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News: Items from the Lebanon Daily Times, April 8, 1895, Lebanon, Lebanon County, PA

Contributed and transcribed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Abby Bowman

Copyright 2005.  All rights reserved.

Items from the Lebanon Daily Times, April 8, 1895


The case of John Speicher vs. Ed. Groff, charged with forgery, was settled 
before Alderman Robert L. Miller on Saturday evening when the suit was withdrawn 
and the accused paid the amount of the note, $43, and the costs, $4.04.

Jacob Felker, charged with false pretense, by H. S. Keller, was given a hearing 
before Alderman Booth this afternoon and in default of $400 bail was recommitted 
to prison.  J. Marshall Funck appeared for the prosecutor and P. H. Reinhard for 
the defendant.  Detective Hunter served another warrant on the accused charging 
him with securing meat to the value of $29 from Daniel S. Funck, of South 
Annville township.  Bail in $100 was demanded for court.

Detective Hunter, Constable Sattazahn and Chief Ringler this morning arrested 
Harry Peffley at his home, in North Lebanon township, for the theft of hams from 
Nathaniel Kline.  The premises were searched but only one ham was recovered.  
Peffley was arraigned before Alderman Foster this afternoon.


The horse attached to the wagon of huckster Elmer Lengle became fractious while 
being driven on North Fifth street on Saturday morning, demolishing the dash 
board and shafts.  The animal was quieted before further damage was sustained.


Martha A. Blair, upon whom the grand jury put the costs in the case at March 
term, was sentenced to pay the costs.

Com. vs. John B. Reist, desertion.  This case was heard at March term but Reist 
was not sentenced.  Mr. Capp said it was a persecution on the part of the wife 
instead of a prosecution; that it was an attempt to ruin Mr. Reist.  The 
defendant was sentenced to pay the costs, $1 a week to the wife and give bond in 


A. S. Ulrich, esq., presented the petition of Lizzie Binner, by her next friend, 
Henry Geibe, vs. Ellsworth Binner, for a subpoena in divorce.  Desertion is 
alleged and a subpoena was awarded.

A. S. Ulrich, esq., presented the report of Paul S. Ulrich, commissioner in the 
case of Anna L. Roberts vs. Arther W. Roberts, recommending a divorce.

L. F. Houck, esq., presented the report of Chas. M. Zerbe, esq., commissioner, 
in the case of ----- Hinterleiter vs. Daniel H. Hinterleiter.


C. R. Lantz, esq., presented the petition of John Kochenderfer, Jennie B. 
Batdorf and Sadie B. Kochenderfer, grandchildren of Mary Etter, for the 
appointment of a guardian.  They asked for the appointment of Penrose Loser, who 
was duly appointed and Peter Loser approved as surety in $100.

Estate of Elizabeth Peters, deceased.  On motion of George B. Woomer, esq., the 
order of sale to L. F. Houck, auditor, was continued to May 13.

Estate of John H. Shuey, deceased.  On motion of J. G. Adams, esq., an extension 
until April 22 was granted L. F. Houck, esq., auditor.


Estate of Amos Miller, a lunatic.  J. G. Adams, esq., for the directors of the 
poor, stated that the account of Henry J. Sholly, committee, was confirmed 
absolutely.  Miller is a charge on the county and the directors claim the 
balance, $683.94.  Mr. Benson stated that the proper thing to do is to have a 
rule granted on all parties to show cause why an auditor should not be 
appointed.  The court has the matter under consideration.

Estate of David S. Raber, a lunatic.  On motion of C. H. Killinger, esq., an 
order of sale was granted and notices directed to be given by publication to the 
heirs, some of whom reside in California and other states.  Pending the order of 
sale, executions of Manbeck & Sando were stayed and set aside.

Estate of Leah Bodenhorn, a lunatic.  Thos. H. Capp, esq., asked for the 
appointment of Henry Fegan as committee.


Hannah Bechtle vs. Nathaniel Bechtle.  This case was briefly argued for a 
judgment for want of sufficient affidavit of defense.  Col. Seltzer represented 
Mrs. Bechtle and J. M. Funck, esq., the defendant.


Thos. L. Becker, administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Texter, deceased, has 
sold to John M. Machmer, a farm, in Millcreek township.  Consideration, 

The Annville National bank has sold to Hiram Buchmoyer, a lot of ground, in 
Fredericksburg, on private terms.

P. J. Roebuck and wife have sold to A. Meyer Speck, a farm of 17 acres and 109 
perches, in East Hanover township.  Consideration, $1,000.

Jonas Royer, et. al., have sold to Sam'l B. Royer, a farm of 88.75 acres, in 
Jackson township, and two lots in Myerstown.  Consideration, $10,079.50.

Samuel B. Royer and wife have sold to Harriet Royer, the undivided one-half of a 
farm, in Jackson township.  Consideration, $3,538.75.


Supt. Dilks, of the Prudential insurance company, this morning paid to Mrs. 
Agnes Shay, widow of the late Peter J. Shay, $35 on a policy of insurance she 
held on her son, David F. Shay, who died last week.  The insurance was only 
effected on the 25th of February.


The Jones Brothers took charge of the Eagle Hotel this morning.  George Seibert 
will remain as bartender and James T. Hood will serve as clerk until he leaves 
for his former home at Hagerstown, Maryland.


Ex-Sheriff M. H. Bowman was deputized to hold a sheriff's sale of the property 
of Joseph Mease, in Union township, this morning.  The sum of $73 was realized.


S. B. Cox, formerly of the Eagle hotel, has rented the property No. 721 Chestnut 
street, from Dr. Brundage, and will remove his family into it on Tuesday.


The following pupils attended school every day during the month just ended, in 
the second grammar grade, Thirteenth street building, taught by Emerson Heilman:

Oscar Shay           John Shaeffer
Chas. McLaughlin     Willie Breslin
Harry Fox            John Poorman
James Hackman        Uriah Zeigler
Frank Diehm          John Miller
George Weber         Amos Blouch
John Fitzgerald      Paul Diehl
Clyde Harmes         Eddie Faust
Harvye Yingst