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Elk County PA Archives Marriages.....Peterson, Elvira - Palmquist, Charles September 9, 1898
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Phyllis R. Thomas September 6, 2009, 11:51 am

Marriage License Docket 4, Oct. 14, 1897 to June 13, 1901, Elk County PA, Page 160
Certificate No.:     2772

Marriage License Docket of the Orphans’ Court of Elk County.

Mr. Charles Palmquist )
         To           )  Marriage License No. 2772
Miss Elvira Peterson  )

     On this 1st day of Sept. A.D. 1898 appeared before E.F. Cummings J.P. and 
applied for a license for the marriage of Mr. Charles Palmquist, white – a 
resident of the Boro of Johnsonburg, County of Elk, State of Penna. aged 23 
years, -- months and –- days, to Miss Elvia Peterson, white –- a resident of 
the Boro. of Johnsonburg, County of Elk, State of Penna. aged 20 years, 11 
months and -- days.
     Same day the Clerk of the Orphans’ Court aforesaid having inquired upon 
oath [blank] of the said applicant relative to the legality of the said 
contemplated marriage; and it appearing that there is no legal impediment 
thereto, a marriage license in due form was issued authorizing any Minister of 
the Gospel, Justice of the Peace, or other person authorized by law to 
solemnize marriages, to join said [blank] and [blank] together in the Holy 
State of Matrimony.
     And the said [blank] being [blank] minor [blank] the consent of [blank] 
of the said minor [blank] to the contemplated marriage was first given before 
[blank] personally (by proper legal certificate filed and duly signed, 
attested and acknowledged.)
Occupation of man.................................Laborer
Occupation of woman...............................Domestic
Relationship of parties, if any, before marriage..Not
Former state of man, married or single............Single
Former state of woman, married or single..........Single
If married, date of death or divorce of man’s wife.......[blank]
If married, date of death or divorce of woman’s husband..[blank]
     Now this 12th day of Sept. A.D. 1898, there was received and filed here 
certificate as follows, to wit:
     “I hereby certify, that on the 9th day of Sept. A.D. one thousand eight 
hundred and 98 at Johnsonburg Pa. Mr. Charles Palmquist and Miss Elvira 
Peterson were by me united in marriage in accordance with license issued by 
the Clerk of the Orphans’ Court of Elk County, Pennsylvania, numbered 2272.”
                        Oscar Palmberg, Minister of the Gospel
           A.M. Eut, Clerk Orphans Court Elk County.

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