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McKean County PA Archives News.....Marriages in McKean County Miner Jan-Jun 1906
  Copyright.  All rights reserved.
  File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
  Ronald J. Reid March 20, 2009, 9:54 pm
  McKean County Miner 1906
  Transcribed by Ronald J. Reid, 2009
  The dates shown prior to each item or group of items is the date of 
  publication.  This can only be considered a partial list as many pages of the 
  paper are unreadable and some may have been missed.   All items were found on 
  page 5 of the paper unless specifically noted otherwise.

  Some marriage/engagement/anniversary notices from "Ancient History" appear with year in [   ].
    Groom - Bride
  INDEX of Surnames       MONTH  YEAR of newspaper
  =================       ==========================  
  Ainsbrow - Allen        May 1906
  Beatty - Lyman          [1882] May 1906
  Bennett - Acro          Feb 1906
  Berkhouse - Beay        May 1906
  Bush - Erekson          [1881] Jan 1906
  Camp - Lawton           Apr 1906
  Carlson - Johns         Jun 1906
  Carroll - Gould         [1882] May 1906
  Cobb - Rogerson         May 1906
  Cole - Earlbeck         May 1906
  Corwin - Oakes          [1882] Apr 1906
  Davis - Smith           [1881] Feb 1906
  Dodson - Robbins        [1882] Apr 1906
  Dolan - Dwyer           Jun 1906
  Gifford - Bennett       [1882] Apr 1906
  Hamlin - Howard         [1881] Jan 1906
  Holden - Green          May 1906
  Lawley - Holland        Jun 1906
  Lewis - McLaughlin      Jan 1906
  Lillibridge - McGuire   Mar 1906
  McCamman - Smith        [1882] Apr 1906
  Milks - Woods           Jun 1906
  Olds - Heinlien         [1882] May 1906
  Olmsted - Burlingame    [1882] Apr 1906
  Richardson - Haugh      [1881] Feb 1906
  Richie - Mulvaney       Jun 1906
  Sheehan - Carter        [1882] May 1906
  Starkweather - Russet   [1881] Jan 1906
  Sturdivent - Harris     [1881] Jan 1906
  Tubbs - Heinlein        [1882] Apr 1906
  Whittaker - Ellingsfield  Jun 1906
  Wolfe - Warner          Mar 1906
  Wood - Lyman            [1881] Feb 1906
  Jan 4, 1906:
  Page 1. Ancient History.
    Bush-Erekson -   At the residence of Mrs. A.S. Scoft, March 14, 1881, by Rev. 
  W.C. Wiltsie, Mr. George Bush of Smethport, Pa., to Miss Augusta Erekson of 
  Oil City, Pa.

 Page 1. Ancient History.
    Alfred Sturdivent of this place was married on Tuesday evening, May 10, 
  1881, to Miss Lilly Harris of Randolph, N.Y.  The ceremony was performed by 
  Rev. J.C. Whiteside at the residence of S. Autes? In Bradford.
  Jan 11, 1906:
  Page 1. Ancient History.
    Starkweather-Russet -   At the residence of the bridegroom, in Coryville, on 
  Wednesday, April 6, 1881, Mr. Frank Starkweather to Mrs. Jennie Russel.
  Jan 18, 1906:
  Page 1. Ancient History.
    Hamlin-Howard. -   At the residence of the bride's parents near Farmers 
  Valley, April 10, 1881, by Rev. A. Bronson, Mr. Minor Hamlin of State Line, 
  Pa., and Miss Eva E. Howard of Farmers Valley, Pa.
    At twelve o'clock, Tuesday, Jan 16th at the home of Wm. McLaughlin of 
  Colegrove, Pa., Miss Beatrice M. McLaughlin was married to Mr. Earle B. Lewis 
  of Cambridge Springs, Pa., by Rev. J.F. Dugan, pastor of St. Elizabeth's 
  church, Smethport, in the presence of the immediate friends and relatives.  
  After the ceremony was performed a bridal breakfast was served.  The bride 
  wore white crepe and carried white carnations.  Mr. and Mrs. Lewis left on the 
  3:50 p.m. train for New York city and other eastern points.  Will be at home 
  in Cambridge Springs after April 1st.
  Feb 15, 1906:
  Page 1. Ancient History.
    Davis-Smith -   At the M.E. Parsonage, Smethport, Friday evening, August 26, 
  1881, by Rev. W.B. Wagoner, Mr. G.R. Davis to Miss Maria Smith both of 
  Norwich, this county.
    Mr. Harry Bennett and Miss Lovina Acro both of Keating township, were united 
  in marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Byron 
  Acro on Saturday, Feb 3d.  The happy couple have the best wishes of many 
  Feb 29, 1906:
  Page 1. Ancient History.
  Richardson-Haugh. -   At the M.E. parsonage, Smethport, Dec. 24, 1881, by Rev. 
  E.P. Hubbell, Everett E. Richardson and Miss Mattie J. Haugh, all of Rew City, 

  Page 1. Ancient History.
   Wood-Lyman. -   At the residence of A.E. Stickles, Keating township, Dec. 25, 
  1881, by Rev. E.P. Hubbell Lewis J. Wood and Miss Mattie Jennie Lyman, all of 
  Roulette, Pa.
  Mar 29, 1906:
  Page 3.
  Zum(?) Lillibridge, aged 20 years and Miss Mattie McGuire, aged 19 years, both 
  of A_ _  Potter county, were recently married.
  Page 4.
    R.F. Pickard, justice of the peace and attorney of Jamestown, while trying a 
  divorce case, was called to another room to perform a wedding ceremony, 
  uniting Earl Wolfe of Niobe and Miss Jessie Warner, formerly of Smethport.  
  After tying the knot he went back to his other task of a untying the other 
  couple.  Variety certainly. -   Eldred Eagle.
  Apr 5, 1906: Ancient History.
  Olmsted-Burlingame -   At the home of the bride September 12, 1882, by Rev. E. 
  P. Hubbell, Mr. Elbert L. Olmsted of Gerry, Pa., and Mrs. Nellie J. Burlingame 
  of Hamlin, township.

  Ancient History.
    McCamman-Smith -   At the residence of the bride, by Rev. O.J. rose, Oct. 10, 
  1882, Mr. William McCamman and Miss Mary Smith, both of Smethport.
  Apr 26, 1906:
  Page 1. Ancient History.
    Dodson-Robbins -   At the residence of S.J. Clifford, Smethport, January 30, 
  1882, by Rev. E.B. Hubbell, Mr. James B. Dodson of Brookville, Pa., and Miss 
  Cara R. Robbins of Fort Allegany, Pa.

  Page 1. Ancient History.
    Tubbs-Heinlein. -   At the M.E. Parsonage, Smethport, January 31, 1882, by 
  Rev. E.P. Hubbell, Mr. Frank H. Tubbs and Miss Mary R. Heinlein, all of 
  Farmers Valley.
  Page 1. Ancient History.
    Last Saturday, Feb. 11, 1882, Mr. L.A. Gifford and Miss Mary E. Bennett were 
  joined in the holy bonds of matrimony by Esquire Smith.  They are both 
  residents of Smethport, with lots of friends who will join in congratulating 
  the worthy couple in this pleasant affair.  Instead of following the 
  dictations of Dame Fashion, and taking a wedding tour, the happy pair settled 
  right down to business on the start.  They will continue to reside in 
  Page 1. Ancient History.
    Invitations are out announcing the marriage of Mr. George M. Corwin of this 
  place to Miss Adda Oakes, which will occur at the residence of the bride's 
  parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Oakes, at Forrestville, N.Y., on Wednesday, March 
  15th, 1882.
    Harry E. Camp of Petrolia, Canada, formerly of this place, and Miss Marion 
  Lawton of Bradford, were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents 
  yesterday morning.  The happy couple will reside at Petrolia.
  May 10, 1906:
  Page 1, Ancient History.
    Wednesday forenoon (April 26, 1882) at 11 o'clock Mr. Donald Beatty, of 
  Jamestown, and Miss Belle Lyman of this place, were united in marriage by Rev. 
  S.B. Hubbel, at the residence of the bride's parents on Mechanic street.  We 
  congratulate Mr. Beatty upon securing such an estimable partner through life.  
  Belle was well known in Smethport and had many warm friends who sincerely 
  regret to see her leave the place.  The happy young couple have the best 
  wishes of the MINER as well as their hosts of friends.
  Page 1. Ancient History.
    Wednesday, May 3, 1882, Mr. Lawrence Sheehan and Miss Riva Carter were 
  married by Esquire Smith.  The many friends of the contracting parties wish 
  them a pleasant life and a long one.

  Page 1. Ancient History.
    Carroll-Gould. -   In buffalo, April 26, 1882, by the Rev. William Spelter, 
  Mr. T.H. Carroll of Smethport, Pa., and Miss Isabell M. Gould of Cambria, N.Y.
  Page 1. Ancient History.
   Olds-Heinlien -   At the home of the bride, April 26, 1882, by the Rev. A. 
  Branson, Mr. John A. Olds and Miss Jennie Heinlein, both of Farmers Valley. Pa.
    Miss Mary Alzine Green, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Green of Bradford, and 
  Mr. Elton Holden of Port Allegany, were united in marriage at the home of the 
  bridegroom's parents at 8:30 o'clock last evening.  The bride was a former 
  resident of Smethport and both the contracting parties have many friends in 
  this place who will extend best wishes.
  May 17, 1906:
    A very quiet wedding was solemnized at the Presbyterian parsonage at 8:30 
  o'clock Tuesday morning, when Rev. J. Paul Shelly united in marriage Mr. 
  Harvey G. Berkhouse and Miss Virginia Beay, two of Kane's highly respected and 
  deservedly popular young people.  Mr. Burkhouse is one of Kane's progressive 
  young attorneys, while his bride has been a resident of Kane for a number of 
  years and is an accomplished young lady.  The Republican, unites with a host 
  of other friends in wishing them a long and happy life. -   Kane Republican.
  May 24, 1906:
  Page 3.
    From the Port Allegany Reporter it is learned that the marriage of Miss 
  Bertha H. Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allen, to Mr. Edward J. Ainsbrow 
  was solemnized Tuesday morning May 15, at St. Gabriel's church, Rev. Wm. 
  Becker officiating.
  Page 3.
    The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Rogerson, No. 265 Congress street, was 
  the scene of a pretty home wedding at 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon when their 
  daughter, Miss Ella Elizabeth Rogerson, was united in marriage to Dr. Charles 
  Duane Cobb of Boston.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. J.B. Kenyon, pastor, 
  of the First M.E. church in the presence of 200 guests. -   Bradford Era.
    Mr. Will B. Cole and Miss Mayme Earlbeck were married at Coudersport, 
  Saturday, May 12.  The groom is a well known young business man of 
  Coudersport, and the bride is a charming young lady, formerly a resident of 
  Coudersport, who has lived for several years past with her parents at Ocean 
  Grove, Cal.  Mr. and Mrs. Cole will reside I Coudersport.
  Jun 14, 1906:
    Mr. James A. Carlson and Miss Mable Johns of Port Allegany were married one 
  day recently.
  Jun 21, 1906:
    Announcement was made last Sunday at St. Eulaia church of the marriage of 
  Miss Anna Holland, daughter of Engineer Holland, and John Lawly.  The marriage 
  will take palce the latter part of June. -   Potter Journal.  Miss Holland is 
  well known in Smethport where she has visited on numerous occasions.
  Jun 28, 1906:
  Page 1.
  Whittaker-Ellingsfield Nuptials.
    At the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Ellingsfeld, corner of 
  Mechanic and King streets, at eight o'clock Wednesday evening occurred a very 
  pretty home wedding, when the Rev. J. Heber McCandless spoke the words which 
  united the lives of Mr. Charles Henry Whittaker of Manhattan, Pa., and Miss 
  Matilda Fredreca Ellingsfeld of Smethport.
    Promptly at the hour mentioned the contracting parties and their attendants 
  took their places in the front parlor and in a few short inutes the ceremony 
  had been performed in the presence of the immediate famiies and a few invited 
  guests.  The bride was attended by Miss Eva Mott of Port Allegany as maid of 
  honor, and Miss Carrie Ellingsfeld, a sister, as bridesmaid.  R. Ralph 
  Whittaker, a brother of the groom, acted as best man, and little Marie Sasse a 
  niece of the bride, was flower bearer.
    The bride was becomingly attired in a handsome gown of white chiffon, the 
  maid of honor was gowned in pink silk chiffon and the bridesmaid wore a gown 
  of white crepe trimmed with pink.
    Following the ceremony a sumptuous wedding luncheon was served and during 
  this period the happy young couple drove to Port Allegany, where they departed 
  on the flyer for a bridal trip in southern Pennsylvania.  Upon their return 
  they will reside in Manhattan.
    The bride has been a resident of this borough for a number of years and has 
  been a successful teacher in the Smethport schools for the past two years.  
  During her residence here she has won the love and esteem of all who know her 
  by her charming and endearing ways and the many friends are legion in wishing 
  of a long, happy and prosperous wedded life.  Mr. Whittaker is a rising young 
  business man in Manhattan and holds the esteem and confidence of his 
    The out of town guests were; Mr. and Mrs. Perry, Wilcox, Pa., Henry 
  Whitaker, Ralph Whitaker, Galeton, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Todd, Mrs. D.S. 
  Helmer, Mrs. W.J. Hall, Misses Martha Hilton, Ruth Hilton, Mayne Steele and 
  Ethel Vosburg, Port Allegany, Pa.
    Mr. George J. Richie of Smethport and Miss Margaret Irene Mulvaney of 
  Sartwell were united in marriage with a nuptial mass by Rev. Father J.F. Dugan 
  at the Swedish Lutheran church at 7 o'clock Tuesday morning in the presence of 
  only the immediate relatives.  The witnesses to the ceremony were Frank 
  Mulvaney and Miss Ella Mulvaney, brother and sister of the bride.  Mr. and 
  Mrs. Richie will reside in Smethport.
  Jun 28, 1906:
  Page 1.
  Babcock-Rogers. -   At the M.E. parsonage, Smethport, Jan. 2, 1883, by Rev. E.P. 
  Hubbell, Almond D. Babcock and Miss Lissa Rogers, all of Friendship, N.Y.
    Mr. George J. Richie of Smethport and Miss Margaret Irene Mulvaney of 
  Sartwell were united in marriage with a nuptial mass by Rev. Father J.F. Dugan 
  at the Swedish Lutheran church at 7 o'clock Tuesday morning in the presence of 
  only the immediate relatives.  The witnesses to the ceremony weree Frank 
  Mulvaney, and Miss Ella Mulvaney, brother and sister of the bride.  Mr. and 
  Mrs. Richie will reside in Smethport.
    Mr. William Milks of East Randolph, N.Y., and Miss Winifred Woods of 
  Bradford were united in marriage at the bride's home Tuesday evening.
    Miss Mayme Dwyer of Port Allegany, well known in Smethport, and Mr. Thomas 
  Dolan of Sheffield were married last week.
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