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Tax Lists: 1799, Dunbar Twp, Fayette County, PA

 Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by M. Burns.

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               county table of contents.

Taxpayers, Dunbar twp, Fayette County, Pennsylvania- 1799
from Ellis History of Fayette Co, p 507


Josiah Allen, merchant  2       1       -
Benjamin Archibald Sr   1       2       -
William Anderson        2       1       -
Anthony Able            2       2       -
James Allen, one lot    -       -       -
Isaac Artis             -       1       -
Benjamin Archibald Jr   -       -       -
Robert Archibald        1       1      160
John Barkelow, single   -       -       -
William Barns           -       1       -
John Barnhill           1       3       -
Thomas Burch            -       1       -
Jonathan Black          -       1       -
Leonard Barns           -       2       50
Isaac Byers             2       2       70
David Byers             1       2       70
Benjamin Byers          1       1      100
Daniel Barkelow         1       1       90
Conrad Barkelow         2       5       60
Andrew Byres, one lot   2       2        2
John Boyd, two lots     2       2       -
Patrick Barr            1       1       -
Jos. Bell, one lot      -       -       -
Levin Barns             -       1       -
Sarah Bradford          -       -       -
Francis Bryan, merchant 2       -       -
Jos Bell                1       1       -
Samuel Barr             -       -       -
James Boyes             2       2       18
Anthony Banning         -       -      250
William Bowers, weaver  1       -       -
William Boner, single   -       -       -
Thomas Boyers           -       1       50
Christopher Cummins     1       1       -
William Connell         1       -       -
John Clark, mason       -       2       -
John Christy            1       -       -
John Carlisle           1       3       -
Daniel Carlisle         1       1       -
Tesh Clark              1       -       -
Daniel Conner           -       1       -
James Cunningham, one lot 1     -       -
William Craig           2       2       -
Alex Carson             -       4       -
Thomas Craig            -       1       -
John Cannon (2 slaves)  2       3      220
Widow Cannon            1       1      200
William Cumberland      -       1       -
Thomas Cumberland       3       4       -
Thomas Clark            2       2       -
David Cathcart          1       2      100
William Carson          2       3      200
Hannah Crawford         1       1        2
John Clark              2       4       80
James Cunningham        1       1       -
D Cracraft, chargeable to Col Meason   100
John Cord               -       -       -
Adam Cunningham         1       1       -
John Davis              -       1       -
Samuel Dunlap           1       3      140
Levi Dickerson          -       2       -
Joshua Dickerson 
  (grist and sawmill)   3       5      340
Robert Dougan           1       1      270
John Dougan             2       2       -
Robert Dougan Jr        2       2       -
Eli Dickerson           2       2       -
Nicholas Durbin         1       1       -
Thomas Dickerson, 
   blacksmith           2       5       90
Adam Dickey, 
  innkeeper, one lot    2       2       -
Thomas Durbin           -       -       -
William Dodson          -       -       -
John Delaney            1       -      125
James Dunlap            2       5      150
Jonathan Davis          2       2       -
Adam Dunlap             5       6       -
John Eliot              2       1       -
Thomas Eliot            3       3       -
William Eliot           1       -       -
T Eyerman               1       2       -
Mager Foster            1       2       -
William Francis         1       2      370
John Fouzer, one lot    1       1       -
Samuel Findley          1       -       -
John Findley            -       -       -
Abram Forsythe, founder 1       -       -
Barnet Findley          -       -       -
Jacob Furry             2       4       -
Gordon Furguson         -       -       -
Joshua Gibson, furnace  -       -     1300
John Gibson, hammerman  -       2       -
Abraham Goble           5       2       -
Thomas Graham           1       1       -
John Gouger             -       1       -
Thomas Greenough,
   one slave            -       1       -
Matthew Gilchrist       2       5      150
Widow Gilchrist         2       4      221
John Graham, butcher    3       1       -
John Gale               1       2      300
Benjamin Griffith,
    nailer              -       -       -
James Guin              4       -       -
William Hainey,
     collier            1       -       -
William Hardy           -       -       -
Allen Huston, saddler   -       -       -
John Harbarger          -       1       -
Emanuel Hoover,
   blacksmith           -       1       -
Thomas Haggerty         -       -       -
William Hunt, shoemaker -       1       -
Arthur Hurry, tailor    -       2       6
David Howard            1       1       2
Daniel Hare             -       1       -
Alexander Hunter        -       1       -
William Henry, tailor   -       1       -
Nicholas Howard,
   blacksmith           -       1       -
Jacob Hunt              1       2       -
James Hindman           1       1       52
Christopher Isnogle     -       1       -
Mordechai John, 
    blacksmith          -       -       -
Thomas Jones            -       -       -
John Hamilton           3       3      243
William Johnston        1       2      100
Isaac Johnston          1       1       -
Elijah Johnston         -       -       -
Thomas Kirkpatrick      -       -       -
Adam Kinder             -       -       -
Philip Kylander         -       1       -
Jacob Lowry             -       1       -
Andrew Luckey           -       -       -
Thomas Little           2       4      130
Jacob Leight            2       6      109
James Lungren           1       1       -
Thomas Lawson           1       3      165
James Latimer           2       1       -
George Latimer          1       1       -
Benjamin Lowry          -       -       -
Thomas Lasher, joiner   -       -       -
William Moreland        2       2      300
Robert McLaughlin Jr    1       1       -
Robert McLaughlin Sr    4       5      400
John McLaughlin         2       5      375
Widow McFeeters         1       1       60
David Moreland          2       1      350
Isaac Meason Jr         -       -       -
Richard Melvin          -       -       -
Isaac Meason 
   (one forge, one furnace, one gristmill,
    2 sawmills)         -       -     6400
Joseph Minture          2       2       -
Robert McBurney,
blacksmith              1       1       -
David Mitz              -       -       -
Samuel McDowell         4       4      196
Robert McKnight         2       1       -
John Meloy              -       -       -
Hugh McConnell          -       -       -
Samuel Martin           1       1       -
Andrew McCane           -       1       -
Alexander  Morrison     1       1       -
Charles Murry           1       2       -
Hugh McCormick          -       -       -
Edward McCardel         -       -      100
James Miller            -       1       -
John Merrick            1       1       -
Neil McFadden           -       -       -
Josiah Moreland         2       3      300
William Miller          6       6      450
John Miles              -       3       -
Samuel McCune           -       -       -
James McCune            -       -       -
Jacob Murphy, 1 slave   5       5      250
James Miller            -       -       -
John McClelland         -       -      300
David Maple             1       2      100
Daniel McGraw           1       -       -
Jacob Maple             2       1       -
John Miller             -       -       -
John Maple              1       1       -
Alexander Moreland,
   blacksmith, sawmill  6       -       -
Elijah McLaughline      2       -       -
John Moreland           1       -       -
Allen Morrison          -       -       -
Matthew Neely           2       3      130
Joseph Osborn           -       -       -
John Oldshaw            2       4      250
Henry Passmore          1       1       -
George Perry            -       1       -
John Pool, potter       -       1       -
William Pollock         1       4      100
Isaac Patterson         -       -       -
Samuel Patterson        1       -      150
Thomas Parkinson
    grist and sawmill   2       3      280
Phineas Porter, tanner  4       4      150
James Paull, 2 slaves   5       6      450
Samuel Preston,
        blacksmith      4       3      100
Jesse Passmore,
 one house, not shingled -      -        2
Thomas Pew              -       -       -
Samuel Phillips         2       2       -
William Patterson       2       2      150
John Plystone,
        wagonmaker      -       -       -
Joshua Porter
        schoolmaster    -       1       -
Jonathan Paul,
        blacksmith      -       -       -
John Pattison           -       1       -
Thomas Patton
        schoolmaster    -       1       -
Robert Patterson        2       2       -
Hugh Pattison           1       1       40
Widow Parkhill          2       6      100
Jonathan Phillips       1       5      200
Matthew Russell         -       1       -
John Reed               -       -       -
John Rogers Jr
        innkeeper       2       4      110
John Rogers Sr          -       -       40
Jesse Rebecka           -       -       -
Thomas Rogers, 1 slave  5       5      300
William Ramsey          1       2       35
Robert Reed, tanner     1       3       -
John Ryan               -       -       -
John Reed, mason        -       1       -
William Ross            -       -       -
Cornelius Reardon       -       -       -
Henry Sairing           -       -       70
Joseph Sloan            1       1       -
Isaac Shallenbarger     -       -      150
Daniel Smithson,
    shoemaker           -       -       -
John Shearer            -       -       -
John Swift              -       -       -
John Shivers            1       1       -
Daniel Sickles          -       1       -
Caleb Squib             1       2       -
John Stopher            1       1       -
Henry Smith             2       3      150
Jacob Strickler         5       6      258
Uriah Springer          1       3       -
Eliakim Stoops          1       2       -
Sarah Stephens, 1 slave 1       1       -
James Swany             -       -       -
Edward Stephens         -       1       -
Benjamin Stephens       1       -       -
George Stewart          -       2       -
Thomas Talmon           -       -       -
Ebenezer Tinley,
     shoemaker          -       1       -
Joseph Torrence, 1 slave 4      3      300
William Thompson        -       -       -
Samuel Work, 1 slave    4       4      382
Hance Wiley             1       1       -
James Waugh             -       -       -
Thomas Wallace          -       -       -
James Wade              -       -       -
Gilly Wade              1       1       -
Matthew Wiley           3       5      275
John Wiley              1       -      100
John Willoughby, mason  1       1       -
Asa Wilson, blacksmith  -       -       -
James Wilkins           -       4      300
Henry Willis            1       1       40
Matthew Wilkin          2       2       -
Joseph Work             4       6      300
George Wilhelm          -       2       -
John Winant             2       2       -
Rhoda Wade              2       4       -
James Worthington       -       -       -
Daniel Young            2       2      120
Joseph Yeagley          2       2       -
Peter Yeagley           2       2       -
Alexander Young         -       -       -
Adam Yeagley            -       4       -
Jehiel Service          -       2       -
David Withrow           -       -       -
