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Civil War Pension Application of Abraham SHAWLEY, Westmoreland Co., PA

Contributed to the USGenWeb Archives by Tracy Cubbal [].

Copyright 2004.  All Rights Reserved.

      Adjutant General’s Office,
      Washington, D.C., May 3, 1877.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt from your Office of 
application for Pension No. 233.109, and to return it herewith, 
with such information as is furnished by the files of this Office.
It appears from the Rolls on file in this Office that 
Abraham Shawley was enrolled on the 4” 
day of Feby., 1864, at Mt. Pleasant, in Co. K, 
28’ Regiment of Pa. Volunteers, to 
serve 3 years or during the war, and mustered into service as 
a Recruit on the 2’ day of March, 1864, 
at Harrisburg, in Co. K, 28” Regiment 
of Pa. Volunteers, to serve 3 years, or 
during the war. On the Muster Roll of Co. K, of that Regiment, 
for the months of March and Apl., 1864, 
he is reported, Private, present. Same to Oct. 31” 1864. 
Nov. and Dec. ’64, “Absent sick in Genl 
Hosptl. since Nov. 9, 1864.” Same 
to Apl. 30/65. He was mustered out 
on Det. M.O. Roll July 13, 1865, while 
in Genl. Hospl. Alexandria Va.

      I am, sir, very respectfully,
      Your obedient servant, 
      [signature] GW Benjamin
      Assistant Adjutant General.
The Commissioner of Pensions,
Washington, D.C.

Certificate No. 318349	Department of the Interior,
Name, Abraham Shawley		Bureau of Pensions,
					Washington, D.C., January 15, 1898.

In forwarding to the pension agent the executed voucher for your next 
quarterly payment please favor me by returning this circular to him with
replies to the questions enumerated below.
					Very respectfully,
						[signature] H Clay Grant

First. Are you married? If so, please state your wife’s full name and her maiden name.
Answer. Am a widower Wife Died October 15th 1883

Second. When, where, and by whom were you married?
Answer. Married 16 April 1865 Married by Justice of the Peace Benj Hart

Third. What record of marriage exists?
Answer. Bible Record

Fourth. Were you previously married? If so, please state the name of your former wife and the date and place of her death or divorce.
Answer. No. Never was married But once only Wife Dead

Fifth. Have you any children living? If so, please state their names and the dates of their birth.
Answer. Harry Shawley Born October 27th 1867. Lizee Shawley Born
July 6th 1869. Susan Shawley Born October 17th 1871 Lide Shawley Born
May 31st 1873. Linnie Shawley Born June 29th 1876 Hetta Shawley Born
April 9th 1878

      [signature] Abraham Shawley
Date of reply, Second July, 1898

ACT OF MAY 11, 1912.
The pension certificate should not be forwarded with the application.

State of Pennsylvania, County of Westmoreland, ss:
On this 17 day of March, A.D. one thousand nine hundred and thirteen (1913), personally
appeared before me, a Justice of the Peace within and for the county and State aforesaid, 
Abraham Shawley who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is 70 
years of age, and a resident of Stauffer, county of Westmoreland,
State of Pennsylvania; and that he is the identical person who was enrolled at Greensburg, Pa., 
under the name of Abraham Shawley, on the [blank] day of January, 1864, as a Private, in Co. “K” 28th
Regiment, Penna. Inft.
In the service of the United States, in the Civil war, and was honorably discharged
At Slaw Hospital, Alexandria Va., on the 15 day of July, 1865.
That his personal
description at enlistment was as follows: Height, 6 feet 1 inches; complexion, Light; color of 
eyes, Blue; color of hair, Dark; that his occupation was Laborer; that he
was born Nov. 30th, 1842, at Near Dawson, Fayette Co. Pa.
That his several places of residence since leaving the service have been as follows: Dawson, Pa. 4 yrs,
and balance at and near Mt. Pleasant, Laurelville
and Stauffer, all in Westmoreland Co. Pa.
That he is a pensioner under certificate No. 318349. 
That his post-office address is Stauffer, county of Westmoreland,
State of Pennsylvania.

Attest: 	(1) BJ Bitnon				[signature] Abraham Shawley
      (2) Louis Clausner

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17 day of March, A.D. 1913 and I hereby
certify that the contents of the above declaration were fully made known and explained to the
applicant before swearing, including the words [blank], 
erased, and the words [blank] added;
and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.

      [signature] L.S. Rhoades
      Justice of the Peace

				WASHINGTON, D.C., January 2, 1915
SIR: Please answer, at your earliest convenience, the questions enumerated below. The information 
is requested for future use, and it may be of great value to your widow or children. Use the inclosed [sic] 
envelope, which requires no stamp.
				Very respectfully,
					[signature] GM Saltzgaber


No. 1. Date and place of birth? 
Answer. Nov 30 1842. Fayette Co.
The name of organizations in which you served? 
Answer. Co. K 28 Pennsylvania Vol.

No. 2. What was your post office at enlistment? 
Answer. Laurelville, Pa.

No. 3. State your wife’s full name and her maiden name. 
Answer. Margaret Staut.

No. 4. When, where, and by whom were you married? 
Answer. 1865. Westmoreland Co.
Squire Hart. Westmoreland Co.

No. 5. Is there any official or church record of your marriage?
If so, where? Answer.

No. 6. Were you previously married? If so, state the name of your former wife, the date of the marriage, and the date and place of her
death or divorce. If there was more than one previous marriage, let your answer include all former wives. 
only one Marriage she died 1883. 
October 15.

No. 7. If your present wife was married before her marriage to you, state the name of her former husband, the date of such marriage,
and the date and place of his death or divorce, and state whether he ever rendered any military or naval service, and, if so,
give name of the organization in which he served. If she was married more than once before her marriage to you, let your
answer include all former husbands. 
Answer. none.

No. 8. Are you now living with your wife, or has there been a separation? 
Answer. [blank]

No. 9. State the names and dates of birth of all your children, living or dead. 
Harry Shawley. October 27 1867.
Elizabeth Shawley. August 7 1869.
Sue Shawley. Sep 17 1871.
Lida Shawley. May 29 1874.
Linnie Shawley. May 30 1876.
Hettie Shawley. April 9 1879.
[Note: These dates differ from those given in 1898. The earlier dates appear to be correct.]

Date Mar 23 1915		(Signature) Abraham Shawley.


Cert. No.

In the above-described case a declaration filed
in this Division indicates that said pensioner died

JUL 13 1925
The name of the above-described pensioner who
was last paid at the rate of $72 per month 
to JUN 4 1925 has this day
been dropped from the roll because of Death
July 4 1925.

OJ Randall
Chief, Finance Division

[written along side of page] July 4 ck canceled