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JACKSON COUNTY, TN - NEWSPAPERS - Gainesboro Sentinel June 28, 1900
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(All newspaper articles appear as is, including typo errors/mispellings
of names.  These articles are not to be sold. Taken from the microfilm
reel: Roll #101  Gainesboro Jackson County Sentinel  Date:  1873-1902.
Transcriber: Susie Culwell)

June 28, 1900 Gainesboro Sentinel Newspaper


Judge W. T. Smith was here Sunday.

T L Kirby made a trip to Cooksvile Sunday

Circuit Court convenes here next Monday

John P. Murray made a flying trip to Nashville the past week

James N Cox of Sparta, was here on business first of the week.

Frank Beck, with L Jonas & Co., Nashville was here this week.

S. G. Crow, a barber lately of Double Springs, has been here several

N W Herod and wife are at Red Boiling Springs for the former's health.

Misses Mattie Butler and Lizzle Kyle, of Celina are visiting at M G

Born Last Monday to Mr and Mrs W F Sadler, a son.  Mother and baby doing

Have you paid your poll tax? Do not disfranchise yoursellf by delaying
this important duty.

Wm Jones a prominent citizen of Martins Creek, died on the 29th, aged 78

Maj. L B Hill who has been in feeble health for some time, was able to
be in to see us Monday.

Editor George S. Hunt of the Carthage Times, and wife visited relatives
here the past few days.

John McMillin, of Nashville, and Cordell Hull, of Celina, attended
Chancery Court here this week.

H N Naylor was called to Woodbury Friday by a telephone message stating
that his baby was very ill.

The editor spent a day at cookeville the past week, returning Sunday so
companied by his wife and baby.

Elder Shoulders, of Jennings Creek, will preach here at the Christian
church next Sunday morning and evening.

J R Hampton of Springfield, Mo. arrived here Monday on a visit to his
son, G. W. Hampton and other relatives.

W M Williams, who is attending the Southern School of Osteopathy at
Franklin, KY is spending a few days 

Misses Beulah Kirkpatrick and Mary Ellen Donnelson and Mr Hall Cullom,
of Celina, and Miss Fannie Ray of Sugar Creel. are vosotomg at Dr/ S B

A force of six men arrived here Tuesday to begin work on the Gainesboro
Telephone Co's new lines to Carthage.  They will occupy one of J. W
Carter's residences and make headquarters here for awhile.

Mesdames B L Quarles and L B Anderson are visiting the family of William
Tinsley of Tinsley's Bottom.

The little folks were given a social at the home of B S Minor Tuesday

L Washburn and W F Sadler returned last week from business trips to

Luke B Anderson, who was formerly associated with Quarles & Sadler in
the mercantile busniess at this place, has again become a member of that
firm, the style of which will hereafter be Quarles, Sadler & Anderson.

We hope the Grand Jury will make some extra exertions to -erret out and
bring to justice the midnight prowlers who periodically congregate on
the streets to make the night hideous with pistol shots and unearthly
yells.  It does not seem to be generally known that it is a misdemeanor
to discharge fire arms on our streets and public highways; and a few
convictions for this offence would have a salutary effect.  It should be

The Sunday Schools of Smith County have already contributed over $800 to
the India famine sufferers. We would like to hear a report from Jackson

In the American's corn contest 146 person guesssed the correct number of
grains  697.  Mrs. A J Dudney was one of the lucky ones.  Her guess was
made by Assistant Postmaster S E Wilson, who is a good guesser on corn
as well as politics.

Miss Mrytle Apple, of Chestnut Mound and Miss Mattie Trousdale, of
Stonewall are visiting at H L McDearman's.

A social gathering at the residence of W W Draper on the evening of the
?1st inst. was enjoyed by a large crowd of young people.

Fred kaley, who recently escaped from jail here, was captured at Red
Springs last week and brought back by Deputy Sheriff W G Sadler.

C B Moore, D.O. of Franklin, KY., a graduate of the Southern School of
Osteopathy will be here sometime next week to permanently locate and
begin the practice of his profession.  Watch for his card in this paper.

James Pickett, wife and baby had a narrow escape while out driving last
Friday. the horse became frightened and kicked the buggy into a complete
wreck.  Fortunetely, neither the occupants were seriously hurt.  The
horse was badly crippled and may not recover from a strained fetlock

Mrs. Jo Anders of Bridges, Mrs. Dr. Crutchfield and little Miss
Floreance Crutchfield of Watertown, are visiting at T B Murray's.

Miss Carrie Gailbreath, who has been sick, is much better.

Misses Ida Johnson, Clie Draper, Etehel Johnson and Clifford Darwin are
visiting the home of Prof. Howser, near Red Springs.

Messrs R. J Gailbreath, T H Haile and Claude Darwin will leave for
Huntingdon in about two weeks to enter school.

The heavy rains of the past two or three days have made another good
tide in Cumberland river and our log men and shippers generally are

Quarterly Court next Monday will elect a County Clerk to serve until the
people can regularly elect a successor to W H Brooks, deceased.  The
term only last till the first Monday in September.  mr. H N Naylor, the
very efficient and worthy Deputy, is the only applicant we have heard
for the position.

Mag Roberts, col., was arrested last Thursday charged with breaking into the
residence of M J Dixon and stealing several small articles.  The case
was set for next Saturday.  In default of bond she went to jail.
The Teachers Intitute has closed last Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Supreintendent Spurlock held a written examination Friday and Saturday. 
He will grade all the papers this week and mail certificates to all who
pass satisfactorily.  The proceedings of the institute were very
pleasant and harmonious. 
The Granville Roller Mills, a new enterprise at Granville, begun operation
last week. 

FLYNN"S LICK Misses Clena and Lena Richmond are visitng their uncle, Mr
G C Darwin.

Prof H H Howser and Miss Estelle Gailbreath will have charge of the
Flynn's Lick school this fall.

Miss Annie Haile, the census enumerator for this district has about
completed her work.

Misses Etta Johnson and Margery Gailbreath are visitng at Gainesboro.
The white peoples barber shop, strictly sober. All kinds of barbering done 
strictly up to date.
Ladies hair dressing a specialty.  No competition.  All work guaranteed.
Prices low as can be.   C F Melton, Proprietor