWFORD, Clarence Oren
     CRAWFORD, Herman Lee
     CRAWFORD, Hiram Joice
     CROW, James Phillip
     CROWNOVER, Ira C.
     CUNNINGHAM, Clifton Vernon
     CURFEW, James
     CURRY, Charles Elred

     DAMRON, Joel Lelman
     DANNER, Paul L.
     DARR, Alvin Loyd
     DAVIS, Delmar
     DAVIS, William Leigh
     DEATON, C. E.
     DeBLANC, Archie John
     DeLONG, Cecil Cedric
     DENNIS, Johnnie Wayne
     DINKLE, Harold S.
     DOLGENER (DOLGINER?), William M.
     DOOLEN, Clyde
     DOTY, Bertle Garner
     DOUGLAS, William J.
     DOWNING, William Harry
     DRENNAN, Wilson H.

     EARP, Cecil Thomas
     EARP, W. Carlton
     EVANS, Ray W.
     EVANS, Robert Hartman
     EVANS, Roy Basil

     FISHER, Jack M.
     FLETCHER, Robert E.
     FOSTER, Braidyce M.
     FRAZEE, John Raymond
     FREY, John Austin
     FULTON, John
     FULTON, William clarence

     GALLOWAY, Alvin Eugene
     GANN, Richard Price
     GARDNER, Maurice Arron
     GARRETT, Truman N.
     GIESEN, Alfred Homann
     GILLAND, Charles Henry
     GENSBERG, Aaron
     GLENDENNING, Evert Markus
     GOAD, Preston
     GOBLE, Wm. Clifford
     GOODMAN, Joe Vernon
     GRANT, Richard Thornton
     GREEN, (no given name)
     GREEN, Archie Herold
     GREEN, John Henry
     GREEN, Leon
     GREEN, Robert Charles
     GRIMES, James Neal
     GROUNDS, George Lewis
     GUNN, Willis Bernard

     HALBERT, CAharles Forest
     HALBERT, Leron Chester
     HARBISON, John Max
     HARRELL, Joab B., Jr.
     HARRIS, Emmerson Miller
     HARROLD, Kenneth James
     HARVEY, Floyd J.
     HASWELL, Alfred William
     HAVENS, Silas Loyd
     HAWKINS, Oscar Roy
     HAYES, Paren Burns
     HAYES, Woodrow Wilson
     HAZLE, Roy Edward
     HESTER, J. C.
     HESTER, Robert Earl
     HENDERSON, Joe Bailey, Jr.
     HENDERSON, Lloyd Dean
     HENSEN, Clarence Hubert
     HENSEN, Jonnie L.
     HIGGINS, Thomas Weldon
     HIGGINS, Weldon T.
     HILL, Melvin Carrol
     HOGAN, A. F.
     HOGAN, Theodore W.
     HOGAN, Thomas C., Jr.
     HOLLAND, Ike Raymond
     HOLLEY, Robert James
     HOLLEYMAN, John David
     HOOD, James Dennis
     HOOPER, Herman Lester
     HOWARD, Ralph Lee
     HOWELL, Floy Ray
     HUGGINS, John Heyman
     HUSSEY, C. B.
     HUTCHINSON, J. L., Jr.

     INGRAM, Martin Henry
     IDOM, James Otis
     IRVIN, Lucious Ellison

     JACKSON, Orren Battle
     JACOBS, Herman Roscoe
     JACOBS, Homer Lee
     JACOBS, John C.
     JOHNSON, Billie BurksEdwards M.
     JOHNSON, Edwards M.
     JOHNSON, Sylvester N.
     JOHNSTON, Robert Wallace
     JONES, Burrus Jackson
     JONES, James Joseph
     JONES, John Paul

     KANE, Frederic Harry
     KARR, Kenneth Wayne
     KELTNER, Garland Clyde
     KELTON, Elmer Stephen
     KERBY, Jesse Maurice
     KETHLEY, Jerold Dudley
     KEYES, Lloyd Otis
     KIDD, Stelvin
     KNIGHT, Russell Lowell

     LANGFORD, Troy T.
     LANHAM, Frank Harold, Jr.
     LARGE, Oscar
     LATHAM, Charles Roger
     LAWSON, Edgar Elder
     LEAR, Morris Edwin
     LENSER, Kurt William
     LEWIS, Edward E.
     LEWIS, Robert Bailey
     LEWIS, Wilkins Ethel
     LOCKHART, Drue Kennard
     LOONEY, Kirksey Otis
     LOVELACE, Calhoun
     LOVELACE, Charles
     LOVELACE, William Henry
     LOYLESS, Edward J.

     MALONE, Paul Abner
     MANSELL, B. H.
     MARTIN, Lonnie E.
     MAYNARD, Billie Joe
     McCARLEY, Robert Clayton
     McCOLLUM, Ollie Jay
     McCORKLE, Jim Wilson
     McDANIEL, Lellan Lee
     McDONALD, Benjamin F.
     McDOUGAL, Elmo, Jr.
     McDOUGAL, Fred Harrison
     McDOUGAL, Willie Ruffin
     McELVANEY, William Shirley
     McELVEEN, George S.
     McGEHEE, Clifton Carroll
     McHANAN, Phin Woodson, Jr.
     MEADOR, Norman Dennis
     MINNICK, Thomas B.
     MITCHELL, Oran Winton
     MONK, Charles Robert
     MOORE, Naalie W.
     MOORE, Roy Louis
     MORGAN, Daniel Lee
     MORRIS, William Tucker
     MORTON, Mary Lee
     MOSLEY, Jesse Audrey
     MOSSER, Nick Benedict
     MURPHY, Deward Clargence
     MYERS, William Robert

     NABOURS, William L.
     NEAL, Robert Max
     NEWLAND, Jack Clifford
     NEWMAN, Lafayette A.
     NOLAND, James Phillip
     NORRIS, Charlie Howard
     NORRIS, James Verdie

     ODELL, Alexander Leroy
     ORTIS, Isaias
     OWEN, Clifton Miller

     PADGETT, Olan Lafayette
     PARKER, Henry Fields
     PASSUR, Charles
     PATTERSON, Allen
     PATTERSON, Paul Ivan
     PEEK, Louis James
     PENDLETON, Gene
     PETTIE, Vernon Knox
     PETTIT, William Harold
     PHELPS, Carl N.
     PHILLIPS, Alvil E.
     PHILLIPS, Elmer Alford
     PHILLIPS, Joe Bailey
     PHILLIPS, Norman Howard
     PICKETT, Paul Dewitt
     PILGRIM, G. B.
     PITTS, Carl Elton
     PLATE, Wilmer Arthur
     PLATT, Rufus Richard
     PLUMMER, Marshell
     POMROY, James C.
     POPE, Alva Leroy
     POWELL, Harold
     PRESCOTT, Finis C.
     PRICE, William Robert

     REDDICK, Frank Allen
     ROGERS, Hoyt Conley
     ROPER, Glenn Allen
     ROSS, Eugene LeGrande
     ROWIN, John Travis

     SCOTT, David Hancock
     SEALE, William Atmer
     SEWARD, Delton Ray
     SHAFFER, M. B. (Bill)
     SHARP, Eulard Fonzo
     SHELTON, Karl Warren
     SIMS, Kelly
     SIX, James Lawson
     SIX, Joe Ernest
     SLATER, Willie C.
     SLATER, Jimmie Glee
     SMITH, Jack Howard
     SMITH, James Bradley
     SMITH, Ovide
     SPIVA, Doyle Weaver
     SPRAGUE, Robert Leon
     STACY, Richard Thomas
     STELL, Danield Preston
     STEVENSON, William H.
     STEWART, James T.
     STOKES, George E.
     STONE, Walter Bennett
     STRAIN, John Robert
     STRICKLAND, Guy Neal
     SULLIVAN, Tom Roscoe
     SUMMERS, S. S.
     SWINFORD, John Thomas

     TALLEY, Albert E.
     TAYNAR, John N.
     TEAGUE, Earle
     THOMAS, William Ardell
     TINKER, Edward Elmer
     TINKER, N. A.
     TODD, J. R.
     TURNER, J. C. (Tommy)

     VIRDELL, James Elett
     VIRDELL, Kenneth Leroy
     VIRDELL, Lois
     VIRDELL, W. M.

     WADE, Glen Neal
     WALKER, Robert M.
     WALLACE, William
     WANIER, Leslie George
     WARD, Charley Roy, Jr.
     WARD, Sam
     WASSON, Claude L.
     WASSON, Harold H.
     WASSON, Raleigh Emitt
     WATERS, Granville, E.
     WATKINS, Elburn Milton
     WEBB, Delvin
     WEBB, Leonard
     WEDDLE, John Henry
     WEST, Claude Waymond
     WEST, Roy Clifton
     WHITWELL, Archie Gilvie
     WILEY, Ed., Jr.
     WILKINS, Ethel Lewis
     WILKINS, Max Melton
     WILLIAMS, Audice B.
     WILLIAMS, Bob Claude
     WILLIAMS, James Albert
     WILLIAMS, Lawrence A.
     WILLIAMS, Paul James
     WILLIS, Cecil Warren
     WILLIS, John William
     WILSON, Robert V., Jr.
     WITCHER, Willie Alonzo
     WOLFE, Ralph Edward
     WOODARD, Weldon Polk
     WOODRUFF, James M.
     WOODS, Rex L.
     WORLEY, Donald Wilford
     WREN, Chalmer
     WRIGHT, Billy Rhea
     WRIGHT, Edwain Derrell
     WRIGHT, Khan Royal

     YARBRO, James Wesley
     YOUNG, Alvin Tarrant
     YOUNG, C. O.
     YOUNG, Gayle Nelson
     YOUNG, Jesse Wayne
     YOUNG, J. D.

     Taken from a list in the Crane County Museum.