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McKean County PA Archives Marriages.....Anderson, Emma Augusta - Larson, John B. January 31, 1891
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  File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
  Phyllis R. Thomas February 21, 2009, 4:46 pm
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  McKean Co. Marriage Book 3, Page 179
  Certificate No.:     777
  Application for Marriage License
  No. 777
   1. Full name of the man,   John B. Larson
   2. Full name of the woman, Emma Augusta Anderson
   3. Relationship of the parties, either by blood or marriage, None
   4. Age of the man,   26
   5. Age of the woman, 23
   6. Residence of the man,  Port Allegany Pa
   7. Residence of the woman,         "
   8. Parents’ names—man,
   9. Parents’ names—woman,
  10. Guardian’s name—man,
  11. Guardian’s name—woman,
  12. Date of death of man’s former wife, if any,
  13. Date of death of woman’s former husband, if any,
  14. Date of divorce—man,
  15. Date of divorce—woman,
  16. Color of parties,    White
  17. Occupation of man,   Laborer
  18. Occupation of woman, Housekeeper
  19. Consent of parents or guardian of man,  Sweden
  20. Consent of parents or guardian of woman,   "
  21. Place of birth—man,
  22. Place of birth—woman,
  McKean County, SS.
     Personally appeared before me, Justice of the Peace in and for said County
  John B Larson  and  Emma Augusta Anderson
  who, being duly qualified according to law, did depose and say that the 
  statements above set forth are correct and true, to the best of their 
  knowledge and belief.
     Sworn and subscribed before me, this  )  John B Larson
            26  day of January  A.D. 1891  )  Emma Augusta Anderson
                          C A Larson J.P.  )
     To any Minister of the Gospel, Justice of the Peace, or other Officers or 
  persons authorized by law to solemnize marriage:
  State of Pennsylvania  )
       County of McKean, ) SS.
     Legal evidence having been furnished to me, in accordance with the Act of 
  Assembly, approved the 23rd day of June, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-
  five, you are hereby authorized to join together in the holy state of 
  Matrimony, according to the rites and ceremonies of your church, society or 
  religious denomination and the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
  John B Larson  and  Emma A Anderson
     Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Orphans’ Court of said County of 
  McKean, at Smethport, this  27th day of January A.D. 1891
  {SEAL}                  J__ W ____y, Clerk.
     I, H. E. Isaacson hereby certify that, on the 31 day of January
  one thousand eight hundred and ninety one at Port Allegany Pa
  John B Larson  and  Emma A Anderson
  were by me united in marriage, in accordance with license issued by the Clerk 
  of the Orphans’ Court of McKean County,
  Pennsylvania numbered 777	      H E Isaacson  
                    Minister of the Gospel, Justice of the Peace, or Alderman
  Filed Feby 9 1891
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