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 Estate Administrator Releases:  Peter Levergood, Leveguth,  Livingood, 
Livergood, Levegood,  etc.  Northumberland County, PA
Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Michelle Walsh.
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Please contact me if you have any additional information for this family.   
Michelle Walsh
Variations of this surname    
Livingood, Levergood, Labingood Leurgood, Leivengood, Lavergood, Lowingood, 
Levigood, Lavenguth, Lavagood, Levengood Laragood,  Livergood, Lovegood, 
Lavergood, Lovergood Leavegood, Lavengood, Livengood, Levergood, Levingood, 
Livingwood, Lehenguth, Levengooth,  Leibundgut,  Leibenguth, Leibengut, 
Leebengood, Lowengut, Loewengut, Leveguth, Levenguth, Levegood
Information concerning deeds, releases, and agreements was obtained from the 
Northumberland County Court House, Recorder of Deeds office.  The surveys, 
warrants and patents are from the Pennsylvania State Archives
#9        Six releases to Peter Levergood (administrator for the estate of the 
Jacob    Levergood that died 1794) 7/27/1798 Book M, page 191-193 (see estate 
record at
#9-1      Thomas Crawford and wife (Elizabeth Levergood), release to Peter 
#9-2      John Baker for Catherine Levergood, release to Peter Levergood
#9-3      Lewis Bachman and wife (Rebecca Levergood), release to Peter 
#9-4     John Levergood for Joseph and Mary Levergood, release to Peter            
#9-5     George Bechtell Sen. for Esther Levergood, release to Peter Levergood

#9.1  Thomas Crawford and wife (Elizabeth Levergood), release to Peter Levergood
Know all men by these presents that we Thomas Crawford of Coventry Twp. In the 
County of Chester in the state of Pennsylvania and Elizabeth my wife, late 
Elizabeth Levergood, one of the daughters of Jacob Levergood late of Mahoney 
Township in the county of Northumberland in the state aforesaid deceased do 
hereby acknowledge that we have had and received of Peter Levergood, 
administrator to the estate of our said father the said Jacob Levergood deceased 
the sum of twenty four pounds five shillings and six pence and four seventh of a 
penny being one full share or dividend of the real estate late of our said 
father according to an evaluation made thereof by order of the orphans court of 
the said county of Northumberland with which we acknowledge satisfaction and 
further we do acknowledge that we had had and received of the said Peter 
Levergood the sum of nine pounds twelve shillings and one penny and six sevenths 
of a penny in part of our share or portion aforesaid fathers personal estate 
which is all that is now due or recoverable by the said administrator for that 
certain bond executed  to our said father by John Frick for eighty three pounds 
six shillings and eight pence is not to be received until the death of Rebecca 
Levergood late the wife of our said Father Jacob Levergood but during her life 
the yearly interest thereof is payable to the said Rebecca by the settlement of 
the Supreme Court on the 4th day of September 1795 for the support and alimony 
when a divorce they had between them.  And therefore we do by these presents 
release against and forever acquit and forever discharge the said Peter 
Levergood his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns of and from all 
actions, suits, payments, claims and demand whatsoever of in to or out of the 
real estate of the bond recited as aforesaid when payable and accepted.  In 
witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals. Dated the twenty 
seventh day of July in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and 
ninety eight.  Elizabeth X Crawford, sealed and delivered in the presence of Fr. 
Ringaman, John Ringaman, Chester County.  Personally came before me the 
subscriber one of the judges of court of common pleas for said county the within 
named Elizabetth Crawford and did acknowledge the written instrument of writing 
or release to be his act and deed to the intent the same might be recorded as 
such as witness my hand and seal the 4th day of June 1803.  John R? recorded the 
20th day of June AD 1803 
#9.2  John Baker for Catherine Levergood, release to Peter Levergood
Know all men by these presents that I John Baker of Berks County in the state of 
Pennsylvania do hereby acknowledge that I have had and received of Peter 
Levergood, administrator to the estate of Jacob Levergood late of Mahoney 
Township in the county of Northumberland in the state aforesaid, deceased the 
sum of thirty three pounds seventeen shillings and eight pence and three seventh 
of a penny for the share of Catherine Levergood, one of the minor children of 
the said Jacob Levergood deceased over whom I am appointed guardian in full 
satisfaction for her share or dividend of her  said father's real estate both 
real and personal of their shares for a certain bond executed   by John Frick to 
her said father for eighty three pounds six shillings and eight pence which is 
not to be paid until the decease of Rebecca Levergood, her mother. The yearly 
interest whereof being payable to the said Rebecca during her life by the 
settlement of the Supreme Court on the 4th day of September 1795 for her support 
and alimony upon a divorce then had had between her and her husband, the said 
Jacob Levergood deceased only excepted.   And therefore I do acquit, release and 
forever discharge the Peter Levergood his heirs, executors, administrators, of 
and from her share of her said fathers estate either real or personal except as 
before exempted.    In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal. 
Dated the twenty seventh day of July in the year of our lord one thousand seven 
hundred and ninety eight.  Johannes X Bacher, sealed and delivered in the 
presence of Johannes Willanns, Jacob?, Pennsylvania, Berks County. On the sixth 
day of June AD 1803   Personally came before me Jacob Rush Esquire President of 
the third law district of PA, the within named John Baker and acknowledged  in 
written release to be his act and deed,  to the intent the same may be recorded 
as such according to law. My hand seal the date above said.  Jacob Rush recorded 
the 20th day of June AD 1803
#9.3  Lewis Bachman and wife (Rebecca Levergood), release to Peter Levergood
Know all men by these presents that we Ludwich Bachman of Coventry Twp. In the 
County of Chester in the state of Pennsylvania and Rebecca my wife, late Rebecca 
Levergood, one of the daughters of Jacob Levergood late of Mahoney Township in 
the county of Northumberland in the state aforesaid deceased do hereby 
acknowledge that we have had and received of Peter Levergood, administrator to 
the estate of our said father the said Jacob Levergood deceased the sum of 
twenty four pounds five shillings and six pence and four seventh of a penny 
being one full share or dividend of the real estate late of our said father 
according to an evaluation made thereof by order of the orphans court of the 
said county of Northumberland with which we acknowledge satisfaction and further 
we do acknowledge that we had had and received of the said Peter Levergood the 
sum of nine pounds twelve shillings and one penny and six sevenths of a penny in 
part of our share or portion aforesaid fathers personal estate which is all that 
is now due or recoverable by the said administrator for that certain bond 
executed  to our said father by John Frick for eighty three pounds six shillings 
and eight pence is not to be received until the death of Rebecca Levergood late 
the wife of our said Father Jacob Levergood but during her life the yearly 
interest thereof is payable to the said Rebecca by the settlement of the Supreme 
Court on the 4th day of September 1795 for the support and alimony when a 
divorce they had between them.  And therefore we do by these presents release 
against and forever acquit and forever discharge the said Peter Levergood his 
heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns of and from all actions, suits, 
payments, claims and demand whatsoever of in to or out of the real estate of the 
bond recited as aforesaid when payable and accepted.  In witness whereof we have 
hereunto set our hands and seals. Dated the twenty seventh day of July in the 
year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight.  Lewis  X Bachman, 
Rebecca X Bachman. Sealed and delivered in the presence of John Frier, and John 
?, Chester County.  Personally came before me the subscriber one of the judges 
of the court of common pleas for said county the within named Lewis Bachman, 
Rebecca his wife and did acknowledge the written instrument of writing or 
release to be their act and deed to the intent the same might be recorded as 
such, as witness my hand and seal the 4th day of June 1803.  John R? recorded 
the 20th day of June AD 1803, John Ralston
#9.4  John Levergood for Joseph and Mary Levergood, release to Peter Levergood
Know all men by these presents that I John Levergood of Amity Township, Berks 
County in the state of Pennsylvania do hereby acknowledge that I have had and 
received of Peter Levergood, administrator to the estate of Jacob Levergood late 
of Mahoney Township in the county of Northumberland in the state aforesaid, 
deceased the sum of sixty seven pounds fifteen shillings and four pence and six 
seventh parts of a penny as and for the shares of Joseph Levergood and Mary 
Levergood, two of the minor children of the said Jacob Levergood deceased over 
whom I am appointed guardian in full satisfaction of their shares or dividends 
of their said father's estate both real and personal. Their shares of a certain 
bond executed   by John Frick to their said father for eighty three pounds six 
shillings and eight pence which is not to be received until the decease of 
Rebecca Levergood, their mother. The yearly interest whereof being payable to 
the said Rebecca during her life by the settlement of the Supreme Court on the 
4th day of September 1795 for her support and alimony upon a divorce then had 
had between her and her husband, the said Jacob Levergood deceased only 
excepted.   And therefore I do acquit, release and forever discharge the said 
Peter Levergood his heirs, executors, administrators, of and from their several 
and respective shares of their said fathers estate either real or personal 
except as before exempted.    In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and 
seal. Dated the twenty seventh day of July in the year of our lord one thousand 
seven hundred and ninety eight.  Johannes X Lebengut, sealed and delivered in 
the presence of Joseph Levergood, Mary X Levergood- Pennsylvania, Berks County. 
On the sixth day of June AD 1803   Personally came before me Jacob Rush Esquire 
President Judge of the third law district of PA, the within named John Levergood 
and acknowledged the within written release to be his act and deed, to the 
intent the same may be recorded as such according to law. Witness my hand seal 
the date above said.  Jacob Rush recorded the 20th day of June AD 1803
#9.5  George Bechtell Sen. for Esther Levergood, release to Peter Levergood
Know all men by these presents that I George Bechtell of the township of New 
Hanover in the County of Montgomery and state of Pennsylvania do hereby 
acknowledge that I have had and received of Peter Levergood, administrator to 
the estate of Jacob Levergood late of Mahoney Township in the county of 
Northumberland in the state aforesaid, deceased the sum of thirty three pounds 
seventeen shillings and eight pence and three seventh of a penny for the share 
of Esther Levergood, one of the minor children of the said Jacob Levergood 
deceased over whom I am appointed guardian in full satisfaction for her share or 
dividend of her  said father's estate both real and personal of their shares for 
a certain bond executed   by John Frick to her said father for eighty three 
pounds six shillings and eight pence which is not to be paid until the decease 
of Rebecca Levergood, her mother. The yearly interest whereof being payable to 
the said Rebecca during her life by the settlement of the Supreme Court on the 
4th day of September 1795 for her support and alimony upon a divorce then had 
had between her and her husband, the said Jacob Levergood deceased only 
excepted.   And therefore I do acquit, release and forever discharge the Peter 
Levergood his heirs, executors, administrators, of and from her share of her 
said fathers estate either real or personal, except as before exempted.    In 
witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal. Dated the twenty seventh 
day of July in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight.  
George X Becktell Sen., sealed and delivered in the presence of Jacob Morley. 
Before me the subscriber one of the judges of the court of common pleas for the 
county of Montgomery came the above George Bechtell  and acknowledged  the above 
written release to be his act and deed,  to the intent the same may be recorded 
as such according to law. Witness my hand seal June the 6th AD 1803.  Recorded 
the 20th day of June AD 1803