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Franklin County, Pennsylvania 1800 Census: Montgomery Township

Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Michael S. Caldwell,

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1800 PA Census: Franklin County, Montgomery Township

In this census enumeration, only the heads of households were listed.  The
other members of the household were shown in a tally explained as follows:


James BALLOW:  32101  12010

This translates as follows:  James Ballow was the head of a household with 3 
males under 10, 2 males of ten and under sixteen years, 1 male of sixteen and
under twenty six years, including heads of families, and 1 male of 45 years and
upwards, including heads of families.  1 female under 10, 2 females of ten and
under sixteen years, and one female of twenty-six and under 45 years of age.

Explanation of each numbered column:

Free white Males:
Column 1:  under ten years of age
Column 2:  of ten and under sixteen
Column 3:  of sixteen and under twenty-six, including heads of families
Column 4:  of twenty-six and under forty-five, including heads of families
Column 5:  of forty-five years and upwards, including heads of families

Free white Females:
Column 6:  under ten years of age
Column 7:  of ten and under sixteen
Column 8:  of sixteen and under twenty-six, including heads of families
Column 9:  of twenty-six and under forty-five, including heads of families
Column 10:  of forty-five years and upwards, including heads of families

There are two further columns, as follows:
Column 11:  all other free persons except Indians not Taxed
Column 12:  Slaves

Asterisks (*) are used to indicate unclear words or numbers.  Legibility of this
enumeration was only average, so researchers in doubt should consult the 
original microfilm.


[p. 871, marked in crayon]
Jacob ORIFACE:  02201  22001  00
John DAVIS:  00211  00100  00
David DAVIS:  20010  10010  00
Daniel DAVIS:  00100  10100  00
Robt GORDEN:  00110  00010  00
Abigal McCASTLIN:  10000  20010  00
Abner KNOX:  30110  10110  00
Moses COCHRAN:  10001  20010  00
Conrad SHOUP:  10110  00210  10
John DAVIS:  00010  20100  00
John HEART*:  10010  30010  00
Peter SHEAVER [or SHEARER]:  11001  21010  00
Forgus MOREHEAD:  21201  01301  00
Francis ROBISAN:  00301  31201  00
James WRAY*:  00001  02001  00
John ANDERSON:  00100  00100  00
John SCOTT:  00110  10201  44
Frederick COLE:  00010  30010  00
Andrew KING*:  10010  20100  00
James CONWAY:  00010  10101  00
John PARKHILL:  00001  00111  00
Hannah MAXWELL:  02200  10201  42
James MAXWELL, Sr.:  00001  00000  73
Nicholas MOWRY:  02211  01001  00
Joseph MORGAN*:  10010  30010  00
Mathias BRETANDOL:  00001  02001  00
John GOLDIN:  01001  00001  00
Moses MURPHY:  20110  01100  00

[p. 872]
Robt. THOMPSON:  21001  22010  02
Ewd. ALLEXANDER:  00010  00100  00
John FINCY:  20010  10010  00
James MILLER:  10200  12010  00
James McCOY:  10101  01201 00
Phillip RHODROUGH*:  32010  31011  00
Alexd. WHITE:  01101  10211  01
Hugh CARNEY:  20001  30110  00
Saml. RHIDENOR*:  41010  12010  00
Peter GOOD:  00001  00001  00
Christian LEAR:  10010  11110  00
Henry PRETHER*:  30010  01011  10
Jno. McCLELLAND:  01201  10102  32
Wm. McCLELLAND Sr.:  20010  20011  10
Andr.* IRWIN:  00021  00211  52
Wm. SMITH:  30010  00100  00
Hugh DEWAR*:  10100  10100  00
Jacob DITTWILLER Sr.:  11011  00010  00
Jacob DITWILLER:  21010  20010  00
James REED*:  10020  00100  00
Peter HOOVER:  40010  10010  00
John DITTWILER:  10010  20100  00
George HOU* Senr.:  00010  10100  00
David DUNWOODY:  10110  10101  00
Jos. DUNWOODY:  00110  10110  00
John McCURDEY:  20120  10010  00
William WILKEY*:  20010  10100  00
Robt. [page torn]:

[p. 873]
Henry [page torn]:  00010  30100  00
John SHANNON*:  10001  21110  00
Wm. ELLIOT:  10100  20100  00
Saml. SHANNON:  10110  10011  52
James SCOTT:  01101  01111  00
David WILLIAMSON:  00010  10010  00

James IRWIN Sr. [or Jr.]:  40010  01121  20
John CROUMBAUGH*:  01110  10100  00
Jacob BAUM:  00011  22010  00
John KIRKPATRICK:  21001  12001  00
Samuel COOPER:  01310  21010  00
Charles GILLESPIE:  00100  20010  00
George KING:  40010  01010  11
James RAMSEY:  10201  02110  31
James BUCCHANNON Sr.:  10110  31011  10
Daniel McGUIRE:  10010  01010  00
Thos. ** LEAN:  00200  00000  00
Tobias FISHER:  20010  11010  00
Arthur THOMPSON:  10010  10010  00
Alexd. BARR*:  11320  10010  00
William SCOTT:  00010  10011  00
Phillip EMPUGH*:  10010  21010  00
John WOLF:  10101  22301  00
Alexd. KISINGER*:  21001  11110  00
Jacob HUBUNT*:  01010  01001  00
Doct. Wm. MAGAW*:  01001  10001  40
Jacob HOFFNER*:  31010  00010  00
Sarah JAUM*:  00000  10010  00

[p. 874]
John RAUDEBAUGH:  21010  22010  00
Robt McLUWAN*:  11001  22010  00
Robt MARTIN:  11020  01010  00
Mathew MARTIN:  01010  20010  00
William McCLAIR* [or McCLAIN]:  01010  20010  00
Joseph LIGHTNER:  01010  00100  00
Henry SPANGLER:  11110  40010  00
Wm. FURLONG:  10011  00010  00
Robt STEWART:  00000  00000  30
Mathias BRANDTHIFUL:  10110  00010  00
William McKINSTRY:  10200  00100  10
Nicholas ELLIS:  00001  32010  00
Isaac TAYLOR:  20210  00010  00
Thos. KING:  00310  10100  00
Peter WHITESIDES:  10201  11010  30
Peter RIASOR:  01001  12001  00
Robt MINCHILL:  13001  11010  00
John GARDNER:  10001  11110  00
James McCOY:  00100  00000  00
William GUTHERIE:  00010  00100  11
Mary BARKER:  10000  03011  10
Hugh COWEN:  01210  10110  00
Wm. IRWIN:  10011  21010  41
Christopher KELIPE*:  00010  00100  10
John GAUDY*:  20001  11010  10
John McMURDIE*:  00010  00000  00
Rebecca TOLBOT*:  01000  01001  00
Enoch [page torn]:  21110  30200  00

[p. 875]
Harvy* [page torn]:  30010  00010  00
Michl. HOME*:  31210  10010  00
James SHILER*:  10210  10110  00
Alexd. THOMPSON:  10010  30010  00
Martha GERY*:  00100  00001  00
[no first name given] HARRISON:  00000  00000  40
Thos. PORTERFIELD:  21010  01010  00
Robt. CROSUN*:  01010  10010  00
Michl. FORD:  13101  11001  00
"Town Ends" [Mercersburgh]

James STEWART:  00201  00010  00
Thos. JOHNSTON:  31001  01011  01
Jas. RANKIN*:  10010  20010  00
David RANKIN:  10010  20010  61
Jeremiah RANKIN:  10011  20010  21 [some numerals were crossed out; hard to decipher]
Ana RANKIN:  00100  22201  10
James RITCHY:  10010  20010  00
James McFARLAND:  11301  01110  10
Robt. McCURNY*:  30010  50010  00
John EVINS:  10001  21101  00
Daniel FOLK:  20001  21110  00
Ewd. MANNIN*:  01001  10002  00
Peter BAWMAN:  01101  00101  00
James WEAR*:  20120  10100  00
John A.* L.*KETTLE*:  10101  00001  00
Oliver ANDERSON:  30101  21201  00
John STEWART:  31110  21010  00
John DOVIINS*:  10010  20010  00

[p. 876]
James HUSTON:  230*1  11110  15, 6 ["fifteen, six"]
David HUMPTARY*:  20110  31010  20
John SNIDER:  30010  11010  00
Wm. ***CADEN*:  01301  00001  00
Thos. KISCADEN*:  20010  00010  00
Jacob GANTZ:  12111  20110  00
Wm. NEWELL:  01101  00400  00
Abraham NIGHTSWIM*:  20100  10100  00
James MARTIN:  22010  01101  00
Wm. McCLARRIN:  10210  10100  00
Absolem WRIGHT:  11010  20010  00
Henry FAUTS*:  10100  00100  00
Joseph SHANNON:  00001  00010  20
James CLARK:  00101  01001  11
Thos. CLARK:  20010  20110  11
James BAGLE:  02011  00010  00
Jacob BREWER:  30010  00100  00
Tobias RETTLE*:  31001  21010  00
David DUFFIELD:  30010  20010  00
Elizah MILLER [or MILLEN]:  00010  00100  00
Isaac WILLIAMS:  10010  20010  00
Revd. Thos. McFERRIN:  02001  30010  51
Robt. BIVIRT*:  10001  00211  00
George HAZARD:  30010  10010  00
Robt. MACKEY:  01111  00301  00
Wm. FORSYTH:  01001  02101  00
Jacob HOMER*:  20110  20100  00
John SINEFIELD*:  00001  00001  00
Benjamin [page torn]:  40010  01010  00

[p. 877]
Andr. MA***** [page torn]:  00001  00100  00
Jacob FRELY *** [possibly Senr. or Junr.]:  00001  00001  00
Jacob FRELY:  30010  10010  00
John FRELY:  30100  00100  00
Fredr. STAIR:  20012  12210  00
Jacob STUMP:  10010 21010  00
Susanna ELLIOT:  21000  11010  00
Phillip DAVIS:  10201  22001  00
David COLLINS:  00101  12001  00
Jacob CAW*:  31101  11010  00
James CUNNINGHAM:  00010  10100  00
Henry CAW*:  22001  21310  00
Kilip SMITH:  10001  10010  00
Jacob TEETER:  11100  11201  00
Doct. Saml. DUFFIELD:  32110  20010  00
Henry POOTHERPAUGH:  50010  02100  00
George HOLSAR:  21010  11010  00
Barny HOLLAND:  10010  10010  00
George SITTER:  00100  10100  00
Henry STIZEL*:  30010  20010  00
Adam SOLINGER:  10001  20010  00
John DAWNHOVEN:  20010  30010  00
Phillip DAVIS:  00001  00010  71
George WALKER:  32201  00011  00
Cumfort MASS*;  10000  00010  00
Gilbert GALLIAN:  10010  20100  00
Hugh GRIMES:  02001  00001  00
Nelly BERKLEY:  10000  01001  00

[p. 878]
Thomas TAYLOR:  22101  00001  00
Elisa LEWIS:  10001  10021  00
Henry BEATTY:  10010  30010  00
Rebecca DAVIS:  00100  00011  52
Detrick HOFFMAN:  12201  01001  00
James ROSS:  20101  11010  00
Robt. CHAMBU**:  20001  00010  42
Jas. DUFFIELD:  20020  20010  00
Susanna DUFFIELD:  10000  00101  00
David BOWIN Jun.:  20010  10010  00
Wm. DUFFIELD:  30101  23010  00
Dia* BOWIN*:  20102  20020  00
David BOWIN:  21010  20010  00
James McMASTER:  02001  00101  00
Robt. BOYD:  00010  00100  00
Phillip VARNER:  11101  10001  00
Paul SHEARER:  52001  40010  00
Conrad CASTONE:  10001  20010  00
John ALEXANDER:  00101  01401  00
Phillip WYANT:  11001  12101  00
Henry SNIVELY:  00110  20100  00
Rebecca McCAMISH*:  00300  00101  00
Allen SPEEDY*:  32001  20010  00
William MARTIN:  00001  00101  10
Leonard KNAVE:  01001  41010  00
Jacob KNAVE:  10101  12110  00
Joseph VANLEAR:  00102  02102  41
Jacob STOUFER:  10010  10110  00
Christian STOUFER:  03001  00001  00
Jacob [page torn]:  00010  00001  00

[p. 879]
Balser [page torn]:  11010  20010  00
Peter ROWLEY*:  00001  00000  00
Rundal* WOODIN*:  10010  00100  00
Hiffly* BAUERS*:  40001  11010  10
John DAVIS:  00110  00012  00
John CUNNINGHAM:  11301  01001  00
Nicholas MARTIN:  30010  32010  00
Elizabeth STEEL:  10100  10101  00
Jacob TRUK*:  11100  10100  00
Margaret CALODY*:  10010  00100  00
Robt. KELSEY*:  00001  00010  00
John ANGLE:  42010  10010  00
John DEAL:  00110  10100  00
John LAAGE*:  10200  10010  00
Jacob ULERY:  00110  00000  00
John ULERY:  22010  20010  00
Jacob ANGLE:  10010  02010  10
Henry RIBLE*:  00010  30010  00
Robt. MACKEY*:  10111  00211  00
Leonard MOWAR:  10100  10100  00
David MUKS*:  21101  31210  00
Stephen MOWIN:  20001  02110  00
Jacob SNIDER:  20010  10100  00
David STUTZMAN:  00100  00100  00
David MARTIN:  10210  20010  00
George SWIGART:  21010  21010  00
Saml. POLAND:  21001  11010  00
George CREAMAR:  10020  00111  10
Saml. SMITH:  44101  21010  00
Jos. BAGLE:  10101  00101  00

[p. 880]
John JAMES:  11210  20010  00
Thos. CUSTAR:  00010  11010  00
Saml. REDY*:  10100  00200  00
Conrad ECKLEBURGER*:  00001  00001  00
James DAUISAN*:  00001  11000  00
Joseph DAUISON*:  10010  00200  00
Godfry EIKLEBURGER*:  20010  10010  00
Frederick SMITH:  31020  31110  00
Samuel McCUNE:  00101  00101  00
Lussinda McCUNE:  30000  20010  00
Anthony BRETONDOL:  11010  50010  00
Christian GEREHEART:  30010  20010  10
Jacob DITTWILER:  10110  01110  00
Wm. McKEE:  30020  20010  00
John PRIER*:  20010  20010  00
Scheltzer* VALANTINE:  11010  30010  00
Peter TROUGH*:  10101  10001  00
John KICKS*:  10110  00100  00
Mathew PATTAN*:  20100  00100  00
Vindle* WOLF:  11001  00211  00
Mathias FITCH:  13010  20010  00
Christ. FULTMAN:  21001  12010  00
Adam LONG:  01001  01001 00
Wm. LONG:  10100  00100  00
Daniel REANA*:  10010  40010  00
John ROUGH*:  00010  00010  00
Adam COVER:  01101  21010  00
Peter SHENEFIELD:  00100  00100  00
George [page torn]:  11001  32011  10
Felty* [page torn]:

[p. 881]
John WRAY:  00101  01101  40
Henry WRAY:  00010  00010  10
John TAGGART:  10100  20302  12
Thomas SHUMAN:  00100  00001  00
John WORTH:  00201  00201  10
Saml. STERRITT:  00200  20010  10
John ROWAN:  00010  00001  00
Karins* STERRITT:  01010  10300  11
James BRANNON:  10110  30010  00
Sarah LAWSON:  11000  00001  00
Hugh MATSON:  10110  10100  00
John STERRITT:  32110  11110  02
Robt. DUNN:  30010  00010  00
John SHANAN:  01001  00201  00
John MARTIN:  00100  00100  00
Daniel EIKLEBURGER*:  31010  20010  00
John TOLMAN:  12201  10201  00
John KUPZER*:  11001  30010  00
James DODD:  10110  41010  00
James KELLY:  41010  21110  00
Francis WHITE:  10001  00101  00
Phillip SNIRES*:  00010  20010  00
John KEYES*:  10020  10100  00
John BOTTLES*:  10001  30010  00
John HINCKLE:  00001  30010  00

[p. 882]
John BARR:  11101  30010  00
James McMICHAL:  00011  00011  00
James GIBSON:  00010  00010  00
George CRAWFORD:  10001  00101  00
Wm. CRAWFORD:  00010  10100  00
John ***:  40010  00010  00
Andr. MORRISON:  01101  20200  00
John MILHELIMS*:  00010  20100  00
John DAVIS:  00010  20100  00
Robt. COUGHRAN:  00101  00001  00
James REED:  00010  00010  00
Andr. REED:  10010  10010  00
John KENNEDY:  01011  00000  23
John ANROADE*:  21001  51201  00
Jonathan JARREL*:  30010  01010  00
Richd. WILLIAMS:  10200  10010  00
Peter LONG:  10011  41010  00
John LONG:  32010  12010  00
Peter SOASE*:  30010  10010  00
Michl. STINE*:  11001  11101  00
George UNGER:  43001  10101  00
Conrad UNGER:  20010  41110  00
John HUSTAN:  32002  02101  00
James LONG:  10200  00010  00
Saml. R[page torn]:

[p. 883]
James JOHNSON*:  20010  20010  00
John WHITE:  01011  11010  00
Jacob BRIGHTFALL*:  20100  00100  00
Jacob HARTMAN:  10110  10100  00
Henry BENFINGER*:  21010  21010  00
John MORRISON:  30010  10010  00
John RUTHRAUGH*:  00101  00001  00
Dewalt COW*:  20001  41101  00
Mathew SHUR*:  20101  00101  00
Yokely* MYERS:  00010  00101  00
Jonathan BIVESES*:  00000  00000  11, 0 [eleven, zero]
John McGINLEY:  00100  00100  00
James NOBLE:  20100  00102  00
James GARRIN*:  41000  11011  00
John LAUGHIAD*:  11020  22110  00
Susanna HUSTON:  00410  00301  00

"Montgomery concluded"
[end 1800 Montgomery Township]