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Luzerne County PA Archives Military Records.....Shiber, Lillie July 24, 1914
Spanishwar - Pension Co. K, 22nd Regt. U.S. Inf.
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Eugene Shiber January 10, 2011, 2:23 pm

Widows Pension Affidavits
Spanish American War and Philippine Insurrection:
Soldier: Frederick O. Shiber
Co. F, 9th Pa. Inf.,    and
Co. K, 22nd U.S. Inf.
Widow's Pension: Lillie Shiber
Application # 1,031,835
Certificate  #    886,844
This submission consists in chronological order the following documents that I 
consider to be of genealogical value: 
WAR DEPARTMENT – Commissioner of Pensions

State of Pennsylvania, County of Luzerne, SS:
On this 24th day of July, A.D. one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, 
personably appeared before me, a Notary Public of Pennsylvania within and for 
the county and State of Pennsylvania, Lillie Shiber, aged 30 years, a resident 
of the City of Wilkes Barre, County of Luzerne, State of Pennsylvania, who 
being duly sworn according to law, makes the following declaration in order to 
obtain pension under the acts of Congress granting pension to the widows of 
soldiers and sailors who have died by reason of wound or injury received, or 
disease contracted, in the service of the United States and in the line of 

That she is the widow of Frederick O. Shiber, who was enlisted under 
the name of Frederick O. Shiber at (none) on the seventh day of July, 1899, as 
a private in Co. K 22 Regt U.S. Infantry and was discharged on the sixth of 
July, 1902, and who died at Wilkes Barre Pennsylvania on the fourth day of 
October, 1913, of Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Stomach Troubles due to exposure 
and climate changes incurred in the above-named service. That the said soldier 
was not in the military or naval service of the United States except as stated 

That said soldier was born September 10, 1879, at Wilkes Barre 
Pennsylvania, that his personal description at enlistment was as follows: 
Height, 5 feet 71/4 inches; complexion, dark; color of eyes, Brown; color of 
hair, Black; permanent marks or scars, (none); that his occupation was that of 
a laborer.

That she was married under the name of Lillie Remphrey to said soldier 
at Wilkes Barre Penna on the 17th day of March, 1903 by Rev. J.T. Logan; that 
there was no legal barrier to the marriage; that she had not been previously 
married; that the soldier had not ben previously married.

That she was never divorced from said soldier, and that she has not 
remarried since his death.

That the said soldier left the following-named children under 16 years 
of age at the date of his death, to wit:
Arline Shiber		born Oct 12, 1903, 	at Berwick, Penna
Frederick Shiber	born Oct 26, 1905,	at Wilkes Barre, Penna
Lillian Shiber		born Nov 13, 1907,	at Wilkes Barre, Penna.
Bertha Shiber		born Sep 13, 1909,	at Wilkes Barre Penna
Martha Shiber		born Mar 1, 1912,	at Wilkes Barre Penna
That she has not heretofore applied for pension.
She hereby appoints D.L. O’Neill Atty. at Law of Wilkes Barre 
Pennsylvania as her lawful attorney, with power of substitution, and 
authorizes him to present and prosecute this claim.

That her post-office address is No. 12 Bruce Lane Wilkes Barre, County 
of Luzerne, State of Pennsylvania.
Lillie Shiber (signature)
Attest: (1) Edith Oliver (sig)
(2) D.L. O’Neill (sig)
Also personally appeared George B. Smith, resident at 19 James Street 
Wilkes Barre Penna, and Emma West residing at No. 6 Constines Court Wilkes 
Barre Penna, persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit 
and who, being by me duly sworn, say that they were present and saw Lillie 
Shiber, the claimant, sign her name (or make her mark) to the foregoing 
declaration, that they have every reason to believe, from the appearance of 
said claimant and their acquaintance with her for twelve years and ten years, 
respectively, that she is the identical person she represents herself to be; 
and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim.

Edith Oliver (sig)
George B Smith (sig)
D.L. O’Neill (sig)
Emma West (sig)

Sworn and subscribed before me this 24 day of July, 1914 and I hereby 
certify that the contents of the above declaration, &c., were fully made known 
and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing, including the 
words (none) erased, and the words (none) added; and that I have no interest, 
direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.
James P. Donnelly (sig)
Official Character

Note: Above document stamped 27 July 1914 US Pension Office;
and 29 July 1914 Record Division.
State of Indiana, County of Vermillion SS:
In the matter of Pension Claim of Lillie Shiber widow of Frederick O. 
Shiber, later Private Co. K, 22 Regt US Infantry,
On this 24 day of June, A.D. 1914, personably appeared before me Harry 
B. Whetsel, a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized 
to administer oaths Charles H. Stewart aged 37 years, a resident of Clinton in 
the County of Vermillion, and the State of Indiana whose Post-Office address 
is Clinton Indiana, well known to be reputable and entitled to credit, and 
who, being duly sworn, declared un relation to aforesaid case as follows:
I soldiered with Frederick O. Shiber the soldier above named for three 
years from 1899 to 1902 in Co. K, 22 nd Regt US Infantry and was with him most 
of the time during which time he had a great deal of sickness. We were about 
two and a half years in the Philippine Service. He suffered at different times 
with stomach trouble of (unclear) kind, dysentery, chills and fever and was at 
the Post Hospital at different times. I think it was in the Spring of 1900 
while in Candaba, Luzon Island he had a general breakdown and was sent to the 
Post Hospital where he had three hemorrhages of the lungs and was sent from 
Candaba to Manilla to one of the Reserve Hospitals.

He further declares that he has no interest in said case and is not concerned 
in its prosecution.

Charles F. Stewart (sig)
Signatures of Affiants.

State of Indiana County of Vermillion SS:
Sworn to and subscribed before me this day by the above-named affiant, 
and I certify that I read said affidavit, including the words (none) erased, 
and the words “he” in 20th line from top inserted added, and acquainted him 
with its contents before he executed same. I further certify that I am in 
nowise interested in said case, nor am I concerned in its prosecution; and 
that said affiant is personally known to me and that this is a credible person.

Harry B. Whetsel (sig)
Notary Public	 
Note: Document stamped 27 June 1914 US Pension Office;
         also stamped 29 June 1914 Record Division.

SWORN STATEMENT #1: 8/18/1919. Emma West	.
				)	In re:
State of Pennsylvania		)  	A. & N. Division
				) SS.   W. O. #1,031,835
County of Luzerne.		)       Lillie, widow of 
				)	Frederick O. Shiber,
					Co. F, 9th Pa. Inf.  And
					Co. K, 22nd U.S. Inf.	
EMMA WEST, being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says 
that she is a resident of the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, 

That her post-office address is No. 2 Metcalf Street, Wilkes-
Barre City, Pennsylvania, and her age is 44.

That she has been a resident of the City of Wilkes-Barre for 
the past forty years; 

That, in a former affidavit, she swore that the said Frederick 
O. Shiber was not married prior to his marriage with the said Lillie Shiber, 
and further says that the said Lillie Shiber was never married to any other 
person previous to her marriage to the said Frederick O. Shiber.

Emma West (sig)
Sworn and subscribed before me this 18yh day of August, 1919.

Joseph (illegible)
Notary Public
Commission expires Feb 21, 1923	

SWORN STATEMENT #2: 8/18/1919. George B. Smith	
				)	In re:
State of Pennsylvania		)  	A. & N. Division
				) SS.   W. O. #1,031,835
County of Luzerne.		)       Lillie, widow of 
				)	Frederick O. Shiber,
					Co. F, 9th Pa. Inf.  And
					Co. K, 22nd U.S. Inf.	
GEORGE B. SMITH, being duly sworn according to law, deposes 
and says that he is a resident of the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, 

That her post-office address is No. 19 Jones Street, Wilkes-
Barre City, Pennsylvania, and her age is 49.

That he has been a resident of the City of Wilkes-Barre for 
the past twenty-five years and upwards; 

That, in a former affidavit, he swore that the said Frederick 
O. Shiber was not married prior to his marriage with the said Lillie Shiber, 
and further says that the said Lillie Shiber was never married to any other 
person previous to her marriage to the said Frederick O. Shiber.

George B. Smith (sig)
Sworn and subscribed before me this 18yh day of August, 1919.

Joseph (illegible)
Notary Public
Commission expires Feb 21, 1923	

WAR DEPARTMENT – Commissioner of Pensions; stamped 8/18/191?. US Pension 
Frederick Shiber Co. F, 9th Regt. Penn. Inf. Age 18, height 5 feet, 6 
˝ inches, complexion dark, eyes brown, hair dark, place of birth Wilkes Barre, 
Pa.; occupation plasterer, was enrolled May 8, 1898 and M.O. Oct. 29, 1898 
with Co.

From M.I. 18....., ro M.O. 18.... he held the rank of Private, 
and the rolls on file for that period do not show him absent except as 
follows: M.O.R. Absent from  and refused to attend guard muster 7-17-‘98. Sick 
in hosp. From Aug. 30 to Sept. 5 inclusive on line of duty. Furlough granted 
Sept. 6 for 30 days par. G.O. 114 Hdqrs., U.S. A, A.G.O., C.S. Aug. 9 -‘98.

Rubber stamp:”Original report of medical examination preliminary to 
muster-out loaned herewith.”
Conjugal condition: Single, Next of Kin: “James Shiber, Wilkes Barre, 
Pa.” Relationship not stated.

Rubber stamp:”No physical defect found  on report of physical 
examination or enlistment.”	
Rubber stamp:”The medical records show him treated as follows:” Aug 30 
to Sep 30, ‘98. Typhoid fever. (Diagnosis also shown Aug 30 to Sept. 
5, ‘98 “Remittent fever”) in line of duty. Returned to duty. No additional 
record of disability found. 

Additional Comments:
Lillie Shiber, widow of soldier Frederick O. Shiber, Declaration of original 

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