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McMINN COUNTY, TN - CENSUS - 1900 Federal Census Index To Online Images

The numbers in this index are the sheet numbers of the 1900 Federal Census of
McMinn County, Tennessee (for example, index page 0762a is sheet number 0762a).

The handwritten census pages themselves can be found on-line in the 
USGenWeb Archives at

(for example, page 0762a will be found at ).

McMinn Co., TN 1900

?              78-01B, 79-18b, 79-19a, 80-07b, 80-13b, 81-04b, 81-05b, 81-06b, 
               81-07b, 81-14b, 81-15b, 81-16b, 81-17b, 81-18b, 81-19b, 82-01b , 
               82-02b, 82-04b, 82-06b, 82-08b, 82-09b, 82-10b, 82-11b, 83-01b, 
               83-02b, 82-03b, 83-05b, 83-06b, 83-08b, 83-12a, 84-01b, 84-02b, 
               84-07b, 84-10a, 84-10b, 84-11a, 84-11b, 84-12a, 84-12b, 85-01a, 
               85-01b, 85-06b, 85-07a, 85-10b, 85-14a, 85-15a, 85-15b, 85-16a, 
               85-18a, 85-18a, 85-19b, 86-01a, 86-01b, 86-02a, 86-02b, 86-04a, 
               86-04b, 86-06a, 86-07a, 86-09b, 86-10a, 86-10b, 86-11a, 86-11b, 
               86-12a, 86-12b, 86-13a, 86-13b, 86-14b, 86-15b, 86-16b, 86-18b, 
               86-19b, 86-20b, 86-21b, 87-02b, 87-03a, 87-04B, 87-07b, 87-18b, 
               88-01b, 88-02b, 88-05b, 88-06b, 88-07b, 88-08b, 88-09b, 89-01b, 
               89-02b, 89-03b, 89-04b, 89-05a, 89-05b, 89-07b, 89-08b, 89-09b, 
               89-11a, 89-11b, 89-12b, 89-13b, 89-14b, 89-15a, 89-15b,

Bullard        89-0404a
Smith          89-04a
? yault?       79-13a
? y?w          83-03a
? yer          86-05a
??             79-10b
?ant           79-02A
?arris         79-03B
?bert          82-01b
?church        83-11b
?don           80-17b
?el            81-12b
?ellis         79-13b
?en?son        85-11a
?forth         83-11b
?hell          79-03B
?hman          86-19b
?huit          79-17a
?Ice           89-01a
?ieon          86-14b
?inclut        84-08b
?llars         78-19B
?lony          81-03b
?lserriard     87-05b
?McNabb        85-05b
?no?w          83-05b
?ohaman        79-03B
?ois           81-11b
?or?           79-07A
?order?        85-13b
?orrod         79-07A
?ougle         81-19b
?outdy         81-07b
?plett         86-09a
?rattinb??     78-04A
?rice          82-01b
?rughu?        80-09a
?rugs          80-17a
?shell         79-04A
?son           88-08b
?sphens        80-16b
?ssok          79-12b
?tor           88-03b
?yle?          79-11a
Abbot          78-05B
Abbott         79-05A
Aber?          86-02a
Adam           87-07a
Adams          86-15a, 89-05b
Addle          84-10b
Adios          83-03a
Adley          84-11a
Adonie         83-06b
Adues          80-11b
Aiken          81-12a, 89-09a
Aikers         81-12a,
Aimes          80-15a
Akers          87-08a
Akins          83-04b
Alaway         87-07a
Alexander      81-09a, 82-08b, 86-09b
All?ay         84-06b
Allam?         86-13b
Allamay        84-03a
Allaway        84-12a, 86-13b, 87-06b
Allen          78-01A, 80-07a,  80-11a, 81-02b, 81-03a, 84-05b, 85-01a, 89-09a
Almaroads      85-09a
Aloway         87-056b
Alyander       86-09b
Aman?          86-17a
Ames           80-15a
Anderson       78-15B,  78-16A,  79-14b,  79-15b,  80-11a, 85-19a
Anies          80-09b
Anmoru         82-04a
Anrwine        79-19b
Anuwine        79-19a
Arm?           79-19a
Armstrong      80-11b, 81-08a,  85-01a, 85-01b, 85-02b, 85-07b, 85-08a, 85-18b, 
               86-10a, 81-06b
Arnold         79-01A, 79-01B,  82-04a, 87-18b
Arnwin         79-12a
Arnwine        79-17a
Arthur         80-06b, 80-07a
Arug?          79-19a
Ashmur?        84-12a
Asnwine        79-17a
Atkins         81-09b, 81-10a, 83-06a,  83-06b,   85-15a
Atkinson       85-10b
Atoway         79-18a
Aurdeson       79-14b
Avans          80-18a
Axley          84-11a
Ayers          81-16b
Ayker          87-07b
B?             80-15a, 80-19a, 81-17b, 83-04b, 86-18a
B?ke           85-15a
Babeson        79-19a
Bacon          88-03b
Badwell        87-17a
Bagard         80-07a
Bail           81-05b
Bailey         83-03a
Bain           78-07A
Baker          78-14B, 79-18b, 81-04a, 83-09a, 84-10b, 85-13a, 87-13b
Balds          81-05b
Bales          78-08B, 79-07b, 79-08a, 84-08b, 88-06a, 88-09a
Balieu         86-21b
Ball           78-03B, 78-06A
Ballinger      89-03a
Ballings       78-06B
Ballou         81-06a, 81-07b
Bane           80-02b
Bane           86-20b
Banks          84-11b
Banon          80-15a
Bant?          80-07a
Banutt         79-17a
Barb           81-03b, 82-06a, 88-10b
Barbuy         80-15b
Barker         85-05a,
Barnes         78-15B
Barker         85-13a 85-14a, 85-14b, 85-16a, 85-18a, 87-01b, 87-18a, 87-18b
Barnes         85-17a, 86-06b
Barnet         78-07A, 78-07B,  78-16B, 87-03a
Barnett        80-03a, 80-08a, 80-10a, 86-02a
Barr           81-08a
Barret         87-03a
Baysinger      84-06b, 84-12b,  85-02a, 85-02b, 85-16a
Basket         80-09b
Bass           81-08a
Bates          79-07B, 79-08a,  84-08b,  85-08b
Bather         81-03b
Battis         85-15a
Baunger        89-04a
Bay            81-04a
Bay?           84-10a
Baylass        80-20b, 81-01a, 81-02b, 81-09a, 81-12b, 85-15a, 85-15b, 89-07a
Be?            85-08a
Be?ner         85-07a
Beal           81-07b
Bean?          79-04A
Beard          89-04a
Bearley        87-08a
Beaver         78-10A, 78-11B, 8510a, 85-10b
Beck           81-02a
Beck           81-08a
Beder          89-04b
Bedwell        83-08a
Beesley        87-09a
Begger         83-05a
Belk           82-02a, 86-02b,  87-16b, 89-01b
Bell           86-12b
Belt           82-02a, 88-10b
Bennet         86-17a
Benson         78-03b, 84-03a, 84-06a,86-05a
Bento?         79-01B
Benton         78-03A, 78-08A, 79-08a, 82-01a, 82-02b, 82-08, 87-02b
Berrier        85-07a
Berry          80-16a
Beson          78-03B
Bessmare       87-03A
Bevers         86-22a
Bevins         85-03b, 86-07b
Bi?            84-10a
Biddle         79-16a
Biggs          89-15a
Bigham         87-06b
Biha?          80-07b
Bildenback     78-16A
Bildinbuck     78-16A
Billings       78-04B, 78-17A,  79-14b, 79-15a
Billings?      80-19b
Bincer         80-02b
Binegas        79-07A
Bingham        87-07a
Bird           83-01a
Birdwell       79-11b
Bishop         84-13b, 87-15a, 87-18b, 87-19a
Biven          86-13a
Bivens         85-121b, 86-08b
Bivins         86-08a
Bixby          81-07a
Bla?           85-02b
Black          81-14a,  81-17b, 85-13b
Blackburn      88-01b
Blackintan     89-09b
Blackwell      80-08b, 81-12b,86-02a, 89-09a
Blain          79-15a
Blair          79-15a, 85-05b,85-06a
Blankenship    85-02b, 86-07a, 86-07b, 86-08a
Blanton        86-14a
Blay?          80-07b
Bledsoe        84-02b
Bledsoe        84-07b, 84-13a
Blevi?         79-02A
Blevins        81-11a, 83-07a, 83-07b, 83-11b, 86-06a, 89-01b
Blizard        89-05a
Blizz?         81-01b
Blockrill      80-04b
Bloom          80-15b
Bo?            79-15b
Boadford       89-03b
Bodine         81-08a
Bodine         89-02b
Bogart         80-07a
Boggess        78-04a, 85-05a
Bohaman        79-03B
Bohanan        78-07B, 78-15A
Bohannon       79-06A
Bolen          84-03a
Bolin          84-12a
Bolton         89-04b
Bonine         79-16a, 80-13b, 80-16b, 81-03b, 89-07a
Bonne          80-13b
Bonner         81-18a, 82-06b, 83-05a, 83-05
Bonnie         80-16b, 80-19a, 81-11b
Bookett        81-01a
Bookout        85-01a, 85-01b
Boon           80-10b, 80-11a
Boothly        80-18b
Bordon         88-06b
Borin          89-14a
Boring         85-04a
Boskie         86-06b
Boss           87-06a
Bostwell       79-07A
Boudy          83-09b
Boufield       86-14b
Bowdon         80-17b
Bower          86-20b
Bowerman       87-03a, 87-04a, 87-10b
Bowers         80-04b, 86-21b
Boy            81-19b
Boyd           78-04A, 79-06B, 80-01a, 8011b, 80-12b, 80-21a, 81-01b, 82-04b, 
               84-01a, 84-10b, 84-11a, 84-12a, 89-04b, 89-07a
Boyle          81-13b
Bra?           84-08b
Bracket        78-08B
Brackett       84-12a
Brackwridge    88-05b
Bradd          81-05b
Bradford       84-05a,84-05a, 84-10a, 88-01b
Bradley        79-13a
Brady          79-15b, 85-12b, 87-06a
Bragiel        79-18b
Brai?          78-09A
Brakett        79-17b
Brakett        79-18a
Bram           78-04a
Brannan        81-11a
Brannen        89-11b, 81-10a
Brannon        81-04b,  86-05b
Branson        78-04a
Branum         80-14b
Braudeth       86-02a
Brazzon        85-06b
Breden         84-02a
Brendle        80-01a
Brewer         83-02a, 87-03b
Brickell       78-05B
Brickill       78-05B
Brickle        81-14a
Bricklestaff   81-11b
Bridger        80-09b
Bridges        81-01a,81-04b, 88-09a
Brienl         80-06a
Brient         80-13a, 80-13b
Bright         82-04b,82-06a
Brigkell       79-04B
Bristol        88-06b, 88-07b
Britt?         78-14B
Britteton      85-15b
Britton        85-01b
Brnel          80-19a
Bro?           80-06a
Brock          79-04B, 79-07B, 79-11a, 79-11b, 79-12a, 79-12b, 79-16a, 80-16a, 
               85-04a, 85-09b, 85-15b, 86-13b, 86-16b, 86-18a, 86-19a, 86-20b, 
               86-21a, 89-02b
Brogdoc        83-07a
Brondle        80-06b
Brook          86-21a
Brooks         86-17a
Brorfield      86-14b
Browder        78-17A
Brown          78-04A, 78-09a, 78-17A, 79-03A, 80-01a, 80-03b, 80-07a, 80-07b, 
               80-11a, 80-14b, 80-19a, 80-20b, 81-06a, 81-16a, 81-17b, 82-01a, 
               82-06a, 82-10a, 83-04a, 83-04b, 83-04b, 83-06b, 83-07a, 83-07a, 
               83-08a, 83-08b, 83-10a, 83-11a, 84-02a, 84-03b, 85-01b, 85-02a, 
               85-02b, 86-01b, 86-04a, 86-06a, 86-06b, 86-07b, 87-09b, 87-11a, 
               87-13a, 87-16b, 89-12a
Broydon        83-08a
Bruden         84-02a
Brunet         82-05b
Bruns          83-03a
Bryant         78-19B, 79-13a, 80-06b, 82-02b
Bryd           80-09a
Bryon          83-07a
Bryson         80-05a
Buchong        78-17A
Bucket         80-09b
Buckett        79-18a
Buckhannon     88-08b
Buckner        80-10b, 85-04a, 85-07b, 85-12b, 86-03a, 86-11a, 86-12a, 86-17b, 
               86-19a, 86-22a, 86-22b, 89-07a
Bullan         80-20a
Bullard        80-17a
Bunch          83-02b,  83-06b, 83-07a
Buoesth        79-17a
Burcker        89-07a
Burger         78-08A, 80-03B, 80-04a, 85-06b, 86-15a, 86-17a,  87-12a
Burgess        78-03A, 78-04A, 78-08A
Burgin         89-03b
Burk           82-04a, 84-08a,
Burke          81-06b, 81-16a, 81-16b, 85-15a
Burket         78-18A
Burkett        81-08b
Burn           79-17b, 86-08b
Burnes         79-14b, 82-06a, 85-03b
Burnett        80-03a, 81-14b
Burns          80-06a, 80-17a, 81-11a, 83-10a, 85-10b, 86-04b, 86-22a, 89-08b
Burris         85-03b, 87-05a, 87-05b, 87-10a, 87-10b, 87-15b, 87-17a, 87-18b
Burrow         81-06b
Burse          83-10a
Burton         78-08A, 79-01, 81-19a
Bush?          85-01b
Butler         78-12B
Butler         79-05B
Butt?          78-02 A
Butter         78-02A
Buttermilk     80-18b
Buttons        79-14a
Buttram        78-19A, 79-14a, 86-04b
Buy?           80-18a
Bylow          83-03a
Byram          84-11a
Byrant         81-13b
Byrd           81-15a
Byrine         80-05a, 80-05b
Byrington      83-05b
Byrum          85-19a
C?             81-18b
C?             85-02a
C?ay           89-03b
C?nolds        84-09a
C?tin          78-07B
Cac?           84-04a
Cadel          82-11b
Cag?           80-02b
Cagle          81-18a, 86-12a, 88-08b
Cagy           85-05a, 85-05b, 85-10b
Caker          87-13b
Cal?           84-07b
Cal?           87-12b
Calb           80-18a
Calbet         88-07b
Caldwell       84-02a, 85-02b, 87-09b
Calhoun        87-06a, 89-01b
Calihan        78-17B
Calloway       81-08a, 81-10a, 84-07a, 84-09b, 84-11a
Calvin         86-10a
Camel          89-15b
Camp           79-15a, 87-02a, 87-09a
Campbell       78-03A, 79-02A, 79-04B,89-04a
Camth          84-07a
Camy           86-06b
Canada         82-09b
Canads         82-11a
Candger?       81-06b
Caneth         84-07a
Cannon         80-07b, 81-05b, 87-056b, 87-07a, 87-16b, 78-17b
Cantrell       85-15a, 85-18b, 86-03b
Car?           85-11a
Card           78-19A
Cardin         79-06A, 79-16a, 86-16a, 87-04a, 87-17a, 89-02b
Cardin?        85-04b
Carlock        84-11b, 85-01b, 86-01a, 86-05a, 86-10a, 86-10b
Carmon         87-05b
Carnes         80-14b, 81-05a
Carol          78-03A
Caronisheds?   88-09a
Carpenter      78-01A, 78-02B, 78-08B, 78-08B, 79-07A
Carr           86-05b
Carrol         78-01A, 78-03B, 78-09A
Carroll        79-07A, 79-07A, 79-11a, 82-04a, 83-03b, 84-01a
Carry          87-06b
Carson         87-07a, 86-05b, 87-11a
Cartel         83-04a
Carter         78-03A, 78-07B, 78-11A, 80-18b, 81-02a, 81-13a, 81-18b, 82-02a, 
               82-06a, 82-12a, 83-01a, 83-01b, 83-05a, 84-01b, 86-07b, 86-08b, 
               87-01a, 89-07a, 89-08a
Carver         81-05a, 81-08a, 81-11a, 85-04a, 86-02a, 87-09b, 87-10a, 87-12a, 
               87-13b, 87-16a
Carwood        87-06a
Case           78-01A
Cash           81-02a
Casmon         87-05b
Cass           81-12b, 83-10b, 84-04b, 84-05a, 85-14a, 86-02a, 86-14a, 87-15a, 
Casteel        85-05b, 86-16a, 86-18a, 86-18b, 89-15b, 83-05, 86-15b
Cate           79-15b, 79-16a, 79-16b, 81-01a, 81-02a, 81-05a, 81-15a, 82-01b, 
               82-03a, 32-03b, 82-07a, 84-09a, 84-09b, 84-11b, 84-12b, 86-04b, 
               86-10a, 88-05a
Cates          79-15a, 89-12a
Catham         78-15A
Caunnda?       84-12b
Cayler         88-06a
Caylor         80-02
Cecil          78-08A, 79-01B
Cellars        78-19B
Celleder       80-07a
Ces?           80-20b
Chambers       83-03b
Chamberson     83-03b
Chapman        81-03a, 81-09b
Charles        89-06b
Chestnut       89-06a
Childress      89-05a, 89-06b
Choal          85-03a
Choat          85-03a,  85-03b
Chris?         80-20a
Chrismon       81-10a
Christopher    78-08B
Chubbuck       81-14b
Chuk           84-03a, 84-11a
Cisson         79-15b
Clark          78-03B, 78-06B,  81-18b, 84-02, 84-03a, 84-06a, 84-13b,  86-03b, 
               87-02b, 88-10a  87-12b,  87-13a, 87-14a, 87-14b,  87-17b
Clayton        79-11a, 79-18a, 79-18b, 81-07a,  83-05b, 83-06a, 85-18a,  87-16a, 
               87-18a, 88-01a
Cleag?         81-16a
Cleage         79-16b, 81-03a, 81-03b, 81-05b, 81-08b, 81-09b, 81-11a, 89-07b
Cli?           78-07A
Clift          89-09a
Cloniger       80-16b
Cloninger      80-08a, 80-16b
Clossinger     80-06b
Clounger       80-19a
Cluck          81-17a, 84-02a
Coak           84-09b
Coates?        84-12a
Coats          78-03B
Cobb           81-01a, 82-01a, 84-08a,  85-04b, 85-05a, 85-11a, 86-02b,  86-10a, 
               86-10b, 87-04a,  87-04b
Cobble         79-17b, 80-02a, 80-06a, 80-06b, 80-12b
Cocher         86-04b
Cochran        80-05a, 80-08a, 81-09b, 85-110a
Cochson        79-06B
Cockran        79-06b, 80-04b
Coe            83-10a, 87-15a
Coff           86-02b
Coffee         79-06B, 88-07a
Cohr           86-02b
Coiss          87-13b
Colbert        79-06A, 80-16b
Cole           80-02b, 86-01b, 86-06b
Coleman        87-04a, 87-04b, 89-08a
Coles          89-09b
Colins         80-17a
Collie         80-02a
Collins        78-03A, 78-03B, 78-15B, 81-15b, 84-01a, 84-01b,88-04a
Collums        84-01b
Colston        81-06a
Colvin         83-03a
Combs          82-08a, 84-03a,  84-04a
Conals         83-03b
Conan          78-12B
Cone           89-05b
Coners         81-11b
Cook           81-05,  81-19b, 84-09b, 86-16a
Cooke          85-10a, 89-06b
Cookston       82-04a,  82-12a
Cool?          78-05B
Cooley         85-04b
Cooper         80-12a, 82-05a, 84-08a, 85-01a, 85-04b, 86-03, 86-04b, 86-12b, 
               86-17b, 87-07b, 87-09a
Copeland       80-10b,  85-09b, 87-06b, 87-08a
Copenhauer     80-08b
Copenhaner     80-07a
Copers         81-09a
Corans         88-03a
Corbet         86-11b
Cordell        89-01a
Corith ?       84-12a
Corn           86-01b
Corten         79-11a
Costell        79-13b
Costen         09-11a
Couch          79-08a, 86-10b,  86-10b, 79-08a
Cowan          81-09b
Cox            78-10B, 81-06a, 81-07b, 84-01b, 85-03a, 88-10a, 89-11a
Cr?etti        85-05b
Cr?n           84-07b
Crabtree       87-09a, 87-10a
Cragmiles      81-12a
Crane          87-14b
Cranfield      81-11b
Crany          85-05a
Crawford       81-10a
Cray           89-12b
Cre?           80-04b
Crealmo?       83-05a
Creasemon      83-09b
Creasman       87-07a
Creasmon       83-09a
Cresmon        83-05a
Cresemon       83-08b
Crettendon     87-09a
Crigsby        84-10b
Crist          81-11b
Crittenden     84-05a,  84-05b, 84-06b, 84-11b, 85-17a, 89-02b, 84-07a, 86-11a
Crittenton     85-16b, 86-09a
Croahett       85-03b
Crochett       85-09a
Crockett       80-02a
Crockette      85-098b, 85-10a
Cross          81-12b, 89-06b
Crow           81-03a, 81-06b, 81-12b,81-13a
Cruch          79-08a
Crumpton       84-09a, 84-09a, 87-13a
Cry            81-01b, 85-14a
Cuderdawn      85-14b
Culberson      82-02b, 85-08a, 89-09a
Cull           84-10b
Culpepper      87-12a
Culvehouse     79-09a
Cunningham     81-10a, 86-03b, 89-03b
Cunsler        85-04a
Cupp           83-03a,  83-03b
Curbow         87-18a
Curly          80-01a
Curry          89-03b
Curtis         81-07b, 82-03a, 87-03b, 87-08a
Cus?ngl?       85-04b
Cush           81-02a
Da?            84-09b
Dacus          81-12a
Daily          86-22b
Dake           86-04b
Dalton         83-03a,  86-21a
Daniel         84-09b
Daniels        81-06b
Darr           88-06a
Datson         78-14A
Dauderty       85-098a
Daugharty      86-13b ,  80-04b,  86-01b,  86-15a, 86-19a,  86-19b,  86-20a,  
               86-22a, 86-17b
Daugle         86-20a
Dauperts       86-13b
Daurght        89-04a
Davis          78-01B, 78-18A, 80-05a, 80-05b,  80-08b,  80-15b, 81-07a, 81-09a,  
               81-16a, 81-19a, 82-02b, 84-01a, 84-01b, 84-13a,  85-05a,  85-13b, 
               87-09b, 87-11b, 87-12a, 87-17b, 88-04a,  88-06a, 89-08b,89-12a
Dawson         83-06b
De?er          86-16a
Deacon         88-09a
Deadrick       81-03a
DeAminus       84-03a
Dean           83-05a
Dean           84-11b, 84-12a
Debuty         86-09a
Decker         78-18B
Degnan         81-13b
Delashmitt     83-05a
Delasmuitt     88-03b
Deloshmitt     83-05b
Demmos         89-09a
Dennis         82-07b
Dennis         82-10a
Denniss        85-18b
Denson         80-02a
Denton         79-13b, 79-14b,  79-15a,  80-12a, 87-01b, 88-02b
Derrick        80-03b, 80-04b,  80-05b, 80-07a, 85-06b,  86-22a, 89-02b
Dethrage       80-06b
Dethrige       80-06a
DeWitt         87-18b
Dicken         78-15A
Dickerson      85-01b
Dickery        86-15a
Dickey         89-08b
Dickson        80-11a, 80-11b
Dilbeck        88-07a
Dill           87-15b
Dilmore        80-04a
Dinsy          86-17b
Dix            86-11a
Dixie          80-21a
Dixon          80-07a, 80-09a, 80-09a, 80-13a, 81-01a,  81-04b,  83-09b, 83-10a, 
               83-10b,  85-06a, 85-10a, 86-04a,  86-07b, 86-08a, 86-14a, 87-05a, 
               87-05b,  87-07a,  89-15a, 89-15b
Do?ia          86-19a
Dobs           78-19B
Dobson         81-09b
Docken         78-15A
Dockery        86-15a
Dodd           86-17a, 87-03a, 87-03b
Dodson         79-15b,  80-06a,  80-05b,  84-06b,  84-07a,  84-10b,  84-12b,  
               85-02a,  85-16a, 85-16b,  87-05b, 87-09b, 87-11b, 88-09b, 89-02a
Doke           81-13a
Doland         86-07b
Dole           84-13b
Donon          78-16A
Doss           78-18A
Dotson         78-14A, 78-15A,  89-04a
Douglas        81-08b, 81-10a, 87-07a, 89-07b
Dowdeon        83-07a
Dowdou         83-06b
Drishell       81-02a
Driskell       81-02a
Du?            84-10b
Ducken         78-18A
Duckett        86-21a
Duckworth      81-02a, 89-03a, 89-15b
Duff           81-02a, 87-17a, 87-18a
Dugan          80-03b
Duggan         86-01b, 86-05b,  86-16b,  86-143b,  86-18b,  86-21a
Duley          83-10b
Duly           88-05a
Duna?          80-17a
Duncan         78-13B, 86-15b
Dungbury       80-02b
Dunglas        84-13b
Dunlop         82-04a
Dunn           86-07a, 86-21b, 80-06b, 80-10b, 80-11a,
Durham         84-09a
Duton          88-02b
Duty           86-06a
Dyale          87-04b
Dye            81-02b,  85-12a, 85-12b
Dyer           81-17a, 81-18a,  82-06b
E?er           86-16a
E?icett        81-07b
E?kson         84-01a
Eagerson       85-17b
Earls          81-16a
Early          80-06b, 85-02a
Eaton          81-01b 81-16b, 85-13b, 85-17a, 85-18a, 86-16b, 89-02a
Eaves          87-14b, 87-16a
Eavnes         87-16a
Ebenle         89-02a
Eddington      83-06a
Edgeman        78-08A, 80-11a
Edgemon        81-08a,  81-18a
Edgeworth      78-14b
Edgman         81-18a
Edgworth       85-02a
Ediston        80-17a
Edward         78-19B,  295a
Edwards        86-11a
Edyman         80-11a
Eiven          86-15a
Elder          82-07b, 82-10a, 82-10b, 84-03b, 84-07a
Eldis          89-04b
Eldrige        84-09a
Eledge         88-08a
Eleg           80-01b
Elijah         85-01b
Eliza          89-04a
Elkins         82-11a, 83-03a
Ellin?         84-09a
Elliot         86-14b, 86-15a, 6-16b, 86-22b
Elliott        85-01b, 5-05b, 85-12a
Ellis          79-07B,  81-02a, 81-16b, 86-15b, 89-05a
Elmore         85-18a
Elrod          88-04b
Elrod          88-10a
Elserriard     87-05b
Elwins         83-02b
Emerson        78-13A,  78-13B, 78-14A,  78-16A, 78-16B, 81-17b, 81-19b
Emery          80-16b
Emin           83-06b
Emmerson       81-20a
Emmerson       89-04a
Endel          82-11b
Enis           83-06b
Ere?son        83-01a
Ereckson       82-05a, 83-01a
Eriw           86-12a
Erogan         86-11a
Ervin          86-14b
Erving         78-18B
Erwin          80-03b, 81-10b, 83-07b, 83-08a, 86-12a, 86-14a, 88-05a
Eskridge       81-06a
Esmith?        86-10b
Ettenson       84-01a
Etter          85-17b, 87-05a,  87-09b
Evanes         81-06b
Evans          80-08a, 80-17b, 81-07a, 81-09a,  81-13a, 88-09b, 88-10a, 89-02a, 
               89-077a, 89-08a.89-10a
Even           86-04b
Evens          80-06b
Everette       83-09b, 83-11a, 83-11a
Everhart       86-14b
Everheart      85-04a
Evines         81-06b
Evins          86-13a
Evinton        80-09b
Evintos        80-09b
Ewell          78-05B
Fa?in          80-07b
Fairbanks      88-01a, 88-01b, 88-02a
Faires         82-11a, 82-11b
Fairs          82-08a
Falker         83-02a
Falls          82-10b, 83-06b
Far            80-03a
Faris          78-01B
Farmer         82-07a
Farr           86-13a
Farrel         78-10A, 78-10B
Farrell        79-10a
Farsell        89-01b
Favis          86-07a
Ferguson       80-03a, 80-09a, 80-10a,  80-10b, 80-11a, 85-09a, 85-09b, 89-04a, 
Feulkner       79-18a
Fieferteller   81-15a
Fike           79-05A
Filmet         80-08a
Filyaw         82-03a
Finley         81-03a, 84-08b
Finn           80-13a
Finnell        81-15a, 89-02a
Fins           88-02a,  88-02b
Firestone      87-13a
Fisher         78-02A, 78-10A, 78-11A, 89-02a, 89-04a, 89-05b
Fitch          81-01b
Fitch          81-05b
Fitch          81-16a
Fittsomth      84-06b
Flatetres      87-17b
Fleming        81-08b, 85-18, 78-09B
Flemins        78-09b
Flony          81-03b
Flord          78-17B
Floyd          80-10a, 80-10b
Forater        89-03b
Ford           78-15B, 81-05b, 89-07a
Fore           89-07a
Forest         80-15a
Forester       85-18b
Forgey         87-10b, 87-16a
Fornater       89-03b
Forrest        79-14b,  81-16a
Forset         89-01b
Forster        87-08a
Forter         79-06B
Fosee          88-05b
Foster         78-02A, 78-04B, 78-05B, 78-08A, 78-09A, 78-25A, 78-15B, 79-06b, 
               79-08b,  79-10a, 79-18b, 81-01a, 81-07a, 81-09a,  85-04b, 85-13a, 
               85-13b, 86-04b, 86-11a, 86-12b, 87-01a, 87-12b, 89-01b,  89-05a, 
Fote           89-07a
Fouse          80-15a
Foust          82-02a
Fox            79-15a, 81-02a, 81-03a, 82-12a, 85-03b, 87-15a, 89-07a
Framboyer      86-06a
Franc?         86-05b
Francisco      79-08b
Francisto      79-05A
Frank          78-08B, 78-12B, 78-13A, 78-17B, 80-18b, 88-04a
Franklin       89-05b
Franks         78-16A, 84-11b
Frater         87-13a
Freeman        86-1b
Fritch         81-05b
Fritts         80-20b
Fry            78-11B, 79-08a, 80-10a, 86-19b
Frye           86-20b
Furguson       78-16A, 86-14a
G?             88-01a
Gabson         86-13b
Gadyes         80-13b
Gahagan        83-11b
Gaines         79-15b
Gal?           84-01b, 89-02b
Galahar        88-05a
Galaway        86-18b
Gall           85-03b
Gallahan       88-10a
Gallahar       88-06b
Gallaher       79-04B, 84-04a
Gallant        78-06A, 84-05a
Gallehan       85-02a
Gallent        78-06B
Gallent        78-06B, 79-01A
Gamble         88-03a
Gant?          79-02A
Gardner        81-10a
Garlon         85-02a
Garrison       78-17B, 78-18A, 78-18B
Garson         78-17b
Gas            89-08b
Gass           86-14a
Gaston         81-02b, 89-01b
Gastors        81-08b
Gay            86-15b, 89-01a
Geager         81-05b
Geaspie        78-13A
Gee            83-01b, 83-02a
Gegory         81-14a
Gei?           89-07b
Geigler        80-06b
Gellespie      81-08b
Genrty         87-14a,  82-02a, 82-02b, 85-04a, 86-08a,  86-19a,  86-22a, 87-13a
Geo?           79-11a
George         79-08b, 80-17a, 81-03b, 81-05b, 85-05a, 89-05a
Geralds        80-09b
Gettis         87-05a
Gettys         78-03A, 79-07b, 88-09a, 89-01b, 89-09b
Ghamly         80-16b
Gholston       81-06a
Ghormton       86-13a
Gibbins        84-11a
Gibson         79-06B, 81-12a, 84-06a, 85-06a, 85-06b, 85-15b, 85-16b, 89-04b
Gilbert        89-11a, 89-13a
Gilespee       80-15a
Gioens         78-08A
Githerland     80-20a
Givens         78-08A
Glaspie        78-13A
Glass          85-19a
Glaw?          84-08b
Glaze          78-17A, 80-07b, 80-16a, 87-01a
Gnaut          88-03b
Gnebb          84-12a
Gnew           84-02b
Godon          86-07a
Godsey         83-06a
Goforth        83-09a, 83-10a, 83-10b, 83-11a,  83-11b, 82-12a, 84-11a, 87-02a
Goins          78-08A, 78-09B, 79-18a, 79-18b
Gon?           79-17a
Goodwin        85-10a
Gor?           79-18a
Gordon         80-13a, 85-04b, 86-02a, 87-16a
Gorsetle       89-13a
Gorton         84-08a
Goss           87-06a
Gossett        81-17a
Goswell        85-15a
Goulay         85-09b, 85-10a
Goulsby        86-06a
Goutdy         81-07b
Gr?ry          85-13a
Graca?         84-03a
Grady          81-07b
Graffitts      80-08a
Grant          78-06A, 80-06b, 82-09b, 89-02a
Gray           84-11b, 89-05a
Grdn?          87-16b
Green          78-19A, 80-03a, 80-05b, 81-08a, 82-02b, 82-03, 82-04a, 82-04b, 
               82-07a, 85-02b, 86-03b, 86-04b,  86-17b, 87-10a, 88-01b, 89-11b, 
Greenlee       84-03b
Greenwood      89-12b
Gregg          86-01a, 87-08b
Gregory        79-01A, 79-03A, 79-04A, 82-11b, 84-03b, 84-06a, 89-10a
Grey           84-12a
Gribby         81-17b
Griffey        82-02a,  82-02b, 87-14b
Griffin        85-12a
Griffith       80-07b, 80-13b
Griffitte      89-044a
Griffitts      80-05b
Griffy         81-17b
Grimes         79-08a, 80-10a, 88-09a
Griscow        81-09b
Grisham        81-19a, 86-05a
Grisom         82-01a, 82-11a, 88-09a
Grissom        81-17a
Grove          81-08b
Groves         86-12b, 86-12b
Grubb          81-06b, 84-12a, 85-02b, 85-16b, 85-16b
Gruffy         83-06b
Guess          81-14b
Guffes         83-05b
Guffey         79-05B, 79-06A, 87-18a
Guffin         81-16b
Guffy          88-01a
Guglar         82-01a
Guills         89-06b
Guinn          88-05b
Guissom        81-17a
Gul?           85-15b
Gulberson      82-02b
Gulespie       80-18a
Gun            86-06b
Guns           89-11a
Gunter         80-18a
Guppie         83-03a
Gurly          86-22b
Guthrie        79-05B,  81-18b, 81-20a
Guttrell       89-08b
H?             80-14b
Ha?tson        81-11b
Hacklen        78-06A
Hackler        78-02B, 79-15a, 84-11a, 85-05a
Hacklin        78-07A
Haiman         81-03a
Haines         79-15b, 80-14a
Hair           85-01b
Hairell        85-08a
Hale           81-06a,  84-02b, 84-03a, 86-14a
Haley          87-03a, 88-07a,  88-07b, 89-11b
Hall           78-03B, 85-01b, 85-03b,  85-18a, 85-18b,  87-01b, 87-02a, 87-02b, 
               88-07b, 89-08b
Hallulin       84-08a
Haly           79-16b
Hambrick       81-15a
Hambright      88-09b
Hamby          80-09a,  80-12b, 86-11a, 89-14a
Hames          79-15b
Hamilton       80-01a,  80-02a,  83-06b, 83-08b, 83-09a, 84-02b, 85-12a, 85-12b, 
               85-13a, 88-09b, 89-06a
Hamly          80-12b
Hammon         83-03a
Hammond        81-10b
Hamon          82-09b
Hamond         88-07a
Hampton        78-03B, 79-03B, 79-08b, 79-13a, 79-17b, 80-01a, 80-03b, 80-13b, 
               84-10b, 89-15b
Hamsby         81-01b
Han?           85-10a
Hanes          80-01a
Hanes          80-14b, 80-14b, 83-08a, 88-07b
Haney          80-09a, 80-17b, 82-02b, 83-08a, 84-10a, 84-13a, 87-06a, 87-17a, 
               88-03a, 89-14a
Hanis          82-05a, 89-12a
Hanks          87-06a,88-08a
Hany           81-17a
Harbison       89-01b
Hardin         78-17A, 83-08a, 83-08b
Hardy          80-11a, 89-02b
Hare           87-02a
Haries         80-01a
Haris          80-01b
Haritts        81-08a, 81-14a
Harman         81-03a
Harmon         78-10B, 78-11A, 78-19B, 82-09b, 89-06a
Harold         78-11B
Harrel         80-01a
Harrington     89-08b
Harris         79-03B, 81-04b,  82-05a, 82-07a, 82-07b, 83-05a, 85-06a, 86-05b, 
               86-07b, 86-08a, 86-08b, 86-12b,  86-14b, 86-18a, 86-19a,  87-02b, 
Hart           79-03B 79-04A, 85-19a
Hart?          86-16a
Hartsell       78-10B
Harvil         78-18b
Harwood        78-01B
Hary?          79-15b
Has?           81-08b
Haun           80-04a
Hawkins        81-05b
Hayes          78-13B, 82-09a
Haygood        89-08b
Haynes         83-07b, 87-09a
Hays           88-05b
Hays           88-06a
Hays           88-07a
Hays           88-08a
Hearld         78-12A
Heaster        87-13b
Heibarts       84-08a
Heiskell       78-16A
Helens         81-13b
Helm           82-03b
Helms          81-08a
Helton         78-18A
Henderson      79-08b, 81-07b,  81-09,  85-11a, 85-17b, 86-05a, 88-10b, 89-02a, 
Henes          88-07b
Henly          88-05b
Hennerson      82-11a
Henry          79-03A, 79-05B, 86-07a, 86-09b
Hensley        78-03A
Herald         78-12A, 78-12B
Herman         81-08b
Hermmie        83-08b
Hes???         78-01B
Hesskell       78-16A
Heugisls       78-14A
Hewett         86-03a
Hi?as          85-07a
Hick           82-01a
Hickerson      85-01b
Hicks          78-08B, 78-09A, 78-11A, 78-19A, 80-02a, 80-05a, 80-16b, 80-19a, 
               80-19b, 80-20b, 81-01a, 81-06b, 81-07b, 81-16a, 82-06b, 84-04b, 
               85-02b, 85-06a, 87-11b, 87-12b, 89-01a, 89-01b, 89-05a, 89-15a
Higgins        85-01b
Hightower      89-03b
Hill           80-20a, 83-01a, 83-09b, 83-10a
Hisses         80-14a
Hite           86-06a
Hix            86-08a,  86-098b
Hixon          81-20a,  83-10b
Hixson         86-11b
Hoback         78-01B, 81-13b, 81-17b, 81-03b
Hodgson        79-13b
Hoge           81-09b,  89-04b
Holcomb        80-03b
Holevsul       80-03a
Holland        79-02A, 79-03A
Holloway       83-06a
Holt           81-07b
Holton         89-05a
Honey          78-12 B
Hook           89-05a
Hooker         88-08b
Hooper         85-02a, 85-09a, 89-05b
Hope           88-01a
Hopper         89-08b
Horn           79-16a
Hornsby        89-05a,  89-05b
Horton         81-01b,  81-02a, 81-08a, 89-04b, 89-05a
Howard         78-11A, 81-03b, 81-10a, 83-08b, 83-09b, 87-13b, 89-12b
Howell         83-05a, 86-06b, 87-03b, 87-16b, 88-03b
Howling        79-14a
Hoyl           81-03a, 81-15b, 85-15a, 85-18b, 89-02b, 89-12b
Huckabey       85-12a
Hudson         79-14a, 80-16a
Huge           89-04b
Hughes         79-01B, 79-05, 79-09a, 79-19a, 81-12b, 82-07b, 88-07a, 88-08b, 
Hughs          83-08b, 83-10b
Huksell        85-02a
Hull           84-10b
Humphrey       89-04b
Humphreys      80-03b, 86-13a
Hunicutt       78-10a
Hunk           86-20a
Hunt           80-15a, 81-12b, 82-06b, 82-07a, 86-21b,  89-13a
Hurst          78-14B, 78-16B, 79-14a, 80-18b, 89-09b
Huton          80-03b
Hutsell        81-18a, 81-18b, 82-01a,  82-05b, 82-06a, 82-07a, 83-03b, 84-02b, 
               86-04b, 86-12b
Hutsells       82-03b
Hutson         80-08a, 80-08b, 80-10b
Huttons        88-09a
Hyatt          79-16a
Hyde           79-10b, 79-11a, 80-12b, 80-13a, 85-10a
Hyder          85-01a
Iaily          86-12a
Iemer?         87-14b, 87-15a
In?singall     85-01a
Inggle         86-02b
Ingram         78-06B, 78-10A, 78-15B, 86-09b
Inman          78-07A
Insingale      85-01a
Iowdeon        83-07a
Isab?          84-01a
Isachaun       80-05a
Isam           82-11b
Isbell         79-03b, 79-04, 80-15a, 80-17a, 81-18b, 85-02a
Isebil         83-03a
Isem           88-01b
Isnhour        83-05b
Isoimes        79-08a
Itarcfer       83-12a
Ivins          78-15B, 89-04a
Iwaffer        83-10a
Jack           85-08a, 85-08b, 85-09b, 86-19a, 86-20a, 86-20b
Jacks          80-02b
Jackson        78-10A, 81-05b, 81-06b, 81-12a, 83-10b, 84-05b, 85-10a, 86-10a, 
               89-11a, 89-13a
Jahagan        83-11b
James          79-02B, 80-13a, 83-01b, 84-02a
Janis          83-01b, 84-02a, 84-02b
Jankin         84-05a
Jarnigan       84-05b, 84-11a
Jarvis         79-04A, 82-08a, 85-01a
Jasvif         79-02A
Jean           79-17a
Jearles        88-01b
Jeffers        85-14b
Jamison        86-19a
Jenkins        79-05A, 81-15a, 87-06a, 87-07a, 87-09a, 87-14a
Jenn?          86-17a
Jentry         86-19b, 86-21a
Jerkison       84-05a
Jerry          80-12a
Jimneman       80-13b
Jingeson       85-15a
John           85-04b
John?          80-07a
Johns          79-17b, 81-07a
Johnson        78-08A, 78-14B, 79-10a, 79-14b, 79-15b, 79-17b, 80-13a, 81-04a, 
               81-04b, 81-07b, 81-09a, 81-09b, 81-12a, 81-15b,  81-16b, 81-18b, 
               82-01a, 82-01b, 82-08b, 83-02b, 84-09b, 84-10b, 84-13a, 86-05b, 
               86-06a, 86-07a, 86-10a, 86-18b, 86-19b, 86-21a, 89-01a, 89-15a
Johnston       78-14A, 80-01a, 80-06b, 80-14b,  80-16b
Joines         80-02a
Jonas          86-20b
Jones          78-11B, 78-12aA, 78-12B, 79-01A, 79-01B, 79-06A, 79-07B,  79-19a, 
               79-19b,  80-02a, 80-08a, 80-14b, 81-01b, 81-11a, 81-19b, 83-01b, 
               83-02b, 83-03a, 83-03b, 83-04a, 83-11a, 83-11b, 84-02a, 84-13a, 
               86-09a, 87-10a, 89-09b
Joneway        78-17A
Jorton         84-08a
Jou?           79-17a
Jurnyman       80-08b
Justice        84-06a
K?rry          79-02B
Kal?           84-11a
Kale           84-03a
Karry          87-06b
Karvil         78-18B
Kasar          87-01b
Kay?           84-11a
Keale          84-03a
Keanks         84-05b
Keauger        84-03b
Keeton         78-14A, 78-14B, 78-19A, 79-01A, 79-13a
Keg            79-04a
Keith          81-06a, 81-09a, 85-19a, 89-05a, 89-06a, 89-07a
Keler          89-03b
Kelin          89-03b
Keller         80-15b
Kelley         80-12a, 80-12b, 81-03b, 81-07a, 81-14b, 85-07b, 85-09a, 79-01B, 
               80-11a, 87-07b, 89-05a
Kely?          84-07a
Kennedy        78-02A, 78-02B, 78-04B, 78-05A,78-08A, 85-12b
Kenneth        89-02b
Kennett        81-13, 89-06b
Kentsell       84-02b
Kerby          85-07a
Kernnie        83-08b
Keuger         80-18a
Key            78-01A, 78-08B, 79-04A, 79-08a, 84-12b, 84-13a, 83-13b, 85-16b
Keyes          85-04a
Keylor         84-07a
Kibble         83-04a, 83-04b, 88-01a, 88-02a
Kidring        87-02b
Kieth          81-05b, 81-15a
Kiguhson       85-16a
Killellon      80-17b
Kiltner        78-13A
Kimb?          79-04A
Kimbrugh       89-03a
Kimsey         81-17b
Kimur          82-09a
Kinbrough      86-17b
Kincard        86-05b
Kinder         86-1362a
Kiner          88-08a
King           79-13a, 80-13a, 80-13b, 81-01b, 81-18b, 82-04, 82-11a, 83-03a, 
               83-10b,  83-11b, 85-04b, 85-05a, 85-14b, 86-02a, 86-05a, 86-05b, 
               86-07a, 87-14a, 87-14b, 87-18a, 88-08b, 88-10b, 89-15a
Kinness        85-18b
Kinsel         80-20b
Kinser         80-15a, 81-13b, 81-20a, 85-06b
Kinsy          86-17b
Kirby          79-16a, 86-18b, 86-19a, 86-19b, 86-22a
Kirkam         84-09b
Kirkays        86-08a
Kirkland       87-01a
Kirklin        78-19B
Kirkpatrick    89-02b
Kiser          81-18a
Kisser         81-20a
Kiziah         79-03A
Kizralof       79-01A
Knight         88-08b
Knowles        89-01b
Knox           79-11b, 79-12b, 82-06b, 85-03a, 85-04a
Kranes         87-10b
Kratzie        78-17B
Kritrill       78-08B
Krogan         86-11a
Kuguls         78-14a
Kyker          78-07A, 78-02A, 78-09A, 78-15A, 78-19A, 81-06a, 81-14a, 89-02a
Kyle           81-14a
L?             80-16a
L?             86-03b
Lacewill       80-03a
Lackin         81-12b
Lacy           80-04b, 80-05a,  85-12b
Lamy           84-02a, 84-02b
Land           79-02A, 79-03B, 79-05A, 80-03a, 80-10a, 81-14a, 86-18b, 89-03a
Landens        79-17a
Landers        80-10a
Lands          86-22b
Lane           79-12a, 79-12b, 79-15b, 81-02a, 81-05b, 81-11a, 81-17b, 81-19b, 
               88-06b, 88-07a, 88-09a, 88-10a, 88-10b, 89-14b
Lanes          81-09a
Lang           81-16a, 84-12a, 84-12a
Langford       86-17b
Lankford       82-01b, 84-08a
Large          79-11a
Larges         82-10a
Larkin         81-12b
Larry          84-02b, 84-02a, 84-12a
Larwence       84-03a
Las?er         85-15a
Lasater        88-03a, 88-04a
Lassater       81-13b
Latham         78-15A, 86-09b
Lathoff        79-12a
Latnsm         86-09a
Lattimor       84-09a
Lattimore      81-10a, 84-09b,  86-11a, 87-03b, 87-04a, 87-04b
Lavaring       86-11b
Lawson         81-02a, 82-01a, 82-01b, 82-03b, 84-04b, 87-17b, 87-18b, 88-06a, 
Laycoc?        78-19A
Layn           86-06b
Leacewill      80-02a
Leaftis        87-12a
Leaftis        87-12b
Leaman         85-17b
Leamon         87-07a
Leathenwood    79-10b, 85-11a
Lecas          78-11A
Ledford        81-20a, 85-04b, 85-10b
Lee            80-01b, 80-16a, 80-18a, 85-10b, 86-16a
Legar          78-11a
Lemer          87-14b
Lemon          83-11b
Lenard         80-04a
Lenes          88-10b
Lenns ?        85-02b
Lenoir         89-04a
Lesay          80-04b
Leseck         81-14a
Lesm?          87-12a
Lester         84-02b
Leuell         83-06b
Leutt          84-10a
Lewis          79-06A, 79-15a, 80-17a, 80-17a, 80-20b, 82-06a, 82-09b, 85-04b, 
               85-05a,  85-13b, 86-16a, 87-07b, 87-12a, 87-13b
Lewood         80-03b, 80-04a
Libony?        78-17A
Lice           80-01b, 80-02a
Lillard        78-14A, 87-03a, 87-034A, 87-03b, 88-05a
Liner          87-03a, 87-14b, 87-15a, 87-15b, 87-18a, 87-18b,  87-18b, 87-19a, 
               88-06b, 88-09a, 88-09b
Lingerfelt     79-08b, 79-09a, 79-04B, 79-05A, 79-07A
Lipps          84-03a
Lipton         84-08b
Lithams        86-15a
Little         84-12b
Lively         80-19b
Livingood      88-06b
Liye           81-02b
Lo?            80-14b
Lock           86-13b
Lockmiller     78-09A, 79-06B, 81-02b, 84-13a
Loftis         80-04a
Logan          80-09b, 81-11b, 81-11b, 84-07, 84-13b, 86-04a, 86-06b, 87-02a
Lolig          85-07a
Lon?           84-07b
Lones          78-11B,80-12A, 80-16a, 80-16b
Long           79-11a, 79-16a, 81-01b,  81-02b, 81-03b, 81-10a, 81-16a, 82-01a, 
               82-01b, 82-09a, 84-07a, 84-10a, 84-12a, 84-12b, 85-02b, 85-03a, 
               85-06a,  85-07a, 85-09b, 85-12a, 85-13b, 85-19a, 86-03b, 87-05a, 
               87-06a,  87-06b, 88-04a, 88-05b, 89-03a, 89-03b, 89-11b
Lorbu          86-21a
Losely         86-08a
Louewell       80-13a
Loury          81-11b
Love           79-12a, 80-06b, 80-14b,  81-02a, 81-09b, 81-17b, 84-10a, 89-03b, 
               89-09b, 81-09a
Lovett         80-13a
Loving         89-07a
Lovly          86-09a
Low            79-01B
Lowdeon        83-07a
Lowe           81-04a, 89-06a, 89-09b
Lowery         78-19B, 80-14b, 80-15a,  83-06a
Lowes          81-09a, 81-10a
Lowry          79-14a, 80-03b, 80-15b, 81-11b, 89-03b
Lows           78-11b
lsantff        79-02A
Lucke          81-07a
Lue            80-01b
Luenor         80-01a
Lung           82-09a
Lunlles        80-08b
Luors          88-02a
Lusk           87-10b, 89-04a, 89-05a
Lussfo?t       78-04A
Luter          89-05b
Luther         80-11b
Luttrell       88-03a
Luyeack        80-18b
Lwarina        86-11b
Lyburger       80-18b
Lyle           88-05a
Lyle?          89-04a
Lyles          79-11a
Lyloy          85-02a
Lyn            89-09a
M?             81-17b
M?             84-08b
M?dons         84-09b
M?sis          82-12a
Ma??           78-19B
Madden         84-03b
Maddox         88-05a
Madison        81-01b
Madon          84-09b
Magee          81-18a
Magie          81-18a
Magill         81-15a, 81-15b, 86-10b,  89-05b, 89-06a, 89-07b, 89-11b
Mahery         89-02a
Mahony         87-02a
Maiscos        84-10b
Malone         79-16b, 80-11b, 81-06b, 81-08a, 81-11b, 89-13b, 89-15b
Manard         78-10A
Manis          78-13B
Mann           80-19a
Manry          85-08b
Mansfield      89-05a
Mantooth       78-16B
Many           83-04b
Maples         85-01b
Marroe         78-13B
Marrow         80-19a, 81-04b, 85-16b
Mars           81-15b, 83-09a, 89-12a
Marsh          81-11a
Marston        89-05a
Martin         78-08A, 78-17a, 79-14b, 79-15a, 80-02b, 80-05b, 85-02a, 86-10a, 
               88-05b, 88-08a
Masingale      85-01a
Mason          80-09a, 80-13a, 80-19a, 80-19b, 82-02a, 83-04b, 84-04, 84-05b , 
Massey         79-02b
Matheny        79-15a
Mathes         89-12a
Mathews        78-02A, 79-14a, 78-02B, 78-06A, 80-11b, 80-12a, 81-19a, 82-07a, 
               84-01a, 89-04b, 89-06a, 88-09a,  79-14b, 79-18b, 79-19a
Mathuas        81-18a
Matlock        78-19B, 79-11b, 79-12b, 79-15a, 79-18a, 79-18b, 79-18b, 79-19a, 
               80-04b, 84-06b, 84-06b, 84-10a, 85-13b, 88-09b, 88-10b, 89-08a
Matloda        81-11a
Mau?           86-22a
Maxwell        79-14a, 80-08b, 80-14a, 80-14b, 80-20a, 82-01b,  87-17a
May            84-04b
Mayers         89-08a, 89-08a
Mayfield       87-04a, 89-12b, 89-14a
Mays           81-14b
McCurlin       80-03b
McKonky        80-17b
McIve          81-11a
Mc?ughey       81-11b
McConnon       81-15a
McConm?an      84-07b
McCurdy        85-02b
McNabb         85-07a
Mc?            85-18a
McCroft?       85-18b
McLaw          85-19a
McGuire        86-04b
Mc?            85-08b, 88-03b
Mc?ath         84-09a
Mc?ton         80-07b
Mc?y           89-14b
McAble         85-07a
McAdo          79-03A
McAdoo         88-03b
McAffrey       80-04b
McAffry        81-11a
McAlister      83-07a, 87-17b, 83-08b
McAlrath       84-09a
McAmis?        83-08b
McBeehen       79-10b
McBr?          80-08b
McBrien        87-15a, 87-18b
McBroom        80-10a, 81-01a, 89-13b
McBrya?        80-07a
McC?y          85-08a
McCain         86-065b
McCallister    86-10a, 88-06a
McCamish       78-14A, 78-16B,  88-08a
McCan          80-09b
McCarmish      78-13B
McCarv?        81-15a
McCarvin       81-07b, 89-05a
McCash?        78-13B
McCaslin       80-14a
McCasline      81-08a
McChriston     78-16B
McCilley       84-08b
McCl?ughey     81-15b
McClan?        80-08a
McClary        87-13a, 87-13a, 87-13b, 87-14b
McClaykin      80-04b
McCleny        88-05b
McClutahis     88--07a
McClutchie     88-07b
McCoblister    79-02B
McCorkles      82-09a
McCormack      86-20b
McCormish      80-18b
McCoskill      81-04a
McCoskle       82-09b
McCosmill      80-09a
McCowin        81-07b
McCracken      89-09b
McCrew         85-17b
McCrosky       87-02b
McCulley       81-12a, 88-10b
McDaniel       80-01b, 80-12a, 84-05a
McDannel       87-15b,  87-16a
McDermot       86-17b
McDermoth      81-18b
McDermott      81-08a,  87-04a,81-10a
McDonald       79-07A ,  81-10a, 80-20a
McDun?         80-18a
McEliv?        81-19b
McElworth      81-16a
McFalls        89-01a
McGaughey      89-05b
McGee          89-07b
McGhee         80-07a, 89-08a
McGills        86-02a
McGloct?       85-18b
McGrew         85-19a
McGrughey      81-16a
McGuien        87-18b
McGuire        85-09a, 86-07b, 89-12b
Mchan          86-08a,  87-02a
McHutt         84-09b
McIermot       86-08a
McInterp       83-07b
McIntire       86-07a
McIsir         81-19b
McKamy         88-09b
McKee?         80-03b
McKeehan       88-09b
McKeehar       80-14a
McKeehen       79-10a, 79-10b
McKeepard      80-14a
McKehen        82-06a, 82-06b
McKeldin       81-11b
McKeldin       89-02a
McKelsin       81-01b
McKenissel     79-16a
McKenon        86-09b
McKenzie       87-02b, 83-11a,  83-11b, 87-05a
McKeowins      83-08a
McKimie        82-10a
McKinney       81-04a, 81-05a, 81-12a, 84-08a, 84-11a, 87-02a,  87-08a, 87-09b, 
McKinsey       80-06a
McKnight       87-17a, 87-17b, 88-09b
McKo?          85-13b
McKroky        87-02b
McLaughlin     89-06a
McLue          81-11a
McMahan        80-14b, 83-10b, 85-16b,  87-05b
McMeowins      83-08a
McMillion      81-09a
McMinn         78-09B
McMudy         85-02b
McMurray       83-06a
McMuss         88-04b
McNabb         86-21a
McNatt         87-04,  82-05b, 82-10a, 87-04a, 88-05a
McPeek         80-03b
McPha?         78-02A
McPhail        81-19a
Mcphare        78-04B, 78-05A, 78-08b
McPhatnse      81-11a
Mcphsil        78-08B
McPolset       81-19a
McRoberts      80-13a
McSpadden      86-02b
Meadows        84-09b, 84-10a
Meddling       88-04b
Medlin         87-16b, 87-17a, 88-08b
Meith          89-07b
Melbor         84-11b
Melton         80-11b, 81-06b, 85-02a, 85-06a,  85-14b, 85-15a, 85-15b,  85-18a, 
               86-01a, 86-02a, 86-12b,  87-01b, 87-04b, 87-08b, 87-112a, 87-11b, 
               87-13b, 87-16a, 88-09b, 89-03b, 89-10a, 89-11b, 89-14a
Messengale     89-11a
Metcalf        86-05b
Micheals       88-01b, 88-02a, 88-02b
Midelleton     80-08b
Mige           85-01a
Miller         78-04B, 78-11A, 78-11A, 78-13A, 79-04A, 79-04B, 80-05a, 80-06b, 
               80-08a, 80-12b, 80-20b, 81-05a, 82-02a, 82-04a, 82-08a, 82-08b, 
               82-01a, 83-04a, 84-02b, 84-03b, 84-04, 84-12b, 85-07b, 85-08b, 
               85-09a, 86-10b, 86-14b, 86-15a, 86-15b, 87-05a, 88-04b
Milligan       84-06a
Milligus       85-17a
Millsap        83-05a
Millsape       88-02b
Millsaps       83-09b, 86-08b
Minder         89-09a
Minges         89-12a
Minson         79-12b
Mitchel        78-14B
Mitol          80-11b
Mize           84-11a
Mo?ry          85-13a
Moats          87-10a
Mohart         88-06b
Mohast         88-06b
Moncham        86-05b
Monday         81-02a
Monell         81-20a
Money          85-18b, 89-13a
Monroe         78-09A, 79-10a, 79-11b, 85-10b, 86-16b
Montgomery     79-15b
Moody          89-01b
Moon           82-09a, 82-10b, 82-11a
Moore          79-13b, 79-16a, 79-18b, 81-04a, 84-11a, 85-01b, 85-02, 85-06b, 
               85-07a, 85-08a, 85-11a, 85-12b, 85-13a, 85-17b, 87-17b,  88-01a, 
               88-10a, 89-01a,89-11b
More           78-14B, 80-01b, 80-12a
Moreland       79-16a, 89-15b
Morgan         80-01b, 82-09b, 82-09b, 82-10a, 82-10b, 82-11a, 83-02b, 83-07b, 
               84-11a, 86-14b,  87-18a, 88-04b, 88-06a, 88-07b
Moris          85-19a, 89-01a
Morman         84-05a
Morris         79-10b, 79-12b, 79-16b, 80-18a, 81-04b, 82-12a, 84-09a, 85-01a, 
               86-10a, 86-20a
Morro?         82-09a
Mose           82-05a
Mosely         81-01a
Moser          82-05a, 89-11b
Moses          78-08A, 81-15a, 81-18a, 85-19a, 85-19b, 86-11a,89-11b
Mosk           89-08a
Moss           80-07a, 81-09b, 83-09a, 83-10a, 83-11a, 84-04a, 86-10b, 87-04a, 
Mouger         85-18a
Muks           86-06a
Mul            80-19a
Mull           85-17a
Mullins        88-02b
Murph          79-03A
Murphie        80-08a
Murphy         81-04b, 83-11a,  85-121b, 86-22a
Murray         78-02B, 78-06A, 78-07A, 78-10B, 78-11A, 79-13b, 79-15b, 84-10b, 
               85-17b, 89-01a, 79-02B, 79-13a
Myers          80-10a, 84-07b, 85-06b, 88-03a, 88-03b, 89-06b
Myre           79-18a
Myres          83-04b
Naman          84-05b
Nancy          84-02a
Naukive?       81-08b
Ncliols        85-10b
Neal           78-14B, 78-19A, 80-19a, 89-06b
Neal?          84-13a
Nedwell        83-08a
Neff           81-06a
Neighbors      81-04a
Neil           79-13a, 81-09a, 81-15b, 81-19b
Nelson         89-01a
Nes?           85-14a
Nesmith        84-11b
Neugen         84-03b
Newkisk        89-13a
Newman         78-05A, 78-05B, 78-06A, 79-14a, 80-14a, 85-07b, 85-08a, 85-09b, 
               86-03b, 86-22a, 89-08b
Newton         85-19a, 86-02a, 87-13b, 87-14a
Nichelas       85-17a
Nichols        86-03b, 86-21,  87-17b
Nin?           84-12b
Ninberh        80-12a
Niper          89-14a
Node           80-04a
Noland         86-07b
Noris          85-19a
Norman         78-07B, 84-05a, 86-16a
Norris         79-12b, 85-01a, 86-102a
North          81-04a
Norton         85-19a
Norwell        80-06a
Noub?is        80-17a
Noul           80-19a
Nowell         80-12a
Nugdemond      84-02b
Null?          85-15b
O'Neal         78-03A, 88-06a
Odam           79-11b
Odell          84-04a, 84-04b
Odom           80-05a
Olithaut       84-11b
Oliver         87-12a
Olleau         86-03a
One            78-14B
Onetrley ?     84-08a
Only           88-05a, 88-06a
Oric           78-14B
Orr            80-15b, 80-17b, 80-20a
Ortogn         84-01 a
Orton          84-11b
Osborn         84-01a, 88-09b
Ostg?          84-01a
Otis           81-05b
Owen           79-03A, 79-11a, 79-19a, 81-20a, 84-08, 86-07a
Owenby         84-06b,  85-10b
Owens          80-15b, 80-19b, 84-01b, 84-10a, 89-08a
P?             85-20a, 86-18a
Padgett        86-20b
Pain           78-13A
Paine          81-02b
Paliham        78-17B
Palmer         80-03a, 89-13a
Pan?           84-13a
Pane?          84-13b
Paner          84-10b
Pangle         80-04a
Panis          86-07a, 86-09b
Pannels        79-14b
Par?           86-14b
Pardau         85-18a, 85-19b
Pardie         80-19b
Pardon         85-17b
Pardue         78-17B
Pardy          80-19b
Paris          86-02b
Parker         88-03b
Parkinson      81-01a, 81-01b, 84-05b, 84-08a, 84-11a, 86-05a
Parks          88-07a
Parris         81-12b, 86-04a, 86-04b, 86-05b, 86-07a, 86-09b, 86-10a, 86-17b, 
               86-20a, 88-02a
Parrot         80-11a
Parrott        85-10a
Parson         89-05b
Parsons        80-20a
Patten         81-15b, 81-20a
Patterson      80-01a, 80-06b, 80-10a, 86-01a, 86-05a, 89-03b
Patton         89-13a
Patty          80-02a, 80-02b, 86-01b, 86-03a
Paugle         86-20a
Paulan         85-05a
Payn           86-06a
Payne          80-04a, 80-04a, 81-09b, 86-01a, 86-03a, 87-01a, 87-04b, 87-11a, 
Peace          88-03a
Peak           80-07b 81-08a, 84-04a, 84-04a, 85-05a
Pearce         81-08a
Pearson        78-10A, 82-05a, 89-02a
Peck           86-04b,  89-11a
Pedload        81-14b
Pencil         81-09a
Pendegrass     79-01A
Penland        86-14a
Penson         80-20a
Penson         86-11a
Penton         87-03a
Percie         81-09a
Perkins        80-08b, 80-08a, 81-17a, 86-05a, 87-08b, 87-14a
Perkinson      82-09a
Perkisan       84-04b
Perkle         80-08b
Perman         78-19A
Perry          79-02B, 81-11b, 83-04a, 87-08a, 87-11b
Peters         81-08b
Peterson       89-03b
Peth           85-20a
Pettiett       84-02a
Pettitt        81-12a, 84-07b, 84-10a
Philips        78-01B, 84-09b, 85-08a, 80-13a, 80-15a, 80-18a, 81-01b, 88-
Philpot        86-03a
Philps         86-21a
Phons          83-11a
Phumblye       79-12a
Phyan          89-05a
Pickel         78-16B, 79-14b, 80-15a
Pickelsimer    84-06b, 89-13b, 89-14b, 81-10b
Pickens        87-03a, 87-03b, 87-11b
Pickerens      86-15a
Pickil         78-13A
Pickle         80-17a,85-02a
Pickly         84-12a
Picks          84-11b
Pierce         83-02a, 83-10a, 83-10b, 85-16a, 89-01a
Pitckard       85-12a
Pitman         80-01b
Pittman        80-13b
Pla            84-04a
Plank          83-01a, 83-01b
Plans          83-07a
Plans          83-11a
Plard          83-01a
Plory          83-01b
Ploun          83-01a
Plumble        85-19a
Plyrim         85-10b
Poe            84-13a
Poindexter     81-02b
Polin          83-07b
Pollie         87-07a
Pool           81-15b
Poolman        86-17a
Poor           86-06a
Porris         83-03a
Porter         84-04a, 84-07b, 84-08a, 84-08b, 84-09a, 84-09b, 84-12a, 87-10b, 
               87-11a, 88-07a, 88-10a
Posey          85-03a,86-08b
Pots           86-06a
potter         88-04b
Powell         88-06b
Powers         78-01B,78-09A
Prater         84-13a
Prernell       81-13b
Prescott       81-13b
Presley        78-16A, 79-19a, 79-19b, 81-16b, 18-19b
Pressnel       81-09b
Preswood       86-15a, 86-15a
Price          79-11a
Prichard       87-02a, 87-02b, 80-03b
Prigance       78-12B
Prigmere       80-19a
Prince         82-04a, 82-12a, 85-03a
Pritchard      85-08a, 85-09a, 85-11a, 86-20b
Priyeson       78-19B
Pruett         87-06a
Pryor          78-10B, 78-11B, 78-11B, 78-12a
Pueth          85-12a
Pugh           88-06a
Puland         85-11a
Punyle         80-09b
Purdy          88-02a
Purnell        81-13b
Purvine        89-03a, 89-03b
Putt           80-17a
Pyoun          80-19a
Qindlaws       85-05a
Queen          80-12b, 85-17a, 89-15a
Queener        87-03A, 87-03a
Quinn          88-05b
Qusberor       87-18a
R?srd          81-15a
Ra?ne          84-12a
Raburn         82-06b, 86-14a, 87-06b, 87-07b
Ragan          78-12B
Raglin         79-17a
Rails          81-05b
Raines         88-05a
Ramey          80-09a
Ramey          80-09b
Ramsey         81-19a, 82-02a,82-06b
Ramy           80-09b
Randol?        83-03b
Randolf        83-03b, 86-01b
Randolph       88-06a
Rans ?         81-19a
Raper          0-14a, 80-14b
Rapi?          79-18b
Rardau         85-18a
Rather         81-03
Ratledge       81-12b, 81-14a
Ratliff        85-02a
Rattaze        79-05A
Ray            81-04a, 81-04a, 81-04b, 81-17a
Rayston        84-06a
Reagan         80-20b, 84-01b, 89-06a, 89-07a, 89-07b, 81-11b
Reberam        86-02a
Red            79-14a,  83-01a
Redding        89-13b
Redman         78-07B, 85-154a
Redmon         83-03b,  88-09b
Redmond        78-05A,78-05B
Reed           80-20a, 81-01b, 83-01a, 83-09a, 87-08b, 89-03a
Relaford       78-13B
Renfore        84-12a
Renfro         80-01a
Renfroe        84-13a
Rentfroe       84-06a, 84-09a
Rescath        81-13b
Reynolds       79-17a, 80-21a, 85-06b, 89-15a, 80-02a, 80-09a, 81-17, 85-06b, 
               85-07a, 86-10a, 87-04b, 89-02a, 89-13a 89-14b,80-08b
Rhinehart      81-01a
Riale?         80-20a
Rice           78-01A, 79-07A, 81-06a, 81-12a, 84-05a, 84-11b, 84-12b, 85-15a, 
               85-15b, 86-01b,  86-11b, 87-09a, 87-09b, 87-10b, 87-11a
Rich           84-12a
Richard        79-17b
Richardson     78-12A, 78-13A, 81-17a
Richerson      78-13A, 85-08a
Richey         80-02a, 80-02b, 84-08b, 85-13b, 85-14a
Richison       78-07A
Richson        80-16b
Ricke          82-12a
Ricks          84-11b, 84-12b
Ricths         81-05b
Riddle         78-07A, 78-07B, 78-17B, 79-14a, 89-04b
Rider          81-03a, 81-12b
Riderys        86-15b
Rienes         80-07b
Rieney         80-02a
Rigges         79-17a
Riggess        82-01a
Riggins        82-06b
Riggs          79-05B, 84-02a, 84-07b, 84-08a, 85-13a, 88-08b, 89-01a, 89-15a
Rimbrough      86-17b
Rines          89-13b
Rineyas        79-07A
Ringo          85-17b
Ro?            84-10a
Road           78-12B
Roaman         81-11a
Robbie         80-19b
Robbins        84-08b
Roberson       81-08b, 81-11b
Roberts        82-09a, 80-15b,  82-04b, 82-05a, 82-05b, 82-12a, 84-08a, 84-13a, 
Robeson        79-19a, 81-20a, 89-05a
Robessel       79-19a
Robinson       78-04A, 78-04B, 79-11b, 81-14b, 81-19a, 86-065a, 86-11b, 86-21a, 
Rockholt       79-02B, 79-04A
Rod?           85-18a
Roderick       82-04b, 82-05a, 82-06a, 84-04b
Rodgers        87-13b, 87-17b
Rogers         79-02A, 80-02b, 79-02B, 79-07A, 79-18b, 80-14a, 81-05b, 81-11a, 
               82-08a, 83-02, 83-11b, 85-17b, 85-18a, 86-08a, 87-16a, 88-02a, 
               88-02b, 88-04a, 88-04b, 88-06b
Roggers        82-02b
Rolevsul       80-03a
Roll           83-01a
Rosder         81-17b
Rose           84-07b, 84-09b, 84-10b, 89-04b
Rothwell       79-07a
Roweor         86-08a
Rowins         86-05b
Rowlan         87-07b, 87-08a
Rowland        81-15b, 86-07a, 86-19a, 86-19b, 87-06b, 87-08b, 87-10b
Rowlins        85-18b
Roy            81-04a, 86-13b
Roylins        80-18b
Ru?            86-07b
Ruble          80-11a
Rucker         81-01a, 82-03a, 83-11b, 86-17b, 89-07a
Rudd           80-11a, 89-13a
Rufus          79-18a, 80-01b
Ruglins        80-18b
Runion         85-06b
Runyon         84-07a
Rus            82-02a
Ruse           84-07b
Rush           82-02a
Ruso           86-07b
Russell        78-03A, 80-12b, 81-04b, 88-03a, 89-02a
Ruth           88-05b, 88-06a
Ruther         81-03b
Rutherford     86-02b
Ruthford       80-18b
Rutlege        80-14b, 80-15a
Ryden          84-06a
Ryeker         84-07b
Rymer          83-01, 86-22b
Rynolds        85-06a, 80-11b, 80-16b, 85-02b, 86-05b,86-09b
S?mit          86-05b
Sample         84-07a
Samples        80-06a
San?           86-16a
Sana?          78-16B
Sanders        81-19a, 79-03B, 85-09a, 85-10a
Sarter         82-12a
Satlmon        87-05b
Saulpaw        88-01b, 88-06b, 88-07b
Sayeus         85-09a
Scarbrough     87-07a
Schwin?        81-06b
Schwinia?      81-07a
Scoggins       83-09a
Scoggins       85-02b
Scott          81-11a, 84-09a, 89-13a
Scrugs         80-01a
Seybert        87-03b
Seaborn        83-05a
Sealey         87-11b
Searboungh     89-11b
Secrect        87-07a
Secrets        88-04a
Sellars        78-06B
Senter         86-06b
Serugs         80-05b
Sesuys         80-05b
Sewell         79-17a, 83-08b, 83-11a, 86-21b
Sexton         85-17b
Shadden        85-05b, 85-06a
Shade          81-12b
Shaffeitt      81-03b
Sham           84-04a
Shamblin       87-06b, 87-19a, 88-08a, 88-08b
Shamlee        81-02a
Shan           80-15b
Shanetts       79-06B
Shankelford    80-19, 80-19b
Shannon        80-16b
Sharetts       81-14b
Sharitts       81-08a, 81-14a
Sharp          78-11B, 80-16, 80-17b, 81-12b, 81-13b, 82-05a, 84-04a, 84-08a, 
               84-13a, 89-11a
Shaw           80-15b, 88-06a, 88-06b, 88-07b, 88-08b
Shawlee        81-02a
Shearer        85-04a, 85-04b
Shel?          84-10a
Shell          79-06B, 79-19a, 80-18a, 82-02a, 89-09a
Shelton        82-10b, 84-03b, 84-04b, 84-09a, 84-10a, 85-05b, 87-15b, 88-01a, 
Shepherd       81-14b
Sherald        79-01B
Sherland       80-15a
Sherlin        80-17a, 89-01a, 89-14b
Sherling       89-14b
Sherlinn       89-14a
Sherman        80-19a, 81-05b, 81-07b, 81-08b, 81-09a, 81-11b
Sherrill       83-05b, 83-07a
Sherry         79-03A
Shields        86-07a
Shipley        78-04B, 81-06b, 81-08b
Shoemaker      78-16B, 79-15b, 82-06b, 85-17b, 86-03a, 86-08a, 86-12a, 87-01a, 
               87-02a, 87-17a, 87-17b
Short          79-06A, 84-08a
Shrading       79-05A
Shrilts        78-08B
Shuder         80-16a
Shugard        85-12a
Shugart        85-18b
Shults         78-02B
Shultz         79-14b, 84-06a, 84-10a
Si?            88-10b
Sickenberger   89-01a
Sikins         81-09b
Simon          80-05a
Simpson        78-02A, 78-02B, 78-05A, 78-05B, 85-02a, 85-10b, 86-09a, 86-10a, 
               87-04a, 87-09b, 87-10a, 87-10b, 87-12a
Sims           81-02b, 81-14a
Sinonrow       80-05a
Sinperry       86-02b
Sissom         86-12a
Sites          87-05a
Sivils         88-01b, 88-10b
Skaggs         89-01b
Skelton        84-09a
Skerritt       89-05a
Slack          80-12a, 81-03a, 85-11a, 89-02b, 89-13b
Slaughter      82-09b, 87-07a,88-05a
Sledge         78-04B. 85-13a
Sliger         84-05a, 78-01A, 78-02B, 78-08A, 78-12A, 78-12B, 78-19A, 79-03A, 
               81-10b, 82-07b, 82-08, 82-09a
Sliges         78-08A
Sligher        85-04a
Slimn          80-02b
Slipkesy       86-06b
Slone          89-05b
Sloop          89-06b
Sloope         89-12a
Sloup          81-12b
Sm?            80-12a
Small          78-15B, 78-17A, 79-01B, 79-02A, 80-06a
Smart          82-01b, 83-02a
Smith          78-12A, 78-12B, 78-13B, 78-16B, 78-17A, 78-17A, 78-19A, 79-11a, 
               79-11b, 79-12a, 79-12b, 79-13b, 79-17a, 79-17b, 80-01b, 80-04b, 
               80-08b, 80-12a, 80-13a, 80-16a,80-17b, 81-01b, 81-02a, 81-06a, 
               81-10a, 81-11a, 81-12b, 81-17a, 82-01b, 83-04a, 84-04a, 84-10b, 
               84-12a, 84-13b, 85-17b, 86-05a, 87-01b, 87-04a, 87-05A, 87-08a, 
               87-08b, 87-12a, 87-13a, 87-15a, 87-18b, 89-02a, 89-06b, 89-08b, 
               89-11a, 89-13b
Sn?            79-18b
Snau?          86-15b
Sneed          79-17b, 82-07a, 82-08a, 82-09a, 82-09b, 89-11a
Snider         81-15a, 81-18a, 81-19a
Snow           81-01b, 81-03a
Snowton        79-12b
Snyder         79-05a, 79-05B, 79-10b, 79-14b, 79-18b, 80-11b, 85-13b
Soarter        81-02a
Sorarty        89-12a
Spark          89-11a
Spears         80-01a
Spiggles       81-20b
Spigle         81-17b
Sprading       79-07B
Spradling      79-07B
Spriggs        81-09b
Sprodhing      79-05A
Srices         85-15a
Stadman        86-17a
Staff?         84-12a
Stal?          80-20a
Stalamp        86-17a
Stalcup        80-20a, 89-15b
Stalifa        80-19a
Stamson        87-04b
Stanaell       89-05a
Stanbury       80-12b
Standifer      85-05a, 87-05b, 87-06a, 89-09b
Stanfield      86-04a
Stanford       80-14b
Stanler        80-08a
Stanley        80-08b
Stanly         80-10b
Stanpson       87-04b
Stansell       89-08b
Stanton        79-08a, 79-08a
Stanull        89-05a
Star           79-14a
Starris        88--08b
Stathans       88-05a
Staton         83-04a, 83-04b, 88-02a
Stdersbrony    84-05a
Steed          81-15b, 81-19a
Stephens       80-16b, 80-17a, 80-17a, 80-17b, 86-01b, 86-08a, 86-11b
Stephenson     80-01b, 84-01a, 84-02a, 84-12b, 85-14a, 86-05b, 87-02a, 87-08a, 
Stevens        80-09a
Steward        78-02B, 87-112a
Stewart        85-07a, 86-187a
Stewsberry     84-05a
Stigel         78-19A
Stocky         86-14a
Stokley        83-07a
Stone          79-03B, 79-10a, 89-02b, 89-03a, 89-11b
Str?           80-20b
Strange        89-01a
Strickland     85-12a
Stronge        89-01a
Stuart         86-18a
Studd?         85-06a
Studdard       85-06b, 87-07b
Sturd          85-12b
Subee          83-03a
Sudenth        79-18b
Sug?           79-05A
Sugart         85-01a
Suills         89-06b
Sullivan       88-06a
Surrett        78-03B
Sutt?          81-09b
Sutten         86-14b
Suttlineyer    80-03a
Sutton         80-08b, 80-12a, 80-16a, 85-13a, 86-12a, 86-16b, 86-20b
Swafford       83-10a, 81-14a, 82-09a, 87-05b, 87-06b, 87-14a, 87-14b, 87-16a, 
               87-16b, 87-17a, 87-18b, 88-09a, 88-01a
Swan           81-04b
Swanson        86-16b
Sweeny         81-08a, 81-12b
Swimford       87-17a
Swinford       87-02a
Swoffer        83-11a
Syburger       80-18b
Syde           85-10a
Sylvester      79-07A
T?             82-06b
Tall?          84-13b
Tallant        84-08a, 84-08b, 85-04a
Tallis         88-05a
Tallonat       85-03a
Tarfelett      86-06b
Tate           81-02b, 89-08b
Taylor         80-01a, 81-02a, 81-14b, 81-17b, 85-08a, 85-09a, 86-02a
Teaftis        87-12b
Teasater       87-18a
Terry          78-11A, 80-17a, 80-17b, 89-05b
Teter          89-14a
Tharp          82-11b
Ther?          80-19a
Thilton        84-09a
Thomas         78-16A, 79-05A, 80-02a, 80-14a, 80-15a, 81-05b, 81-09a, 82-05b, 
               83-01a, 86-01b, 86-16b, 86-18b, 88-05a, 89-06b, 89-07a, 89-09a
Thomp?         79-04A
Thompson       85-14a, 78-02B, 78-06A, 78-06B, 78-07B, 78-08A, 78-09A, 78-10B, 
               78-14B, 78-14A, 78-19A, 79-10a 79-10b, 79-15a, 80-02b, 80-03b, 
               81-08a, 82-09b, 82-10a, 84-07a, 84-13a, 85-08a, 85-08b, 85-17a, 
               86-01a, 86-02a, 86-05a, 86-13b, 86-14a, 87-03b, 87-15b, 88-10b, 
               89-12a, 89-12b
Thomson        82-07b, 83-09b, 83-11a
Thomson?       78-18B
Thorn          79-16a
Thorn          89-02b
Tillesy        79-05A, 85-12b
Tillie         78-07a
Tipton         79-14a
Tomlinson      81-07a
Toowell        85-12a
Townsend       88-02a, 88-06a, 88-07a, 88-08b, 88-09b
Tr?my          80-08a
Trew           87-03b, 87-05a, 87-11a
Trinnon        84-13b
Triplett       81-18b
Trotter        85-06a, 86-12a, 86-17a
Trovis         86-06a
True           80-03a, 80-16a
Truelove       85-11a
Tuck           82-02a, 83-02b
Tucker         79-05B
Tudor          89-15b
Tuell          81-02b,  81-03a
Tullock        85-05a
Turk           82-01a, 82-02a
Turner         78-18A, 79-17b, 81-02b
Turnes         78-18A
Tusley         89-02a
Tuttrell       89-08b
Ulaey          89-04a
Ulocy          89-04a
Ulunan         78-14A
Unah?          83-05b
Underwood      78-01B, 78-03B, 79-11b, 79-12a, 80-09a, 82-04b, 82-06a, 85-04b
Upchurch       83-11b, 88-01b
Upton          78-12B, 78-19B, 80-16b
V?             84-07b
Vance          83-05a
Varnell        86-06b, 87-078a, 88-10b
Vaughan        82-10b, 79-14a
Vaughn         81-07a, 83-02a, 83-04b, 83-05b, 83-08b, 86-04b, 84-12b, 86-15b, 
               86-20a, 89-04a
Viar           78-12A
Vias           78-11A
Vicars         82-05b, 84-13a
Vicorrf        79-06A
Vicoss         79-06A
Vincent        82-08a, 82-08b, 82-10a, 84-09a
Vinclut        84-08b
Vinson         79-12b
Vum?           80-07b
W?             85-19b
Waddell        84-10b
Wade           78-01A, 79-02A, 79-04B, 79-07B, 79-08a, 80-04a, 80-04b, 84-05a, 
               84-08b, 87-14b
Wadkins        89-11a
Waid           87-14b
Waldrop        86-11a
Waley          89-04b
Walk           89-05a,
Walker         78-14b, 80-17a, 81-11a, 82-05a, 84-03b, 84-06a, 84-06b, 84-10b, 
               85-12a, 85-14b, 85-15a, 85-17b, 85-18a, 85-19b, 86-05b, 86-09b, 
               86-11b, 86-22b, 87-01a, 87-02b, 87-05a, 87-15b, 88-02a, 88-03a
Wallace        79-10a, 79-10a, 84-02a, 87-11b, 87-13b
Waller         79-01A, 82-01b, 87-07b, 87-10a
Wallis         78-04A, 78-04B, 78-17A, 78-17A, 78-18B
Wals           83-04a
Walsh          85-15a
Walson         83-03b
Walton         85-01a,  86-18a
Wamac          83-05a
Wamack         82-07b, 84-03b, 84-06a
Wander         81-20a
Ward           78-08B, 82-06a, 82-07a, 82-08b, 82-09a, 82-10b, 82-11a, 89-10a
Ware           85-16a, 87-056a
Warner         78-02B, 87-17a
Warren         81-09a, 89-07a, 89-07a
Wart           81-04a
Wates          89-07b, 89-12a
Watkins        85-04b
Watson         78-10A, 80-15a, 81-14b, 85-01a, 85-03a, 85-03b, 85-03b, 85-06a, 
               87-01a, 87-01b, 87-03a, 88-01a, 89-14a
Wattenbager    78-01A, 78-01B, 78-02A, 78-04A, 78-04B, 78-05B, 78-08B, 78-09A, 
               79-05B, 79-07B, 79-08a, 81-15a, 88-04b, 80-18b
Watterhouse    81-11a
Wattles        85-13b
Wattlis        89-15a
Watts          80-07a, 80-07b, 80-09a, 80-13b, 81-15b, 85-04b, 85-05a
Wear           88-02b
Weaver         87-06a, 88-06a
Webb           78-17A, 78-17B, 80-17a, 83-08a, 85-03b, 86-08b, 87-08a
Webster        78-07A, 89-04a, 89-11a
Weeks          80-15b,  87-18b
Weir           82-05a, 83-02a, 83-02b, 83-09a, 86-14b
Wel?           84-11b
Welch          85-16b, 86-01b
Wells          81-05a, 81-10a, 83-11b, 84-07b, 86-05b, 86-06a
Welsh          84-06b
West           78-07B, 79-14a, 80-16b, 82-02b, 87-06a, 89-06b
Wha?           78-01B
Whaley         78-05B, 78-07B
White          79-01a, 80-02a, 80-06a, 80-06b, 81-11b, 82-03a, 82-03b, 83-05b, 
               84-05b, 84-08a, 84-10b, 84-13b, 85-07b, 86-01b, 86-05a, 86-07a, 
               86-07b, 86-15a, 86-18a, 86-19b, 86-22a, 87-03a, 88-04a, 89-01a, 
Whitehead      80-17a
Whiteof        79-01A
Whiteruft      80-18b
Whiteside      83-10b
Whittaker      88-06b
Whitten        88-04b
Whitten?       84-03a
Whittenberg    88-06b
Wibb           83-03b
Wight          83-05a
Wilcox         89-12b
Wilds          81-06a, 81-09a
Wilkie         87-08b
Wilkins        89-13a
Willard        85-17b
Williams       85-13b, 86-08a, 80-01b, 80-05b, 80-14b, 81-03b, 81-07a, 81-17a, 
               83-06b, 83-07a, 83-07b, 85-01a, 85-01b, 85-08b, 85-14b, 85-16b, 
               85-16b, 85-17a, 85-18a, 85-19b, 86-04a 86-05a, 86-07b, 86-08b, 
               86-09a, 86-12a, 86-12b, 86-13b, 86-14a, 86-15a, 86-176a, 86-22a, 
               87-07a, 89-04a
Willis         88-06a
Willson        84-02b, 85-02b, 85-05a, 85-14a, 85-17a, 85-19a, 86-12a
Willymar       86-16a
Wilson         78-01B, 78-10B, 78-11A, 78-11B, 79-06B, 79-14b, 79-15b, 80-03a, 
               80-15b, 81-04a, 81-09b, 81-12a, 81-15b, 81-19b, 82-01a, 82-04a, 
               82-07b, 82-08b, 83-01b 84-03b, 84-04a, 85-19b, 86-04a, 87-03a, 
               87-06b, 89-05a, 89-06b, 89-08a
Winberle       80-12a
Winder         79-06B, 81-20a, 89-09a
Wineber?       80-12a
Winston        80-09b
Wirr           86-14b
Wise           83-05b, 83-06a, 86-14a, 86-14b
Wiseman        86-16a
Witt           82-01a, 86-08b, 87-01a, 87-01b, 87-02b
Wiyyet         82-03a
Wofford        78-03A, 78-03B, 78-09A, 81-03b
Wolson         83-03b
Womac          83-04b, 87-17a
Womach         82-11a
Womack         82-05a, 82-05b, 82-08a, 82-08b, 82-11b, 84-01a, 85-18b
Wondredge      86-02a
Wood           78-08B, 79-08a, 79-08, 81-06b
Wooden         83-09a
Woods          82-02a, 82-08b
Woolen         85-03a
Worley         87-07a, 88-06a, 88-08b
Wosley         88-06a
Wrice          82-01b
Wright         80-10b, 81-11a, 81-16b, 83-04a, 83-05a, 84-01a, 84-03a, 84-05a, 
               84-06a, 84-08b, 87-15a, 89-01b, 89-05b
Wyatt          80-03a, 80-04a, 81-07a, 81-17a, 89-11a
Wyeth          85-05b
Yance          86-19a
Yarber         80-20a
Yarbro         89-14b
Yates          78-10A, 89-09b
Yearwood       80-01a, 80-02a, 80-16b, 85-05b
Yet?znad       84-06b
Yoder          86-15a, 86-16a
Younger        84-03a
Zellis         79-13b
Zregles        78-08A,  78-08B


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