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OtherCourt:Marriage Application between William Eikenberg and Mary E. (Pearce) Stone
1914: Schuylkill County

Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Sharon Steranko

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Docket 101, 102
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
County of Schuylkill
We, the undersigned, in accordance with the statement hereinafter
contained, the facts set forth wherein we and each of us do solemnly swear
are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief, do hereby
make application to the Clerk of The Orphans' Court of Schuylkill County,
Pennsylvania, for a license to marry:
                 Signature:   John William Eikenberg
                 Signature:   Mary E. (Pearce) Stone
                                     STATEMENT OF MALE
Full name and surname John William Eikenberg         Color White
Relationship of parties making this application, if any, either by blood or
marriage  None
Occupation: Laborer          Birthplace: Norwegian Township, Schuylkill
County, PA
Residence:  Norwegian Township, Schuylkill County, PA     Age 27 years
Previous marriage or marriages: NO
Is applicant  afflicted with any transmissible disease: No
Name and surname of father:  George Eikenberg   of mother Alice
Maiden name of mother: Lookenbill
Residence of father: Norwegian Township, Schuylkill County, PA      Of
Mother:  same
Color of father:  White             of Mother:  White
Occupation of father: Miner             Of Mother:   Housewife
Birthplace of father:  Norwegian Township, Schuylkill County, PA         Of
Mother:   Cressona
Is applicant an imbecile, epileptic, of unsound mind or under guardianship
as a person of unsound mind, or under the influence of any intoxicating
liquor or narcotic drug:   NO
Has applicant within five years been an inmate of any county asylum or home
for indigent persons: No
Is applicant physically able to support a family:  Yes
              Signature of applicant:  John William Eikenberg

                                          STATE OF FEMALE
Full name and surname:  Mary E. Stone          color:  White
Relationship of parties making this application, if any, either by blood or
marriage  None
Occupation: At home       Birthplace: Shenandoah, PA
Residence: St. Clair, PA    Age  26  years.  Previous marriage or
marriages: One Time divorced October 31, 1909
Is applicant afflicted with any transmissible disease: No
Name and surname of father: Chalres Pearce       of Mother   Elizabeth 
Maiden Name of mother:Jenkins
Residence of Father: St. Clair, PA           of mother:  Same
Color of father: White                               of Mother: White
Occupation of father: Miner           of Mother:  Housewife
Birthplace of father: England         of mother: Wales
Is applicant an imbecile, epileptic, of unsound mind or under 
guardianship as a person of unsound mind, or under the influence of any
intoxicating liquor or narcotic drug: No
Has applicant within five years been an inmate of any county asylum or home
for indigent persons: No
Hand written in:   Health Certificates filed      
       Signature of applicant:    Mary E. Stone  
1914 December 27   Marriage license issued 
Sworn to before  H. H. Seltzer, clerk OC
1914  Duplicate certificate Returned by the undersigned 1/5/1914 (year
should be wrong, above date of application is 1914 so this should be 1915)
Married at Minersville 1/1/1914 (I think this year is wrong cause the above
date is 12/27/1914 so this would be 1915)
Rev. Frantz, minister of the Gospel