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Bios: Vol 1 - Part 16: pp. 341 - 364: Ellwood Roberts' Biographical Annals, 1904: Montgomery Co, PA

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                                BIOGRAPHICAL ANNALS


                                 MONTGOMERY COUNTY


                                      VOL. I.


   (Page 341 cont.)
     THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY of Montgomery county was incorporated on May 11, 1883. The
   object of this Society, as stated in its charter, is the study and preservation of the
   history of Montgomery county, Pennsylvania. The Society had its real start several years
   before a charter was obtained. A strong motive for forming the Society was to prepare for
   a proper celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the formation of the county. The
   Act of Assembly for erecting part of the county of Philadelphia into a separate county,
   to be called Montgomery, was passed on September 10, 1784.
     The first meeting for establishing the Historical Society was held at the court house
   in Norristown, on February 22, 1881. Among those who signed a call for this meeting,
   most of whom were present, were Dr. Hiram Corson, Major William H. Holstein, Colonel
   Theodore W. Bean, Robert Iredell, General William J. Bolton, Moses Auge, Isaac Chism,
   Reuben Krieble, Samuel M. Corson, F. G. Hobson, Prof. R. F. Hoffecker, Isaac Roberts,
   Nathaniel Jacoby, Jonas Detwiler, L. H. Davis, Dr. J. S. Shrawder, William M. Clift, A.
   K. Thomas, William J. Binder, William H. Bean, M. S. Longaker, William J. Nicholls,
   William Auchenbach. Colonel Theodore W. Bean was made chairman, and Samuel M. Corson
     It brought about in 1884 the celebration of the centennial of Montgomery county. The
   public demonstration on that occasion lasted four days, and was a success in every
   way.  That celebration was also made a financial success.  After paying all expenses, a
   balance of $1,200 remained which was invested for the Society's benefit. This sum has
   since been used in part payment for Historical Hall, now owned by the Society.
     The Society is engaged in marking important historical places within the county limits
   with permanent monuments. Recently it erected at Barren Hill a monument indicating the
   location of Lafayette's camp there in May, 1778. It also erected near the Perkiomen
   Creek, opposite Schwenksville, a monument commemorating Washington's encampment there,
   at Pennypacker's Mills, in 1777.
     Prior to 1897 meetings of the Society at Norristown were mostly held in the court
   house. The county commissioners had granted the Society the exclusive use of a small
   room in that building, and permitted it to meet in one of the court rooms. But the
   growth of the Society demanded that it own a meeting place which should include an
   audience room and library rooms, with space for future expansion.
   (Page 342)
     In 1896, the former borough hall of Norristown, with the lot belonging thereto on Penn
   street, was offered for sale, the authorities having erected a more commodious municipal
   building at DeKalb and Airy streets. The Historical Society decided to buy this
   property. Its deed therefore bears date December 22, 1896, when it obtained possession
   of the property. The consideration was $5,500. The twelve hundred dollars remaining from
   the County Centennial celebration, and $300 of accumulations and life membership fees,
   enabled the Society to raise $1,500, and it borrowed the balance of the purchase money
   and gave a mortgage for $4,000 on its new building. The building was erected in 1884. It
   is a large, substantial brick structure, situated on Penn street, adjoining the public
   square, and opposite the court house. When bought, it was found that the building needed
   considerable repairs, and material alterations were required to fit it for the needs of
   the Society. These were made at a cost of about one thousand dollars. The property is
   now admirably adapted to the Society's uses.
     The Society's property is called "Historical Hall." The first meeting was held there
   May 26, 1897. It occupies all the second story and part of the first story of the
   building, renting a portion for offices, from which it derives some revenue.
     The part used by the Society consists of a commodious hall and rooms for its library
   on the second floor, and a large permanent fireproof vault on the first floor. During
   the construction of the new court house, the upper floor was rented to the county
   commissioners for occupancy by the judges and the law library. The fire-proof vault was
   also leased to the county, it being a suitable place to keep the jury wheel.
     The annual suppers given by the ladies on Washington's birthday for five years in
   succession, under the chairmanship of Mary R. Livezey, who was materially aided by
   Ellwood Roberts and others, yielded the Society altogether nearly $2,500. Part of this
   was devoted to alterations and repairs to the building, and the rest was used to cut
   down the mortgage to little more than half of its first amount.
     Joseph Fornance and Ellwood Roberts have edited and published Volumes I and II of
   "Historical Sketches," containing papers prepared and read at the meetings of the
   Society, and other materials.
     ELLWOOD ROBERTS, teacher, author, journalist and builder, has exhibited in his career
   a versatility which is seldom met with in ordinary experience. Combining a good physical
   constitution with an enormous capacity for labor, he has never found lacking all the
   employment he needed to occupy his time and attention. Born in Wilmington, Delaware,
   January 22, 1846, he has been a citizen of Pennsylvania, the native state of both his
   parents, since 1861, and few native born Pennsylvanians have a greater share of pride in
   the grand old commonwealth founded by William Penn than Mr. Roberts.
     Educated in the common schools and supplementing the slender knowledge gained in this
   way by home study, he is emphatically a selfmade man, having taught school fourteen
   years, mostly in public schools and in Friends' Central school, Philadelphia, before
   taking a position as associate editor of the Norristown Herald in 1883, which he still
   holds. In the meantime, he has been actively engaged in other pursuits, having in 1895
   published a volume of poems entitled "Lyrics of Quakerism," a volume of genealogy in
   1898, "Old Richland Families," containing the history of his own and connected families
   of Quakertown, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, where his first ancestor in this country,
   Edward Roberts, settled in 1716; and a third volume, also historical and genealogical,
   "Plymouth Meeting," in 1900. All these publications were well received. He has several
   more well under way, including the "Dewees family," now in press.
     On his father's side Ellwood Roberts is of Welsh-Quaker ancestry. On his mother's side
   he is of Scotch-Irish and Pennsylvania-German extraction.
   (Page 343)
     Hugh Roberts (father) was born near Branchtown, August 5, 1821, in the old Roberts
   mansion, recently torn down. His father, also Hugh Roberts, a miller by occupation, had
   died several months previously, and his widow married a second time. 
     The infant Hugh became an object of the most tender care and solicitude to his maiden
   aunt, Mary Roberts, who reared him until he was placed, at the age of eight years, with
   a maternal uncle, Thomas P. Spencer, on a farm in Lower Makefield township, Bucks
   county, Pennsylvania. Here he grew to manhood, or nearly so, and learning the trade of a
   miller, became employed at Brandywine Mills, Wilmington, where he remained a dozen years,
   marrying, August 8, 1842, Alice Anna Gallagher, born August 28, 1819.
     The couple had seven children, of whom four died in infancy, the survivors being
   Charles H., now a resident of Norristown like the others; Ellwood; and Mary, wife of
   Samuel Livezey. Hugh Roberts in 1852 became a farmer, following that occupation with
   varying success in Delaware, and in Bucks and Montgomery counties, until his removal to
   Norristown in 1882, where he was occupied with his son Ellwood in building until his
   death on August 23, 1894. His widow made her home with her son, surviving nearly eight
   years. She died April 10, 1902.
     The family ancestors in regular order were Hugh (1821-1894); Hugh (1782-1821); Amos
   (1758-1835); David (1722-1804); Edward, the immigrant, (1687-1768). All were members of
   the Society of Friends and Edward was an earnest minister therein for the last forty
   years of his life. Edward's son David married the daughter of another well-known
   minister, Thomas Lancaster, who died while on a religious mission to Barbadoes Island in
   the West Indies.
     Ellwood Roberts married, September 12, 1878, Mary Long Carter, daughter of Job and
   Rachel (Owen) Carter, of Upper Greenwich, New Jersey, both members of the Society of
   Friends, and interested in the maintenance of its principles. Their children: Howard C.,
   born July 6, 1879 Charles A., born May 30, 1881, and died March 14, 1888; Alice R., born
   June 15; 1886; William H., born February 12, 1888; and Mary C., born January 31, 1892.
     Ellwood Roberts is an active worker in the Montgomery County Historical Society, of
   which he is a life member, and has rendered much assistance in editing the two volumes
   of historical sketches which it has published. He purchased for it the building which it
   occupies on Penn street, Norristown, when many of its members feared that the undertaking
   was too great. He and his sister, Mary R. Livezey, have labored steadily to diminish the
   debt, many hundreds of dollars being realized through their exertions, aided by their
   many friends. He is strongly attached to the principles of the Society of Friends, and
   has written and spoken in behalf of them for many years. He is and has been deeply
   interested in the growth and prosperity of Norristown. 
     A Republican in politics, he has cast his influence on the side of good government
   without regard to mere partisanship. In everything relating to the welfare of the
   community, he is active and earnest and ever ready to lend a hand in righting any wrong
   that exists.
     Mr. Roberts is one of the most extensive real-estate owners in Norristown, having been
   engaged in several enterprises of note, first, in conjunction with his father, and, more
   recently, with his son Howard. All his properties are kept in the best repair, nothing
   being allowed to depreciate because of neglect. He believes thoroughly in Norristown as
   the place to make investment, and prefers real estate to stocks or bonds, regarding it
   as having a permanent value, especially in a good location.
     Few men at his age are so active and so capable of continued exertion in anything
   which enlists his interest. He is satisfied with having impressed his personality on the
   community with which he has been so long and so honorably identified, and he has no other
   desire than to serve the interests of those around him by contributing his share to the
   general progress of Norristown.
     ELLEN D. RAMSEY. William W. Ramsey was born on a farm in Chester county, Pennsylvania,
   near the corner of three states. The farm was owned by his maternal grandfather, who was
   among the first settlers of the locality. William W. Ramsey was born January 29, 1847,
   and when he was six years of age his father removed to Philadelphia and engaged in
   butchering. Before the removal to Philadelphia William had attended a private school
   kept by his maternal great-uncle, Alexander Terrell, who was a noted educator of that
   day and fitted young men for college in his Chester county school. William W. Ramsey
   afterward attended the Philadelphia public schools.
   (Page 344)
     His mother subsequently removed with her family to Upper Merion and located near
   Abrams Station, where William grew to manhood. He attended the public schools of the
   neighborhood for a time and later obtained employment on a farm of Moses Walker who
   became his father-in-law. He had charge of this farm until 1870, when Mr. Walker died
   and he took the place in the Norristown market which Mr. Walker had held for many years.
   He was an enterprising man and took a deep interest in everything pertaining to the
   advancement of education in his township. He was a school director in Upper Merion for
   several years. He was elected auditor of Upper Merion and held the office until his
   death. He was an ardent Republican and was frequently a delegate to the county
   conventions. He never missed a vote and was in fact one of those who were never
   questioned as to their political beliefs. He was one of the most popular men in Upper
   Merion and had no enemies. Mr. Ramsey died January 28, 1903. He belonged to the Patrons
   of Husbandry and to the Ancient Order of United Workmen.
     March 27, 1877, William W. Ramsey married Ellen D., daughter of Moses and Sarah S.
   (Davis) Walker. Ellen D. (Walker) Ramsey was born in the house where she now resides, on
   April 19, 1850. They had four children.
     Joseph D., the eldest, born April 3, 1878, resides at home. He returned, in November,
   1902, after a year spent in Irondale, Washington.  He enlisted in June, 1898, in Company
   F, of a Regiment of Pennsylvania, serving in the Spanish-American war. He was in Camp
   Mead and Camp Alger.
     Sarah E., born December 29, 1879, died July 9, 1880. Harold A., born September 3,
   1882, is now in the engineer corps of the Pennsylvania Railway Company at Pittsburg. He
   was graduated from the Norristown high school in 1900, and then attended Drexel
   Institute for two years, taking a course in mechanical arts.
     Charles Dana, born October 4, 1884, was graduated from the Norristown high school and
   now works on the farm.
     Mrs. Sarah Walker, mother of Mrs. Ellen Ramsey, is the daughter of Joseph Davis of
   Chester county, who married Miss Eleanor Stephens, of an old Chester county family.
   Their great-grandfather was a surgeon in the Revolutionary war.
     Moses Walker, father of Mrs. Ramsey, was the son of Joseph and Priscilla (Robinson)
   Walker, and was born in Delaware county. He removed to Montgomery county in 1849 and
   settled on a farm now owned by Mrs. Sarah Walker, where he died on February 4, 1870. He
   was a school director for several terms. He was a member of the Society of Friends and
   attended Valley Friends' Meeting. They had three children: Ellen D.; Lewis, who was born
   November 25, 1855, and died in boyhood; and Sarah R., who was born May 29, 1864, and died
   early in 1873.
     Mrs. Sarah Walker was born September 16, 1825, and her husband in December, 1819. He
   died in 1870.
     DR. SAMUEL C. SEIPLE. The Seiple (original form Seibel) family were among the earliest
   settlers of Bucks county, Pennsylvania. They are of German origin, and possess in a great
   degree the hardy virtues of the race from which they sprang.
     John Seiple (grandfather) was a native of Hilltown township, Bucks county. He was
   educated in the schools of the vicinity, and on leaving school became interested in
   agricultural pursuits, which he followed through life. He married Miss Bryan, the couple
   having twelve children, among them Enos B., father of Dr. Samuel C. Seiple, the subject
   of this sketch.
     Enos B. Seiple was born on the Hilltown homestead in 1805, and died March 23, 1848. He
   was a teacher by occupation, and engaged very successfully for several years in that
   pursuit. Later in life he was employed at the carpenter
   (Page 346)
   trade, which he had learned in the intervals of teaching. In politics Mr. Seiple was a
   Democrat, and held the positions of assessor, collector of taxes and other minor
   offices. In his later years he resided in New Britain township, Bucks county. Mr. Seiple
   married Miss Louisa Cressman, also of Bucks county. The couple had three children:
   Hannah, E. Monroe and Samuel Clinton, the subject of this sketch.
     Dr. Samuel C. Seiple was born in New Britain township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania,
   April 10, 1842. 
     He was educated in the public schools of the township, and also took a course in the
   normal and classical school of Rev. A. R. Horne, at Quakertown, in Bucks county. He then
   engaged in the occupation of teaching, which he followed for five years. He entered, in
   the autumn of 1865, the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, graduating
   from that institution in 1867 with honors. In the autumn of 1867 he located at Centre
   Square, in Whitpain township, opening an office there, and has practiced very
   successfully ever since, his patrons residing in adjoining townships as well as in the
   village and its vicinity. He has the reputation of a safe, careful, practical and
   thoroughly alert medical man. In the course of his practice extending over nearly forty
   years, he has had wide experience, and has given eminent satisfaction to his patrons. It
   may be said of Dr. Seiple that he as a man and a physician enjoys to the fullest possible
   extent the confidence of the people with whom he comes in contact. He is not only an
   excellent physician but a wise counselor in matters of business, and a progressive
   member of the community, always interested in whatever promises to benefit those around
   him. He is now looking forward to retiring from active labor in his profession and
   leaving his practice entirely to his son. He has built up an extensive and lucrative
   practice which Dr. J. Howard Seiple, from long association with his father, is perfectly
   capable of holding and increasing if need be.
     Dr. S. C. Seiple married, in 1867, Miss Mary A. Haenge, daughter of ex-County
   Commissioner Tobias G. Haenge, of Hatfield township, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania. 
     Their children are: Dr. J. Howard Seiple, who married, in 1892, Miss Mattie Magee;
   Mary Algemine, wife of Dr. George F. Sieberling, a well known physician of Allentown,
   Pennsylvania; Lillian M., who died at the age of twenty-one years; Blanche, who died in
   infancy; Margie Alma, residing with her parents, who is a graduate of the high school of
   Whitpain township, and attended Maryland College, near Baltimore.
     Dr. S. C. Seiple, like his forefathers, is an ardent Democrat in politics. He is a
   member of the Medical Society of Pennsylvania, of the Montgomery County Medical Society,
   and of the American Medical Society. He is also a member of the Alumni Society of the
   University of Pennsylvania. He stands deservedly high among the members of the medical
   profession everywhere, and is regarded by his professional brethren as one of their most
   progressive members.
     His qualifications as a financier led to his selection a number of years ago as a
   member of the board of directors of the Montgomery National Bank of Norristown, and in
   addition to his extensive medical practice he has transacted much business in the way of
   settling estates. He and his family are Lutherans in religious faith, and they attend St.
   John's Evangelical church, near Belfry station, on the Stony Creek Railroad. He is a
   member of Charity Lodge, No. 190, Free and Accepted Masons, of Norristown.
     Dr. Seiple is also a member of Norristown Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, of Norristown,
   and of Hutchinson Commandery, No. 32, Knights Templar, of that borough. He is a member
   of Quakertown Council, Junior Order of American Mechanics, and of Centre Square Lodge,
   Independent Order of Odd Fellows. In 1863, when the state was menaced by the army of
   General Lee, he enlisted in the One Hundred and Thirty-eighth Regiment Pennsylvania
   Volunteers, and served three months during the emergency. He is in every sense of the
   word a selfmade man, his parents dying when he was but a mere child, fifteen years of
   age, and he being obliged to depend almost entirely on his own resources. He was left to
   make his own way in the world as best he could. After completing his studies in order to
   become a physician, he found himself about a thousand dollars in debt, but he had his
   profession to depend upon, and he has been all his life an excellent financier, his
   thrift and enterprise securing him an independent and influential position in the
   (Page 346)
     Dr. J. Howard Seiple is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, of the class of
   1891. He located after his graduation at Conshohocken for a short time, and then at
   Pleasantville, in Bucks county, remaining there until the spring of 1894, when he formed
   an equal partnership with his father at Centre Square, and has ever since been engaged in
   practice very successfully at that place.
     He is a member of the Montgomery County Medical Society and of the Pennsylvania
   Medical Society. He is a Democrat also in politics, and is a member of the school board
   of Whitpain township. Dr. J. Howard and Mrs. Mattie Seiple have two children: Howell
   Lockhart and Frances Margaret.
     HENRY A. SCHWEYER, of the firm of Schweyer & Liess, marble dealers at King-of-Prussia,
   was born at Bower's Station, Berks county, Pennsylvania, February 6, 1865. He is the son
   of Daniel H. and Katherine (Landis) Schweyer.
     Daniel H. Schweyer (father) was born in Berks county and spent all the active years of
   his life at Bowers Station, where he is still engaged in the wholesale marble and lumber
   business. He is an active Democrat, has served three terms as justice of the peace and
   one term as prothonotary of Berks county, and also has been a delegate to state and
   county conventions. He is a member of DeLong's Lutheran church and has held every office
   in the church. He is president of the Laurel Hill Lumber Company. He is a member of
   DeMolay Commandery, No. 9, K. T., of Reading, Berks county.
     In 1862 Daniel H. Schweyer married Katherine Landis, daughter of Samuel Landis of
   Berks county. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Schweyer had the following children: Henry A.;
   Harvey L., who was born March 13, 1867, and died March, 1892; Norah L., who was born
   1869, and resides with her parents; Katie L., who was born in 1871, and resides with her
   parents; and Solon L., who was born in 1874, and died in 1901.
     John Schweyer (grandfather) was born in Berks county in 1802. During the first years
   of his life he was a farmer and a teamster and resided at Maxatawney from 1802 to 1896.
   In politics he was a Democrat and was an influential man in his community. He was a
   deacon in the Lutheran church for many years. He died in: Maxatawney township in 1896.
   He was twice married, and by his first wife, Mrs. (Helfrich) Schweyer, he had seven
   children, as follows James, Henry, Jacob, Allen, Alfred, Daniel H. and Francis.
     Henry A. Schweyer was reared at Bowers Station and attended the public schools and the
   Kutztown State Normal School until he was seventeen years of age. He then entered his
   father's marble works at Bowers Station, where he remained three years, from 1882 to
   1885. After leaving Bowers Station he became a member of the firm of Schweyer & Liess.
     The firm have opened two new quarries, bought of John Derr in 1882, and called the
   Reeseville marble quarries. They put in railroad siding, built a new mill with all the
   latest improvements, also a. finishing shop equipped with planers, lathes, rubbing
   machines, pneumatic tools, overhead travelers and quadrupled its capacity. The firm
   ships marble to nearly every state in the Union and also to Canada and Nova Scotia for
   monumental purposes. They have also furnished the marble for thousands of small houses
   within a radius of fifty miles and have supplied the marble for the erection of many
   large buildings. 
     Among the buildings constructed of Pennsylvania blue marble are Montgomery county
   courthouse, Norristown, built in 1854. Addition to Montgomery county courthouse,
   Norristown, built in 1902; United States courthouse, post-office, Williamsport; United
   States post-office, Reading; Bomberger Memorial Hall, Collegeville; Chester high school,
   Chester; Girl's high school, Reading; Central grammar school, Chester; Bryn Mawr
   high-school, Bryn Mawr; St. Patrick's parochial school, Norristown; State Asylum for
   Chronic Insane, Wernersville; John A. Crozer's Home for Incurables, Upland; Allentown
   Hospital, Allentown; St. Mark's Reformed church, Lebanon; Calvary Baptist church,
   Norristown; St. Paul's Reformed church, Sellersville; Grace United Evangelical church,
   Reading; and German Reformed church, Pennsburg. 
     In politics Mr. Schweyer is a Democrat and both he and his family are Lutherans.
     In 1885 Henry A. Schweyer married Miss Maria, daughter of Daniel Y. and Eliza
   (Biernig) Bittenbender. The Bittenbenders are an old family of Herford township, Berks
   county, Pennsylvania, where they were among the first settlers. They were always active
   members of the Lutheran church. 
     The Biernigs were an old family of Upper Macungie township, Lehigh county,
   Pennsylvania, and have representatives of the family in that section of the state. They
   were also Lutherans. Daniel Y. Bittenbender and wife had the following children: Annie,
   who married William Koch and has children: Estella, Herbert (deceased), Freddie, Oscar,
   Howard, Helen and Clarence; Laura, who married Austin Weiler; Maria, who married Henry
   A. Schweyer; Eliza, deceased; Victoria, deceased, who married William Hensinger and had
   one child, Nevin; Oscar, who married Ada Butz and has one child, Lillian.
     Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Schweyer have three children, as follows: Daniel Herbert, born
   May 15, 1886; John Leroy, born December 18, 1889; and Katharine M., born January 8, 1895.
     Katherine Landis, Henry A. Schweyer's mother, was a member of a family who settled in
   District township, Berks county, at an early day and have always been prominent in
   church and township as well as county matters. Many of the family still reside in that
   locality. They are members of the Reformed church.
     Henry A. Schweyer is a member of Fritz Lodge, No. 420, A. F. & A. M., of Conshohocken;
   also Royal Arch Chapter, No. 190, and Hutchinson Commandery, No. 32, both of Norristown;
   and the Elks Lodge of Norristown. He is a member of the Trinity Lutheran church on
   DeKalb street, Norristown.
     MRS. MATILDA B. ESPENSHIP is a descendant of a family long resident in Montgomery
   county. She was born November 29, 1839.
     James K. Espenship, her husband, was born at Trappe, March 4, 1840, and was accustomed
   to farm pursuits in his youth. He was educated in the public schools in the neighborhood
   and in Freeland Seminary. 
     He was the son of John and Sarah (Koons) Espenship. The father of John Espenship was
   Henry, also of that vicinity. Henry's father came from Germany and settled in Bucks
   county, where his son Henry was born, and when married located in Montgomery county.
     Henry Espenship was a prominent farmer of his day. He was a member of the Reformed
   church. His children were: Abraham; John; Henry; Mary, who died unmarried; Catharine,
   Mrs. Cole; and Jacob, who died at Trappe.
     John Espenship (father) grew to manhood on the farm, remaining on the homestead until
   his marriage and then settling on a farm in Perkiomen township. He later retired to
   Norristown, where he died. He was a good business man and attended to conveyancing,
   writing wills, settling estates and transacting other business. He was a Democrat in
   politics but never sought or held office. His children were: James K. (husband); Maria,
   wife of James Schlichter; Abraham; John; and Sarah, unmarried. All were reared in the
   Reformed church.
     James K. Espenship assisted on the homestead until 1863, when he enlisted in a nine
   months' regiment, becoming a member of Company I, One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Regiment,
   Pennsylvania Volunteers. He served his full time with the Army of the Potomac, and
   returning to Harrisburg, was mustered out and honorably discharged. He returned to
   Montgomery county, was married in 1864, engaged in farming, which he continued near
   Evansburg until 1875, when he removed to Norristown and went to work at the carpenter's
   trade, which he yet continues.
   (Page 348)
     He was formerly a Democrat, but later became a Republican, never aspiring to office.
   He resides on Airy street and is a member of the Reformed church.
   He married Miss Matilda Boyer, born at Evansburg, the daughter of Ephraim D. and Rebecca
   (Kline) Boyer.
     Ephraim Boyer (father) was born in Limerick township, being the son of Henry and
   Elizabeth (Doll) Boyer. His father was Jacob Boyer, of Chester county. The family of
   Boyers are of French Huguenot descent, as are also the Doll family. The ancestors of
   both settled in Pennsylvania in colonial days and for many generations the Boyers were
     Henry Boyer (grandfather) followed the family occupation of blacksmithing during his
   active days, and later in life went to Mont Clare, where he made his home with one of
   his children and died there.
     Christian Doll (grandfather of Mrs. Henry Boyer) served in the Revolutionary war and
   was killed at the battle of Germantown. Mrs. Henry Boyer's father was a gentleman
   farmer, taking much pride in keeping his farm in the best possible condition, having one
   of the neatest and most ornamental farms in the county. He was located near Mont Clare,
   where he owned his farm and cultivated it on scientific principles. He was affiliated
   with the Lutheran church. 
     His children were: Mary, Margaret, and Catharine, unmarried; Elizabeth (Mrs. Henry
   Boyer); Sarah (Mrs. E. Coates); Hannah, wife of Rev. John Davis, a Presbyterian
   minister; Theresa (Mrs. Samuel Custer); and Charles, engaged in the stationery and paper
   business in Philadelphia.
     The children of Henry Boyer are: Manasses, a blacksmith; Charles; and Ephraim D.,
   father of Mrs. Espenship:
     Ephraim D. Boyer was born and reared in Montgomery county, being a descendant of two
   prominent early families, Boyer and Doll, both of French extraction. He was reared to
   farm pursuits, but kept in line with the old tradition of the family and chose the trade
   of blacksmithing. After his marriage he located permanently at Evansburg, where he was
   the village blacksmith many years. 
     He married Miss Rebecca Kline, also of an old family in this section of Pennsylvania.
   She was the daughter of Gabriel Kline, who married a Miss Krull. In addition to being a
   farmer, Gabriel Kline was a well known innkeeper at Trappe, his hotel being the resort
   for many years of persons in all stations of life. 
     It was the most popular stopping place between Philadelphia and Reading.  He
   entertained many people of prominence in his day.  His children were Sarah (Mrs. Jacob
   Espenship); Sophia, died unmarried; Henry, a bachelor; Kitty (Mrs. Longstreth); and
   Rebecca (mother of Mrs. Espenship).
     The children of Ephraim D. and Rebecca Boyer are: Matilda (Mrs. J. K. Espenship); and
   Henry K., prominent in Pennsylvania politics.
     Mr. and Mrs. James K. Espenship had three children: Rebecca Grace, unmarried, received
   a liberal education, and has occupied a position at Harrisburg for fourteen years; Henry
   Stanley holds a position in the United States mint at Philadelphia; and Clarence B. is
   also in the mint. Both sons were soldiers in the Spanish-American war. The former was a
   volunteer private of Company M, Second United States Cavalry and served six months,
   while Clarence was in Company D, Sixth Pennsylvania Infantry.
     Mrs. Espenship is a member of the Episcopal church.
     JOHN McKINLAY, one of the best known residents of Lansdale, is a native of Venango
   county, Pennsylvania, where he was born February 14, 1848. He is the son of John and
   Margaret (Smith) McKinlay.
     John McKinlay, subject of this sketch, was educated in public and private schools in
   that county. The family removed to Philadelphia, where he took private lessons. About
   1868 the family settled near Line Lexington, where Mr. McKinlay purchased a small farm,
   remaining there until 1886, when he removed to Lansdale, where he erected one of the
   prettiest and most substantial homes in that borough. He has engaged in the raising of
   mushrooms, and has provided very extensive facilities for that purpose, and is
   prosecuting the business very successfully.
   (Page 349)
     He raises from one thousand to two thousand pounds a year, and finds a ready market
   for them in Philadelphia, New York and Boston. Mr. McKinlay married, in 1894, Miss Emma
   Retta Vanluvanee, daughter of Richard Vanluvanee, of Bucks county, Pennsylvania. They
   have had no children.
     Mr. McKinlay and his wife are very fond of traveling. They have toured the United
   States, and are very familiar with their own country. They have also traveled
   considerably abroad, and have recently returned from a tour to Egypt and other countries
   of the far east. Mr. McKinlay is very fond of reading and is a well informed man on all
   subjects. In politics he is a Prohibitionist, and he has been placed on the party ticket
   for congress and other positions Mr. McKinlay is highly respected by all who know him.
     The McKinlays are of Scotch origin. John McKinlay, father, was born in Scotland and
   was educated there. On arriving at manhood he decided to emigrate to the United States.
   He married, in Scotland, Miss Margaret Smith, and soon afterwards emigrated to this
   country, locating on his arrival in Venango county, Pennsylvania. He was an active and
   progressive business man, and accumulated a considerable fortune. The couple had two
   children born in Scotland, Alexander and William, besides John, who was born in
     FRANCIS B. UPDEGROVE, the well-known grocer who is engaged in business at Second and
   Johnson streets, Pottstown, was born in Berks county, December 12, 1848. He is the son
   of William and Elizabeth (Bower) Updegrove, both of them natives of Berks county. They
   had nine children, all now living, as follows: Mary E., wife of Jacob Bickhart, of near
   Sanatoga; Francis B.; Harrison B., of Salford Station; William B., a resident of
   Oklahoma; Jacob, living at Avery, Kansas; Susan E., wife of Aaron Mutter, of Frederick;
   Thomas F.; of Anadarko, Oklahoma; Annie, of New Hanover township, and Ulysses G., of
   Huntsville, Kansas.
     William Updegrove (father) was a shoemaker by trade, but afterward a farmer in
   Montgomery county, owning a farm in Frederick township. He removed from the farm six
   years before his death, locating some distance above Brendlinger's store, where he died,
   February 20, 1899, aged seventy-six years. His wife survives him and is in her
   eighty-second year. Both the parents were members of the Lutheran denomination. He was a
   Democrat prior to Abraham Lincoln's election as president of the United States but
   subsequent to that time he invariably voted the Republican ticket and supported the
   principles of that party.
     Jacob Updegrove (grandfather) was born in Berks county. He was also a shoemaker by
   trade and followed that occupation until his death, although he owned a small piece of
   land which he tilled himself. His wife was Elizabeth (Schaeffer) Updegrove. He was
   upwards of eighty-years old at the time of his death, as was also his wife. They had ten
     Jacob Bower (maternal grandfather) was a native of Berks county. He was a blacksmith
   by trade and later a farmer. His wife was Susan Happel. He died in his eighty-fifth year
   on the farm in Frederick township, on which he lived with his son-in-law, William
   Updegrove.  The couple had eight children who grew to maturity.
     Francis B. Updegrove spent the first eighteen years of his life in Berks county, where
   he began shoemaking when a boy and worked at that occupation until of age, when he turned
   his attention to farming, which occupation he pursued to the age of thirty-five years,
   and then engaged in the grocery business in Pottstown, which he has continued at the
   same stand since 1884. He owns his place of business, adjacent to which is his handsome
   residence. Mr. Updegrove received a public-school education and followed the occupation
   of teaching one winter, having charge of a school in New Hanover township.
     On December 26, 1876, Mr. Updegrove married Miss Lydia Gilbert. Her mother was Sarah
   (Romie) Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Updegrove's children are: Sarah, William and Edna. Sarah
   married Sidney R. Kepner, of Pottstown. William is a clerk in his father's store. Both
   William and his sister Edna are attending the high school.
   (Page 350)
     Mr. and Mrs. Updegrove are members of the Emanuel Lutheran church. Politically Mr.
   Updegrove is a Republican.
     HENRY FRORER was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, near Soudersburg, August 12,
   1830. His father, Christian Frorer, was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, and there learned
   and followed the tanner's trade. He married Miss Dorothy Schiel and about 1830 they came
   to America, settling in Philadelphia, whence they afterward removed to Lancaster county.
   They had a family of nine children. The father died about 1840 and the mother in 1853.
     Henry Frorer attended the common schools, but received only limited educational
   privileges, and it was necessary for him to earn his own living at an early age. He had
   always been a reader, however, and ever kept well informed on the leading topics of the
   time. When he was fourteen years of age, his mother, who was then a widow, removed to
   Philadelphia where Henry served an apprenticeship with the building firm of Lanning &
   Sill. After learning his trade he followed it in Philadelphia until 1891. 
     In 1861 he became a builder and a contractor, continuing so until he abandoned active
   life. He remained in Philadelphia until 1891 and then located near Bryn Mawr where he
   built many fine houses. 
     The summer home of George W. Childs, called Wooton, which became famous as a gathering
   place for famous men, Pembroke Hall at Bryn Mawr College, the Bryn Mawr Hospital, the
   summer homes of Lincoln Godfry, Charles Stewart, and many others, were his handiwork. 
     In 1895 Henry Frorer built St. Thomas' Episcopal church, near the Dupont Circle, in
   Washington, D. C.
     In 1895 Mr. Frorer bought the Maple Croft farm near King-of-Prussia, consisting of one
   hundred and six acres of land, a handsome house, grounds, and buildings. On this farm he
   spent the remainder of his life, surrounded by every comfort. In every sense of the word
   Mr. Frorer was a self-made man, as he started in life with only his hands and the energy
   which was inherited from his German ancestors.
     In politics he was independent and voted for the man or party that he thought would do
   the most for the country. He belonged to the Masonic fraternity, Montgomery Lodge of
     September 29, 1862, Henry Frorer married Miss Catharine, daughter of Thomas and Ann
   (Clark) Charlton, who were natives of Ireland, but were married in Philadelphia. Mrs.
   Frorer was born in Philadelphia, December 26, 1836. Their children: Robert C., who was
   born April 28, 1864, and died December 7, 1902, married Miss Sarah Neuman and had two
   children, Henry R. and Elizabeth N. Henry, Jr., who was born August 7, 1867, and died
   May 6, 1899, married Miss Susan Lynch and had two children, James R. and Catharine C.
   Thomas, born October 13, 1871, died March 17, 1876. Mr. Frorer died July 26. 1904.
     JESSE B. REIGNER, a farmer residing at No. 358 Charlotte street, Pottstown, was born
   in Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, October 15, 1834. He is the son of Jacob and Susanna
   (Bickel) Reigner.
     Jacob Reigner (father) was born either in Philadelphia or in Montgomery county, and
   followed the trade of blacksmithing for many years, tilling the soil for the last few
   years of his life. He owned a farm in New Hanover township and also one in Pottsgrove
   and Limerick townships. He was supervisor for about twelve terms. For a short time
   before his death he lived retired on a farm in New Hanover township, dying at the age of
   seventy-three years. His wife survived him. He was a lieutenant in the State Militia. Mr.
   and Mrs. Reigner belonged to the Reformed and Lutheran churches respectively, and he was
   a deacon, later a trustee and finally an elder in his church. Mr. and Mrs. Reigner had
   nine children, six sons and three daughters; William, deceased; Sophia, who married
   Frederick Missimer and both are deceased; Caroline, widow of Harry Specht; John; Jesse
   B.; Aaron B. of Pottstown; Mary, wife of Benjamin Fryer, of New Hanover township; and
   Henry and Jacob B., of Pottstown. John Reigner (grandfather) was a native of
   Pennsylvania and lived in Philadelphia for some time. He died while still a young man,
   in 1808. His wife married again and died in Philadelphia. He had two children. His
   father, the founder of the family in this country, emigrated from Germany.
   (Page 351)
   The maternal grandfather of Jesse B. Reigner was a farmer in Pennsylvania. He had a
   large family and lived to an old age.
     Jesse B. Reigner was reared on his father's farms in Pottsgrove, New Hanover and
   Limerick townships and attended the old-fashioned subscription schools. After reaching
   manhood he worked by the day for one year and then rented a farm for two years, in
   Pottsgrove township. He next purchased a farm of eighty-two acres in Chester county,
   four and a half miles south of Pottstown, and lived there twenty-nine years. At the end
   of that time he removed to Pottstown, but still owns the homestead where he resided for
   so long a time. He had been engaged in Pottstown for a number of years before he left
   the farm, selling agricultural implements, flour and feed. He has resided in Pottstown
   for about sixteen years.
     On September 20, 1857, Mr. Reigner married Angeline G., daughter of George and Lydia
   (Gilbert) Bickel. They have four children, Horace, Mary Jane, Ida Kate and Anna Emma.
   Horace married Sarah Catharine Roberts, they having two children, Lewis Robert and Jesse
   Harold. Mary Jane married George Haws, they having three daughters, Annie Blanche, Laura
   and Lillian May. Ida Kate married Jonas A. Kulp, they having three sons, Irvin, Ernest
   Ray and George. Anna Emma married Milton E. Dewalt, they having seven children, Elsie
   Lillian, Annie Mabel, Ida, Harry, Jennie, Howard and Bessie.
     Mr. and Mrs. Reigner are members of Trinity Reformed church, of Pottstown, he having
   been one of its deacons for a period of nearly twenty-five years. Politically Mr.
   Reigner is a Democrat. He was a school director for a number of years and has been
   treasurer and collector, as well as township auditor, for some years. He was treasurer
   of the Creamery Association for sixteen years.
     Mrs. Reigner's parents were natives of Pottsgrove township and died on their home
   farm, the father at upwards of seventy years of age, his wife at sixty-eight. They had
   six children, of whom four are now living, as follows: Angeline G., wife of Jesse B.
   Reigner; George C.; Augustus H.; and Amelia, wife of Nathan Barlow. Her father was a
   farmer, and after he retired was supervisor for a short time. Lewis Bickel
   (grand-father) married Susanna Reigner. Mrs. Reigner's maternal grandfather was John
   Gilbert. He died in Pottsgrove township at an advanced age. His wife was a Miss Shick.
   HOWARD W. GEIST, of the firm of Geist & March, dealers in tin roofing and house
   furnishings, No. 453 High street, Pottstown, was born in Pottstown, September 12, 1862,
   and is the son of William and Sarah (Slonaker) Geist. William Geist (father) was born in
   Montgomery county. He lived in Upper Pottsgrove township, where he was a farmer. In 1880,
   putting aside the work of the farm, he removed to Pottstown and lived retired until his
   death. He died in 1895, aged sixty years. His widow still survives. They were members of
   the Trinity Reformed church. In politics he was a Democrat, and served in the town
   council one term. Mr. Geist owned a great deal of property in Pottstown, his money being
   for the most part invested in town lots. William and Sarah (Slonaker) Geist had three
   children, one son and two daughters: Howard W.; Elizabeth, wife of Howard S. Reifsnyder;
   and Emma S., wife of Josiah H. Erb.
     Matthias Geist (grandfather) was also a native of Montgomery county and was of German
   descent. He learned the black-smith trade, but devoted the greater part of his life to
   fanning. He was the owner of a large tract of land in the northern part of what is now
   the borough of Pottstown, known as Mintzer's addition. He married Frederica Stetler and
   they had three children, two sons and one daughter. He died at the age of seventy-eight
   (Page 352)
     Frederick Slonaker (maternal grandfather), a native of Montgomery county, lived for
   many years on his farm in Upper Pottsgrove township, at the same time carrying on his
   business of a carpenter and builder in Pottstown. He is now living in Pottstown, which
   has been his home for the last twenty years, he being now eighty-seven years of age. He
   married Elizabeth Yolin, who died several years ago, at the age of eighty years. They
   had a large family. Mr. Slonaker was a school director, serving very acceptably for a
   number of years. His father was Daniel Slonaker, the family being of German origin.
     Howard W. Geist has lived in the borough of Pottstown all his life with the exception
   of a few years spent in the country when he was very young. He attended the Pottstown
   public schools, the Hill school and the Franklin and Marshall College, at Lancaster.
     After coming of age Mr. Geist was employed as a clerk in the shoe store of A. K.
   Edelman for one year, and with J. W. Evans, tobacconist, two years. He was next employed
   as a traveling salesman for Eshbach & Kolb, cigar manufacturers, for a year and a half,
   when he entered the service of Slonaker & Son as a clerk, the firm being changed to F.
   Y. Slonaker soon after his connection with it. He continued in this position until Mr.
   Slonaker sold out to O. W. Wentzel in 1895, in which year Mr. Geist formed a partnership
   with D. K. March, which still continues, the firm name being Geist & March.
     On November 28, 1894, Howard W. Geist married Miss Addie L. Wolf, daughter of Andrew
   and Annie (Missimer) Wolf. They had three children, as follows: Robert and Paul, both of
   whom died in infancy, and Louis.
     Mr. and Mrs. Geist are members of the Trinity Reformed congregation and he is a
   deacon. Mr. Giest belongs to the following secret orders: Stichter Lodge, No. 254, Free
   and Accepted Masons; Manatawny Lodge of Odd Fellows, No. 214; the Foresters of America
   and the Royal Arcanum. Politically he is a Democrat and is president of the Pottstown
   school board, to which responsible position he was elected in 1902. He resides at 240
   Beech street, and owns five properties in Pottstown, besides some wood land in
   Schuylkill county.
     Mrs. Geist's father, Andrew Wolf, was born in Germany, but her mother was born in
   Montgomery county, Pennsylvania. Mr. Wolf came to America when six years old, and
   settled immediately in Montgomery county, where he died in 1895, at the age of sixty
   years. His wife is still living in Pottstown. They had ten children, four sons and six
     Peter Wolf, grandfather of Mrs. Geist, died at Royersford, Montgomery county, at an
   advanced age. His wife was Dorothy Wolf.
     The maternal grandfather of Mrs. Geist was Joshua Missimer. He was born in Montgomery
   county. He married Deborah Frederick and they had four children, three daughters and one
   son. He was a school teacher and a farmer.
     HARVEY SOUDER, the well known cigar box maker, of Souderton, is a son of James Souder,
   now deceased, of Franconia township, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania. He was born on the
   homestead, May 19, 1863.
     His opportunities for education were somewhat limited, but he gained what knowledge he
   could at the public schools of the vicinity prior to reaching his seventeenth year, when
   he entered his father's planing mill at Souderton to learn the business. It was while he
   was thus engaged that he developed the idea that has placed him on the top round of the
   ladder of success.
     He conceived the idea of the making of cigar boxes to supply the cigar factories that
   have sprung up at all the towns along the North Pennsylvania Railroad within the last
   few years. At, first he made them in the evenings at home, in small quantities. He then
   decided to make a start with machinery adapted to the purpose, which he established in a
   room ten by twelve feet. There he started with fifty dollars capital and endeavored with
   his different appliances to manufacture a hundred cigar boxes a day. 
     From the beginning of the enterprise Mr. Souder met with success, and his manner of
   manufacturing them so pleased his customers that they sent in orders
   (Page 353)
   for larger and larger quantities until he was overwhelmed by the rapidity with which his
   business expanded, and he was compelled to again and again increase his facilities. He
   erected a factory especially for the purpose of malting the boxes, and put in new
   machinery better adapted than ever to their manufacture, using a two-horse power engine
   to operate it. Mrs. Souder, who was engaged in the tailoring business, conceived the
   idea of making use of the surplus power in her business, and continued increasing her
   plant until she had seven sewing machines in operation, and employed eight and ten
   assistants in her business. 
     The cigar box manufacture had increased by this time to such proportions that a new
   establishment was erected, twenty by thirty feet in dimensions, and new machinery
   purchased, so that the work could go on with greater rapidity than ever, and a renewed
   effort could he made to supply the enormous demand for the boxes. Later another addition
   was made to the building, and another story placed upon it. At the present time Mr.
   Souder is turning out seven thousand boxes a day, and his business is constantly on the
   increase. He employs over eighty hands, and is unable to supply the demand.
     Mr. Souder married, in 1884, Miss Elizabeth Blank, of Telford, daughter of William
   Blank. The couple have one child Walter. He is assisting his father at the mill. Air.
   Souder is a self made man, and enjoys the respect and esteem of all who know him. He has
   prospered exceedingly, and owns several fine properties besides the handsome house in
   which he resides.
     In politics he is an active Republican. Fraternally he is a member of the Independent
   Order of Odd Fellows. He is treasurer of the Progressive Realty Company of Souderton, an
   organization formed to benefit the town and its interests. He and his family attend the
   Lutheran church.
     ELLIS MILLS, a dealer in dry goods, millinery, notions, etc., at 223-7 High street,
   Pottstown, was horn in Lancashire, England, March 20, 1846. He is the son of William
   Mills (father) was a cotton broker, buying and selling cotton in England. 
     In 1869 he emigrated to America, and settled in Manayunk, where he died in 1872, aged
   fifty-three years. His wife died in England in 1848. In religious faith they were
   members of the established Church of England. They were both born in England. They had
   three children, two of whom are now living: Sarah Ann, wife of Mr. Walker, of
   Lancashire, England; and Ellis.
     John Mills (grandfather) died in England in his eighty-ninth year, leaving a small
   family. The maternal grandfather of Ellis Mills also died in England.
     Ellis Mills was educated in England. He came to America in company with his father
   when he was twenty-three years of age and has established a reputation for high
   character and excellent business qualifications of which any man might be proud.
     Soon after his arrival in America, on August 28, 1873, Ellis Mills married Miss Alice
   Stanney, daughter of Abner and Ellen Stanney. They have four children, as follows: Ellen
   Stanney Mills, a teacher; William and Charles Adams Mills, who are associated with their
   father in his business; and Edna Lees Mills, a graduate of Rogers Hall School, Lowell,
   Massachusetts. Mr. and Mrs. Mills are members of the Episcopal church of Pottstown and
   he is a vestryman.
     Mr. Mills belongs to Manatawny Lodge, No. 304, I. O. O. F., the Royal Arcanum and
   other Organizations. He has been a member of the I.O O. F. over thirty years and of the
   Arcanum for twenty years. In politics he is a prominent member of the Republican party
   and has been a school director for three years. His residence is at 128 King street.
     Mr. Mills settled in Pottstown in 1873 and established the business which has become
   the largest dry-goods store in Pottstown. He employs from thirty to forty persons, and
   his store is one of the best appointed in Montgomery county in the line of dry-goods,
   millinery and notions. He is doing a wholesale and retail business, extending over a
   radius of from ten to fifteen miles to the country stores. He has built up the business
   from a small beginning, and his store would to-day be a credit to any city. 
   (Page 354)
     Mr. Mills is a self-made man and owes his success entirely to his indefatigable
   energy, progressive spirit and good management. He is highly regarded as a citizen of
     JOHN H. JARRETT was born in Horsham township, June 21, 1858. He has resided in
   Norristown since 1889, and is one of the most successful liverymen in the state.
     The Jarretts are an old family in Horsham township, their first ancestor having come
   from the highlands of Scotland and settled in Pennsylvania at an early date.
     Jonathan Jarrett (grandfather) was born on the homestead in Horsham township. He
   married Agnes Roberts, daughter of Joseph Roberts, and resided on the place of his birth
   all his life, being the owner of the farm. He was a prominent member of the Society of
   Friends. In politics he was a Whig and later a Republican. His children were Roberts and
     Roberts Jarrett was born on the homestead farm near the place of his father's
   nativity. He grew to manhood there, acquiring an education at the public schools of the
   neighborhood, and attending for one winter the school of Rev. Samuel Aaron, at
   Norristown. He married Tacy H., daughter of John and Rachel (Evans) Molt. She was born
   in P1ymouth township, near Norristown, July 2, 1828. She also belongs to a Montgomery
   county family of Friends, being a member of Gwynedd Monthly Meeting. Their children are
   John H., born June 24, 1858, and J. Roberts, born June 27, 1861. Roberts Jarrett was
   born in 1832 and died in October, 1860.
     John Jarrett (great-grandfather of the subject) was also a prominent resident of
   Horsham township. He owned a large tract of land forming the Jarrett homestead. It is
   divided into two farms, one owned by Charles Jarrett and the other by Mrs. Tacy J.
   Ambler. John Jarrett married Elizabeth Lukens. His children were Jonathan (grandfather);
   Ann, who married Chalkley Kenderdine; Jane, who died young; Mary, who married Charles I.
   Dagen; Hannah, unmarried; Tacy, who married Richard Moore; and Miller J., unmarried.
     Tacy, widow of Roberts Jarrett, married (second husband) Benjamin Borden, a well-known
   Friend of Norristown. They resided until his death on Willow street above Elm,
   Norristown. The past few years Tacy Borden has resided at the Friends home, Swede and
   Powell streets, and although advanced in years and suffering from impaired vision, her
   genial disposition and kindness of heart have made her hosts of friends.
     John H. Jarrett grew to manhood on the family homestead in Horsham township, attending
   Friends School at Horsham and other neighboring schools. He also attended, for one term,
   a school at Wilmington, Delaware, of which Jonathan H. Taylor was principal. Later he
   studied one term at the Nest Chester State Normal School. After his marriage he
   conducted a store at Davis Grove, in Horsham township, for eight years, being postmaster
   during that time. In the spring of 1889 he sold his store and removed to Norristown. Soon
   afterward the livery stable which he now occupies on Jacoby street, near DeKalb, was sold
   at sheriffs sale and was purchased by J. P. Hale Jenkins. John H. Jarrett soon bought it
   of Mr. Jenkins. The stables were small and badly arranged at that time. The previous
   owner had allowed the business to run down, and Mr. Jarrett started in a small way with
   only eight horses. He increased his facilities from time to time until his establishment
   is among the most extensive in the county. He has fifty teams and his tally-ho is a
   familiar sight in the streets of Norristown, its owner seldom allowing any one but
   himself to drive it. He also owns another fine livery establishment at Chain and
   Marshall streets, where a large number of horses and vehicles are kept, he having bought
   it July 8, 1902, and operated it since, with Edwin Conrad as manager.
     In politics Mr. Jarrett is a Republican. He has been occasionally a delegate to county
   conventions, but is ordinarily too busy to give much attention to such matters. He is a
   member of the Masonic order, and of Norris Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He
   is also a member of Lynwood Lodge, Ancient Order of United Workmen. 
   (Page 355)
     Mr. Jarrett married, February 13, 1881, Mary, daughter of Benjamin L. and Isabel
   (White) Lightfoot. Their children are: Benjamin L., who was born May 24, 1883, and died
   in infancy; and William L., born May 20, 1885.
     The Lightfoots are an old family in eastern Pennsylvania. Benjamin H. Lightfoot
   (father of Mrs. Jarret) was born in Maidencreek township, Berks county, April 4, 1830.
   His father was Benjamin W., who resided in Berks county until his death. The family is
   of English origin, their ancestor having come to America in William Penn's time. The
   Lightfoots have intermarried with many of the prominent families of Friends in
   Montgomery and adjacent counties.
     Benjamin W. (grandfather of Mrs. Jarrett) married Rachel Lee, of Exeter, Berks county,
   where the Lees, were an old family. Rachel (Lee) Lightfoot was a granddaughter of Thomas
   Pim, who came to America with his father and settled in Chester county about 1730. He
   had a large family of children, one daughter, Rachel, becoming the wife of Nathan
   Spencer, of Germantown. Hannah married Dr. Miller, of Downingtown, whose descendants
   reside near Erie, Pennsylvania. Ann married John Edge. Sarah married Amos Lee, whose
   youngest daughter, Rachel, was the mother of Benjamin W. Lightfoot.
     Benjamin W. and Rachel Lightfoot had the following children: Amos (deceased), who
   married Miss Bland; Sarah (deceased), who married David Hilles; Hannah (deceased), who
   married Jacob Thomas; Susan (deceased); Anna, who is the widow of Ellwood Thomas and
   resides on Jacoby street, Norristown; Ellen, unmarried; and Benjamin H., father of Mrs.
     Benjamin H. Lightfoot was born in 1840 and removed with his mother and the family to
   Upper Dublin township, Montgomery county, near Jarrettown, where he grew to manhood. On
   starting in life he farmed for a time, and then removed to Norristown, where he was
   engaged in the grocery business at the corner of Willow and Elm streets for thirty
   years. He is a Republican in politics but never sought or held office, except that he
   served for six rears in the town council of Norristown. He retired from the grocery
   business a few years ago, since which time he has assisted his son-in-law, John H.
   Jarrett, in the livery business.
     JAMES S. CAMERON. Among those employed in the service of the Philadelphia & Reading
   Railway Company, residing in Bridgeport, and are thus engaged in transporting the
   products of our country from point to point, James S. Cameron stands deservedly high. He
   was born in Port Richmond, Philadelphia county, October 18, 1864, and is therefore a
   comparatively young man. 
     In 1868 his father removed to King-of-Prussia, where James attended the public schools
   of the vicinity until he was thirteen years of age. He then obtained employment with
   Howard J. Matthias, on his farm at King-of-Prussia, remaining there several years. 
     He next engaged with Daniel O. Hitner at his marble quarry at Hendersons Station,
   remaining in that employ four years, working at whatever was to be done.
     In 1886 Mr. Cameron became a brakeman on the Pennsylvania & Schuylkill Valley
   Railroad, holding that position one year and ten months, after which he went to
   Bridgeport, and in October, 1888, engaged in the occupation of brakeman on the Reading
   Railway, being the first man employed by Agent John H. Gehret when he assumed the
   position he now holds and which he has ably filled for many years.
     After two years Mr. Cameron was promoted to conductor on shifting work in Bridgeport,
   remaining in this capacity six years, during which time he was associated with Harman
   Custer as engineer on the same train. His promotion to fireman followed in 1896, and he
   continued as such until 1899, when he was given an engine in the Bridgeport yard,
   holding it ever since.
     Mr. Cameron has been a member several years of the Bridgeport Presbyterian church, of
   which his wife is also a member. He is a Republican in politics but has time only to
   (Page 356)
     Richard Cameron (father) was born near Burngranna, County Donegal, Ireland, in May,
   1838. When he was fifteen years of age he left his native land and the home in which his
   ancestors had lived for several generations and went to Scotland, where he resided three
   years, learning and working at the painters trade. 
     In 1856 he took passage on a sailing vessel and came to America, landing in New York,
   and at once carne to Montgomery county, Pennsylvania.
     John Cameron (grandfather) and his wife and daughter came to New York at the same time
   as Richard Cameron, and joined sons and daughters who had previously come to this state,
   the men finding employment in the Henderson marble quarries in Upper Merion township.
   The son Richard also obtained work in the quarry, and has followed this business ever
   since, competing successfully with many younger men. He has been a Presbyterian nearly
   all his life and now belongs to the Bridgeport church of that denomination. In politics
   Richard Cameron, like most Protestant Irishmen, is a Republican.
     In November, 1862, Richard Cameron married Miss Christine, daughter of James and Mary
   (McDonald) Smith. Mrs. Cameron was born in Burnfoot, County Donegal, Ireland, and came
   alone to the United States at the age of eighteen years, reaching Philadelphia after a
   voyage of six weeks and three days. Several years afterward her parents and the J other
   children followed her, going to Philadelphia and making Montgomery county their home.
     The children of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cameron are as follows: Joseph (deceased) was
   born September 18, 1863. James S., is the subject of this sketch. John (deceased) was
   born June 26, 1866. Jane, born February 8, 1868, married David McCleery.
     Their children are Christiana S., Mary M. and twins, Russel and Pauline. Richard, born
   January 27, 1870, married Annie Kirkpatrick and they have two children, John K. and
   Helen. Catharine married William J. Kutz and they have one child, Mabel C. William S.
   (deceased) was born December 16, 1874. Mary M., born April 8, 1876, completes the family.
     On September 30, 1889, James S. Cameron married Miss Ella M., daughter of Jonathan E.
   and Ellen (Noss) Rogers. She was born May 24, 1871. Their union has been blessed with
   the following children: James S., Jr., born July 12, 1891, Richard F., born August 22,
   1893; Jonathan R., born Tone 23, 1897; Lillie born September 13, 1900; and Christine S.,
   born June 18, 1903.
     Jonathan E. Rogers (father of Mrs. Cameron) was born in Bridge Valley, Bucks county,
   Pennsylvania, May 3, 1842, In 1857 his fathers. family went to Conshohocken, and in the
   fall of 1858 he followed. The next spring he apprenticed himself to Hipple S. Jones to
   learn the carpenter trade. Before the end of his apprenticeship the Rebellion was began
   and on September 9, 1861, he enlisted in Company C, Eighth Pennsylvania Volunteer
   Infantry, to serve three years. 
     During his term of service he was engaged with his regiment in the following actions:
   Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Gainesville and the second battle of Bull Run. In the last
   named he received a gunshot wound in the face, and was taken prisoner, but was paroled on
   the field. He was sent to Philadelphia and was placed in a private hospital, but was at
   home most of the time on passes until his wound healed. He rejoined his regiment in time
   to participate in the battle of Chancellorsville, and well remembers it, as it was fought
   on the anniversary of his birth. Previous to the battle he was in the rear of
   Fredericksburg, in May, 1863. On June 12, of the same year, his regiment broke camp and
   made a forced march of twenty miles. On June 14th, they resumed their march and on the
   17th reached Guilford Station, where they rested until the 19th, when they had another
   hard march of fourteen miles through heavy rain, reaching Goose Creek at midnight,
   without tents or shelter of any kind. They stayed there until June 25th and then crossed
   the Potomac at Edwards Ferry, and halted at Barnesville. The next day they crossed the
   Monocacy and reached Middletown, where they halted for the night. On June 26th they
   began the march to Emmetsburg, which place they reached June 29th. On the following day
   the march was resumed, Marsh Creek being reached, and there they were sent out on picket
   duty. On July 1, they reached Gettysburg, and participated in the first days battle. The
   (page 357)
   made a charge, capturing many prisoners and three stands of colors. That night they were
   driven back to Cemetery Hill, where they lay on their arms until July 2d. With his
   regiment Mr. Rogers was in all the three days' fight, escaping without a scratch
   although he had several narrow escapes. 
     After the battle of Gettysburg he took part with his regiment in the following actions
   Mine Run, Spottsylvania (three days), North Anna, Bethel Church, Tolopotomy (two days),
   Cold Harbor, White Oak Swamp, before Petersburg (two days) Norfolk Railroad, Weldon
   Railroad, Jerusalem Plank Road, Southside Railroad (December 8-11, 1864), Hatcher's Run,
   Quaker Road, Gravelly Run, Five Forks and Appomattox Court House.
     Mr. Rogers was mustered out with his regiment June 30, 1865. He had re-enlisted
   January 25, 1864, at Culpepper, Virginia, in same company and regiment, for three years
   or during the war. In October, 1864, he was promoted to corporal; May 1, 1865, to
   sergeant; June 13, 1865, to first sergeant; and to second lieutenant June 14, 1865, but
   was not mustered in as such.
     While home on veteran furlough Mr. Rogers, married, February 27, 1864, Mary Ellen,
   daughter of George Moss. She was born July 27, 1845. They had three children: Anna
   Matilda, born August 21, 1866, married Thomas R. Smith, of Conshohocken, and their
   children are Anna and Ellen.
     Martha A., born December 14, 1869, married John Huzzard and their children are Bertha
   and Ella. Ella M., born May 24, 1871, is the wife of James S. Cameron.
     After the war Mr. Rogers worked at his trade until 1867, when he entered the employ of
   Alan Wood & Company, Conshohocken, remaining with them thirteen years. He has since been
   employed by the J. Wood Brothers' Company and is one of their most trusted workmen.
     In politics Mr. Rogers is a Republican but has never sought or held office. He is a
   member of George Smith Post, G. A. R., of Conshohocken. His father was Andrew E. Rogers,
   and his mother, Margaret Kelly. The children of Andrew and Margaret Rogers are: Jonathan
   E.; William K.; George M. (deceased), who served in the same company, confined in Libby
   Prison from August i9, 1864, and was drowned while on his way from Annapolis to City
   Point, to join his regiment; Margaret Charlotte and Martha, both deceased.
     Andrew E. Rogers was in the Forth-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteer Militia. He enlisted
   June 1, 1863, and was mustered out August 13, the same year.
     William K., brother of Jonathan E. also served in the Rebellion three years, being a
   member of the Second United States Regular Cavalry.
     WILLIAM RALSTON SHULER, deceased, was born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, on French
   creek, April 13, 1828, and died December 4, 1889. He was the son of John and Eliza
   (Ralston) Shuler.
     John Shuler (father) was born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, and devoted his life to
   tilling the soil. He died in Chester county, aged fifty-three years. His wife survived
   him many years, dying at the age of ninety years. They belonged to the Reformed church,
   and are buried in Benneback's churchyard. He served in the war of 1812. His wife was
   also a native of Chester county. They had five children, three daughters and two sons,
   as follows: Catharine, William Ralston and Lewis H., all deceased; Emma, wife of John
   Sheeler, of Spring City, Pennsylvania; and Elizabeth, wife of Martin Lapp, of Rutledge,
   Delaware county, Pennsylvania.
     William Shuler (grandfather) owned an oil mill in Chester county. He was of German
     The maternal grandfather of William R. Shuler was born in Pennsylvania and was of
   Scotch descent. His wife was a Miss Heffelfinger.
     William R. Shuler was reared in Chester county on the farm, and attended the
   old-fashioned neighborhood subscription schools. He remained at home and followed
   farming with his father until the latter's death when he became his successor, and
   continued to carry on the home farm for some years. Selling the farm, he engaged in
   merchandising at Wilson's Corner, on French creek. From that place he went to Birdsboro,
   where he conducted a hotel for three years, removing to Pottstown in 1870, and purchasing
   the Farmers' Hotel. He changed its name to the Shuler House and continued to conduct it
   until the time of his death. It still bears his name.
   (page 358)
     On October 17, 1854, William R. Shiner married Miss Elizabeth Baker, daughter of Jacob
   and Mary (Rosenberg) Baker. They had eight children as follows.
     John Clement (deceased) married Barbara Hartenstine and they had two children, one now
   living, Nanna. Lewis Irwin (deceased) married (first wife) Irene Airgood, and (second
   wife) Mattie Malsberger, who is also deceased. William R. married Emma Weand and they
   have one child, Lewis Irwin. William R. Shuler is the proprietor of the Shuler Hotel and
   has been ever since his father's death, acting as manager up to the death of his mother.
   Mary Eliza died when nineteen years old.	Emma Jane died when seventeen years old. Carrie
   Theressa married Montague Blaine and they live in Reading. Ella Catherine and Anna May,
   both live with their mother.
     William R. Shuler was reared by German Reformed parents but was not himself identified
   with any church. His wife was a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the
   Transfiguration. Mr. Shuler was a Democrat in politics but never sought or held office.
     Mrs. Shuler's parents, Jacob and Mary (Rosenberg) Baker, were also natives of Chester
   county and lived on the opposite side of French creek from the Shulers, at a place
   called Sheetertown, where Mr. Baker kept a hotel. He (lied in August, 1828, aged
   twenty-six years. His wife survived him many years, and died at the Shuler Hotel, in
   February, 1883, aged seventy-eight years. They were both members of the Lutheran church.
   They had two children, a son and a daughter. The son, John Baker, died unmarried at the
   age of twenty-eight years. His sister, Mrs. Shuler, died January 12, 1904.
     Mrs. Shiner's paternal grandfather was John Baker. His father came from Germany and
   settled in Chester county, where he (John) conducted a hotel called the Seven Stars, and
   there he reared his family. His wife was Elizabeth Pelts.
     Mrs. Shuler's maternal grandfather Rosenberg was a German, and lived at Bethlehem,
   where he died in the prime of life, leaving a widow and a son and a daughter. His widow
   married Mr. Owens, who was a plantation owner in Cuba, where they both died.
     GEORGE M. DETWILER, a well-known contractor of Norristown, is a native of Chester
   county, where he was born June 30, 1862, his parents then residing at Spring City. From
   that place his father removed to Philadelphia, when he was six years of age. The elder
   Detwiler kept the Sorrel Horse Hotel, at Fourth and Vine streets, for four years, and
   then removed to Phoenixville, where he stayed until George M. had reached manhood.
     George M. Detwiler was educated in the public schools of Philadelphia, Phoenixville
   and Norristown. when he was seventeen years of age. he started out to learn the trade of
   plastering with his father. He served as an apprentice four years and after he had
   finished his trade he remained with his father until the latter's death, about 1888.
   After his father's death the son finished the contracts on which he was engaged, and
   then worked for five years in Philadelphia, Washington and New York, thus thoroughly
   mastering his trade and gaining the experience which was to be of great value to him in
   after life. In this way he fitted himself for any kind of work in his line, however
     In 1893 Mr. Detwiler returned to Norristown, and, though almost without capital,
   entered upon the career of contractor and business man in which he has been so
   successful. He has completed some of the most important contracts in Norristown, among
   them the reconstruction of the interior of the Montgomery National Bank the upper
   stories of the cigar manufactory of Gresh & Sons: the Elks' Home on Main street; the
   parish building of All Saints' church; the new Jeffersonville Presbyterian church; the
   Bridgeport Baptist church; the magnificent building of the Norristown Trust Company; the
   work on the plant of the Adam Scheidt Brewing Company; work at Watt's Mill; the
   residences of Assemblyman John H. Rex, Attorney Hillegass, Louis N. McCarter, and many
   others of the finest mansions on DeKalb and West Main streets, the most prominent
   thoroughfares of Norristown. Mr. Detwiler is straightforward in his business methods,
   always takes care that his employes receive their wages at the end of the week and never
   leaves any bills unpaid.
   (Page 359)
     Mr. Detwiler is a member of Tecumseh Tribe, Improved Order of Red Men, of John F.
   Hartranft Conclave of Heptasophs; and the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, all of
   Norristown. He and his wife are both members of the Central Presbyterian church. He is a
   Republican in politics, but not an office-seeker, although never missing an opportunity
   to cast his ballot for the candidates who represent his party principles.
     On May 3, 1881, he married Hattie S., daughter of Levi Bolton, who was born June 20,
   1861. Their children are: George, born March 19, 1885; Raymond B., born October 19,
   1886; Amos L., born June 1, 1888; Alice N., born April 26, 1890; and Willis Bland, born
   March 9, 1901.
     Amos Detwiler (father) was born October 25, 1816, and died December 14, 1888. He was
   born and grew to manhood in Lower Providence township, Montgomery county. Before his
   removal to Spring City in 1861, he learned and followed the trade of plasterer. He built
   the Spring City Hotel and managed it for five years until he leased the Sorrel Horse
   Hotel in Philadelphia, where he remained six years. He afterwards managed the Western
   Hotel, on Market street, on the site of Gimbel Brothers' store and later the Ellerton
   House at Fourteenth and Ridge avenue. In 1872 he went to Phoenixville and engaged in the
   business which he had learned in his youth, that of a contracting plasterer, and in 1876
   settled in Norristown, continuing as a plasterer until his death.
      Many of the best residences of Norristown contain specimens of his work, among others
   the home of Charles Templeton. He was a member of the Knights of Friendship. Though his
   life was too busy for him to devote much time to politics, he was a staunch Republican.
   In religion he remained in the faith of his father, the Reformed Mennonite.
     Amos Detwiler was buried in the burial-ground of the Trinity Reformed church of
   Collegeville. He married Elizabeth Vanderslice and they had ten children, as follows:
   Kate; Mary; Warren, who enlisted in 1861 and served until after he lost his arm at
   Antietam, when he was discharged, and remained at home for a short time, since which
   time he has lived in Manayunk, serving as a mail carrier and working in a mill; Anthony,
   who died young; John; Sarah; Frank; Milton; Martin; and one who died in infancy.
     After the death of his first wife Amos Detwiler married, in 1858, Mrs. Hanna Bland,
   daughter of Peter and Hannah Hill. She was born October 28, 1824. Amos and Hanna
   Detwiler had children, as follows: Bessie, who married (first husband) Milton Harley,
   and (second husband) David Allabaugh; Ellie M., who married Dr. John D. Weaver, and
   resides in Norristown; George M.; and Howard A., who died in infancy. Mrs. Hanna
   Detwiler died March 7, 1904, in her eightieth year.
      By her first husband Mrs. Detwiler had two children: Henrietta and H. Willis Bland, a
   self-made man who is judge of the Orphans' Court of Berks county. H. Willis Bland
   enlisted in the Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry at the age of sixteen years.
     John Detwiler (grandfather) was also born in Montgomery county. His wife was Catherine
     Levi Bolton, the father of Mrs. George Detwiler, was born June 16, 1836, at the house
   in Norristown where he still lives. At the age of eighteen he became an apprentice to
   Lewis H. Davis to learn the trade of bricklaying. He had been working at his trade for
   several years when, on September 12, 1861, he enlisted in Company A, Fifty-first
   Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, to serve three years. On December 3, 1864, he was
   promoted to the rank of commissary sergeant. He sustained a gun-shot wound, at Antietam,
   and also at Spottsylvania, and each necessitated his remaining in the hospital for three
   months. He was mustered out of service July 27, 1865, after engaging in the following
   battles: Roanoke Island; Newbern, North Carolina; Camden, North Carolina; Chantilla;
   South Mountain, Maryland; Antietam; Vicksburg, Mississippi; Siege of Jackson; London,
   Tennessee; Campbell Station; Knoxville; Wilderness; Spottsylvania; Hatches' Run; Fort
   Steadman; Petersburg and Richmond. At the close of the war he returned to his home and
   has followed his trade ever since. He has been a member of the Humane Fire Company of
   Norristown since 1858, and belongs to Zook Post, No. 11, Department of the Pennsylvania
   G. A. R.
   (Page 360)
     John Bolton, the grandfather of Mrs. George Detwiler, was also a resident of
   Norristown. He married Sarah Shiffy, and their children were Caroline, Isaac (deceased),
   William, Josiah, and Levi. John Bolton was a prominent contractor and carpenter in
   Norristown for many years.
     MORRIS B. OBERHOLTZER. John Oberholtzer, grandfather of Morris P. Oberholtzer, was
   born in Berks county. He was descended from one of the early settlers of that section of
   Montgomery county. He was educated there in the ordinary schools, and after completing
   his school studies engaged in farming which occupation he followed all his life. He
   married and reared a large family, most of them being farmers like himself. Among them
   was Amos B. Oberholtzer, father of Morris B. Oberholtzer, who was born at Bechtelsville,
   Berks county, in 1847. He was educated in the Berks county schools, and afterwards
   engaged in the occupation of farming, which he followed for many years, but of late he
   has retired from active life and lives at the old home place, surrounded with all the
   comforts and many of the luxuries of life. 
     In politics he is a Republican, but has never sought or held office, and although
   repeatedly urged by his friends to accept public position has always persistently
   refused to do so. In religious faith he is a Mennonite, like the generations of the
   family that have preceded, and he and his family attend that church. 
     He married Mary Brendlinger, of the same township, and the couple had three children,
   Elmer, Annie, and Morris B. Oberholtzer, born September 15, 1876.
     Morris B. Oberholtzer was born on the old homestead at Bechtelsville, Berks county,
   Pennsylvania, and was educated in the public schools of the neighborhood, and then
   entered the State Normal School, at Kutztown. In 1894 he became a student at the
   Medico-Chirurgical College in Philadelphia, where he graduated with honors in 1897. He
   then opened an office and engaged in medical practice at Red Hill, in Upper Hanover
   township, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, where he practiced with success for three
   years, and then removed to his present home at Souderton borough, on the North
   Pennsylvania Railroad, where he has a very extensive practice in the town and the
   surrounding country, and is becoming well established in his profession. In politics Dr.
   Oberholtzer is a staunch supporter of the Republican party, and is a leader in the
   organization in his neighborhood. He is a member of the Royal Arcanum, of the State
   Medical Society, and secretary of the board of health of Souderton. He and his family
   attend the Mennonite church at Souderton.
     Dr. Oberholtzer married, in 1897, Miss Elizabeth Gottshall, daughter of Aaron
   Gottshall, of Philadelphia. By the marriage one child has been born, Ralston.
     JOSEPH J. BROPHY was born at Port Kennedy, Montgomery county, March 19, 1866. In 1870
   he went with his father's family to Conshohocken, where he resided until 1872, when the
   family removed to Swedeland, where he grew to manhood, having the advantages afforded by
   public schools until he was thirteen years of age, when he went into the Albin Print
   Works as an employe. At that establishment it was his duty to keep the cloth smooth as
   it came from the rolls. After a year spent in the Print Works, he secured employment in
   the Joseph Lees Woolen Mills, in the vicinity of his home, as bobbin-boy. After
   rendering service for six months in that capacity, he was given a better job in the
   picker house. A few months later he
   (Page 361)
   entered the establishment of James Hall, a carpet weaver of West Conshohocken, with whom
   he remained three years, finding employment at the end of that time in John Wood's
   Rolling Mill in Conshohocken. At the end of a year he hired with William B. Rambo in his
   line of work, where he remained another year. He then spent two years in the Baldwin
   Locomotive Works in Philadelphia, gaining knowledge of a locomotive which has been
   exceedingly valuable to him many times in his railroading.
     Mr. Brophy then took a western trip, going to Chicago to visit relatives. After his
   return he worked for the Reading Railway Company a short time at Ninth and Master
   streets, Philadelphia, handling coal. Engaging with Forepaugh, he took a trip through
   Ohio and part of Indiana, and this gave him all he wanted of circus life. He came home
   to enter the employ of the Reading Railway Company as repairman, in 1887, this being the
   real start of his life as a railroad man. Mr. Brophy has always stood by the company in
   its labor troubles, and at the time of the strike of the Knights of Labor in 1887, he
   was made a brakeman, which duty he performed for a year and a half, and then was
   promoted to conductor one year on day shifts. He was then a fireman for seven years, and
   on October 15, 1895, was examined for engineer and received a certificate as such. He has
   been an engineer ever since, six years a regular engineer.
     Mr. Brophy has been a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians for fifteen years. In
   religious faith be is a Catholic, being a member of St. Augustine's church, Bridgeport.
     Mr. Brophy married, October 21, 1888, Miss Catharine Coleman, daughter of John and
   Mary (McNallis) Coleman. She was born March 1o, 1870, in Phoenixville. After his
   marriage he lived for a time in Swedeland, and then went to Downingtown, remaining there
   seven years. He then returned to Bridgeport and has resided there ever since.
     William Brophy (father) was born in County Tipperary, Ireland, on the province of
   Ulster, where he lived fourteen years, and then, with his mother's family, removed to
   England, his father having died a few years previously. In England Mr. Brophy was reared
   and there married Mary Ann Mooney, who was born in Queens County, Ireland. Two years
   after his marriage, Mr. Brophy and his wife left Liverpool in a sailing vessel and after
   a voyage of thirteen weeks landed at Castle Garden, New York. This was in 1857, and
   during the panic of that year he was glad to accept work with John Kennedy at Port
   Kennedy, for eighty cents a day. He remained with Mr. Kennedy twenty years. At Port
   Kennedy, his children were born and he spent there the best years of his life. He is
   above the age of seventy years and his wife nearly seventy-five years of age, and
   resides at Swedeland. Their children: Martin J., married (first wife) Annie Waters, and
   (second wife) Mrs. Cennus; Thomas and Margaret (twins), of whom Thomas married Estella
   Brightenstine, and Margaret married John McCaully; Joseph J., subject of this sketch.
     Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Brophy have had five children, as follows: John M., born
   September 13, 1889; Mary, born January 29, 1891; Margaret, born April 11, 1892; William,
   born April 1, 1895; and Joseph, born October 12, 1898.
     Mrs. Brophy's father was born in County Tipperary, Ireland, her mother in County
   Donegal. They came to the United States at different times and. located in the coal
   regions of Pennsylvania, where they were married.  Their children: Catharine, now Mrs.
   Brophy; Margaret, deceased, wife of John Nalley; Annie, who married Harvey Ott; Grace,
   unmarried; and Cecilia, who married Matthew Morris.
     GEORGE W. GEHRET was born in Douglassville, Berks county, Pennsylvania, March 15,
   1850. At the age of eight years he removed with his parents to Bridgeport where he
   attended the public schools. His father, Levi Gehret, died May 28, 1902. For a short
   time after the removal to Bridgeport, George W. Gehret worked on neighboring farms and
   then attended the public school at Swedeland. Having completed his education he obtained
   employment as a fireman at the woolen mills of James Lees & Sons, where he remained for
   several years or until he became an engineer in Swede's Furnace. In 1872 he entered the
   employ of the Philadelphia & Reading Railway, first as an engineer in the pump house for
   five years and then as fireman on the road. At the close of a year's service as fireman
   he was appointed an engineer in the yards at Bridgeport. Since that time he has been
   offered passenger trains, but has always refused as he preferred to remain near home.
   Mr. Gehret has always been true to his company in all the strikes and labor troubles and
   has never lost any time except through sickness and the vacations which have been granted
   (Page 362)
     In politics he is a Democrat although he does not feel himself so bound to his party
   that he cannot vote for the man whom he considers best fitted for the office. Since 1900
   he has advocated the principles of the Prohibition party. He has belonged to the Old
   Swedes' Episcopal church since 1860 and has been a vestryman for many years. He takes an
   active interest in Sunday-school work and has served as assistant librarian for many
   years. In 1872 he joined the Norristown Montgomery Lodge of Odd Fellows, No. 57, and the
   Ancient Order Knights of the Mystic Chain in the same year, serving as an officer in
   these orders. He also belongs to the Patriotic Order Sons of America, No. 51, of
     October 20, 1875, George W. Gehret married Rebecca J., daughter of Ross and Ann (Fry)
   Rambo. She was born at Swedesburg, in the old Rambo homestead, March 10, 1853. Mr. and
   Mrs. Gehret have one daughter, Rena K., born October 4, 1876, who married Joseph C.
   Jones. Mr. Jones is an operator in the employ of the Reading Railway at the "Y", near
   Conshohocken. He has worked for the Reading Railroad for ten years. The children of Mr.
   and Mrs. Jones are: George Gehret, born April 11, 1896, and Francis Lees, born February
   7, 1902.
     Ross Rambo, Mrs. Gehret's father, was born in Upper Merion township on the farm now
   owned by Harry Eckhart. He attended the public schools in Upper Merion township. After
   leaving school he started immediately in the lime-burning establishment, which was his
   ancestor's business. In politics he was a Republican but never became a politician
   during his short life. He belonged to the Old Swedes' church. He died February 7, 1853,
   at the age of thirty-seven years. His widow married Mr. Charles Hansell, and is still
   living, at the age of eighty-five years. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rambo had four children: Mrs.
   Gehret; Anna H., who was born March 2, 1849, married Andrew Blair, and lives in
   Philadelphia, their children being Mildred A. and Elsie M.; Meta R.; and Florence S.
     ABRAHAM G. GOTWALS, long an efficient member of the Norristown police force, and more
   recently warden of the Montgomery county prison, is a native of Upper Providence
   township, where he was born July 30, 1850. His father was Joseph S. Gotwals, born
   November 11, 1810, in the same township where he lived all his life. The father had a
   limited education, his father dying when he was eleven years of age, so that he was
   compelled to seek a home among strangers. An uncle named Hendricks received him as a
   sort of an adopted son. He lived with this uncle until his marriage. His wife was Mary
   Grater, whose ancestors had for generations lived at what is now known as Grater's Ford,
   in Perkiomen township. She inherited money from her father's estate, with which they
   purchased the farm on which they lived thirty years, and where their eight children were
   born.  This farm is now occupied by their son, John G. Gotwals, and is known in the
   fancily as the old homestead. In early life he was a Whig and on the formation of the
   Republican party he became a strong member thereof. He took an active interest in
   politics but was not an office-seeker. In religious faith he was a Mennonite. He died in
   1889 and was buried in the Upper Providence Mennonite cemetery.
     He had the following children: Susan, the eldest, is deceased; Catharine (deceased)
   married John D. Bechtel, they leaving one child, Mary Ella: John G. married Lydia H.
   Detwiler, their, children being Daniel (deceased), Joseph (deceased), Abraham, Isaiah
   (deceased), Mary, Jane, Kate, David, Esther (deceased), Elmer, Raymond (deceased) and
   Vernon; Mary M. married James G. Detwiler, their children being Frances (deceased),
   John, Mary, Lydia, Joseph, Elias, Susan, Lizzie, James and Sarah; Elizabeth married
   Peter H. Colehower; Joseph G. married Sarah Detwiler, their children being Elias, John,
   Mary, Charles,. and two died in infancy; Abraham G. is the subject of this sketch; Amos
   G. married Ida Radcliff, their children being Sarah, Mary, Claude, Ruth and one boy.
   (Page 363)
     Abraham G. Gotwals grew to manhood on the old homestead, attending the country schools
   in the winter months and working on the farm in the summer, until he reached the age of
   eighteen years, when he became an apprentice to Reuben Landis at the carpenter trade. He
   remained with Landis for two years and afterwards followed his trade for about five
   years. He then accepted a position as superintendent of the Yerkes Creamery, located at
   Yerkes Station, on the Perkiomen Railroad, where he remained two years.  He then removed
   to Norristown, where he engaged in the flour and feed business for one year, when he sold
   out and sold meats and produce for the Philadelphia market. Several years, unprofitably
   spent in this way, satisfied him that he was not intended for the produce business and
   he became a member of the police force of Norristown in 1890, remaining in that position
   eight years, during the last two years as assistant chief of police. 
     In 1898 he was appointed by the Montgomery county prison inspectors to the position of
   warden of the prison, to which he has been elected continuously ever since.  He is a
   Republican in politics and he and his family are members of the First Presbyterian
     Warden Gotwals was a model of what a policeman should be when he held that position.
   In the office of warden he has won the highest encomiumis [sic] by his careful, vigilant and
   efficient management of the institution. He takes the deepest interest in those under
   his charge, looking specially after their comfort and leaving nothing undone that
   promises to promote the welfare of the inmates of the institution which is everywhere
   recognized as being, under Mr. Gotwals' superintendence, one of the best managed in the
   state or country. In his police experience Mr. Gotwals had many memorable experiences.
   He assisted in apprehending the parties in the Kaiser tragedy and, being then appointed
   warden, had charge, in that capacity, of Kaiser and Clemmer, the former of whom
   committed suicide after being convicted of the murder of his wife. Clemmer, the
   accomplice, who was also convicted, was executed in the prison for the crime.
     An exciting episode during Warden Gotwals' prison experience, was the deadly assault
   made upon him and Watchman Beckwith, on the evening of January 24, 1904, by Frederick
   Bond and William Cornwall, who were in prison awaiting trial. Cornwall pretended to be
   very sick, and when Mr. Gotwals and Mr. Beckwith went into the cell occupied by the two,
   Bond swung an iron bar with great effect, injuring the Warden and pounding the watchman
   into insensibility. They nearly succeeded in making their escape from the prison, but
   were prevented by the courageous conduct of Mrs. Gotwals and her sixteen year-old
   daughter Eunice. 
     The latter notified Chief of Police Rodenbaugh, at the city hall, while the mother
   kept the desperate men at bay with a revolver which she had obtained from the family
   apartments in the prison. The jail-breakers were finally overcome, and were tried at the
   next term of court, pleading guilty and receiving sentences of eleven and twelve years
   respectively in the penitentiary for the assault on their keepers and the crimes for
   which they had been arrested and sent to prison. The aged watchman, Beckwith, ultimately
   recovered, although he was badly injured.
     Mr. Gotwals married, December 23, 1876, Mary C., daughter of William B. and Kate
   (Connell) Logan. She was born February 23, 1859, in Audubon, Montgomery county,
     The children of Mr. and Mrs. Gotwals are: William, born December 25. T877; Elizabeth,
   who was born May 12, 1879, and married Dr. J. R. Shuman, now residing in Wagon Mound,
   New Mexico; Cora Kate, born October 14, 1880; John Carl, born November 4, 1884, and
   Eunice, born November 15, 1888. The Logan family are of Irish ancestry, and on coming to
   this country settled at what is now Audubon, where they purchased a large tract of land,
   lying between Audubon and Norristown, in Norriton township. Some of the family have
   always occupied this farm. William B., the father of Mrs. Gotwals, was a skillful
   blacksmith and one of the best-known horse trainers in all the country round. He handled
   and trained horses for General John F. Hartranft, and other prominent men. He owned some
   fine horses himself. His wife was Kate Connell and they had the following children
   Abraham Linwood, who married Emma Bader; Mary C.; William B., Jr., who married Mrs. E.
   Butz, of Philadelphia; and Eunice S., unmarried. Mr. Logan has always been an active
   Democrat, and has been school director and election officer. He is a member of the
   Reformed church. He resides at Yerkes Station, in Upper Providence township.
   (Page 364)
     JONAS M. LANDIS, the proprietor of the leading store in Souderton, which he has
   conducted successfully for nearly a quarter of a century, is the son of John and Mary
   (Moyer) Landis, of Franconia.
     He was born on the Landis homestead in that township, December 24, 1850. He obtained
   his education in the public schools of the township, working on the farm at intervals as
   occasion required, the exigencies of farming often making it necessary to be absent from
   the school room, especially in the summer season. At the age of sixteen years he
   relinquished school studies to engage in employment in a lumber yard at Souderton, where
   he remained five years, and then accepted a clerical position in the store of Mr. Slifer
   in Souderton, in which situation he continued five years. Being of a thrifty disposition
   he saved his money, and at the end of that time purchased the business of Mr. Slifer and
   commenced business on his own account, in which he has been very successful. Mr. Landis
   is a model storekeeper, and has a large share of the trade of Souderton and also that of
   the dwellers in the country districts in the vicinity. 
     He married, May 1, 1875, Susan, daughter of James Gross,  of Schwenksville, Montgomery
   county, Pennsylvania. They have one child, May, who is unmarried.
     Mr. Landis is of Mennonite antecedents in religious faith, and in politics he is an
   active Republican. He is a member of the town council of Souderton, and a useful member
   of that body, his sound sense and good business principles being of value in that
     He is a director of the Souderton Improvement Company, and manifests an active
   interest in whatever is calculated to promote the welfare of the community in which he
   lives. He and his family attend the Lutheran church.
     John Landis (father) was a well-known resident of Franconia. He was engaged all his
   life in agricultural pursuits. He married Mary Moyer, of the same township. The couple
   had the following children: Sarah, William, Barbara, Mary, John, Catherine, Annie and
   Jonas, the last named the subject of this sketch. The Landis family are old settlers in
   that section of Montgomery county. The name is also spelled Landes. The Moyers are also
   an old family of Mennonite ancestry.