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South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research, Vol. 14, 15, & 16
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Volume XV Spring 1987 Number 2 , p. 68
Died on the 14th of December, at the residence of her husband, Henry Lark, in Pickens District,
Harriet Louisa Lark, in the 37th year of her age, leaving six children

Volume XV Spring 1987 Number 2 , p. 69
Married, on the 25th July, 1861, by Rev. S. Powell, Mr. Joseph A. Bates, formerly of Greenville, to
Miss Mary E. Burgess, of Pickens District. (September 5, 1861)

Volume XVI Spring 1988 Number 2 , p. 119
Henry Rice (1717-1818) The Pioneer Tennessee Gristmiller, and his Twelve Children by Melvin Weaver
Little. 312 pages, soft cover, indexed. Price $12.95 postpaid from Melvin Weaver Little, 924 20th St.,
South, Arlington, VA 22202. Mr. Little begins this genealogy with the birth of Henry Rice c1717 in
Hanover County, Virginia, and traces him through South Carolina into East Tennessee, until his death
in 1818 in Campbell (now Union) County, Tennessee. In South Carolina, Henry Rice lived in Pendleton
County, near present Pickens, where he as well as his sons Charies and James Rice obtained state
land grants there. This volume gives every appearance of having been well-researched and abstracts of
pertinent documents with proper references are included.

Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 126
Being the Legal Heirs & Representatives of the above named William Norton Deceased, You
are hereby required to appear at the Court of Ordinary, to be holden at Pickens Court
house for Pickens District, on the first Monday of January A. D. 1830 to shew cause if any
you can, why the Real Estate of William Norton who Died Intestate, situate in the said
District on the waters of Little River Bounded by Lands of John Lewis, James Guthrie and
others containing 650 acres more or less originally granted to Richard Pollard and others
whereon Lydia Norton now lives, should not be divided or sold allotting to each of the
above named Heirs an equal Dividend, Given under my hand and seal this 2d day of
November 1829. Jas H. Dendy, Ordinary P. D. (LS).

Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 126
South Carolina, Pickens District. We the undersigned acknowledge the service of the Summons in
Partition for the purposes therein mentioned the second day of November 1829. Signed Jephthah
Norton, Lydia Norton (X- her mark), Albert Robins.

Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 127
After due notice having been given in publick advertizement in the Messenger for Absent Legatees
without the limits of the State, It is hereby ordered that each of their consents be enter'd as
Confessed, 4th January 1830 and that the said Land be advertized and sold by the Sheriff of Pickens 
District before the Court House on the 1st Monday of February next or such other sale day as shall be 
most to the advantage of the parties in Interest on the credit of 12 Months the purchaser giving Bond 
with Good security and a mortgage on the premises if deem'd neceessary, to the Ordinary, for the 
payment of the purchase money. Jas H. Dendy, O. P. D.
Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 127 
At the particular request of the surviving copartner John Gilstrap and adm. of Hardy Gilstrap Deceased 
by whom the parties Interested were notified no objection having been made, On due Examination it is 
Order'd that the said Tract of Land containing 300 acres more or less lying in Pickens District on the 
waters of Twelve Mile Creek be sold by the sheriff of Pickens district on the first Monday of April next, 
or on such other sale day as shall be for the advantage of the parties in Interest on a credit of 12 
Months purchser giving Bond with good security & a mortgage of the premises if deemed necessary to 
the ordinary, for the payment of the purchase money. Jas. H. Dendy, O. P. D.
Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 127 
State of South Carolina, Pickens District. Personally appear'd before me in the Court of Ordinary
James Langston Esqr & Capt Benjamin Barton who being sworn on their oath saith that the Tract of 
Land above described had best be sold for the benefit of those Interest, February st 1830. signed 
Benjamin Barton, James Langston, in presence of Jas. H. Dendy, O. P. D.

Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 128
South Carolina, Pickens District. Personally appear'd before me George W. Hawkins who being duly 
sworn on his oath sayeth that he personally served the above original summons on the widow Fanny 
Freeman, Westly Freeman, John Finley, Jane, Sally and Mary Freeman, John and Francis Freeman 
being eight of the Legatees of the said John Freeman deceas'd sworn to & subscribed before me this 
19th April 1830. signed G. W. Hawkins. J. H. Dendy, O. P. D.
Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 128
Page 4: South Carolina, Pickens District. Personally apperaed before me Jesse Rackley and Joel 
Joins who being sworn on their oath saith that the Tract of 175 acres of Land belonging to the Estate of 
John Freeman dec'd had best be sold as it could not satisfactorily be divided in their opinion. 1830 
October 4th. signed by Joel Jones and Jesse Rackley.
Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 128
On due Examination having duly advertized in the Messeger Symmes Editor for absent Legatees it is 
ordered & Decreed that the Lands belonging to the Estate of John Freeman and described in the
summons serv'd in this case be sold by the sheriff of Pickens District on the frist Monday of January 
next or such other sale day as will be most for the advantage of the parties in interest on a credit of 
twelve months the purchaser giving Bond with good security and a mortgage of the premises if deem'd
necessary by the ordinary for the payment of the purchase money. October 4th 1830. Jas H. Dendy, O. P. D.
Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 129
For Division or sale of 75 acres of Land belon'g to Estate of Abel Hill Deceas'd situate in Pickens Dis't
adjoining Lands of Joel Jones & others.
Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 129 
On due Examination it is order'd that the Tract of Land above describ'd be sold by the sheriff of 
Pickens District on the first Monday of September next or on such other sale day as shall be best for 
the parties in interest on a credit of 12 months purchaser giving Bond with good security to the 
Ordinary for the payment of the purchase money. July 5th 1830. J. H. Dendy, O. P. D.
Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 129 
South Carolina, Pickens District. To James H. Dendy, Ordinary P. D. The Petition of Samuel Smith
humbly sheweth that he having lately come to the age of 21 Years prayeth for the sale of Division of 
the Tract of Land lying in the state & Distirct aforesaid belonging to the Estate of his Father Richard 
Smith Deceased as soon as practicable but on a credit of Three Years pursuant to an agreement 
made with his Brother & Sister Moses and Elizabeth at the end of which time the youngest will arrive 
at the age of 21 Years. Signed Samuel Smith.

Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 129
South Carolina, Pickens District. By James H. Dendy, O. P. D. Personally appeared before me 
Joseph W. Looper who being duly sworn on his oath sayeth that the tract of land situate in this district 
on Doudies Creek waters of Saluda River belonging to the estate of Richard Smith dec'd is not worth 
$1000 and that in his opinion it is best for the parties in Interest that the said Land be sold for 
purposes of Division. Sworn to and subscribed 26th day of October 1830. Signed by J. W. Looper.
Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 130 
William Smithson, Leiah Smithson, Sarah Smithson, Anson Smithson, and James Jolly Legal Heirs & 
Representatives of Marson Smithson Deceased. Greeting. You are hereby required to appear at the 
Court of Ordinary to be holden at Pickens Court House on the 3d Monday of October next to shew 
cause if any you can why the Real Estate of Marson Smithson Deceas'd lying in Pickens on the 
waters of Choestoe bounded by Land of Eli Davis & Benjamin Perry containing 115 acres more or less
should not be divided or sold allotting each of the Heirs an equal share.
South Carolina, Pickens District. Personally appeared before me, John Verner Esquire, who on his 
oath saith That the Tract of Land belonging to the Estate of Marson Smithson deceased is not worth 
$1000, and further states that in his opinion it is best for the parties in Interest that the said Tract of 
Land be sold for the purpose of Division among the Heirs or Legatees. signed John Verner.
Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 130 
On due Examination it is order'd & Decreed that the Land above described in the summons in Partition 
in this case be sold by the sheriff of Pickens District on the first Monday of February next or on such 
other sale day as will be most for the advantage of the parties in interest on a credit of 12 Months the 
purchaser giving bond with good security and a mortgage if deem'd necessary to the ordinary for the 
payment of the purchase money. Jas. H. Dendy, O. P. D.
Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 131 
Legal Heirs of Joshua Thompson who died Intestate Greeting. You are hereby required to appear at the
court of Ordinary to be holden at Pickens Court House for Pickens District on the third Monday of this 
month to shew cause if any why the Real Estate of Joshua Thompson deceased situate in said 
District on the waters of Twelve Mile River, bounded by Lands of Daniel Durham, Levi Murphy, B. 
Barton, & Hunter and containing 212 acres more or less should not be divided or sold allotting to the 
said Mary Evatt one third part & the remaining two thirds in equal proportions to the remaining l
egatees. Given under my hand & Seal 6th December 1830. James H. Dendy, O. P. D.
Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 131 
It is order'd & Decreed that the Lands described in the summons in Partition in this case be sold by 
the sheriff of Pickens District on the first Monday of July next or on such other sale day as will be 
most for the advantage of the parties in interest on a credit of one & two Years, the purchaser giving 
bond & approved security & a mortgage if deem'd necessary to the Ordinary for the payment of the 
purchase money. June 6th 1831. Jas. H. Dendy, O. P. D.
Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 131 
South Carolina, Pickens District. Personally appeared Horatio Bruce who being duly sworn on his 
Oath saith that the Tract of land containing 210 acres belonging to the estate of James Bruce deceas'd 
lying on the Wolf Creek Pickens District is not worth $1000 & that it would in his opinion be most for 
the advantage of the Legatees to sell the same for distribution June 3d 1833. signed by Horatio Bruce 
and sworn to before me J. H. Dendy, O. P. D.
Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 131
The State of South Carolina, Pickens District. Summons in Partition. To Sarah Bruce, John Winters & 
Daniel Moore legal Heirs & representatives of James Bruce deceased. You are hereby required to 
appear in the Court of Ordinary to be holden in Pickens Court House for Pickens District on the third 
Monday of this Instant to shew cause if any you can why the Real Estate of James Bruce Dec'd 
should not be divided or sold situate in Pickens District on the waters of 12 Mile River bounded by 
Land of Archabald Miller, Joseph A. Field, Elisha League & Saml Hall containing 201 acres more or 
less originally Granted to James Bruce Deceas'd should not be Divided or sold and equally distributed 
among the heirs of s'd Deceased Given under my hand & Seal the third day of June Anno Domini 
1833. James H. Dendy, O. P. D.
Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 132 
On due Examination it is order'd & Decreed that the Land described in the above Summons in partition 
in this case be sold by the sheriff of Pickens District on the 1st Monday in October next or on such 
other sale day as shall be most for the advantage of the parties in interest on a credit of one and two 
years Except so much as will be necessary to pay cost & charges, purchaser giving Bond & good 
security & a mortgage on the premises if required for the purchase money, September 2d 1833. Jas H. 
Dendy, O. P. D. (LS).

Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 132 
Or the Legal Heirs of the said Joshua who died Intestate, Greeting, You are hereby required to appear 
at the Court or Ordinary to be holden at Pickens Court House for Pickens District on the 3 Monday of 
this Instant to shew cause if any you can why the Real Estate of Joshua Fowler dec'd situate in 
Pickens District on the waters of Georges Creek bouded by Lands of Edmond Singleton, Samuel Hall 
& others containing 662 1/2 acres more or less, should not be Divided or Sold alloting to the widow 
Elizabeth Fowler one third of the same and the other two thirds to the Legal Heirs & Representatives of 
the said Deceased Given under my hand & seal the 7th day of October 1833. James H. Dendy, O. P. D.
Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 132 
Having advertized in the Messenger for absent Legatees and taken the Testimony of Archbald Miller 
who on oath saith the Land in Question is not worth $1000 and that it is best for the parties interested 
to sell the same, It is hereby order'd and Decreed that the Land above described in the summons in 
partition in this case be sold by the sheriff of Pickens District on the 1st Monday of February next or on 
such other sale day is shall be most for the advantage for the parties Interested on a Credit of 12 
Months the purchaser giving Bond and approved security for the payment of the purchase money. 
January 1st 1834. Jas. H. Dendy, O. P. D. (LS)
Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 133 
To James H. Dendy Ordinary P. District. The Petition of Aaron Roper adm'r of Thomas Masters and 
the widow of the said Thomas, Catharine Masters, sheweth that there is a deficiency of assets in the 
hands of the said administrator arising from the Sales of the personalty for the payment of Debts owing 
by the deceased. The Prayer of the Petitioners therefore is that a certain Tract of Land lying in Pickens 
on the Saluda River and containing 250 acres ore or less should be sold by order of the court of Ordinary 
for the payment of Debts and should there be any surplus left to be divided as the Law directs. 
November 4th 1833. signed by Aaron Roper, adm'r, Catharine Masters. Test M. S. Edmonson. 
Extracted from the original Filed. J. H. Dendy, O. P. D.

Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 133
On due Examination it is Therefore Ordered & Decreed that the said Tract of 250 acres be sold by the
sheriff of Pickens District on the first Monday of December next from such other sale day as shall be
most for the advantage of the parties in Interest Terms of Sale one half of the purchase money to be
paid immediately, the balance on a credit of Four years with interest from the first day of December
1836, the purchaser giving Bond with approved security. Jas. H. Dendy, O. P. D.
Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 133
The Petition of Lyda Hughey one of the legal Heirs of Thoams Blackburn deceased, Humbly shewth
that the has an interest in the Real Estate of her son Thomas deceased and the prayer of the petition
is that the Tract of Land lying in Pickens on the waters of Little River and known by the name of the
White Oak Cove should be ordered to be sold by the Sheriff of Pickens District on the first Monday of
February next for purposes of distribution among the Heirs. January 27, 1834 signed by Lyda Hughey
(X), B. W. F. Capehart, Ambrose Reid. Tested by Wm. Q. Sloan.
Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 134
Having advertized in the Pendleton Messenger for absent Legatees to appear the 4th Monday of
December no objection being made, on due examination It is ordered and Decreed that the Lands
belonging to the Estate of Thomas Blackburn dec'd Lying on Keowe River bounded by s'd River and
Lands of William Duff and T. Lewis containing 195 acres more or less be sold by the sheriff of Pickens
District on the 1st Monday of February next on a credit of Eight months purchaser giving Bond &
security for the payment of the purchase money & a mortgage of the same if required. January 1st
1834. Jas H. Dendy, O. P. D.
Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 134
Your are hereby required to appear at the Court of Odinary to be holden at Pickens Court House for
Pickens District on the first Monday of December next to shew cause if any you can why the real
Estate of David Poer Deceased sltuate in Pickens District on the Northfork of Toxaway Creek waters of
Tugalo River bounded by Lands of Huger, Blair & Chambers, containing 400 acres more or less should
not be divided or sold, allotting to Frances Poer (widow) one third and the remaining two thirds to such
of the said Heirs as shall be legally intitied or who have not recev'd their dividends or conveyed their
claims. Given under my hand & seal the 15th of November Anno Domini 1834. Jas H. Dendy, O. P. D.

Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 135
The Petition of the Subscriber one of the Legatees of William Wilson late of Pickens District deceased
Humbly sheweth that it is absolutely necessary under existing circumstances that the Real Estate of
the deceased should be sold for purposes of distribution among the Heirs there being no person on the
Land and it being liable to get out of repair &c. The Prayer of the Petition therefore is that the Land
belonging to the said William Wilsons Estate be sold as soon as the Law will allow. 5th January 1835.
signed Robert Wilson.

Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 135
State of South Carolina, Pickens District. We the undersigned citizens of said District do hereby
certify to all to whom it may concern that on viewing the Land of which Wm Wilson Senr died seized
and possessed in said District, are of opinion that it is not worth more than $1000 Given under our
hands this 3d day of January 1835. sgined by Jas Osborn, John Couch Senr (X), John Airail Junr,
Edward Norton.

Volume XVI Summer 1988 Number 3 , p. 135
For the sale or Division of 552 acres of Land belonging to the Estate of William Wilson deceased lying
in Pickens District on the Waters of Brushy Creek, bounded by Lands of John Airall, Jas Osborn and
John Williams. The Defendants in this Case residing without the limits of this State were regularly
advertized for in the Pendleton Messenger. On due Examination it is Order'd & Decreed that the Tract
of Land above described be sold by the sheriff of Pickens Dis't on the 1st Monday of April next or such
other sale day as shall be most for the advantage of the parties in interest on a credit of 12 months
purchaser giving Bond with good Security & a mortgage of the premises if deem'd necessary for the
payment of the purchase money 2 March 1835. Jas H. Dendy, O. P. D. 

Volume XVI Fall 1988 Number 4 , p. 189
The State of South Carolina. To Nancy Sloan, William D. Sloan, John W. Blasingame, John T.
Sloan, G. W. Bomar, Susan, Lucy, Thomas J. and Benjamin F. Sloan Junr. Legal Heirs of David
Sloan who died Intestate Greeting. You or your Legal Representatives are hereby required to
appear at the court of ordinary to be holden at Pickens Court House for Pickens District on the
first Monday of April next to shew cause if you can why the Tract or Lot of Land calld Fairplay
situate in Pickens District Bounded by lands of Larkin Brown & Jacob R. Cox containing two
acres should not be divided or sold, allotting to Benjamin F. Sloan surviving Copartner of David
Sloan & Co. one half and the Legal Heirs of David Sloan Deceased the other half in such portions
as the Law directs. Given under my hand & seal this 10th day of March 1835. Jas. H. Dendy, O. P. D. 

Volume XVI Fall 1988 Number 4 , p. 189
For the sale or Division of a Tract of Land belonging to the Estate of Thomas Allen Deceased or
of which the said Thomas Allen Died seized & possessed lying in Pickens District opposite Parises
ford containng 150 acres more or less and Bounded by Lands of John Gossett & others.
Volume XVI Fall 1988 Number 4 , p. 189
South Carolina, Pickens District. Personally appeard before me Col. B. Hagood who on his Oath
saith that the Tract of Land lying in Paris's ford on the Saluda River if it be the same that was sold
by the sheriff, as the property of nathaniel Davus & purchased by Thomas Brackenridge and sold
by said Brackenrige to the Deceas'd Thomas Allen as appears by the records in the Clerks Office
it cannot be worth one thousand Dollars, sworn to and subscribed the 17th April 1835 and signed
by Benj Hagood.

Volume XVI Fall 1988 Number 4 , p. 190
South Carolina, Greenville District, Mess'rs Robert B. Duncan and Saml. Mauldin made oath before me
the subscribing Justice and saith that they are acquainted with the land Beloning to the Estate of
Thomas Allen Deceased situate in Pickens District in the state aforesaid on Saluda River opposite
Paris's ford and further saith that to the best of their knowledge & belief it will be more for the
advantage of the Heirs of the said Deceased to sell the Land and divide the proceeds, than to Divide
the Land itself. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13th April 1835. signed Robert B. Duncan,
Saml Mauldin. Jno Watson, O. G. D. & J. Q. Exofficio.

Volume XVI Fall 1988 Number 4 , p. 190
South Carolina, Pickens District. To Mrs. Elizabeth Allen of Greenville District and her two children
minors or their representatives vizt William H. & Jane T. Allen, Legal Heirs of Thomas Allen late of
Greenville District Deceased who died Intestate Greeting: You are hereby required to appear at the
Court of Ordinary to be holden at Pickens Court House for Pickens District on the third Monday of April
next to shew cause if any you can why the Real estate of Thomas Allen Deceas'd situate in this
District on Saluda River Containing one Hundred and fifty acres more or less should not be divided or
sold allotting to the said Elizabeth Allen one third and the remaining two thirds in equal portions to
William H. Allen and Jane T. Allen aforesaid. Given under my hand and seal this 23d of March 1835.
Jas H. Dendy, O. P. D. 

Volume XVI Fall 1988 Number 4 , p. 190
The said Elizabeth Allen having signed her consent and Roger Loveland having signed his consent on
the original Summons in partition as Guardian for the two minors William H. & Jane T. Allen and On
due Examination It is Ordered and Decreed that the said Land as described in the original Summons
in this case be sold by the sheriff of Pickens District on the first monday in Nune next or on such other
sale day as shall be most for the advantage of the parties in Interest on a credit of Eighteen months
the purchaser giving Bond and approved security and a mortgage of the premises if deem'd necessary
to the orindary for the payment of the purchase money. Given under my hand & Seal Ordinarys Office
27 April 1835. Jas. H. Dendy. O. P. D. 

Volume XVI Fall 1988 Number 4 , p. 190
South Carolina, Pickens District. To James H. Dendy Ordinary P. D. We the Heirs of Wm Allen
Deceased do hereby petition the Court or Odinary for said District for the sale or division of the Real
Estate of said dec'd praying our distributive share of the s'd land we hereby certify that the said land
comes as to the value under the Jurisdiction of the Court of Ordinary and we pray the said ordinary to
have the said Land sold as the Law requires. Given under our hands and seals this 31st August 1835.
Signed by Abner Russell (X) & James Allen.
Volume XVI Fall 1988 Number 4 , p. 191
South Carolina, Pickens District. Personally appear'd before me Abner Chastain who on his oath saith
that the Land belonging to the Estate of William Allen Deceased is not worth one Thousand dollars.
August 31, 1835. Jas. H. Dendy, O. P. D.

 Volume XVI Fall 1988 Number 4 , p. 191
Legal Heirs & Representatives of William Allen Deceas'd who died Intestate. You are hereby required
to appear at the Court of Ordinary to be holden at Pickens Court House for Pickens District on the
third Monday of September next to shew cause if any you can why the Real Estate of William Allen
deceas'd situate in s'd District on the waters of Olenay Creek and containing two hundred and fifty
Acres more or less should not be divided or sold alloting to Abigail Allen one third thereof and the
remain'g two in equal proportions to the remaining Heirs. Given under my hand this 31st August Anno
Domini 1835. J. H. Dendy, O. P. D.
Volume XVI Fall 1988 Number 4 , p. 191
The forgoing summons in Partition having been serv'd & Consented to by the Heirs present in this state
and the Legal 7 weeks notice by advertz. in the Pendleton Messenger having been given and On due
Examination, It is hereby Ordered and Decreed That the Tract of 250. Acres of Land as described in
the original summons in Partition of which William Allen died seized and possessed be sold by the
sheriff of Pickens District on the first Monday of February next or on such other sale day as shall be
most for the advantage of the parties in Interest On a Credit of twelve months the Purchaser giving
Bond and good security and a mortgage of the premises if deemed necessary to the Ordinary for the
payment of the purchase money. January 4th Anno Domini 1836. Jas. H. Dendy, O. P. D. 

Volume XVI Fall 1988 Number 4 , p. 192
South Carolina, Pickens District. Personally appeared before me in the court of Ordinary Thomas
Fitzgerald who being duly sworn on his oath saith That He is well acquainted with the Tract of Land the
late residence of Joseph Underwood Deceased and it is not worth One thousand Dollars. And Further
testifies that it would be in his opinion for the advantage of the Legatees to sell the same for
distribution among the Heirs sworn to and subscribed before me the 7th day of October 1835 and
signed by Thomas Fitzgerald. witness'd by Elisha King. Jas. H. Dendy. O. P. D.
Volume XVI Fall 1988 Number 4 , p. 192
Bill for partition or sale of the Real Estate of Joseph Underwood Dec'd vizt one Tract of Land situate in
Pickens Dis't waters of Cane Creek containing 500 Acres more or less part of which was originally
granted to John C. Kilpatrick and the other part of Jesse Nevill. After advertizing 8 weeks in the
Messenger for Absent Legatees all being Absent & without the limits of our State and On due
Examination It is Ordered and Decreed that the Tract of 500 Acres of land as above described of which
Joseph Underwood died seized & possessed, be sold by the sheriff of Pickens District on the first
Monday of January next or on such other sale day as shall be most for the advantage of the parties in 
Interest, on a Credit of Twelve months the purchaser giving Bond and good security & a mortgage of
the premises if deemed necessary to the Ordinary for the payment of the purchase money. December
7th 1835. Jas. H. Dendy, O. P. D. 

Volume XVI Fall 1988 Number 4 , p. 194
On due Examination, it is Ordered & Decreed that the lands described in the Summons in partition in
this case of which Ben: Morgan Deceased died seized be sold by the sheriff of Pickens District on the
first Monday in October next, or on such other sale day as shall be most for the advantage of the
parties in Interest and on a credit untill the first day of January 1838 the purchaser giving Bond with
good security and a mortgage of the premises if required by the Ordinary for the payment of the
purchase money. Given under my hand and seal the 29th day of August Anno Domini 1836. Jas. H.
Dendy, O. P. D.

Volume XVI Fall 1988 Number 4 , p. 195
To Sarah Calanhan, Meed Davis (Guardian) and Demsey You. greeting You are hereby required to
appear at the court of Ordinary to be holden at Pickens Court house for Pickens District on Monday
the 27th June next to shew cause if any you can why the Real Estate of Eli David Deceas'd situate in
Pickens Dist on the River Tugulo containing 250 acres should not be sold on a credit of one and two
years alloting to John L. Davis one share to Sarah Clanahan one to Demsey You one share and to Eli
South half a share to John L. M. Thompson half a share to Meed Davis half a share & to Birdwell Hill a
share as directed in the last will of the said Eli Davis deceas'd Given under my hand & seal the 11th
day of June Anno Domini 1836. J. H. Dendy, O. P. D. 

Volume XVI Fall 1988 Number 4 , p. 195
The above summons being served & accepted, and having advertized in the Pendleton Messenger for
Absent Legatees and being satisfied by the evidence of Foster Perry that the s'd tract of Land is not
worth $1000 that is it best to sell the asme as directed by the will &C. On due Examination, It is
Ordered & Decreed that the Real Estate of Eli Davis as described in the summons in partition be sold
by the sheriff of Pickens District on the first monday of October next, or on such other sale day as
shall be most for the advantage of the parties in Interest and on a credit of one & two Years, purchaser
giving Bond and good security and a mortgage of the premises if deemed necessary to the Ordinary for
the payment of the purchase money. 1836 August 29th. James H. Dendy, O. P. D. 

Volume XVI Fall 1988 Number 4 , p. 195
For Division or Sale of 200 acres of Land in which is a grsit Mill, The Real Estate of Morgan Morgan
Deceased lying in Pickens District on the Cane Creek, Bounded by Lands of John Rusk and others.
Qualfiied Col. Joseph Grisham & Rowland Cobb who each agree in saying that the Tract of 200 acres
as above described is not worth One Thousand dollars and that in their opinion it is most for the benefit
of the Heirs to sell the same for the purpose of Distribution.

Volume XVI Fall 1988 Number 4 , p. 196
June 13. Having obtained the consent of those in the District and having publish'd the usual Notice in
the Messenger for absent Legatees and no objection having been made to a sale of said Land And on
due Examination, It is Order'd & Decreed that the Lands described in the original Summons the Real
Estate of Morgan Morgan Deceas'd be sold by the sheriff of Pickens District on the 1st monday of
October next, or on such other sale day as shall be most for the advantage of the parties in interest
and on a credit of one & two Years the purchaser giving Bond and good security & a mortgage of the
premises if deemed necessary to the Ordinary for the payment of the purchase money. 5th September
1836, Jas. H. Dendy, O. P. D.