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HAYWOOD COUNTY TN - HISTORY - City Directory of Brownsville, Haywood Co., TN, 1872-1873
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        ab = above                    n.e. = northeast ag't = agent  n.w. = northwest
        al = alley                    P.O. = postoffice              ass't = assistant
        pres't = president            av = avenue                    r = rear
        bds = boards                  Rev. =reverend                 clk = clerk
        sq = square                   com mer = commission           s = south
        mer = merchant                s.e.= southeast                cor = corner
        s.w. = southwest              e = east                       sec = secretary
        lab = laborer                 sup't = superintendent         mnfr =. manufacturer
        treas = treasurer             manf'g = manufacturing
        nr = near                     wid = widow                    n = north
        w = west
Albertson, S. H. Saloon, 20 w. Court sq.
Allen, T. N. mec. r. s. of College
ALLEN, W. A. mer. 19 w. Court
Alison, J. F. clk. r. Exchange Hotel
Anderson, Dr. H. C. r. w. Main, w. of s. College
Anderson, P. B. clk. r. w. Main. w. of s. College
ANDERSON & JONES, grocers, e. Court
Anderson, R. H. clk. r. w. Main. w. of s. College
ANDERSON, H. C. merc. r. w. Main, w. of s. College
Anderson, Nathan, carpenter, r. Lafayette
Anthony, T. A. clerk of bank, r. cor. College
Apperson, S. H. r. Exchange Hotel
Arbuckle, J. undertaker, Washington, cor. n. Main
Armstrong, Rev. W. H. r. w. Main near College
Archer, John mec. r. Park avenue
Austin, A. M. cotton mer. r. w. Main, cor. s. College
BADGER, E. L. saddler, r. Lafayette, cor Keystone
Bair, Louis, clk. r. e. Main near e. Margin
Bankston, J. H. tinner, r. Tyas av.
Barrett & Co. Exchange saloon
Barrett, F. r. Jefferson, 3 doors from M. & O. R. R.
Barber, H. V. clk. r. w. Main, at Mrs. Read's
Barclay, Dr. R. F. office 2 e. Court sq. up-stairs
Barrett, R. saloon, Jefferson 6 doors e. M. & O. R. R.
Bate & Bond, attys. office 1 court sq.
BAXTER, H. sawmills, M. R. R. r. Jackson
BAYNES, T. F. lawyer, r. Exchange Hotel
Berson, S. W. jeweler, r. Washington 3 doors n. Franklin
Bennett, Sam (col'd) drayman, r. Washington
Bennett, Wm. K. clk. r. n. Main
Berson & Son, watchmakers and jewelers, cor. Court sq. and Depot
Berson, S. W. r. College near n. Main
Berson, Guilm. r. College cor. Bradford av.
BISHOP, S. A. dry goods mer. 7 Court sq.; r. Margin cor. Lafayette
Bilbo, Thomas, mer. r. College near n. Main
Bilbo, John, mer. r. College near n. Main
Bilbow, T. auctioneer, 35 Court sq.
Bledsoe, L. Y. magistrate, r. Hatchie av. 7 doors s. Depot
Booker, Wm. clk. r. Lafayette near College
BOND & BRO., grocers and dry goods, S Depot
Bond, M. (col'd) lab. r. Jefferson 7 doors e. M. &. O. R. R.
BOND, JAMES jr. merchant r. w. Main
Bond W. W. mer. r. Main
Bond, Rev. Wm. P, r. w. Main near s. College
Bond, T. W. P. r. w. Main near s. College
Bond, Ned (col'd) P. r. w. Main near s. College
Bond, John R. Lawyer, r. w. Main cor. Thomas al.
Bonf, Louis, r. n. College
BOND & BAYNES, attorneys, s. Court
Bond, Thomas, farmer, r. Keycorner cor. McLemore
BOND, HENRY W. lawyerr. Keycorner cor. McLemore
Bond, George (col'd) lab. r. n. Main
Bond, Jeff. (col'd) drayman r. Margin
Boteler, J. H. carpenter, r. Park cor. College
Boykin, John C. engineer, r. e. Main
Boyd, Sam, county trustee, office at C. H.
Boyd, B. P. lawyer 11s Court, upstairs
BRADFORD, WILSON & CO. merchant mill, nr. Railroad
BRADFORD & JOHNSON, foundry, nr. Railroad
Bradford, W. H. clk. r. Lafayette cor. Mulberry
BRADFORD, A. H. mer. r. Lafayette
BRADFORD, maj. C. mer. r. College near Jackson
Bradford, Mrs. Mary, widow, r. Lafayette n. of Keycorner
BRADFORD & CO. dry goods, e. Main
Bradford, Ned (col'd) lab. r. Wilson cor. Hatchie
Bradford, Mrs. widow, e. Main 6 doors e. Jackson
Brather, Anderson (col'd) carpenter, r. Lafayette cor. College
BRANHAM, REV. L. R. Pres. Baptist female school, r. at College
Bright, D. A. lawyer, r. Keycorner
Brimingham, W. R. wagoner, Depot 6 doors e. Jefferson
Brimingham, Ed. wagonmaker, r. College near Bradford
BROWNSVILLE BEE, office 8 Depot, up-stairs
Brown, Thomas (col'd) barber, 14 Depot up stairs
Brown, Mrs. H. M. dressmaker n. Main
Brown, A. W. cashier Browns. S. Bank, near n. Court
Brockway, A. W. cashier Browns. S. Bank, near n. Court
Bruce, J. C. railroadman, r. Washington
BUTLER, M. E. grocer, r. Keycorner near Thomas al.
Buck, R. H. r. corner Lafayette and Washington
Buck, Lucinda wid. r. Lafayette and Washington
BUCK, J. G. H. ed. Brownsville Bee, r. Bradford av.
Bullifin, W. F. bartender, r. Jackson cor. e. Main
Burns, Nat (col'd) lab. r. n. Main
BURTON, W. G. mer. r. near Male College
BUTLER, SON & FREEMAN, grocers, Yancy & Wilder block e. Court
Butler, Wm. grocer, r. Keycorner near Thomas al.
Butterby, J. P. baker, r. Bradford av.
Butterby, J. B. baker, r. Cherry 1 door e. Bradford av.
Byass, Wm (col'd) lab. r. Lafayette cor. Washington

Cage, H. C. sr. grocer, r. Keycorner Thomas al.
Cage, H. C. jr. book-keeper, r. Keycorner Thomas al.
Caldwell, J. A. carpenter, r. cor. Haywood and Sherman
CAMPBELL, RAGLAND & KERR, hardware, e. Main
CAMPBELL, V. P. hardware, r. Bradford av.
Campbell, M. T. clk. r. cor. Margin and Lafayette
Carmin, Hugh, harnessmaker, w. Main cor. Hatchie
Cantrowitz, R. sew'g mac. ag't, r. e. Main 5 doors e. M. & O. R. R.
Capel, euben, (col'd) barber, r. w. Main near R. R.
Caruthers, James, Eclipse stable, r. Jackson cor. Washington
Caruthers, R. J. clk. r. Jackson cor. Washington
Caruthers, Mrs. A. E. boarding house, cor. Washington
Carter, J. E. mer. r. Margin near s. College
Carcon, James F. trader, r. Lafayette cor. Mulberry
Carpenter, Albert, plasterer, r. Lafayette
Chaney, E. B. clk. r. Exchange Hotel
Chellis, Ab, mer. r. Hatchie near w. Main
CHELLIS, E. M. mil. and dressmaking, 13 s. Court sq.
Cherry, M. W. clk. r. cor. Lafayette and Washington
Chilton, John C. teller Brownsville Savings Bank
Chilton, John (col'd) lab. r. w. Main cor. R. R.
Claiborne, F. H. farmer, r. Washington 5 doors n. College
CLARKE, J. A. & BRO., dry goods, 10 Depot
Clarke, H. W. r. Exchange Hotel
Clarke, John H. r. w. Main cor. R. R.
Clarke, Wm. r. w. Main cor. R. R.
Clark., Allen (col'd) lab. r. Margin near Church
Clark, J. W. & Co. grocers, 14 s. Court
Clark, J. W. grocer, r. College cor. Hatchie
Clark, A. A. grocer, R. College cor. Hatchie
Clark, S. H. ag't Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine, r. College 3 doors e. Thomas al.
Clark, J. V. grocer, r. College 3 doors e. Thimas al
Clark, S. H. grocer 28 n. Court square
Claborne, Harriett (col'd) wid. r. Lafayette cor. College
Claborne, Thos. (col'd) mec. r. Lafayette cor. College
Claborne, Robt. (col'd) mec. r. Lafayette cor College
Clemons, Nute (col'd) lab. r. College cor Hatchie
Clinto, John postmaster, r. e. Main 4 doors cor. e. M. &. O. R. R.
Cocks, James, machinist r. Margin
COOPER, T. W. & C). druggists, e. Court
COOPER, T. W. phys. r. Hatchie Av. 11 doors s. Depot
Cooper, John (col'd) lab. r. Margin foot Hatchie
Collier, Wm. cab. r. Margin near Church
Coleman, W. (col'd) lab. at Bradford & Wilson's mill
CORNWELL & BURTON, dry goods mer. 9 s. Court
Cornwell, A. H. clk. r. e. Main
Cornwell, F. M. mer. r. Exchange hotel
COMEGYS, J. M. dentist, 17 Depot upstairs, r. Lafayette, n. of Keycorner
COWEN, G. W. druggist, r. w. Main near Thomas al
COWEN, J. E. druggist, r. w. Main near Thomas al
COWEN, & WEBB, druggist, 9 Depot
Cox, Henry, (col'd) carpenter, r. Hatchie cor. College
Cox, J. M. ndertaker, 1 door e. Depot
Crawford, Wm broker, R Hatchie av. 9 doors s. Depot
CROWLEY, J. J. marble yard cor Depot and Margin
CRUMP, M. V. mer. r. Exchange hotel
Cuthbert, Edward B. school teacher of boys, r. College w. Railroad
Currie, W. (col'd) lab. r. Lafayette cor. Washington
Currie & Davis, grocers, 36 Court sq.
Currie, W. F. mer. (firm Currie & Davis)
CURRIE, J. M. mer. r. Washington 3 doors n. College

Dalton, W. G. grocer, r. Washington cor. Hatchie
Dance, Mar. Carie, Wid. R. Gibbs
DANCE, J. E. mer r. e. Margin
DANCE, J. E. grocer, e. Depot
Day, James, (col'd) wagonmaker, r. College near Lafayette
Davis, Wm. (col'd) lab. r. in al. bet. w. Court and Hatchie
Davis, B. T. (firm of Currie & Davis)
DESHONG, W. W. & CO billard hall and salon, 23 & 24 w. Court Square upstairs
Donovan, Dan bar tender, r. 23 & 24 w. Court
Douglas, James, e. Main 11 dors. e. Jackson
Brennan, E. C. blacksmith, r. Hatchie
Drennan, L. C. lab. r. Hatchie
Duckworth, Alex. lawyer, r. n. Main
DUFFER, P. G. mer. r. w. Main
Dumas, H. carpenter, r. Sherman 2 doors n. Haywood
Dupree, J. A. clk. r. Lafayette cor. Jefferson

EADER, JONATHAN, contractor, r. w. Main
Eaton, A. C. City Marshal, r. Jefferson near Railroad
Edwards, L. B. mer. r. n. Main
Edwards, C. B. clk. r. n. Main
Edward, T. C. dentist, r. n. Main
Elder, G. W. jeweler, r. College
Ellis, R. C. ndertaker, r. n. Main near Washington
Ellis, Sam printer, r. Jackson cor. Washington
Episcopal Church, cor. Washington and College
Estes, G. barber, C. H. blk.
Estes, Wm. clk. r. w. Main cor. s. College
Estes, Frank M. r. w. Main cor s. College
Estes, Carey, (col'd) barber, r. Park av. cor. Cherry
Everett & Edwards, dentists, over Burson's jewelery store
Everett, D. E. bds. at Exchange hotel near Railroad
Farrington, Wm (col'd) r. w. Main cor. Thomas al
Faust, J. A. (col'd) restaurant at depot near N. O. R. R.
Felsenthal, M. mer. 31 n Court square
Felsenthal, J. & Bro. dry goods, 34 n. Court square
Felsenthal, Joe. Mer. r. 25 w. Court square
Felsenthal, J. mer. r. College cor. e. Margin
Fergson, John, shoemaker, r. Jackson cor. e. Main
Ferrell, Aaron (col'd) porter for R. F. Louis, 11 s. Court
Folk, Edgar, clk. r w. Main cor. s. College
Folk, Henry B., lawyer, r. cor. w. Main and s. College
Folk, H. B. lawyer, r. cor. w. Main and s. College
Freeman, Dick (col'd) cook for Head & Sherman
Freeman, Ed. (col'd) barber, r. 25 w. Court square
Ferson, Sidney, carpenter, r. Hatchie near Wilson
Fullerton, J. A. photographer, 6 Court sq.
Fullerton, W. H. upholster, Park av. 2 doors n. College
Garrison, Mrs. (col'd) widow, Jefferson 3 doors e. Jackson
Gause, J. L. boarding house, r. Jefferson cor. Lafayette
Gause, Jack, (col'd) lab. r. n. Main
Gearden, R. E. mason, r. Hatchie near Keycorner
Gearden, sam. lab. r. w. Main near s. College
Glenn, A. L. college, r. near Park av.
GLENN, A. L. baker and confectioner, 23 w. Court square
Glenn, G. T. r. College near Park av.
Glenn, Mrs. M. A. widow, r. College 2 doors e. Bradford av.
Gohagen, S. J. sadler, r. w. Main cor. Hatchie
Gohagen, Mrs. E. F. millinery goods, n. Main near n. Court
Goulden, J. R. machinist, r. Keycorner near n. College
GOWLING & DIXON, Brownsville planing mill, near R. R.
Gracey, Jackson (col'd) drayman, r. Raidroad near College
Graves, Louis, miller, r. n. Main
GRANGER, G. D. mer. r. cor. Jefferson and Hatchie
Grant, H. T. undertaker, r. Exchange hotel
Grant, B. carpenter, r. e. Main 2 doors e. M. O. R. R.
Granwald, H. stree broker, r. Washington
Green, J. R. printer, r. Railroad near w. main
Greenwald, J. L. clk. r. Keycorner cor. Hatchie
Greenwald, Mrs. B. wid. r. Washington cor. Hatchie
Griffith, J. E. photographer, 17 Depot
Griggs, John (col'd) lab. r. Bradford av
Grisson, M. N. cotton mer. r Lafayette near foot
Grove, Mrs. E. C. wid. school for boys and girls, r. Halifax cor Monroe
Gunn, H. M. grocer, e. Main 7 doors e. Court

Hadden, John, r. 23 & 24 w. Cort square
Hall, Wm. Lawyer, r. Keycorner cor. Hatchie
Hamon, Lewis, (col'd) machinist, r. Bradford av
Hamon, Lewis, (col'd) blacksmith, Hatchie cor. w. Main
Harvey, J. C. clk. r. Exchange hotel
Harbert, Mrs. Mollie, wid. w. Main near s. College
Haskins, A. L. mason, r. Keycorner cor. Hatchie
Haskins, Miss E. M. mantuamaker, cor. w. Court and Lafayette, up stairs
HAYWOOD, R. W. ed. Brownsville States, r. e. Margin near College
Haywood, Dr. James, office Galt house, r. College
Haynes, Rev. Wm. A. Prof. Male College, r. Givvs
Head, J. R. saloon, e. Main 8 doors e. Court
Hendren, H. J. liveryman, r. Hatchie av. 6 doors s. Depot
Hendren, Thomas, liveryman, r. Hatchie av. 6 doors s. Depot
Hendren, J. J. stable, cor. Depot and Margin
Hendren, T. W. clk. r. Hatchie av
Henderson, Mrs. David, r. Hatchie near Wilson
HILL & KIMBROUGH, grocers, 6 e. Court
HILL, P. Yn mer. cor. Margin and Lafayette
Hitchcock, James, jr. carpenter, r. cor. Lafayette and Washington
Hitchcock, Mrs. C. wid. r. College cor. n. Main
Hodge, Robert, carpenter, r. Jefferson 6 doors s. Jackson
Hotchkiss, R. L. cotton mer. r. Lafayette
Hotchkiss, S. B. cotton mer. r. Lafayette
Howell, Dr. J. H. office at peters' drug store
Howell, Walter, (col'd) hostler, r. Jackson cor. e. Main
Hurt, C. A. clk, Exchange hotel
Hutchinson, J. K. cotton weiger, r. e. Margin

Irvings, Sidney, brickyard beyond graveyard

Jacobs, Charles, clk. r. cor. Jefferson and Hatchie
Jackson, C. L. machinist, r. Margin
Jackson, P. H. carpenter, e. Main nr. Jefferson
Jackson, J. M. mason, Wilson near Hatchie
Jay, C. B. clk, r. Exchange hotel
Jeffries, Geo. W. farmer, r. College 2 doors e. Thomas al
JOHNSTON, WINSTON & CO. dry goods 2 doors e. Thomas al
Johnson, Henry, farmer, r Bradford av.
Johnson, J. W. grocer, R. Hatchie near the mill
Johnston, R. F. Washington 9 doors n. College
Johnston, W. F. ag't M. & O. R. R.
Johnston, Henry, farmer, Depot 6 doors s. Depot
Jones, W. T. mec. Sherman 1 door n. Haywood
Jones, J. r. Jefferson 2 doors s. Jackson
JONES, C. C. grocer, r. e. Margin cor. Main
Jones, V. M. machinist, r. Margin near Church
Jones, P. R. machinist, r. Margin near Church
Jones, J. E. clk. r. Exchange hotel
Jones, Chess. (col'd) lab. r. Margin near Railroad
Jones, C. H. farmer, r. s. College
Jones, Page, (col'd) lab. r. w. Main cor. Railroad

Kahn, Joe, butcher, r. Keycorner cor. Hatchie
Kantrowitz, R. ag't, 9 Depot Kedy, James saloon r. Depot 1 door s. depot
Kelly, a. shoemaker, Depot, r. same
Kellogg, C. W. stone cutter, r. Jackson near Jefferson
Kemmit, E. Tailor, r. e. Main 3 doors e. Jackson
Killebrew, asst. eng. 17 Depot
Killebrew, Sam. civ. eng. r. e. Main
Kimhoff, John shoemaker, Depot. r. same
KIMBROUGH, W. T. (firm Hill & Kimbrough)
KING, T. B. hardware, mer. 15 Depot
KING, T. B. mer. r. e. Main 5 doors e. Jackson
KIRKPATRICK, T. C. dry goods, etc. 12 s. Court
Kirkpatrick, T. C. Mer. R. cor. Jefferson and Hatchie
Kirby, F. grocer, e. Main 4 doors e. Court sq.
Kline, C. E. tailor, r. e. Main 3 doors e. Jackson
Klyce, W. H. carriagemaker, al. bet. Jefferson and e. Main
Klyce, H. J. miller, r. e. Main 4 doors e. Jackson
Knauff, Rob't, gas fitter, r. Jackson cor. e. Main

Lamb, John harness maker, up stairs over Clark & Brown
LANCASTER, A. J. grocer, cor. Washington and Franklin
Lance, R. D. laborer on M. & C. railroad
LAND, CHAS., Prof. Baptist College, r. at college
Langham, edward, machinist, r. Margin
Lave, J. B. clk, r. e. Main, Thomas al
Leake, R. W. r. Hatchie av. 8 doors s. depot
Lee, B. J. atty. r. Washington 7 doors n. College
Lee & Livingston, attys, office 38 Court sq.
Leigh, Wm. (col'd) lab. r. n. Main
Leigh, Wm. r. w. Main near s. College
Leigh, Wm. (col'd) lab. at Bradford & Wilson's mill
Lenard, L. B. r. Lafayette cor. Keycorner
Levi, H. mer, e. Main 7 doors e. Jackson
Levy, J. S. jeweler, r. cor. w. Main
Levy, Jacob, grocer, r. 27 w. Court sq.
Levy, Benj. grocer, r 27 w. Court square
Levy, Aby, grocer, r. 27 w. Court square
Levi, H. mer. 14 Depot, r. e. Main
Lewis, R. F. grocer and dry goods mer. 11s Court sq.
Lewellyn, laborer on Mississippi Central railroad
Livingston, H. G. lawyer, r. w. Main
Long, James R. laborer on Mississippi Central railroad
Longley, R. Y. grocer, 11 Depot
Longley, R. Y. cor. Washington and Franklin
Longley, Robert, (col'd) barber shop under C. H.
Lovelace, P. C. billiard saloon, r. 23 & 24 w. Court
Lucas, W. T. n. w. Main cor. Hatchie
Lucas, W. T. harness saddlery, etc. 24 w. Court square

McDonald, cooper, Hatchie av. 2 doors s. Depot
Maclin, Tom (col'd) r. w. Main near s. College
Mahoney, Mike, lab. r. College near n. Main
Malone, Polk, brick yard beyond grave yard
MALONE, W. B. mer. r. w. Main, at Mrs. Read's
MALONE & GRANGER, dry goods e. Court
Malone, Mrs. dressmaker, r. Lafayette near Washington
Malone, P. carpenter, Jefferson, 3 doors, e. R. R.
Manor, J. H. Eclipse stable, r. e. Margin cor College
Mann, Wiley, sr. farmer, r. near Male College
Mann, Wiley, jr. clk. r. near Male College
MANN, W. B. stable keeper, Lafayette cor. Washington
Mann, Austin, farmer, r. Bradford av. near head
Mann, P. (col'd) barber shop under C. H.
Mann, Pinch, (col'd) lab. r. rear Male College
Mann, R. V. clk. r. Thomas al. near head
Mann, J. J. (with W. B. Mann)
Manor, J. H. stable, cor. Jackson and e. Main
Martin, M. gunsmith, cor. Jackson and e. Jefferson
Marx. M. shoemaker, 31 n. Court square
Mason, Wm. H. clk. r. Keycorner near Thomas al
McCaddon, J. C. ex. af't, office Nelsdon House
McConnico, L, B, clk, rl Keycorner and Thomas al.
McCool, Wm. clk. r. Jackson cor. Washington
McGan, G. G. carpenter, r. College cor. Railroad
McDuffie, M. C. bar tender of Hear & Sherman
McLeon, D. r. e. Main 9 doors e. Jackson
McLeod, John, Painter, r. e. Main 9 doors e. Jackson
McNice, Mrs. widow, Hatchie av. 10 doors s. Depot
Medlin, Mrs. S. A. Hatchie av. 5 doors s. R. R.
Medlin, J. C. ag't, bds. Hatchie av. 5 doors s. R. R.
Medlin, Robert, C1,. bds. Hatchie av. 5 doors s. R. R.
Megan, C. carpenter, Jefferson 4 doors e. R. R.
Miller, John, carpenter, Depot 3 doors s. Jefferson
Moore, H. (col'd) minister, Depot 4 doors s. depot
Moore, S. A. farmer, r. Jackson cor. Washington
Moore, Mrs. J. B. wid. r. s. College foot Margin
Moore, J. J. farmer, r. s. College foot Margin
Moore, J. W. lawyer, r. s. College foot Margin
Moore, W. D. telegraph operator, r. cor. Jefferson and Hatchie
Moore, Rev. S. W. r. Lafayette cor Mulberry
Morris, Charles (col'd) lab. r. cor. R. R. and w. Main
Moses, John (col'd) lab. r. w.Main cor. Railroad
Moses, Mrs. Nancy, r. n. Main
Moses, T. J. farmer, Main
MOSES, R. Y. mer. r. Main
Muex, T. R. phys. office 7 Court sq.

Naill, John, tax collector, r. Hatchie av. 5 doors Depot
Mally, Mike, printer, r. 23 & 24 w. Court square
Nelson, Mrs. M. F. wid. r. s. College
Nelson, Sam (col'd) lab. r. s. College near w. Main
Nixon, (col'd) H. grocer, Depot near Jefferson
Nolen, J. T. furniture store, r. College cor Railroad
Nolan, Z C. furniture dealer, Stonewall block
Norvall, W. H. mer. Cherry near Bradford av.
Nunn, D. A. lawyer, r. College

O'Conner, Joe. lab. r. Railroad near w. Main
Odell, J. N. carpenter, r. Hatchie av. 1 door s. Depot
Odell, Sam (col'd) blacksmith, r. Hatchie cor. w. Main
Oldham, Stanton, tinner. r. Jackson cor. e. Main
Oldham, Sam clk. r. s. Exchange hotel
Oliver, R. F. wagonmaker, r. w. Main cor. Railroad
Openchain, John, r. Jefferson 2 doors e. of railroad
Owen, Hopson, clk. M. & O. depot
Owen, L. T. clk. r. Jefferson beyond M. & O. railroad
Owen, C. auctioneer, Jefferson 9 doors e. R. R.
Owry, S. G. bar tender, r. 20 w. Court square

Peebles, Major J. W. cotton factor, Depot
Peebles, C. H. clk. r. cor. Jefferson and Lafayette
Perkins, Nicholas, planter, r. College near Margin
Perry, Jas. minister, r. Park av. 2 doors w. College
Pen, Lee, clk. 23 & 24 w. Court
Phillips, J. W. phys. r. Washington 2 doors n. College
Phillips, Dr. J. W. office 14 s Court upstairs
Phillips, J. B., grocer and butcher, w. Court, r. cor Lafayette and Washington
Phillips, H. millerm r. Hatchie near foot
Pickett, W. D. ass't engineer 17 Depot
Pickett, J. L. druggist, e. Court
Pickett, W. D. ass't engineer. r. e. Margin cor. Main
PLAUT, A. Jeweler, w. Court, r. w. Main and Hatchie
PLEITZ, F. furniture, Jefferson 2 doors s. Depot
Pope, John, clk. r. Hatchie 11 doors s., Depot
Porter, R. S. druggist, r. Lafayette n. Keycorner
Porter, George, att'y, Depot 7 doors s. depot
POSTON, J. L. County Court clk., office C.ah., r. College cor. e. College
Poston, Jas. clk. r. College cor. E. College
P. & A. Telegraph office, 5 Court
PRACHT, AUGUST, carriagemaker, Depot

RAGLAND, T. B. mer. Hatchie av. 12 doors s. depot
Rayner, T. A. Circuit Court clk. r. w. Main
Rayner, R. J. clk. r. w. Main
Read, Wm (cold) (ic) lab. r. w. Main
Read, Jim (col'd) lab. r. w. Main cor. S. College
Read, Mrs. A. E. wid. r. w. Main
Read, Douglass, (col'd) mec. r. w. cor Railroad
Read, E. J. & J. C. Lawyers, s. w. cor. w. Court
Read, J. C. r. e. Main cor. e. Margin
Read, J. D. farmer, r. n. College
Read, John, clk. r. n. Main
Read, C. F. sr. Prop'r. Exchange Hotel and planter
Read, C. F. jr. bookkeeper Exchange Hotel
Read, E. J. Lawyer, r. n. Main
Reaves, B. (col'd) carpenter, cor. Haywood and Sherman
Rhodes, F. (col'd) shoemaker, Jefferson 4 doors s. Jackson
Robertson, R. W. cotton mer. r. Hatchie cor. College
Ross, Mrs. V. A. wid. r. Halifax cor. Gibbs
Ridley, -- minister, Park av. 5 doors n. College
Right, H. C. carpenter, r. s. College
Roberts, J. B. saddler, e. Main 10 doors e. Jackson
Rothchilds, M. bakery, r. e. Main 3 doors, e. Railroad, store, Court
Russell, R. S. painter, College, near Railroad
Russell, Daniel, painter, College near Railroad
Russell, Robert, College near Railroad
Russell, G. W. minister, r. e. Main 3 doors e. Railroad
Rutledge, J. M. railroad secretary
Rutledge, W. W. lawyer, cor. Lafayette and Margin

Sammons, H. G. saloon, e. Main near Court
Sangster, H. C. mer. r. w. Main near Railroad
Sangster, Wm, mer. r. cor. Jefferson and Hatchie
Sangster, A. E. clk. r. cor. Jefferson and Hatchie
Sangster, Dr. W. L. r. cor. Jefferson and Hatchie
Sangster, W. & Co. dry goods, 22 w. Court square
Sanford, R. (cold) (sic) laborer, r. near Railroad
Sanders, Em. grocer, r. Keycorner and Hatchie
Saraman, Geo. butcher, r. Lafayette and Washington
Schafer, isaac, clk. r. Hatchie near Washington
Scott, T. M. Clk. r. Jefferson cor. Hatchie
Scott, John. clk. r. Margin and College
Scott, Wm. M. traveling ag't for Renner & Co
Scott, J. (col'd) school teacher, r. Monroe
Scott, R. H. clk. r. e. Main near College
Scott, Mrs. R. wid. e. Main 3 doors e Depot
Sefeit, J. W. grocer, r. Margin
Sevier, Dr. C. H. 11 Court up stairs
Sevier, J. E. grocer, w. Main near railroad depot
Sevier, Wm. (col'd) laborer at depot
SEVIER, R. W. grocer, w. Main near railroad depot
Sevier, Lucy, (cold) (sic) wid. boarding house on Railroad
Sevier, Lewis, (col'd) barber, Railroad
Sevier, Jack, cotton weigher, r. Main near foot
Sharon, Sandy, (col'd) well-digger, r. College
Shaw, C. ice house, 29 n. Court
Shaw, M. carpenter, r. Jefferson near railroad
Shaw, W. J. r. Washington 2 doors n. Franklin
Shaw, N. A. miller, Depot near depot
Sherman, Wm. Saloon, Jefferson 5 doors e. railroad
Sherman, John, Sheriff, r. Jefferson, 8 doors e. railroad
Sherman &Head, saloon, e. Main near Court
Sherman, W. F. r. e. Main near Court
Smith, Green, (col'd) drayman, r. Margin near Railroad
Smith, Pat, mec. Railroad house
SMITH, G. C. mer. r. w. Main near College
Smith, J. C. clk. r. w. Main near College
Smith, H. (col'd) grocer, Hatchie av. near depot
SMITH, J. H. mer. r. College near Railroad
Smith, Jones H. miller, r. Gibbs near Halifax
SMITH, MRS. LIZZIE, wid. copyist
SMITH, J. D. Pres't railroad, office 17 Depot
Somerville, D. blacksmith, Bradford cor. Cherry
Spruel, Oliver (cold) (sic) laborer, r. Railroad near Margin
Stoll, J. M. clk. r. Mrgin cor. Lafayette
Stevens, T. D. drug clerk. r. College
Sternberger, Jos. grocer, r. Keycorner cor. Hatchie
Sternberger, Alex. r. Keycorner cor. Hatchie
Stynax, Thos. (cold) (sic) laborer at Bradford & wilson's mill
Stevens, John lab. Hatchie av. 3 doors s. depot

Taliaferro, Ed. (col'd) lab. r. Margin near R. R.
Taliaferro, Jos. (col'd) lab. r. Bradford av.
TALLEY, W. F. att'y, office in C. H. r. head of Jackson
TAMM, EMILE, confectioner, w. Court
Taylor, H. L. - farmer, r. w. Main cor. Thomas al.
Taylor, Ed. H. - r. w. Main cor. Thomas al.
Taylor, W. W. - r. w. Main cor. Thomas al.
Taylor, F. N. - clk. r. Park av.
Taylor, F. B. - bartender, r. 23 & 24 w. Court
Taylor, Hark. - lab. (col'd) r. Washington cor. Lafayette
Taylor, Mrs. M. - r. Keycorner near Hatchie av.
Taylor, W. L. - book-keeper, r. Keycorner near Hatchie av.
Taylor, W. D. - saw mill, Jefferson and e. Margin
Taylor, B. - (col'd) lab. bds. on Railroad
Taylor, L. - farmer, r. Sherman 3d door n. Haywood
Taylor, Mrs. P. - r. Washington 8th door n. College
Taylor, S. D. - clk. r. Washington 8th door n. College
Taylor, H. L. - (col'd) lab. Jackson cor. Washington
Taylor, Frank - clk. Park av. near head
Taylor, D. - (col'd) steward Exchange Hotel
Taylor, J. - (col'd) waiter Exchange Hotel
Teste, B. F. photographer, r. cor. al. and n. College
Thompson, Mrs. r. Hatchie 13 doors s. Depot
Thomas, R. G. cotton mer. r. Keycorner n. College
THOMAS, R. S. President Brownsville Savings Bank, r. w. Main cor. Thomas al.
Thomas & CO., grocers, cor. Jefferson and Depot
Thomas, L. A. mer. r. Lafayette
Ticket Office, General, 17 Depot
Troughton, WM. F. & CO., gas fitters, Lane block
Turner, L. L. attorney, r. Margin
Tucker, R. lab. r. Hatchie cor. Keycorner
Tcker, W. F. mason
Tyas, Thomas, farmer, Park av. 3 doors n. College
Tyas, J. D. clk. Park av. 3 doors n. College
Tyas, John, livery stable, r. cor. College and Jackson

U (No entries)
V (No entries)

WADE & CRUMP, mer. 15 a. Court
Wade, Henry (col'd) porter Exchange Hotel
Wade, C. W. r. Keycorner
Waggoner, W. W. clk. r. Lafayette cor. Washington
Waggoner, J. D., r. Lafayette cor. Washintgton
Waldron, R. P. lab. r. Hatchie nr. Main
Waldron, Mrs. L. wid. r. Hatchie nr. Main
Waldron, T. lab. r. Hatchie nr. Main
Waldron, T. lab. r. hatchie nr. Main
Wallace, W. E. clk. r. Jackson cor. Washington
Ware, John physician, Main 12 doors e. Jackson
Walker, Reuben, blacksmith, Jackson near Lafayette
WAMBLE, W. W. jailer, Jackson near Jefferson
Watson, W. N. painter, 2. Court
WATKINS, WM. S. physician, office Galt House
Watkins, S. R. physician, Hatchie 8 doors from Depot
WEBB, Dr. T. J. druggist, r. Exchange Hotel
Webber, Joe, cooper r. Margin
Wendell, J. P. msic teacher, r. Bradford av.
Werner, J. C. mec. r. Exchange Hotel
West, J. S. mec. r. Jefferson cor. Lafayette
Wetter, H. hardware, 16 w. Court
Worthington, J. K. clk. r. Washington cor. Hatchie
WESTBROOK, W. L. ed. Brownsville Bee, over Bond & Bro.
White, John (col'd) barber, r. Main nr. Hatchie
Whitney & Griffith, Photographers, 17 Depot
Whitney, F. photographer, r. 17 Depot
Williamson, J. L. Lawyer, r. Keycorner
Williams, M. (col'd) mec. r. cor. Lafayette and Washington
Williams, James (col'd) lab. r. e. Margin nr. e. Main
Willis, W. H. mec. r. R. R.
Willis, B. F. mec. r. R. R.
Wilson, R. T. clk. at J. H. Smith's, boards at Galt House
Willis, Alfred, (col'd) carpenter, r. College near Church
Wilson, Joe, planter, r. Keycorner nr. Thomas al.
WILSON, E. J. miller, near Hatchie
Wilder, J. A. mer. Washington 8 doors s. College
Wilder, J. B. farmer, r. Washington 5 doors s. College
Williams, M. (col'd) mec. r. cor. Lafayette and Washington
Williams, John (col'd) lab. r. e. Margin near e. Main
Williams, M. tel Operator, 2 Court sq.
Wilks, R. (col'd) farmer, r. Haywood 1 door e. Sherman
winston, C. (col'd) restaurant, n. Main near Court
WINSTON, P. B. mer. r. Washington near Cherry
Wingfield, J. L. ex-Mayor, r. Jefferson 1 door e. railroad
Woods, Jas. r. Margin cor. e. Main
Wood, Miller (col'd) laborer r. Margin
Wood, Pat. (col'd) laborer, r. College near Depot
Woods, Sydney (col'd) wagonmaker, College near Lafayette
Word, J. P. cotton buyer, r. Main 2 doors e. Jackson

X (No entries)
Yancey & wilder, dry goods, 38 Court square
Yancey, Phil. mer. r. n. Main
Yancey, A. F. clk. r. n. Main
Young, Frd. (Col'd) lab. r. n. Main
Young, Moses (col'd) lab. cook Exchange Hotel

Z (No entries)