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Greenville County ScArchives Marriages.....Marriage Records 1916-1920, Grooms Surnames K
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Karen Wittibschlager  April 12, 2010

Greenville Co., SC Marriage Records 1916-1920			

Greenville Co., SC marriage records are stored on microfilm in the Greenville Co. Library Main Branch, 
South Carolina Room, 25 Heritage Green Pl., Greenville, SC 29601.  All locations are in South Carolina 
unless otherwise noted.  For records with names spelled multiple ways, spelling variations are noted 
in the "Other" column.  Errors are possible, so verify information using the microfilm images.															

~ = approx.															
* = illegible letter(s)															
& = add'l spellings; and															
aff = affidavit															
br = bride															
bro = brother															
cert = certificate															
cons = consent															
dtd = dated															
f = father															
grd = guardian															
gr = groom															
Gvl. = Greenville															
lic = license															
mrg = marriage															
m = mother															
par = parent															
sis = sister 															

Groom                           Bride                        Groom            Bride        Groom  Bride   Groom     Bride    Marriage     Marriage     Microfilm
Surname      Given Name         Surname     Given Name       Residence        Residence    Age    Age      Race      Race      Date       Location     Roll  #    Other

Kahlbrenner  Edward John        Crawley     Edna Irene       Buffalo, NY      Spartanburg   24     20     white     white    4-Jan-1919                  9  7797
Kane         Thos. Joseph       Brate       Ethel M.         Cincinnati, OH   Cincinnati, O 29     21     white     white    14-Sep-1919  Gvl.          10  9189
Kasey        James              Walker      Floree           Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      26     21     colored   colored  28-Apr-1918  Greer          9  7765  & Flore, br surname & Bruce
Kaufman      Frank              Hannond     Ruth             Gvl.             Gvl.          22     19     white     white    21-Apr-1917  Gvl.           6  5339  & Hammond
Kay          Samuel             Jones       Deazzalee        Anderson Co.     Anderson Co.  21     19     colored   colored  21-Dec-1919  Piedmont      10  9191  & Deazzale, Dazzalee
Kay          Verner             Jones       Susie            Anderson         Greenwood     29     30     colored   colored  7-Apr-1919   Gvl.          10  9174
Kay          William Harris     Coker       Mattie           Anderson Co.     Anderson Co.  28     18     white     white    1-Aug-1920   Williamston   11  861   & C*ker
Kay          William Vernon     Cann        Willie Lucile    Anderson         Anderson      26     22     white     white    14-Feb-1918  Anderson       8  6534
Keeler       Benjamin Franklin  Duncan      Ora              Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      23     20     white     white    3-Jan-1920   Gvl.          10   11
Keen         Leslie L.          Price       Nellie Lucile    Gvl. Co.         Pickens Co.   21     23     white     white    17-Dec-1917  Gvl.           8  6521
Keenan       Henry              Williams    Polly            Gvl. Co.         Newport, TN   34     22     white     white    10-Feb-1918  Gvl.           8  6533  & Ollie
Keese        Alexander CourtlandBrumley     Margaret Earle   Chattanooga, TN  Birmingham, A 20     20     white     white    23-Jan-1918  Gvl.           8  6530  & Alex
Keetchen     Richard            Styles      Julia            Gvl.             Gvl.          23     19     white     white    23-Apr-1916  Gvl.           3  2529  & Kitchens, Julie
Keith        Foster             Gary        Lillian          Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      22     27     colored   colored  28-Apr-1919  Gvl.          10  9178
Keith        John               Wardlaw     Lura             Gvl.             Anderson Co.  21     19     white     white    2-Sep-1918   Gvl.           9  7779
Keith        Lewis W.           Huggins     Ida              Gvl.             Gvl.          33     27     white     white    26-Dec-1919  Gvl.          10  9193
Keith        Reubin             Grayson     Etta             Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      52     25     colored   colored  21-Mar-1920  Paris Mtn.    10  268   & Rubin
Kelch        John Robert        Gillmore    Mable            Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      29     20     colored   colored  9-Apr-1919   Gvl.           9  8012  & Gilmore, May Belle
Keller       Claud              Campbell    Willie           Piedmont         Gvl.          20     19     white     white    14-Mar-1920  Gvl.          10  288
Keller       Kinrith            Sudduth     Floria           Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      21     19     white     white    30-Apr-1916                 3  2530  & Flora, Suduth
Keller       Preston            Brown       Dora             Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      38     30     white     white    12-Jan-1919  Tigerville     9  8095
Kellett      Ernest Dick        Hendrix     Alice Ellen      Gvl.             Gvl.          29     26     white     white    15-Jul-1920  Conestee      10  799
Kellett      Fate               Cooley      Rossie           Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      21     18     white     white    30-Sep-1916  Toney Creek    6  5328
Kellett      John               Kellett     Lida             Gvl.             Gvl.          30     24     white     white    12-Oct-1919  Fountain Inn  10  9190
Kelley       Crawford C.        Wood        Fannie R.        Gvl.             Gvl.          23     25     white     white    4-Aug-1919   Gvl.          10  9183
Kelley       Edward Joshua      Grandchamp  Fiat Alvina      Tremont, ME      Worcester, MA 23     25     white     white    3-Mar-1920   Piedmont      10  200   & Kelly, Fial, Grandch*p
Kelley       General Arthur     Babb        Emmie            Gvl.             Laurens       44     23     white     white    4-May-1918   Princeton      9  7767
Kelley       Gilreath           Price       Lillie           Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      19     20     white     white    12-May-1918                 9  7771  gr surname & Tilley
Kelley       Jerome             Westfield   Carrie Sue       Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      22     20     colored   colored  12-Mar-1918  Piedmont       8  6536  & Kelly
Kelley       McAlister          Cowans      Claudia          Gvl.             Gvl.          21     19     colored   colored  26-Dec-1918  Gvl.           9  7783  & McAllister, Claudie, Cowan, Klly
Kelley       Noah               Hunnicutt   Carrie           Duke, NC         Gvl. Co.      22     19     white     white    13-Mar-1920  Gvl.          10  278
Kelley       Patrick            McBee       Katie            Gvl.             Gvl. Co.      40     27     colored   colored  3-Dec-1918   Gvl.           9  7787
Kelley       Samuel Walden      Cruze       Cecile Elizabeth Etowah, TN       Knoxville, TN 22     18     white     white    6-Mar-1918   Gvl.           8  6535  & Crews, Cecil
Kelly        Arthur             Earl        Sarry            Easley           Easley        25     24     colored   colored  14-Feb-1917  Gvl.           6  5337  & Kelley, Sarah, Earle
Kelly        Claud Mitchell     Roberts     Annie Lloyd      Gvl.             Gvl.          22     19     white     white    30-Jun-1920  Gvl.          10  719   & Kelley
Kelly        Jesse Robert Clyde Murdock     Junius Blanche   Mooresvile, NC   Statesville,  29     23     white     white    26-Dec-1917  Gvl.           8  6525
Kelly        Joe                Green       Era              Gvl.             Travelers Res 23     19     white     white    23-Dec-1917  Travelers Res  8  6523
Kelly        Simon Marx         Wardell     Pauline McR*     Gvl.             Gvl.          23     18     white     white    29-Feb-1920  Gvl.          10  237   & Waddell
Kelly        William M.         Bright      Rudie Rose       Gvl.             Gvl.          25     18     white     white    7-Feb-1920   Gvl.          10  141   & Kelley, Rosie
Kemp         Austin             Burgess     Nora             Spartanburg Co.  Spartanburg C 27     19     white     white    14-Apr-1918  Oneal          9  7764
Kemp         Charles Columbus   Finch       Alta             Gvl. Co.         Spartanburg   23     22     white     white    12-May-1918  Greer          9  7770
Kemp         Elbert Thurman     Hawkins     Sudie Jane       Bladen Co., NC   Gvl. Co.      31     19     white     white    8-Sep-1919   Gvl.          10  9188
Kemp         Gus                Morrow      Rosa             Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      26     30     white     white    30-Nov-1916  Campobello     6  5329  & Guess, Marrow
Kemp         Talmage            Southerlin  Elsie            Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      22     19     white     white    26-Nov-1916  Oneal          6  5330  & Elzie, Southerland
Kendall      Owen W.            Newman      Janette          Abbeville, TX    Gvl.          20     18     white     white    8-Mar-1919   Gvl.           9  8093
Kendrick     Thomas Julian      Veal        Helen Irene      Augusta, GA      Gvl.          21     18     white     white    26-Dec-1918  Gvl.           9  7796  & Hellen
Kennedy      Clyde Perry        Curren      Nellie           Bessemer, AL     Bessemer, AL  22     22     white     white    11-Jan-1919  Gvl.           9  7799
Kennedy      Michael C.         Bruce       Martha I.        Youngstown, OH   Gvl.          35     25     white     white    18-Jul-1918                 9  7777
Kennedy      William Patton     Reese       Susie H.         Due West         Hayneville, A 23     23     white     white    22-Dec-1917  Gvl.           8  6522
Kennemore    Silas Dean         Friddle     Lurea            Gvl.             Gvl. Co.      24     19     white     white    13-Jan-1917  Gvl.           6  5336
Kennett      Columbus Dean      Tice        Ruth             Gvl.             Gvl.          20     21     white     white    18-Mar-1918  Gvl.           8  6537
Kennison     Robert Lyman       Coleman     Annie            Gvl.             Gvl.          40     27     white     white    2-Sep-1919   Gvl.          10  9186
Kent         John               Spann       Maude L.         Chipley, FL      Leesville     23     28     white     white    9-Dec-1918   Gvl.           9  7789
Kerns        Ed                 Bridwell    Daisy            Gvl.             Gvl.          27     21     colored   colored  9-May-1920   Gvl.          10  535
Kerns        Henry              Huff        Marie            Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      21     19     colored   colored  20-Apr-1919  Conestee      10  9177
Kerns        James              Vaughn      Isabelle         Gvl.             Gvl.          21     18     colored   colored  31-Dec-1919  Gvl.          10  9194
Kerns        John William       Mahaffey    Lillian Leone    Gvl.             Gvl.          20     18     white     white    3-Mar-1920   Gvl.          10  252
Key          Robert             Sullivan    Lovie Rebecca    Columbia         Gvl.          21     18     colored   colored  1-Dec-1918   Gvl.           9  7788  & Lovely
Key          Walter Charles     Gosnell     Ethel May        Gvl.             Gvl.          21     18     white     white    25-Apr-1917  Gvl.           6  5340  & Gosnel
Keys         Willie Walters     Hearon      Francis ElizabethGvl.             Bishopville   25     29     white     white    1-Jun-1916   Bishopville    3  2532  & Frances
Kilgo        Haskel             Summers     Mamie            Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      21     21     colored   colored  9-Feb-1920   Gray Court    10  149   & Haskell, Kilgore, Simmons, Sum*
Kilgo        James              Poole       Louise           Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      20     18     colored   colored  4-Sep-1916   Gvl.           6  5327
Kilgo        John Henry         Sullivan    Victoria         Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      21     18     colored   colored  26-Dec-1916                 6  5333
Kilgo        Morise             Wilson      Etolyer          Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      23     20     colored   colored  31-Dec-1916  Simpsonville   6  5334  & Morris, Kilgore, Etoia
Kilgo        Wallace Finlayson  Cox         Bessie Virginia  Gvl.             Gvl.          24     21     white     white    29-Apr-1918  Gvl.           9  7766  & Finlison, Kilgore
Kilgore      Andrew Montgomery  Holland     Syble            Winnsboro        Simpsonville  34     33     white     white    22-Dec-1920  Simpsonville  11  1457
Kilgore      Arthur             Johnson     Lucille          Gvl.             see note                    negro     negro    11-Mar-1919  Gvl.          1a   54   two affidavits, br resid. Laurens Co. or Gvl.
Kilgore      Donald Edgar       Hellams     Dora Pratt       Gvl.             Gvl.          23     19     white     white    21-Oct-1920  Gvl.          11  1199  & Hellames
Kilgore      Lee                Bird        Willie Mae       Gvl.             Gvl.          24     20     colored   colored  25-Sep-1920  Gvl.          11  1090  & May
Kilgore      Wells B.           Holland     Vida             Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      31     27     white     white    1-Jan-1920   Gvl.          10  9195
Killgo       Birry              Wood        Belle            Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      29     28     colored   colored  13-Dec-1919  Crescent      10  9192  & Berry, Kilgore, Bel*
Kilpatrick   Jim                Harp        Lillie Mae       Gvl.             Gvl.          24     22     colored   colored  21-Aug-1920  Gvl.          11  952   & May
Kilpatrick   Leo Phillips       Orr         Ella             Durham, NC       Gvl.          26     20     white     white    16-Sep-1920  Gvl.          11  1046
Kimbrell     John               Moore       Hattie           Gvl.             Greer         43     42     white     white    16-Jan-1918  Greer          8  6528
Kinard       Josh               Vance       Lillie           Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      56     45     colored   colored  1-May-1920   Duncan        10  473
Kinard       Luther Carlisle    Clarke      Eileen           Gvl.             Gvl.          39     35     white     white    17-Nov-1917  Gvl.           8  6520
Kinard       O. B.              Duckworth   Eliza            Williamston      Gvl.          21     20     colored   colored  1-Sep-1918   Williamston    9  7778  & Duckwth
Kinard       West               Duckworth   Aldrooney        Anderson Co.     Anderson Co.  22     19     colored   colored  30-Jun-1918  Gvl. Co.       9  7776
Kinard       Will               Henderson   Texanna          Gvl.             Gvl.          35     32     colored   colored  12-Feb-1916  Gvl.           3  2527  & Texaner
King         Andy               Barton      Bessie           Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      21     18     colored   colored  25-Nov-1917  Tigerville     8  6519
King         Archie Clifford    Queen       May Mary         Easley           Gvl.          21     18     white     white    23-Feb-1917  Gvl.           6  5338
King         Austin             Jones       Nell             Simpsonville     Fountain Inn  20     18     white     white    19-Dec-1920  Simpsonville  11  1422
King         Boyce Verner       Taylor      Minnie Walker    Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      22     23     white     white    27-Apr-1919  Conestee      10  9175
King         Charles            Frazier     Lila             Gvl.             Gvl.          20     18     colored   colored  21-Oct-1918  Gvl.           9  7784
King         Charlie Edward     Dunlap      Stella           Gvl. Co.         Oconee Co.    20     19     white     white    19-May-1918  Walhalla       9  7772  & Dunlop
King         Cleaveland         Ezell       Emma             Gvl.             Gvl.          31     21     white     white    3-Apr-1916   Gvl.           3  2528  & Cleveland
King         David              Griffin     Gracie           Simpsonville     Woodruff      24     22     white     white    31-Jul-1920  Woodruff      11  859   & Graice
King         Ernest Maxwell     Cisson      Beulah Gertrude  Pickens Co.      Pickens Co.   36     24     white     white    27-Dec-1917  Easley         8  6524
King         Frank              Anderson    Eliza            Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      21     21     colored   colored  9-Jan-1918   Greer          8  6526
King         George W.          Gentry      Ethel            Gvl.             Gvl.          29     19     white     white    23-Aug-1919  West Gvl.     10  9185
King         Horace             Campbell    Bessie           Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      21     18     white     white    19-Dec-1920  Piedmont      11  1413
King         James C.           Rutherford  Feddie           Gvl.             Gvl. Co.      45     24     colored   colored  3-Sep-1919   Gvl.          10  9187
King         James Henry        Ballenger   Bessie Ann       Charleston       Gvl.          39     29     white     white    14-Jul-1920  Gvl.          10  792   & Anne
King         John L.            Babb        Hannah           Webster Co., LA  Anderson Co.  37     37     white     white    18-Feb-1919  Princeton      9  8096
King         John Madison       Littlefield Gladys Louise    Kingsland, GA    St. Marys, GA 22     18     white     white    3-Jun-1918   Columbia       9  7774
King         Norah              McCarrell   Elsie            Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      25     20     colored   colored  30-Dec-1916  Tigerville     6  5335  & Elzie, McCarroll
King         Toy                Gwynn       Nettie           Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      27     25     white     white    6-Jul-1919   Fountain Inn  10  9181
King         Wash               Jones       Eula             Gvl.             Gvl.          35     22     colored   colored  6-Sep-1920   Gvl.          11  1005  & Ular, Johns
King         William Broadus    Sims        Idell            Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      20     18     white     white    4-Jan-1920   Gvl.          10  9196
King         William Go*an      Adair       Posey Minnie     Clinton          Clinton       20     20     white     white    6-Oct-1917   Laurens        8  6517
King         Willie             Nash        Lillian          Gvl. Co.         Anderson Co.  22     18     colored   colored  16-Jan-1916  Williamston    3  2525
Kinsey       Paul Thomas        Campbell    Mamie Oli*e      Westminster      Gvl.          27     20     white     white    18-Nov-1917  Gvl.           8  6518
Kirby        Charlie Clyde      Pressley    Nancy Lucile     Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      18     18     white     white    15-Mar-1919  Gvl.           9  8097  & Pressly
Kirby        James Franklin     Burns       Bernie E.        Spartanburg      Gvl.          21     19     white     white    3-Feb-1918   Gvl.           8  6531
Kirby        James Z.           Pressly     Attress          Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      23     18     white     white    4-May-1919                 10  9179  & Pressley; possibly Altress
Kirby        Walter             Whitmire    Nora             Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      21     19     white     white    6-Nov-1918   Gvl.           9  7785
Kirby        Willie             Mayes       Nellie           Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      21     19     white     white    13-May-1916                 3  2531
Kirby        Wyartt Blakeley    Few         Miza             Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      20     21     white     white    16-Jun-1918  Greer          9  7775
Kirk         Edward Clinton     Murtagh     Ella Maria       Pueblo, CO       New York, NY  24     24     white     white    7-Oct-1918   Gvl.           9  7782  & Marie
Kirkland     Jody               Loures      Minnie           Gvl.             Gvl. Co.      20     19     colored   colored  21-Mar-1920  Gvl.          10  309
Kirkland     Robert             Roberson    Willie Mae       Gvl. Co.         Anderson Co.  24     18     colored   colored  17-Apr-1920                10  454   & May
Kirksey      Frank Ferguson     Henderson   Mary             Gvl.             Liberty       33     19     white     white    20-Mar-1918  Easley         8  6539
Kirksey      Silas              Hinson      Sunnie           Gvl.             Gvl.          23     22     colored   colored  18-Dec-1920  Gvl.          11  1431  & Sunie
Kitchen      Leo P.             Gresimer    Rose E.          Jacksonville, FL Savannah, GA  23     22     white     white    25-Jan-1918  Gvl.           8  6529
Kitchen      William            Wallace     Bertha           Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      24     23     white     white    19-Apr-1919  Gvl.          10  9176
Klugh        James              Williams    Josephine        Gvl.             Gvl.          37     27     colored   colored  10-Jan-1918  Gvl.           8  6527
Kluttz       William P.         Robbins     Juanita          Watauga Co., NC  Watauga Co.,  21     19     white     white    6-May-1918   Gvl.           9  7769  & Januata
Knight       Bertie Bryan       Peace       Martha Belle     Lake City        Gvl.          23     20     white     white    27-Jul-1920  Gvl.          11  844   & Bell
Knight       David A.           Putman      Hattie           Fountain Inn     Fountain Inn  60     43     white     white    30-Oct-1920  Gvl.          11  1225  & Hallie
Knight       Edwin Arnold       Griffin     Virginia Adeline Gvl. Co.         Gvl.          24     21     white     white    10-Jun-1919                10  9180
Knight       John Luther        Luther      Bell             Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      21     18     white     white    20-May-1917  Piedmont       6  5341
Knight       Nizer              Hooper      Ethel            Gvl. Co.         Anderson Co.  21     18     white     white    5-May-1918   Piedmont       9  7768
Knight       William Thomas     Johnson     Leona Alverta    Atlanta, GA      Gvl.          22     18     white     white    24-Dec-1916  Gvl.           6  5332
Knight       Wister Eugene      Allen       Maude            Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      21     18     white     white    26-Nov-1916  Piedmont       6  5331  & Maud
Knighton     Albert Richards    Parsons     Ruth             Birmingham, AL   Gvl.          23     22     white     white    25-Dec-1918  Gvl.           9  7794
Knighton     James Lee          Sexton      Bessie           Gvl. Co.         Gvl. Co.      22     20     white     white    15-Jan-1916  Greer          3  2522
Knowles      William Howard     Murphy      Lucile           Tampa, FL        Pana, IL      28     22     white     white    4-Feb-1918   Gvl.           8  6532  & Murphey, Lucle
Knox         Earlie             Craig       Lola             Toccoa, GA       Liberty       19     19     colored   colored  29-Jan-1916  Gvl.           3  2526  & Erlie, Nox, Carig
Koon         Eugine             Bice        Roxie            Greer            Greer         21     22     white     white    21-Dec-1918  Greer          9  7790
Kornegay     Leo Wilburn        Coward      Helen Eunice     Kinston, NC      Gvl.          25     18     white     white    12-Dec-1918  Gvl.           9  7791  gr Sgt 1st Class
Kotte        Bernard Joseph     Iler        Pearle           St. Louis, MO    Gvl.          39     31     white     white    7-Jul-1920   Gvl.          10  766   & Pearl
Kreke        R*y H.             Neal        Nellie Gray      New York, NY     Piedmont      24     20     white     white    17-Feb-1919  Gvl.           9  7786  Roy or Ray
Kremer       William F.         Thompson    Vannie Lee       Gvl.             Gvl.          23     18     white     white    24-Oct-1920  Gvl.          11  1208  possibly Vonnie
Kuhlman      Fred W.            Hunt        Jess Vaughan     Knoxville, TN    Knoxville, TN 24     23     white     white    27-May-1918  Gvl.           9  7773  & Vaughn; no year on cert, lic 1918
Kupfer       Charles            Segars      Edna Lucile      New York, NY     Hartsville    26     20     white     white    16-Mar-1918  Gvl.           8  6538
Kwasnik      John               Lipinski    Della            Brooklyn, NY     Newport News, 25     22     white     white    26-Sep-1918  Gvl.           9  7780