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BLOUNT COUNTY, TN - OBITUARIES - Blount Co. TN Funeral Home Records
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NAME                                    BIRTH        DEATH        FATHER                           MOTHER                          BURIAL LOCATION 
Abbott, Robert Marlan                   5-4-1916     12-19-1973   Farial Abbott                    Bell Townsend                   Cedar Grove                                
Abdella, Mary Della                     6-14-1932    6-2-1988     Hugh Martin                      Hattie Jane Graves              Old Chilhowee                              
Adams, Annis                            7-25-1903    2-13-1983    James Houston Donaldson          Alice Bunns                     Logan's Chapel                             
Adams, Daniel Lawson                    4-16-1912    1-31-1985    Daniel Mervin Adams              Elizabeth Headrick              Bethel                                     
Adams, Joel P.                          8-17-1926    12-9-1996    Elmer Adams                      Hettie Myers                    Bethel                                     
Adams, Joel Wayne                       11-4-1961    7-25-1970    Joel P. Adams                    Mary Edith Burchfield           Bethel                                     
Adams, Jonas Daniel                     4-5-1877     5-19-1966    Louie Adams                      Sue Dunn                        Coker Hill Primitive Baptist               
Adams, Rebecca Irene                    11-1-1935    10-4-1976    William Carl Adams               Annie Donaldson                 Logan's Chapel                             
Adams, Ronald D.                        7-22-1945    6-6-1999     Lloyd Adams                      Susie Coleman                   Cremated                                   
Adams, Ronnie Daniel                    6-27-1964    1-6-1976     Joel P. Adams                    Mary Edith Burchfield           Bethel                                     
Adams, Thomas Clingman                  4-2-1922     1-29-2000    William D. Adams                 Ruby Fogus                      Caylor's Chapel                            
Adams, Thomas Lee                       12-6-1980    12-6-1980    Donald Adams                     Vickie L. Thomas                Bethel                                     
Adkins, Kenneth Darryl                  8-26-1961    4-13-1990    Louis Adkins                     Clara Carter                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Akins, Ricky Ross Jr.                   1-26-1960    4-9-1978     Ricky R. Akins Sr.               Betty Kelly                     Morganton Acres                            
Alexander, John Jr.                     1-2-1938     4-5-1981     John Alexander Sr.               Katheryn Fullwood               Maple Grove                                
Alexander, John Sr.                     7-18-1910    4-12-1985    Joseph Alexander                 Nora Penland                    Maple Grove                                
Allen, Christopher Sean                 12-18-1979   2-13-1980    Eric Lynn Craig                  Jessica Marie Allen             Cedar Lawn                                 
Allen, Ella Mae                         5-13-1921    10-8-1997    Arthur Hayes                     Ora Snyder                      Grandview                                  
Allen, Larry Kenneth                    6-14-1949    9-10-1993    J.D. Allen                       Ella Mae Hayes                  Keeble's Chapel                            
Allen, Nannie Lee                       Age 62       7-1-1977     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Cedar Lawn                                 
Allen, Winston Garfield                 1-6-1902     4-24-1975    James Allen                      Nettie Clayton                  Clark's Grove                              
Allison, Effie                          3-16-1919    11-14-1990   Luther H. Dale                   Hazel L.                        Clark's Grove                              
Allison, Michael Paul                   1-27-1970    8-31-1993    Luther Lee Allison               Margaret Conner                 Clark's Grove                              
Ambern, John Isaac                      8-22-1900    4-19-1977    Jim W. Ambern                    Rachel Goforth                  Salem Baptist                              
Amburn, Sharon Diane                    2-23-1962    2-16-1987    Kenneth Leroy King               Ann Gentry                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Ammons, Donnie Mae                      1-3-1899     2-14-1984    James W. Runyon                  Inga Cain                       Sherwood Memorial                          
Anderson, Thomas Edgar                  11-27-1922   1-30-1997    Thomas Abraham Anderson          Miriam Vowers Hodge             Cremated                                   
Anthony, Georgia Lee                    2-1-1946     10-22-2000   George Littleton                 Mary Irene Stafford             Old Kagley                                 
Arnold, Marjorie Louise                 5-28-1918    4-13-1994    William Marshall Sands           Gertrude Newberry               Grandview                                  
Arroyo, Christian Alexander             10-25-2000   2-8-2001     Armando Arroyo                   Jennifer Lowe                   Hillcrest                                  
Arwood, Jeff William                    3-13-1917    12-31-1970   Sam Arwood                       Mary O. Colquitt                Clark's Grove                              
Arwood, Lucille                         12-29-1923   9-2-1998     David Lewis Arwood               Geneva McCully                  Nelson's Chapel                            
Asbury, Raymond Jr.                     10-10-1923   8-19-1977    Raymond Asbury Sr.               Kelly George                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Ayner, Willette Elizabeth               6-5-1896     9-10-1976    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Cedar Lawn                                 
Back, Gary D.                           Not Listed   3-3-1964     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Not Listed                                 
Badgett, Charlie Burl                   10-19-1906   12-7-1989    Hiram Badgett                    Zizzie                          Sherwood Memorial                          
Badgett, Ernest                         5-27-1907    7-30-1983    Charles Badgett                  Nellie Wright                   Mt. Pleasant                               
Badgett, Leta Beatrice                  11-9-1908    5-2-1980     Charles Billingsley              Cora Forest                     Mt. Pleasant                               
Bailey, Adrian B.                       9-18-1920    9-9-1990     Dock L. Bailey                   Susie Hall                      Logan's Chapel                             
Bailey, Howard Leroy                    7-21-1943    9-18-1999    Emmitt Bailey                    Ruby Dossett                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Bailey, James Lynn                      1-9-1950     2-9-1994     Luther T. Bailey                 Lillian Badgett                 Clark's Grove                              
Bailey, Lon Edward                      3-19-1941    5-14-1975    Luther T. Bailey                 Lillian A. Badgett              Clark's Grove                              
Bailey, Luther Theodore                 9-22-1905    1-22-1978    Walter R. Bailey                 Nellie Bell                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Bailey, Virginia Katherine              1-6-1920     4-17-1996    Frank Bernard Brummette          Blanche Virginia Hackworth      Middlesettlements                          
Bailey, William Robert                  1-8-1922     3-8-1987     Matthew Ray Bailey               Lucy Bertschi                   Clark's Grove                              
Baker, Charles Benton                   2-24-1924    10-20-1989   James Andrew Baker               Lucinda McDonell                Pleasant Hill Methodist                    
Baker, David                            5-26-1966    5-26-1966    Ellis Baker                      Eliza North                     Bell Hill / Bell Co. KY                    
Baker, Earl Lee                         9-15-1920    5-22-1984    Lincoln Baker                    Betty Tillery                   Sherwood Memorial                          
Baker, Ellis Jr.                        7-20-1969    7-21-1969    Ellis Baker                      Eliza North                     Bell Hill / Bell Co. KY                    
Baker, Roy Columbus                     12-12-1914   3-15-1978    Lafayette Baker                  Elizabeth Henry                 Cedar Lawn                                 
Bales, Doris                            6-6-1933     11-16-1982   Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Bales, Grace Laverne                    1-27-1932    10-27-2000   Herman Johnson                   Hazel Curtis                    Laurel Bank                                
Bales, Isaac Paul                       3-21-1924    7-2-1993     Julius Edgar Bales               Emma Jane Russell               Laurel Bank                                
Bales, Julius Edgar                     4-24-1898    4-10-1975    Rufus Bales                      Mary Jones                      Old Piney Grove                            
Banks, Georgia Ann                      7-1-1941     12-27-1974   Henry Banks                      Pearline Robinson               Cedar Lawn                                 
Barfield, James William                 11-4-1943    8-12-1978    James P. Barfield                Dorothy B. Barnes               Carpenter's Campground                     
Barker, Harriett Stella                 6-26-1893    12-6-1971    James Davis                      Alice Melton                    Double Springs / McMinn Co. TN             
Barker, Margaret                        5-15-1884    11-7-1968    Jim Greene                       Christine Crowder               Old Piney Grove                            
Barlow, Emma Ruth                       9-18-1916    2-3-1988     Walter Hendrickson               Kate                            Cremated                                   
Barlow, William Henry Sr.               7-15-1911    11-18-1984   William Raymond Barlow           Ruby Frances Trainham           Cremated                                   
Barton, Charles Elbert                  Not Listed   3-15-1983    Not Listed                       Mille                           Sherwood Memorial                          
Baskin, Eloise                          6-24-1917    5-8-1978     Calvin Jamerson                  Viola                           Cedar Lawn                                 
Baskin, Jimmie                          2-14-1919    1-6-1984     Sampson Baskin                   Lula Bell Brazel                Cedar Lawn                                 
Bassett, William John                   1-25-1916    5-19-1993    William John Bassett             Queenie Eugenie Bashford        Cremated                                   
Baur, Phoebe Mary                       8-4-1913     2-1-1989     Myron Aldrich                    Maude Preston                   Cremated                                   
Beaman, Robert Clifton                  4-19-1908    6-6-1978     Robert Lee Beaman                Nora Helen King                 San Jacinto, TX                            
Beard, William Henry                    4-17-1932    8-3-2000     George Beard                     Not Listed                      Clark's Grove                              
Beasley, Allen Lee                      5-1-1912     10-10-1999   Hardy Elana Beasley              Martha Jane Boring              Ballard's Chapel                           
Beeler, Tina Estella                    11-22-1900   1-29-1981    John Williams                    Reida Rucker                    Axley's Chapel  / Loudon Co. TN            
Beeler, William Lytton                  7-15-1897    10-15-1983   Joseph Beeler                    Mary Wolfenbarger               Clark's Grove                              
Belcher, Della                          8-11-1886    1-14-1967    Jasper Tallent                   Eliza Jane                      Notchey Creek / Monroe Co. TN              
Belcher, Thomas Hume                    6-16-1880    9-7-1966     Alex Belcher                     Not Listed                      Notchey Creek/ Monroe Co. TN               
Bell, Howard Carl                       2-8-1913     3-17-1989    John Bell                        Eva Branum                      Ballard's Chapel                           
Beltz, Margaret Ann                     5-23-1930    11-21-1996   Frank Xavier Seibert             Hazel Della Lucas               Lebanon Baptist/ Jefferson Co. TN          
Bennett, Earl Truman                    1-11-1908    6-11-1974    William O. Bennett               Mary Lou Sutton                 Sherwood Memorial                          
Bennett, Gertrude S.                    9-19-1888    8-28-1986    Benjamin Stewart                 Annie Bonds                     Maple Grove                                
Bennett, Mary Lou                       2-25-1886    6-18-1967    A.A. Sutton                      Sarah Payne                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Bennett, Rose                           12-15-1913   9-24-2000    Rapha Garland                    Anna Nuchols                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Bennett, William Oscar                  8-18-1884    12-25-1967   Lucius Bennett                   Mary Ann Thomas                 Sherwood Memorial                          
Berlin, William E.                      8-17-1906    1-17-1970    Frank Berlin                     Anna Collins                    National / Nashville, TN                   
Best, Lee                               5-16-1900    10-7-1963    Walter Best                      Betty Swaney                    Hopewell Baptist                           
Billowitt, Betty                        2-21-1936    7-8-1995     Pat Earl Greene Sr.              Frances Fuller                  Clark's Grove                              
Birchfield, Infant Twins                5-25-1993    5-25-1993    Matthew Glenn Birchfield         Christy Cooper                  Dotson Memorial                            
Birchfield, Janey Mae                   2-15-1962    5-24-2000    Chandler Lands                   Pauline Burton                  Grandview                                  
Birchfield, Mae Kitty                   8-27-1891    4-23-1982    William Harris                   Susie P. Payne                  Clark's Grove                              
Birchfield, Roy Lee                     1-20-1951    8-8-1997     Walter T. Birchfield             Willie Mae Manis                Grandview                                  
Birchfield, Walter T.                   1-1-1927     12-16-1990   John Fred Birchfield             Mae Harris                      Grandview                                  
Bird, Robert Brian                      7-29-1959    2-16-1996    Keith Bird                       Frances Rollins Figgins         Cremated                                   
Birmingham, Callie Mae                  3-10-1907    12-14-1986   Eugene Henderson                 Adeline Reynolds                Sherwood Memorial                          
Black, Arthur Junior                    1-20-1924    4-28-1994    James Edmond Black               Sarah Stillwell                 East Maryville                             
Black, Craig Battiest                   10-31-1927   9-13-1983    John Black                       Frankie Pate                    Temple                                     
Black, Eugene William                   3-3-1923     9-1-1992     James Edmond Black               Sarah Stillwell                 East Maryville                             
Black, Joe                              8-19-1915    4-25-1975    Joseph Black                     Kate                            Louisville                                 
Blair, Betty C.                         2-25-1908    12-1-1980    Jack Blair                       Annie Henry                     Greenback                                  
Blair, Corey Eugene                     8-31-1985    6-4-1989     Kenneth Eugene Blair             Pamela Whitaker                 Grandview                                  
Blair, General Douglas                  4-19-1951    10-12-2000   Ray Blair                        Bertha Tyler                    Mt. View                                   
Blair, Helen Juanita                    6-1-1922     7-8-1975     James Marion Robinson            Rebecca Coulter                 Lutheran                                   
Blair, Martha                           6-23-1896    7-4-1973     James Dotson                     Mary Jane McKelvey              Citico  / Monroe Co. TN                    
Blair, Oarie H.                         3-29-1914    12-30-1998   Charles Blair                    Julie                           Clark's Grove                              
Blair, Ronald Phillip                   8-13-1947    5-1-2001     Ed Blair                         Verda Blair                     Grandview                                  
Blair, Sam Earl Sr.                     8-27-1903    11-5-1978    Abe Blair                        Linda                           Lutheran                                   
Blair, Samuel Edward                    2-17-1917    6-23-1981    Lon Blair                        Mollie Bussell                  Unitia                                     
Blair, Suezena Elizabeth                8-2-1913     11-26-1995   John Wilfong                     Stella Mae Bogle                Cedar Lawn                                 
Blankenship, James D.                   9-7-1937     12-6-1985    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Mt. View                                   
Blankenship, Phyllis Lucy               11-14-1931   1-29-1998    Lawrence Morgan                  Meretta Aliff                   Woodlawn Mem/ Bluewell, WV                 
Bledsoe, William Denver                 3-30-1930    4-22-1980    Lake Bledsoe                     Maggie Bowers                   Friend's Chapel                            
Blevins, Jimmy Wayne                    11-1-1968    4-17-1996    Richard Blevins Jr.              Gail Hope                       Oak View                                   
Blevins, Kenneth Ray                    3-18-1941    6-20-1973    Sedric Blevins                   Ethel Martin                    Old Piney Grove                            
Blevins, Marvin Kenneth                 4-2-1926     3-4-1996     Sedric Blevins                   Ethel Martin                    Chilhowee View                             
Blythe, Grady                           3-24-1900    10-24-1986   Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Bobo, David Ervin                       2-3-1929     3-7-1983     Walter Bobo                      Ruby Anderson                   Cedar Lawn                                 
Bogle, Frank                            1-4-1906     7-15-1990    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Boling, Danny Eugene                    2-4-1952     4-6-2001     William H. Boling                Avanell Hinshaw                 Grandview                                  
Boling, Mae Elizabeth                   12-2-1931    10-28-1986   John M. Lowe                     Thelma Morrison                 Clark's Grove                              
Bolinger, Fred Thomas                   7-9-1916     3-16-1989    Leonard Bolinger                 Loudica Nuchols                 Forest Hill                                
Bolinger, Fred Thomas Jr.               2-28-1938    9-19-1990    Fred T. Bolinger Sr.             Lola Virgina Fisher             Grandview                                  
Boone, Lena Mae Linda                   11-16-1930   10-24-1992   Albert Boone                     Martha McKinley                 Happy Valley                               
Booth, Richard Cloud                    7-22-1921    8-28-1995    George Booth                     Callie Chowning                 Richmond/ Richmond, KY                     
Borden, Charles R.                      3-11-1911    9-26-1990    Fate Borden                      Iva Crowder                     Miller's Cove                              
Borden, Iva                             5-15-1889    4-10-1967    Billy Crowder                    Sara Howard                     Cloyd's Creek                              
Borden, Lona Ann                        8-4-1909     9-29-1999    Andrew Parham                    Lula Garland                    West Miller's Cove                         
Borden, Sara                            1-22-1984    1-22-1984    Larry R. Borden                  Nancy Lawson                    Burch Chapel                               
Boring, Edward Hoyt                     4-1-1916     1-28-1992    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Grandview                                  
Boring, Evelyn Ruth                     5-8-1923     1-27-1989    Milford Burchett                 Rose                            Sherwood Memorial                          
Boring, James Arthur                    6-2-1911     6-17-1973    Henry Boring                     Rebecca Wilson                  Rocky Branch Bethel                        
Boring, John Henry                      5-8-1903     1-19-1993    John McClellan Boring            Margaret Cavin                  Mountain View                              
Boring, Ona Inez                        6-6-1921     4-8-1985     Chan McGaha                      Hattie Gunner                   Grandview                                  
Bork, Lucy Rose                         6-21-1926    7-23-1995    Leo Lelii                        Mary Richard                    Cremated                                   
Bork, Robert Lee                        5-23-1956    12-29-1987   Herman Joseph Bork               Lucy Lolii                      Cremated                                   
Boruff, Samuel K.                       12-31-1950   11-4-2000    Eskie Boruff                     Dessie Raby                     Grandview                                  
Bosch, Carl Von Den                     6-21-1941    3-16-1975    Carl C. Von Den Bosch            Slsie Marie Jackson             Sylman Abbey / Clearwater, FL              
Bostic, Albert Jacob                    12-22-1914   7-29-1967    Dan Bostic                       Alice Wilson                    Clark's Grove                              
Bostic, Ethel                           1-14-1909    3-2-1998     Preston Graves                   Minnie Calloway                 Clark's Grove                              
Botkin, Gene Franklin                   1-29-1918    5-14-1998    George F. Botkin                 Bernice Highlett                Cremated                                   
Bowers, Cheyenne Sky Ellen              3-7-1999     3-7-1999     David Allen Bowers               Beth Allen Raby                 Sherwood Memorial                          
Bowers, David Lee                       2-2-1949     6-17-1975    William A. Bowers                Louise Blair                    Memorial Baptist                           
Bowman, Joseph Herbert                  2-8-1956     8-7-1999     Troy Bowman                      Hazel Colbert                   Maple Grove                                
Bowman, Nina                            Not Listed   9-4-1993     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Not Listed                                 
Bowman, Robert Glenn                    7-17-1921    11-14-1996   George Tate                      Alice                           Cremated                                   
Bowman, Troy Whitaker                   6-29-1925    7-16-1994    Troy Beecher Bowman              Mary June Whitaker              Maple Grove                                
Bowser, William Gloss                   9-13-1923    5-17-1980    William O. Bowser                Hazel Gloss                     Forest Hill                                
Box, James Lester                       1-2-1940     4-21-1999    Robert Melvin Box                Bonnie Belcher Gourley          Cremated                                   
Boyd, Henry David                       3-29-1913    9-12-1988    Frank Boyd                       Estella Wheal                   Cedar Lawn                                 
Boyd, Henry Theron Jr.                  1-17-1907    2-15-1988    Henry Boyd                       Julia                           Wilder's Chapel                            
Boyd, Louis Benjamin Sr.                3-22-1910    9-18-1977    Frank Boyd                       Estella Wheat                   Cedar Lawn                                 
Boyd, Paul Henry                        11-6-1912    5-4-1984     Harry H. Boyd                    India Green                     Wilder's Chapel                            
Boykins, Willie S.                      4-9-1907     9-14-1984    Cato Henry Boykins               Phyllis Redick                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Bozzone, Jordyn Aleese                  6-16-1999    6-16-1999    John Michael Bozzone             Sherry Walker                   Rocky Branch                               
Brabson, Margaret Lois                  2-14-1910    6-28-1988    Hugh Henry Sr.                   Martha McAdoo                   Sherwood Memorial                          
Bradam, Granville Dexter                9-27-1919    4-24-1999    Sam Bradam                       Mardlin Mathis                  Chilhowee View                             
Bradburn, Arhur Eugene                  3-2-1927     6-22-1992    John Bradburn                    May Awilta Wilson               Clark's Grove                              
Bradburn, Bart                          5-2-1919     1-30-1993    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Laurel Bank                                
Bradburn, Tommy Lee                     11-24-1970   11-26-1970   Dewey Bradburn                   Mary Russell                    Mt. Zion                                   
Braden, Avery Ernest                    12-28-1898   1-1-1974     William Braden                   Sarah Coulter                   Forest Hill                                
Braden, Pauline                         12-23-1908   8-20-1970    Thomas L. Teffeteller            Nancy McDonell                  Forest Hill                                
Braden, Venus Conley                    9-14-1907    2-23-1971    William Braden                   Sarah Coulter                   Grandview                                  
Bradley, Ernest                         6-9-1915     1-1-1983     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Cedar Lawn                                 
Bradley, Mamie                          2-25-1889    2-13-1984    Reid Alexandendria               Margaret                        Cedar Lawn                                 
Bradley, Willie Mae                     10-9-1909    5-23-1992    Holland Rose                     Mandary Cable                   Cremated                                   
Bradson, Pearl                          7-4-1916     1-13-1988    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Pleasant View/ Sevier Co. TN               
Brantley, George Leon                   7-21-1904    12-6-1989    Joseph Henry Brantley            Irma Seals                      Clover Hill                                
Brantley, Marie Maeline                 9-8-1909     9-8-1984     John Gurezak                     Sophia Czwarter                 Clover Hill                                
Brantley, William Conley                4-5-1926     5-4-1999     Fred Brantley                    Gilly Ausmus                    Grandview                                  
Braxton, William                        5-4-1890     8-4-1987     Dick Braxton                     Pstore Thompson                 Cedar Lawn                                 
Breeden, Alvin J.                       5-28-1925    4-27-1990    Clarence Edward Breeden          Sarah Jane Oliver               Dotson Memorial                            
Breeden, Arville Lawrence               7-19-1919    2-18-1973    Louis Breeden                    Sarah Mantooth                  Grandview                                  
Breeden, Dorothy                        8-28-1929    10-5-1995    William Decatur Jenkins          Martha Shelton                  Not Listed                                 
Breeden, Earl Harding                   5-30-1921    11-10-1980   William Dave Breeden             Rosie Mae Johnson               Cedar                                      
Breeden, Fred Weeks                     1-14-1917    3-8-1992     Daniel Breeden                   Lendy Weeks                     Clark's Grove                              
Breeden, William Dave                   8-22-1888    4-17-1972    Loranzo Breeden                  Laney Davis                     Peck's Memorial                            
Brewer, Iva Marie                       3-25-1902    12-18-1965   Will Monroe                      Lula Hensley                    Burns                                      
Brewer, Lily Bell                       2-16-1917    12-11-1999   Daniel Thompson                  Litha Fletcher                  Forest Hill                                
Brewer, Ronald Jefferson                6-6-1966     9-23-1971    Ronald Brewer                    Not Listed                      Williamson Chapel                          
Bridge, William Lawrence                6-27-1953    5-28-1973    Matthew M. Bridge                Elizabeth B. Dearing            Woodlawn / Knox Co. TN                     
Bright, Rosie Lee                       3-19-1916    3-22-1981    Edward Bryant                    Bessie Henry                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Brockman, John Henry                    2-16-1892    5-19-1971    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Lynnhurst/ Knox Co. TN                     
Brockman, Mabel P.                      9-25-1894    6-6-1970     James R. Monroe                  Alice McDonald                  Lynnhurst/ Knox Co. TN                     
Brooks, Jeffery                         7-22-1963    10-14-1991   Lews Lynch                       Ann Watson                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Brooks, Mitchell                        Not Listed   8-21-1993    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Not Listed                                 
Brookshire, Dorothy                     10-27-1932   1-25-2000    Charles Mack Cloniger            Dorothy Headrick                Chilhowee View                             
Broughton, Meedous                      3-6-1886     11-28-1977   Samuel Broughton                 Mattie Carroll                  Mt. Zion                                   
Brown, Barbara Sue                      4-29-1937    2-17-1998    Joe Miller Watts                 Mamie Sue Culpepper             Maryville Baptist Tabernacle               
Brown, Beulah Belle                     10-31-1902   11-6-1984    Rev. Edward Henry Byrd           Lucy Anna Palmer                Cedar Lawn                                 
Brown, Dewey Ivan                       2-27-1914    7-18-1997    Ernest Brown                     Polly Ann Roberts               Sherwood Memorial                          
Brown, Elmer Roy                        5-12-1922    5-26-1980    Vaughn M. Brown                  Anna Mary Shell                 Sherwood Memorial                          
Brown, Fred Douglas Sr.                 1-26-1892    12-24-1986   Jeremiah Brown                   Nancy Brown                     Cedar Lawn                                 
Brown, Geraldine Henderson              4-4-1929     1-16-1991    Charlie Harrell                  Hattie Bennett                  Cedar Lawn                                 
Brown, Grace Arline                     7-16-1913    11-12-1977   Charles W. Adams                 Nellie G. Hickey                Forest Lawn/ Earlington, KY                
Brown, Harris Martin                    3-11-1899    8-3-1967     Harris M. Brown                  Clara Garner                    Old Gray / Knox Co. TN                     
Brown, Jessie                           8-31-1922    11-26-1996   John Henry Bradburn              Mae Wilson                      Clark's Grove                              
Brown, Jimmy Leon Sr.                   6-22-1950    7-10-1993    Cicero Brown                     Myerl Montrose Hurst            Old Nail's Creek                           
Brown, John Carie                       10-5-1908    10-8-1979    Charlie Brown                    Milta Burchfield                Sherwood Memorial                          
Brown, Margaret Elizabeth               8-11-1911    2-8-1996     William Houston Brown            Eudoshia Clark                  Union Grove Methodist                      
Brown, Marjorie                         5-12-1931    11-5-2000    Harvey Goforth                   Minnie Dunlap                   Sherwood Memorial                          
Brown, Mary Doris                       5-22-1928    1-11-1999    John William Jenny               Catherine Farley                Grandview                                  
Brown, Michael Scott                    5-30-1965    5-31-1965    Victor Brown                     Marie Holder                    Clark's Grove                              
Brown, Nora Ella                        4-22-1916    6-5-1983     John Brown                       Ella Thompson                   Forest Hill                                
Brown, Robert Lee                       2-12-1912    12-2-1975    Charlie Brown                    Not Listed                      Wilder's Chapel                            
Brown, Walter Cleo                      2-22-1912    2-19-1972    Ernest Brown                     Polly Roberts                   Forest Hill                                
Brumbalough, Charles Franklin           4-12-1881    2-7-1969     William Brumbalough              Martha                          Clark's Grove                              
Bryant, Clayton                         5-21-1926    2-12-1982    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Maple Grove                                
Bryant, John Wayne                      6-27-1953    6-5-1995     Wayne David Bryant               Anna Marie Jorden               Louisville                                 
Bryant, Leroy Cornelius                 7-7-1918     4-11-1983    Edward Bryant                    Bessie Henry                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Bryant, Line                            9-28-1866    2-26-1976    Ellie Buchanan                   Jenny Terry                     Cedar Lawn                                 
Bryant, Margaret Elizabeth              6-10-1920    1-5-1985     John Robert Jack                 Emma Davis                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Bryant, Phillip Ronald                  7-25-1960    7-20-1999    Doyle McDonald Bryant            Lona Campbell                   Cremated                                   
Buchanon, Clarence Junior               4-6-1946     9-1-1979     C.D. Buchanon                    Inez Parks                      Wilder's Chapel                            
Bunts, Walton Matthew                   8-21-1883    1-15-1972    John Matthew Bunts               Elizabeth Cornell               Holston Conference/ Emory, VA              
Burch, William                          1-8-1905     8-31-1985    John Burch                       Effie                           Cedar Lawn                                 
Burchfield, James Earl                  9-2-1901     9-22-1991    John Noah Burchfield             Vinnie LeQuire                  Bethel Baptist                             
Burchfield, James Roy                   6-27-1914    9-20-1999    George Burchfield                Gracie Mae Brown                Grandview                                  
Burchfield, Jesse                       3-3-1919     6-8-1983     James Robert Burchfield          Nancy Anne Fortner              Four Mile                                  
Burchfield, Willie Mae                  3-11-1927    11-16-1976   David Manis                      Janie Sims                      Grandview                                  
Burge, James Clifford                   5-5-1905     11-22-1975   Myles Burge                      Ola Jordan                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Burgess, Carl                           8-20-1895    3-16-1974    Zeb Burgess                      Mary Ann Braden                 Clark's Grove                              
Burkes, Baby Ruth                       2-1-1925     9-19-1983    John Black                       Frankie Pate                    Temple                                     
Burleson, Beve Everett                  11-27-1878   9-26-1967    John Burleson                    Phenalephy Williams             San Angle, TX                              
Burleson, Jerry                         3-19-1967    6-15-1967    Not Listed                       Marie Burleson                  Pleasant Grove                             
Burnette, Anna Mae                      9-5-1902     3-28-1992    Simeon M. Breeden                Pearl A. Breeden                Asbury / Knox Co. TN                       
Burris, Nellie Mae                      11-1-1947    3-27-1982    Alvin Teffeteller                Helen Jones                     Law's Chapel                               
Burris, Ruth Jones                      1-7-1890     11-18-1975   Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Cedar Lawn                                 
Butler, Esta                            3-9-1904     9-18-1997    John Rutherford                  Matilda West                    Pleasant Grove                             
Butler, Lawrence Mayford                12-30-1929   3-19-1994    David Carter Butler              Esta Rutherford                 Pleasant Grove                             
Butler, Otha Emerson                    3-13-1923    8-4-1980     I.E. Butler                      Lillie Garland                  Old Piney Grove                            
Butler, Willie                          11-30-1899   12-31-1977   Jeff Butler                      Willie Ann Davis                Cedar Lawn                                 
Buynak, George                          2-14-1915    2-22-1989    Victor Buynak                    Mary Almosy                     Calvary                                    
Byrd, Ada                               2-17-1878    1-1-1978     Bob Johnson                      Lizzie                          Lyncon  / Harrisbury, PA                   
Byrd, Lana Clara                        9-9-1942     7-27-1999    Arthur Girling                   Lrona Haft                      Cremated                                   
Byrd, Lee Oscar                         8-5-1887     3-1-1981     Spencer Byrd                     Elizabeth Thompson              Sherwood Memorial                          
Cabe, John Robert                       5-12-1919    4-20-1974    John Robert Cabe                 Pearl Massie                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Cable, Ray Jackson Sr.                  2-23-1914    10-9-1978    Charles Cable                    Essie M. Blankenship            Four Mile                                  
Cain, Michael Todd                      8-13-1966    2-4-1979     Robert C. Cain                   Priscilla Gates                 Pleasant Hill                              
Caldwell, James Donaldson               6-10-1900    1-21-1974    Albert G. Caldwell               Victoria Gillespie              Sherwood Memorial                          
Caldwell, Thurston Bethel               9-3-1913     12-10-1992   George W. Caldwell               Ruth Ammie Bain                 Clark's Grove                              
Calhoun, Beulah Grace                   2-4-1935     9-7-1996     Charles Arthur Hurst             Exie Cleo Hurst                 Sherwood Memorial                          
Campbell, Carroll Reece                 12-28-1921   1-2-1983     Frank Campbell                   Rosie Ward                      Happy Valley Mem/ Carter Co. TN            
Campbell, Diantha Lucille               4-25-1922    12-10-2000   Alex Dockery                     Bessie Lambert                  Liberty                                    
Campbell, Roy Byrd                      5-1-1928     10-13-1990   Lennis Campbell                  Edna Mae Webb                   Grandview                                  
Campbell, Ulis James                    7-17-1924    5-9-1971     J.E. Campbell                    Not Listed                      Old Piney Grove                            
Cannon, Beryl Howard                    10-26-1915   4-5-1981     Charles H. Cannon                Matilda Fortner                 Union Grove                                
Cannon, Iva Marie                       7-29-1916    10-4-1991    J.P. Johnson Sr.                 Margaret N. Whitehead           Union Grove Baptist                        
Cannon, Lucille                         3-2-1906     3-6-2000     R.E. Hall                        Mary Jane                       Zion's Chapel                              
Cardin, Bessie Jewel                    8-8-1912     11-22-1990   Charles Brumbalough              Paralee Whitaker                Cremated                                   
Carpenter, Beulah Ida                   12-5-1905    6-27-1996    George Huffstetler               Laura Giffin                    Body donated to UT of Memphis, TN          
Carpenter, James John                   8-8-1935     11-20-2000   James Carpenter                  Mary Riordan                    Calverton National/ Calverton, NY          
Carr, Elizabeth Ann                     8-8-1901     3-13-1981    Harrison Henry                   Margaret Burchfield             Maple Grove                                
Carr, George William                    4-22-1930    2-8-1989     George D. Carr                   Ruth Helen Wagner               Ft. Stuban Estates/ Cleveland, OH          
Carr, Sylvia Elizabeth                  6-27-1949    3-29-1984    Donald Carr                      Ruby McTonise                   Sherwood Memorial                          
Carroll, Bessie Lee                     1-5-1899     11-26-1979   John Lewis Parks                 Julie Ann Wright                East Maryville                             
Carson, Laura Jane                      9-5-1886     9-21-1968    William Drinnen                  Nancy Walls                     Grandview                                  
Carson, Lucina Lois                     6-15-1975    6-15-1975    Fred Carson                      Doris Parks                     Cedar Lawn                                 
Carter, James Hall                      9-25-1926    4-11-1990    Harvey Carter                    Vinie Bumgardner                Clark's Grove                              
Carter, Lilie Mae                       6-1-1912     7-30-1991    Ike Flagan                       Emma Hughes                     Cedar Lawn                                 
Carter, Thomas William                  3-9-1931     10-6-1981    John Carter                      Estell Williams                 Forest Hill/ Lynchburg, VA                 
Carver, Mary Vesta                      3-20-1922    10-31-1997   James Amos Kelso                 Sarah Cobb                      Mt. Zion                                   
Carver, Mildred                         12-15-1920   1-28-1994    Lonnie Clarence Turnage          Laura Beatrice Mason            Sherwood Memorial                          
Carver, Paul H.                         9-27-1914    11-21-1988   John Carver                      Fanny Russell                   Mt. Zion                                   
Casey, Fred Sr.                         9-5-1928     2-25-1997    Walt Casey                       Flo Phillips                    Louisville                                 
Cash, Eusher Jr.                        10-15-1947   5-15-1982    Eusher Cash Sr.                  Christine Parks                 Sherwood Memorial                          
Casto, Nellie Jane                      8-18-1922    12-16-1976   Jim Martin                       Josie Everett                   Old Piney Grove                            
Caylor, James Marion                    8-29-1892    2-26-1975    Daniel Caylor                    LeAnna Brickey                  Bethel                                     
Chambers, Charlie Elmer                 5-20-1898    7-4-1981     Mose Edward Chambers             Annie Haney                     Kagley's Chapel                            
Chambers, Dora Amanda                   3-16-1884    2-3-1968     Taylor Shachelford               Eliza Taylor                    Forest Hill                                
Chambers, Emma                          10-12-1884   11-13-1964   W.H. Chambers                    Ann Taylor                      Forest Hill                                
Chambers, Judy Ann                      8-21-1945    1-24-1968    Charlie Chambers                 Gaynell Miles                   New Providence                             
Chambers, Thomas Darrell                9-3-1942     6-5-1974     Charles E. Chambers              Gaynell Miles                   New Providence                             
Chapman, Elmer J.                       5-29-1912    1-4-1978     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Lotz Funeral Home of Roanoke, VA           
Chapman, Nettie                         3-7-1916     3-18-1965    Edgar Cook                       Maggie Cope                     Liberty Christian                          
Chapman, Robert Johnson                 1-6-1901     1-21-1970    Jake Chapman                     Ann Blevins                     Libert Christian                           
Choat, Robert Lee                       11-26-1904   4-13-1971    Dave Choat                       Edith Walker                    New Providence Primitive Baptist           
Christenberry, Albert Elvin             11-21-1928   12-19-1981   Quincy Lee Christenberry         Eva Barfield                    Antioch/ Fyffe, AL                         
Christon, Sadie Elizabeth               11-30-1895   3-12-1978    George Williams                  Ella                            Cedar Lawn                                 
Christopher, Cheri Renee                10-12-1979   10-12-1979   Charles Ronald Christopher       Linda Louise Stapleton          Keeble's Chapel                            
Christopher, John Nelson                12-31-1909   8-21-1985    John R. Christopher              Mary Jane Patty                 Clark's Grove                              
Christopher, Mamie                      7-4-1908     7-18-1985    Tom Whitehead                    Mary Everett                    Clark's Grove                              
Clark, Althea Beatrice                  6-13-1929    7-24-1999    Alvin Gourley                    Nellie                          Mountain View                              
Clark, Bronce Lee                       6-22-1906    12-13-1970   Joe Clark                        Maggie Hutchens                 Laurel Bank                                
Clark, George Willis                    2-19-1891    6-13-1970    James E. Clark                   Mary L. McKmeiley               Holston View/ Knox Co. TN                  
Clark, Henry Albert                     11-25-1920   3-28-1981    Willie Clark                     Gladys Garland                  Maple Grove                                
Clark, Sallie                           9-8-1899     4-20-1974    H.H. Gourley                     Lou Smith                       Boone                                      
Cleland, John Scott                     2-27-1952    11-9-1996    John Wilson Cleland              Reina Sabel                     Cremated                                   
Click, Timothy Paul                     1-20-1972    9-12-1996    Carl Mayford Click               Linda Holbert Freeman           Sherwood Memorial                          
Cloud, Mary Louise                      9-23-1932    1-5-1983     Sam Manis                        Jane Loveday                    Grandview                                  
Clouse, Melissa Leanna                  5-14-1979    1-4-1999     Gary Clouse                      Sarah Vest England              Sherwood Memorial                          
Coada, Steven Leon                      12-8-1956    11-3-1999    Leon Coada                       Evelyn Teffeteller              East Maryville                             
Cobb, Evelyn                            11-22-1904   5-18-1979    Will Lenoir                      Lizzie                          Cedar Lawn                                 
Cobb, Gastin C.                         1-18-1904    1-7-1978     Tommy Cobb                       Louise                          Cedar Lawn                                 
Cobb, Sharon Lynn                       10-15-1966   4-9-1982     Don A. Cobb                      Mary Scott Jackson              Cedar Lawn                                 
Cochran, Luther W.                      6-6-1896     7-14-1968    Alex Cochran                     Amanda                          Ervin Hill/ Gordon Co. GA                  
Coffey, Hazel Pauline                   10-6-1909    6-23-1996    Hugh McCarter                    Frances Chase                   Louisville                                 
Coker, Luther James                     7-16-1903    10-26-1972   Robert D. Coker                  Jeannie Sciber                  Rocky Hill/ Knox Co. TN                    
Collins, Elizabeth Lee                  2-20-1957    1-17-1998    Henry Hoyt Collins               Glada Lucille Billings          Sherwood Memorial                          
Collins, Freeman Alan                   10-19-1955   2-3-2000     Henry Hoyt Collins               Glada Lucille Billings          Sherwood Memorial                          
Collins, Glada Lucille                  3-20-1936    6-9-2000     Freeman Billings                 Maggie Baker                    Grandview                                  
Collins, Nora Lee                       9-9-1910     6-17-1995    George Turner                    Willard McGhee                  Zebulon Baptist/ Toccoa, GA                
Collins, Rosie Lee                      12-25-1875   9-26-1983    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Mt. Pleasant                               
Colombo, Anthony Joseph                 2-26-1922    5-14-1996    Frank Colombo                    Mary Colombo                    Body donated to UT of Memphis, TN          
Colquitt, Emmett Huffine                5-3-1902     5-21-1975    Sam Colquitt                     Mary S. Thompson                West View/ Monroe Co. TN                   
Comas, Susie Ellen                      11-22-1909   6-4-1987     Luther Roper                     Flonnie Mahan                   Cedar Lawn                                 
Compton, Elsie Ellen                    2-23-1887    7-16-1974    Buddy Carmon                     Martha Ann Fry                  Keeble's Chapel                            
Compton, Jepthay Culverson              7-13-1883    8-29-1967    Charles Compton                  Mary Louise Walker              Keeble's Chapel                            
Conley, Robert Wheeler                  6-9-1920     1-9-1977     Wheeler Conley                   Minnie Matthews                 National/ Nashville, TN                    
Conner, Edna Mae                        5-28-1926    12-24-1993   James Stewart Williams           Hettie Dixon                    Oak View                                   
Conner, Esta Lee                        10-5-1923    9-21-2000    William Galyon                   Nancy Johnson                   Pleasant Grove                             
Conner, Geneva                          3-7-1939     9-2-2000     Charles Ayers                    Reba Humphrey                   Keeble's Chapel                            
Conner, Wilburn Pinkney                 12-27-1899   6-17-1973    James B. Conner                  Kansas Dill                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Conners, Robert Eugene                  12-11-1905   5-27-1985    John Conners                     Edith Cleghorn                  Park Hill/ Bloomington, IL                 
Conte, Dominick                         8-23-1903    6-23-1995    Pasquale Conte                   Maria Lavorgna                  St. Lawrence/ West Haven, CT               
Conte, Jennie                           6-25-1908    6-8-1989     Pasquale D'Angelo                Camille Patero                  St. Lawrence/ West Haven, CT               
Cook, Annabell                          Not Listed   12-6-1984    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Not Listed                                 
Cook, Jessica Marie                     8-19-1981    8-23-1981    Jerry Franklin Cook              Jeanette Burchfield             Union Grove                                
Cook, R.B.                              3-6-1922     8-21-1998    Sam J. Cook                      Annie Brewster                  Marble Hill                                
Cooley, Raymond Ray                     3-11-1909    8-1-1970     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Dotson Memorial                            
Cooper, Gaith                           11-4-1889    2-1-1981     John Cooper                      Frances Buchanan                Peck's Chapel                              
Cooper, Gary Newton                     8-4-1960     7-19-1984    John Cooper                      Lexie Holder                    Peck's Chapel                              
Cooper, Margaret                        12-4-1900    11-24-1982   John Wilburn                     Nancy Ann Cowden                Peck's Chapel                              
Cooper, Mattie Ingram                   Age 68       10-30-1989   Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Union Baptist/ Sparta, GA                  
Cooper, Minnie Belle                    8-4-1910     1-27-1996    Sam Houston Ogle                 Nancy Jane Fagg                 Grandview                                  
Cope, Sharon Lea                        7-29-1965    7-29-1965    Paul E. Cope                     Catherine McCarter              Bethel                                     
Coppenger, Bessie L.                    9-8-1905     2-1-1985     Tom Saunders                     Arkie Cagle                     Grandview                                  
Coppenger, Bill                         8-13-1925    2-21-1988    Higg Coppenger                   Della Castell                   Forest Hill                                
Coppenger, Della Mae                    12-11-1888   2-27-1973    James Bastell                    Polly Ann Hicks                 Tellico Plains/ Monroe Co. TN              
Coppenger, Roysten Percy                6-29-1903    5-25-1969    Higt Coppenger                   Betty Whitehead                 Grandview                                  
Coppenger, Savannah Sue                 4-5-1926     2-23-1998    Arthur Blair                     Martha Dotson                   Forest Hill                                
Coppinger, Scott Patrick                11-17-1969   11-23-1969   Bill Coppinger                   Sue Blair                       Forest Hill                                
Correll, Clarence Marvin                12-30-1932   8-8-1994     Joe Thomas Correll               Nancy Tipton                    Boone                                      
Correll, Georgia Frances                1-21-1923    9-28-1967    James D. Garland                 Vannie R. Cooper                Chilhowee Primitive Baptist                
Cospy, Fannie Loutippi                  8-30-1936    11-1-1993    Joshua Riley Conner              Annis Blair                     Craig's Chapel/ Loudon Co. TN              
Costner, James Walker                   8-17-1921    6-10-1979    Dave Costner                     Martha Marine                   Ballard's Chapel                           
Costner, Martha Estella                 8-30-1900    5-16-1979    John Marine                      Sara Burkette                   Ballard's Chapel                           
Cotner, Jessie Geneva                   9-20-1892    4-24-1989    John Thompson                    Emma Watson                     Maple Grove                                
Cotner, Joseph Franklin                 11-4-1919    9-5-1982     William J. Cotner                Jessie Thompson                 Sherwood Memorial                          
Cotner, Walter Eugene Jr.               3-9-1966     1-1-1991     Walter E. Cotner Sr.             Gracie Lucille Brooks           Sherwood Memorial                          
Cotner, William Abraham                 12-28-1915   12-26-1974   W.J. Cotner                      Jessie G. Thompson              Maple Grove                                
Coulter, Herman A.                      3-25-1928    8-13-1993    Herman Andrew Coulter            Johnnie Hutsell                 Piney Level                                
Coulter, Lula B.                        8-18-1912    1-31-1999    George Hutsell                   Mary Russell                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Coulter, Sarah Ann                      3-20-1900    2-8-1989     Mont Williams                    Polly                           Piney Level                                
Covington, Catherine                    7-5-1964     7-6-1964     Herman D. Covington              Clearbell Thompson              Sherwood Memorial                          
Covington, Cynthia                      7-5-1964     7-6-1964     Herman D. Covington              Clearbell Thompson              Sherwood Memorial                          
Covington, Louie J.                     7-19-1909    6-13-1986    James G. Covington               Bertha Cabe                     Stock Creek/ Knox Co. TN                   
Cowan, Arlie Louise                     10-23-1930   11-3-1991    Jim Blain McKee                  Maggie Summey                   Cowan                                      
Cowan, Bessie                           8-14-1893    5-6-1982     Elbert Prater                    Millie Henley                   Cedar Lawn                                 
Cowan, James Earl                       11-16-1950   6-2-1971     Lee R. Cowan                     Arlie McKee                     Cold Springs                               
Cowan, Lee Raymond Jr.                  12-21-1948   1-16-1997    Lee Raymond Cowan Sr.            Arlie McKee                     Cremated                                   
Cowan, Lee Raymond Sr.                  10-20-1916   8-8-1982     Earl Cowan                       Embell Bales                    Cowan                                      
Cowan, Priscilla                        1-1-1892     2-9-1979     Frank Robinson                   Eliza Homes                     Cedar Lawn                                 
Cowden, Edith June                      10-19-1936   3-6-1977     Jack Cowden                      Hazel Russell                   Piney Level                                
Cowden, Jack                            5-26-1908    8-5-1987     Jim Cowden                       Rebecca Ann Teffeteller         Old Piney Grove                            
Cowden, James William                   12-22-1934   3-15-2000    Jack Cowden                      Hazel Russell                   Piney Level                                
Cowden, Josie B.                        8-9-1890     7-10-1973    John Bryant                      Maude Lane                      Piney Level                                
Cowden, Ollie                           4-6-1907     12-16-1973   Sam Merritt                      Della Lawson                    Oakland                                    
Cox, Betty                              3-16-1931    11-20-1976   J. Robert McKenny                Betty Turner                    Pleasant View/ Sevier Co. TN               
Cox, Gilbert Bate                       8-28-1892    9-5-1979     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Hackney                                    
Cox, Jesse Owens                        4-7-1937     11-25-1977   Gilbert Cox                      Hertie E. Pate                  Unitia                                     
Cox, Paul P.                            7-22-1904    10-12-1989   Alexander Cox                    Lizzie Cooper                   Louisville                                 
Coxwell, Nellie Carolyn                 9-5-1933     6-3-1997     Roy Wilson                       Ica Morton                      Carpenter's Camprground                    
Craig, Dale Albert                      9-3-1976     5-1-1989     Albert F. Craig                  Denita Goddard                  Rosewood Mem/ Virginia Beach, VA           
Craig, Janie Neely                      1-12-1909    3-14-1987    Joseph Craig                     Harriett                        Salem                                      
Craig, Lee Ora                          6-1-1923     10-8-1999    Joe Craig                        Harriett                        Salem Baptist                              
Crisp, John Phillip                     Not Listed   6-22-1971    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Yellow Creek/ Graham Co. NC                
Crisp, Pendland Greensberry             2-28-1877    5-19-1964    Harvey Crisp                     Tinnie Paine                    Clover Hill                                
Crisp, Robert Charles                   5-16-1913    3-1-1999     John Crisp                       Ellen Deal                      Four Mile                                  
Crisp, Sidney Jerome                    11-21-1894   2-25-1977    Rufus Crisp                      Margaret J. Key                 Friendsville                               
Crisp, Violet Mary                      7-27-1881    4-10-1969    G.W. Crisp                       Lucinda                         Clover Hill                                
Crittenden, Kathleen                    11-17-1905   10-30-1999   Henry Nichols Beard              Anna Bruce Williams             Cremated                                   
Cross, Emmett Wade                      11-9-1919    2-2-1984     Emmett Cross                     Florence Taylor                 Clark's Grove                              
Cross, Toy                              7-9-1905     9-23-1992    Abb Cross                        Sarah Masingale                 Roselawn Mem./ Johnson City, TN            
Cumming, Pearl                          10-15-1903   4-22-1997    Henry Rouch                      Mariann Glentz                  Clark's Grove                              
Cummings, Larry Allen                   1-12-1973    1-12-1973    Jack Bookout                     Wanda Cummings                  Mt. Vernon/ Monroe Co. TN                  
Cunningham, Gertrude Aderline           1-24-1925    12-18-1999   William A. White                 Mary Robinson                   Cremated                                   
Cunningham, Timothy Douglas             6-20-1964    10-30-1987   Robert Cunningham                Delta Pendley                   Grandview                                  
Cupp, Dorothy Jean                      5-15-1929    6-14-1974    Millard Cupp                     Austria Bright                  Pleasant Hill Methodist                    
Curry, Lee                              5-31-1924    8-30-1993    Dauw Curry                       Martha Gumm                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Curtis, Terry Lee                       12-29-1952   7-15-1978    Doc Curtis                       Rose Lee Johnson                Cedar Lawn                                 
Cutshaw, John Echard                    8-22-1905    2-1-1999     John P. Cutshaw                  Margaret Clark                  Grandview                                  
Dailey, Genevieve Pirtsck               9-24-1934    9-12-1997    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Cremated                                   
Dailey, Glenn Allen                     7-14-1950    11-28-1992   James William Dailey             Norma Johnson                   Clark's Grove                              
Dailey, Laurence Joseph                 12-21-1910   4-25-1985    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Cremated                                   
Daly, Vincent Patrick Jr.               10-1-1956    8-10-2000    Vincent Patrick Daly Sr.         Pearl Schelling                 Macedonia                                  
Davis, Audrey                           1-27-1908    3-20-1993    Jacob Walter Morton              Martha Simerly                  Grandview                                  
Davis, Charles Henry                    8-9-1925     12-18-2000   Charles Robert Davis             Ruby Webb                       Grandview                                  
Davis, Charles James                    5-6-1948     4-20-1994    Charles Henry Davis              Wanda Harbert                   Grandview                                  
Davis, Clifford Doyle                   5-2-1956     5-10-1979    Willard C. Davis                 Marjorie Lowe                   Cold Springs                               
Davis, Ennis Jr.                        6-28-1962    3-4-1984     Ennis Davis Sr.                  Janis Wilker                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Davis, Frank Homer                      9-6-1911     11-7-1979    John Robert Davis                Alice McAlister                 Pleasant Hill/ Fannin Co. GA               
Davis, Howard Reed                      3-10-1927    4-28-1996    Jim Davis                        Mae Nichols                     Calderwood                                 
Davis, Mary Helen                       7-18-1903    5-5-1988     Alford Davis                     Minnie Means                    Wilder's Chapel                            
Davis, Max Maurice                      8-30-1939    4-11-1975    Jack Davis                       Belle Boling                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Davis, Robert Boyd                      4-22-1926    3-17-1983    John Davis                       Sedalia Boyd                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Davis, Sedalia                          7-27-1898    11-5-1980    Robert P. Boyd                   Johnnie Wilson                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Dean, Arvesta                           7-18-1913    12-16-1982   Warren Dean                      Alice Toliver                   Middlesettlements                          
Dean, Earnie Mae                        1-21-1923    5-19-1983    William Whitman                  Julia Tolbert                   Cedar Lawn                                 
Dean, Frank Aluminum                    10-12-1940   1-27-1988    Warren Dean                      Rosa Bean                       Cedar Lawn                                 
Dean, Juanita                           9-8-1932     7-5-1988     Warren Dean                      Rosa Bean                       Cedar Lawn                                 
Dean, Will Tate                         10-14-1897   2-23-1978    Ausborn Dean                     Ella White                      Cedar Lawn                                 
DeCroix, Dolores                        6-29-1923    4-9-1997     Harry David Warren               Elizabeth Cratty                Cremated                                   
Deeg, Maria Suzanna                     12-6-1906    11-29-1998   Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Cremated                                   
Deeg, Max Alfred                        9-20-1916    4-23-2000    Johann Erhard Deeg               Johanna Berta Geupel            Cremated                                   
DeHart, James William                   8-28-1927    9-29-1985    James Wiley DeHart               Odetha Jackson                  Sherwood Memorial                          
DeHart, Odetha                          2-5-1905     4-30-1986    John Jackson                     Not Listed                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Derryberry, Verna Lee                   1-14-1906    9-1-1974     Murry Alphin                     Maude Halman                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Deveau, Roger H.                        1-5-1931     6-16-2000    Thomas Deveau                    Olive LeBlanc                   Quantico National/ Triangle, VA            
Dickerson, James                        4-23-1919    3-3-1997     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Laurel Bank                                
Dickey, Carrie H.                       7-15-1922    3-13-1990    Charlie Hodson                   Mattie Taylor                   Sherwood Memorial                          
Dickey, Harry Emory                     3-5-1881     1-31-1981    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Maple Grove                                
Diel, Elizabeth                         7-26-1916    5-8-1998     Lee Hagopian                     Emme Greene                     Green Ridge/ Kenosha, WI                   
Dillinger, William                      5-18-1913    6-20-1970    Jake Dillinger                   Sally Romines                   Talbert/ Jefferson Co. TN                  
Dills, Darnelle                         8-15-1955    8-31-1984    Roy Ray Herron                   Betty Jo McMahan                Morganton Acres                            
Dills, Lee Roy                          6-28-1933    12-23-1974   Lloyd Dills                      Annie Barner                    Greenwood/ Knox Co. TN                     
Dills, Wanda Faye Noah                  10-31-1944   4-7-1999     Flavous Whitehead                Easter Morrison Lawson          Holston College                            
Dixon, David Carl Sr.                   2-23-1927    7-31-1983    Henry C. Dixon                   Beadie Owenby                   Prospect                                   
Dixon, James Odis                       8-1-1911     2-17-1972    William Tony Dixon               Mollie E. Patty                 Dotson Memorial                            
Dobson, Henry Otha Jr.                  5-1-1932     3-6-1986     Henry O. Dobson Sr.              Jodie Carter                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Dobson, Henry Otha Sr.                  7-21-1910    5-23-1985    Alfred Dobson                    Sallie Henly                    Craig's Chapel/ Loudon Co. TN              
Dobson, James Garfield                  10-12-1930   12-13-1986   Louis Dobson Sr.                 Juanita Kerr                    Los Angeles, CA                            
Dobson, Lois Eugina                     2-6-1927     2-11-1978    Garnett Carthern                 Virginia S. Henry               Cedar Lawn                                 
Dobson, Paul Alfred                     1-12-1943    4-22-1989    Henry Otha Dodson                Jodie Ethel Carter              Sherwood Memorial                          
Dobyns, Dottie                          12-11-1933   3-18-1984    Robert H. Kendall                Delia Myers                     Grandview                                  
Dodd, Clarence Taylor                   5-5-1906     1-4-1997     Roscoe Dodd                      Nannie Russell                  Liberty Baptist                            
Donalson, Mollie                        5-25-1953    11-4-1999    Earl Campbell                    Maggie Reese Eason              Cremated                                   
Dorman, Edith Ann                       3-15-1955    12-16-1985   Kenneth Andrew McVey             Lillian Sadler                  Spring Hill/ Shoals, TN                    
Dorsey, Warren Ottis                    4-27-1923    2-21-2001    Andy Dorsey                      Addie Stinnett                  Grandview                                  
Dotson, Douglas Carver                  3-28-1930    8-25-1988    Not Listed                       Maggie Tucker                   Mt. Zion                                   
Douglas, Mary                           12-9-1921    6-30-1996    Alvie Manuel                     Ida Belle Tuck                  Kodak/ Sevier Co. TN                       
Dover, Carolyn                          4-2-1950     11-10-2000   Arlie Thomas Gardner             Leona Breeden                   Zion's Chapel                              
Downer, Hazel                           1-7-1914     4-5-2000     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Unitia                                     
Downer, Jessie Victor                   2-23-1918    9-22-1994    William Simpson Downer           Edna Downing                    Unitia                                     
Downey, Cara Bradford                   7-13-1883    5-30-1975    George Downey                    Virginia Kidd                   Liberty Baptist                            
Downey, Jo Anna                         10-9-1917    1-15-1973    Cara B. Downey                   Laura Bryant                    Liberty Baptist                            
Dozier, Mary Frances                    1-11-1883    3-23-1972    Hugh P. Martin                   Mary Alice Goodin               Yeager/ Barbourville, KY                   
Drake, Jerry Ray                        11-19-1942   2-5-1997     James T. Drake                   Bonnie Sissum                   Louisville                                 
Drew, Anita Louise                      10-18-1954   7-31-1975    W.E. Drew                        Margaret Stone                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Drew, Kianda                            6-1-1976     6-4-1976     William Craig Drew               Margaret Henry                  Maple Grove                                
Driscol, Thomas                         9-13-1919    2-1-1992     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Cremated                                   
Drummond, Roxie Ellen                   8-17-1882    2-28-1966    Henry Hunter                     Mary Allen                      Myers/ Tazewell, TN                        
Dunlap, Annie                           12-17-1875   10-1-1964    W. Thompson                      Ely Frances Byrd                Forest Hill                                
Dunlap, James Virgil                    7-30-1907    12-5-1993    Gus Dunlap                       Fan Crisp                       Friends                                    
Dunlap, Joseph William                  7-17-1892    10-30-1979   William Martin Dunlap            Minnie A. Vineyard              Grandview                                  
Dunlap, Martha Loraine                  4-13-1923    12-10-1993   Henry Hackler                    Early Belle Brady Webb          Friends                                    
Dunlap, Marvin                          7-9-1950     3-14-1997    Eugene Dunlap                    Marjorie Law                    Prospect                                   
Dunlap, Robert                          5-19-1919    3-26-1979    Gus Robert Dunlap                Fannie L. Crisp                 Unitia                                     
Dunlapp, Dora Ester                     6-22-1899    10-29-1972   Lee Andrew Dills                 Etta Davis                      Piney Level                                
Dunlapp, Jaala Clown                    4-12-1898    4-5-1973     Hiram Dunlapp                    Elizabeth Stillwell             Piney Level                                
Durchsprung, George                     Age 75       1-18-1996    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Not Listed                                 
Dyer, Christine                         2-17-1917    4-14-1998    Arthur Coulter                   Sarah Ann Williams              Rocky Branch Bethel                        
Dyer, Jimmy Doyle                       1-15-1937    11-15-1996   Robert Lee Dyer                  Cecile Booker                   East Maryville                             
Dyer, Myrtle                            10-20-1911   10-18-1975   P.G. Crisp                       Violet                          Clover Hill                                
Dyer, Woodrow Kenneth                   3-16-1921    6-14-1989    John Dyer                        Viola Morton                    Centennial                                 
Earle, David Michael Jr.                1-28-1976    1-29-1976    David M. Earle Sr.               Paula Charlene Dean             Toqua Baptist/ Monroe Co. TN               
Earsley, Patricia                       8-12-1933    10-7-2000    John Kingry                      Monita Edwards                  TN Veteran/ Knox Co. TN                    
Eastland, Charles Ray                   Not Listed   2-16-1994    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Not Listed                                 
Eastridge, Joy LeAnne                   7-5-1972     10-1-2000    Earl David Breeden               Kinda Henderson                 Sherwood Memorial                          
Eaton, Margie Gerline                   6-28-1928    3-1-1994     Okey Williams                    Lillian Carpenter               Clark's Grove                              
Eaton, Willis Ben                       2-12-1912    9-30-1975    George W. Eaton                  Ida J. Sanders                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Echols, John C.                         12-2-1900    12-27-1975   John Echols                      Mary Thomas                     Cedar Lawn                                 
Edens, Annie Bell                       5-22-1911    3-5-1977     Joseph Ammons                    Charlsie Tucker                 Clark's Grove                              
Edington, Wayne Leroy Sr.               11-28-1924   2-9-2000     Everett A. Edington              Willie Gibson                   Stock Creek/ Knox Co. TN                   
Edmonds, Kenneth Sherman Sr.            6-1-1924     6-20-1999    Fredrick Sherman Edmonds         Glenna Alma Miller              Cremated                                   
Edmondson, Elzie Leona                  10-14-1912   4-18-1980    A.M. Price                       Gussie Willocks                 Rural Vale/ Monroe Co. TN                  
Edmondson, John Wesley                  9-21-1891    7-18-1970    George W. Edmondson              Polly S. McCormack              Rural Vale/ Monroe Co. TN                  
Edmondson, Mary Martha Marie            12-7-1898    1-5-1974     Clemen Calyburn Moody            Mary Ellen Wilson               Grandview                                  
Edwards, Carolyn Blanche                1-28-1941    1-28-2000    Lawrence Miller                  Billie Smith                    Mt. Olive/ Knox Co. TN                     
Edwards, David Clinton                  4-11-1916    3-8-2000     Henry Edmonds/Edwards            Tiny Haynes                     TN Veteran/ Knox Co. TN                    
Effler, Billie                          8-26-1944    4-18-1998    Lester Partin                    Ruby Stoop                      Clark's Grove                              
Effler, Dewey Osburn                    12-17-1923   9-19-1991    Jerry Osburn Effler              Della Ledbetter                 Law's Chapel                               
Effler, Earl Dean                       10-23-1939   2-20-1993    William Effler                   Iva Lee Gregory                 Stock Creek/ Knox Co. TN                   
Ellington, Bertha Elizabeth             10-13-1913   12-25-1997   Isaac Call                       Fannie                          Anniston Mem./ Anniston, AL                
Ellison, Bennie Joe Sr.                 9-2-1938     7-21-2000    John Ellison                     Louise Bolden                   Clark's Grove                              
Elmore, Thula Mae                       12-14-1910   11-16-1997   Bert Duncan                      Sally Kerr                      New Market/ Jefferson City, TN             
Elsberry, Beatrice Walker               2-18-1905    12-13-1981   William L. Baker                 Lizabeth Henry                  Louisville                                 
Emert, William Drew                     11-25-1919   3-23-1986    West Emert                       Blanche Everhart                Sherwood Memorial                          
England, Cynthia Dianne                 1-1-1967     4-14-1968    Melvin England                   Mary Chris Cooper               Cedar Point                                
England, Harvey Ray Jr.                 6-11-1967    6-11-1967    Harvey England                   Faye Vance                      Not Listed                                 
England, Tommy James                    1-2-1968     1-6-1968     Melvin England                   Mary Chris Cooper               Cedar Point                                
Ensley, Sarah Angiette                  10-20-1947   5-26-1996    William Cox                      Virgie Lee                      Louisville                                 
Ervin, Claude Franklin                  7-12-1935    2-24-1984    Frank Thomas Ervin               Jessie  Lena Thomas             Cedar Lawn                                 
Evans, Fred A.                          7-8-1920     2-11-1996    Fred M. Evans                    Alma Durham                     Forest Hill                                
Everett, Christopher Dale               8-22-1985    8-23-1985    Not Listed                       Michelle Everett                Hopewell/ Monroe Co. TN                    
Everett, James Paul                     12-24-1922   8-23-1983    Paul Everett                     Mollie Lawhorn                  Family Cemetery                            
Everett, Tommy Ray                      4-14-1955    6-6-1994     Harvey Lowery Everett            Wilma J. Reagan Dillingham      Maple Grove                                
Fagg, Agnes Delores                     12-30-1959   8-7-1997     Lawrence Edward White Sr.        Mary Nell Lindsey               Lutheran                                   
Fagg, Bhonetia D.                       12-12-1921   8-22-1989    Athel Daughtery                  Ella Moates                     Clark's Grove                              
Fagg, Carl Ralph                        8-14-1941    8-27-1996    Mack Fagg                        Effie Russell                   Old Piney Grove                            
Fagg, Edgar                             6-12-1904    1-4-1995     Anderson Fagg                    Mary                            Old Chilhowee                              
Fagg, Frank Morton                      11-26-1903   6-10-1982    Edd Fagg                         Louise Lane                     Clark's Grove                              
Fagg, Seena Katherine                   10-11-1903   8-25-1976    James Lee Scarbrough             Dalta Henry                     Clark's Grove                              
Fagg, Thomas Lee                        12-5-1910    12-22-1974   Charles H. Fagg                  Margaret J. Simerly             Grandview                                  
Fain, Maggie Styers                     4-23-1887    7-5-1988     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Cedar Lawn                                 
Fann, Bessie Rae                        12-22-1903   3-22-1988    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Clover Hill                                
Fann, Billy Ray Jr.                     1-21-1969    5-5-2000     Billy Ray Fann Sr.               Barbara Proffitt                Cremated                                   
Farley, Arnold                          10-13-1918   11-12-1992   Granville Farley                 Lemmie Whitehead                Forest Hill                                
Farmer, Charles W.                      9-26-1918    12-10-1999   Simon Farmer                     Dixie Lane                      Grandview                                  
Farmer, Ella Grace                      8-6-1882     7-25-1973    Eli Farmer                       Eliza Keeble                    Keeble's Chapel                            
Farr, Janie Annie Elizabeth             9-14-1889    4-6-1975     Jake Whitehead                   Angeline Grant                  Pleasant Hill Methodist                    
Farr, Juanita Ruth                      12-13-1922   8-11-1991    Oda Ray Smith                    Hester Viola Lafollette         Clark's Grove                              
Farris, William Duane                   7-8-1953     7-4-1990     Willis Mayo Farris               Donna M. Reddoor                Willoughby/ Jacksboro, TN                  
Faubion, Louise Bonnie                  2-29-1928    7-4-1995     Harley B. Webb                   Nellie Borden                   Sherwood Memorial                          
Faville, Louise                         5-4-1897     5-13-1973    William H. Ballard               Lucy Ann Mallard                Onslow/ Kingston, NC                       
Ferguson, Elizabeth                     3-10-1910    1-12-1999    Andrew Seay                      Celia Shadowick                 Clark's Grove                              
Ferguson, John Joseph                   1-13-1902    7-23-1976    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Clark's Grove                              
Ferguson, William Thomas                3-14-1929    5-31-1979    Walter Ferguson                  Mae Erma Criplett               Hammon/ Athens, TN                         
Fields, Norman Creed                    1-23-1935    2-26-2001    John Martin Fields               Ruby Snyder                     Cremated                                   
Fishburn, Willie Mae                    5-3-1909     5-20-1971    Charles A. Fishburn              Harriett Hanner                 Carpenter's Campground                     
Flemming, George Dallas                 5-18-1909    11-24-1999   George Flemming                  Ray Hildebrand                  Cremated                                   
Flowers, Annie Lois                     5-15-1937    8-13-1978    O.B. Carson                      Betty Linden                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Ford, Clayton Eric Jr.                  6-19-1973    6-19-1973    Clayton Eric Ford                Jane Sutton                     Clark's Grove                              
Ford, Mary Elizabeth                    2-12-1895    6-6-1985     Solomon Jones                    Hanna                           Cedar Lawn                                 
Forester, William Blane                 6-22-1907    12-6-1985    Will Forester                    Julia Wayman                    Clark's Grove                              
Forster, Kada Sue                       5-6-1912     11-25-1990   Crawford Von Isbill              Ida Barnett                     Clark's Grove                              
Forsythe, Anna Mary                     9-15-1910    12-18-1997   Elmer Anderson                   Elizabeth Clark                 Cremated                                   
Fortin, Alberta                         10-18-1887   11-23-1973   Edward R. Rose                   Elizabeth Laver                 Bevier/ Macon, MO                          
Foster, James Donald                    7-12-1929    7-17-1999    Thomas G. Foster                 Edna Deaton                     Bethel                                     
Foster, Ray                             7-17-1929    12-6-1970    Kelly Foster                     Martha Farr                     Pleasant Hill Methodist                    
Foust, Lawrence Virgil                  6-11-1916    4-21-1996    Swann Foust                      Lizzie Johnson                  Doyle-Needham/ Powder Springs, TN          
Fowler, Lillie Mae                      9-3-1911     10-6-1993    John Williams                    Ada Hodge                       Sherwood Memorial                          
Fowler, William Henry                   10-19-1902   9-29-1990    Sherman Fowler                   Susan Ella Henry                Sherwood Memorial                          
France, Oleta Ann                       6-5-1911     7-17-1980    Frank Carpenter                  Gustava McGill                  Axley's Chapel/ Loudon Co. TN              
France, Wayne Franlin                   3-17-1943    4-6-1987     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Axley's Chapel/ Loudon Co. TN              
Francis, Virgil Lilly                   4-1-1908     12-24-1986   James Blake                      Nora Kirby                      Park City/ Monroe Co. TN                   
Frank, Arch Clinton                     5-20-1917    4-28-1995    George Toliver Frank             Sarah McKelvey                  Clark's Grove                              
Frank, Bertha Jewel                     9-3-1888     8-28-1969    Edgar Pass                       Tissie King                     Union Grove                                
Frank, Callie                           12-4-1878    6-4-1973     Edward Pass                      Mary Sue                        Union Grove Baptist                        
Frank, Charles Elmer                    9-2-1913     7-15-1974    Luther B. Frank                  Bertha Pass                     Baker's Creek                              
Frank, Eva                              5-2-1921     12-16-1996   John B. Millsap                  Annie O'Neal                    Clark's Grove                              
Frank, Lynda Sue                        3-1-1948     7-6-1994     Lyndal Hedgecoth                 Margaret Carvin                 Clark's Grove                              
Frank, Ora Mae                          3-21-1916    1-22-2001    Oscar Eugene Wells               Nina Forster                    Baker's Creek                              
Frank, Ronald Edward                    4-1-1949     9-25-1966    John Frank                       Billie Higgins                  Union Grove                                
Franklin, Ernest Eugene                 5-27-1945    6-4-2000     Eugene Franklin                  Lois Gose                       Cremated                                   
Franklin, James Nathaniel               11-4-1915    1-24-1983    William Franklin                 Lula Wells                      Cedar Lawn                                 
Frazier, Emily Josephine                7-15-1996    7-15-1996    Jeffrey Darren Frazier           Peggy Tharp                     Family Cemetery                            
Frazier, Ferrell Dillard                6-6-1916     8-11-1997    David Frazier                    Josephine Langford              Forest Lawn/ Nashville, TN                 
Frazier, Winnie Davis                   7-27-1917    12-31-1999   Robert Taylor Kelly              Ethel Luther                    Forest Lawn/ Nashville, TN                 
Freeman, Addie                          2-19-1915    6-24-1997    Frank Wallin                     Minnie Frazier                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Freeman, Oscar                          10-17-1897   2-26-1989    John Freeman                     Not Listed                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Freeman, Reta B.                        1-9-1906     3-2-1978     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Sherwood Memorial                          
French, Della                           7-28-1903    7-14-1976    John K. Eaton                    Josephine Colman                Union Grove                                
French, Oscar Lafayette                 5-8-1896     12-25-1971   William Riley French             Amanda Orr                      Union Grove                                
French, Robert Marshall Sr.             5-19-1907    10-17-1977   Charles French                   Beulah McReynolds               Friendsville                               
French, Vaughtie M.                     4-19-1896    7-5-1977     Charles M. French                Beulah McReynolds               Sherwood Memorial                          
Friedman, Carol A.                      1-22-1948    4-16-1988    Leon Long                        Mary Ruth Beals                 Sherwood Memorial                          
Froehlich, Albert Victor                4-7-1889     12-26-1963   Herman Froehlich                 Hanna Olson                     Forest Hill                                
Froehlich, Cecil                        7-27-1891    6-30-1978    Charles Vincent                  Caroline Workman                Forest Hill                                
Frye, Charles Odus                      10-27-1925   1-6-1991     Al Frye                          Maude Brewer                    Kagley's Chapel                            
Frye, Homer Meade                       7-19-1878    12-1-1971    Joseph Frye                      Susie Wine                      Magnolia                                   
Frye, James Michael                     2-3-1956     5-16-1984    Charlie Frye                     Hettie Fine                     Williamson's Chapel                        
Frye, Larry Edward                      7-4-1950     6-26-1982    Charles Odus Frye                Beulah Dixon                    Dotson Memorial                            
Frye, Mel (Rudd)                        6-11-1893    7-11-1966    Not Listed                       Margaret Rudd                   Coker Hill                                 
Frye, Webster                           5-15-1896    8-25-1972    Not Listed                       Rhoda Frye                      Law's Chapel                               
Frye, William Wade Jr.                  1-30-1938    7-12-1972    William W. Frye Sr.              Lula May Garner                 Ridge View                                 
Fuller, Leonard Rufus Jr.               6-26-1966    2-27-1986    Leonard R. Fuller Sr.            Mary Lou Stinnett               Clark's Grove                              
Gaines, Eleanor                         12-20-1928   12-17-1980   Luther Roberson                  Jennie Nash                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Gaines, Florine                         12-1-1953    7-18-1979    Willie Gaines                    Alfora Moss Yearby              Cedar Lawn                                 
Galyon, Dexter                          8-4-1933     4-10-2001    William Galyon                   Nancy Cummings                  Pleasant Grove                             
Gamble, Carroll Maynard                 9-22-1902    9-18-1972    Mose Gamble                      Maggie White                    Grandview                                  
Gambrel, Janis                          10-18-1947   7-6-1996     Sam D. Payne                     Blanche Simerly                 Liberty Christian                          
Ganues, J.T.                            1-20-1916    12-29-1966   L.C. Ganues                      Minnie Mann                     Memorial Baptist                           
Gardner, Leonard Eugene                 5-4-1925     12-2-1980    Elmer Gardner                    Minnie Screver                  Asbury                                     
Garland, Fonzo Avery                    4-5-1887     8-4-1977     Harvey Garland                   Cecile Wilson                   Old Piney Grove                            
Garland, Gladys Lane                    2-27-1901    2-22-1977    Pink Goodson                     Not Listed                      Laurel Bank                                
Garmon, Iva Delcia                      5-30-1909    6-22-1998    Charlie Milton Scott             Maggie Ruth Hogan               Hillcrest Mem/ Streator, IL                
Garner, Dorothy Marie                   9-20-1931    6-12-1990    Hayse J. Garner                  Thelma R. Rogers                Grandview                                  
Garner, Lee Edward                      1-24-1910    10-25-1983   John Garner                      Ethel Fairfax                   Temple                                     
Garner, Minerva                         1-24-1886    6-7-1974     James Reagan                     Emma Garner                     Ellejoy                                    
Garrett, Myrtle B.                      1-14-1913    10-22-1997   Charlie Brumbalough              Pearl Whiticker                 Clark's Grove                              
Garrett, Sam Houston                    12-16-1906   10-10-1972   Dan Garrett                      Josie Cromwell                  Clark's Grove                              
Geach, John Howard                      2-11-1947    8-14-1999    John Geach                       Elsie Belott                    Cremated                                   
Gears, David Wayne Sr.                  7-4-1936     5-27-1997    George Gears                     Agnes Oma Sights                Sunset Mem./ Evansville, IN                
Gentry, Andrew E.                       7-3-1911     9-4-1987     Not Listed                       Tressie                         Sherwood Memorial                          
Gentry, Franklin Delano                 3-29-1942    6-14-1995    Andrew Gentry                    Nula Lee                        Grandview                                  
Gentry, Lillian Ruth                    3-10-1909    1-19-1987    Millard Cupp                     Austria Bright                  Chilhowee View                             
Gentry, Matthew Scott                   2-17-1986    2-18-1986    William J. Gentry Jr.            Reba E. Teffeteller             Grandview                                  
Gentry, Nola Lee                        4-7-1911     12-5-1990    Omer H. Lee                      Nola Scates                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Gentry, William James Sr.               3-10-1902    12-18-1980   Gus Gentry                       Not Listed                      Chilhowee View                             
George, Cass Wilson                     2-28-1908    6-21-1984    Charles George                   Hattie Wilson                   Not Listed                                 
George, Cora Belle                      1-14-1888    12-8-1983    George Asbury                    Annie Coffin                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Gibbs, Alice                            11-1-1911    5-16-1997    William Henry Key                Alice Lucy Roach                Zion's Chapel                              
Gibbs, Dory Luther                      7-15-1900    11-15-1992   Marion Gibbs                     Clemmie Small                   Zion's Chapel                              
Gibbs, Gordon Abinae                    8-6-1917     9-19-1999    James Mary Gibbs                 Clemmie Small                   Middlesettlements                          
Gibbs, Mary Sue                         2-24-1933    2-24-1977    Alex Gregory                     Not Listed                      Tuckaleechee Primitive Baptist             
Gibson, Bobby Joe                       12-31-1935   8-5-1973     Golmer Charles Gibson            Myrtle Maples                   Old Piney Grove                            
Gibson, Bobby Lynn                      12-5-1953    6-22-1969    Charlie Gibson                   Ella Martin                     Old Piney Grove                            
Gibson, Charles Addie                   4-14-1934    1-13-2000    Charlie Doc Gibson               Ellen Martin                    Old Piney Grove                            
Gibson, Charlie                         5-31-1902    9-25-1982    Billy Gibson                     Lona Mitchell                   Old Piney Grove                            
Gibson, Donald Eugene                   11-8-1937    2-22-1979    Ollie Ernest Gibson              Lydia Russell                   Old Piney Grove                            
Gibson, Dorothy                         7-14-1939    10-22-1993   Floyn W. Ayers                   Thelma McBroom                  Law's Chapel                               
Gibson, Ellen                           9-20-1911    1-8-1991     Jim Martin                       Josie Everett                   Old Piney Grove                            
Gibson, Elsie Ruth                      12-10-1928   12-8-2000    David Lee Rodgers                Elsie Hammonds                  Carpenter's Campground                     
Gibson, Ida Blanche                     7-31-1931    3-6-1996     George Moore                     Audie Pruitt                    Old Piney Grove                            
Gibson, James Willard                   3-25-1940    6-22-1969    Charlie A. Gibson                Ella Martin                     Old Piney Grove                            
Gibson, Larry Allen                     11-6-1958    6-18-1975    Pearlie Gibson                   Blanche Moore                   Old Piney Grove                            
Gibson, Lee Roy                         12-7-1936    9-28-1995    Luther Gibson                    Rosie England                   Cremated                                   
Gibson, Liddie Evelyn                   12-10-1904   8-23-1994    Ike Russell                      Frances Jackson                 Old Piney Grove                            
Gibson, Margaret Elizabeth              7-31-1926    3-9-1991     Ruben Stinnett                   Sarah Bradburn                  Chilhowee View                             
Gibson, Nellie Jane                     4-16-1900    12-16-1982   Ike Russell                      Frances Jackson                 Old Piney Grove                            
Gibson, Ollie Ernest                    3-9-1902     4-19-1987    James Gibson                     Mary Payne                      Old Piney Grove                            
Gibson, Stella                          8-24-1958    7-9-1996     Ulis Void Gurley                 Maggie Miller                   Old Piney Grove                            
Gibson, Stella May                      8-7-1939     5-1-1995     Malcolm Jack Teffeteller         Myrtle Blanch Roulette          Cremated                                   
Gibson, Wanda Janet                     7-8-1936     1-18-1971    John R. Russell                  Ada Whitehead                   Old Piney Grove                            
Gilbert, Earl Sr.                       7-28-1912    12-20-1980   Pettis Gilbert                   Not Listed                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Gilbert, Ronnie Lee                     7-12-1966    11-3-1990    Ronald Lee Gilbert               Sarah Dixon                     Dotson Memorial                            
Giles, Ralph Samual                     4-3-1915     1-9-1999     Rufus Giles                      Ida Lafter                      Magnolia                                   
Gillespie, Lorena                       12-12-1912   9-19-1988    George Thompson                  Ethel Brown                     Mt. Pleasant                               
Gillespie, Thomas Jr.                   9-2-1951     7-12-1981    Thomas Gillespie Sr.             Rosie Hill                      Mt. Pleasant                               
Gilmore, Wyman Jerome                   8-13-1953    8-16-1980    Tyree Gilmore                    Louise Hill                     Cedar Lawn                                 
Glenn, Casey Lee                        1-15-1987    1-16-1987    Gregg A. Glenn                   Bobbie M. Hutsell               Grandview                                  
Glenn, Crystal Nicole                   1-15-1987    1-16-1987    Gregg A. Glenn                   Bobbie M. Hutsell               Grandview                                  
Glenn, Reed Alexander                   8-4-1996     2-25-1997    David Elijah Glenn               Julie Bowling                   Maryville Bapt. Tabernacle                 
Goddard, Dalton Joseph                  8-14-1993    8-14-1993    Leslie Allen Goddard             Christina Mary Vanevery         Grandview                                  
Goforth, Harvey William                 9-27-1903    5-21-1985    John H. Goforth                  Sara Carolyn Millsaps           Sherwood Memorial                          
Goforth, Minnie Mearl                   9-17-1912    1-30-1993    Gus Dunlap                       Fan Crisp                       Sherwood Memorial                          
Goins, James Alfred                     2-3-1927     4-1-1978     John A. Goins                    Flora Green                     Louisville                                 
Goins, John Alfred                      6-15-1896    3-1-1980     John Goins                       Not Listed                      Louisville                                 
Goins, William Bruner                   10-1-1948    4-22-1967    William Goins Sr.                Ellie Moses                     Forest Hill                                
Goley, Lucille                          9-9-1908     7-1-1999     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Cremated                                   
Gordon, James Willie                    2-5-1905     4-25-1981    King Gordon                      Amy                             Sherwood Memorial                          
Gordon, Leta Marie                      5-4-1918     9-1-1997     Claude Walter                    Gladys Bradt                    Crestwood Mem./ Grand Blanc, MI            
Goss, Samuel Lee                        7-26-1903    9-4-1985     James Franklin Goss              Angeline Strickland             Sherwood Memorial                          
Gosselin, Mary                          3-8-1900     10-23-1985   John Cox                         Not Listed                      Clark's Grove                              
Gourley, Alvin LaFate                   6-17-1888    6-4-1974     Henry H. Gourley                 Louise Smith                    Mountain View                              
Gourley, Nellie                         3-8-1911     4-22-1987    Richmond Gourley                 Mary Blair                      Mountain View                              
Graham, Floyd Lee                       2-16-1935    8-21-1996    Aubrey Hershel Graham            Stella Fuson                    TN Veteran/ Knox Co. TN                    
Graves, Andy Lee                        3-21-1918    4-29-1976    Hugh Graves                      Hattie                          Ellejoy                                    
Graves, Earl Willie                     1-17-1908    1-29-1971    Tom Graves                       Elizabeth McGarity              Woodland Heights                           
Graves, Edythe Alberta                  12-23-1905   12-18-1983   Otis Kirby                       Agnes                           Sherwood Memorial                          
Graves, Jeff Allen                      9-18-1964    3-7-1986     Lee Boyd Graves                  Phyllis Jean Anderson           Dotson Memorial                            
Graves, Violet                          1-21-1916    2-21-1994    Hugh Graves                      Hattie                          Old Chilhowee                              
Graves, Wright B.                       1-16-1900    12-12-1979   Steven Taylor Graves             Elizabeth Latham                Sherwood Memorial                          
Graybeal, Hope Elizabeth                12-13-1996   12-14-1996   James G. Graybeal                Tammy Blevins                   Clark's Grove                              
Graybeal, Willie Mae                    5-2-1940     6-17-1980    James L. Collins                 Dorothy Lee Hamie               Kagley's Chapel                            
Grayble, Raymond Howard                 10-5-1937    10-10-1993   Howard James Grayble             Marion Nichols                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Green, Ethel Marie Lambert              6-20-1911    7-22-1986    Lesa Worley                      Sally Doyle                     Williamson Chapel                          
Green, Garland J.                       6-10-1915    3-8-1966     William A. Green                 Martha Ellen Watt               Salem                                      
Green, James Fletcher                   3-4-1922     10-16-1988   James William Green              Leonard Merritt                 Pine Grove                                 
Green, Nute                             4-8-1885     4-1-1964     Rube Green                       Jane Watson                     Hatcher                                    
Green, Stanley Wayne                    11-10-1953   11-11-1972   Lloyd Green                      Mildred Blevins                 Old Piney Grove                            
Green, Susie Jane                       3-13-1900    3-31-1996    Thomas Fideal LeQuire            Sarah Emaline Burchfield        Zion's Chapel                              
Greene, Dorothy Lee                     3-2-1932     2-28-1990    James Carpenter                  Mary Williams                   Jehovah Witness Cemetery                   
Greene, Herman                          2-14-1891    1-30-1978    Tom Greene                       Candis Hudson                   Crest View/ Cairo, GA                      
Greene, Jestine                         4-12-1935    9-28-1981    Ashley Cogdill                   Lillie Ball                     Zion's Chapel                              
Greene, Mary Ruth                       11-13-1929   7-5-1994     Sidney Jerome Crisp              Lula Pearl                      Friends                                    
Greene, Parylee L.                      8-29-1904    11-1-1974    Tom LeQuire                      Sarah Burchfield                Zion's Chapel                              
Greene, Robert Jess                     4-21-1920    3-19-1998    General L. Greene                Ethel Moats                     Piney Level                                
Greene, Robert Mitchell                 1-20-1963    9-29-1992    Robert J.L. Greene               Frankie Sue Hackney             Sherwood Memorial                          
Greene, Stewart West Sr.                5-9-1904     8-25-1987    William West Greene              Emmaline Cooper                 Zion's Chapel                              
Greene, Terresa Nevaney                 6-22-1974    8-18-1974    Sherrell Green                   Winford Taylor                  Bethel                                     
Greene, William West Jr.                12-2-1932    6-30-1994    William West Greene Sr.          Parylee LeQuire                 Zion's Chapel                              
Gregory, Burl                           8-27-1906    9-29-1987    Russell Gregory                  Mellie Myers                    Grandview                                  
Gregory, David Michael                  6-22-1956    11-27-1998   David F. Gregory                 Faye Graham                     Hillcrest                                  
Gregory, Floyd James                    4-28-1914    7-9-1988     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Mt. Zion                                   
Gregory, Geneva                         9-18-1917    12-19-1999   James Caldwell                   Flora Kirby                     Grandview                                  
Gregory, Howard Clarence                10-6-1912    6-11-1998    William Jackson Gregory          Mary Elizabeth Wilcox           Tuckaleechee Methodist                     
Gregory, Hugh James                     12-26-1916   7-23-1986    P.J. Gregory                     Dora Feezell                    Grandview                                  
Gregory, Johnny Ray                     12-1-1971    8-29-1999    Johnny Ray Weeks                 Pam Farmer Gregory              Hillcrest                                  
Gregory, Mary Angie                     12-12-1897   1-24-1973    James E. Gregory                 Ellen Hodge                     Coker Hill                                 
Gribble, Arthur Lee Sr.                 8-6-1935     2-8-1987     Bill Gribble                     Wilma Gibson                    Clark's Grove                              
Gribble, Charles T.                     4-14-1936    3-4-1990     Charlie Ezekiel Gribble          Minnie Bowers                   Four Mile                                  
Gribble, Clifford Jackson               4-23-1943    5-5-1997     Charlie Gribble                  Minnie Bowers                   Four Mile                                  
Griesinger, Donald L.                   Not Listed   Not Listed   Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Not Listed                                 
Griffeth, Cecil Earl                    9-30-1920    4-1-1974     Forrest Medlin                   Naomi Griffeth                  Peck's Chapel                              
Grigg, Robert                           Not Listed   3-18-1994    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Greenwood/ Knox Co. TN                     
Grindstaff, James David                 7-2-1903     3-17-1982    George Grindstaff                Mary Heaton                     Zion's Chapel                              
Grindstaff, Roscoe                      6-16-1896    8-12-1974    George Grindstaff                Mary Heaton                     Zion's Chapel                              
Gross, Adeline                          5-23-1923    12-7-1991    Aberham Marcus                   Bertha Fox                      Cremated                                   
Gross, Bernard                          10-17-1919   11-4-1999    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Cremated                                   
Gross, Yetta                            8-15-1897    11-30-1995   Meyer Gross                      Lena Reiff                      Cremated                                   
Guenther, Kathryn J.                    4-30-1924    2-3-1998     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Bethel                                     
Gullett, Angela Renee                   7-23-1969    7-1-1989     Kenneth R. Gullett               Frances Webb                    Carpenter's Campground                     
Gunter, Sarah Ellen                     1-9-1902     2-6-1993     John Howard Stillwell            Mary K. Whitehead               East Maryville                             
Gurley, Imogene                         4-4-1936     2-22-1991    Carter Brooks                    Ellen Fugate                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Hackler, Clinton Grover                 6-7-1949     9-25-1993    Not Listed                       Martha Loraine Hackler          Friends                                    
Hackler, Sarah Chastity                 1-21-1993    8-2-1996     Clinton A. Hackler               Cynthia Vineyard                Friendsville                               
Hackney, Doris                          3-15-1941    11-18-1992   Tom Keasler                      Grace Cole                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Hailstock, Mattie Sue                   7-12-1946    5-16-1980    White Hailstock                  Nancy Robinson                  Cedar Lawn                                 
Haley, Eva Mae                          3-28-1942    9-5-1987     Joseph Mays                      Easter Long                     Cedar Lawn                                 
Haley, Nettie Flora                     4-8-1932     6-29-1981    Joe Alexander                    Eva Freeman                     Cedar Lawn                                 
Hall, Grace                             3-25-1906    3-8-1991     Floyd Akins                      Ava Kitchens                    Keeble's Chapel                            
Hall, Helen Viola                       9-13-1922    11-21-1989   Joe Garland                      Hattie Gentry                   Magnolia                                   
Hall, James Hoyt                        5-20-1906    3-18-1979    Will Hall                        May H. Bradley                  Cedar Lawn                                 
Hall, John Breckinridge                 12-5-1925    12-25-1989   George W. Hall                   Vivian Smith                    Mt. Zion                                   
Hall, Lloyd Alfred                      7-1-1924     11-30-1997   William Hall                     Charity Fowler                  Clark's Grove                              
Hall, Pauline                           10-31-1927   1-19-1973    John Wesley Hance                Roxie Spurgeon                  Clark's Grove                              
Hamby, Stella Bernice                   7-7-1929     9-8-1992     Ernest John Russell              Nettie Vineyard                 Laurel Bank                                
Hamilton, Jane Ann                      5-18-1951    12-31-2000   John Davidson                    Not Listed                      Cremated                                   
Hammock, Doris                          8-27-1923    11-14-1986   Carl Stone                       Not Listed                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Hammock, Howard Thurmond                3-8-1921     9-10-1995    Thurmond N. Hammock              Ida Pauline Estes               Sherwood Memorial                          
Hammock, Kenneth Hubert                 9-19-1921    1-14-1996    Ode Hammock                      Thennie Emery                   TN Veteran/ Knox Co. TN                    
Hammond, Johnny                         5-7-1915     11-26-2000   Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Calderwood                                 
Hammonds, Harold James                  8-6-1917     1-16-1991    Alexander Hammonds               Bessie Stalks                   Sherwood Memorial                          
Hammonds, Martha Ann                    9-4-1896     6-2-1973     Josh Bowers                      Mary M. Taylor                  Carpenter's Campground                     
Hammontree, James Walter                4-12-1932    1-16-1991    John Hammontree                  Grace Henry                     Pine Grove/ Loudon Co. TN                  
Hampton, Susie Irene                    7-1-1924     2-3-1983     James H. Hardy                   Cora Stone                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Hannah, Abigail McKenzie                12-23-2000   12-23-2000   Perry Dean Hannah                Melissa Shofner                 Cloyd's Creek                              
Hannah, Charles Rufus                   10-5-1915    6-23-1977    Dave Hannah                      Clementine Jones                Centenary                                  
Hannah, Francis                         8-12-1941    5-4-1995     John Ellis Martin                Ocie Audine Potter              Old Piney Grove                            
Hannah, George Stanley                  2-23-1919    6-3-1986     David S. Hannah                  Clementine Jones                Sherwood Memorial                          
Hannah, Reba Louise                     7-5-1924     5-19-1998    Charles Shinliver                Minnie Gardner                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Hannum, Lewis Vernon                    3-6-1928     10-27-1983   Walter Hannum                    Willie Wallace                  Cedar Lawn                                 
Hannum, Mary Jane                       1-20-1901    3-29-1988    Rufus Campbell                   Sally Ford                      Cedar Lawn                                 
Hannum, Oliver                          6-15-1899    1-28-1975    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Cedar Lawn                                 
Harbin, Jerry Lynn                      8-3-1947     9-25-1977    John L. Harbin                   Nita Olney                      Cremated                                   
Harbin, Sharron Ann                     3-31-1948    9-25-1977    James T. Tillman                 Jennie I. Klein                 Sherwood Memorial                          
Hardin, George Washington               9-10-1910    8-28-1983    Ben Hardin                       Lula Rogers                     Martel/ Loudon Co. TN                      
Hardin, John Wilbur                     1-27-1921    8-9-1980     Daisy Hardin                     Lindy Prater                    Maple Grove                                
Hargett, Teresa A.                      12-31-1963   4-27-2001    Royce Clifton Stephens           Charline Phillips               Cedar Grove                                
Harrell, Ethel C.                       9-1-1892     5-2-1964     Alex Cox                         Alice Allison                   Shelton Baptist/ Monroe Co. TN             
Harris, Douglas Ralph                   10-23-1938   5-16-1996    Carl Lee Harris                  Irene Caughron                  Mt. Zion/ Monroe Co. TN                    
Harris, Jeremy Wayne                    1-30-1980    1-30-1980    James Harris                     Mary Catherine Staley           Maple Grove                                
Harris, Nancy Lee                       7-12-1925    6-24-1995    James Henry Manning              Edna Yell                       Grandview                                  
Harris, Richard Lamar                   3-23-1954    11-15-1971   Melvin Harris                    Not Listed                      Grandview                                  
Harris, Ruby G.                         1-30-1909    11-8-1987    Walter E. Gillespie              Viola Henry                     Mt. Pleasant                               
Harrison, Geraldine                     6-5-1922     11-1-1994    Hugh Graves                      Hattie                          Old Chilhowee                              
Harrison, Janet Darlene                 9-4-1980     10-21-1986   David Wayne Harrison             Carol Blevins                   Clark's Grove                              
Harron, Minnie L.                       5-24-1906    2-25-1984    Jefferson Reed                   Jennie Mathis                   Cedar Lawn                                 
Harvey, Jerome Perry                    4-15-1940    10-13-1980   Franklin Harvey                  Rosa Broughton                  Cedar Lawn                                 
Harvey, Rosa Julian                     4-9-1902     11-2-1977    Samuel L. Broughton              Mattie Carroll                  Cedar Lawn                                 
Hatcher, Anderson Alexander             1-10-1889    1-2-1967     John Hatcher                     Belle Millsaps                  Bethel                                     
Hatcher, Arthur                         10-27-1923   9-6-2000     Vess Hatcher                     Louisa Payne                    Rocky Branch Missionary Baptist            
Hatcher, Brenda Faye                    2-2-1952     4-22-2000    Willie Russell Haun Jr.          Clora Garner                    Asbury/ Knox Co. TN                        
Hatcher, Fred                           7-26-1914    3-17-1968    Jack Hatcher                     Clarinda Keeble                 East Maryville                             
Hatcher, Irene                          3-12-1926    3-23-1999    James Blaine McKee               Maggie Summey                   Keeble's Chapel                            
Hatcher, Maggie M.                      8-22-1886    11-15-1972   Cal McGinley                     Margaret Millsaps               Bethel                                     
Haun, Carlos Sanford                    3-22-1951    12-4-1998    Samuel R. Haun                   Julia Dunlap                    Chilhowee View                             
Haun, James Blain                       4-9-1922     11-7-1994    Felix T. Haun                    Etta Runyon                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Haven, William Howard                   2-23-1928    4-13-1994    William McKinley Haven           Frances Minton                  East Maryville                             
Hawes, Bertha                           5-9-1894     11-17-1974   Not Listed                       Dosie Stewart White             Cedar Lawn                                 
Hawkins, John Foute                     4-1-1919     12-26-2000   Robert Hawkins                   Johnnie                         Vonore Baptist/ Monroe Co. TN              
Hawthorne, Mattie Mae                   9-25-1902    7-23-1983    Charlie Rand                     Katie                           Sherwood Memorial                          
Hawthorne, P.A.                         7-26-1902    6-30-1989    Ocie Hawthorne                   Not Listed                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Hayes, Baird J.                         10-2-1886    8-16-1968    Tyler Hayes                      Sara Jones                      Calhoun Methodist/ McMinn Co. TN           
Hayes, Ella                             2-6-1888     6-7-1973     Lee Fuller                       Josephine Jenkins               Unicoi/ Monroe Co. TN                      
Headrick, Ida Belle                     11-16-1880   2-8-1968     Haron Burns                      Martha Tipton                   Headrick's Chapel                          
Headrick, Mary Estella                  2-3-1894     8-16-1981    William Coulter                  Not Listed                      Grandview                                  
Headrick, Michael Rule                  4-27-1884    10-28-1967   Daniel A. Headrick               May M. Elkins                   Providence                                 
Headrick, Paralee                       4-25-1880    5-16-1966    William J. Pressley              Elizabeth Estes                 Providence                                 
Hearon, Demie Cable                     7-21-1900    12-21-1996   Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Marble Hill                                
Hearon, Zettie                          3-2-1897     9-11-1969    Bill Correll                     Nancy Gardner                   Boone                                      
Heaton, Reah John                       9-4-1934     8-12-1981    Joe L. Campbell                  Minnie Jenkins                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Hedgecoth, Lyndal Lee                   11-9-1919    9-10-1981    Robert E. Hedgecoth              Trissie Whitsell                Clark's Grove                              
Hedgecoth, Margaret Rosmond             7-27-1927    2-4-1979     Richard H. Carvin                Amber Martin                    Clark's Grove                              
Helton, Robert Russ                     1-29-1953    2-1-2000     Russell Wilburn Helton           Molie Hammontree                Pleasant Grove                             
Hembree, Carlos M.                      1-8-1925     10-23-2000   George W. Hembree                Carrie Russell                  Caylor's Chapel                            
Hembree, Howell James                   3-10-1917    2-25-1999    John L. Hembree                  Mary Abbott                     Oak Ridge Mem./ Oak Ridge, TN              
Henderson, Joella P.                    11-3-1907    3-19-1987    William H. Peck                  Minnie Maxwell                  Cedar Grove/ McMinn Co. TN                 
Henderson, Kenneth Roosevelt            6-21-1943    2-9-1983     Raymond Henderson Sr.            Ola Lee Jones                   Cedar Lawn                                 
Henderson, Robert Michael               5-11-1955    12-21-1996   James Lee Henderson              Blanche Mansfield               Nebo                                       
Hendrick, Michael Tolbert               7-28-1963    12-4-1995    John Currin Hendrick             Grace Lacy                      Bethel                                     
Henry, Agnes Estell                     10-1-1892    10-23-1974   Harrison Henry                   Margaret B. Burchfield          Maple Grove                                
Henry, Albert                           7-23-1917    12-5-1999    William Henry                    Adaline Jenkins                 Oakland Methodist                          
Henry, Charles Jonathan                 8-9-1921     1-7-1988     Oliver Henry                     Marie                           St. John's Methodist                       
Henry, Herbert                          3-22-1908    3-27-1977    Alex Henry                       Zilphia Davis                   Mt. Pleasant                               
Henry, Hobart                           2-26-1904    3-20-1983    Harrison Henry                   Margaret Burchfield             Cedar Lawn                                 
Henry, Hugh Lawson                      7-25-1883    12-11-1974   Harrison Henry                   Cynthia McTeer                  Maple Grove                                
Henry, Hugh Lawson Jr.                  4-26-1922    12-27-1975   Hugh L. Henry Sr.                Martha McAdoo                   Cedar Lawn                                 
Henry, Jeffery Wayne                    10-31-1958   3-26-1979    Teddie Henry Jr.                 Grace Black                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Henry, John Calvin                      12-18-1897   8-15-1983    Harrison Henry                   Margaret Burchfield             Maple Grove                                
Henry, Mary Elizabeth                   11-5-1925    12-13-1990   Lester Headrick                  Ruth Oliver                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Henry, Minnie Lee                       6-28-1903    9-21-1981    John Hitchcock                   Delia Lowery                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Henry, Nellie Olen                      4-23-1914    7-5-2000     James Boles                      May Robins                      Boles Town/ Fentress Co. TN                
Henry, Stella                           9-11-1890    1-19-1990    Carson Gillespie                 Ellen                           Mt. Pleasant                               
Hensley, Carl Brooks                    1-8-1999     1-8-1999     James Dale Hensley               Elisa Nuchols                   Grandview                                  
Herndon, Barry Dennis                   3-1-1957     4-18-1992    Not Listed                       Billie Jo Offutt                Clark's Grove                              
Herron, William Rufus                   6-12-1909    4-3-1980     James Herron                     Josie Burchfield                Allegheny                                  
Hester, Clifton Leon                    6-29-1925    5-3-1993     Bill Hester                      Hazel Linville                  Drumright/ Drumright, OK                   
Hicks, Caleb Beech                      4-4-1895     1-29-1973    Ganes M. Hicks                   Eliza Jane Dunn                 Grandview                                  
Hicks, Charles                          2-14-1916    3-27-1970    Sam Hicks                        Lucy                            Hopewell Baptist                           
Hicks, Curtis DeWitt                    9-12-1896    8-16-1977    Wesley Hicks                     Isabell Winter                  Cedar Lawn                                 
Hicks, Ilia Mae                         5-1-1925     6-25-1978    Floyd Malcom                     Susie Edmondson                 Hopewell/ Monroe Co. TN                    
Hicks, Jerome Etheridge                 7-24-1883    10-4-1974    David Crockett Hicks             Jane Denton                     Shiloh/ Sevier Co. TN                      
Hicks, Lois V.                          7-31-1916    3-6-1992     Harrison Hicks                   Eva Wardell                     Clover Hill                                
Hicks, Pauline Marie                    8-8-1957     11-27-1999   Robert George                    Nancy Hunt                      Laurel Bank                                
Hicks, Roy James                        2-19-1912    4-1-1995     James Henry Hicks                Clemmie Gentry                  Chilhowee View                             
Hicks, Wesley                           6-6-1921     10-6-2000    Albert Taylor Hicks              Catherine Richards              Union Grove                                
Higgins, Elizabeth                      10-3-1896    12-9-1972    John Lowe                        Emma Matthew                    Grandview                                  
Higgins, Emma                           9-10-1891    11-19-1972   Charles Smith                    Not Listed                      Clark's Grove                              
Higgins, Levi                           10-18-1895   3-14-1982    George Higgins                   Martha Hensley                  Grandview                                  
Higgins, Will E.                        9-14-1884    8-3-1964     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Clark's Grove                              
Hightower, Bessie Hamilton              7-4-1898     6-30-1971    George W. Hightower              Sara Jane Cantrell              Grandview                                  
Hill, Claude William                    11-23-1900   12-25-1981   B.H. Hill                        Maggie Sullivan                 Sweetwater/ Hayesville, NC                 
Hill, Grace                             9-26-1904    11-27-1971   R.O. Smith                       Georgia Sanderson               Sweetwater/ Hayesville, NC                 
Hill, James Edward Jr.                  12-16-1981   12-20-1981   James E. Hill Sr.                Lucille Gail Bryant             Cremated                                   
Hill, Ralph Cletus                      8-11-1926    7-26-1984    Claude Hill                      Grace Smith                     Sweetwater/ Hayesville, NC                 
Hill, Robin Danielle                    10-9-1987    11-1-1987    Alvin Lee Hill                   Jessica Rose Brown              Union Grove Baptist                        
Hill, Walter Ray                        3-8-1930     9-8-1981     Elzie Hill                       Thurzie Rich                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Hill, Zelma Ruth                        6-25-1934    4-30-1997    Walter H. Moses                  Anna Fisher                     Forest Hill                                
Hines, Edward Harold                    9-15-1917    3-8-1972     John Hines Sr.                   Della Franklin                  Cedar Grove                                
Hipps, Fred Alfred Jr.                  8-7-1931     2-24-1978    Fred A. Hipps Sr.                Maggie Mae Isbill               Sherwood Memorial                          
Hitchcock, Callie J.                    2-2-1901     6-20-1988    Robert Johnson                   Lizzie Mae                      Cedar Lawn                                 
Hobbs, Eddie                            5-15-1905    5-17-1978    Robert Hobbs                     Lizzie Ferguson                 Cedar Lawn                                 
Hodge, Charles Edward                   6-4-1930     8-22-1994    Marion Hodge                     Maude McClanahan                Mt. Zion Baptist                           
Hodge, Katherine                        12-7-1900    1-2-1976     Mark M. Best                     Minnie White                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Hodge, Lindell Everett                  3-2-1933     8-18-1980    William Thomas Hodge             Beulah Everett                  Shady Grove                                
Hodge, Mary Juanita                     1-25-1931    11-8-2000    Monte Davis                      Lida Mars                       Bethel                                     
Hodge, Wayne Evans                      3-27-1934    3-16-2001    Will Hodge                       Margaret Stinnett               Bethel                                     
Hoffman, John Howard                    2-5-1930     5-7-1999     John Hoffman                     Jane Beadle                     Cremated                                   
Holbert, Jack Truman                    4-21-1946    11-16-1974   Paul Holbert                     Anna Mae Ivey                   Union Grove/ Jefferson Co. TN              
Holbert, John                           2-25-1893    7-12-1972    Elt A. Holbert                   Mary J. Patterson               Clark's Grove                              
Holbert, Paul                           5-21-1908    4-7-1970     James Holbert                    Sarah Parrott                   Hills Union Meth./ Jefferson Co. TN        
Holbert, Sarah Ann                      5-21-1887    8-1-1969     Robert Parrott                   Barbara Holbert                 Hills Union Meth./ Jefferson Co. TN        
Holden, Fredrick Ray                    12-23-1941   4-5-1997     Willard Holden                   June Walters                    Cremated                                   
Holland, Lloyd Yette                    3-27-1910    11-25-1983   Andy Holland                     Ida Henry                       Union Temple                               
Holland, William Stacy                  8-16-1906    12-19-1980   William Holland                  Cora McClure                    Union Temple                               
Hollingsworth, Gertrude Estell          8-12-1895    8-12-1975    Pleas Keeble                     Margaret Ann Barbara            Clark's Grove                              
Holt, Raymond Paul                      1-6-1949     8-26-1972    Victor Holt                      Beatrice Hales                  Fairview/ Gordon Co. GA                    
Hood, George Willie                     10-5-1914    10-14-1987   Will Hood                        Georgia Ann Robinson            Cedar Lawn                                 
Hood, Hattie Cleo                       6-5-1914     11-19-1981   Willie Kelsey                    Frances Schunpert               Cedar Lawn                                 
Hooper, James Albert                    3-30-1920    6-19-1985    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Cedar Lawn                                 
Hooper, Johnnie Bell                    11-20-1919   1-14-1983    John Wilson                      Cally Harris                    Harris Chapel                              
Hopkins, Bessie Nora                    11-28-1904   1-9-1978     James H. Jones                   Fanny Proffitt                  Grandview                                  
Hopkins, Carrie Lou                     9-18-1909    4-28-1978    Not Listed                       Lenor Williams                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Hopkins, Edward Thomas                  9-20-1910    12-19-1993   Alton Lewis Hopkins              Mary Dozier                     Grandview                                  
Hopkins, Eugene                         12-25-1900   4-5-1977     Sylvester Hopkins                Roxie Jobey                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Hopkins, Margie Lee                     5-13-1945    5-23-1991    Robert Lee Rodgers               Margaret Whetsell               Carpenter's Campground                     
Hopkins, Ronald Edward                  11-8-1958    2-21-1976    Edward Hopkins                   Audrey Grambrel                 Grandview                                  
Hord, Arnold                            9-25-1911    2-28-1994    Albert Franklin Hord             Minnie Lee McCampbell           Middlesettlements                          
Houston, Mary Elizabeth                 2-21-1875    8-3-1970     J.G. McGill                      Martha Hatcher                  Union Grove                                
Houts, William Malcome                  4-9-1912     12-6-1997    William H. Houts                 Bessie Vermilion                Cremated                                   
Howard, Dana Mae                        7-11-1916    3-6-1985     Arthur T. Henley                 Nona Dobson                     Craig's Chapel/ Loudon Co. TN              
Howard, Gervy Charles Jr.               2-1-1916     1-23-1987    Gervy C. Howard Sr.              Louella Wallace                 Sherwood Memorial                          
Howard, Isabell                         8-28-1932    11-9-1994    Noah Duncan                      Gracie                          Citico/ Monroe Co. TN                      
Howard, Leo Langston                    4-25-1912    10-6-1983    George Howard                    Bertha Iles                     Craig's Chapel/Loudon Co. TN               
Howell, Della                           Age 84       4-25-1968    Henry Burch                      Mary White                      Lower Bell Bapt./ Towns Co. GA             
Howell, Virginia                        10-17-1900   2-19-1995    Willis Bragg                     Katherine Schaeffer             Davenport Mem/ Davenport, IA               
Hoyt, Georgia Beryle                    7-28-1930    10-12-1988   George Arthur Hoyt               Dorothy Edith Sheain            Grandview                                  
Huddleston, Allie Alma                  9-5-1900     10-28-1992   Oscar Love                       Siddie Pressley                 Grandview                                  
Huddleston, Melvina Carr Porter         Age 78       5-6-1975     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Wilder's Chapel                            
Huddleston, Willie Herbert              8-3-1899     9-19-1977    John B. Huddleston               Mary Maxwell                    Grandview                                  
Hudgens, Chester Wilson                 4-9-1916     7-25-1984    Frank Hudgens                    Minda Rhodes                    Louisville                                 
Hudson, Elbert                          9-11-1912    6-8-1992     Hugh Hudson                      Lissie Medlock                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Hudson, Herbert                         2-16-1910    5-12-1980    Charles A. Hudson                Mattie Bush                     Cedar Lawn                                 
Hudson, Norman Kent                     8-17-1957    7-4-1990     Milton Hudson                    Lillian F. Asberry              Highland Mem./ Knox Co. TN                 
Huff, Johnnie Louise                    11-17-1940   4-17-1996    Roscoe Young                     Ruby Eakins                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Huffstetler, Ernest                     6-5-1887     2-8-1975     Ike Huffstetler                  Mary                            Carpenter's Campground                     
Huffstetler, Press Sanders              10-14-1912   9-11-1970    Carl Huffstetler                 Della Wilson                    Maple Grove                                
Huggins, Herbert Lee                    12-21-1936   2-3-1984     Roosevelt Huggins                Mable Floyd                     Evergreen/ Evergreen, NC                   
Hughes, Clinton Brooks                  5-7-1933     2-22-1998    Roy Hughes                       Edna Shefield                   Cremated                                   
Hughes, Jesse Cleveland                 4-19-1892    10-24-1970   Sam Hughes                       Rhoda Paine                     Lower Chilhowee Baptist                    
Hughes, Lena Kay                        4-14-1911    6-17-1984    Albert Koons                     Amanda Nichols                  Red Top Primitive Baptist                  
Hughes, Lonnie Sr.                      10-3-1903    10-16-1977   Nath Myers                       Mary Maynard                    Red Top Primitive Baptist                  
Hughes, Mary Marusha                    11-21-1871   1-31-1972    Andrew Jackson Waters            Susan Jane Walker               Sugar Creek/ Cleveland, TN                 
Hughes, Raymond Minnis                  2-21-1919    3-12-1991    William Samuel Hughes            Sophronia Perkins               Grandview                                  
Humphrey, Frank Levi                    6-9-1910     9-17-1996    James Humphrey                   Rosie Hatcher                   Ridge View                                 
Humphrey, Georgia Lee                   8-21-1891    6-22-1979    George Beshea                    Susie Colvin                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Humphrey, Messie                        11-26-1910   7-6-1997     Hardy Garner                     Nancy                           Ridge View                                 
Humphrey, Sarah Leona                   4-12-1921    11-28-2000   Jay Will Dunlap                  Davis Gallie                    Cold Springs                               
Hundley, Frances Rebecca                4-29-1920    3-13-1998    Charlie Lane                     Altha Powell                    Memorial Baptist                           
Hunt, Grace Goodwin                     2-6-1889     11-11-1969   Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Midway                                     
Hurd, Maurice Daniel                    10-17-1957   11-12-1988   Raymond M. Hurd                  Winifred Sharp                  Union Temple                               
Hurst, Brenda Sue                       4-18-1949    5-30-1995    William H. Haven                 Lena Evelyn Robinson            Cremated                                   
Hurst, Martha Jane                      3-25-1887    8-26-1971    Sherman Stalans                  Sara Ann Caylor                 Forest Hill                                
Hurst, Olin David                       7-8-1946     4-13-2001    Luther Hurst                     Elmira Stinnett                 Kagley's Chapel                            
Hurst, Victoria Ann                     9-27-1972    3-3-1979     Tommy Lee Hurst                  Marsha Riffey                   Sherwood Memorial                          
Huskey, Iris                            10-17-1919   5-8-1973     Marshall Huskey                  Deborah Reagan                  Grandview                                  
Huskey, Nellie Ruth                     1-16-1930    1-4-1997     West Green Sr.                   Parylee LeQuire                 Bethel                                     
Hutchens, Gary Charles                  7-11-1907    4-16-1997    Thomas G. Hutchens               Adeline Lane                    Clark's Grove                              
Hutton, Bill Dean                       11-11-1934   7-15-1985    Sam Hutton                       Ruth Houston                    Grandview                                  
Ingram, Georgia Blanche                 3-25-1917    2-25-1999    John Carver                      Mamer Russell                   Sherwood Memorial                          
Irwin, Maude Myatt                      1-1-1900     5-14-1978    Charlie Hunter                   Omega Craig                     Bear Creek/ Graham Co. NC                  
Irwin, Paul Wilson                      8-21-1892    11-22-1986   W.B. Irwin                       Cordie Wilson                   Magnolia                                   
Isbill, Wiley Henderson                 6-1-1904     3-28-1969    Charlie Isbill                   Nicy Cockran                    Ebenezer/ Monroe Co. TN                    
Jackson, Clyde Hoover (Rev.)            8-2-1903     12-3-1979    George A. Jackson                Marie Ellen Hall                Keeble's Chapel                            
Jackson, Mary Ellen                     6-4-1910     11-24-1974   John Jackson                     Zelph Bradburn                  Keeble's Chapel                            
Jackson, Minnie                         9-24-1890    8-26-1975    William Tolbert                  Sarah                           Cedar Lawn                                 
Jackson, Paul Edward                    6-10-1929    7-24-1998    Andrew Franklin Jackson          Ruby Mae Jones                  Clark's Grove                              
Jackson, Ruby                           7-7-1915     6-19-1981    John Jackson                     Cora Wanson                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Jackson, Ruby May                       3-6-1913     9-10-1968    Huston Jones                     Jannie Harbin                   Clark's Grove                              
Jackson, Yank Neubert                   2-9-1936     9-4-1997     Samual James Jackson             Polly Boyd                      Sherwood Memorial                          
James, David Lynn                       4-18-1951    7-2-1972     Oscar James                      Ruth Garner                     Desert Mem./ Palm Springs, CA              
James, Ethel                            10-2-1986    2-15-1988    Lafayette James                  Emily Caroline Hartness         Not Listed                                 
Jarrette, Glennon Joseph                7-9-1931     11-8-1995    Phillip Jarrette                 Mary Nancy Rayoum               Cremated                                   
Jefferson, Gertrude                     12-25-1900   8-6-1981     Samuel Jefferson                 Ollie Myers                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Jeffries, Mary                          5-18-1905    5-25-1995    Robert Love                      Nannie George                   Middlesettlements                          
Jenkins, Anderson Decatur               9-2-1904     6-27-1967    James Jenkins                    Nellie Pitts                    Rocky Branch Holiness                      
Jenkins, Anke Gisela                    8-1-1964     4-11-1990    Jhangorg Rimbach                 Edith                           Grandview                                  
Jenkins, Arville Woodrow                8-1-1922     5-4-1973     Garfield Jenkins                 Neely Pitts                     Maple Grove                                
Jenkins, Donald William                 8-18-1935    4-6-1979     Anderson W. Jenkins              Rose Shelton                    West Miller's Cove                         
Jenkins, James A.                       9-17-1879    11-23-1964   Anderson Jenkins                 Melissa Yarberry                Walland Church of God                      
Jenkins, Jay Ellis                      9-8-1923     4-9-1973     Carl Ellis Jenkins               Martha Ragen                    Liberty                                    
Jenkins, Jesse Willard                  12-26-1924   1-25-1964    James Jenkins                    Neely Pitts                     Walland Church of God                      
Jenkins, Jimmy Todd                     9-15-1965    6-11-1990    Jimmy Jenkins                    Miriam Richard                  Grandview                                  
Jenkins, Kaney                          3-28-1912    12-29-1970   James Jenkins                    Neely Pitts                     Walland Church of God                      
Jenkins, Nealy Pitts                    10-4-1886    7-26-1972    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Walland Church of God                      
Jenkins, Samantha Miriam                3-23-1987    4-11-1990    Jimmy Todd Jenkins               Anke Gisela Rimbach             Grandview                                  
Jenkins, Zelma Eloise Barton            3-26-1934    6-20-1977    Harris Robinson                  Mary Jones                      Cedar Lawn                                 
Jenks, Clidie Mae                       9-22-1915    3-18-1983    James Stewart                    Beatrice Bond                   Maple Grove                                
Jennings, Emma Catherine                4-15-1891    8-21-1969    Harron Proffitt                  Sarah Elizabeth Reagan          Rocky Branch Baptist                       
Jennings, Paul Steven                   1-23-1913    7-17-1995    Marshall Adley Jennings          Jane Hipps                      Middlesettlements                          
Jenny, Catherine                        2-18-1906    5-13-1988    Mr. Farley                       Annie Frier                     Clark's Grove                              
Jensen, Mary                            10-29-1946   5-19-1994    Joseph Jensen                    Isabell Thorndike               Dotson Memorial                            
Johnson, Beulah Mae                     12-21-1941   8-21-1968    Arlie Trentham                   Edna Henry                      Coker Hill                                 
Johnson, Cynthia Faye                   7-2-1955     11-4-1992    Robert L. Shumate                Nema Hurst                      Nelson's Chapel                            
Johnson, Earnest                        4-5-1913     8-22-1976    Morris Johnson                   Dasah Jordan                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Johnson, Floyd William                  2-15-1904    1-15-1980    Sam Johnson                      Virginia Garland                Clark's Grove                              
Johnson, Irene Pearl Isles              Not Listed   5-13-1991    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Pine Grove/ Loudon Co. TN                  
Johnson, James P. Jr.                   10-26-1930   6-14-1997    James P. Johnson                 Margaret Whitehead              Sherwood Memorial                          
Johnson, Richard David                  8-10-1954    3-16-1988    Richard E. Johnson               Betty Hanaham                   Dream Hills/ Clay Pool Hills, VA           
Johnson, Stella                         4-1-1913     3-24-1978    Charlie Ward                     Tilda P. Whiteside              Morganton Acres                            
Johnson, Zelma Jean Miller              4-25-1942    1-3-1991     Stewart West Greene              Tina Parylee LeQuire            Zion's Chapel                              
Jones, Carroll                          10-15-1908   10-5-1985    Claude Ivan Anderson             Elizabeth Ramsey                Resland Mem/ Dallas, TX                    
Jones, Charlotte E.                     9-13-1917    12-5-1989    Curtis Guess                     Elizabeth Reed                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Jones, Clara Mae                        12-12-1918   6-6-1998     Samuel Smith                     Annie Lonas                     Edgewood/ Knox Co. TN                      
Jones, Dennis Jr.                       1-12-1897    5-13-1977    Dennis Jones Sr.                 Irene                           Cedar Lawn                                 
Jones, Earl Everett                     6-19-1907    11-12-1980   T.P. Jones                       Ida Waydell                     Clark's Grove                              
Jones, Fred Thomas                      8-18-1918    5-17-1985    T.P. Jones                       Ida Wardell                     Clark's Grove                              
Jones, James Dexter                     5-17-1925    1-23-1994    Lacy Jones                       Allean Amburn                   Four Mile                                  
Jones, Larry Allen Morgan               9-8-1972     8-13-2000    Larry Jones                      Mary Hatcher                    Cremated                                   
Jones, Rhoda Harriett Alberta           10-14-1909   1-6-1990     George Washington LeQuire        Nancy Sidney Shields            Union Grove Methodist                      
Jones, Thomas Winfield                  2-6-1891     10-15-1962   Philo Jones                      Hanna Jane Courson              Forest Hill                                
Jordan, Bertha                          1-1-1916     9-11-1992    Joseph Henry Collins             Anna Lyke                       Laurel Bank                                
Jordan, Robert Emmitt                   11-22-1919   6-13-1986    Patrick Jordan                   Lucille                         Laurel Bank                                
Jump, Clifford                          9-23-1924    8-8-2000     Willis Jump                      Lizzie Ailene Quillen           Blue Grass Mem/ Jessamine Co. KY           
Justice, Bryan Lee                      9-11-1981    9-28-1981    Benny Carver                     Carol Justice                   Mt. Zion                                   
Justice, Howard Wiley                   7-14-1893    2-21-1968    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Justice, Shannon Lenay                  1-3-1969     1-3-1969     Alwyn D. Justice                 Peggy Ann Stinnett              Mt. Zion                                   
Karadimas, Robyn Marie                  2-11-1967    2-22-2000    Robert Mowak                     June Ellig                      Cremated                                   
Keasler, Willene                        8-7-1924     10-2-1993    Willie H. Huddleston             Allie Love                      Grandview                                  
Keeble, Donald Edward                   3-24-1944    4-11-1998    William Alfred Keeble            Florine Kingston                Keeble's Chapel                            
Keller, Rev. George Gordon              3-1-1927     9-18-1991    Lawson Keller                    Roxie Mitchell                  Old Mt. Tabor                              
Kelley, Burma                           3-26-1930    11-8-1993    Emery Lee Hall                   Grace Aikens                    Keeble's Chapel                            
Kelley, Carl Woodsen                    10-24-1930   8-29-1973    Dexter Kelley                    Maude Romines                   Big Springs                                
Kelley, Charles William                 3-27-1927    7-14-1992    Charles W. Kelley                Stella Watkins                  Keeble's Chapel                            
Kelley, Jewel                           Age 87       10-30-1987   Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Hendon Chapel                              
Kelley, Nannie Mae                      4-10-1933    9-13-1976    George C. Nichols                Verlie Simpson                  Big Springs                                
Kelley, Velma Mae                       8-7-1918     5-23-1997    William Gunter                   Cordelia Wise                   Liberty Baptist                            
Kelly, Archie                           11-3-1903    9-1-1983     Willie Kelly                     Sallie Morris                   Cedar Lawn                                 
Kelly, Frank                            9-20-1914    1-21-1979    Stephen Kelly                    Not Listed                      Holy Cross / Akron, OH                     
Kelly, Lula                             7-7-1899     5-18-1986    James Cobb                       Randy                           Cedar Lawn                                 
Kelly, Olivia Walker                    2-11-1891    10-14-1983   Allen Walker                     Sarah Huff                      Cedar Lawn                                 
Kendall, Delia                          9-24-1914    10-23-1968   Henry Myers                      Lizzie Gregory                  Grandview                                  
Kennedy, Sarah Ann                      5-28-1900    8-11-1979    Jake Byrd                        Hannah N. Bailey                Sherwood Memorial                          
Kenney, William Franklin                1-7-1876     3-18-1967    T.E. Kenney                      Liz Jay                         Sherwood Memorial                          
Kerr, Billie Jean                       7-23-1916    3-14-1996    Oda Smith                        Ester Viola Lafollette          Clark's Grove                              
Kerr, Lillie E.                         Age 89       12-23-1965   Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Baker's Creek                              
Kessler, Kenneth Keith                  9-1-1908     1-13-1998    William Kessler                  Lucy Fairchild                  Clark's Grove                              
Kessler, Minnie Mae                     6-9-1909     11-15-1994   Wesley Brown                     Molly Trent                     Clark's Grove                              
Key, Charlie Henry                      4-18-1905    5-4-1994     William Key                      Alice Roach                     Louisville                                 
Key, Sam Houston                        11-5-1881    12-12-1967   Lewis Clark Key                  Rachel Morsonman                Magnolia                                   
Keyes, Dorothy Downer                   9-18-1903    11-30-1986   Walter E. Downer                 Belle Montgomery                Grandview                                  
Kidwell, William H.                     1-18-1906    3-28-1969    Robert Kidwell                   Nancy Hammock                   National  / Knox Co. TN                    
Kieffer, Kathryn Grace                  2-17-1917    1-25-1977    Arthur Kettle                    Ida Ellsworth                   Baker's Creek                              
Kieffer, Victor Edward                  7-18-1918    5-8-1981     Eugene Kieffer                   Theresa Haguger                 Baker's Creek                              
Kilby, Tori Danielle                    11-29-1999   2-26-2000    Scott Lynn Kilby                 Patricia Kay Brumbalough        Caylor's Chapel                            
Kimmins, Doris                          4-22-1899    3-14-1993    Lewis Rudasill                   Martha Ann Lister               Sherwood Memorial                          
Kimmins, Maurice B.                     4-2-1899     9-26-1986    Govan Kimmins                    Maude Slayton                   Sherwood Memorial                          
King, Dorothy Bee                       2-22-1909    8-25-1998    Amos Crumley                     Lilly Worley                    Sherwood Memorial                          
King, Edith Dollie                      4-9-1933     8-22-1985    John Henry Bradburn              Mary A. Wilson                  Clark's Grove                              
King, Eula Gray                         9-18-1912    10-4-1970    Henry M. Sharp                   Vola Butcher                    Memorial Baptist                           
King, Frank William                     9-21-1901    11-16-1976   Sam King                         Sophia Franklin                 Ballard's Chapel                           
King, Loy John                          4-25-1885    12-30-1967   William King                     Martha Owenby                   Valley View  /  Sevier Co. TN              
King, Mary Elizabeth                    2-14-1901    7-3-1971     Aaron Waycaster                  Mernina McKelder                Valley View  / Sevier Co. TN               
King, Michael Ernest                    5-26-1959    12-14-1980   Kenneth L. King                  Ann Delores Gentry              Sherwood Memorial                          
King, Von A.                            4-25-1934    8-12-1962    Lewis King                       Lizzie Eaycrest                 Valley View / Sevier Co. TN                
Kipp, Arthur Frederick                  10-10-1924   6-9-1987     Geoge Kipp                       Theresa Erz                     Cypress Hills  / Dobbs Ferry, NY           
Kirkland, Emilie Jo                     6-24-1999    6-24-1999    Not Listed                       Barbara Kirkland                Zion's Chapel                              
Kirkland, Larry J.                      1-27-1952    4-13-1988    Not Listed                       Phyllis Kirkland                Clark's Grove                              
Kirkland, Roscoe Lillard Jr.            8-10-1925    12-25-1982   Roscoe L. Kirkland Sr.           Alice Wilson                    Clark's Grove                              
Kirkland, Roscoe Lillard Sr             6-27-1902    2-17-1976    James Kirkland                   Zizzie Shell                    Clark's Grove                              
Klein, Marie S.                         7-20-1882    4-24-1973    George F. Schronk                Sophie Zeller                   Woodlawn / Miami, FL                       
Knight, Kristopher Bryant Lee           5-13-1994    5-13-1994    Bill Arlie Lee Knight            Pamula Sue Weaver               Macedonia/ Townsend, TN                    
Knights, Annie V.                       4-27-1928    8-23-1981    L.A. Davenport                   Mary McNear                     Cedar Lawn                                 
Knouff, Raymond Alfred                  4-12-1902    10-14-1992   John Knouff                      Minnie Poland                   Maryville Baptist Tabernacle               
Kolas, Annie                            11-28-1901   3-16-1972    Spiro Scholfield                 Betsy Nickolopoulos             Greenlawn / Newport News, VA               
Kolkmann, Robert Burkey                 8-17-1944    11-28-1971   Robert B. Kolkmann               Margaret Burkey                 Long Island National                       
Kolodi, Stanley                         5-5-1920     10-10-1999   Alexander Kolodi                 Barbara Sanska                  Cremated                                   
Koontz, Barbara Jean                    10-7-1934    1-28-2001    Carl D. Sliger                   Anna Bell Townsend              Old Ballard's Chapel                       
Kotchka, Joseph                         7-3-1949     4-1-1979     Nick Kotchka                     Katherine Smith                 Assumption /  Belmont, MI                  
Krakauer, Harry                         3-23-1894    6-9-1983     Louis Krakauer                   Celia                           Bayside  /  Queens, NY                     
Kuhlke, Dana                            5-29-1902    2-17-1973    Hayes McCormick                  Nettie Carmichael               Cremated                                   
Kuhlke, Frederick Wise                  9-14-1902    12-17-1974   George Kuhlke                    Maude Wise                      Cremated                                   
Labaw, Herbert E.                       11-9-1920    1-29-2000    Cooper Labaw                     Lura Brown                      Cremated                                   
Lail, Mary Yvonne                       8-9-1935     7-9-1983     Ray Glen Dyer                    Myrtle Crisp                    Clover Hill                                
Lakey, John Earl                        9-2-1906     2-12-1972    Jess Lakey                       Eva P. Postell                  Grandview                                  
Lakey, Kathryn Eva                      Age 18       3-28-1972    John Lakey Sr.                   Ruby Johnson                    Grandview                                  
Lakey, Ruby Ellen                       5-5-1917     12-8-1971    Theodore Johnson                 Mable LeMarr                    Grandview                                  
Lamb, Charlotte                         8-18-1915    9-29-2000    Dixie Lamar Conger               Mary Shofner                    Cremated                                   
Lamb, Robert Hancock                    11-10-1914   5-22-1993    William Bonner Lamb              Martha Hancock                  Cremated                                   
Lambert, Dewey Lester                   6-19-1905    3-27-1970    James P. Lambert                 Della Harper                    Mt. Hope                                   
Lambert, J.D.                           4-10-1934    10-25-1995   Charles Blaine Lambert           Ethel Worley                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Lamons, Frederick Allen                 1-17-1940    11-10-1992   Alvis Lamons                     Mary Berry                      Clark's Grove                              
Lane, Robert A.                         8-30-1954    2-9-1989     Homer Keith Lane                 Mary Large                      Grandview                                  
Laney, Earnest Lawrence                 8-13-1919    1-4-1992     John Monroe Laney                Eliza Wick                      Piney Level                                
Laney, Margaret Louise                  1-17-1921    7-31-1994    Joe Henry Borden                 Victoria Key                    Piney Level                                
Langford, Richard Doyle                 6-30-1934    5-21-1983    Humphrey Langford                Ocie Champion                   Friendsville                               
Langley, Lowell L.                      1-1-1917     6-1-1963     G.C. Langley                     Etta                            New Loyston                                
Largent, Violet Mae                     3-7-1918     6-29-1990    Joseph Allen Butler              Nora Roulette                   Chilhowee View                             
LaRue, Blenda Sue                       2-10-1943    12-4-1994    Orvin Thompson                   Connie Cole                     Clark's Grove                              
Laskey, Richard Dale                    9-22-1937    11-15-2000   Not Listed                       Edith York                      TN Veteran/ Knox Co. TN                    
Latham, Bobby Lee                       4-27-1964    7-27-1997    Bobby Gene Latham                Mary Laney Cowden               Piney Level                                
Lauderback, Wiley Roy                   5-7-1912     8-27-1985    Clyde Lauderback                 Mable Walker                    Haven Chapel/ Claxton, TN                  
Lawson, Curtis Lee                      2-23-1941    4-30-2001    Calvin Lee Lawson                Ethel Johnson                   Piney Level                                
Lawson, Hester Analine                  8-23-1919    1-30-1995    William Breazeale                Docia Nelson                    Maddox/ Sevier Co. TN                      
Lawson, Jasper Ray                      9-19-1908    8-8-1996     William T. Lawson                Martha Ellen Owenby             Maddox/ Sevier Co. TN                      
Lawson, Mary Ann                        7-28-1946    3-11-1972    Sam Lawson                       Mary Louise Flynn               Maddox/ Sevier Co. TN                      
Lawson, Mary Delores                    3-4-1937     1-6-1998     Edgar Evans                      Roxie Hurst                     Maddox/ Sevier Co. TN                      
Lawson, Melvin Ray                      4-6-1952     9-13-1989    Tommy H. Lawson                  Mae Ruth Tipton                 Maddox/ Sevier Co. TN                      
Lawson, Ruby Leona                      9-30-1920    11-8-1997    Joseph Jasper Lawson             Mary Carr                       Maddox/ Sevier Co. TN                      
Lawson, Sam Joseph                      8-17-1917    12-7-1980    Joseph Jasper Lawson             Mary Elizabeth Carr             Maddox/ Sevier Co. TN                      
Lawson, Samuel Douglas                  11-8-1939    1-28-1985    Samuel Lawson                    Golda Sentell                   Maddox/ Sevier Co. TN                      
Lawson, Silas S. Jr.                    3-28-1918    4-10-1992    Silas S. Lawson Sr.              Not Listed                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Lawson, Steven Wayne                    4-4-1958     11-3-1999    Junior Oliver                    Jaloma Reneau                   Cremated                                   
Leas, Clifford                          2-26-1904    9-26-1985    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Cremated                                   
Ledbetter, Barbara Sue                  12-25-1965   5-19-1968    Allen Ledbetter                  Lois Ann Covington              Bethel                                     
Lee, Earl D.                            8-16-1901    11-2-1991    Omer Lee                         Nola Scates                     Middlesettlements                          
Lee, Gilbert Alexander                  4-6-1914     11-22-1975   Joseph Lee                       Elizabeth Scates                Ballard's Chapel                           
Lee, Mima R.                            6-22-1911    11-20-1991   George Reagan                    Julie Garner                    Middlesettlements                          
Legore, Glenn O.                        5-12-1912    6-8-1980     Jenton Legore                    Iva Glenn                       Prospect                                   
Legore, Lenora                          9-16-1913    4-10-1983    Dave Proffitt                    Rosa Ogle                       Prospect                                   
Lemons, Bertha Ella May                 12-7-1917    10-17-1991   Joseph Eli Thomas                Rosa A.                         Hendron's Chapel/ Knox Co. TN              
Lemons, Marion                          7-30-1909    11-24-1971   William Lemons                   Margaret Clabo                  Hendrick's Chapel/ Knox Co. TN             
Lenderman, Albert Homer                 6-3-1904     4-17-1992    George W. Lenderman              Not Listed                      Peck's Chapel                              
Lenderman, Emma Ruth                    10-16-1909   4-1-1994     Fred Peterson                    Daisey Davis                    Peck's Chapel                              
Lenderman, Ernest Lee                   6-29-1931    12-12-1997   Albert Homer Lenderman           Not Listed                      Peck's Chapel                              
Lenoir, Henry                           9-25-1912    7-23-1982    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Cedar Lawn                                 
Lenoir, Lucille                         2-26-1911    10-23-1974   Not Listed                       Georgia Hannum                  Cedar Lawn                                 
LeQuire, Carl James Jr.                 7-19-1938    8-17-2000    Carl James LeQuire Sr.           Jane Cook                       Cremated                                   
Lester, Rosa Mae White                  7-2-1900     11-10-1974   Moten Hollman                    Kate Shoeshaw                   Cedar Lawn                                 
Lewis, Eva Pastell                      4-1-1884     2-12-1981    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Grandview                                  
Lewis, Fred Dee                         3-15-1892    9-16-1970    James R. Lewis                   Sara E. Welch                   Mt. Harmony/ Heiskell, TN                  
Lewis, Homer Jasper                     9-30-1921    5-27-1992    Henry J. Lewis                   Golda Wooster                   Sherwood Memorial                          
Lewis, J.C.                             11-12-1949   3-25-2000    Not Listed                       Johnnie Lewis                   Shady Grove                                
Lewis, James Marson                     6-4-1934     11-2-1995    Joe Pettit Lewis                 Martha Jane Ford                Forest Hill                                
Lewis, Joe Petitt                       3-3-1908     1-14-1971    Jess R. Lewis                    Nora Hale                       Forest Hill                                
Lewis, Lloyd Edward                     1-10-1923    8-19-1991    Joe C. Lewis                     Ella Leming                     Clark's Grove                              
Lewis, Martha Jan                       4-9-1910     11-11-1986   H.A. Ford                        Florence Emery                  Forest Hill                                
Lindsey, James Henry Sr.                7-23-1915    6-5-1978     William M. Lindsey               Paula Carr                      Mt. Pleasant                               
Lindstrand, Elizabeth Ann               3-11-1942    5-15-1999    Robert Lindstrand                Joan Bertolini                  Queen of Heaven/ Hillside, IL              
Linginfelter, Lois                      9-17-1902    9-10-1975    Elbert Crowder                   Janie Parks                     Oakland Baptist                            
Linton, Edward Ogle                     9-17-1907    12-31-1991   William Linton                   Mary Jane Ogle                  Oak Grove Friends/ Monroe Co. TN           
Linton, Violet                          3-23-1910    10-18-1995   William Engle                    Sevilla Schaffter               Oak Grove Friends/ Monroe Co. TN           
Lipscomb, Hazel Marie                   3-22-1911    1-8-1996     Andy Ratliff                     Winnie Moyer                    Cremated                                   
Livesay, Woodrow Wilson                 12-29-1911   2-25-2000    Peter Livesay                    Della Chandler                  Mt. Zion Baptist                           
Lockard, James Arthur                   11-30-1919   9-4-1990     James M. Lockard                 Gracie Bisley                   Woodlawn/ Nashville, TN                    
Locke, Don Leroy                        1-22-1912    11-2-2000    David Edgar Locke                Gertrude Stanton                Oak View Baptist                           
Locke, Roberta                          6-10-1896    2-6-1981     John R. Parrott                  Not Listed                      Maple Grove                                
Logan, Leroy                            10-31-1937   11-18-1983   R.L. Logan                       Lula Mae Cleveland              Sparks/ Sparks, GA                         
Lones, Looney Leon                      9-13-1918    6-1-1999     Looney Leon Lones                Ada Counts                      Cremated                                   
Long, Bertha Mae                        2-11-1906    12-21-1994   John Long                        Mary Borden                     Clark's Grove                              
Long, Billy Ray                         1-17-1953    7-7-1968     Paul Long                        Louise Ratledge                 Forest Hill                                
Long, Charles Frank                     1-10-1889    4-30-1974    William Long                     Mary Jane Russell               Pleasant Hill                              
Long, Leon Franklin                     1-14-1914    12-27-1992   Huse E. Long                     Margaret Smith                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Long, Leone Lillian                     6-10-1908    1-3-1991     Lee Roebuck                      Abbie Henry                     Louisville                                 
Long, Mary Ruth                         5-31-1919    5-3-1982     Julius E. Bales                  Eva Ruth Russell                Sherwood Memorial                          
Long, Minnie C.                         6-16-1886    8-9-1970     David Craddock                   Elizabeth Harmon                Pleasant Hill                              
Long, Thomas George                     6-25-1922    9-21-1978    Huse E. Long                     Maggie E. Smith                 Piney Level                                
Long, Tommie                            3-6-1929     3-31-1984    William Lewis Long               Dora M. Rider                   Hopewell/ Monroe Co. TN                    
Long, Willie Mae Kelly                  5-6-1957     6-1-1982     Bobby Echols                     Josephine Long                  Cedar Lawn                                 
Loser, Charles Raymond                  11-14-1923   3-8-1999     James Loser                      Clara Ormon                     Grandview                                  
Loucks, Cornelia Cecelia                5-22-1919    1-16-1998    Claude McCurdy                   Beulah Marasso                  Cremated                                   
Love, Opal L.                           5-24-1912    1-13-1994    James Edward Hashe               Rosa Rochat                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Love, Robert James                      12-27-1923   6-8-1980     Robert J. Love                   Mary E. Frye                    Rocky Branch                               
Love, Ulysses Mays                      3-26-1912    8-6-1974     Robert Love                      Ellen Hooper                    Maple Grove                                
Loveday, George David                   7-4-1953     8-3-1996     Earl Loveday                     Pearl Johnson                   God's House of Prayer                      
Loveday, Sam Houston                    7-8-1922     6-12-1995    Sam Houston Loveday Sr.          Stella Jane Hammontree          Middlesettlements                          
Lowe, Darrell Thomas                    4-22-1931    12-13-2000   Orville Lowe                     Ruby Thomas                     East Maryville                             
Lowe, Reba Louise                       10-20-1927   6-18-1990    William Bethel                   Faye Williams                   Grandview                                  
Lowe, Thomas Gregory                    1-7-1961     12-1-1999    Darrell Thomas Lowe              Minnie Lou Snapp                East Maryville                             
Lunney, Sharon Elizabeth                10-17-1951   12-12-1989   Rex Victor Lunney                Ruth Drucilla Harrell           Grandview                                  
Lyle, Clarence Deakins                  4-5-1909     8-22-1971    Ralph D. Lyle                    Lena P. Feathers                Woodlawn/ Knox Co. TN                      
Lynn, Baze B.                           7-29-1912    1-24-1965    William Lynn                     Manda Shaw                      Friendsville                               
Lynn, Ida Mae                           11-15-1899   5-1-1972     James Whiteside                  Mary Ellen Dotson               Hard Shell/ Monroe Co. TN                  
Lyons, William Benjamin                 3-7-1996     3-7-1996     Robin Antwan Lyons               Vilma Adaline Reagan            Laurel Bank                                
Madison, Josephine                      5-12-1928    4-3-1990     Charles Madison                  Ligia Mayhon                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Magness, Robert Raymond Sr.             1-24-1901    3-31-1977    George Magness                   Annie Long                      Cremated                                   
Mahone, Jessie                          3-22-1935    11-3-1983    Homer Mahone                     Parthinea Anthony               Cedar Lawn                                 
Mahone, Parthinea Wilder                4-12-1910    8-7-1982     Henry Anthony                    Susie Trimble                   Cedar Lawn                                 
Mahurine, Minnie Charlotte              4-12-1911    12-16-1971   J.E. Carson                      Laura Drinnen                   Grandview                                  
Majors, Nellie Belle                    6-20-1912    11-20-1986   Amos Effler                      Nancy Abbott                    Tuckaleechee Methodist                     
Malonee, Phoebe                         6-21-1922    8-16-1999    Allen Butler                     Nora Roulette                   Peck's Chapel                              
Mangult, Maggie Blythe                  3-22-1901    1-5-1994     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Cedar Lawn                                 
Manning, Edna                           12-17-1897   11-7-1971    William Yell                     Nettie Lee                      Grandview                                  
Manuel, Arthur James                    9-6-1936     1-8-1989     Roosevelt Manuel                 Savannah Key                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Manuel, Dorothy Lee                     2-4-1941     2-2-1992     Roosevelt Manuel Sr.             Savannah Key                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Manuel, Mary Lea                        8-24-1939    3-2-1975     James T. Webb                    Sally Davis                     Cedar Lawn                                 
Manuel, Savannah                        10-15-1909   8-20-1990    Matt Key                         Arrilla                         Cedar Lawn                                 
March, John Clemence                    11-13-1909   10-22-1999   Frank March                      Zula Anderson                   Grandview                                  
Marine, Leonard Honley                  10-7-1918    1-23-1995    Leonard Francis Marine           Lou Payne                       Red Top                                    
Martin, Amos Willis                     6-2-1927     1-29-1992    Jim Martin                       Josie Everett                   Laurel Bank                                
Martin, Billy Ray                       2-19-1952    9-1-1997     Elmer Martin                     Myrtle Loise Maples             Maryville Baptist Tabernacle               
Martin, Charles Franklin                6-11-1899    1-5-1982     Thomas Martin                    Agnes Birchfield                Old Piney Grove                            
Martin, Earnest G.                      3-18-1947    11-22-1988   Wade Martin                      Not Listed                      Laurel Bank                                
Martin, Elmer                           5-29-1909    9-8-1972     Jim Martin                       Josie Everett                   Old Piney Grove                            
Martin, Ervil Ray                       2-5-1943     11-19-1998   Lee Harold Martin                Beatrice Payne                  Chilhowee View                             
Martin, Ginger LeAnne                   10-5-1967    10-5-1967    Elmer Lee Martin                 Elaine Janet Cook               Old Piney Grove                            
Martin, Hazel                           6-8-1914     10-8-1991    William Carroll                  Mary Nothern                    Pollard/ Sevier Co. TN                     
Martin, Jimmy Charles                   3-12-1941    7-23-1992    Lee Harold Martin                Beatrice Marie Payne            Chilhowee View                             
Martin, John Ellis                      9-7-1913     10-3-1985    Jim Martin                       Josie Everett                   Old Piney Grove                            
Martin, Lee Clarence                    4-25-1920    7-16-1995    James Martin                     Josie Everett                   Old Piney Grove                            
Martin, Lee Harold                      10-11-1919   11-26-1981   Charlie Martin                   Nancy Teffeteller               Old Piney Grove                            
Martin, Lee Roger                       1-13-1905    4-6-1975     Rube Martin                      Mary Paschell                   Middlesettlements                          
Martin, Lula                            6-3-1902     7-28-1986    Sherman Stowers                  Mary Winkfield                  Cedar Lawn                                 
Martin, Myrtle Louise                   5-16-1917    8-4-1997     John Maples                      Martha                          Old Piney Grove                            
Martin, Nancy                           5-21-1906    10-8-1963    Fate Teffeteller                 Susan Ogle                      Old Piney Grove                            
Martin, Ocie Audine                     4-30-1919    3-6-1983     James T. Potter                  Ethel Russell                   Old Piney Grove                            
Martin, Polly                           9-4-1929     12-6-1987    Dean Samuel Gilver               Ellen                           Cremated                                   
Martin, Robert Eugene Sr.               12-7-1924    8-5-1981     Lawrence Martin Sr.              Katherine Harris                Harris/ Knox Co. TN                        
Martin, Ruth                            11-29-1924   10-20-1987   Mr. McClurg                      Gladys Goodson                  Laurel Bank                                
Martin, Troy Lee                        Not Listed   12-28-1976   Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Not Listed                                 
Massengale, Vannie                      4-25-1898    7-9-1988     Abb Cross                        Not Listed                      Roselawn Mem/ Erwin, TN                    
Mathews, Roy R.                         1-5-1882     10-17-1962   Auther Rody Mathews              Anna Rody                       Grandview                                  
Matthews, Ruth                          12-24-1904   5-22-1987    John T. Arter                    Minnie Jenkins                  Cedar Lawn                                 
Mayes, William Frank                    6-26-1926    4-29-1981    Lewis Mayes                      Easter Robertson                Cedar Lawn                                 
Mayfield, Bernice                       12-6-1927    12-16-1965   Luther Farmer                    Isabelle Skaggs                 Magnolia                                   
Maynard, Charles Haron Jr.              7-7-1927     7-12-1979    Charles H. Maynard Sr.           Laura Culveyhouse Wilson        Forest Hill                                
McAfee, Charles Edward                  7-17-1941    10-15-2000   William Andrew McAfee            Mamie Hatcher                   Carpenter's Campground                     
McCampbell, Lillie Mae                  4-20-1909    8-31-1992    Stephen Hurst                    Martha Jane Stallions           Forest Hill                                
McCarter, James William                 10-4-1906    11-2-1985    Thomas Wilson McCarter           Miranda Cotter                  Grandview                                  
McCauley, Sidney Eugene                 2-17-1926    1-24-1984    Joseph McCauley                  Della Dotson                    Pine Grove                                 
McClain, Thelma Elizabeth               3-23-1925    6-4-1981     James Thomas Stewart             Beattrice Barns                 Maple Grove                                
McClanahan, Albert Hoyle                8-3-1931     1-7-1999     Joe McClanahan                   Nerva Phillips                  TN Veterans/ Knox Co. TN                   
McClanahan, Billy Wayne                 5-22-1953    9-14-1998    James McClanahan                 Emma Lee Simerly                Cremated                                   
McClanahan, Charles Harold              3-26-1930    2-8-1992     Joseph Riley McClanahan          Minerva Phillips                Clark's Grove                              
McClanahan, Ferd Harlan                 1-10-1933    4-12-1998    Joseph Riley McClanahan          Ida Minerva Phillips            Sherwood Memorial                          
McClanahan, Fred Wilbur Sr.             2-14-1916    7-13-1984    James McClanahan                 Margaret Davis                  Cold Springs                               
McClanahan, James R.                    Not Listed   4-15-1989    Roy McClanahan                   Mary Hatcher                    Zion's Chapel                              
McClanahan, Mary Elizabeth              3-27-1946    7-7-1977     Not Listed                       Frances Yearout                 Keeble's Chapel                            
McClanahan, Mary Elizabeth              3-5-1906     10-9-1977    Thomas Hatcher                   Ellis Sizemore                  Ridge View                                 
McClanahan, Nancy                       11-30-1928   11-24-1996   Pink Reagan                      Myrtle                          Sherwood Memorial                          
McClanahan, Roy Wesley                  12-31-1902   2-20-1980    Jim McClanahan                   Margaret Davis                  Ridge View                                 
McClanahan, Sarah M.                    9-8-1905     4-20-1996    Carl Oyke                        Eva Medlin                      Stock Creek/ Knox Co. TN                   
McClure, Ida Mae                        3-2-1885     8-19-1971    John Smith                       Sophronia Mitchell              Clark's Grove                              
McClure, Mayford Jack                   2-27-1931    11-4-1996    Otha Nelson McClure              Lillie Mae Hurst                Bethel                                     
McClure, Otha Nelson                    3-16-1906    10-17-1997   John McClure                     Liza Walker                     Bethel                                     
McClurg, David Lee                      3-29-1951    8-9-1978     J.D. Nuchols                     Geneva Garland                  Laurel Bank                                
McClurg, H.C.                           3-27-1927    8-10-1979    Joe McClurg                      Gladys Goodson                  Laurel Bank                                
McCluskey, Jesse Cloud                  6-7-1919     1-13-1984    Jesse McCluskey                  Fannie Turner                   Sherwood Memorial                          
McCollum, Floyd E.                      12-22-1917   4-26-2001    Edgar McCollum                   Lola Peterson                   Pine Grove/ Loudon Co. TN                  
McCulley, Anna Belle                    6-20-1912    8-26-1986    Joseph Gregg                     Florence                        Clark's Grove                              
McDade, David Hugh                      2-24-1946    11-29-1998   Hugh Tabb McDade                 Jane Delaney                    Cremated                                   
McDaniel, Jo Ann                        6-12-1936    12-30-1996   Jim Dunlap                       Donna Stinnett                  Unitia                                     
McDonald, Robert Frank                  7-3-1892     2-13-1975    James McDonald                   Estella Millsaps                Zion's Chapel                              
McDonald, Stella                        8-16-1903    9-27-1972    Jess Lakey                       Eva Postell                     Grandview                                  
McFadden, Betty Lois                    7-24-1918    4-10-1995    Charles McCall                   Lydia Blifftart                 Sherwood Memorial                          
McFall, Bart A.                         7-11-1909    1-13-1990    King B. McFall                   Mary P. McClain                 Edgewood / Knox Co. TN                     
McFall, Don                             Not Listed   1-23-1989    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Not Listed                                 
McFall, George Clifford                 9-9-1911     5-1-1997     Ballard McFall                   Mary McClain                    Sherwood Memorial                          
McFall, Hattie Louise                   3-15-1912    3-26-1989    Franklin Dee Fisher              Susie Lynn                      Gallahar                                   
McGarity, Fred James                    1-30-1904    7-14-1989    Will McGarity                    Rebecca Nolan                   Cedar Lawn                                 
McGee, Robert Thomas                    1-8-1930     7-10-1978    William McGee                    Eva M. Monahan                  St. Margaret/ Carroll, NH                  
McGhee, George Dallas                   3-15-1885    1-11-1978    Nathan McGhee                    Febera Cannon                   Maple Grove                                
McGhee, George Ollie                    8-28-1908    8-18-1975    Frank McGhee                     Libbie Howard                   Craig's Chapel/ Loudon Co. TN              
McGhee, Kattie B.                       11-18-1893   1-8-1982     Willie Brewer                    Sephia Watkins                  Maple Grove                                
McGill, Charles LeRoy                   12-9-1922    1-22-1994    Howard Gregory                   Elizabeth Hughes                Sherwood Memorial                          
McGill, Kenneth Howard                  2-1-1939     3-27-1984    Ed McGill                        Vernia Cooper                   Valley View/ Sevier Co. TN                 
McHaffey, John Roscoe                   4-16-1938    4-11-1994    Roscoe McHaffey                  Lillian Dean                    Louisville                                 
McHaffey, Lillian Mae                   11-18-1918   3-7-1993     John Dean                        Donna Lovin                     Zion's Chapel                              
McHan, Sherman                          4-9-1909     8-15-1989    Abe McHan                        Georgia Ann McClure             Cedar Lawn                                 
McHugh, Cammie Christopher              3-13-1940    3-6-2001     Oliver Charles McHugh            Lucille Merck                   Studdard-McHugh/ Social Circle,  GA        
McJunkins, John Cecil                   8-4-1926     11-23-1970   Henry McJunkins                  Helen Owenby                    Big Springs                                
McKee, Alfred                           10-1-1895    2-25-1986    James J. McKee                   Jane Rodgers                    Keeble's Chapel                            
McKee, James Blaine Jr.                 12-12-1918   6-11-1980    James B. McKee Sr.               Maggie Summey                   Brantley's Chapel                          
McKelvey, Evelyn Juanita                8-10-1922    7-12-1996    John Raleigh Bell                Sara Evelyn Branum              Sherwood Memorial                          
McKenzie, Raymond Eugene                5-28-1941    10-1-1995    Gay McKenzie                     Beulah Philpot                  Clark's Grove                              
McKinney, Charles Martin                1-13-1898    12-31-1990   James L. McKinney                Alta Caldwell                   Sherwood Memorial                          
McKinney, James Henderson               7-24-1898    9-5-1981     Charles McKinney                 Nora Boruff                     West Miller's Cove                         
McKinney, Maggie                        2-13-1904    1-5-1987     Jack Wallace Runyon              Imogene Cain                    Sherwood Memorial                          
McKinney, Velnita P.                    12-8-1918    10-15-1989   Robert E. Perkins                Myrtle Burns                    West Miller's Cove                         
McMillan, Isabell                       7-22-1913    9-29-1984    George Lanter                    Nann Johnston                   Four Mile                                  
McNear, Annie Mell                      9-17-1918    7-15-1978    Henry Snipes                     Mozell Diggs                    Cedar Lawn                                 
McNear, Murphy                          4-10-1898    2-28-1983    Henry McNear                     Donia Ball                      Cedar Lawn                                 
McNish, Wiley Lee                       4-11-1901    2-17-1972    Luther McNish                    Maggie Hamrick                  Lyle & Jackson/ Coalfield, TN              
Meacham, Natasha LeAnn                  4-26-1972    5-6-1972     Gilbert Meacham                  Wanda Sue Cobb                  Forest Hill                                
Means, Minnie                           9-13-1887    6-1-1989     Eli Porter                       Elina Stone                     Wilder's Chapel                            
Medlin, Lillie Ethel                    1-7-1900     9-16-1974    Tom L. Effler                    Lurena A. Oliver                Magnolia                                   
Melo, Francisco C.                      4-11-1907    1-26-2000    Anthony C. Melo                  Verissima Rocha                 Clark's Grove                              
Mendes, Antonio                         6-4-1923     6-11-1994    John Mendes                      Edith Machado                   Cremated                                   
Mergan, Theodore Paul                   2-29-1932    6-3-1996     Rudolph Mergan                   Helen Greenway                  Bethel                                     
Mial, Hazel Irene                       9-30-1929    1-21-1985    John A. Goins                    Flora Green                     Louisville                                 
Michael, Myrtle Lee                     1-10-1906    5-27-1983    Horace Bryant                    Cora Garland                    Clark's Grove                              
Middleton, Jennifer Eliane              2-6-1984     3-12-1984    Doug Middleton                   Jewell Robinson                 Maple Grove                                
Middleton, Willie Sr.                   8-31-1908    10-19-1983   Doc Middleton                    Gertrude                        Maple Grove                                
Miller, Ella Mae                        3-29-1908    8-1-1984     Ernest Brown                     Polly Beaver                    Providence                                 
Miller, Emma                            2-28-1893    3-9-1977     James W. Foster                  Sarah Newman                    Stock Creek/ Knox Co. TN                   
Miller, Gerald Richard                  11-14-1934   4-10-2001    Steve Miller                     Helen Misurock                  Cremated                                   
Miller, Inez W.                         4-26-1926    5-2-1991     Jim Johnson                      Essie Lou Woods                 Cedar Lawn                                 
Miller, Samuel Tilden Sr.               8-2-1918     2-8-1998     Samuel A. Miller                 Parzida Warick                  Mt. Olive/ Knox Co. TN                     
Milligan, James Robert                  3-24-1929    7-15-1994    Archie Adkins Milligan           Anna Belle Hamil                Shady Grove                                
Milligan, Jesse Kyle                    6-22-1926    4-20-1983    Jesse D. Milligan                Pansy Jones                     Middlesettlements                          
Millsaps, Jason Ledford                 4-21-1901    11-6-1977    Marshall Millsaps                Mollie Kirkland                 Laurel Bank                                
Millsaps, Jean McLemore                 Not Listed   5-26-1968    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Hopewell Baptist                           
Millsaps, Julian                        5-18-1930    7-29-1994    Bruce Millsaps                   Faye Burgin                     Grandview                                  
Millsaps, Mary Margaret                 3-17-1904    7-18-1978    Ged Frank                        Sarah McKelvey                  Laurel Bank                                
Millsaps, Norma Jean                    10-23-1939   12-20-1979   Roy Wayne Cross                  Nannie Virginia Floyd           Laurel Bank                                
Minto, Annie Ellen                      2-8-1921     3-20-1998    Walter Hanson                    Lillie Henry                    Clark's Grove                              
Mitchell, Chester                       3-6-1908     11-9-1980    Chester Lee Mitchell             Missy Everett                   Cedar Lawn                                 
Moats, Dewey                            9-6-1929     7-5-1968     Eugene Moats                     Gola Daugherty                  Clark's Grove                              
Moats, William Eugene                   5-3-1966     3-3-1997     Kenneth Moats                    Mary Teffeteller                Law's Chapel                               
Mogridge, Mary Alice                    2-10-1890    5-15-1975    Joseph P. Walker                 Elizabeth A. Myers              Bethel                                     
Moles, Carl Junion                      7-22-1970    7-11-1993    Harry Junion Moles               Mary Gribble                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Molter, Beverly S.                      12-2-1942    11-1-1997    Roy L. James Burchfield          Ruth Rolene Hurst               Grandview                                  
Molter, David Allen                     9-10-1971    3-24-1993    Norman William Molter            Beverly Sue Burchfield          Grandview                                  
Molyneaux, Laura Sue                    6-17-1954    11-20-1999   Clifford Pease                   Luba Zazaulnskai                Cremated                                   
Montague, Freda                         2-17-1935    8-23-1995    William Word                     Lila Teffeteller                Pine Grove/ Loudon Co. TN                  
Montgomery, Rosa Lee                    6-6-1916     7-28-1984    T.H. Clark                       Bertha Pierson                  Cedar Lawn                                 
Moore, Hannah Marjorie                  6-23-1933    7-13-1987    James L. Lowe                    Dora Dunlap                     Cold Springs                               
Moore, Jay Wilmore                      8-17-1921    10-26-1981   Robert Moore                     Laura                           Unitia                                     
Moore, Linda Kay                        5-22-1959    9-16-1995    Edgar Fagg                       Barbara Peterson                Maddox/ Sevier Co. TN                      
Moore, Pat William David                12-11-1945   8-16-1995    Jay William Moore                Mary Hall                       God's House of Prayer                      
Moore, Ramond Ray                       3-19-1931    7-14-1994    Harrison Moore                   Hettie Stinnett                 Maddox/ Sevier Co. TN                      
Moore, Robert                           4-2-1910     4-20-1983    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Cedar Lawn                                 
Morelock, James Alfred                  11-18-1895   6-28-1967    William Morelock                 Margaret Selvedge               Clark's Grove                              
Morgan, Beverly Sue                     6-19-1986    6-19-1986    Donnie Ray Morgan                Barbara Dunlap                  Ellejoy                                    
Morgan, Jackie Eugene                   12-28-1950   8-3-1983     Verlin Morgan                    Christine Crowder               Eleazar/ Monroe Co. TN                     
Morris, Melissa Kimberly                6-6-1968     6-15-1968    Alvin Morris                     Connie Cook                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Morris, Richard Edward                  2-19-1929    4-5-1977     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      TN Valley Mem./ Claxton, TN                
Morris, Y.J.                            5-19-1909    5-14-1997    Albert Leonas Morris             Nancy Cordelia Carey            Caylor's Chapel                            
Morrisey, Edmond Chapin Sr.             5-18-1898    10-3-1975    John Morrisey                    Emma Walsh                      North Center/ North Haven, CT              
Morrisey, Eleanor                       12-27-1927   6-19-1980    Eugenio Betti                    Not Listed                      North Center/ North Haven, CT              
Morrisey, Ora                           11-13-1899   12-29-1980   Arthur Wright                    Sarah Kinsella                  North Center/ North Haven, CT              
Morrow, Hoyle Jr.                       6-26-1972    6-26-1972    Hoyle Morrow Sr.                 Carol Crum                      Forest Hill                                
Morse, Harry Daniel                     6-11-1930    2-9-2000     Harry E. Morse                   Marjorie Fox                    Cremated                                   
Morton, Lester Murl                     3-10-1926    3-9-1985     Guy Martin                       Jessie McCarter                 Louisville                                 
Moses, Walter Haskel                    9-7-1896     12-3-1963    William Moses                    Cordie Sutton                   Forest Hill                                
Moss, James Coy Sr.                     5-22-1907    11-19-1982   Hugh Moss                        Margaret Amis                   Cedar Lawn                                 
Mullins, Arthur                         10-17-1908   5-25-1974    Charlie Mullins                  Kitty Spradlin                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Mullins, Nellie                         10-28-1900   10-7-1998    Jake Borden                      Vinnie Hartsell                 Sherwood Memorial                          
Murphy, Billie Ruth                     12-6-1929    3-29-1997    Will Harmon                      Jenny Cowden                    Piney Level                                
Murphy, J.L.                            6-29-1940    3-24-1975    William McKinley Murphy          Eliza House                     Grandview                                  
Murphy, Nina Elois                      7-30-1940    10-11-1994   James R. Webb                    Elsie Pilkington                Grandview                                  
Murr, Kermit Roosevelt                  7-8-1916     6-12-1978    Tip Murr                         Mary M. Carmley                 Clark's Grove                              
Muse, Hudson Lee                        10-23-1998   10-23-1998   Dustin Muse                      Jennifer McNeal                 Laurel Bank                                
Myers, Anthony D.                       1-14-1949    5-17-1972    John F. Myers                    Mary O. Compton Dyer            Bethel                                     
Myers, Arthur Thomas                    8-1-1901     11-1-1975    Labe Myers                       Mel Donna Feezell               Grandview                                  
Myers, Beulah Ann                       5-3-1917     6-11-1977    Monroe Watson                    Lillie Owenby                   Clark's Grove                              
Myers, Clyde Hubert                     5-29-1910    8-26-1979    Pleas Myers                      Mattie Trentham                 Clark's Grove                              
Myers, Devero                           12-24-1912   12-1-1971    George Myers                     Millie Moore                    Bethel                                     
Myers, Donald Ray                       8-16-1935    9-9-1965     Devro Myers                      Belle Walker                    Bethel Baptist                             
Myers, Frank West                       10-31-1896   3-13-1973    Pleas Myers                      Martha Trentham                 Bethel                                     
Myers, Grace Louis                      8-14-1939    5-29-1971    Fred Hipps                       Mae Isbill                      Grandview                                  
Myers, Henry Abraham                    1-4-1882     5-23-1971    Peter Myers                      Maggie Shields                  Bethel                                     
Myers, Ida Mae                          6-22-1920    6-30-1991    William H. Robinson              Bessie Lee Yearout              Hopewell/ Monroe Co. TN                    
Myers, June I.                          6-29-1920    2-19-1997    Fredrick Ludwig                  Vida Shoebridge                 Cremated                                   
Myers, Roy Jessie                       4-27-1906    3-4-1970     Pleas Myers                      Martha Trentham                 Pleasant Hill                              
Myers, Tyler Scott                      6-28-2000    6-28-2000    William Lee Myers II             Chasity Williams                Liberty                                    
Myrick, Terry                           1-22-1956    10-6-1995    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Milledgeville, GA                          
Nash, Francis Joseph                    12-24-1966   8-19-1999    Terry Nash                       Betty Bullock Baker             Cremated                                   
Neely, John Henderson                   2-11-1891    10-11-1968   James Neely                      Sarah Hensley                   Louisville                                 
Neloms, Billy Ray                       5-24-1943    2-25-1999    William Neloms                   Annie Hurst                     Kagley's Chapel                            
Nelson, Claudine                        8-22-1913    11-21-1999   Arthur Sims                      Olie                            Cedar Lawn                                 
Nelson, Gena Lucille                    1-2-1899     11-26-1976   Tony Wallace                     Elizabeth                       Mt. Pleasant                               
Nelson, Lacy                            12-13-1896   8-6-1980     Jack Davis                       Sara Scruggs                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Nerswick, Don Francis                   12-18-1899   8-27-1978    Joseph Nerswick                  Mary Flynn                      Greenlawn/ Milford, OH                     
Nesby, Deola Brigg                      7-14-1905    5-16-1978    Joseph Henry                     Indiana Smith                   Cedar Lawn                                 
Neubert, Amos Louis Sr.                 4-26-1909    9-4-1987     F.H. Neubert                     Annie Moore                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Neubert, Sarah F.                       2-2-1906     11-4-1991    Simeon Breeden                   Pearl Briden                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Newall, William Alfred                  1-13-1951    7-29-1998    William G. Newall                Virginia Maass                  Cremated                                   
Newman, Bobby Frank                     8-19-1947    7-30-2000    Arthur Newman                    Mary Cates                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Newman, Kenneth Lester                  4-14-1912    4-20-1991    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Lutheran/ Peoria, IL                       
Newman, Mary Gladys                     12-21-1921   7-8-1988     Ernest Patterson                 Barbara Hurst                   Sherwood Memorial                          
Nichols, Anna Elizabeth                 3-16-1892    5-16-1983    Wallace Reed                     Not Listed                      Forest Hill                                
Nichols, George Cunningham              9-9-1897     6-9-1972     Wesley Nichols                   Mary Thompson                   Big Springs                                
Nichols, Ola Lee                        10-18-1919   5-29-1982    Dennis Jones Jr.                 Corine White                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Nichols, Verlie                         5-12-1911    1-18-1986    John Simpson                     Nan Johnson                     Big Springs                                
Nicholson, William Andrew               4-24-1877    10-2-1965    Andrew Jackson Nicholson         Sarah Wright                    Clark's Grove                              
Noel, Joseph Patrick                    12-16-1911   12-21-1974   Joseph Anthony Noel              Ida Virginia Fissel             Riverside Mem./ Jacksonville, FL           
Noel, Vaughn Ernest                     7-8-1943     9-25-1989    Von Noel                         Maggie Underwood                Gallahar View/ Knox Co. TN                 
Norton, Albert Lewis                    8-2-1931     6-13-1995    Sherman Norton                   Daisy Deaver                    Grandview                                  
Nuchols, Ervil Rex Sr.                  6-3-1942     5-14-1999    Oscar Fred Nuchols               Gladys Whitehead                Old Piney Grove                            
Ogle, Margaret Edna                     6-14-1930    4-10-1972    Roscoe Owens                     Lillie Weeks                    Center Hill                                
Ogle, Michele Lee                       5-29-1975    5-29-1975    James Ogle                       Carol Jean Kirkland             Dotson Memorial                            
Oliver, Ida                             7-5-1901     3-20-1989    John Stinnett                    Rebecca Roberts                 Bethel                                     
Orange, Robert Lee                      10-29-1918   4-17-1978    Alfored Orange                   Julia Jones                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Orr, Jackie Earl                        6-20-1941    3-12-1999    Earl Orr                         Flaura                          Grandview                                  
Overby, Woodrow Dean                    8-10-1941    8-15-1995    Woodrow Wilson Overby            Velva Walford                   Keeble's Chapel                            
Owenby, Amanda Hope                     2-8-1970     6-9-1975     James Jerry Owenby               Glenda Riden                    Morganton                                  
Owenby, Clell                           2-10-1921    10-19-1991   Willie Everett Owenby            Bessie Huskey                   Clark's Grove                              
Owenby, James Jerry Jr.                 9-14-1968    6-9-1975     James Jerry Owenby Sr.           Glenda Riden                    Morganton                                  
Owenby, James Jerry Sr.                 1-28-1949    6-9-1975     Arlie Owenby                     Tina Ogle                       Morganton                                  
Owens, Pearl Lucille                    10-1-1923    9-5-1973     Alex Gregory                     Eva L. Sparks                   Coker Hill                                 
Page, Howard                            9-26-1955    4-17-1995    Jesse Page                       Ida May Barnes                  Oak Grove/ Taylorsville, MS                
Paisner, Abraham                        5-15-1916    3-20-1999    Benjamin Euchin Paisner          Lillian Shapiro                 Grandview                                  
Palmer, Carl Burton                     9-10-1911    11-18-1992   William Arthur Palmer            Betty Adeline Cummings          Sherwood Memorial                          
Palmer, James Spencer                   4-5-1913     6-11-1975    Arthur Palmer                    Betty Cummins                   Magnolia                                   
Parham, Lewis Calvin                    4-16-1907    7-7-1987     Andrew Parham                    Lula Garland                    Law's Chapel                               
Parham, Nina Macy                       1-1-1909     5-23-1989    Luther Dunn                      Flora Shields                   Law's Chapel                               
Parker, Alberta V.                      1-20-1929    5-13-1992    Elden Crawford                   Bertha Hazel Marshall           Logan's Chapel                             
Parker, John Lester Jr.                 9-15-1976    9-15-1976    John L. Parker Sr.               Valerie Sudderth                Cedar Lawn                                 
Parker, John R.                         9-22-1923    11-3-1980    Lester P. Parker                 Viola Miller                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Parker, Lester Phillip                  8-3-1896     3-29-1981    Joe Parker                       Lydia                           Cedar Lawn                                 
Parker, Richard Warren                  4-12-1924    10-1-1991    Lasater R. Parker                Mary Attalicia Howard           Cremated                                   
Parker, Viola Mae                       5-6-1900     11-17-1983   Daniel Mills                     Hattie Mae Rice                 Cedar Lawn                                 
Parker, Wardell                         12-31-1916   3-3-1976     Taylor Parker                    Doll Walker                     Wilder's Chapel                            
Parks, Louella                          2-27-1896    12-12-1968   Fate Carroll                     Alice Hall                      Maple Grove                                
Parrott, Edna Mae                       7-26-1913    4-18-1983    Jim Hicks                        Angie Walker                    Pleasant Hill                              
Parrott, Oscar Paul                     8-28-1919    7-29-1995    William Henry Parrott            Veta Viola Shultz               Louisville                                 
Pattinson, Thomas Jr.                   10-14-1921   10-2-1970    Elmer G. Pattison                Nettie Forthgill                Broodfield/ Massillon, OH                  
Patty, James Samuel                     8-23-1993    8-23-1993    John William Patty               Virginia Ross                   Marble Hill                                
Pauley, Helen                           10-9-1920    4-28-1988    Jake Sands                       Gertrude Newberry               Sherwood Memorial                          
Payne, Jackie Sue                       3-17-1941    4-27-2000    Roy Hoyle Payne                  Jessie Giffin                   Carpenter's Campground                     
Payne, Julia                            4-23-1896    10-6-1963    Jim Swaney                       Lizzie Rollin                   Gladden/ Graham Co. NC                     
Payne, Myrtle E.                        6-22-1921    9-16-1970    Joe L. Boring                    Anna Payne                      Memorial Baptist                           
Payne, Walter Lue                       12-15-1906   3-11-1973    Henry Payne                      Maude Miller                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Peak, Orville Otis                      8-26-1912    12-3-1977    Joseph Peak                      Not Listed                      Worthoras/ Murphyboro, IL                  
Pearson, James Worth                    5-15-1905    7-20-1981    Walter Pearson                   Sara Williams                   Old Mother/ Graham Co. NC                  
Peek, Jesse Holland                     3-29-1930    2-11-1983    Robert S. Peek                   Wilhelmina Williams             Cedar Lawn                                 
Peek, Wilhelmina Williams               12-5-1910    3-3-1982     Frances Holland                  Ernestine                       Cedar Lawn                                 
Pegg, Nellie B.                         9-13-1916    2-4-1982     Jim Livingston                   Louise Birchfield               Pegg/ Swain Co. NC                         
Pegg, William Eugene                    7-31-1944    10-21-1999   William Riley Pegg               Nellie Livingston               Grandview                                  
Pegg, William Riley Jr.                 12-5-1918    4-18-1971    William R. Pegg Sr.              Effie Wiggins                   Pegg/ Swain Co. NC                         
Pelfrey, Keith William                  8-14-1943    8-19-1998    Ollie J. Pelfrey                 Margaret Rowles                 Cremated                                   
Pennington, John F.                     3-17-1939    5-24-1996    Rufus Pennington                 Gladys Baker                    Pleasant Hill/ Brookville, OH              
Penson, Charlie Homer                   10-28-1904   4-15-1983    Joe Robert Penson                Hattie Thompson                 Mt. Zion                                   
Perkins, Louella                        6-1-1878     4-5-1969     Joseph Garland                   Sarah Cobble                    Miller's Cove                              
Perkins, Myrtle B.                      2-1-1896     10-20-1970   William Thomas Burns             Mary Stillwell                  Pleasant Hill Methodist                    
Peters, Mary Elizabeth                  7-29-1936    7-17-1996    Joseph A. Guerin                 Mildred May Phillips            Cremated                                   
Phelps, Alma                            8-21-1899    2-16-1988    Hiram H. Haven                   Addie Guinn                     East Maryville                             
Phillips, William Date                  9-27-1914    12-28-1993   James Andrew Phillips            Martha Elizabeth Malcom         Hickory Valley/ Loudon Co. TN              
Phinney, Ariel Elaine                   1-22-2001    1-22-2001    Lester Phinney Jr.               Donna Beal                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Pickens, Frank Howard                   3-7-1920     10-3-1997    Andrew Wilson Pickens            Mary Suzanne Franklin           Forest Hill                                
Pickens, Howard Frank                   6-7-1943     2-3-1997     Frank Pickens                    Claudia McCall                  Clark's Grove                              
Pickens, Lester Lee                     10-25-1942   5-7-1992     Hubert Stanley Pickens           Alva Lee Kirkpatrick            Forest Hill                                
Pierce, Frank Sidney                    4-12-1937    12-12-1996   Garland Alonzo Pierce            Bertha                          Sherwood Memorial                          
Pierce, Stella Mae                      7-8-1909     6-23-1995    William Isaac Holmes             Susie Jane Lewis                Bookwalter/ Knox Co. TN                    
Pietsch, Anne Stephens                  10-21-1913   1-28-1984    John Matyszkie                   Not Listed                      Paris, FRANCE                              
Pigusch, Paul Donald                    7-17-1922    8-4-1999     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Brantley's Chapel                          
Pilley, Emma                            9-10-1880    3-8-1974     O.H. Stegar                      Mildred Austin                  Woodlawn/ Nashville, TN                    
Poe, Clifford Ray                       6-20-1957    8-15-2000    Joe Poe                          Cleta Devine                    Marble Hill                                
Poe, George A.                          12-15-1914   11-26-1987   Frank Poe                        Nettie Bridges                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Poe, George Reason                      10-4-1887    10-20-1974   Marion Poe                       Jane Ballew                     Pleasant Hill/ Fannin Co. GA               
Poe, James Edgar                        4-11-1891    8-12-1974    Marion Poe                       Jane Ballew                     Mineral Bluff/ Fannin Co. GA               
Pointer, Mercedith                      11-6-1906    7-15-1990    Walter Payne                     Evelyn Lina Price               Marble Hill                                
Poole, Arthur Howard                    4-9-1941     10-19-2000   John Poole                       Thelma Key                      Old Piney Grove                            
Porter, Claborn Cicero                  4-6-1903     4-19-1984    Commodore Porter                 Mary Ann Montgomery             Maple Grove                                
Porter, Clarence                        12-25-1909   12-19-1979   Walter Porter                    Mary Henry                      Mt. Pleasant                               
Porter, Evangeline                      6-27-1902    11-30-1985   Edward Wallace                   Charlotte Rorex                 Maple Grove                                
Porter, Leroy Woods                     7-13-1917    12-31-1984   Paul Porter                      Melvina Carr                    Wilder's Chapel                            
Porter, Sallie Margaret                 4-25-1914    2-22-1991    Leroy Willis                     Not Listed                      Mt. Pleasant                               
Porter, Vera Irene                      4-8-1896     11-17-1986   Steven Richardson                Eliza Gay                       Mt. Gilead                                 
Porter, Victor                          3-16-1927    6-26-1986    Claborn Porter                   Evangeline Wallace              Maple Grove                                
Potter, Ada                             11-22-1909   5-27-1980    James H. Whitehead               Nancy Keller                    Old Piney Grove                            
Potter, Claude Henderson                6-25-1921    6-29-1978    James Potter                     Ethel Russell                   Old Piney Grove                            
Potter, Ethel                           Age 94       1-18-1990    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Old Piney Grove                            
Potter, Ethel Martha                    9-17-1899    10-3-1983    Ike Russell                      Frances Jackson                 Old Piney Grove                            
Potter, Grace Edith                     6-13-1924    12-29-1991   Levi Dodd                        Not Listed                      Old Piney Grove                            
Potter, Howard                          3-9-1916     2-4-1987     Alfred Potter                    Ethel Carpenter                 Union Grove                                
Potter, Leonard C.                      10-9-1910    1-25-1991    Not Listed                       Bertha Potter                   Mountain View                              
Potter, Oscar T.                        2-8-1924     11-27-1990   James Potter                     Ethel Russell                   Old Piney Grove                            
Potter, Raymond Howard                  1-7-1923     4-9-1977     William H. Potter                Ida Teffeteller                 Law's Chapel                               
Potter, Robert Lee                      6-16-1918    9-3-1986     Alfred Potter                    Ethel Carpenter                 Old Chilhowee                              
Potter, Sarah                           9-30-1909    4-13-1998    George Grindstaff                Mary Heaton                     Zion's Chapel                              
Powell, William M.                      2-26-1896    4-9-1968     George Powell                    Martha Gregg                    Bethel                                     
Powers, Florence Marie                  7-15-1901    2-14-1981    Henry T. Powers                  Minnie L. Hill                  Groton/ Groton, NY                         
Prater, Charles Monroe                  12-23-1912   9-23-1987    James Franklin Prater            Laura Finger                    Louisville                                 
Prather, Sallie Fannie                  4-28-1910    10-29-1983   Tommy Lewel                      Lizzie Elder                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Pressley, Ernest Alvin                  9-26-1895    2-15-1966    Jasper Pressley                  Elizabeth Estes                 Union Grove                                
Pressley, Flossie May                   2-9-1907     11-28-1979   Jim Tallent                      Sally Hayworth                  Union Grove Methodist                      
Price, Ethel Jett                       3-20-1927    6-8-1978     Lewis King                       Elizabeth Waycaster             Piney Level                                
Price, James Atchley                    1-5-1920     3-22-1995    Luther Brown Price               Martha Brown                    Grandview                                  
Pride, Helen Marie                      5-25-1919    6-17-1983    Not Listed                       Lina Pride                      Craig's Chapel/ Loudon Co. TN              
Pringle, Roy Dana                       9-3-1937     4-20-2001    James Gilbert Pringle            Josephine Vroman                Cremated                                   
Proctor, Carrie Irene                   5-13-1921    12-2-1983    John H. Wilburn                  Mary Elizabeth Hutsell          Sherwood Memorial                          
Proctor, John L.                        10-12-1939   4-26-1992    John Edward Proctor              Carrie Wilburn                  Laurel Bank                                
Proffitt, Dave                          2-19-1884    1-16-1969    Pleas Proffitt                   Lucinda                         Prospect                                   
Proffitt, Hazel Zelma                   9-10-1915    3-8-1965     Christopher Spears               Sarah Gillian                   Forest Hill                                
Proffitt, Rosa                          12-3-1889    6-6-1965     Lewis Ogle                       Bertha Russell                  Prospect                                   
Proffitt, Seldon                        2-11-1911    1-11-1983    Dave Proffitt                    Rosa Ogle                       Prospect                                   
Purkey, Cecil Junior                    6-1-1923     5-27-1998    Mary Mike Purkey                 Bessie Simerly                  Zion's Chapel                              
Purkey, Martha Jane                     7-28-1916    8-24-1993    Robert Love                      Elizabeth Oliver                Clark's Grove                              
Purkey, Samuel Lloyd                    8-27-1915    2-6-1999     John Purkey                      Elizabeth Simerly               Zion's Chapel                              
Purkey, Venus Robert                    9-6-1931     2-11-1972    Jerry Purkey                     Etta Cagle                      Shady Grove                                
Quillen, Glenn Allen                    1-8-1949     12-19-1977   Clement B. Quillen               Laura Kimbler                   Quillen/ Gate City, VA                     
Quirk, Tom Edward                       5-20-1917    5-10-1995    Tom Quirk                        Louella May Schlapia            Sherwood Memorial                          
Rabanales, Hever Estuardo               10-31-1970   10-3-1993    H. Andre Rabanales Barrios       Not Listed                      Old Piney Grove                            
Ragan, George Leslie                    7-9-1914     12-29-1996   Guy Michael Ragan                Flossie Belle Shumard           Cremated                                   
Rainer, Walter                          11-26-1923   1-14-1980    Alonzo Rainer                    Lerliner Braxton                Cedar Lawn                                 
Raines, Roy                             10-5-1906    10-10-1992   Will Raines                      Rebecca                         Sherwood Memorial                          
Rainey, Pauline Howard                  4-18-1918    3-22-1975    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Craig's Chapel / Loudon Co. TN             
Ramsey, Nola Belle                      2-25-1905    3-29-1976    Jon Johnson                      Frances Hoover                  Fairview  /  Marshall, NC                  
Ray, George Edwin                       11-21-1923   2-3-1995     Rome George Ray                  Lena Steele                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Ray, Katherine Deane                    6-4-1949     3-15-1995    Luther Shipwash                  Sarah Irene Cribbs              Louisville                                 
Ray, Willie Mae                         8-4-1925     10-22-1989   Levi Tyler                       Stella Cannon                   Sherwood Memorial                          
Reagan, Beatrice W.                     8-24-1922    9-16-1999    Charles Gaston Ensley            Rebecca Metcalf                 Campground                                 
Reagan, Mark James                      1-28-1914    7-14-1997    Frank Reagan                     Alice Huskey                    Maddox/ Sevier Co. TN                      
Reagan, Mary Evens                      10-11-1899   12-22-1967   Charles Litterer                 Margaret Jones                  Magnolia                                   
Reagan, Minnie                          7-4-1904     7-11-1991    Sylvester Hurst                  Hulda Flynn                     Ellejoy                                    
Reason, Cleo Gracie                     2-7-1927     1-14-1983    Chales Combs                     Rosa Allen                      West Hill / Dalton, GA                     
Redding, Willie Mae                     7-14-1896    1-29-1982    Willis Moreland                  Not Listed                      Cedar Lawn                                 
Reed, James Alfred Sr.                  11-18-1929   7-17-1981    Lewis Reed                       Lucille Swann                   Sherwood Memorial                          
Reed, Louis Charles                     2-24-1911    6-15-1982    Charles Reed                     Josie Swann                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Reese, Sherman Napoleon                 5-10-1897    3-16-1969    Joseph Brown Reese               Martha Ann Hyde                 Sherwood Memorial                          
Reichard, Charles Joseph Sr.            7-14-1914    12-20-1996   Charles Joseph Reichard          Gertrude Roebuck                Mt.Gilead/ Hendersonville, NC              
Reichard, Lillie Ada Mae                4-22-1919    8-22-1996    Joseph J. Reece                  Ada Bryson                      Mt. Gilead/ Hendersonville, NC             
Renaud, Justin James                    9-20-2000    9-20-2000    John Renaud Jr.                  Celests Stephens                Sherwood Memorial                          
Reneau, Harriett Louise                 6-2-1926     3-30-1975    Harry Bates                      Carrie McSpadden                Magnolia                                   
Rhodes, Martha Louise                   1-25-1906    3-26-1973    Rubbin Ragen                     Mary Andrews                    Liberty                                    
Rich, Lucille Marie                     2-23-1916    11-19-1994   James O. Woods                   Nanny Waller                    Cremated                                   
Richard, Lea                            4-27-1887    4-19-1971    William Burton                   Mary E. Gardner                 Rest Haven / Hagerstown, MD                
Richards, William Harold                12-25-1918   8-17-1982    London Ellis Richards            Alma Gammons                    Clark's Grove                              
Richardson, Audean                      9-15-1932    4-19-1965    Robert Chapman                   Mary Viola                      Liberty Christian                          
Rickard, Chelsey Roadman                6-3-1923     11-2-1993    Chesley Cowan Rickard            Mary Hannah Alexander           Union/ Newport, TN                         
Riddle, James Wilbur                    6-15-1945    10-22-2000   Burley Riddle                    Maggie Fagg                     Piney Level                                
Ridings, Roger Dale Sr.                 7-14-1944    4-15-1996    John Ralph Ridings               Lois Burchfield                 Ellejoy                                    
Riley, Bonnie Jean                      8-5-1942     2-7-1996     Cassius M. Powell                Barbara Glassburn               Cremated                                   
Risman, Ida A.                          11-15-1892   12-8-1983    John Hopi                        Not Listed                      Cremated                                   
Robbins, Howard Robert                  6-21-1931    4-14-1996    James A. Robbins                 Lola Ethel Cobb                 TN Veteran/ Knox Co. TN                    
Robbins, Janet                          7-1-1944     7-13-1999    Phillip Leroy Estabrook          Lucille Robinson Holmes         TN Veterans/ Knox Co. TN                   
Roberson, Dolores                       11-18-1934   3-17-2000    J.L. Bonner                      Pauline Fain                    Caylor's Chapel                            
Roberts, Charles Arthur                 2-18-1922    5-24-1993    James Arthur Roberts             Mary Myers                      Forest Hill                                
Roberts, Clyde Ernest                   4-18-1912    12-8-1971    J.A. Roberts                     Alice Swindle                   Grandview                                  
Roberts, Freddy Carson                  12-17-1951   4-16-2001    Lawson Roy Roberts               Lillie Lemons                   Pine Grove/ Loudon Co. TN                  
Roberts, James Calloway                 3-12-1912    3-27-1978    James Arthur Roberts             Mary Jane Myers                 Forest Hill                                
Roberts, James Calloway Jr.             3-1-1934     10-4-2000    James Calloway Roberts Sr.       Lucille Bradburn                Forest Hill                                
Roberts, James Paul                     4-8-1917     3-23-1994    Lee Roy Roberts                  Mary Blackburn                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Roberts, Lucille Bradford               12-18-1916   11-8-1979    John H. Bradburn                 Mary Wilson                     Forest Hill                                
Roberts, Mary Ballinger                 12-3-1886    4-7-1968     Frank Ballinger                  Mary Reed                       Cremated                                   
Robinson, Kermit F.                     1-21-1914    7-22-1991    John Robinson                    Puarlin Sharp                   Sherwood Memorial                          
Rockwell, Ruth Mae                      6-25-1907    3-28-1972    John Kendall                     Eliza Davis                     Grandview                                  
Rodden, Bertha Mae                      12-17-1914   1-20-1980    Elbert M. Johnson                Dora Reynolds                   Pleasant Grove / Maynardville, TN          
Roddy, James Donald                     11-17-1917   8-22-1975    Joseph A. Roddy                  Cordie Brewer                   Baker's Creek                              
Roddy, Ralph Paul                       9-20-1930    7-20-1984    Walter L. Roddy                  Vesta Day                       Cedar Lawn                                 
Rodgers, David Lee                      7-6-1903     9-25-1976    Dave Rodgers                     Lida Pease                      Carpenter's Campground                     
Rodgers, Elsie Lucille                  4-14-1906    12-23-1994   George Thomas Hammons            Melinda Florence Russell        Carpenter's Campground                     
Rodgers, Robert Lee                     9-4-1926     9-17-1981    David Lee Rodgers                Elsie Hammons                   Sherwood Memorial                          
Rogers, David Timothy                   7-8-1958     7-24-1994    Odis Travis Rogers               Dorothy Lang                    Clark's Grove                              
Rogers, Dixie Marie                     2-22-1922    10-15-1967   James Richard Land               Mattie Lee Benton               Pine Grove  /  Loudon Co. TN               
Rogers, Katherine Helen                 1-22-1910    6-25-1980    Lee Roebuck                      Abbie Henry                     Louisville                                 
Rogers, Keith Junior                    2-11-1935    6-30-1991    Luther Martin Rogers             Geneva Garner                   Grandview                                  
Rogers, Mary Margaret                   1-16-1902    4-30-1995    Robert C. Robertson              Theodoshia Coker                Oak Hill/ Drumright, OK                    
Rogers, Odis Travis                     1-4-1926     6-19-1998    John Rhodes                      Jenny May Rogers                Clark's Grove                              
Rogers, Stella Marie                    1-2-1942     12-31-2000   Roy Guffey                       Hettie Allen                    Cedar Grove                                
Rogers, William Alfred                  9-3-1921     12-8-1969    J. Hubert Rogers                 Nola Boling                     Forest Hill                                
Rolen, Ollie Belle                      1-16-1888    10-25-1975   Crockett Hicks                   Jane Denton                     Rolen /  Sevier Co. TN                     
Rorex, Earnest Lewis                    Age 28       9-25-1977    Riley L. Rorex                   Not Listed                      Maple Grove                                
Rorex, Hiram Thomas                     11-9-1908    11-12-1985   Hiram Rorex                      Mattie Griffith                 Cedar Lawn                                 
Rorex, Lois                             Age 49       4-26-1989    George Pate                      Evelyn Jackson                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Rorex, Nellie Edith                     4-13-1906    12-27-1983   Louis George                     Laura Walker                    Maple Grove                                
Rorex, Riley Louis                      6-15-1924    5-10-1986    R.H. Rorex                       Nellie E. George                Maple Grove                                
Rose, Charles Fred Sr.                  3-14-1912    11-24-1986   Charles B. Rose                  Florence Davis                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Rose, James Lindell                     1-3-1930     12-7-1976    Jess Rose                        Mary Murphy                     Clark's Grove                              
Rose, John Cecil                        5-12-1906    11-18-1969   E.M. Rose                        Mary Elizabeth Flowers          Shade  / Polk Co. TN                       
Rose, Loisteen Michael                  3-26-1916    5-8-1985     Chris Michael                    Sarah Ann Byrd                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Rose, Robert Levi                       5-15-1888    1-21-1979    William Rose                     Martha Berry                    Zion's Chapel                              
Rose, Worley Robert                     3-11-1923    3-7-1970     Charles Rose                     Mary Sharp                      Rocky Hill  /  Knox Co. TN                 
Roth, Leah Maria                        1-11-1994    9-26-1995    Allen Raymond Roth               Julie Koch                      Chilhowee View                             
Roth, Mary Virginia                     5-21-1932    2-17-1997    Nicholas Chavez                  Prescilla Rodregis              Chilhowee View                             
Roulette, Albert Dewey                  11-15-1946   5-14-2000    Fred William Roulette            Mary Elizabeth Arwood           Clark's Grove                              
Roulette, Charles William               12-5-1896    11-7-1970    Charles Roulette                 Rebecca Potter                  Cowlitz View /  Kelso, WA                  
Roulette, Fred William                  5-4-1918     11-30-1981   Charles W. Roulette              Elsie Jane Lawhorn              Clark's Grove                              
Roulette, John Henry                    5-15-1895    12-5-1969    Charles William Roulette         Rebecca Potter                  Old Piney Grove                            
Roulette, Raymond Jack                  4-22-1913    2-25-1974    Sidney Fielden Roulette          Una Faye Jackson                Old Piney Grove                            
Roulette, Wesley Emmitt                 2-1-1952     7-21-1968    Fred Roulette                    Mary Elizabeth Arwood           Clark's Grove                              
Rowell, Gladys Marie                    1-16-1926    3-15-1995    Dave Hannah                      Clementine Jones                Sherwood Memorial                          
Rowell, William Delcer                  2-2-1921     10-12-1992   Dudley Rowell                    Millie Eves                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Rucker, Ronald Lafollette               5-5-1954     12-21-1998   Phelix Bishop                    Gladys O. Dodd                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Rudd, Abraham Link                      2-8-1896     2-8-1974     Abe Rudd                         Martha Ann Frye                 Burns                                      
Rudd, Arthur Lee                        2-19-1903    9-14-1964    Edd Rudd                         Margaret Frye                   Bethel                                     
Russell, Billy Ray                      5-27-1976    2-21-1979    Bill Russell                     Kathy Roberts                   Forest Hill                                
Russell, Charlie Harrison               3-11-1911    8-2-1969     W.L. Russell                     Flora Josie Webster             Pleasant Hill Methodist                    
Russell, George Washington              6-22-1902    2-21-1970    Charlie Russell                  Augusta Phillips                Zion's Chapel                              
Russell, Joe Anderson                   4-16-1893    5-25-1965    Isaac Russell                    Ruth Gibson                     Old Piney Grove                            
Russell, Josephine W.                   9-15-1889    11-5-1970    Adam Wolf                        Mary Jane Simerly               Pleasant Hill Methodist                    
Russell, Luke                           9-13-1910    9-15-1968    Isaac Russell                    Frances Jackson                 Pleasant Hill Methodist                    
Russell, Ralph David                    12-5-1937    10-3-1999    David Turner Russell             Laura Sneed                     Grandview                                  
Russell, Ruby Pauline                   2-4-1912     4-14-1996    John Oscar Kirkland              Mary Maude Sparks               Liberty Baptist                            
Russell, William A.                     6-14-1899    5-4-1990     James Anderson Russell           Rebecca Nuchols                 Logan's Chapel                             
Ryan, Marion                            12-12-1893   12-14-1973   John Summerfield Petty           Mary Adams Blancher             Mt. Pleasant                               
Sackett, Barbara Ann                    12-24-1918   2-26-1999    Clyde Avery Davis                Beulah James                    Mt. Zion                                   
Sackett, Jack Mondell                   12-18-1925   12-29-1990   Golden Noble Sackett             Viola Vicotia Adam              Mt. Zion                                   
Sammans, Flora                          3-7-1904     8-14-1995    Jim Bates                        Ollie Wilson                    Union Hill/ Eva, AL                        
Sanden, Elsie                           4-18-1923    4-8-1995     Sanford Hamilton                 Mabel Meadows                   Chilhowee View                             
Sanden, William Sebert                  7-3-1925     8-21-1989    William Sanden                   Lena Matheney                   Chilhowee View                             
Sands, Charles Taylor                   4-7-1925     12-6-1978    Taylor Sands                     Zora Ethel Simerly              Pleasant Hill Methodist                    
Sands, Daniel                           7-27-1919    9-6-1984     Taylor Sands                     Zora E. Simerly                 Pleasant Hill Methodist                    
Sands, Don Allen                        5-3-1942     6-2-1995     Jesse Anderson Sands             Cora Bell Hatcher               Cremated                                   
Sands, Ella Mae                         3-22-1910    11-15-1979   James Robinson                   Becky                           St. John's Lutheran                        
Sargeant, Glen                          Not Listed   9-1-1992     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Not Listed                                 
Sawyer, Ellen Bertha                    7-3-1930     12-25-1985   Cara Potter                      Sarah Grindstaff                Zion's Chapel                              
Scarbrough, Nola Serepta                4-29-1909    2-9-1976     Granville Campbell               Mary Alice McDowell             Clark's Grove                              
Scheibel, Bertha Cordelia               8-17-1890    6-12-1973    James Neal                       Mary Pedigo                     Pleasant Grove                             
Scheibel, Carl                          2-8-1887     12-30-1975   John Carl Scheibel               Ettie J. Mae                    New Gray/ Knox Co. TN                      
Schmidt, Clara                          7-23-1907    5-30-1994    William Bennett                  Rebecca Brady                   Laurel/ Cincinnati, OH                     
Schweitzer, Ethel May                   12-10-1899   8-24-1995    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Cremated                                   
Scott, Dorothy Elaine                   6-19-1930    12-7-1976    James A. Jones                   Eva Taylor                      Mt. Zion                                   
Scruggs, David Michael Jr.              3-22-1969    8-18-1990    David M. Scruggs Sr.             Jacqueline Roebuck              Louisville                                 
Scudder, Harold Kessler                 9-21-1918    10-31-1977   Will H. Scudder                  Willie B. Kessler               Mt. Pleasant                               
Scudder, Willie Hunter Sr.              6-16-1894    8-8-1980     Taylor Scudder                   Mattie Riley                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Seelig, Hazel Adele                     6-3-1893     2-8-1978     Calif F. Smith                   Mamie A. France                 Greenfill/ Hempstead, NY                   
Self, Arnold Edward                     4-12-1930    3-1-1997     George Washington Self           Dora Green                      Cremated                                   
Self, Eva Jewell                        12-25-1913   1-14-1973    James M. Harrell                 Ethel Cox                       Clark's Grove                              
Self, Maxine                            3-3-1935     1-22-1999    Rudolph Sims                     Mable Cupp                      Dotson Memorial                            
Self, Ross Manning (Rev.)               4-21-1905    5-24-1981    Jesse Manning Self               Mary Johnson                    Clark's Grove                              
Sendelbach, Steven James                5-29-1956    1-13-1998    Clayton Sendelbach               Rosetta Goggler                 East Lawn Mem/ Kingsport, TN               
Senters, Edward Roscoe                  7-21-1888    6-2-1983     Jeff Edward Senters              Alice Beeler                    Louisville                                 
Sewell, William                         Not Listed   8-27-1996    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Not Listed                                 
Sexton, Delus Eugene                    9-20-1950    4-10-2000    Ezra Sexton                      Paralee Phillips                Ballard's Chapel                           
Sexton, James Sheridan                  6-19-1919    4-26-1992    Lewis Sheridan Sexton            Myrtle Mae Jenkins              Middlesettlements                          
Sexton, John                            2-13-1932    9-8-1980     Elam Sexton                      Rosie Gregg                     Ballard's Chapel                           
Sexton, Myrtle Mae                      1-17-1897    12-31-1991   James Jenkins                    Not Listed                      Middlesettlements                          
Sexton, Paul                            7-2-1927     1-28-2001    Elam Sexton                      Rosa Greg                       Grandview                                  
Sexton, Ruby                            2-22-1926    8-18-1996    James Garfield Cook              Arizona Dockery                 West Miller's Cove                         
Seymour, Eugene Waugh                   8-17-1913    1-31-1976    Will Seymour                     Elizabeth Thomas                Sherwood Memorial                          
Shadden, Andrea Williams                3-8-1903     12-2-1990    Frank Shadden                    Emma Lane                       Oakland                                    
Sharp, Dan Albert                       4-14-1887    12-19-1981   Andrew Sharp                     Clemme Rorex                    Temple Methodist                           
Sharp, Josie                            12-3-1893    4-24-1985    Abraham Sharp                    Winnie Cotesand                 Cedar Lawn                                 
Sharp, Lula                             5-31-1889    3-26-1988    Jeff Taylor                      Not Listed                      Louisville                                 
Sharp, Marjorie Marie                   2-23-1934    10-17-1998   Henry Harvey Patty               Perlie Martin                   Ellejoy                                    
Sharp, Mary Margaret                    5-5-1893     9-23-1982    Andrew Sharp                     Clemme Rorex                    Temple Methodist                           
Sharp, Susie                            7-19-1896    5-9-1981     George Rorex                     Carrie Roland                   TN Veteran/ Knox Co. TN                    
Shaw, Florence Mildred                  12-13-1906   12-16-1999   Charles Rose                     Hilbnee Gilbert                 Lonewood/ Spencer, TN                      
Shedd, Jessie Dwain                     9-7-1950     3-2-1996     Willard Shedd                    Annie Mae Duskin Grimes         CentralBaptist/ Cullman, AL                
Sheldon, Gerald Walter                  7-5-1945     10-21-2000   Charles Sheldon                  Lucy Campbell                   Cremated                                   
Shinliver, Charles Elmer                9-12-1908    12-31-1975   Charles A. Shinliver             Minnie Gardner                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Shinliver, Ear Richard                  12-10-1910   6-21-1983    Charles A. Shinliver             Minnie Gardner                  Black Oak/ Clinton, TN                     
Shinliver, Ruby Roenna                  3-23-1921    8-27-1997    Dave Hannah                      Clementine Jones                Sherwood Memorial                          
Shirley, Doyle Eugene                   4-24-1947    1-9-1998     Glenn Shirley                    Juanita Campbell                Laurel Bank                                
Shockley, Adge Lester                   3-24-1915    11-17-1981   Edd Shockley                     Enzie Cummings                  Cedar Lawn                                 
Shockley, James Cornelius               7-22-1910    5-22-1988    Rod Shockley                     Anza Cummings                   Sherwood Memorial                          
Shockley, Lillian J.                    8-30-1916    5-27-1988    Frank Sanford                    Jennie Ramsey                   Sherwood Memorial                          
Shoffner, Cora Elizabeth                5-6-1932     11-5-1998    David McMillan                   Martha Swaney                   Four Mile                                  
Shook, Ethel Tinne                      12-12-1899   10-18-1992   John Fuller                      Clara Guffey                    Clark's Grove                              
Shufelt, Elsie Bertha                   2-9-1903     4-17-2000    August Berndt                    Anna Aihlors                    Cremated                                   
Shumate, Nema Faye                      10-24-1939   4-6-1992     Wesley Gordon Hurst              Nema Keeton                     Cremated                                   
Shumate, Robert Lee                     12-2-1936    5-20-1988    Homer Shumate                    Beatrice Summey                 Nelson's Chapel                            
Shumate, Robert Lynn                    10-20-1972   4-16-1986    Not Listed                       Judith Shumate                  Nelson's Chapel                            
Sides, Carl Webb                        6-15-1936    1-12-1998    William A. Sides                 Lola Bell Lawson                Russell                                    
Siler, Mary Baker                       11-28-1892   4-27-1978    Samuel L. Broughton              Mattie Carroll                  Cedar Lawn                                 
Simerly, Gambell                        9-10-1911    3-12-1964    L.F. Simerly                     Nola Whetsell                   Liberty Baptist                            
Simerly, Harvey H.                      3-2-1917     1-2-1991     James B. Simerly                 Sarah Whitehead                 Cremated                                   
Simerly, Howard                         6-20-1905    7-27-1991    Fate Simerly                     Nola Whetsell                   Pleasant Hill Methodist                    
Simerly, Margaret Anna Bell             10-20-1918   7-1-2000     David Arwood                     Geneva McCaulley                Nelson's Chapel                            
Simerly, Reba Rosedean                  9-23-1915    3-12-1964    Raleigh C. Vaden                 Margaret Best                   Liberty Baptist                            
Simonds, Carmen Ann                     1-30-1969    12-11-1970   Mike Simonds                     Virginia Kay                    Cedar Point                                
Simonds, Minnie Mae                     5-1-1909     11-1-1996    Brownlow Richards                Mariah Chance                   Forest Hill                                
Simonds, Norman B.                      9-13-1895    9-30-1970    Richard Simonds                  Dorothy Walls                   Forest Hill                                
Simpson, Addie                          2-2-1889     4-14-1983    Jonas Jefferson                  Laura Blackwell                 Maple Grove                                
Simpson, Archie A.                      3-25-1913    8-10-1988    Henry Simpson                    Addie Jefferson                 Cedar Lawn                                 
Simpson, Mattie Dooley                  6-23-1891    3-13-1975    Walter Cooper                    Mattie Buem                     Louisville                                 
Simpson, Ronald Edgar                   2-7-1935     2-4-1997     George Lafayette                 Mary M. Robinson                Martel Meth./ Loudon Co. TN                
Simpson, Willie Etta                    7-26-1918    4-1-1993     Lon Henry Simpson                Catherine Fannie Kirkland       Mt. Zion                                   
Sims, Leroy Percey                      3-7-1910     11-2-1976    Arthur Sims                      Olie Walker                     Cedar Lawn                                 
Sims, Mabel Lillian                     6-26-1916    11-12-2000   Henry Cupp Sr.                   Lettie Jane Gibson              Ballard's Chapel                           
Sims, Mildred Elizabeth                 1-6-1901     5-28-1995    William Seaborn Jones            Emily Cadenhead                 Elmwood/ Birmingham, AL                    
Sisk, Floyd Turner                      9-12-1909    9-3-1989     George Thomas Sisk               Mary J. Smelcer                 Sherwood Memorial                          
Sliger, Roger Dale                      5-26-1963    6-22-1999    Jack Roger Sliger                Gladys Veals                    Ballard's Chapel                           
Smallen, Montie Mae                     12-23-1914   5-7-1982     Nelson Dean                      Martha Oaten                    Mt. Olive/ Knox Co. TN                     
Smalley, Thomas Raymond                 3-16-1942    7-26-1978    Harley Smalley                   Mildred Sanders                 Pleasant Hill                              
Smelcher, Jim Edgar                     2-3-1893     3-31-1964    Burt Smelcher                    Mary Terry                      Cedar                                      
Smith, Bonnie                           3-19-1911    3-3-1988     Patrick Henry Stanford           Sally Wygal                     Arlington/ Milford, OH                     
Smith, Burton Lee                       1-16-1894    8-30-1976    Isaac Smith                      Artilla Stephens                Old Piney Grove                            
Smith, Cameron Dupree                   5-5-1935     11-22-2000   Vernon Illingworth Smith         Bernice Biddle                  Cremated                                   
Smith, Carl Lowell Sr.                  7-15-1923    8-7-1998     Walker Pete Smith                Nancy Headrick                  Clark's Grove                              
Smith, Fred                             8-18-1885    2-7-1968     Not Listed                       Martha Smith                    Mt. Zion                                   
Smith, Hazel                            10-10-1908   5-4-1983     George Kerr                      Sally McMahan                   Sherwood Memorial                          
Smith, Homer Hasque Sr.                 4-5-1919     7-11-1984    Wilbur Smith                     Corda Davis                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Smith, Jeffery Allen                    3-21-1958    9-26-1988    Dan Waters                       Dorothy Ann Bishop              Cedar Lawn                                 
Smith, John B.                          3-18-1908    6-29-1988    Joseph Smith                     Mary Marshall                   Sherwood Memorial                          
Smith, Maxine                           9-23-1911    4-6-1994     Max Fritzsche                    Emma Molyneaux                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Smith, Mildred                          8-22-1931    11-11-1998   John Collier                     Vivian Roberts                  Mt. Hermon/ Powell, TN                     
Smith, Norma Ruth                       2-14-1940    7-11-1996    Bill Watts                       Mamie Sue Whitehead             Cremated                                   
Smith, Paul E.                          Not Listed   9-22-1992    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Carpenter's Campground                     
Smith, Pinkey                           5-2-1900     1-5-1985     Anthony Palm                     Not Listed                      Cedar Lawn                                 
Smith, Riley Scott                      8-16-1964    4-14-2000    Edward Lynn Smith                Betty Payne                     Hillcrest                                  
Smith, Robert Francis                   7-9-1930     12-22-1995   Nelson Smith                     Clara Schmidt                   Cremated                                   
Snapp, Callie Mack                      4-25-1910    10-20-1973   John O. Snapp                    Laura Henderson                 Middle Creek/ Sevier Co. TN                
Sorrell, Dwight Edward                  Age 44       8-27-1967    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Franklin, OH                               
Spangler, Geneva                        6-13-1891    7-17-1974    Samuel King                      Sophia Franklin                 Ballard's Chapel                           
Spangler, Morgan J.                     1-13-1893    8-28-1970    James B. Spangler                Lara Houser                     Ballard's Chapel                           
Sparks, Barbara Ann                     1-19-1947    3-22-1983    Warren G. Hawkins                Ella Mae Smith                  Baker's Creek                              
Sparks, Richard Daniel                  5-21-1979    3-22-1983    Herbert W. Sparks Sr.            Barbara Hawkins                 Baker's Creek                              
Spears, Louise Emmitt Sr.               8-2-1919     3-9-1977     Juddin C. Spears                 Willie Mae Thompson             Sherwood Memorial                          
Spears, Marlene Carol                   12-24-1936   10-11-1995   Ira Reagan                       Mary Litterer                   Ellejoy Baptist                            
Speed, Celia Iva Lee                    8-14-1920    7-18-1992    William R. Hearon                Demie Cable                     Marble Hill                                
Spencer, Eden                           2-23-1907    9-21-1972    J.E. Carson                      Laura Drinnen                   Grandview                                  
Spivey, Elsie Mae                       8-11-1908    8-27-1978    Eugene M. Argyle                 Hanna Kennedy                   Harmony/ Washington, DC                    
Spradlin, Evelyn Gail Blair             8-31-1953    2-10-1998    D. Hodge                         Florence Hensley                Mt. Zion/ Monroe Co. TN                    
Spurlock, George Leslie                 4-12-1955    7-4-1986     Theodore Spurlock                Nancy Sheppard                  New Providence/ Monroe Co. TN              
Stamps, Frances D.                      11-15-1907   8-16-1986    Edwin Daniel Sr.                 Gertrude Harris                 Oak Hill/ Newman, GA                       
Stanberry, Virginia                     10-20-1911   4-10-2001    Thomas L. Cox                    Nellie Gardner                  Greenwood/ Knox Co. TN                     
Stanberry, William B.                   7-17-1908    7-19-2000    William B. Stanberry             Alice Faubin                    Greenwood/ Knox Co. TN                     
Stanton, David Jay                      3-30-1937    2-13-2001    Merrill Stanton                  Helen Buffington                Clark's Grove                              
Staple, Ronald Gene Sr.                 6-8-1938     2-6-2001     Walter Staple                    Frances Beers                   Cremated                                   
Steele, Charles Noel                    7-30-1913    9-21-1972    Wesley Steele                    Della McInturff                 Centenary                                  
Stegar, Priscilla Hunter                8-30-1882    5-30-1974    O.H. Stegar                      Mildred Austin                  Woodlawn/ Nashville, TN                    
Steiauf, Irene E.                       12-2-1928    5-28-1998    Charles Steiauf                  Irene                           Clark's Grove                              
Stephens, Earl Edward                   9-7-1919     11-3-1990    H.W. Stephens                    Zora Belle Wilcox               Dotson Memorial                            
Stephens, Earl Edward Jr.               7-18-1944    12-19-1963   Earl E. Stephens Sr.             Jimmie Bunch                    Mt. Olive/ Knox Co. TN                     
Stephens, James Fuller                  5-1-1910     3-18-2001    James Kindrick Stephens          Bessie Anna Lang                Jarnigan/ Morristown, TN                   
Stephens, James Ralph                   2-11-1974    6-27-1975    James R. Stephens Sr.            Tina Marie McKenzie             Sherwood Memorial                          
Stephens, Lona                          5-9-1924     10-16-1983   C.C. Lane                        Maggie Hawthorne                Sherwood Memorial                          
Stephens, Maude Bertha                  7-25-1913    2-12-2000    Samuel Burton Wells              Bessie Mae Dodd                 Jarnigan/ Morristown, TN                   
Stephens, Robert Drew                   6-3-1973     6-9-1973     Leslie Olin Stephens             Kathy Diane Justus              Unitia Free                                
Stephens, Zora Belle                    Age 64       8-1-1963     Gerel Wilcox                     Sara Marget Gregg               Dotson Memorial                            
Stevens, Charles Robert                 5-12-1902    7-22-1985    Steve Stevens                    Not Listed                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Stevens, Eloise                         9-12-1900    4-3-1979     Not Listed                       Della H. Tillman                Cedar Lawn                                 
Stevens, Irene Lillian                  6-27-1921    1-25-1998    Ferman Murphy                    Stella Moore                    Grandview                                  
Stevens, Lynn Wayne                     6-20-1951    8-14-1999    Claude Stevens                   Irene Murphy                    Grandview                                  
Stevens, Willie Mae                     Age 71       8-20-1984    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Stewart, Beatrice                       4-1-1885     3-23-1976    Anderson Barnes                  Rena Perry                      Maple Grove                                
Stewart, Betty Jo                       12-31-1937   1-2-1996     Wayne Monroe Whitehead           Nola Pedigo                     Old Piney Grove                            
Stewart, Glenn Allison                  7-23-1904    1-31-1992    Joe Wines                        Artie Fine                      Peck's Chapel                              
Stewart, Marvin Alexander               7-15-1935    3-17-1998    Leonard Alexander Stewart        Icie Breeden                    Zion's Chapel                              
Stewart, Robert Lee                     12-23-1934   4-19-1991    James Thomas Stewart             Roxie Long                      Maple Grove                                
Stichler, Rebecca                       7-31-1929    2-1-2001     Charles Sherman Coffey           Nina Rachel Abbott              Grandview                                  
Stinnett, Harold Bruce                  12-11-1928   6-23-1994    Ruben Stinnett                   Dora Lanning                    Forest Hill                                
Stinnett, James Marshall                8-22-1931    12-6-1994    Manning Stinnett                 Sarah                           Rocky Branch                               
Stinnett, Jesse H.C.                    9-21-1922    8-29-1974    John Stinnett                    Ethel Keller                    Liberty Christian                          
Stinnett, Johnny Erskine                2-6-1920     2-14-1972    John Hamilton Stinnett           Ethel Keller                    Laurel Bank                                
Stinnett, Lillie                        9-9-1893     5-6-1968     Radford McCarter                 Sarah Moore                     Law's Chapel                               
Stinnett, Teresa Jay                    1-20-1988    1-20-1988    J.W. Stinnett                    Teresa                          Liberty Christian                          
Stinnett, Thelma Irene                  6-25-1910    2-19-1981    George Bradburn                  Frances Whitehead               Clark's Grove                              
Stinnett, Walter Houston                2-15-1959    5-16-2000    Harold Stinnett                  Susie Palmer                    Grandview                                  
Stockton, Priscilla Irene               11-9-1947    5-27-1992    Leon Guffey                      Not Listed                      Logan's Chapel                             
Stokes, Jasper                          Age 55       12-12-1985   Walter Jackson                   Delores McKinney                Cedar Lawn                                 
Strickland, Charles Walter              9-20-1921    8-17-1994    Henry Hillard Strickland         Rosetta Gilland                 Chilhowee View                             
Strickland, Dwight Edwin                2-4-1952     2-13-1978    John T. Strickland               Dorothy A. Carr                 Sherwood Memorial                          
Strickland, Jeffrey Allen               2-28-1959    5-12-1988    Charles James Strickland         Marie Lowe                      Chilhowee View                             
Strickland, John Thomas Jr.             3-25-1943    8-22-1979    John T. Strickland Sr.           Dorothy                         Sherwood Memorial                          
Strickland, Paul Avery                  4-4-1930     11-14-1988   Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Chilhowee View                             
Strickland, Raymond Eugene              4-30-1930    1-22-1991    Clarence Strickland              Ella Mae Woods                  Allegheny Baptist                          
Strickland, Rosetta                     9-20-1901    1-2-1988     Toliver Gilland                  Corice Owenby                   Bethel                                     
Strivison, Sidney                       2-24-1894    12-20-1985   Jeff Strivison                   Not Listed                      Cedar Lawn                                 
Stroup, Evelyn Marie                    7-3-1924     1-8-1997     Raymond C. Wheatcroft            Mary Towns                      Cremated                                   
Stuart, Burkett T.                      9-6-1895     11-24-1982   Joseph Stuart                    Elizabeth Chistin               Grandview                                  
Stuart, Robert Lee                      1-11-1936    3-30-1967    Burkett Stuart                   Thursa Wooden                   Forest Hill                                
Sudderth, Alice Pauline                 9-25-1914    2-16-1991    James Fullwood                   Mildred Tolbert                 Sherwood Memorial                          
Sudderth, Clarence Clifton              5-15-1910    10-7-1977    Zeblin Butt                      Cetil Willey                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Sudderth, John Lester                   9-15-1976    9-15-1976    Not Listed                       Valerie Sudderth                Cedar Lawn                                 
Sudderth, Karen Michelle                3-24-1968    5-25-1982    Not Listed                       Alice L. Sudderth               Sherwood Memorial                          
Sudderth, Lucille Henry                 7-11-1911    10-18-1977   Alex Henry                       Zelphie Davis                   Mt. Pleasant                               
Sudderth, Mary Elizabeth                2-13-1937    1-13-1987    Grover Ledbetter                 Mary Ison                       Maple Grove                                
Summey, Mary Ellen                      2-24-1903    11-9-1972    William Kirkland                 Elizabeth McLemore              Mt. Zion Baptist                           
Suther, Roy Alan                        2-7-1920     7-20-1965    Clyde Alan Suther                Ruth Carpenter                  Ft. Gibson/ Muskogee, OK                   
Sutton, Dalton Wayne                    3-24-1943    7-6-1972     Dalton T. Sutton                 Mildred Abbott                  Forest Hill                                
Sutton, Frank Ashley                    7-26-1935    8-28-1992    Hugh Sutton                      Zula Mae Webb                   Tuckaleechee Methodist                     
Sutton, Richard Todd                    2-15-1972    4-13-1995    Paul Richard Sutton              Judy Ann Martin                 Grandview                                  
Sutton, Teresa Kay                      8-24-1958    2-4-1973     William Paul Sutton              Gladys Dunlap                   Clark's Grove                              
Sutton, William Paul                    4-24-1909    2-26-1973    James Washington Sutton          Lillie Godfrey                  Clark's Grove                              
Swafford, Kathleen                      9-1-1935     11-17-1997   John Currier                     Minnie                          Grandview                                  
Sweet, Edith Ann                        2-14-1912    2-25-2001    Marion Randolph Standridge       Adaline Goss                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Sweet, Floyd Napoleon                   2-25-1912    1-27-1979    Jim Sweet                        Fannie Payne                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Sweet, Thomas McPearson                 2-24-1929    3-9-1983     Mac Sweet                        Arie L. Sandridge               Big Springs                                
Swift, James Harvey                     10-6-1935    7-8-1989     Harvey Swift                     Dora E. Dills                   Piney Level                                
Swiney, Jesse James                     12-5-1921    9-10-1971    William P. Swiney                Margaret Herron                 Liberty Baptist                            
Sykes, Charles                          2-10-1926    12-6-1988    Charles Sykes                    Mary Dean                       Cedar Lawn                                 
Sykes, Rodger T.                        5-3-1948     2-26-1989    Charles Cox                      Eloise Sykes                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Tate, Bettie Irene                      9-9-1934     12-31-1993   Brownlow Cooper                  Mable Graham                    Grandview                                  
Tate, Fred O.                           10-5-1920    10-26-1997   Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Clark's Grove                              
Tate, Hattie Ruth                       10-6-1930    7-17-1984    Roosevelt Manuel                 Savannah Key                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Tate, Roma Elizabeth                    8-22-1911    11-3-1979    Walter Gillespie                 Viola Henry                     Mt. Pleasant                               
Taylor, Della Mae                       5-6-1914     4-2-1988     John Taylor                      Allie Latham                    Grandview                                  
Taylor, Fred Johnson                    8-9-1909     8-21-1988    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Memorial Baptist                           
Taylor, Ronald Wayne                    6-5-1966     10-9-1995    Don Allen Taylor                 Peggy Jean Sexton               Mt. Olivet/ Nashville, TN                  
Teets, Clarence Luther                  12-27-1919   4-8-1967     George Teets                     Ella Harner                     Old Piney Grove                            
Teffeteller, Alvin Walker               10-13-1905   3-31-1980    Fate Lee Teffeteller             Susan Ogle                      Law's Chapel                               
Teffeteller, Anna Mae                   11-8-1922    11-8-1989    James Baker                      Lucinda McDonell                Grandview                                  
Teffeteller, Annie Belle                9-14-1885    10-18-1981   Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Pleasant Hill Methodist                    
Teffeteller, Helen Elizabeth            8-20-1929    1-24-1997    Samuel Houston Jones             Nellie Bales                    Law's Chapel                               
Teffeteller, Lawrence                   3-12-1920    5-26-1989    John Millard Teffeteller         Sally Mae Stephens              Chilhowee View                             
Teffeteller, Nathan Joseph              6-17-1986    6-17-1986    James Lee Teffeteller            Melinda H. Smith                Grandview                                  
Teffeteller, Richard Howard             3-10-1910    9-17-1969    Fate Teffeteller                 Susan Ogle                      Bethel Baptist                             
Thomas, Aubrey S.                       3-2-1921     11-7-1989    George H. Thomas                 Annie Mae Moore                 Greenlawn / Roswell, GA                    
Thomas, Brandon Shan                    6-7-1976     10-16-1976   George Thomas                    Sandra Cogburn                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Thomas, John Daniel                     9-11-1899    7-22-1967    Byrd Thomas                      Tennessee Keyton                Pigeon Forge Mem/ Sevier Co. TN            
Thomas, Leslie Rena                     10-9-1969    10-9-1969    Elmer F. Thomas                  Dorothy Richardson              Cedar Grove                                
Thompson, Beatrice Earl                 7-14-1900    6-21-1974    William D. Smith                 Della Prater                    Holston College                            
Thompson, Horace Layton                 12-22-1916   4-17-1970    James W. Thompson                Lillie M. Wheakley              New London / Oxford, PA                    
Thompson, Ida                           Age 81       5-7-1991     Wilson Bartley Cannon            Vina M. Blankenship             Grandview                                  
Thompson, James Boyd                    6-3-1923     11-21-1996   Elmer O. Thompson                Ora Peters                      Cremated                                   
Thompson, James Hugh                    6-9-1899     8-9-1988     Rufe Thompson                    Ella Warren                     Unitia                                     
Thompson, Lula Belle                    9-10-1901    3-9-1987     Hardy Brazell                    Mandi Calhoun                   Sherwood Memorial                          
Thompson, Maxine Lee                    1-1-1911     3-15-1967    William Elkins                   Ellen Wilson                    Big Stone Gap, VA                          
Thorton, Ben W.                         Age 64       1-9-1981     Not Listed                       Mot Listed                      Pleasant Hill                              
Tilley, Lee Willis                      1-15-1916    10-14-1984   John Tilley                      Dicie Roberts                   Grandview                                  
Tipton, Betty Marie                     1-9-1932     7-1-1997     Homer Fuller                     Cora Thomas                     Clark's Grove                              
Tipton, Gladys Wilburn                  5-26-1910    3-18-1985    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Grandview                                  
Tipton, Mary Jane                       5-15-1933    1-26-2000    John Clay Whitaker               Jewel Estelle Shirley           Cremated                                   
Tipton, Rosa Mae                        1-7-1897     12-1-1997    Jonas Daniel Adams               Mary Walker                     Tuckaleechee Prim. Baptist                 
Titlow, Daisy Marie                     6-29-1913    12-15-1983   Sam Lawson                       Sarah Pannels                   Liberty Baptist                            
Todd, Ruby Lee                          4-25-1931    11-8-1993    Claude Hipps                     Reba Henry                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Toleikis, Gloria                        2-5-1924     11-27-1996   Augustine Constintine Foley      Josephine Martha Hallock        Laurel Bank                                
Toler, George Linwood                   3-21-1919    5-21-1992    George L. Toler                  Laura Norman                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Toomey, Myrtle                          10-7-1901    4-29-1994    Sherman Andrew Cole              Margaret Moss                   Big Creek/ Monroe Co. TN                   
Townes, Stanmore Brooks                 4-23-1899    4-10-1971    S.B. Townes                      Frances Atikson                 Grandview                                  
Townsend, Agnes Garner                  4-28-1913    5-1-1989     Allen Garner Sr.                 Millie Ann Henry                Union Temple                               
Townson, Florence Lindsey               3-4-1895     12-27-1983   Horace Lindsey                   Margaret Yates                  Mt. Zion Baptist/ Monroe Co. TN            
Trautman, Waneta Mae                    5-27-1925    11-18-1985   Joseph Paxson                    Lillie Bell Canaron             Shady Grove                                
Trent, Emma Pauline                     4-19-1906    2-19-1982    Charles Pat Stinnett             Emma Purkey                     Zion's Chapel                              
Trentham, Emma Lee                      2-21-1899    4-27-1977    George Lawson                    Susan Allen                     Memorial Baptist                           
Tucker, Ashley Nicole                   7-10-1986    2-7-1987     Steve W. Crowden                 Mary L. Tucker                  Grandview                                  
Tucker, William Edgar                   12-25-1870   3-29-1965    Ike Tucker                       Fannie Mitchell                 Piney Level                                
Turnham, John Ira                       11-22-1910   9-30-1998    John Ira Turnham Sr.             Anne Sherrard                   Sherwood Memorial                          
Turnham, Lillian Beatrice               2-20-1925    9-18-1998    Joe Henry Borden                 Lucy Victoria Key               Sherwood Memorial                          
Tyler, Stella C.                        12-13-1895   10-12-1977   Andy Cannon                      Ida May Jackson                 Sherwood Memorial                          
Tyroff, Alfred Jr.                      11-10-1919   4-17-1987    Alfred Tyroff Sr.                Anita Herndale                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Valentine, Gay L.                       1-28-1901    8-10-1983    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Louisville                                 
Valentine, Myrtle Eugina                4-15-1912    1-11-1982    Sherman Fowler                   Ella Henry                      Sherwood Memorial                          
VanHook, Hubert Alonzo                  8-31-1887    1-20-1966    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Unitia Holiness                            
VanHook, Ollie                          3-22-1903    4-19-1985    Mike McThee                      Jane Jenkins                    Unitia                                     
Vann, Janice Marie                      1-28-1961    8-29-1997    Howard Pickens                   Genevia Fuller                  Clark's Grove                              
VanWart, Charles Alfred                 11-10-1934   9-5-2000     Charles Edgar VanWart            Alfreda Weir                    Cremated                                   
Veal, Alfred Guy                        10-22-1918   3-3-1990     Payton Veal                      Eva Henderson                   Middlesettlements                          
Vesser, James Wiley Jr.                 11-2-1925    8-25-1971    James W. Vesser Sr.              Irene O'Brien                   Hillcrest  / Atlanta, GA                   
Vickry, Earl Wayne                      12-7-1933    2-28-1993    Charles Wayne Vickry             Mary Ann Murray                 Zoar Baptist/ Baton Rouge, LA              
Vineyard, Peggy Sue                     11-14-1953   2-27-1998    James Cooper                     Thelma Flanigan                 Cades Cove Missionary Baptist              
Von Den Bosch, William                  6-21-1941    3-16-1975    Carl C. Von Den Bosch            Slsie Marie Jackson             Sylman Abbey / Clearwater, FL              
Walker, Alisha Kay                      7-13-1997    7-13-1997    Paul David Walker                Karen Lindsey                   Walker Family                              
Walker, Clifford Agar                   5-13-1913    12-18-1985   Ernest Walker                    Florence Lenoir                 Byington/ Knox Co. TN                      
Walker, Florence                        5-18-1890    4-19-1984    Charlie Lenoir                   Elizabeth Hall                  Byington/ Knox Co. TN                      
Walker, Homer                           2-17-1927    4-6-1981     Ernest Walker                    Florence Lenoir                 Byington/ Knox Co. TN                      
Walker, Willie Lee                      10-3-1938    11-29-1983   Ernest J. Walker                 Lorene Howard                   Byington/ Knox Co. TN                      
Wallace, Louise Charlotte               9-30-1902    12-21-1973   Rev. O.C. Wallace                Mary Cummins                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Wallace, Mildred Pauline                10-27-1913   5-18-1980    Walter Gillespie                 Viola Henry                     Mt. Pleasant                               
Wallin, Judy Carol                      6-27-1969    10-19-1969   Wallace Wallin                   Nellie Williams                 Pollard/ Knox Co. TN                       
Wallin, Nancy                           3-30-1895    5-7-1974     Scott Chandler                   Polly Gunner                    Pollard/ Knox Co. TN                       
Ward, Alfred Henry                      7-7-1918     1-15-1987    Charlie Ward                     Partilia Whiteside              Four Mile                                  
Ward, Burl Eugene                       10-30-1909   10-20-1983   Sam Ward                         Bell Johnson                    Prospect                                   
Ward, Carrie Mae                        7-18-1899    9-14-1973    James Romines                    Martha                          Ballard's Chapel                           
Ward, Ida                               5-31-1925    2-5-2000     Sam Finley                       Julia Patty                     Big Springs                                
Ward, Ruth Bernice                      11-16-1922   1-4-2000     George Washington Jackson        Eva Sizemore                    Grandview                                  
Ward, Tilda Partlia                     3-19-1892    11-25-1966   Jimmy Whiteside                  Mary Dodson                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Ward, Vola Magreth                      1-4-1930     11-29-1994   John Claude Quillian             Annie Magreth Norris            Hickory Valley/ Loudon Co. TN              
Ward, Zona Pearl                        7-18-1925    11-8-1985    Mace Chambers                    Inex L. Swaney                  Four Mile                                  
Ware, Lucy H.                           11-15-1907   10-5-1987    Edwin Daniel Jr.                 Gertrude Harris                 Oak Hill/ Newman, GA                       
Warren, Hubert                          5-11-1930    5-5-1988     Hugh Warren                      Juanita Baker                   Hackney Chapel/ Loudon Co. TN              
Warren, Rachel Clara Bell               9-9-1913     6-23-1983    Abb Pate                         Nellie Bell                     Hackney Chapel/ Loudon Co. TN              
Warren, Wilford Ray                     3-18-1913    12-19-1983   Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Hackney Chapel/ Loudon Co. TN              
Washington, Noah                        Not Listed   6-25-1982    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Cedar Lawn                                 
Waters, Elmer                           9-3-1930     3-28-1997    Adam Waters                      Rachel Hurst                    West Miller's Cove                         
Waters, John G.                         9-14-1884    8-13-1964    Willaman Lafayette               Sally Walker                    Grandview                                  
Watkins, Bertie                         8-5-1909     9-8-1997     Henry C. Dixon                   Martha Roland                   Zion's Chapel                              
Watkins, Virgil B.                      9-2-1913     4-27-1986    Rolland Watkins                  Ardell Syndey                   Pleasant Grove                             
Watkins, William Arthur                 3-25-1907    3-25-1991    William Mack Watkins             Louticia Poe                    Zion's Chapel                              
Watson, Albert Norman                   12-19-1913   9-16-1983    Lawrence G. Watson               Hazel Bullock                   Morganton                                  
Watson, Alice                           7-7-1902     1-30-1992    Robert Vance                     Georgia Carver                  Laurel Bank                                
Watson, Clarence James                  4-2-1911     8-6-1986     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Watson, Derek Aaron Thomas              8-12-1995    8-13-1995    Daniel Watson                    Rebekah Shay Thomas             Old Chilhowee                              
Watson, Edison Bickett                  12-17-1918   2-2-1999     Neil Arthur Watson               Helen Frances White             Clark's Grove                              
Watson, Fred Douglas                    6-30-1915    5-8-1976     Archie W. Watson                 Birdie L. Prince                Sherwood Memorial                          
Watson, Kathryn                         10-21-1919   10-16-1994   Frank Arthur Hord                Minnie McCampbel                Clark's Grove                              
Watson, Lola                            11-24-1912   2-10-1986    Leroy Redding                    Willie Mae Moreland             Sherwood Memorial                          
Watts, Mary Easter                      10-4-1917    2-10-1984    Richard Ellis                    Ella M. Gourley                 Cedar Lawn                                 
Wayman, Charles Dwight                  3-24-1933    1-24-1994    Austin Wayman                    Maude Faulkner                  Cremated                                   
Webb, Annie Ruth                        3-10-1944    7-20-1977    James Webb                       Sally M. Davis                  Cedar Lawn                                 
Webb, Elsie Bell                        4-5-1918     10-19-1994   Lonnie Pilkington                Hattie Kirkland                 Grandview                                  
Webb, Harley Bernard                    5-17-1892    2-1-1974     John Walker Webb                 Disie Haulk                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Webb, James Neil                        9-6-1947     10-22-1994   Harley Webb Jr.                  Beulah                          Bethel                                     
Webb, James Reeford                     5-13-1920    2-9-1977     Homer L. Webb                    Molly Sharp                     Grandview                                  
Webb, James Tulley Sr.                  6-6-1911     9-13-1985    Wash Webb                        Frances Hightower               Cedar Lawn                                 
Webb, Rebecca Lynn                      12-20-1987   11-6-1999    David Elmer Webb                 Brenda Kay Gredig               Old Piney Grove                            
Webb, Robert                            9-27-1905    11-27-1980   John Henry Webb                  Louise                          United Memorial/ Detroit, MI               
Webb, Sally Mae                         2-19-1917    3-10-1987    John Davis                       Maggie Snell                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Weiland, Gertrude                       8-21-1907    9-6-1996     Christian Victor                 Helene Heuss                    Cremated                                   
Welch, Leon                             5-19-1929    6-24-1998    Millard E. Welch                 Luda Brantley                   Sherwood Memorial                          
Welch, Lola W.                          2-20-1900    12-25-1985   Tom Stewart                      Beatrice Barns                  Maple Grove                                
Wells, Allan Wright                     7-16-1925    12-7-1998    James Wells                      Ruth Turner                     Cremated                                   
Wells, Edna Ruth                        6-27-1900    9-26-1973    James Turner                     Salena Shelton                  Grandview                                  
Wells, John Turner                      7-22-1960    1-4-1987     Allan Wells                      Miriam Sisk                     Grandview                                  
Wells, Raymond Lee                      9-5-1936     3-6-1993     Edgar Lee Wells                  Johnnie Ella Russell            Greenwood/ Knox Co. TN                     
West, Clay                              7-1-1921     4-10-1990    John West                        Lillie Chapman                  Mountain View                              
West, Jody                              10-5-1928    11-11-1998   Cleve West                       Lillie Richardson               Sherwood Memorial                          
Whaley, Jackson Edward                  4-4-1943     5-24-1987    Jackson O. Whaley                Ezalee Shults                   Sherwood Memorial                          
Whatley, Katie Johnson                  12-31-1900   10-18-1976   Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Holly Hills/ Knox Co. TN                   
Whitaker, Laura Bell                    11-25-1889   2-9-1974     Joseph Henry                     Sena K. Ricks                   East Maryville                             
White, Agnes D.                         5-11-1900    6-30-1998    Huse Long                        Maggie Smith                    Grandview                                  
White, Craig Shannon                    5-17-1969    4-3-1998     Ronald Abbott White              Beryl Williams                  Hillcrest                                  
White, Glorie Kaye                      4-30-1955    9-28-1984    Ludell Ross                      Nina Brown                      Beech Springs/ Jacks Creek, TN             
White, James Alfred                     8-14-1924    1-6-1969     Henry White                      Trula                           Nader/ Maynardville, TN                    
White, Jerry Lynn                       12-22-1955   7-11-1971    Claude White                     Pauline Teffeteller Dodd        Stock Creek/ Knox Co. TN                   
White, Richard Alton                    12-7-1925    8-8-1986     James White                      Clairesie Clemmons              Sherwood Memorial                          
White, Robert Milton                    8-24-1915    2-7-1975     Henry White                      Matilda Young                   Sherwood Memorial                          
White, Velma H.                         Not Listed   5-12-1976    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Not Listed                                 
White, Virgil Joe                       1-28-1933    2-5-1994     William Robert White             Agnes Long                      Lutheran                                   
Whitehead, Gerald                       8-9-1936     9-26-1990    George Thomas Whitehead          Zora Myers                      Old Piney Grove                            
Whitehead, John Lawson                  8-24-1901    1-9-1969     Jim Whitehead                    Nora Teffeteller                National/ Knox Co. TN                      
Whitener, Harvey                        11-4-1896    3-10-1983    Bud Whitener                     Mattie Harden                   Zion's Chapel                              
Whitfield, William Kerbo                5-19-1910    8-13-1970    William C. Whitfield             Emma Lee Whittemore             Grandview                                  
Whitt, Mary Etta                        10-5-1892    5-28-1981    Ronald Tabb                      Not Listed                      Cedar Lawn                                 
Whitt, Tommy                            10-5-1895    4-28-1982    Mannie Whitt                     Nettie Smith                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Whittaker, Maggie Belle                 12-18-1914   3-15-1998    Newton Bohanon                   Nancy Norris                    Rocky Point/ Putnam Co. TN                 
Whitteaker, Walter Carlen               2-26-1900    9-2-1972     Not Listed                       Viola Whitteaker                Rocky Point Baptist                        
Wicks, Ella Mae                         1-23-1912    9-5-1986     John Ray                         Minnie Russell                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Wicks, James Sherman                    12-29-1908   6-29-1987    Warren Wicks                     Maude Norman                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Wiggins, Joe Wesler                     4-18-1900    8-24-1965    Fidel Wiggins                    Rosie Hyde                      Church of God                              
Wilburn, Leonard Don                    2-19-1934    3-8-2001     George Wilburn                   Minnie Belle Ogle               Grandview                                  
Wilburn, Margaret                       5-7-1907     6-30-1996    John Russell                     Nancy Ann Potter                Forest Hill                                
Wilcox, Elsie Ann                       5-14-1893    7-18-1966    Henry Snokgrass                  Phoebie Willison                Cable                                      
Wilcox, Jerdin Paul                     4-18-1895    5-25-1968    Jerdin Wilcox                    Sara Margaret Gregg             Cable                                      
Wiley, Rena Mae                         9-13-1934    11-30-1984   Leon Carr                        Marie George                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Wiley, Roy Elbert Jr.                   9-24-1931    7-14-1991    Roy E. Wiley Sr.                 Evelyn J. Fulwood               TN Veteran / Knox Co. TN                   
Wilfong, John J.                        1-21-1891    5-2-1985     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Cedar Lawn                                 
Wilkinson, George David                 10-7-1929    5-16-1999    David Wilkinson                  Margaret                        Clark's Grove                              
Williams, Gary Thomas                   6-16-1952    12-9-1999    Esley Roy Williams               Marcelle Fox                    Cog Hill/ McMinn Co. TN                    
Williams, George Lee                    11-24-1911   10-17-1993   Not Listed                       Nell Nichols Williams           Red Top                                    
Williams, Lee Andy                      10-15-1917   12-19-1982   Dan Williams                     Ellie Samuel                    Roxann/ Montgomery, AL                     
Williams, Maranda Sue                   9-13-1901    4-27-1993    Daniel Myers                     Ellen Stewart                   Memorial Baptist                           
Williams, Mary Ola                      5-29-1922    12-22-1985   Bob McKinney                     Betty                           Cedar Lawn                                 
Williams, Max Vernon                    7-27-1936    12-23-1996   Burnette Williams                Maranda Myers                   Grandview                                  
Williams, Richard Sr.                   1-5-1905     3-6-1979     Jim Williams                     Alice Thompson                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Williams, Thelma Lee                    6-3-1921     11-21-1985   Paul Crisp                       Bessie Fann                     Cedar Grove                                
Williams, William Lynley                9-15-1936    4-29-1997    William Jefferson Williams       Elisa McMillan                  Four Mile                                  
Williamson, Windie Sue                  1-26-1975    1-26-1975    Gary Williamson                  Sharon Hurst                    Not Listed                                 
Willis, John Hardey                     9-21-1970    4-1-1971     Lester Willis                    Rebecca Rogers                  Ellejoy                                    
Willocks, Charles Alexander             3-24-1952    4-7-1991     Sam Willocks                     Helen Moore                     Grandview                                  
Willocks, Eddie Arnold                  5-15-1954    7-14-1968    Sam Willocks                     Helen Moore                     Grandview                                  
Willocks, Leonard Charles               2-11-1924    2-28-1995    Walter Earl Willocks             Allie Mae Spradlin              Cloyd's Creek                              
Willocks, Mark                          3-20-1958    6-20-1996    Sam Henry Willocks               Helen Moore                     Grandview                                  
Willocks, Martin                        3-20-1958    5-28-1978    Sam Willocks                     Helen Moore                     Grandview                                  
Willocks, Phyllis Winifred Hearon       5-5-1938     2-13-1996    George Thomas Whitehead          Zora Myers                      Old Piney Grove                            
Willocks, Sam Henry                     7-24-1923    6-13-1986    Arthur Willcoks                  Bertha Crisp                    Grandview                                  
Willoughby, Clarence                    6-30-1925    5-11-1999    Clarence Willoughby              Elizabeth Schwertz              Sylvania Hills Mem/ Rochester, PA          
Wilson, Beatrice McNish                 11-26-1909   6-12-1985    James Lyles                      Ida Solomon                     Lyle-Jackson/ Coalfield, TN                
Wilson, Chester Eugene                  6-22-1936    11-15-1983   Lee Gus Wilson                   Mattie Mealer                   Asbury                                     
Wilson, Coral Lee                       8-27-1909    8-6-1990     Jeffie People                    Mattie Bell                     Cedar Lawn                                 
Wilson, Della Van                       2-17-1883    12-1-1978    Harvey Hollingshead              Harriett Pane                   Pleasant Hill                              
Wilson, Elsie Mae                       7-15-1933    10-21-1982   John Wilson                      Cally Harris                    Harris Chapel/ Knox Co. TN                 
Wilson, Ira                             12-22-1912   6-7-1986     Henry Wilson                     Martha Black                    Temple AME Zion                            
Wilson, James J.                        3-15-1927    7-29-1983    Wal Wilson                       Mary Reece                      Shady Grove                                
Wilson, John Elmer                      2-3-1918     3-7-1982     Ollie Wilson                     Margaret Gibson                 Clark's Grove                              
Wilson, Nathan Ollie                    4-10-1877    11-21-1971   Adam Wilson                      Margaret McGhee                 Clark's Grove                              
Wilson, Raymond Frank                   9-23-1907    1-21-1976    Andrew Wilson                    Rachel Rores                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Wilson, Ruby Mae                        1-20-1900    1-6-1987     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Cremated                                   
Wilson, Rubye Jane                      12-6-1924    1-19-1995    Johnny Wilson                    Callie Harris                   Harris Chapel/ Knox Co. TN                 
Wilson, Troy Thomas                     9-27-1943    4-13-1995    James Troy Wilson                Sarah Lee Gilbert               Woodlawn Mem/ Paducah, KY                  
Wilson, Truman Wright                   3-1-1924     1-20-1982    James Wilson                     Mae Hunter                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Wimbley, Eddie Trutit                   3-7-1910     8-22-1976    Walker Wimbley                   Edna Ray                        Sherwood Memorial                          
Wine, Jack William                      6-14-1920    10-25-1998   Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Union Grove                                
Wine, Pauline Pesterfield               4-25-1915    5-13-1998    Charlie Simerly                  Liza Russell                    Union Grove                                
Winemiller, Cora                        6-5-1886     11-1-1972    Hayes Isaac Garland              Nancy Ann Boring                Chilhowee Baptist                          
Winger, Madge Hattie                    10-4-1894    9-26-1970    William Holmes                   Lula Tingle                     Not Listed                                 
Wingfield, Maggie Daisy                 8-25-1882    1-13-1973    George W. Hightower              Sarah Lane Cantrell             Pleasant Hill                              
Winslow, John Cooper                    5-5-1885     6-8-1972     Henry Moore Winslow              Lucy Ann Cooper                 Donated to Science                         
Wohlford, Eleanor                       10-21-1912   3-27-1997    William Decker                   Teresa                          Cremated                                   
Wolf, Fred                              6-9-1930     10-22-1997   Fate Wolf                        Mellie Martin                   Piney Level                                
Wolfe, James Henry                      10-3-1923    4-20-2001    Jim Wolfe                        Della Russell                   Middle Creek/ Sevier Co. TN                
Wolfenbarger, Sidney Clarence           4-29-1903    2-3-1971     James Wolfenbarger               Laura Dyer                      Pleasant Hill                              
Wood, James Harrison Sr.                2-27-1893    2-17-1981    David Wood                       Kathryn Henderson               Morganton                                  
Wood, Maude Myrtle                      12-26-1896   5-13-1991    William Walker Lindsay           Mollie Kate Cates               Morganton                                  
Wood, Robert Roscoe Sr.                 10-20-1927   2-13-1984    James H. Wood Sr.                Maude Lindsey                   Morganton                                  
Woodall, Viola                          2-22-1908    8-19-2000    Alonzo Huskey                    Martha LeQuire                  Clark's Grove                              
Woodard, Paul Byron                     2-27-1967    12-21-2000   Carl Farley Woodard              Hope Brown Adkins               Shady Grove                                
Woods, Geneva                           3-11-1900    1-26-1987    Not Listed                       Estell Haley                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Woods, Kirmit Darrell Sr.               9-2-1954     6-25-2000    Pink Roosevelt Woods             Dorothy Dailey                  Louisville                                 
Word, Abner Lee                         6-6-1926     2-5-1995     William Word                     Lila Teffeteller                Pine Grove/ Loudon Co. TN                  
Word, Mildred                           3-28-1932    4-29-1996    Garnett Shaffer                  Alta Angel                      Pine Grove/ Loudon Co. TN                  
Worstell, Mary Janet                    10-30-1914   5-27-1996    Louis Sumrack                    Mary Ruzensky                   Lake Township/ Toledo, OH                  
Wright, Brenda Lamar                    9-26-1938    11-20-1977   William Johnson                  Earnie Mae Thomas               Cedar Lawn                                 
Wright, Idessa Roberta                  10-18-1900   8-15-1978    Dennis Warren                    Margaret Porter                 Mt. Pleasant                               
Wright, Jessica Lee Ann                 11-16-1999   12-9-1999    Jeff Lee Wright                  Roseann Marie Simpson           East Maryville                             
Wright, Susie Wattburger                12-4-1886    6-30-1975    John Ownes                       Nancy Bidwell                   Hamilton Mem./ Chattanooga, TN             
Wynn, Mae Sue                           8-16-1894    5-19-1985    John White                       Dina Russell                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Yates, Clarence E.                      6-18-1916    5-19-1989    Samuel A. Yates                  Mary Elizabeth Henry            Grandview                                  
Yates, Margaret Ann                     12-19-1963   6-7-1991     John H. Martin                   Mary H. Peeler                  Russell                                    
Yates, Mayme Sue                        9-6-1919     5-5-1992     B.H. Hightower                   Bertha Emerson                  Grandview                                  
Yearout, Margaret Frances               8-9-1926     9-16-1986    Coma Yearout                     Linda Lane                      Keeble's Chapel                            
Yoakum, Glenn Earl                      4-19-1937    11-13-1989   Glenn S. Yoakum                  Lassie Brewer                   Clark's Grove                              
Yoakum, Grover Moss                     3-19-1916    11-17-1969   John Yoakum                      Roxie Drummond                  Rocky Branch Methodist                     
Yoakum, Jessie Gertrude                 10-6-1911    3-28-1974    J. Wesley Latham                 Hattie Alice Compton            Rocky Branch Baptist                       
Young, Alice                            4-24-1914    10-18-1967   Vest Hatcher                     Louisa Payne                    Bethel Baptist                             
Young, Charles Vernon                   9-17-1929    12-21-1986   Herman Young                     Gladys V. Periddy               Sherwood Memorial                          
Young, John Harvey                      4-26-1905    3-16-1974    Robert Young                     Maggie Bryant                   Chilhowee Baptist                          
Zoerb, Harold John                      10-26-1924   4-14-1999    George Zoerb                     Annie Adelman                   St. Michael/ Williamsville, NY