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Philadelphia County PA Archives Military Records.....Jesse J. SHIBER
Civil War Pension
Copyright.  All rights reserved.

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Eugene Shiber []


Soldier: Jesse J. Shiber: 
	Pvt. Co. L, 23rd Regt.,  Pa. Vol. Inf.  (3-Months Service), 8/18/1861 to 2/16/1862 Transferred to 
	Pvt. Co. D, 61st Regt., Pa.. Vol. Inf., (3-Years Service)   2/17/1862  to 9/28/1864 Discharged.
	Sgt. Co. C,  3rd   Regt., U.S. Vet Vol.                     3/ 1/ 1865 to 2/28/1866
Invalid’s Pension. (Feb., 1876)
     Jesse J. Shiber
	Application No. 215,041
	Certificate   No  146,141	

Widow's Pension. (Feb., 1912)
      Kate Shiber
	Application No.  981,210      
	Certificate   No.  741,749

This submission consists in chronological order the following documents that 
I consider to be of genealogical value: 



WAR DEPARTMENT – The Military Secretary’s Office.  (Stamp – Mar 19, 1907, US Pension Office)	
DEPARTMENT of the INTERIOR – Bureau of Pensions (Stamp – Mar 20, 1907, US Army Division)

GENERAL AFFIDAVITS: – Increase of Pension Claim (6)  
	Jesse Shiber, 3/13/1899.
	David S. Ayres, 3/13/1899.
	James G. Clark, 3/13/1899.
	James McConnell, 11/18/1899.
	A. H. Nichols, 11/18/1899
	Dr. Duncan MacFarlan, 12/20/1899


DROP ORDER and REPORT (Jesse Shiber): 3/11/1912

AFFIDAVIT – Pension, 4/10/1912
– Kate Shiber, (Widow of Jesse J. Shiber)

GENERAL AFFIDAVIT – Kate Shiber, (Widow of Jesse J. Shiber), David A. Biggard, 4/12/1912


Declaration for Original Invalid Pension.

State of Pennsylvania   )
Philadelphia County,    )SS.

	On this 26th day of February 1876 before me, a clerk of a Court of record in 
and for the County and State above named, personably appeared, Jesse Shiber a resident 
of 4034 Lancaster Ave. In the County of Phila and State of Penna aged 39 years, who 
being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical Jesse Shiber who 
was a Private of Company D in the 61st Regiment of Penna Volunteers, in the war of 1861, 
fore the suppression of a Rebellion.

	That he volunteered at Wilkes Barre in the State of Penna on or about the 18 
day of August 1861 for the term of 3 years and was honorably discharged at Phila on 
the 28 day of September 1864. He enlisted Co. C 1st Vet Army Corps at Phila Mar 1, ‘65. 
Discharged Springfield. Ills Feb 28, 1866.

	That while in said service in the line of his duty at Fair Oaks in the State 
of Virginia on or about the 31 day of May 1862 he was wounded by a gunshot wound in 
the left arm in action for which he was treated at General Hospital 22nd & Wood Sts., 
Phila, and General Hospital, 16th & Filbert Sts., Phila., and McClellan General 
Hospital, Phila.

	He makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the Invalid Pension 
Roll of the United States, by reason of the disability above stated; and hereby 
constitutes and appoints JOHN H. SCHREINER, of Philadelphia, his Attorney, with the power 
of substitution, to process this claim and procure a Pension Certificate.
								[1] Jesse Shiber (sig)

	Sworn to, subscribed and acknowledged before me, the day and year first above 
written, and on the same day personally appeared James D. McArau  and Theodore Hoover 
residents of Phila. who being duly sworn according to law, declare that they are 
personally acquainted with Jesse Shiber, who has made and subscribed the foregoing 
declaration in their presence, and that they have every reason to believe from the 
appearance of the applicant, and their acquaintance with him, that he is the identical 
person he represents himself to be, that they reside as above stated, and are 
disinterested in this claim for a Pension.	

								[2] James D. McArau (sig)
								[3] Theodore Hoover (sig)

	Sworn ro and subscribed before me; and I certify that I am not interested in their 
claim or concerned in its prosecution; that I believe the affiants to be credible persons, 
and the claimant is the person he represents himself to be, and that the foregoing was 
read and explained to the applicant and his witnesses before signing and swearing.

								[4] E.J. Lindsay (sig)
								     Deputy Prothonotary 


Bureau of Pensions

Washington, D.C., January 15, 1898.

Certificate No.  146.141
Name, Shiber, Jesse

	In forwarding to the pension agent the excused voucher for your next quarterly 
payment please favor me by returning this circular to him with replies ro the questions 
enumerated below.
						Very respectfully,
								(?) Evans (sig)

First. Are you married? If so, please state your wife’s full name and her maiden name.
Answer.  Kate Shiber, Maiden name Kate Cornwell.

Second.. When, where, and by whom were you married?
Answer.  6 day of October 1881 by the Rev J G Walker Pastor of Mantuos Baptist Church, 40th &  
Fairmount Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

Third.  What record of marriage exists?
Answer. Our marriage certificate & perhaps a record at the church.

Fourth.  Were you previously married? If so, please state the name of your former wife and 
the sate and place of her death or divorce.
Answer. Lizzie Linker died 25 day of March 1867 in Philadelphia, Pa.

Fifth. Have you any children living? If so, please state their names and the dates of their 
Answer. One child by first wife. Name Wm P. Shiber born in the later part of Dec 1864 or 
Jan 1865. Not certain as to date.

									Jesse Shiber (sig)

Date of reply, May 1st, 1898

WAR DEPARTMENT – The Military Secretary’s Office, Washington.

Respectfully returned to the 
                       				Commissioner of pensions,

with the information that in the case of

Jesse Shiber, Co. C, 3 Regt. US V(et) Vol Inf., the records show personal description as 
Age 24, height 5 feet, 8 inches, complexion dark, eyes brown, hair dark, place of birth 
Susquehanna, Pa, occupation plasterer.

No personal description found of Jesse Shiber Co. D., 61 Pa Inf.

								F.C. Ainsworth
								The Adjutant General (stamp)

DEPARTMENT of the INTERIOR – Bureau of Pensions, Washington, DC March 14, 1907. 

	Respectfully referred to the Adjutant General US Army for report showing personal 
description and age at enlistment.

Cert.   146141
Jesse Shiber
Co. D 61 Pa Vol Inf
Co. C   3 US V Vols.

								V. Warner (sig)

GENERAL AFFIDAVIT – by Jesse Shiber, 3/13/1899

State of Pennsylvania, County of Philadelphia ss:

	IN THE MATTER OF Increase of {Pension claim of Jesse Shiber

	On this 13th day of March, AD 1899, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in 
and for the aforesaid County and State, duly authorized to administer oaths Jesse Shiber, 
aged 60 years, a resident of Philadelphia in the County of Phila in the State of Pennsylvania, 
whose Post-Office address is 421 Preston St, Philadelphia, who, being duly sworn, declares in 
relation to aforesaid claim as follows:

	 I have never served in any Army or Navy excepting in the Co. D 61st Pa. Vol three 
years service and one year in the Co. C 3rd US Vet Vol, Hancock’s 1st Army Corps which were 
not assigned to any State.

Jesse Shiber (sig)

State of Pennsylvania, County of Philadelphia, ss:

Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 13th day of March, AD 1899,
and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration &c., were fully mad known, 
and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing including the words (none) erased, 
and the words (none) added, and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution 
of this claim. 
									Price I. Patton (sig)
									Notary Public
	My commission expires February 1909

	I further certify: Jesse Shiber to be reputable and entitled to credit.
									Price I. Patton (sig)
									Official signature	

(Stamp - Mar 16 1899, US Pension Office)

GENERAL AFFIDAVIT – by David S. Ayres, 3/13/1899.

State of Pennsylvania, County of Philadelphia ss:

	In the matter of Increase of {Pension claim of Jesse Shiber

	On this 13th day of March, AD 1899, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public 
in and for the aforesaid County and State, duly authorized to administer oaths Jesse Shiber, 
aged 60 years, a resident of Philadelphia in the County of Phila in the State of Pennsylvania, 
whose Post-Office address is 421 Preston St, Philadelphia, who, being duly sworn, declares in 
relation to aforesaid claim as follows:

	 I have never served in any Army or Navy excepting in the Co. D 61st Pa. Vol three 
years service and one year in the Co. C 3rd US Vet Vol, Hancock’s 1st Army Corps which were
not assigned to any State.

Jesse Shiber (sig)

State of Pennsylvania, County of Philadelphia, ss:

Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 13th day of March, AD 1899,
and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration &c., were fully mad known, 
and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing including the words (none) 
erased, and the words (none) added, and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the 
prosecution of this claim. 
									Price I. Patton (sig)
									Notary Public
	My commission expires February 1909

	I further certify: Jesse Shiber to be reputable and entitled to credit.
									Price I. Patton (sig)
									Official signature	

(Stamp - Mar 16 1899, US Pension Office)

GENERAL AFFIDAVIT – by David S. Ayres, 3/13/1899.

State of Pennsylvania, County of Philadelphia ss:

	In the matter of Increase of {Pension claim of Jesse Shiber

	On this 13th day of March, AD 1899, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public 
in and for the aforesaid County and State, duly authorized to administer oaths David S. Ayres, 
aged 59 years, a resident of Philadelphia in the County of Phila in the State of Pennsylvania, 
whose Post-Office address is 11 Lehtier (sp)  St, Philadelphia, who, being duly sworn, declares 
in relation to aforesaid claim as follows:

	I have known Jesse Shiber since 1866. He is a man of good moral character and habits 
and I have always known him to be such. I also believe his disabilities which he claims or 
hernia and a severe gun shot of the left arm were nor due ro any bad or vicious habits or to 
his negligence on his part.
	My knowledge of the facts to which I testify are gained through my personal acquaintance 
with Jesse Shiber.

He further declares that he has no interest in said case and he is not concerned in its 

David S. Ayres (sig)
								(Signature of Affiant)

State of Pennsylvania, County of Philadelphia, ss:

Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 13th day of March, AD 1899,
and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration &c., were fully mad known, and 
explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing including the words (none) erased, and 
the words (none) added, and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of 
this claim. 
									Price I. Patton (sig)
									Notary Public
	My commission expires February 1909

	I further certify: David Ayres to be reputable and entitled to credit.
									Price I. Patton (sig)
									Official signature	

(Stamp - Mar 16 1899, US Pension Office)

GENERAL AFFIDAVIT – by James G. Clark, 3/13/1899.

State of Pennsylvania, County of Philadelphia ss:

	In the matter of Increase of {Pension claim of Jesse Shiber

	On this 13th day of March, AD 1899, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in 
and for the aforesaid County and State, duly authorized to administer oaths James G. Clark, aged 
56 years, a resident of Philadelphia in the County of Phila in the State of Pennsylvania, whose 
Post-Office address is 720 N. 2nd 421 Preston St, Philadelphia, who, being duly sworn, declares 
in relation to aforesaid claim as follows:

	I have known Jesse Shiber since 1866. He is a man of good moral character and habits and 
I have always known him to be such. I also believe his disabilities which he claims or hernia and 
a severe gun shot of the left arm were nor due ro any bad or vicious habits or to his negligence 
on his part.
	My knowledge of the facts to which I testify are gained through my personal acquaintance 
with Jesse Shiber.

He further declares that he has no interest in said case and he is not concerned in its prosecution.

James G. Clark (sig)
								(Signature of Affiant)

State of Pennsylvania, County of Philadelphia, ss:

Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 13th day of March, AD 1899,
and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration &c., were fully mad known, and 
explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing including the words (none) erased, and 
the words (none) added, and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of 
this claim. 
									Price I. Patton (sig)
									Notary Public
	My commission expires February 1909

	I further certify: James G. Clark to be reputable and entitled to credit.
									Price I. Patton (sig)
									Official signature	

(Stamp - Mar 16 1899, US Pension Office)

GENERAL AFFIDAVIT – by James McConnell, 11/18/1899.

State of Pennsylvania, County of Philadelphia ss:

	In the matter of Increase of {Pension claim of Jesse Shiber

	On this 18th day November 1899, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and 
for the aforesaid County and State, duly authorized to administer oaths James McConnell, aged 
59 years, a resident of Philadelphia in the County of Phila in the State of Pennsylvania, whose 
Post-Office address is 1941 Poplar St, Philadelphia, who, being duly sworn, declares in relation 
to aforesaid claim as follows:

	Having known Jesse Shiber intimately since 1887 and having a knowledge of his life all 
of these years, I can say that he is a man of excellent character and habits and I am confident 
that his disabilities were in no way due ro vicious habits.

He further declares that he has no interest in said case and he is not concerned in its prosecution.

James McConnell (sig)
								(Signature of Affiant)

State of Pennsylvania, County of Philadelphia, ss:

Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 18th day of November, AD 1899,
and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration &c., were fully mad known, and 
explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing including the words (none) erased, and 
the words (none) added, and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of 
this claim. 
									Price I. Patton (sig)
									Notary Public
	My commission expires January 6th 1901

	I further certify: him to be reputable and entitled to credit.
									Price I. Patton (sig)
									Official signature	

(Stamp - Nov 21,1899, US Pension Office)

GENERAL AFFIDAVIT – by A. H. Nichols, 11/18/1899.

State of Pennsylvania, County of Philadelphia ss:

	In the matter of Increase of {Pension claim of Jesse Shiber

	On this 18th day November 1899, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and 
for the aforesaid County and State, duly authorized to administer oaths A. H. Nichols, aged 39 
years, a resident of Philadelphia in the County of Phila in the State of Pennsylvania, whose 
Post-Office address is 1310 Federal St, Philadelphia, who, being duly sworn, declares in relation 
to aforesaid claim as follows:

	I became acquainted with Mr. Jesse Shiber in 1891, since which time I have seen him almost 
every day, and to the best of my knowledge I believe him to be a man of good moral habits and feel 
confident that his disabilities were not the result of vicious habits.

He further declares that he has no interest in said case and he is not concerned in its prosecution.

A. H. Nichols  (sig)
								(Signature of Affiant)

State of Pennsylvania, County of Philadelphia, ss:

Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 18th day of November,  AD 1899,
and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration &c., were fully mad known, and 
explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing including the words (none) erased, and 
the words (none) added, and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of 
this claim. 
									Price I. Patton (sig)
									Notary Public
	My commission expires January 6th 1901

	I further certify: him to be reputable and entitled to credit.
									Price I. Patton (sig)
									Official signature	

(Stamped - Nov 21, 1899, US Pension Office)

GENERAL AFFIDAVIT – by Duncan MacFarlan, M.D., 11/18/1899.

State of Pennsylvania, County of Philadelphia ss:

	In the matter of Increase of {Pension claim of Jesse Shiber

	On this 20th day December 1899, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and 
for the aforesaid County and State, duly authorized to administer oaths Duncan MacFarlan M.D., 
aged 44 years, a resident of Philadelphia in the County of Phila in the State of Pennsylvania, 
whose Post-Office address is 3924 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, who, being duly sworn, declares in 
relation to aforesaid claim as follows:

	I have been acquainted with Jesse Shiber in the capacity of his family physician since 
1886 and during that time he has been disabled by inguinal hernia on the right side and he is 
still suffering with the same disability. I would also state that during all this time his habits 
have been good.

Duncan MacFarland, M.D.  (sig)
								(Signature of Affiant)

State of Pennsylvania, County of Philadelphia, ss:

Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 18th day of November,  AD 1899,
and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration &c., were fully mad known, and 
explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing including the words (none) erased, and 
the words (none) added, and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of 
this claim. 
									Price I. Patton (sig)
									Notary Public
	My commission expires January 6th 1901

	I further certify: Duncan MacFarland to be reputable and entitled to credit.
									Price I. Patton (sig)
									Official signature	

(Stamped - Jan 2, 1900, US Pension Office)

Act of April 19, 1908

State of Pennsylvania, County of Philadelphia, ss:
	On this 23rd day of February A.D. one thousand nine hundred and twelve personally 
appeared before me, a Notary Public within and for the County and State aforesaid Kate Shiber 
aged 71 years, a resident of Philadelphia County of Philadelphia State of Pennsylvania who, 
being duly sworn according to law, makes the following declaration in order to obtain pension 
under the provisions of the ACT OF CONGRESS APPROVED APRIL 19, 1908.

	That she is the widow of Jesse Shiber who was enrolled under the name of Jesse Shiber 
at (none) on the (none) day of (none) 18 (none) as a Pvt & Sergeant im Co D 61st Regt Pa Inf 
and Co C 3rd Regt US Vet Vols and honorably discharged (none) 18 (none) having served ninety 
days and or more during the war of the Rebellion. That the said soldier was not in the MILITARY 
OR NAVAL SERVICE of the United States except as stated above.

	That she was married under the name of Kate Evans to said soldier at Philadelphia Pa, 
on the 6 day of October 1881 by Rev J.G. Walker; and there was no legal barrier to the marriage; 
that she had been previously married; that the soldier had been previously married.
Claimants first husband - James Evans died in Phila Pa; soldiers first wife Elizabeth Shiber 
died in Philadelphia Pa.

	That said soldier died Feb 17th 1912, at Philadelphia Pa; that she was not divorced 
from him; that she has not remarried since his death.
	That the NAMES and DATES OF BIRTH of all children of the soldier, now living and under 
SIXTEEN YEARS IG AGE are as follows: NO Children.

	That she has not heretofore applied for pension. Her husband was a pensioner by cert 
	That she appoints with full power of substitution and revocation, Harry S. Kaestner of 
Philadelphia, Pa her true and lawful attorney to persecute this claim, and directs that the sum 
of Ten Dollars be paid him for his services. 

	That her Post-Office address is 2523 E. Norris St., Philadelphia County of Philadelphia, 
State of Pennsylvania.
									Kate Shiber (sig)
									Signature of claimant  - full name
	1. Jennie  Corson
	2. William Savery Evans, Jr.
 	Also personally appeared Jennie Corson, residing at Phila Pa and William Savery Evans, 
Jr. residing at Phila Pa, persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and, 
who, being by me duly sworn, say that they were present and saw Kate Shiber the claimant, sign her 
name to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe, from the appearance of 
said claimant and their acquaintance with her of 50 years and 20 years respectively, that she is 
the identical person she represents to be, and that they have no interest, direct or indirect, in 
the prosecution of this claim.
							1. Jennie Corson (sig)
							2, William Savery Evans, Jr. (sig)

Sworn and subscribed before me this 22nd day of February, A.D. 1812, and I do hereby certify that 
the contents of the foregoing declaration, &c, were fully made known and explained to the applicant 
and witnesses before swearing, including the words (none) erased, and the words (none) added; and 
that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.  

							      Wm F. Paddock (sig)
								Notary Public
								4169 Lancaster Ave.
								Phila, Pa.
								Commission expires
								Mar 18, 1913	 

	(Stamped: Feb 24 1912 US Pension Office.)

Department of the Interior
Bureau of Pensions
Finance Division

Washington, D.C., Mar 11, 1912

Jesse Shiber 146, 141


Pvt, D, 61 Pa Inf & 3rd C, 3rd US V. Vols.

US Pension agent, Philadelphia 

Sir: You are hereby directed to drop from the roll the name of the above-described pensioner 
who died Feb. 17, 1912.

					                         	J. Davenport (sig)
Commissioner of Pensions.
      Sir: The name of the above-described pensioner, who was last paid at $ 15 per month to 
February 4, 1912, has this day been dropped from the toll of thia agency.

									L. McCauley (sig)
									        US Pension Agent

(Stamped Mar 14m 1912)

AFFIDAVIT – Pension, 4/10/1912

		State of Pennsylvania County of Philadelphia.

In the matter of Kate Shiber widow of Jesse Shiber, Co. D, 61st Regt Penna Infantry.

On this 10th day of April A.D., 1912; personally appeared before me a Notary Public in and for 
the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths, Kate Shiber aged 71 years, a resident 
of Philadelphia in the County of Philadelphia State of Pennsylvania, whose Post-Office address 
is 2523 E. Norris St., who being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says in relation to 
aforesaid case as follows:

	Applicant states that she is the identical person who is applying for a widow’s [pension 
under the law by application No. 981,210 and in answer to the attached letter from the Hon. 
Commissioner of Pensions dated March 14, 1912. 
	Applicant states that her first husband James W.(?) Evans never entered any military or 
naval service in the United States.

									Kate Shiber (sig)
									    (Signature of Affiant)

Sworn and subscribed to before me this day by the within named affiant, and I certify that I 
have read said affidavit to affiant and acquainted affiant with its contents before the same 
was executed. I further certify that I am in nowise interested in this case, nor am I concerned 
in its prosecution.

											K       													      Wm F. Paddock (sig)
								è	Notary Public
									4169 Lancaster Ave.
									Phila, Pa.
									Commission expires
									Mar 18, 1913	 
(Stamp - April 27, 1912, Received - Army and Navy Division)

GENERAL AFFIDAVIT – by David A. Biggard, 4/12/1912.

State of Pennsylvania, County of Philadelphia ss:

      IN THE MATTER OF    Kate Shiber widow of Jesse Shiber Co. D 61st Regt Penna Infantry.

On this 12th day of April, A.D. 1912, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for 
the aforesaid County and State, duly authorized to administer oaths, David A. Biggard, aged 67 
years, a resident of Philadelphia in the County of Phila in the State of Pennsylvania, whose 
Post-Office address is 1534 W. Tioga St, Philadelphia, and who, being duly sworn according to 
law, depose and say  in relation to aforesaid case as follows:
	Affiant testifies that he was well and intimately acquainted with Jesse Shiber deceased 
husband of the claimant Kate Shiber and was personally and intimately acquainted with the soldiers 
first wife Lizzie A. Shiber who was a sister-in-law of applicant.
	Affiant therefore testifies by reason of his ultimate acquaintance that the soldier Jesse 
Shiber never remarried from the date of the death of his first wife Lizzie A. Shiber in1867 until 
his marriage ti the claimant Kate Shiber.
	Affiant testifies to the above facts by reason of his intimate acquaintance with both the 
deceased soldier and his first wife aforesaid.
	Affiant further declares that he has no interest ib said case and is not concerned in its 

								 David A. Biggard (sig)
								       (Signature of Affiant)
	Sworn and subscribed to before me this day by the within named affiant, and I certify that 
I have read said affidavit to affiant and acquainted affiant with its contents before the same was 
executed. I further certify that I am in nowise interested in this case, nor am I concerned in its 
prosecution; and that said affiant is personally known to me and that he is a credible person.

								Wm. F. Paddock (sig)
								è	Notary Public
									4169 Lancaster Ave.
									Phila, Pa.
									Commission expires
									Mar 18, 1913

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