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Newspapers:  Indiana Register (May-Jun 1855), Indiana Co., PA

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Indiana Register, Indiana, Pennsylvania

1 May 1855

8 May 1855

DIED.  On the 9th April, of Consumption, MISS SARAH BOUCHER, of Brookville,
aged 22 years, 2 months and 18 days.
--On the 11th April, 1855, of Consumption, MR. JEREMIAH B. WORK, son of WILLIAM
WORK, of East Mahoning township, Indiana county, aged 26 years and 6 months.
    MR. W. was a young man of more than ordinary mental capacity, but by
physical debility was compelled to relinquish his studies at an early day, and
betake himself to more active bodily employment.  He was a ready debater, and
always occupied a conspicuous position in the literary society of which he was
a member.  In public and in private, his sympathies were directed in the
channel of benevolence, and if enthusiastic at all, it was in the cause of
freedom and temperance; and in the summer of 1852 he was appointed a delegate
to the National Free Soil Convention held in Pittsburgh.
    He made, some years ago, a public confession of religion in the Associated
Presbyterian church, under the pastoral care of Rev. J.C. Telford, maintained a
consistent practice and deportment while he lived, and left this world with a
comfortable hope of a happy immortality.  One of the predominating
characteristics of the deceased was active and disinterested benevolance, not
of that nervous, transitory kind which after a blaze subsides into mere
listlessness, but a good will to all, especially to those whom he though
unjustly treated.  His course of moral character gained for him, as it must
always where it is exemplified, a solid popularity, whilst his freedom from
envy and evil-speaking, caused those who knew him most to love him best. 
[There also follows here a resolution from the Literary Association.]

15 May 1855

MARRIED. On the 8th May, by Rev. P. Sahm, WILLIAM MULLEN, ESQ., of Indiana
Borough, to MISS ROSA JANE CRIBBS, of Centre township.
JAMISON, both of Indiana Borough.
--On the 10th inst., by Rev. D. Blair, MR. SAMUEL ROWE, to MISS REBECCA ANN
BRYAN, both of White township.
--On the 10th inst., at the residence of REV. JAMES M. SMITH, of Tarentum,
Allegheny county, by Rev. David Elliott, D.D., REV. JAMES M. SHIELDS, of Rayne
township, Indiana county, to MISS S. ANNA DONAHEY, of Washington county,
--On Thursday, May 3d, by the Rev. S.P. Bollman, MR. ISAAC GROFT, to MISS MARY
ELIZABETH SHEFFOR, all of Washington township, Indiana county, Pa.

22 May 1855

few days since from a tour to the west, having passed through parts of Ohio,
Indiana, Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin.  They enjoyed good health and are well
pleased with some sections they visited, but most so with Wisconsin, where the
country is rolling and water and timber are abundant.  The crops within the
range of their tour look remarkably well and promise and an abundant yield.

WILLIAM McCRACKIN, ESQ., who has been to the west, has just returned in good
health and fine spirits.  DAVID McCRACKIN, who has been in Iowa for some time
past, has had an attack of cholera, as we learn from his father, but is now

MARRIED.  On Wednesday, 16th, by Rev. S.P. Bollman, MR. FRANKLIN DIVEN, of
Washington township, to MISS MARY ANN, only daughter of R.T. ALLISON, ESQ., of
South Mahoning township.

DIED.  On the 12th May, at his residence in Blacklick township, JAMES GORDON,
ESQ., aged 65 years, 3 months and 22 days.
--On the 15th inst., of comsumption, MRS. McGAHEY, consort of NICHOLAS McGAHEY,
of Centre township.
--On the 18th, at his residence in Rose township, Jefferson county, JOHN BELL,
ESQ., at an advanced age.

29 May 1855

MARRIED.  --On the 28th inst., by Rev. Mr. Higgins, MR. ABSALOM AKERIGHT to
MISS ELANER LOWMAN, both of this borough.
--On the 24th May, 1855, by C. Lowe, Esq., MR. STEPHEN CONDRON, of West
Mahoning township, Indiana county, to MISS ELIZABETH BARRETT, of Cowanshannock
township, Armstrong county, Pa.
--On the 22nd inst., by James Y. Brady, Esq., MR. JOHN JAMISON, of West
Mahoning, to MISS HANNAH HOOVER, of North Mahoning.

DIED.  In South Mahoning township, on Tuesday, 15th May, MR. ADAM STUMPF, aged
78 years, 8 months and 10 days.  He was formerly of Berks county, Pa. (Reading
papers please copy.)  [Note:  Directives such as this from the editor to other
local newspapers in other parts of the state usually indicate that the deceased
had other relatives in the area where other papers are asked to copy.]

5 June 1855

MR. ABRAHAM MOORE, on the 25th ult., fell from the roof of MR. BOGG'S barn,
some three miles north of this place, receiving very severe injuries.  We are
happy to state that he is improving.

MARRIED.  On the 24th by the Rev. Donaldson, MR. J. MARLIN WALKER, of Indiana
county, to MISS ELIZABETH, daughter of HON. R. WOODWARD, of Armstrong county.

DIED.  In this borough on Sunday last, after a protracted illness, MR.
ALEXANDER DICKEY, aged 41 years and three months.
--On Saturday, the 26th May, after a lingering illness, MRS. SABINA JOHNSTON,
wife of SAMUEL H. JOHNSTON, ESQ., of Cherry Hill township, aged 34 years.

12 June 1855

SAD AND FATAL ACCIDENTS.  On last Wednesday, a barn was being raised by MR.
SAMUEL McELHOSE, near Kellysburgh, in Rayne township, at which we are pained to
learn two accidents occured, one of which has proved fatal.  The first happened
to MR. WILLIAM DILTS, who had one of his legs broken by a piece of timber
falling thereon.  MR. D. is improving.  Afterwards, on the same day, whilst
putting up the rafters on the barn, several of the rafters slid off, one of
which struck a young man named JOHN McCLOSKEY, a son of JAMES McCLOSKEY, ESQ.,
on the back part of the head, causing internal hemmorhage, from which death
ensued on Saturday.

ANOTHER.  On Saturday afternoon, MR. WILLIAM CRAIGY had his face and arms
severely injured by the explosion of a blast in some rocks on the hills west of
town.  It seems the blast, when fire was applied, did not explode, and MR.
CRAIGY undertook to drill it out, after having poured water on the same; but it
seems the water did not penetrate to the powder which ignited from a spark off
the drill.

MARRIED.  On Tuesday last, by the Rev. Samuel Anderson, MR. NATHAN HART, to
MISS SARAH E. LARVER, both of Young township.
--On the 27th ult., in Hanover, York county, Pa., by the Rev. Jacob Zeigler,
MR. JOHN A. GROVE, of Indiana, Pa., to MISS MARY A. BOADENHAMER, of East
Berlin, Adams county, Pa.

DIED.  Of Consumption, near Indianola, Warren county, Iowa, on the 24th ultimo,
in the 24th year of his age, ROBERT G. DICK, late of the corps of Engineers on
the Indiana Railroad.

19 June 1855

MARRIED.  On the 7th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Wall., MR. WILLIAM McKEE to MISS
MARTHA JANE CAMPBELL, both of Punxsutawney.
--On the 4th inst., by the Rev. M.H. Wilson, MR. ROBERT MONTGOMERY, of
Sacramento City, California, to MISS ELIZABETH LYTLE, of Elderton, Armstrong
--On Thursday last, by the Rev. J.H. Kirkpatrick, MR. WESTLEY STOPHEL, of
Strongstown, to MISS JAMIMA GROW, of Pine township.

DIED.  On the 10th inst., after a lingering illness, HENRY KINTER, JR., of
Rayne township, aged about 37 years.

26 June 1855

MARRIED.  In the city of Philadelphia, on Wednesday morning last, by the Rev.
Mr. Roche, MR. ROBERT JOHNSTON, of this place, to MISS MARY A. KNIGHT, of the
former place.
--On the 21st inst., by the Rev. A. McElwain, MR. JAMES M. CAMPBELL, to MISS
SARAH B. HAMILTON, both of this county.
--On Thursday, June 21st, by the Rev. S.P. Bollman, MR. JACOB DETAR to MISS
ELIZABETH, second daughter of MR. JOHN THOMAS, ESQ., all of Armstrong township,
Indiana county.

DIED.  On Saturday last, MRS. ELIZA, wife of ROBERT WIGGINS, of White township,
and only child of JAMES COULTER, aged about 32 years.
--On Sunday, the 24th inst., WILLIAM WATERMAN, son of T.M. AND E.A. McCANDLESS,
of Greenville, aged 4 years, 4 months and 2 days.