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Perry County PA Archives News.....Town & Country November 23, 1904
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  Judy Bookwalter December 19, 2006, 9:57 am
  Peoples Advocate And Press November 23, 1904
  Peoples Advocate and Press
  Town and Country, Bloomfield, Pa, Nov. 23, 1904
    F. W. Comp, of Harrisburg, is having a fine monument erected on his lot in 
  the cemetery, this place, over the grave of his wife, whose remains were 
  recently brought here from Waterman, Ill., for interment.
      Wednesday of this week our old friend, A. B. Clouser, Esq., of this place, 
  will have reached his 80th milestone on life's pilgrimage.  He is enjoying 
  good health.
    Fatal Railroad Accident
    H. H. Wright was instantly killed and Samuel Reen seriously injured by being 
  struck by Mail express Monday afternoon a short distance west of Newport.  
  Wright was knocked into Buffalo creek, a distance of thirty feet and was dead 
  when those who saw the accident reached his side.  His head and shoulders were 
  cut off.  Reen's injures received attention from the Pennsylvania Railroad 
  physician after which he was taken to his home.
    Wright is the owner of a portable saw mill and lives a short distance from 
  Newport.  Reen, who is a pump maker, was being driven by Wright to his home to 
  repair a pump.  Wright was driving a one-horse wagon and hurried across the 
  railroad tracks to get out of the way of a freight eastbound.
    When the horse crossed the track he took fright at the Mail Express going 
  west, jumped over on to the track and was run down by the train.  The horse 
  was killed and the wagon demolished.  Reen was resting comfortably at last 
  account and the physicians have hopes for his recovery.  Wright is survived by 
  a wife and several children.
    Herbert J. Soule, after months of suffering, died at the residence of his 
  mother, in this place, Monday evening about 9:30 o'clock, from typhoid fever 
  and complications, aged 22 years, 11 months and 9 days.
    The deceased was the son of the late John Wesley Soule and wife, and was 
  born in Centre township, where he spent his years up until young manhood.  He 
  was a bright and intelligent young man and made friends wherever he went.  He 
  taught one term of public school in Centre township.  He later went to 
  Philadelphia but imbued with a desire for knowledge he became a student at 
  Lebanon Valley College, Annville, Pa, a year ago, and it is believed 
  overstudied himself there, breaking down his health.  He came home ill in June 
  with Typhoid fever and grew worse until death claimed him.  He was a 
  consistent Christian young man and had been a member of the U. B. church since 
  fifteen years of age, joining during the pastorate of the late Rev. D. 
  Barnhart.  He was a dutiful son and a loving brother, and during his long 
  illness his devoted mother and sisters waited upon him with loving 
  ministrations.  He bore his cross with Christian fortitude and has gone to his 
  reward.  He is survived by his stricken and widowed mother and the following 
  brothers and sisters:
   Harry, of Centre township; Mary and C. Blanche, at home; E. S. L., of 
  Newport; Elizabeth, Mrs. Thomas Donaghy, of Philadelphia.
    Funeral services will be held at the house Thursday at 2 o'clock p.m., Rev. 
  C. B. McDaniel, now of Walkerville, Md., officiating.
    Sarah, relict of the late Creigh Patterson, Esq., of Tyrone township, died 
  at the residence of her son, John S., near Landisburg, on the 7t inst., aged 
  86 years.  The maiden name of the deceased was Stambaugh.
   She was the mother of six children, three of whom died in infancy:  Francis, 
  recently deceased; John, of Tyrone township, and George, of Landisburg.  Mrs. 
  Patterson was a devout Christian and was a member for many years of the Bethel 
  church, in Sheaffer's Valley, where her remains were interred.  Full of years 
  she has been gathered home.  A noble Christian woman, a devoted wife and 
  mother, has passed away.
    Our Landisburg correspondent writes:
    The remains of Elsie May, eldest daughter of Wm. J. Baughman and wife, were 
  laid to rest last Tuesday in the cemetery, this place.  For many months she 
  had been a patient sufferer of gastritis of the stomach.  The angel of death 
  has called her from her suffering.  She was a member of the Church of God, of 
  this place, having joined about four years ago.  Deceased, was an estimable 
  young lady and had hosts of friends in the community to which she lived.  She 
  was aged 23 years and 4 days.
    Services were held at her late house, her pastor, Rev. Esterline, 
  officiating.  The pall bearers were: David M. Morrison, Finton Morrison, 
  Daniel Rhule, Jacob Morrison, Keifer Keck and Jas. Miller.
    Surprise Birthday Party
    A most enjoyable surprise birthday party was given in honor of Mrs. Maggie 
  Gantt, at her pleasant home in Centre township, Thursday afternoon.  Her sons 
  were back of all arrangements and the good lady was taken completely unaware 
  when a large number of relatives and friends precipitated themselves upon her 
  hospitality.  Baskets laden with the good things of life were brought by many 
  of the visitors, and a big feast was the climax of the occasion.  Mrs. Gantt's 
  sons presented her with a handsome rocking chair, and she was the recipient of 
  quite a number of gifts, showing in what high esteem she was held.  Rev. F. L. 
  Kerr, of Newport, made a felicitous presentation speech in behalf of the 
  children, while Rev. J. Thomas Fox, in behalf of Mrs. Gantt, made a fitting 
  reply of acceptance.  The occasion was a most happy one, and all present wish 
  that Mrs. Gantt may live to enjoy many such joyous events.
    The following children and grandchildren were present:  Frank H. Gantt, wife 
  and three children, Mrs. John M. Gantt and four children, Harry L. Gantt and 
  wife, C. B. Gantt and wife, of Downingtown, Pa.  The following sisters were 
  present:  Mrs. Mary Spahr, Mrs. Ada Record, of Harrisburg; Mrs. Annie B. 
  Hawley, of Duncannon; Mrs. Levi Smith, of Newport, and Mrs. Kate Kirkpatrick, 
  of Centre township, and brother, C. N. McKeehan, of Centre township.  Other 
  guests:  Mrs. Kate Reed and Mrs. Margaret Bealor, of Ickesburg; Rev. F. L. 
  Kerr, Mrs. H. C. Gantt and daughter Ruth, Mrs. Amos Kough, Mrs. E. B. Weise, 
  Levi Smith, Mrs. Daniel Gantt and daughter Carrie, A. M. Gantt and daughter, 
  Mrs. Flora Middleton, Mrs. John Kroh, Mrs. Maggie Gantt, Miss Minnie 
  Deardorff, of Newport; Mrs. Wm. Horting and daughter, of Juniata township; 
  Rev. J. Thomas Fox, A. B. Grosh, Esq., and wife, H. E. Sheibley and wife, 
    Duncannon Items.
    The mother of Mrs. Frank Harkison is dead of cancer.
   Mrs. Roy Mutzabaugh, aged 28 years, died of stomach trouble.  Edward Gray 
  died of heart trouble, aged 66 years.  All three deaths occurred Sunday night 
  a week.
    Mrs. J. T. Alter and daughter Rubey Belle, left today, Tuesday, for 
  Bellefonte, Pa., to attend the Dowart Kreider nuptials on the 30th inst.
    Blaine Budget
    Rev. C. A. Waltman took Thomas and Alfred, their aged 9 and 10 years, 
  respectively, sons of the widow, Miss Carrie Delancey, of Madison township, to 
  the Reformed Bethany Orphans' Home, at Womelsdorf, Pa., where they will be 
  cared for by the institution.
    Johnston-Reiber.-On the 17th inst., at the Presbyterian parsonage, in this 
  place, by Rev. I. Potter Hayes, John R. Johnston to Miss Clara F. Reiber, both 
  of Logania, near Losh's Run, this county.
    Gross-Bosler.-On the 15th inst., at York, Pa., by Rev. A. R. Ayers, Wm. P. 
  Gross to Bessie M. Bosler, both of Duncannon.
    Beaston-Gutshall.-On the 10th inst., in Toboyne township, by John A. Rhea, 
  J. P. Ira Beaston to Margaret Gutshall, both of Toboyne township.
    Hollenbaugh-Sunday.-On the 16th inst., in Newport, by Rev. F. L. Kerr, Harry 
  B. Hollenbaugh to Ada M. Stambaugh, both of Newport.
    Berrier-Minich.-On the 3rd inst., in Blain, by Rev. C. A. Waltman, Charles 
  R. Berrier to Alice F. Minich, both of Jackson township.
    Showers-Burkett.-On the 15th inst., at the home of the bride's parents, 
  Philip Burkett and wife, in Loysville, by Rev. Wm. M. Burchfield, Harvey C. 
  Showers, of Centre, to Florence F. Burkett, of Loysville.
    Baughman.-On the 11th inst., in Landisburg, Miss Elsie Baughman, aged 23 
  years and 14 days. 
    Burd.-On the 2d inst., at Boiling Springs, Cumberland county, Andrew J. 
  Burd, formerly of this county, aged 68 years and 7 months.
    Fleisher.-On the 4th inst., at the home of her sister, Mrs. William C. 
  Sweetwood, St. Louis, Mrs. Elizabeth Fleisher, widow of John Fleisher, 
  deceased, late of Duncannon, this county, aged 64 years.
    Haverstick.-On the 4th inst., in Wheatfield township, Adaline R., wife of 
  William Haverstick, aged about 45 years.
    Mitchell.-On the 10th inst., in Greenwood township, Mary Jane, wife of 
  William Mitchell, aged 54 years, 5 months and 25 days.
    Patterson.-On the 7th inst., at the home of her son John, near Landisburg, 
  Mrs. Sarah Patterson, aged 82 years.
    Baker.-On the 11th inst., in spring township, Abram S. Baker, aged 76 years.
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