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Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
      Chuck H. Mahaffey -  
      August 25th, 2001


Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health.
As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from
1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM.

                                 Date of             Marital
    Name                          Death      Sex     Status

Adcock, Sidney Gordon         01-Feb-1984     M                        
Aldridge, Jesusa              18-Jan-1984     F                        
Allen, Luella Ervin           29-Aug-1984     F                        
Baker, Gus Bowman             16-Oct-1984     M                        
Barbee, Artie Lee             04-Aug-1984     F                        
Barina, Vaclav Henry          08-Feb-1984     M                        
Bastian, Adolph Jack          30-Apr-1984     M                        
Bell, Mattie                  16-Aug-1984     F                        
Belsher, Margaret Marie       18-Apr-1984     F                        
Benedix, Emma E               22-Dec-1984     F                        
Benford, Sue Ella             24-Dec-1984     F                        
Benitez, Samuel Rodriquez     04-Aug-1984     M                        
Bennett, Mattie Elsie         12-Dec-1984     F                        
Bennight, Paul Revere         30-Aug-1984     M                        
Bergstrom, Jewell Nichols     11-Jun-1984     F                        
Bigley, Mary Vernell          10-Nov-1984     F                        
Bledsoe, Maude                24-Aug-1984     F                        
Boardman, James Preston, III  11-May-1984     M                        
Bowen, Johnnie Lee            11-Oct-1984     M                        
Bradshaw, Eva Myrtle          07-Jul-1984     F                        
Branch, Eleanor               29-Sep-1984     F                        
Brewer, Frank Benton, JR      18-Aug-1984     M                        
Brown, Dennis Edward          26-Jul-1984     M                        
Brown, Michael Lee            22-Aug-1984     M                        
Bryant, Frances S             17-Feb-1984     F                        
Burden, George Evans          16-Oct-1984     M                        
Burgess, Robert Wayne         26-Nov-1984     M                        
Burleson, Edward              28-Jan-1984     M                        
Butler, Emma                  02-Jul-1984     F                        
Byrd, Clifton Nathaniel       09-Jan-1984     M                        
Calhoun, Ray Earnest          30-Oct-1984     M                        
Carpenter, Michael Lee        08-Nov-1984     M                        
Castaneda, Marciano Ortiz     25-Jun-1984     M                        
Castillo, Johnny Joe          20-Oct-1984     M                        
Cathey, Louis                 02-Sep-1984     M                        
Cephus, I B                   18-May-1984     M                        
Cervantez, Tiburcio G         02-May-1984     M                        
Chapman, Sarah Frances        12-Mar-1984     F                        
Childers, Anne Sophie         01-Apr-1984     F                        
Christiansen, Leo Leroy       02-Jun-1984     M                        
Clark, Ethel Heathcock        21-Oct-1984     F                        
Clemons, Ruth Carter          19-Nov-1984     F                        
Crothers, Shellie             19-Jan-1984     M                        
Crumplin, Mercury             19-Oct-1984     M                        
Daniels, Robert Lynn          09-Aug-1984     M                        
Davis, Louis Steven           08-Nov-1984     M                        
Daz, Marcia Anna              09-Oct-1984     F                        
De Nova, Monico Chavez        13-Feb-1984     M                        
Dean, James Allen             07-Nov-1984     M                        
Deison, Dessie                19-Feb-1984     F                        
Denman, Earl Marchant         01-Mar-1984     M                        
Deufriend, William Arthur     11-May-1984     M                        
Dismukes, Vera Lee            22-Jan-1984     F                        
Downing, Dora Delia           15-Mar-1984     F                        
Dube, Alfred Ludwig           20-May-1984     M                        
Dunkerley, Alda Faye          13-Aug-1984     F                        
Edwards, Ester                14-Mar-1984     F                        
Edwards, Leroy                30-Aug-1984     M                        
Edwards, Dain R               05-Nov-1984     M                        
Eggleston, Mattie Maud        17-Aug-1984     F                        
Eskew, James Dave             09-Aug-1984     M                        
Esterak, Joseph Charles       31-Oct-1984     M                        
Ferrell, Rose Mary            13-Sep-1984     F                        
Finegan, Kate                 15-Jan-1984     F                        
Fischer, Julia Dorothy        31-Oct-1984     F                        
Fleck, James H                09-Jul-1984     M                        
Fleck, Diamond M              09-Jul-1984     F                        
Fredrickson, Carl Herbert     30-Oct-1984     M                        
Friedrich, Elda L             30-Sep-1984     F                        
Frosh, Johnnie                31-Oct-1984     M                        
Gallion, Eva P                17-Jan-1984     F                        
Galloway, Dustin Keene        23-Feb-1984     M                        
Ganzert, Rudolph Fredrick     23-Jun-1984     M                        
Garcia, Pinkie Lou            19-Jul-1984     F                        
Gates, Allie Mae              20-Nov-1984     F                        
Gilmore, Earlie, JR           03-Aug-1984     M                        
Gist, Lillian Pinkie          05-Dec-1984     F                        
Glenn, Billy Dan              08-Apr-1984     M                        
Goddard, David William        23-Apr-1984     M                        
Goebel, Carl Willie           05-Mar-1984     M                        
Goertz, Albert                16-Mar-1984     M                        
Goertz, Herman Peter          28-Nov-1984     M                        
Gutierrez, Roberto Manuel     16-Aug-1984     M                        
Hageman, Harold J, SR         10-Sep-1984     M                        
Hamann, Gladys Botkin         19-Oct-1984     F                        
Harmon, Rittie Irene          02-May-1984     F                        
Harris, Amanda Elizabeth      02-Jun-1984     F                        
Haywood, Marvin               23-Apr-1984     M                        
Hewett, Albert E, JR          10-Aug-1984     M                        
Hickox, Ruby Lennie           21-May-1984     F                        
Hilcher, Annie K              23-Mar-1984     F                        
Hilliard, Zachary Eugene      18-Aug-1984     M                        
Hobbs, William Henry          09-Mar-1984     M                        
Hobbs, Bessie Reed            09-Oct-1984     F                        
Hobbs, Hosea Archie           30-Dec-1984     M                        
Hodge, Alexander              01-Jan-1984     M                        
Holstien, Irene Marie Caroline12-Apr-1984     F                        
Hymel, Edgar J                14-Mar-1984     M                        
Ireland, Mary Sue             19-Apr-1984     F                        
Jackson, Riley Charles        30-Oct-1984     M                        
Jackson, Rufus Clarence       18-Dec-1984     M                        
Johnson, Charlie              13-Jan-1984     M                        
Jones, V T  Hornsby           01-Jan-1984     F                        
Kadura, Leo J                 29-Nov-1984     M                        
Kellam, Harriet Pearl         13-Oct-1984     F                        
Kelly, Dollie B               08-Mar-1984     F                        
Kincheloe, Kennith Monroe, SR 15-Jan-1984     M                        
Kleinert, Spencer Earl        26-Feb-1984     M                        
Korenek, Edward F             11-Apr-1984     M                        
Laake, Ida Marie              07-Apr-1984     F                        
Lashelle, John Morris         22-Feb-1984     M                        
Lee, Robert Clark, JR         20-Oct-1984     M                        
Lehmann, Martha Anna          19-Mar-1984     F                        
Lewis, Caron Agatha           13-Feb-1984     F                        
Long, Paul Alan               19-Jun-1984     M                        
Maddox, James Franklin        23-Sep-1984     M                        
Maddox, Sandra Starlene       23-Sep-1984     F                        
Magruder, Harry W             16-Dec-1984     M                        
Malina, Fannie                05-Jan-1984     F                        
Maretka, Willie J             25-May-1984     M                        
Massey, Jess                  10-Dec-1984     M                        
Mayes, Johnnie                07-Jul-1984     M                        
Mayfield, Marion Louise       24-Jun-1984     F                        
Mcclosky, Paul Patrick        22-Mar-1984     M                        
Mcclure, Annie Elizabeth      27-Sep-1984     F                        
Mccoy, Bernice Iris           07-Jul-1984     F                        
Mcgee, Maggie                 06-Jul-1984     F                        
Mcwhorter, Parks              10-Nov-1984     M                        
Mercer, Oswald Emanuel        23-Nov-1984     M                        
Meuth, Rosa Schmidt           09-Jan-1984     F                        
Miertschin, Edward Oscar      06-Jan-1984     M                        
Miller, Dorothy Joy           03-Dec-1984     F                        
Miller, Steven Ray            11-Dec-1984     M                        
Murphy, Arbon Mack            01-Jan-1984     M                        
Murphy, James Arbon           01-Jan-1984     M                        
Neidig, Laura Mayer           24-May-1984     F                        
Pape, Russel Wayne            24-Feb-1984     M                        
Paris, Henry Alvin            05-Aug-1984     M                        
Patton, Alta Fern             09-Jun-1984     F                        
Pearson, John Willard         21-Dec-1984     M                        
Peck, Russell A               21-Feb-1984     M                        
Perez, Jose                   07-Feb-1984     M                        
Pfouts, Robert Charles        30-Jul-1984     M                        
Phillips, Pauline Elizabeth   15-Oct-1984     F                        
Picazo, Andres H              04-Mar-1984     M                        
Pilkington, Pearl L           09-Dec-1984     F                        
Pounds, Edgar Henry           27-Feb-1984     M                        
Powell, Wilfred Martin        15-Jul-1984     M                        
Prellop, Albert Edwin August  08-Nov-1984     M                        
Purvis, L B                   15-Jul-1984     M                        
Queen, Hallie Lou             09-Apr-1984     F                        
Ramirez, Jose Lucio           23-Sep-1984     M                        
Raschke, Adolph August        17-Mar-1984     M                        
Reinsch, Esther               15-Feb-1984     F                        
Reynolds, Dula Bell           30-Apr-1984     F                        
Richardson, Esther            27-Apr-1984     F                        
Ridenour, Margaret Murray     21-Oct-1984     F                        
Sanders, Eliza R              15-Oct-1984     F                        
Sandifer, Laverne O           06-Dec-1984     F                        
Saunders, Lillian Augusta     28-Sep-1984     F                        
Scott, Edna Mae               05-Aug-1984     F                        
Sims, Henry Ken               09-Nov-1984     M                        
Sinclair, Olive E             01-Mar-1984     F                        
Sowders, Edward Earl          16-May-1984     M                        
Speer, Lela Pauline           15-Feb-1984     F                        
Staples, Inez R               29-Jul-1984     F                        
Stephenson, Arthur Malcolm    02-Jul-1984     M                        
Steverson, Leanna Caldwell    23-May-1984     F                        
Stewart, Clarence Earl        03-Jun-1984     M                        
Stiewert, Adolph Eddie        31-May-1984     M                        
Sullivan, Mary E              16-Mar-1984     F                        
Sullivan, Mary E              16-Mar-1984     F                        
Swain, Richard                03-Oct-1984     M                        
Swensen, Francis Edward       16-Sep-1984     M                        
Taylor, Josephine R           02-Apr-1984     F                        
Thomas, George F              04-Apr-1984     M                        
Thompson, Earnest             01-Sep-1984     M                        
Troxell, Bradley Wayne        20-Jun-1984     M                        
Turner, Mildred Vedena        31-Aug-1984     F                        
Urban, Emma                   11-Dec-1984     F                        
Wayne, Idella Moore           24-Jun-1984     F                        
Weiss, Mark Wayne             28-Jan-1984     M                        
Wesson, Kenneth Terry         03-Dec-1984     M                        
Wharton, Vicky Marlene        05-Feb-1984     F                        
White, Wilbert Edgar          09-Nov-1984     M                        
Whitten, Fleecie Odeal        23-Aug-1984     F                        
Wilkins, Geraldine Odell      28-Apr-1984     F                        
Willenberg, Robert Edward     25-Apr-1984     M                        
Williams, Freddie Britt       09-Mar-1984     M                        
Williams, Willie Walter       08-Apr-1984     M                        
Williams, Tency E             02-Jul-1984     F                        
Williams, Wade                13-Jul-1984     M                        
Williford, Lillie Bell        23-Dec-1984     F                        
Wilson, William Roscoe        30-Jan-1984     M                        
Windham, Norene               16-Feb-1984     F                        
Wolf, Emma G                  10-Oct-1984     F                        
Wolf, Henry                   10-Dec-1984     M                        
Wood, Roy Lee                 29-Aug-1984     M                        
Wuensche, Harry E J           14-May-1984     M                        
Young, A W                    26-Apr-1984     M                        
Zanders, Arthur Henry, III    22-Aug-1984     M                        
Zanders, Arthur Henry, III    22-Aug-1984     M                        
Zimmerhanzel, Tillie Jane     16-Oct-1984     F