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Greenville County ScArchives Marriages.....Marriage Records 1916-1920, Brides Surnames N-O
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Karen Wittibschlager  April 12, 2010

Greenville Co., SC Marriage Records 1916-1920			

Greenville Co., SC marriage records are stored on microfilm in the Greenville Co. Library Main Branch, 
South Carolina Room, 25 Heritage Green Pl., Greenville, SC 29601.  All locations are in South Carolina 
unless otherwise noted.  For records with names spelled multiple ways, spelling variations are noted 
in the "Other" column.  Errors are possible, so verify information using the microfilm images.															

~ = approx.															
* = illegible letter(s)															
& = add'l spellings; and															
aff = affidavit															
br = bride															
bro = brother															
cert = certificate															
cons = consent															
dtd = dated															
f = father															
grd = guardian															
gr = groom															
Gvl. = Greenville															
lic = license															
mrg = marriage															
m = mother															
par = parent															
sis = sister 															

Bride                            Groom                            Bride             Groom              Bride   Groom    Bride      Groom     Marriage     Marriage        Microfilm
Surname       Given Name         Surname        Given Name        Residence         Residence           Age     Age      Race       Race       Date       Location        Roll   #     Other

N*ons         Ellie              Wyatt          Willard           Gvl.              Gvl.                 25      34     white      white    22-Mar-1919   Gvl.              9   8498   possibly Nimmons
N*s           Hattie Hester A.   Haney          Oscar Carl        Pickens Co.       Asheville, NC        19      20     white      white     2-Feb-1918   Gvl.              8   6448   year not on cert, lic 1918
Nabors        Gracy Mae          Langston       William Charlie   Gvl. Co.          Spartanburg Co.      18      21     white      white    26-Feb-1919   Gvl.              9   7845   & Gracie, May, Lancaster
Nabors        Louisa             Nicholson      G*                Anderson Co.      Anderson Co.         18      22     white      white    26-Mar-1919   Pelzer            9   8011
Nabors        Maggie             Holcombe       Ed                Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             20      24     white      white     5-Mar-1916   Simpsonville      3   2224
Nalley        Eva                Fincher        Roy O.            Easley            Gvl.                 18      20     white      white    20-Jun-1920   Easley           10    694
Nance         Alice              Harper         Lucius            Gvl. Co.          Gvl.                 21      21   colored    colored    28-Nov-1916   Gvl.              6   5235
Nance         Katie May          Tallevast      William DeKalb    Prosperity        Florence             23      22     white      white    27-Jun-1919   Prosperity       10   9627   & Mae
Nance         Marie              Gambrell       Robert            Anderson Co.      Anderson Co.         18      22   colored    colored    16-Sep-1918                     9   7586   cert 1916, lic 1918; & Marrie
Nance         Susie              Wright         Samuel            Anderson Co.      Anderson Co.         19      24   colored    colored    31-Oct-1917                     8   6993
Nash          Bessie             Evans          Van               Gvl.              Gvl.                 23      21   colored    colored    18-Jul-1920   Princeton        10    805
Nash          Bessie             Rosmond        Jim Lewis         Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             18      21   colored    colored     4-Nov-1916   Chandler          6   5595   & Roseman
Nash          Emma Lee           Shumate        Arthur            Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             18      21   colored    colored     1-Jul-1916                     5   4128   & Ema Lee, Emmonlee
Nash          Lillian            King           Willie            Anderson Co.      Gvl. Co.             18      22   colored    colored    16-Jan-1916   Williamston       3   2525
Nash          Lizzie             Smith          Ramsey Isaac DoyleGvl.              Gvl.                 21      22     white      white    11-Mar-1917   Gvl.              7   5712
Nash          Maud               Leopard        McDuffie          Laurens Co.       Laurens Co.          18      19     white      white    10-Mar-1918   Fountain Inn      8   6574
Nash          Mollie             Singleton      Smilie Adolphus   Gvl.              Gvl.                 35      23     white      white    25-May-1917                     7   5723
Nash          Murlee             Smith          Jess              Gvl. Co.          Gvl.                 16      18   colored    colored     1-Aug-1920   Greer            11    870   & Mur Lee; cons by br's f
Neal          Eula               Evans          Homer             Gvl.              Gvl.                 18      22     white      white    14-Aug-1920   Gvl.             11    936
Neal          Ina Temperance     Neely, Jr.     George Washington Gvl. Co.          Gvl.                 19      22     white      white    13-Aug-1918   Gvl.              9   8006   & Neeley
Neal          Mary               Lowery         Isaac             Gvl.              Gvl.                 18      22   colored    colored    24-Dec-1917   Gvl.              8   6557   & Neals
Neal          Nellie Gray        Kreke          R*y H.            Piedmont          New York, NY         20      24     white      white    17-Feb-1919   Gvl.              9   7786   Roy or Ray
Nealy         Olive Newton       Cothran        Oscar Richard OlivPickens           Pickens              20      21     white      white    19-Jul-1919   Gvl.              9   8779
Neas          Nellie K.          Blackwell      R. K.             Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             20      22     white      white     9-Dec-1917   Gvl.              7   6043
Neas          Sible              McCullough     William Glenn     Gvl.              Gvl.                 20      21     white      white    24-Dec-1919   Gvl.             10   9356   & McCaulough
Nedom         Millie             Mosley         Edward John       Gvl.              Gvl.                 19      23   colored    colored    28-Jun-1918   Gvl.              9   7884   & Mosely, Moseley
Neece         Docia              Reece          Johnie            Gvl.              Gvl.                 21      20     white      white    11-Jan-1920   Gvl.             10     37   & John, Reese, Docie, Nease
Needham       Minnie             Suttles        Turner            Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             29      27     white      white    15-Apr-1916   Gvl.              5   4110
Neel          Mary               Metts          Eugene            Gvl.              Gvl. Co.             26      26   colored    colored    20-Jan-1917   Gvl.              6   5419   & Neal
Neeley        Lula               Griffith       Furman            Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             20      28   colored    colored    16-Jan-1916   Greer             3   1795
Neely         Alice M.           Sampson        William Oscar     Gvl.              Alcoa, TN            30      32   colored    colored    25-Oct-1916   Gvl.              7   5659
Neely         Edna               Mason          Edward S.         Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             25      25     white      white    21-Dec-1919   Greer            10   9303   & Neeley
Nelson        Alice              Griffin        William E.        Gvl. Co.          Gvl.                 19      21     white      white     2-Feb-1919                     9   8320
Nelson        Blanche Eva        Browning       Charles Sherman   Anderson Co.      Gvl. Co.             29      24     white      white    27-Dec-1917   Piedmont          8   6069   & Charlie
Nelson        Gertrude F.        Woods          John C.           Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             18      21     white      white     2-Jul-1916   Laurens Co.       6   4726   & Girtrude
Nelson        Jessie May         Smith          John Earl         Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             19      19     white      white    30-Jul-1916                     6   5635
Nelson        Viola Gaynell      Wells          John Dickenson    Wilmington, NC    Wilmington, NC       18      21     white      white    20-Apr-1918   Gvl.              8   7037   & Ganelle
Nesb*tt       Evaline            Harman         Isom              Gvl.              Gvl.                 40      41   colored    colored    15-Aug-1919   Gvl.              9   9089   & Harmon, Harmen, Everli*
Nesbitt       Agnes              Smith          William Fletcher  Gvl.              Gvl.                 22      23     white      white    29-Oct-1916   Gvl.              7   5660
Nesbitt       Eloise             Green          Edward Dallie     Laurens Co.       Greer                28      46     white      white     2-Dec-1916   Woodruff          6   5166
Nesbitt       Florine            Bettis         Marvin D.         Gvl.              Gvl.                 18      26     white      white    28-Feb-1919   Gvl.              8   7283
Ness          Marie Venora       Vogel          Julius Be*cham    Madison, WI       Madison, WI          18      23     white      white    12-Jul-1918   Gvl.              9   8384
Neves         Hester Ruth        McKinney       Alvin Gibbs       Gvl.              Gvl.                 20      21     white      white    20-Apr-1919   Gvl.             10   9317
Neville       Julia Rebecca      Nickles        George Andrew     Clinton           Gvl.                 28      28     white      white    26-Nov-1919   Clinton          10   9373
New           Julia              Evans          Henry             Gvl.              Gvl.                 20      22   colored    colored    22-Jul-1918   Gvl.              8   7490
New*y         Blanche            Gibson         George            Gvl. Co.          Augusta, GA          18      28     white      white    12-May-1918   Gvl.              8   7552   Newley or Newby
Newberry      Hattie             Miles          Christopher ColumbGvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             19      20     white      white     1-Dec-1918   Gvl.              9   7927
Newby         Lillie Corinne     Batson         Willie Edward     Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             26      25     white      white    ?-Jul-1916    Gvl.              6   4812   & Lillie Corrie; mrg date blank, lic 28
Newman        Eunice             Hayes          Everet            Gvl.              Gvl.                 22      21     white      white    21-Sep-1916   Gvl.              6   5215   & Evert, Everett
Newman        Gladys Lee         Van Vynekt     Kell Morris       Gvl.              Gvl.                 21      23     white      white    19-Nov-1917   Gvl.              8   6965   & Ka*il; gr Belgian
Newman        Janette            Kendall        Owen W.           Gvl.              Abbeville, TX        18      20     white      white     8-Mar-1919   Gvl.              9   8093
Newman        Kathleen           Leath          Albert            Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             18      21     white      white     5-May-1917   Gvl.              6   5376   & Kathaleen
Newman        Louise             Tidwell        William Jackson   Gvl.              Gvl.                 18      21     white      white     9-Aug-1919   Gvl.             10   9639
Newman        Margaret E.        Holcombe       Duff G.           Gvl.              Steens, MS           72      80     white      white    29-Dec-1917   Gvl.              8   6436   & Margret
Newton        Ella               Dogan          Luther            Gvl.              Gvl.                 34      39   colored    colored     8-Sep-1920   Gvl.             11   1013   & Dogans
Newton        Florence Lillian   Sprouse        James L.          Gvl.              Fountain Inn         27      24     white      white    31-Jul-1919   Gvl.             10   9551
Nicholls      Annie Rob*son      Zimmerman      Paul Clayton      Washington, NC    Rocky Mount, NC      19      24     white      white    23-Jan-1918   Gvl.              8   7057
Nichols       Beatrice D'Nora    White          Corbett Allen     Gvl.              Timmonsville         21      25     white      white    18-Sep-1920   Gvl.             11   1059   & Nora
Nichols       Florence Irene     Strobecker     John Girard       Gvl.              Charleston           18      24     white      white    26-Jun-1919   Gvl.             10   9542
Nichols       Mabel              Spratt         Thomas Edward     Charlotte, NC     Charlotte, NC        26      26     white      white     4-Nov-1917   Gvl.              8   6845
Nichols       Mary Eugenia       Newton         Robert Julius     Gvl.              Gvl.                 21      28     white      white    11-Feb-1920   Gvl.             10    154
Nickles       Lois               Ashley         Dewey             Pelzer            Pelzer               19      22     white      white    20-Apr-1918   Ware Shoals       8   7074   & Nickle
Nickleson     Eliza              Fowler         Charlie           Gvl.              Gvl.                 17      17     white      white    23-Aug-1919   Gvl.              9   8934   cons by gr's f & br's parent
Nidermaier    Freda Edwin        Yankow         Alfred William    Tazewell, VA      Center Square, PA    21      24     white      white     8-Jun-1918   Gvl.              9   8528
Nield         Maude Maxwell      Page           George Keyes      Gvl.              Perry, NY            21      22     white      white    16-Apr-1919                    10   9390
Nimmons       Lillie             Bennett        Samuel N.         Gvl.              Hastings, NE         18      21     white      white     1-Feb-1919   Gvl.              8   7271   & Nemmons
Nix           Carrie             Limbaugh       James             Gvl. Co.          Talladega, AL        31      33     white      white     6-Mar-1919   Gvl.              9   7850
Nix           Elizabeth          Merck          John M.           Gvl.              Gvl.                 36      47     white      white    17-Jan-1920   Gvl.             10     67   & ElizaBeth
Nix           Lillie             Staton         Eugene            Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             18      20     white      white    17-Jan-1920   Conestee         10     66
Nix           Mary               Blocker        George            Gvl.              Gvl.                 22      36   colored    colored    25-Aug-1918   Gvl.              8   7191
Nix           Willa May          Faris          Mer*wether Stuart Gvl.              Gvl.                 22      24     white      white    11-Dec-1920   Gvl.             11   1368   & Stewart
Nobbett       Sue                Avegerinos     John              Gvl.              Gvl.                 23      23     white      white    29-Oct-1917   Gvl.              7   5952   & Avge*os, So*, Nobett, Nobbetts
Noble         Nellie             Ward           Frank J.          Gvl.              Gvl.                 21      27     white      white    19-Jan-1918   Gvl.              8   7028
Noblett       Pauline            McGee          Clyde Miller      Gvl.              Charlotte, NC        19      26     white      white    25-Apr-1916   Gvl.              4   3242
Nodal         Lolita Ann         Agnew          Mike Edward       Mobile, AL        Memphis, TN          21      29     white      white    22-Jan-1918   Gvl.              7   5967   & Anna
Nolan         Sevella            Faulkner       Samuel            Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             20      19     white      white    10-Aug-1918   Gvl.              8   7524
Nolen         Ruth               Gibson         Frank             Gvl.              Gvl.                 24      27     white      white    21-Apr-1918   Gvl.              8   7545
Norris        Ada Mae            Dilworth       Charlie           Gvl.              Gvl.                 18      30     white      white    24-Sep-1919   Gvl.              9   8867   & May
Norris        Beatice            Miller         Wayman            Greer             Greer                22      29   colored    colored     3-Mar-1918   Greer             8   6641   & Weyman, Beatrice
Norris        Cleo               Eskew          Calvin Furman     Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             23      25     white      white    29-Jan-1916   Piedmont          2   1355
Norris        Mable              Duncan         Rufus L.          Pelham            Greer                18      21     white      white     1-May-1920   Greer            10    507   & May Bell, May Belle
Norris        Mattie Lou         Hawkins        Sam               Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             21      32     white      white     9-Feb-1918   Gvl.              8   6451   & Luar
Norris        Minnie Hattie      Jacob          Thomas Emmett     Gvl.              Columbia             21      35     white      white    16-Jan-1919   Gvl.              9   7763
Norris        Ollie May          Barbare        Walter Lee        Anderson Co.      Gvl. Co.             18      21     white      white    24-Dec-1919   Piedmont          9   8731
Norris        Ollie May          Feaster        David Verner      Gvl.              Gvl.                 19      25     white      white    10-Jan-1917   Gvl.              6   5121
Norris        Pearl              Barnett        Charles Hoyt      Gvl.              Gvl.                 18      39     white      white    17-Dec-1917   Gvl.              7   6051
Norris        Ressie             Gault          James             Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             43      60     white      white    16-Dec-1920   Fountain Inn     11   1405
Norris        Zadie              Cox            Frank             Gvl.              Marietta             22      23     white      white     9-Oct-1920   Gvl.             11   1161
Norrise       Ella               McDaniel       Samuel            Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             23      37   colored    colored    26-Aug-1917   Gvl.              8   6660   & Norris
Norton        Beatrice           Groves         John W.           Gvl.              Atlanta, GA          18      27     white      white    23-Jun-1917   Gvl.              8   6296
Norton        Mary Katheryne     Runyan         Lloyd Stephen     Gvl.              Gvl.                 22      23     white      white    10-Nov-1917   Gvl.              8   6779
Norwood       Annie              Le*pard        John Thomas       Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             29      43     white      white    10-Jun-1916   Gvl.              4   2713   Leopard or Leapard
Norwood       Marrie             Bagwell        James Lee         Gvl.              Gvl.                 20      32     white      white    21-Nov-1920   Gvl.             11   1290   & Mary
Nunn          Fannie             Wilson         Marshell          Gvl.              Gvl.                 20      21   colored    colored    20-Jan-1916   Gvl.              6   4693
Nunnery       Ester Lee          Crenshaw       Maurice           Nashville, TN     Nashville, TN        18      21     white      white    10-Mar-1918   Gvl.              8   6197
Oakley        Cordie             Vernon         Dewitt Otto       Gvl. Co.          Gvl.                 18      21     white      white    24-Dec-1916   Gvl.              7   5789
Oates         Mattie             Dunn           William Luther    Pickens Co.       Gvl. Co.             19      22     white      white    30-Mar-1916   Gvl.              2   1266
O'Berry       Carra Lee          Garvey         Arthur            Mount Olive, NC   Rocky Mount, NC      29      27     white      white    15-Sep-1918   Gvl.              9   7584
Oberson       Lizzie             Hamlin         Henry             Gvl.              Gvl.                 19      20   colored    colored     6-Jul-1919   Gvl.              9   9072
Obesy         Francies           Duckett        Robert            Gvl.              Gvl.                 25      35   colored    colored    17-Jul-1917   Gvl.              8   6213   & Frances, Osbey
O'Bryan       Margaret           Allen          John F.           Jersey City, NJ   Wheeling, WV         22      25     white      white    20-Jul-1918   Gvl.              8   7093   & O'Br*n
Odell         Lucile             Capell         Paul              Whitmire          Gvl.                 18      18     white      white    25-Dec-1920   Whitmire         11   1467   & C*ppell, Lucie
Odom          Azalee             Bridges        Thomas            Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             16      19     white      white     5-Mar-1916   Greer             1    680   cons by br's m
Odom          Bessie Love        Bender         Charles Alexander Memphis, TN       Memphis, TN          18      24     white      white     5-Jan-1918   Gvl.              8   6077
Odom          Mary               Sprouse        Thomas Douglass   Gvl. Co.          Hopewell, VA         18      22     white      white    24-Jul-1918   Gvl.              9   8227
Odom          Nancy Lillian      Howard         Boyce W.          Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             22      26     white      white    29-Dec-1920   Greer            11   1512
O'Donoghue    Agnes Jane         Taylor         Walter Frank      Indianapolis, IN  Indianapolis, IN     23      23     white      white    20-Jun-1918   Gvl.              9   8350
Ogburn        Lillian            Tate           Freeman           Gvl.              Gvl.                 20      27     white      white     9-Oct-1920   Gvl.             11   1149   & Lillan
Oglesby       Elizabeth          Harris         Claude E.         Florence          Anderson             22      28     white      white    29-Aug-1917   Gvl.              8   6385   & Oglesbey
Oglies        Hassie             Moss           Landrum           Gvl.              Gvl.                 27      37     white      white    19-Jul-1920   Gvl.             10    815   & O*les
O'Kelley      Ina                Carlson        John              Gvl.              Gvl.                 35      40     white      white     9-Apr-1919   Gvl.              9   8745   & Carson
Oldaker       Evelyn             Harrell        Joseph Ransom     Chicago, IL       Wilson, NC           23      22     white      white     5-Nov-1920   Gvl.             11   1238   & Ransome, Olddaker
Olds          Margaret S.        Iles           Avery D.          Greer             Greer                23      26     white      white    10-Feb-1920   Greer            10    152
Olenik        Lena               Wlosek         Thomas            San Antonio, TX   Scranton, PA         23      33     white      white    19-Jan-1918   Gvl.              8   7027
Olive         Annie Vivian       Eddins         Larry Sidney      Durham, NC        Durham, NC           23      24     white      white    29-Sep-1919   Gvl.              9   8909
Oliver        Bessie             Anthony        Dewitt            Gvl.              Gvl.                 21      22   colored    colored    11-Feb-1918   Gvl.              7   5963
Oliver        Eva                Campbell       Spurgeon          Gvl.              Gvl.                 18      22     white      white    15-Nov-1919   Gvl.              9   8815   & Sperge*n, Olliver
Oliver        Gertrude           Swendler       J. W.             Gvl.              Gvl.                 20      21   colored    colored     1-Dec-1919   Gvl.             10   9594   & Swentler
Oliver        Minnie             Garrett        Ludie Walter      Gvl.              Gvl.                 23      21     white      white    14-Sep-1919   Gvl.              9   9000   & Olliver
Oliver        Sara Marable       Beall          Andrew Jackson    Anderson Co.      Charlotte, NC        23      33     white      white     6-May-1920   Gvl.             10    524   & Sarah
Oliveros      Hazel              Terwilliger    William P.        Aiken             Amsterdam, NY        21      22     white      white    24-Nov-1918   Aiken             9   8375
Olliver       Ella               Tarrance       Henry             Anderson Co.      Anderson Co.         18      21   colored    colored    28-Dec-1916                     7   5765   & Oliver
Olson         Annie              Johnson        Fred              Gvl.              Gvl.                 18      20     white      white    26-Jan-1919   Woodside          9   7992
Olson         Mamie              Howe           Luster A.         Gvl.              Gvl.                 22      21     white      white    25-Dec-1920   Gvl.             11   1471   & Ma*ie
Orr           Ella               Kilpatrick     Leo Phillips      Gvl.              Durham, NC           20      26     white      white    16-Sep-1920   Gvl.             11   1046
Orr           Louania            Moore          Raymond W.        Anderson Co.      Anderson Co.         25      31     white      white    11-Apr-1920   Pelzer           10    415   & Louanina
Orr           Lula               Gaston         Belt              Gvl.              Gvl.                 25      46   colored    colored    28-Feb-1919                     9   8322
Orr           Martha L.          Scott          John D.           Gvl.              Gvl.                 22      23     white      white    23-Dec-1919   Gvl.             10   9606
Osborne       Nannie Marie       Moore          Leon              Spartanburg       Duncan               18      21     white      white    10-Apr-1918   Spartanburg       9   7853
O'Shields     Bashie Eve         Clay           William W.        Calhoun           Calhoun              38      35     white      white    28-Jul-1920   Calhoun          11    843   & O'Sh*ds
O'Shields     Martha             Randall        Albert B.         Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             22      28     white      white    27-Apr-1918   Gvl.              9   8105
Osteen        Daisy              Revis          Waverly Boyce     Anderson Co.      Gvl.                 18      23     white      white    14-Dec-1919   Merrittsville    10   9501
Osteen        Mamie              Davis          George Will       Gvl.              Gvl.                 27      30     white      white    ?-Feb-1917    Gvl.              6   5059   lic dtd 10
Osteen        Nelle Thacker      Harris         John Bryan        Gvl.              Charlotte, NC        20      21     white      white    20-Nov-1916   Gvl.              6   5232
Ouzts         Sophia             Coleman        Marcus M.         Gvl.              Gvl.                 31      38     white      white    10-Jun-1917   Gvl.              7   5921
Owen          Edna               Hunter         Dewey Brown       Gvl.              Gvl.                 18      21     white      white    29-May-1920   Gvl.             10    594   & Owens
Owens         Amanda             Franks         James             Gvl.              Gvl.                 22      25   colored    colored    18-Sep-1920   Gvl.             11   1033
Owens         Annie              Williams       Arthur I.         Oconee Co.        Gvl.                 21      26     white      white    25-Aug-1918   West *ion         9   8443
Owens         Bessie             Fowler         Will              Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             21      22   colored    colored    31-Aug-1919   Fountain Inn      9   8938
Owens         Bessie L.          Davenport      Mack              Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             18      21     white      white    17-Apr-1920                    10    456   & Danport
Owens         Dixie              Vick           Exey              Buncombe Co., NC  Buncombe Co., NC     18      23     white      white    27-Dec-1919   Gvl.             10   9792
Owens         Edna Irene         Woodson        Buel Elihue       Laurens Co.       Anderson Co.         25      30     white      white    24-Nov-1920   Gray Court       11   1312   & Elihu; no year on cert, lic 1920
Owens         Emma               Masel          Dean              Pickens Co.       Pickens Co.          18      20   colored    colored    11-Nov-1917   Easley            8   6605   & Mansel
Owens         Emma               Slaten         Newton            Gvl. Co.          Gvl.                 18      22     white      white    23-Feb-1919   Piedmont          9   8305   & Staten
Owens         Ida                Hipps          Lindsay Collins   Laurens Co.       Laurens Co.          19      23     white      white    15-Dec-1920   Gvl.             11   1395
Owens         Josephine          Morgan         Will              Gvl.              Gvl.                 19      20   colored    colored     7-Aug-1920   Gvl.             11    888
Owens         Kittie             Anderson       Ed                Gvl.              Gvl. Co.             34      41   colored    colored    14-Oct-1918   Gvl.              8   7101
Owens         Lula               Luster         Daniel            Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             20      21   colored    colored     4-Jan-1920   Simpsonville     10   9236   & Lular
Owens         Mary               Dials          Richard           Gvl.              Chattanooga, TN      32      29     white      white    17-Mar-1919   Monaghan Mill     8   7478
Owens         May                Seigler        John Washington   Gvl.              Spartanburg          21      45     white      white     2-May-1920   Pelzer           10    513
Owens         Mildred Irene      Barbrey        J. D.             Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             20      23     white      white     3-Nov-1918   Fairview          8   7213   & Barbare
Owens         Pauline            Mahaffey       Laurence R.       Laurens Co.       Gvl.                 22      23     white      white    16-Jan-1916                     4   2977
Owens         Rosa Alene         McDowell       Thella Augustus   Jackson Co., NC   Gvl.                 18      26     white      white     7-May-1920   Gvl.             10    528   & Alleen
Owens         Sally              Osteen         Thos. Zachary     Gvl.              Gvl.                 27      28     white      white    23-May-1918   Gvl.              9   8015
Owens         Susie              Cureton        Aaron             Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             19      21   colored    colored    26-Mar-1916   Mauldin           2   1051
Owens         Willie Mae         Garrett        Watson            Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             19      21     white      white    22-Nov-1919   Gvl.              9   9026   & May
Owensby       Alpha              Franks         Jno. Loyd         Gvl.              Gvl.                 27      44     white      white    31-Jul-1920   Gvl.             11    871   & Owenby
Owin*         Annie              Abercrombie    Richard           Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             18      18   colored    colored    12-Mar-1918   Fountain Inn      1    127   lic dtd 1-Dec-1915
Owings        Ada                Nash           Eurnest F.        Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             18      21     white      white    30-Nov-1916   Fairview          6   5499   & Ernest
Owings        Aglon              Clayton        Willie W.         Gvl.              Gvl.                 18      25     white      white    24-Dec-1916   Gvl.              6   4977   & Eglon
Owings        Bernice            Bowers         Lawrence          Anderson Co.      Anderson Co.         19      23     white      white    28-Jan-1917   Anderson          6   4880
Owings        Lila               Cox            William M.        Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             23      38     white      white     7-Feb-1917   Gvl.              6   4991
Owings        Mary               Mansell        Herman            Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             22      21   colored    colored     3-Jan-1917   Easley            6   5412   & Owing
Owings        Nannie             Leatherwood    Milton            Gvl. Co.          Gvl. Co.             20      21   colored    colored     22-?-1918    Simpsonville      9   7802   lic dtd 22-Apr
Owings        Nivia              Smith          Norman Victor     McCormick Co.     Gvl. Co.             26      31     white      white    15-Oct-1916   Gvl.              7   5656
Owings        Odessie            Bowling        R. D.             Gvl.              Gvl.                 22      28   colored    colored    15-Oct-1916                     6   4833   & Odessia, Odia
Oxner         Gertrude           Riddle         Clarence Reid     Gvl. Co.          Greenwood            17      20     white      white    28-May-1919   Gvl.             10   9455