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BLOUNT COUNTY, TN - OBITUARIES - Blount Co. TN Funeral Home Records
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NAME                                    BIRTH        DEATH        FATHER                           MOTHER                          BURIAL LOCATION 
Madison, Josephine                      5-12-1928    4-3-1990     Charles Madison                  Ligia Mayhon                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Magness, Robert Raymond Sr.             1-24-1901    3-31-1977    George Magness                   Annie Long                      Cremated                                   
Mahone, Jessie                          3-22-1935    11-3-1983    Homer Mahone                     Parthinea Anthony               Cedar Lawn                                 
Mahone, Parthinea Wilder                4-12-1910    8-7-1982     Henry Anthony                    Susie Trimble                   Cedar Lawn                                 
Mahurine, Minnie Charlotte              4-12-1911    12-16-1971   J.E. Carson                      Laura Drinnen                   Grandview                                  
Majors, Nellie Belle                    6-20-1912    11-20-1986   Amos Effler                      Nancy Abbott                    Tuckaleechee Methodist                     
Malonee, Phoebe                         6-21-1922    8-16-1999    Allen Butler                     Nora Roulette                   Peck's Chapel                              
Mangult, Maggie Blythe                  3-22-1901    1-5-1994     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Cedar Lawn                                 
Manning, Edna                           12-17-1897   11-7-1971    William Yell                     Nettie Lee                      Grandview                                  
Manuel, Arthur James                    9-6-1936     1-8-1989     Roosevelt Manuel                 Savannah Key                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Manuel, Dorothy Lee                     2-4-1941     2-2-1992     Roosevelt Manuel Sr.             Savannah Key                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Manuel, Mary Lea                        8-24-1939    3-2-1975     James T. Webb                    Sally Davis                     Cedar Lawn                                 
Manuel, Savannah                        10-15-1909   8-20-1990    Matt Key                         Arrilla                         Cedar Lawn                                 
March, John Clemence                    11-13-1909   10-22-1999   Frank March                      Zula Anderson                   Grandview                                  
Marine, Leonard Honley                  10-7-1918    1-23-1995    Leonard Francis Marine           Lou Payne                       Red Top                                    
Martin, Amos Willis                     6-2-1927     1-29-1992    Jim Martin                       Josie Everett                   Laurel Bank                                
Martin, Billy Ray                       2-19-1952    9-1-1997     Elmer Martin                     Myrtle Loise Maples             Maryville Baptist Tabernacle               
Martin, Charles Franklin                6-11-1899    1-5-1982     Thomas Martin                    Agnes Birchfield                Old Piney Grove                            
Martin, Earnest G.                      3-18-1947    11-22-1988   Wade Martin                      Not Listed                      Laurel Bank                                
Martin, Elmer                           5-29-1909    9-8-1972     Jim Martin                       Josie Everett                   Old Piney Grove                            
Martin, Ervil Ray                       2-5-1943     11-19-1998   Lee Harold Martin                Beatrice Payne                  Chilhowee View                             
Martin, Ginger LeAnne                   10-5-1967    10-5-1967    Elmer Lee Martin                 Elaine Janet Cook               Old Piney Grove                            
Martin, Hazel                           6-8-1914     10-8-1991    William Carroll                  Mary Nothern                    Pollard/ Sevier Co. TN                     
Martin, Jimmy Charles                   3-12-1941    7-23-1992    Lee Harold Martin                Beatrice Marie Payne            Chilhowee View                             
Martin, John Ellis                      9-7-1913     10-3-1985    Jim Martin                       Josie Everett                   Old Piney Grove                            
Martin, Lee Clarence                    4-25-1920    7-16-1995    James Martin                     Josie Everett                   Old Piney Grove                            
Martin, Lee Harold                      10-11-1919   11-26-1981   Charlie Martin                   Nancy Teffeteller               Old Piney Grove                            
Martin, Lee Roger                       1-13-1905    4-6-1975     Rube Martin                      Mary Paschell                   Middlesettlements                          
Martin, Lula                            6-3-1902     7-28-1986    Sherman Stowers                  Mary Winkfield                  Cedar Lawn                                 
Martin, Myrtle Louise                   5-16-1917    8-4-1997     John Maples                      Martha                          Old Piney Grove                            
Martin, Nancy                           5-21-1906    10-8-1963    Fate Teffeteller                 Susan Ogle                      Old Piney Grove                            
Martin, Ocie Audine                     4-30-1919    3-6-1983     James T. Potter                  Ethel Russell                   Old Piney Grove                            
Martin, Polly                           9-4-1929     12-6-1987    Dean Samuel Gilver               Ellen                           Cremated                                   
Martin, Robert Eugene Sr.               12-7-1924    8-5-1981     Lawrence Martin Sr.              Katherine Harris                Harris/ Knox Co. TN                        
Martin, Ruth                            11-29-1924   10-20-1987   Mr. McClurg                      Gladys Goodson                  Laurel Bank                                
Martin, Troy Lee                        Not Listed   12-28-1976   Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Not Listed                                 
Massengale, Vannie                      4-25-1898    7-9-1988     Abb Cross                        Not Listed                      Roselawn Mem/ Erwin, TN                    
Mathews, Roy R.                         1-5-1882     10-17-1962   Auther Rody Mathews              Anna Rody                       Grandview                                  
Matthews, Ruth                          12-24-1904   5-22-1987    John T. Arter                    Minnie Jenkins                  Cedar Lawn                                 
Mayes, William Frank                    6-26-1926    4-29-1981    Lewis Mayes                      Easter Robertson                Cedar Lawn                                 
Mayfield, Bernice                       12-6-1927    12-16-1965   Luther Farmer                    Isabelle Skaggs                 Magnolia                                   
Maynard, Charles Haron Jr.              7-7-1927     7-12-1979    Charles H. Maynard Sr.           Laura Culveyhouse Wilson        Forest Hill                                
McAfee, Charles Edward                  7-17-1941    10-15-2000   William Andrew McAfee            Mamie Hatcher                   Carpenter's Campground                     
McCampbell, Lillie Mae                  4-20-1909    8-31-1992    Stephen Hurst                    Martha Jane Stallions           Forest Hill                                
McCarter, James William                 10-4-1906    11-2-1985    Thomas Wilson McCarter           Miranda Cotter                  Grandview                                  
McCauley, Sidney Eugene                 2-17-1926    1-24-1984    Joseph McCauley                  Della Dotson                    Pine Grove                                 
McClain, Thelma Elizabeth               3-23-1925    6-4-1981     James Thomas Stewart             Beattrice Barns                 Maple Grove                                
McClanahan, Albert Hoyle                8-3-1931     1-7-1999     Joe McClanahan                   Nerva Phillips                  TN Veterans/ Knox Co. TN                   
McClanahan, Billy Wayne                 5-22-1953    9-14-1998    James McClanahan                 Emma Lee Simerly                Cremated                                   
McClanahan, Charles Harold              3-26-1930    2-8-1992     Joseph Riley McClanahan          Minerva Phillips                Clark's Grove                              
McClanahan, Ferd Harlan                 1-10-1933    4-12-1998    Joseph Riley McClanahan          Ida Minerva Phillips            Sherwood Memorial                          
McClanahan, Fred Wilbur Sr.             2-14-1916    7-13-1984    James McClanahan                 Margaret Davis                  Cold Springs                               
McClanahan, James R.                    Not Listed   4-15-1989    Roy McClanahan                   Mary Hatcher                    Zion's Chapel                              
McClanahan, Mary Elizabeth              3-27-1946    7-7-1977     Not Listed                       Frances Yearout                 Keeble's Chapel                            
McClanahan, Mary Elizabeth              3-5-1906     10-9-1977    Thomas Hatcher                   Ellis Sizemore                  Ridge View                                 
McClanahan, Nancy                       11-30-1928   11-24-1996   Pink Reagan                      Myrtle                          Sherwood Memorial                          
McClanahan, Roy Wesley                  12-31-1902   2-20-1980    Jim McClanahan                   Margaret Davis                  Ridge View                                 
McClanahan, Sarah M.                    9-8-1905     4-20-1996    Carl Oyke                        Eva Medlin                      Stock Creek/ Knox Co. TN                   
McClure, Ida Mae                        3-2-1885     8-19-1971    John Smith                       Sophronia Mitchell              Clark's Grove                              
McClure, Mayford Jack                   2-27-1931    11-4-1996    Otha Nelson McClure              Lillie Mae Hurst                Bethel                                     
McClure, Otha Nelson                    3-16-1906    10-17-1997   John McClure                     Liza Walker                     Bethel                                     
McClurg, David Lee                      3-29-1951    8-9-1978     J.D. Nuchols                     Geneva Garland                  Laurel Bank                                
McClurg, H.C.                           3-27-1927    8-10-1979    Joe McClurg                      Gladys Goodson                  Laurel Bank                                
McCluskey, Jesse Cloud                  6-7-1919     1-13-1984    Jesse McCluskey                  Fannie Turner                   Sherwood Memorial                          
McCollum, Floyd E.                      12-22-1917   4-26-2001    Edgar McCollum                   Lola Peterson                   Pine Grove/ Loudon Co. TN                  
McCulley, Anna Belle                    6-20-1912    8-26-1986    Joseph Gregg                     Florence                        Clark's Grove                              
McDade, David Hugh                      2-24-1946    11-29-1998   Hugh Tabb McDade                 Jane Delaney                    Cremated                                   
McDaniel, Jo Ann                        6-12-1936    12-30-1996   Jim Dunlap                       Donna Stinnett                  Unitia                                     
McDonald, Robert Frank                  7-3-1892     2-13-1975    James McDonald                   Estella Millsaps                Zion's Chapel                              
McDonald, Stella                        8-16-1903    9-27-1972    Jess Lakey                       Eva Postell                     Grandview                                  
McFadden, Betty Lois                    7-24-1918    4-10-1995    Charles McCall                   Lydia Blifftart                 Sherwood Memorial                          
McFall, Bart A.                         7-11-1909    1-13-1990    King B. McFall                   Mary P. McClain                 Edgewood / Knox Co. TN                     
McFall, Don                             Not Listed   1-23-1989    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Not Listed                                 
McFall, George Clifford                 9-9-1911     5-1-1997     Ballard McFall                   Mary McClain                    Sherwood Memorial                          
McFall, Hattie Louise                   3-15-1912    3-26-1989    Franklin Dee Fisher              Susie Lynn                      Gallahar                                   
McGarity, Fred James                    1-30-1904    7-14-1989    Will McGarity                    Rebecca Nolan                   Cedar Lawn                                 
McGee, Robert Thomas                    1-8-1930     7-10-1978    William McGee                    Eva M. Monahan                  St. Margaret/ Carroll, NH                  
McGhee, George Dallas                   3-15-1885    1-11-1978    Nathan McGhee                    Febera Cannon                   Maple Grove                                
McGhee, George Ollie                    8-28-1908    8-18-1975    Frank McGhee                     Libbie Howard                   Craig's Chapel/ Loudon Co. TN              
McGhee, Kattie B.                       11-18-1893   1-8-1982     Willie Brewer                    Sephia Watkins                  Maple Grove                                
McGill, Charles LeRoy                   12-9-1922    1-22-1994    Howard Gregory                   Elizabeth Hughes                Sherwood Memorial                          
McGill, Kenneth Howard                  2-1-1939     3-27-1984    Ed McGill                        Vernia Cooper                   Valley View/ Sevier Co. TN                 
McHaffey, John Roscoe                   4-16-1938    4-11-1994    Roscoe McHaffey                  Lillian Dean                    Louisville                                 
McHaffey, Lillian Mae                   11-18-1918   3-7-1993     John Dean                        Donna Lovin                     Zion's Chapel                              
McHan, Sherman                          4-9-1909     8-15-1989    Abe McHan                        Georgia Ann McClure             Cedar Lawn                                 
McHugh, Cammie Christopher              3-13-1940    3-6-2001     Oliver Charles McHugh            Lucille Merck                   Studdard-McHugh/ Social Circle,  GA        
McJunkins, John Cecil                   8-4-1926     11-23-1970   Henry McJunkins                  Helen Owenby                    Big Springs                                
McKee, Alfred                           10-1-1895    2-25-1986    James J. McKee                   Jane Rodgers                    Keeble's Chapel                            
McKee, James Blaine Jr.                 12-12-1918   6-11-1980    James B. McKee Sr.               Maggie Summey                   Brantley's Chapel                          
McKelvey, Evelyn Juanita                8-10-1922    7-12-1996    John Raleigh Bell                Sara Evelyn Branum              Sherwood Memorial                          
McKenzie, Raymond Eugene                5-28-1941    10-1-1995    Gay McKenzie                     Beulah Philpot                  Clark's Grove                              
McKinney, Charles Martin                1-13-1898    12-31-1990   James L. McKinney                Alta Caldwell                   Sherwood Memorial                          
McKinney, James Henderson               7-24-1898    9-5-1981     Charles McKinney                 Nora Boruff                     West Miller's Cove                         
McKinney, Maggie                        2-13-1904    1-5-1987     Jack Wallace Runyon              Imogene Cain                    Sherwood Memorial                          
McKinney, Velnita P.                    12-8-1918    10-15-1989   Robert E. Perkins                Myrtle Burns                    West Miller's Cove                         
McMillan, Isabell                       7-22-1913    9-29-1984    George Lanter                    Nann Johnston                   Four Mile                                  
McNear, Annie Mell                      9-17-1918    7-15-1978    Henry Snipes                     Mozell Diggs                    Cedar Lawn                                 
McNear, Murphy                          4-10-1898    2-28-1983    Henry McNear                     Donia Ball                      Cedar Lawn                                 
McNish, Wiley Lee                       4-11-1901    2-17-1972    Luther McNish                    Maggie Hamrick                  Lyle & Jackson/ Coalfield, TN              
Meacham, Natasha LeAnn                  4-26-1972    5-6-1972     Gilbert Meacham                  Wanda Sue Cobb                  Forest Hill                                
Means, Minnie                           9-13-1887    6-1-1989     Eli Porter                       Elina Stone                     Wilder's Chapel                            
Medlin, Lillie Ethel                    1-7-1900     9-16-1974    Tom L. Effler                    Lurena A. Oliver                Magnolia                                   
Melo, Francisco C.                      4-11-1907    1-26-2000    Anthony C. Melo                  Verissima Rocha                 Clark's Grove                              
Mendes, Antonio                         6-4-1923     6-11-1994    John Mendes                      Edith Machado                   Cremated                                   
Mergan, Theodore Paul                   2-29-1932    6-3-1996     Rudolph Mergan                   Helen Greenway                  Bethel                                     
Mial, Hazel Irene                       9-30-1929    1-21-1985    John A. Goins                    Flora Green                     Louisville                                 
Michael, Myrtle Lee                     1-10-1906    5-27-1983    Horace Bryant                    Cora Garland                    Clark's Grove                              
Middleton, Jennifer Eliane              2-6-1984     3-12-1984    Doug Middleton                   Jewell Robinson                 Maple Grove                                
Middleton, Willie Sr.                   8-31-1908    10-19-1983   Doc Middleton                    Gertrude                        Maple Grove                                
Miller, Ella Mae                        3-29-1908    8-1-1984     Ernest Brown                     Polly Beaver                    Providence                                 
Miller, Emma                            2-28-1893    3-9-1977     James W. Foster                  Sarah Newman                    Stock Creek/ Knox Co. TN                   
Miller, Gerald Richard                  11-14-1934   4-10-2001    Steve Miller                     Helen Misurock                  Cremated                                   
Miller, Inez W.                         4-26-1926    5-2-1991     Jim Johnson                      Essie Lou Woods                 Cedar Lawn                                 
Miller, Samuel Tilden Sr.               8-2-1918     2-8-1998     Samuel A. Miller                 Parzida Warick                  Mt. Olive/ Knox Co. TN                     
Milligan, James Robert                  3-24-1929    7-15-1994    Archie Adkins Milligan           Anna Belle Hamil                Shady Grove                                
Milligan, Jesse Kyle                    6-22-1926    4-20-1983    Jesse D. Milligan                Pansy Jones                     Middlesettlements                          
Millsaps, Jason Ledford                 4-21-1901    11-6-1977    Marshall Millsaps                Mollie Kirkland                 Laurel Bank                                
Millsaps, Jean McLemore                 Not Listed   5-26-1968    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Hopewell Baptist                           
Millsaps, Julian                        5-18-1930    7-29-1994    Bruce Millsaps                   Faye Burgin                     Grandview                                  
Millsaps, Mary Margaret                 3-17-1904    7-18-1978    Ged Frank                        Sarah McKelvey                  Laurel Bank                                
Millsaps, Norma Jean                    10-23-1939   12-20-1979   Roy Wayne Cross                  Nannie Virginia Floyd           Laurel Bank                                
Minto, Annie Ellen                      2-8-1921     3-20-1998    Walter Hanson                    Lillie Henry                    Clark's Grove                              
Mitchell, Chester                       3-6-1908     11-9-1980    Chester Lee Mitchell             Missy Everett                   Cedar Lawn                                 
Moats, Dewey                            9-6-1929     7-5-1968     Eugene Moats                     Gola Daugherty                  Clark's Grove                              
Moats, William Eugene                   5-3-1966     3-3-1997     Kenneth Moats                    Mary Teffeteller                Law's Chapel                               
Mogridge, Mary Alice                    2-10-1890    5-15-1975    Joseph P. Walker                 Elizabeth A. Myers              Bethel                                     
Moles, Carl Junion                      7-22-1970    7-11-1993    Harry Junion Moles               Mary Gribble                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Molter, Beverly S.                      12-2-1942    11-1-1997    Roy L. James Burchfield          Ruth Rolene Hurst               Grandview                                  
Molter, David Allen                     9-10-1971    3-24-1993    Norman William Molter            Beverly Sue Burchfield          Grandview                                  
Molyneaux, Laura Sue                    6-17-1954    11-20-1999   Clifford Pease                   Luba Zazaulnskai                Cremated                                   
Montague, Freda                         2-17-1935    8-23-1995    William Word                     Lila Teffeteller                Pine Grove/ Loudon Co. TN                  
Montgomery, Rosa Lee                    6-6-1916     7-28-1984    T.H. Clark                       Bertha Pierson                  Cedar Lawn                                 
Moore, Hannah Marjorie                  6-23-1933    7-13-1987    James L. Lowe                    Dora Dunlap                     Cold Springs                               
Moore, Jay Wilmore                      8-17-1921    10-26-1981   Robert Moore                     Laura                           Unitia                                     
Moore, Linda Kay                        5-22-1959    9-16-1995    Edgar Fagg                       Barbara Peterson                Maddox/ Sevier Co. TN                      
Moore, Pat William David                12-11-1945   8-16-1995    Jay William Moore                Mary Hall                       God's House of Prayer                      
Moore, Ramond Ray                       3-19-1931    7-14-1994    Harrison Moore                   Hettie Stinnett                 Maddox/ Sevier Co. TN                      
Moore, Robert                           4-2-1910     4-20-1983    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Cedar Lawn                                 
Morelock, James Alfred                  11-18-1895   6-28-1967    William Morelock                 Margaret Selvedge               Clark's Grove                              
Morgan, Beverly Sue                     6-19-1986    6-19-1986    Donnie Ray Morgan                Barbara Dunlap                  Ellejoy                                    
Morgan, Jackie Eugene                   12-28-1950   8-3-1983     Verlin Morgan                    Christine Crowder               Eleazar/ Monroe Co. TN                     
Morris, Melissa Kimberly                6-6-1968     6-15-1968    Alvin Morris                     Connie Cook                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Morris, Richard Edward                  2-19-1929    4-5-1977     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      TN Valley Mem./ Claxton, TN                
Morris, Y.J.                            5-19-1909    5-14-1997    Albert Leonas Morris             Nancy Cordelia Carey            Caylor's Chapel                            
Morrisey, Edmond Chapin Sr.             5-18-1898    10-3-1975    John Morrisey                    Emma Walsh                      North Center/ North Haven, CT              
Morrisey, Eleanor                       12-27-1927   6-19-1980    Eugenio Betti                    Not Listed                      North Center/ North Haven, CT              
Morrisey, Ora                           11-13-1899   12-29-1980   Arthur Wright                    Sarah Kinsella                  North Center/ North Haven, CT              
Morrow, Hoyle Jr.                       6-26-1972    6-26-1972    Hoyle Morrow Sr.                 Carol Crum                      Forest Hill                                
Morse, Harry Daniel                     6-11-1930    2-9-2000     Harry E. Morse                   Marjorie Fox                    Cremated                                   
Morton, Lester Murl                     3-10-1926    3-9-1985     Guy Martin                       Jessie McCarter                 Louisville                                 
Moses, Walter Haskel                    9-7-1896     12-3-1963    William Moses                    Cordie Sutton                   Forest Hill                                
Moss, James Coy Sr.                     5-22-1907    11-19-1982   Hugh Moss                        Margaret Amis                   Cedar Lawn                                 
Mullins, Arthur                         10-17-1908   5-25-1974    Charlie Mullins                  Kitty Spradlin                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Mullins, Nellie                         10-28-1900   10-7-1998    Jake Borden                      Vinnie Hartsell                 Sherwood Memorial                          
Murphy, Billie Ruth                     12-6-1929    3-29-1997    Will Harmon                      Jenny Cowden                    Piney Level                                
Murphy, J.L.                            6-29-1940    3-24-1975    William McKinley Murphy          Eliza House                     Grandview                                  
Murphy, Nina Elois                      7-30-1940    10-11-1994   James R. Webb                    Elsie Pilkington                Grandview                                  
Murr, Kermit Roosevelt                  7-8-1916     6-12-1978    Tip Murr                         Mary M. Carmley                 Clark's Grove                              
Muse, Hudson Lee                        10-23-1998   10-23-1998   Dustin Muse                      Jennifer McNeal                 Laurel Bank                                
Myers, Anthony D.                       1-14-1949    5-17-1972    John F. Myers                    Mary O. Compton Dyer            Bethel                                     
Myers, Arthur Thomas                    8-1-1901     11-1-1975    Labe Myers                       Mel Donna Feezell               Grandview                                  
Myers, Beulah Ann                       5-3-1917     6-11-1977    Monroe Watson                    Lillie Owenby                   Clark's Grove                              
Myers, Clyde Hubert                     5-29-1910    8-26-1979    Pleas Myers                      Mattie Trentham                 Clark's Grove                              
Myers, Devero                           12-24-1912   12-1-1971    George Myers                     Millie Moore                    Bethel                                     
Myers, Donald Ray                       8-16-1935    9-9-1965     Devro Myers                      Belle Walker                    Bethel Baptist                             
Myers, Frank West                       10-31-1896   3-13-1973    Pleas Myers                      Martha Trentham                 Bethel                                     
Myers, Grace Louis                      8-14-1939    5-29-1971    Fred Hipps                       Mae Isbill                      Grandview                                  
Myers, Henry Abraham                    1-4-1882     5-23-1971    Peter Myers                      Maggie Shields                  Bethel                                     
Myers, Ida Mae                          6-22-1920    6-30-1991    William H. Robinson              Bessie Lee Yearout              Hopewell/ Monroe Co. TN                    
Myers, June I.                          6-29-1920    2-19-1997    Fredrick Ludwig                  Vida Shoebridge                 Cremated                                   
Myers, Roy Jessie                       4-27-1906    3-4-1970     Pleas Myers                      Martha Trentham                 Pleasant Hill                              
Myers, Tyler Scott                      6-28-2000    6-28-2000    William Lee Myers II             Chasity Williams                Liberty                                    
Myrick, Terry                           1-22-1956    10-6-1995    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Milledgeville, GA                          
Nash, Francis Joseph                    12-24-1966   8-19-1999    Terry Nash                       Betty Bullock Baker             Cremated                                   
Neely, John Henderson                   2-11-1891    10-11-1968   James Neely                      Sarah Hensley                   Louisville                                 
Neloms, Billy Ray                       5-24-1943    2-25-1999    William Neloms                   Annie Hurst                     Kagley's Chapel                            
Nelson, Claudine                        8-22-1913    11-21-1999   Arthur Sims                      Olie                            Cedar Lawn                                 
Nelson, Gena Lucille                    1-2-1899     11-26-1976   Tony Wallace                     Elizabeth                       Mt. Pleasant                               
Nelson, Lacy                            12-13-1896   8-6-1980     Jack Davis                       Sara Scruggs                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Nerswick, Don Francis                   12-18-1899   8-27-1978    Joseph Nerswick                  Mary Flynn                      Greenlawn/ Milford, OH                     
Nesby, Deola Brigg                      7-14-1905    5-16-1978    Joseph Henry                     Indiana Smith                   Cedar Lawn                                 
Neubert, Amos Louis Sr.                 4-26-1909    9-4-1987     F.H. Neubert                     Annie Moore                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Neubert, Sarah F.                       2-2-1906     11-4-1991    Simeon Breeden                   Pearl Briden                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Newall, William Alfred                  1-13-1951    7-29-1998    William G. Newall                Virginia Maass                  Cremated                                   
Newman, Bobby Frank                     8-19-1947    7-30-2000    Arthur Newman                    Mary Cates                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Newman, Kenneth Lester                  4-14-1912    4-20-1991    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Lutheran/ Peoria, IL                       
Newman, Mary Gladys                     12-21-1921   7-8-1988     Ernest Patterson                 Barbara Hurst                   Sherwood Memorial                          
Nichols, Anna Elizabeth                 3-16-1892    5-16-1983    Wallace Reed                     Not Listed                      Forest Hill                                
Nichols, George Cunningham              9-9-1897     6-9-1972     Wesley Nichols                   Mary Thompson                   Big Springs                                
Nichols, Ola Lee                        10-18-1919   5-29-1982    Dennis Jones Jr.                 Corine White                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Nichols, Verlie                         5-12-1911    1-18-1986    John Simpson                     Nan Johnson                     Big Springs                                
Nicholson, William Andrew               4-24-1877    10-2-1965    Andrew Jackson Nicholson         Sarah Wright                    Clark's Grove                              
Noel, Joseph Patrick                    12-16-1911   12-21-1974   Joseph Anthony Noel              Ida Virginia Fissel             Riverside Mem./ Jacksonville, FL           
Noel, Vaughn Ernest                     7-8-1943     9-25-1989    Von Noel                         Maggie Underwood                Gallahar View/ Knox Co. TN                 
Norton, Albert Lewis                    8-2-1931     6-13-1995    Sherman Norton                   Daisy Deaver                    Grandview                                  
Nuchols, Ervil Rex Sr.                  6-3-1942     5-14-1999    Oscar Fred Nuchols               Gladys Whitehead                Old Piney Grove                            
Ogle, Margaret Edna                     6-14-1930    4-10-1972    Roscoe Owens                     Lillie Weeks                    Center Hill                                
Ogle, Michele Lee                       5-29-1975    5-29-1975    James Ogle                       Carol Jean Kirkland             Dotson Memorial                            
Oliver, Ida                             7-5-1901     3-20-1989    John Stinnett                    Rebecca Roberts                 Bethel                                     
Orange, Robert Lee                      10-29-1918   4-17-1978    Alfored Orange                   Julia Jones                     Sherwood Memorial                          
Orr, Jackie Earl                        6-20-1941    3-12-1999    Earl Orr                         Flaura                          Grandview                                  
Overby, Woodrow Dean                    8-10-1941    8-15-1995    Woodrow Wilson Overby            Velva Walford                   Keeble's Chapel                            
Owenby, Amanda Hope                     2-8-1970     6-9-1975     James Jerry Owenby               Glenda Riden                    Morganton                                  
Owenby, Clell                           2-10-1921    10-19-1991   Willie Everett Owenby            Bessie Huskey                   Clark's Grove                              
Owenby, James Jerry Jr.                 9-14-1968    6-9-1975     James Jerry Owenby Sr.           Glenda Riden                    Morganton                                  
Owenby, James Jerry Sr.                 1-28-1949    6-9-1975     Arlie Owenby                     Tina Ogle                       Morganton                                  
Owens, Pearl Lucille                    10-1-1923    9-5-1973     Alex Gregory                     Eva L. Sparks                   Coker Hill                                 
Page, Howard                            9-26-1955    4-17-1995    Jesse Page                       Ida May Barnes                  Oak Grove/ Taylorsville, MS                
Paisner, Abraham                        5-15-1916    3-20-1999    Benjamin Euchin Paisner          Lillian Shapiro                 Grandview                                  
Palmer, Carl Burton                     9-10-1911    11-18-1992   William Arthur Palmer            Betty Adeline Cummings          Sherwood Memorial                          
Palmer, James Spencer                   4-5-1913     6-11-1975    Arthur Palmer                    Betty Cummins                   Magnolia                                   
Parham, Lewis Calvin                    4-16-1907    7-7-1987     Andrew Parham                    Lula Garland                    Law's Chapel                               
Parham, Nina Macy                       1-1-1909     5-23-1989    Luther Dunn                      Flora Shields                   Law's Chapel                               
Parker, Alberta V.                      1-20-1929    5-13-1992    Elden Crawford                   Bertha Hazel Marshall           Logan's Chapel                             
Parker, John Lester Jr.                 9-15-1976    9-15-1976    John L. Parker Sr.               Valerie Sudderth                Cedar Lawn                                 
Parker, John R.                         9-22-1923    11-3-1980    Lester P. Parker                 Viola Miller                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Parker, Lester Phillip                  8-3-1896     3-29-1981    Joe Parker                       Lydia                           Cedar Lawn                                 
Parker, Richard Warren                  4-12-1924    10-1-1991    Lasater R. Parker                Mary Attalicia Howard           Cremated                                   
Parker, Viola Mae                       5-6-1900     11-17-1983   Daniel Mills                     Hattie Mae Rice                 Cedar Lawn                                 
Parker, Wardell                         12-31-1916   3-3-1976     Taylor Parker                    Doll Walker                     Wilder's Chapel                            
Parks, Louella                          2-27-1896    12-12-1968   Fate Carroll                     Alice Hall                      Maple Grove                                
Parrott, Edna Mae                       7-26-1913    4-18-1983    Jim Hicks                        Angie Walker                    Pleasant Hill                              
Parrott, Oscar Paul                     8-28-1919    7-29-1995    William Henry Parrott            Veta Viola Shultz               Louisville                                 
Pattinson, Thomas Jr.                   10-14-1921   10-2-1970    Elmer G. Pattison                Nettie Forthgill                Broodfield/ Massillon, OH                  
Patty, James Samuel                     8-23-1993    8-23-1993    John William Patty               Virginia Ross                   Marble Hill                                
Pauley, Helen                           10-9-1920    4-28-1988    Jake Sands                       Gertrude Newberry               Sherwood Memorial                          
Payne, Jackie Sue                       3-17-1941    4-27-2000    Roy Hoyle Payne                  Jessie Giffin                   Carpenter's Campground                     
Payne, Julia                            4-23-1896    10-6-1963    Jim Swaney                       Lizzie Rollin                   Gladden/ Graham Co. NC                     
Payne, Myrtle E.                        6-22-1921    9-16-1970    Joe L. Boring                    Anna Payne                      Memorial Baptist                           
Payne, Walter Lue                       12-15-1906   3-11-1973    Henry Payne                      Maude Miller                    Sherwood Memorial                          
Peak, Orville Otis                      8-26-1912    12-3-1977    Joseph Peak                      Not Listed                      Worthoras/ Murphyboro, IL                  
Pearson, James Worth                    5-15-1905    7-20-1981    Walter Pearson                   Sara Williams                   Old Mother/ Graham Co. NC                  
Peek, Jesse Holland                     3-29-1930    2-11-1983    Robert S. Peek                   Wilhelmina Williams             Cedar Lawn                                 
Peek, Wilhelmina Williams               12-5-1910    3-3-1982     Frances Holland                  Ernestine                       Cedar Lawn                                 
Pegg, Nellie B.                         9-13-1916    2-4-1982     Jim Livingston                   Louise Birchfield               Pegg/ Swain Co. NC                         
Pegg, William Eugene                    7-31-1944    10-21-1999   William Riley Pegg               Nellie Livingston               Grandview                                  
Pegg, William Riley Jr.                 12-5-1918    4-18-1971    William R. Pegg Sr.              Effie Wiggins                   Pegg/ Swain Co. NC                         
Pelfrey, Keith William                  8-14-1943    8-19-1998    Ollie J. Pelfrey                 Margaret Rowles                 Cremated                                   
Pennington, John F.                     3-17-1939    5-24-1996    Rufus Pennington                 Gladys Baker                    Pleasant Hill/ Brookville, OH              
Penson, Charlie Homer                   10-28-1904   4-15-1983    Joe Robert Penson                Hattie Thompson                 Mt. Zion                                   
Perkins, Louella                        6-1-1878     4-5-1969     Joseph Garland                   Sarah Cobble                    Miller's Cove                              
Perkins, Myrtle B.                      2-1-1896     10-20-1970   William Thomas Burns             Mary Stillwell                  Pleasant Hill Methodist                    
Peters, Mary Elizabeth                  7-29-1936    7-17-1996    Joseph A. Guerin                 Mildred May Phillips            Cremated                                   
Phelps, Alma                            8-21-1899    2-16-1988    Hiram H. Haven                   Addie Guinn                     East Maryville                             
Phillips, William Date                  9-27-1914    12-28-1993   James Andrew Phillips            Martha Elizabeth Malcom         Hickory Valley/ Loudon Co. TN              
Phinney, Ariel Elaine                   1-22-2001    1-22-2001    Lester Phinney Jr.               Donna Beal                      Sherwood Memorial                          
Pickens, Frank Howard                   3-7-1920     10-3-1997    Andrew Wilson Pickens            Mary Suzanne Franklin           Forest Hill                                
Pickens, Howard Frank                   6-7-1943     2-3-1997     Frank Pickens                    Claudia McCall                  Clark's Grove                              
Pickens, Lester Lee                     10-25-1942   5-7-1992     Hubert Stanley Pickens           Alva Lee Kirkpatrick            Forest Hill                                
Pierce, Frank Sidney                    4-12-1937    12-12-1996   Garland Alonzo Pierce            Bertha                          Sherwood Memorial                          
Pierce, Stella Mae                      7-8-1909     6-23-1995    William Isaac Holmes             Susie Jane Lewis                Bookwalter/ Knox Co. TN                    
Pietsch, Anne Stephens                  10-21-1913   1-28-1984    John Matyszkie                   Not Listed                      Paris, FRANCE                              
Pigusch, Paul Donald                    7-17-1922    8-4-1999     Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Brantley's Chapel                          
Pilley, Emma                            9-10-1880    3-8-1974     O.H. Stegar                      Mildred Austin                  Woodlawn/ Nashville, TN                    
Poe, Clifford Ray                       6-20-1957    8-15-2000    Joe Poe                          Cleta Devine                    Marble Hill                                
Poe, George A.                          12-15-1914   11-26-1987   Frank Poe                        Nettie Bridges                  Sherwood Memorial                          
Poe, George Reason                      10-4-1887    10-20-1974   Marion Poe                       Jane Ballew                     Pleasant Hill/ Fannin Co. GA               
Poe, James Edgar                        4-11-1891    8-12-1974    Marion Poe                       Jane Ballew                     Mineral Bluff/ Fannin Co. GA               
Pointer, Mercedith                      11-6-1906    7-15-1990    Walter Payne                     Evelyn Lina Price               Marble Hill                                
Poole, Arthur Howard                    4-9-1941     10-19-2000   John Poole                       Thelma Key                      Old Piney Grove                            
Porter, Claborn Cicero                  4-6-1903     4-19-1984    Commodore Porter                 Mary Ann Montgomery             Maple Grove                                
Porter, Clarence                        12-25-1909   12-19-1979   Walter Porter                    Mary Henry                      Mt. Pleasant                               
Porter, Evangeline                      6-27-1902    11-30-1985   Edward Wallace                   Charlotte Rorex                 Maple Grove                                
Porter, Leroy Woods                     7-13-1917    12-31-1984   Paul Porter                      Melvina Carr                    Wilder's Chapel                            
Porter, Sallie Margaret                 4-25-1914    2-22-1991    Leroy Willis                     Not Listed                      Mt. Pleasant                               
Porter, Vera Irene                      4-8-1896     11-17-1986   Steven Richardson                Eliza Gay                       Mt. Gilead                                 
Porter, Victor                          3-16-1927    6-26-1986    Claborn Porter                   Evangeline Wallace              Maple Grove                                
Potter, Ada                             11-22-1909   5-27-1980    James H. Whitehead               Nancy Keller                    Old Piney Grove                            
Potter, Claude Henderson                6-25-1921    6-29-1978    James Potter                     Ethel Russell                   Old Piney Grove                            
Potter, Ethel                           Age 94       1-18-1990    Not Listed                       Not Listed                      Old Piney Grove                            
Potter, Ethel Martha                    9-17-1899    10-3-1983    Ike Russell                      Frances Jackson                 Old Piney Grove                            
Potter, Grace Edith                     6-13-1924    12-29-1991   Levi Dodd                        Not Listed                      Old Piney Grove                            
Potter, Howard                          3-9-1916     2-4-1987     Alfred Potter                    Ethel Carpenter                 Union Grove                                
Potter, Leonard C.                      10-9-1910    1-25-1991    Not Listed                       Bertha Potter                   Mountain View                              
Potter, Oscar T.                        2-8-1924     11-27-1990   James Potter                     Ethel Russell                   Old Piney Grove                            
Potter, Raymond Howard                  1-7-1923     4-9-1977     William H. Potter                Ida Teffeteller                 Law's Chapel                               
Potter, Robert Lee                      6-16-1918    9-3-1986     Alfred Potter                    Ethel Carpenter                 Old Chilhowee                              
Potter, Sarah                           9-30-1909    4-13-1998    George Grindstaff                Mary Heaton                     Zion's Chapel                              
Powell, William M.                      2-26-1896    4-9-1968     George Powell                    Martha Gregg                    Bethel                                     
Powers, Florence Marie                  7-15-1901    2-14-1981    Henry T. Powers                  Minnie L. Hill                  Groton/ Groton, NY                         
Prater, Charles Monroe                  12-23-1912   9-23-1987    James Franklin Prater            Laura Finger                    Louisville                                 
Prather, Sallie Fannie                  4-28-1910    10-29-1983   Tommy Lewel                      Lizzie Elder                    Cedar Lawn                                 
Pressley, Ernest Alvin                  9-26-1895    2-15-1966    Jasper Pressley                  Elizabeth Estes                 Union Grove                                
Pressley, Flossie May                   2-9-1907     11-28-1979   Jim Tallent                      Sally Hayworth                  Union Grove Methodist                      
Price, Ethel Jett                       3-20-1927    6-8-1978     Lewis King                       Elizabeth Waycaster             Piney Level                                
Price, James Atchley                    1-5-1920     3-22-1995    Luther Brown Price               Martha Brown                    Grandview                                  
Pride, Helen Marie                      5-25-1919    6-17-1983    Not Listed                       Lina Pride                      Craig's Chapel/ Loudon Co. TN              
Pringle, Roy Dana                       9-3-1937     4-20-2001    James Gilbert Pringle            Josephine Vroman                Cremated                                   
Proctor, Carrie Irene                   5-13-1921    12-2-1983    John H. Wilburn                  Mary Elizabeth Hutsell          Sherwood Memorial                          
Proctor, John L.                        10-12-1939   4-26-1992    John Edward Proctor              Carrie Wilburn                  Laurel Bank                                
Proffitt, Dave                          2-19-1884    1-16-1969    Pleas Proffitt                   Lucinda                         Prospect                                   
Proffitt, Hazel Zelma                   9-10-1915    3-8-1965     Christopher Spears               Sarah Gillian                   Forest Hill                                
Proffitt, Rosa                          12-3-1889    6-6-1965     Lewis Ogle                       Bertha Russell                  Prospect                                   
Proffitt, Seldon                        2-11-1911    1-11-1983    Dave Proffitt                    Rosa Ogle                       Prospect                                   
Purkey, Cecil Junior                    6-1-1923     5-27-1998    Mary Mike Purkey                 Bessie Simerly                  Zion's Chapel                              
Purkey, Martha Jane                     7-28-1916    8-24-1993    Robert Love                      Elizabeth Oliver                Clark's Grove                              
Purkey, Samuel Lloyd                    8-27-1915    2-6-1999     John Purkey                      Elizabeth Simerly               Zion's Chapel                              
Purkey, Venus Robert                    9-6-1931     2-11-1972    Jerry Purkey                     Etta Cagle                      Shady Grove                                
Quillen, Glenn Allen                    1-8-1949     12-19-1977   Clement B. Quillen               Laura Kimbler                   Quillen/ Gate City, VA                     
Quirk, Tom Edward                       5-20-1917    5-10-1995    Tom Quirk                        Louella May Schlapia            Sherwood Memorial