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HISTORY: Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia, Chapter 2, Dauphin County, PA

Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Judy Bookwalter

Copyright 2007.  All rights reserved.

Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of Dauphin County, 
Containing Sketches of Representative Citizens, and Many of the 
Early Scotch-Irish and German Settlers.  Chambersburg, Pa.: 
J. M. Runk & Company, 1896, pages 8-24.

                           HISTORICAL REVIEW
                            DAUPHIN COUNTY.

                               CHAPTER II.

        John Harris, Trader and Pioneer - Early Assessment Lists.

  As stated, the settlers began to pour in, and warrants for land were 
taken up in various townships, as soon as the land office was opened, 
it having been closed from the time of the death of William Penn until 
1732.  For a record of these warrantees our readers are referred to the 
author's History of Dauphin county, published in 1883.  Most of these 
show who were the first settlers in the various townships now forming 
Dauphin county.  It was not for twenty years after the organization of 
the county of Lancaster that we have any assessment lists, giving the 
names of the people who inhabited the various townships.  Recently the 
earliest in existence, commencing in 1751 and continuing down to the 
time of the Revolution, came into our pos-


session and copies made therefrom.  For permanent reference these lists 
are of great value and we include them in this sketch of the history of 
our county as being of very great import in locating the earliest 
  The first English trader we hear of within the limits of the county 
was John Harris.  The fears of the French, who were constantly gaining 
ground in the northwestern part of the Province, and especially of 
"Papists," which all at once seems to have filled our Quaker friends 
with terror, it became absolutely necessary to license only English 
traders, and they of Protestant proclivities, so as to prevent 
communication with the French on the Ohio.  Among the first was John 
Harris, who perchance entered this then lucrative field, the Indian 
trade, at the suggestion of his most intimate friend, Edward Shippen, 
Provincial Secretary.
  Of the John Harris who thus located permanently at Harrisburg, and 
who gave name to that city, it may not be inappropriate to refer.  "He 
was as honest a man as ever broke bread" was the high eulogium 
pronounced by Parson Elder, of blessed memory, as he spoke of the 
pioneer in after years.  Born in the county of Yorkshire, England, 
although of Welsh descent, about the year 1673, he was brought up in 
the trade of his father, that of a brewer.  Leaving his home on 
reaching his majority, he worked at his calling some time in the city 
of London, where he joined, a few years afterwards, a company from his 
native district, who emigrated to Pennsylvania two or three years prior 
to Penn's second visit to his Province.  Watson states that John 
Harris' "entire capital amounted to only sixteen guineas."
  We first hear of him after his arrival in Philadelphia as a 
contractor for clearing and grading the streets of that ancient 
village.  In 1698 his name is appended to a remonstrance to the 
Provincial Assembly against the passage of an act disallowing the 
franchise to all persons owning real estate less in value than fifty 
pounds.  The memorial had its effect, and the objectionable law was 
repealed.  By letters of introduction to Edward Shippen, the first 
mayor of Philadelphia, that distinguished gentleman became his 
steadfast friend, and through his influence, no doubt, were secured 
those favors which induced him eventually to become the first permanent 
settler in this locality.
  In January, 1705, John Harris received his license from the 
commissioners of properly authorizing and allowing him to "seat himself 
on the Sasquahannah," and "to erect such buildings as are necessary for 
his trade, and to enclose and improve such quantities of land as he 
shall think fit."  At once he set about building a log house near the 
Ganawese (Conoy) settlement, but the Indians made complaint to the 
government that it made them "uneasie," desiring to know if they 
encouraged it.  As in numerous instances when the provincial 
authorities were taken to task, they disavowed their own acts.  
Nevertheless, the "trader" continued his avocation, making frequent 
visits to the Swawanese villages at the Conewago and Swatara.  It is 
doubtful if John Harris came farther west until after the permanent 
removal of all the French traders.
  It was during one of his expeditions that Harris first beheld the 
beauty and advantages of the location at Paxtang.  It was the best 
fording place on the Susquehanna, and then, as now in these later days, 
on the great highway between the North and South, the East and West.  
Annually the chiefs of the five Nations went to the Carolinas, where 
were located their vast hunting-grounds, and these, returning with 
peltries, found need of a trading-post.  The eye of that hardy pioneer, 
looking out over the vast expanse of wood, and plain, and river, saw 
and knew that it was the place for the realization of that fond dream 
of the founder of Pennsylvania, the great and good Penn, "a city on the 
Susquehanna."  At the period referred to, the lands lying between the 
Conewago or Lechay Hills and Kittochtinny or Blue Mountains had not 
been purchased from the Indians.  Of course, neither John Harris nor 
the Scotch-Irish settlers could locate except by the right of squatter 
sovereignty or as licensed traders.  As a trader, it could only be with 
the permission of the Indians.
  Harris' first move was the erection of a store-house, which he 
surrounded by a stockade.  It was located on the lower bank of the 
river, at about what is now the foot of Paxtang street.  A well dug by 
him still exists, although covered over about thirty-five years ago, 
the old pump stock having become useless and the platform dangerous.  A 
mound or hillock about one hundred feet southeast of the graveyard 
denotes the spot.  "For almost a century," in the language of the late 
David Harris, "this well supplied a 


large neighborhood with water, which was exceedingly cool and pleasant 
to the taste."  Adjoining his cabin were sheds for the housing of 
peltries obtained by traffic, which at stated periods were conveyed to 
Philadelphia on pack-horses.
  Some years prior to 1718 an incident took place in the life of John 
Harris which has received all sorts of versions, and even doubts of 
truthfulness.  We shall give it as we believe it, and as traditionary 
and other facts in our possession supply the material therefor.  All 
the French traders having "gone over Sasquahannah," John Harris 
monopolized the business at Paxtang.  In glancing over the records of 
the Province of Pennsylvania, frequent allusions are made to the 
excursions of the northern Indians, either to hunting-grounds in the 
south or to a conflict with a deadly foe.  At one time the Onondagoes, 
on a predatory excursion against the Talapoosas, in Virginia, 
descending the Susquehanna, left their canoes at Harris', proceeding 
thence to the scene of strife.  Situated as he was, at the best ford on 
the river, he commanded an extensive trade.  His Indian neighbors 
(Shawanese) were very friendly, and of course would not allow any 
strange or predatory bands to molest him.  The deadly foe of the red 
race is rum, and although the selling of it was expressly forbidden by 
the provincial authorities, yet there was scarcely a treaty or 
conference without this potion being a part of the presents made by the 
refined white man to his ignorant red brother.  Of a consequence liquor 
was sold, and we are told by Conrad Weiser that on one occasion "on the 
Sasquahannah," the Indians whom he was conducting to Philadelphia 
became so drunk that he was fearful of them and left them.  At the 
first period referring to, it seems a predatory band of Indians, on 
returning from the Carolinas, or the "Patowmack," naturally halted at 
John Harris'.  In exchanging part of their goods, probably rum - for 
this seems to have been the principal beverage drunk at that period - 
was one of the articles in barter.  At least we have it by tradition 
that the Indians became riotous in their drunken revelry, and demanding 
more rum were refused by Mr. Harris, who began to fear harm from his 
visitors.  Not to be denied, they again demanded liquor, and seizing 
him, they took him to a tree near by, binding him thereto.  After 
helping themselves to whatever they wanted of his stores, they danced 
around the unhappy captive, who no doubt thought his death was nigh.
  Prior to this the Indian village of Paxtang had been deserted, and 
the inhabitants removed to the west side of the Susquehanna.  On the 
bluff opposite John Harris', as also at the mouth of the Yellow 
Breeches, there were lodges of Shawanese, and these held our Indian 
trader in high esteem.  Information was taken them by Mr. Harris' negro 
servant, when at once were summoned the warriors, who crossed the 
river, where after a slight struggle with the drunken Indians they 
rescued from a death of torture their white friend.
  Esther, a daughter of the first John Harris, left three daughters:  
Elizabeth, married to Samuel Maclay; Isabella, married to William Bell, 
of New York, and Margaret, married to Isaac Richardson, of 
Pennsylvania, and then or subsequently living in York county.  All of 
these granddaughters made statements in relation to the occurrence in 
  In the year 1840 G. W. Harris had a conversation with Mrs. Bell on 
this subject.  She stated that she was born in 1760.  That in 1766 she 
was coming from Carlisle, where she lived, to Harrisburg with her 
father and some of her sisters.  When they came to the river opposite 
to Harrisburg, where William Harris was then living, some of the 
children pointed to an old man fishing in the river, and they mentioned 
that he had saved the 
life of his master, John Harris, from the Indians.  She said that she 
understood it to be when he was tied to the mulberry tree.
  Robert Maclay, of Kishacoquillas Valley, Mifflin county, wrote some 
years ago a statement as to this matter, from information obtained from 
his mother and her sisters, Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Richardson.  His 
statement is to the effect that a party of Indians came to trade, and 
after obtaining what Mr. Harris had given to them, or traded for, they 
demanded rum, which he refused.  They then determined to burn him, and 
bound him with hickory withes to a mulberry tree on the bank of the 
river, and commenced gathering and piling wood around him.  While they 
were gathering wood his negro man, Hercules, slipped off and informed 
friendly Indians on the opposite side of the river, who at once came in 
sufficient force to rescue and save his master.  He added, as the 
statement of these ladies, that Mr. Harris set Hercules free, and that 
afterwards he directed 


that he should be buried under the mulberry tree.  Hercules died a 
considerable time after the death of John Harris, and is buried there.
  Mr. Maclay also furnished a statement, which he had heard from his 
mother, to the effect that some friends endeavored to dissuade the old 
gentleman, Mr. Harris, from his determination to be buried under the 
mulberry tree, alleging that the river bank was being washed away and 
the grave might be exposed and perhaps wasted away, and that he ought 
to be buried in the Paxtang church graveyard, but that he silenced all 
argument by saying that if you bury me out in Paxtang I'll get up and 
come back.  One of his daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Finley, is also buried 
under the mulberry tree.
  Here, then, is the statement, of Robert Harris, a grandson of John 
Harris, and of three of his granddaughters to the alleged occurrence at 
the mulberry tree, and Mr. Harris adds that Mrs. Bell and Mrs. 
Richardson were known to him, and were persons of superior intellect. 
  Robert Maclay also mentioned an incident as derived from the same 
source, that an Indian in a distressed condition, on a cold night, came 
to the house of John Harris and sought admission.  He was received and 
lay by the fire during the night.  When the Indians came to the relief 
of John Harris it is said that this Indian was with them. 
  As to whether the alarm was given by Hercules, in a conversation with 
Robert Harris, about the year 1840, in which he said that the alarm on 
the occasion in question was not given by Hercules, but in some other 
way, how he did not know; but that Hercules had saved the life of his 
master on another occasion, I think he said when he was endangered from 
a steer in the flat on the river.  But Mr. Samuel Breck, of 
Philadelphia, previous to October, 1827, wrote an account relative to 
Harrisburg, in which, in reference to this alleged occurrence at the 
mulberry tree, he states that the Indians who came to the relief of 
John Harris were led by Hercules, and he adds that the narrative was 
submitted in substance to the inspection of Mr. Robert Harris, and 
declared by him to be correct.
  When the picture relative to that scene (in possession of the State 
of Pennsylvania) was painted by Reeder, who was in communication with 
Robert Harris, the latter, it would seem, was of opinion that the alarm 
was not given by Hercules, and Hercules did not appear in it.  His 
attention may not have been directed especially to the statement 
relative to Hercules in the narrative of Mr. Breck, or his subsequent 
recollection may have been at fault.  The burden of evidence seems to 
be that the alarm was given by Hercules, and if it were, he is entitled 
to representation in the picture.
  We have been thus explicit because the incident has been stated as 
untrue, and hence have given such traditionary evidence as it has been 
possible to obtain.
  Although no mention of these facts is made in the provincial records, 
there may possibly have been good reason therefor, and it is well known 
that many incidents, well authenticated in later years, have not been 
noted in the documents referred to.  By tradition and private sources 
alone are they preserved from oblivion.  It was no myth, this attempt 
to burn John Harris, and although the pen and pencil have joined in 
making therefrom a romance and heightened it with many a gaudy 
coloring, yet accurate resources have furnished us with the details 
here given.
  The remains of this tree, which in the memory of the oldest 
inhabitant bore fruit, stood until 1865 with the enclosure - a striking 
memento of that thrilling incident.  The late George W. Harris 
furnished the author with certain corrobatory traditional evidence, 
which is herewith given.  That it did occur was not only traditional in 
the Harris family but also in others. The writer's grandmother, Mrs. 
Elizabeth (Thomas) Egle, tarried when a child of fifteen at John 
Harris', her father then being on his way from Philadelphia to his home 
at his mill on the Yellow Breeches.  John Harris, the founder, in the 
course of conversation with her father alluded to the mulberry tree and 
the rude inclosure of the graves at its foot, and distinctly remembers 
then hearing the story in detail which we have given.
  Robert Harris, a grandson of the Indian trader, stated it as a fact 
in which he believed.  According to a memorandum, made in his lifetime, 
he stated that a band of Indians came to the house of his grandfather 
and demanded rum.  He saw that they were intoxicated, and he feared 
mischief if he gave them more rum.  They became enraged and tied him to 
the tree for burning.  The alarm was given, and Indians from the 


opposite side of the river came and after a struggle released him.

                         EARLY ASSESSMENT LISTS.
                      North End of Paxtang - 1750.

  John Harris, 200 a.; James Mitchell, 50 a.; Widow Forster, 100 a.; 
James McNight, Moses Dickey, 100 a.; Thomas McCarter [McArthur], 100 
a.; Samuel Martin, 100 a.; Widow Kerr, 100 a.; Thos. Simpson, 100 a.; 
Robert Montgomery, 100 a.; Widow Farris, 25 a.; James Alcorn, 200 a.; 
James Pollock [Polk], 40 a.; James Reed, 100 a.; James Armstrong, 200 
a.; Samuel Brice, 100 a.; Robert Potter, 100 a.; James Potter, 100 a.; 
William Bell, 100 a.; John Lee, 100 a.; Joseph Davis, 30 a.; John 
Carson, 300 a.; Thomas Forster, Esq., 100 a.; Widow Whitley, 50 a.; 
Samuel Simpson, 100 a.; Arthur Forster, 100 a.; Thomas Elder, 100 a.; 
Andrew Caldwell, 50 a.; William Chambers, 80 a.; William Cochran, 100 
a.; William Brown, 100 a.; Francis Johnston, 50 a.; James Graham, 100 
a.; Widow Armstrong, 100 a.; William Barnett, 50 a.; Robert Curry, 40 
a.; Stephen Gambel, 100 a.; John Barnett, 50 a.; William Barnett, Jr., 
40 a.; John Wiggins, 100 a.; David Patton, 100 a.; William McMullen, 
100 a.; Francis Smith, 10 a.; John Cavet, 100 a.; James Gilchrist, 100 
a.; Samuel Hunter, 100 a.; William Armstrong, Matthew Cowden, 100 a.; 
John Bell, 100 a.; Richard Cavet, 100 a.; John Thompson, 100 a.; James 
Wilson, 50 a.; John Caldwell, 100 a.; Andrew Cochran, 100 a.; James 
Toland, 20 a.; John Roop, 30 a.; John Montgomery, 50.; Joseph Roop, 100 
a.; Robert Dougal, 100 a.; Thomas Sturgeon, 100 a.; Andrew Stewart, 100 
a.; George Gillespy, 50 a.; William Hines, 100 a.; Andrew Stephen, 200 
a.; Alex. Johnston, 40 a.; Robert Chambers, 100 a.; John Dougherty 
(carpenter), John Scott, 100 a.; John Cochran, 100 a.; Samuel 
Cunningham, 30 a.; Jeremiah Sturgeon, 100 a.; Francis Loock, John 
Wiley, 20 a.; Widow Wiley, 100 a.; Robert Smith, 100 a.; John Smith, 
George Bell, 50 a.; Thos. Larrimore, 40 a.; Noah Copley (blacksmith), 
John Chambers, 50 a.; Hugh McCormick, 200 a.; David Diney (Taylor), 
William Thorn, 100 a.; John Johnston, 100 a.; James Eackin, 20 a.; 
Samuel Gambel, 100 a.; Thomas Armstrong, 50 a.; John Snoddy 30 a.; 
Alexander McHarge, 50 a.  Collectors for ye north end of Paxtown 1750 - 
Thomas Simpson, William Bell.  Freemen - George Roop, James Means, 
Adams Means, Robert Reed, Joseph Kelso, John Steel, William Bell, 
Oliver Jeens, James Micheltree, Robert Delap.

                       Narrows of Paxtang - 1751.

  Widow Murray, Robert Armstrong, John Armstrong, Thomas Gaston, 
William Forster, Mr. Robert Armstrong, Thomas Clark, John McKennedy, 
Robert Clark, Thomas Adams, Albert Adams, John Watt, William Baskins, 
George Wells, Francis Glass, George Clark, John Mitcheltree, Francis 
Baskins (trader), John Clark, James Reed, James English, John Gevens, 
James Baskins, Thomas McKee, John Kelton.  Freemen - Charles Williams, 
John Lee (trader). - JOHN KELTON, Collector.

                      West Side of Paxtang - 1751.

  William Thorn, Hugh Montgomery, Robert Dugan, Thomas Sturgeon, John 
Johnson, Widow Forster, James McKnight, John Harris, James Reed, James 
Armstrong, Robert Chambers, John Davis, William Ta, James Harris, David 
Carson, William McCalley, James Toland, Andrew Stephen, John Cochran, 
Alexander Johnson, Thomas Forster, Esq., James Eaken, James Allcorn, 
Thomas Simpson, Widow Kerr, James Polke, James Potts, George Gillespie, 
Alex. McCay, John Cavet, Andrew Caldwell, Patrick Gillespie, John 
Scott, Samuel Price, Jeremiah Sturgeon, Robert Montgomery, John 
Caldwell, Robert Smith, Joseph White, John Neal, John Dougherty, George 
Gabriel, John Carson, Samuel Hunter, Widow Armstrong, John Daley, 
Samuel Simpson, Samuel Martin, Thomas McArthur, James Collier, Thomas 
Larnard, Andrew Stuart, William Barnet, Samuel Gamble, Alexander 
Sanders, Robert Currey, Moses Wain, John Ross, Joseph Ross, John Smith, 
James Thorn, William Thorn, Widow Wiley, William Armstrong, William 
Calhoun, Thomas McCormick, John Wiggins, John Wiley, John Schultz, 
Andrew Cochran, Robert Potts, James Gilchrist. - WILLIAM THORN, 

                      South End of Paxtang - 1751.

  William Kirkpatrick, Thomas King, Thomas Mayes, William Steel, Robert 
Taylor, Hugh Stuart, Peter Fleming, John Shields, Henry Renick, John 
Gray, William Harris, Richard McClure, John Willson, William Willson, 
Oliver Wiley, Thomas King, Samuel Galbraith, Martin Shults, 


David Shields, Moses Dickey, Henry McKinney, Hattman Seller, Valentine 
Starn, Jonas Lerue, Thomas Dugan, Widow Brown, Alex. Brown, James Lusk, 
John Means, Andrew Hanna, George Sheets, Timothy McKnight, William 
Sharp, Henry McElroy, John Johnston, Andrew Johnson, Charles Gordan, 
John Montgomery, Timothy Shaw, Robert Wright, Matthew Gordan, Andrew 
Husten, Samuel Woods, John Welsh, Alexander White, John Murray, James 
McKnight, Francis Johnson, James Willson, Freemen - William Dickey, 
Patrick McKinney. - JACOB SHEETS, Collector. 

                       Return of Paxtang - 1756.

  William McCord, 100 a.; Patrick Montgomery, 100 a.; Thomas Renick 
(smith), 200 a.; Samuel Galbraith (Hugh Davis' land), 400 a.; Robert 
Morrison, Andrew Lykens, Robert Jones, Aaron Hine, Valentine Starn 
(Peter Gardner's land), 400 a.; Michael Teph (John Potts' land), 200 
a.; Crisley Swarts, 200 a.; Jonas Lerue, 200 a.; Richard Fulton, 175 
a.; John Kerr, William Cummens (ye Secretary's land), 200 a.; Adam 
Torrance, John Harris, 400 a.; Thomas Chambers, 70 a.; John Bell, 100 
a.; William Steel, 100 a.; James Smith, 100 a.; James Thorn, 100 a.; 
Hugh McClay, 160 a.; James Collard, 200 a.; George Alexander, 100 a.; 
George King (ye land of Dr. Reker's), 400 a.; Frederick Fogle, John 
Shield, 200 a.; John Moore, Alexander McClure, 200 a.; Richard McClure, 
200 a.; James Lusk, 150 a.; Robert Sterrett, 100 a.; James Fitzgerald 
(ye land of Joseph Randles), 200 a.; James Boyle, 150 a.; James 
Williamson, 60 a.; Thomas Dugal, 200 a.; William Willson, 200 a.; Jacob 
Sheets (smith), 100 a.; Stophel Monts (ye land Wil'm Kirkpatrick), 150 
a.; William McClintock, 100 a.; Joseph Sherer, 120 a.; John Montgomery, 
100 a.; Michael Graham, 150 a.; Timothy Shaw, 100 a.; Edward Sharp, 100 
a.; Henry Renick, 150 a.; Thomas McCord, John Willson, Jr., 200 a.; 
Thomas McCarter [McArthur], 100 a.; William Sharp, 100 a.; David 
Shields, 120 a.; Henry McKiney, 100 a.; Robert Gray, 50 a.; Timothy 
McKnight, 100 a.; William Carson, 50 a.; Hugh Stuart, 200 a.; John 
Means, 50 a.; James Alexander, Thomas King, Sr., 100 a.; Andrew Hannah, 
100 a.; William Kirkpatrick, 200 a.; Edward King, 50 a.; Thomas King, 
Jr., 100 a.; Philip Fisher, 50 a.; David Walker, 50 a.; Frederick 
Foster, 80 a.; William Hannah, 100 a.; Moses Dickey (mill-wright), 200 
a.; Thomas Rutherford, 150 a.; Michael Whitley (shoemaker), William 
Kerr, 100 a.; James Pollock, 50 a.; Jeremiah Sturgeon, 100 a.; James 
Armstrong (saddler), 50 a.; Jacob Roop, 199 a.; Thomas Armstrong, 50 
a.; James Huston, 100 a.; Samuel Forgue, James Reed, 60. a.; Samuel 
Simpson (blacksmith), 150 a.; John Johnston (shoemaker), 100 a.; Thomas 
Simpson (smith), 100 a.; William Kelso, Stephen Gamble, 50 a.; William 
McMullen, 50 a.; John Cashon, 50 a.; John Gray, 100 a.; Walter Bell, 
John Wilson, Sr., 200 a.; Jacob Lantz, 100 a.; George Sheets, 200 a.; 
Samuel Martin 250 a.; James Kilcreest, 50 a.; Andrew Huston, 100 a.; 
Alexander Johnston (little), Thos. Forster, Esq., 200 a.; Robt. Potts, 
100 a.; George Gillespy, 100 a.; John Carson, 300 a.; To Edgel's 
Estate, 300 a.; Rudy Herr's land, 160 a.; The Proprietor's land, 1000 
a.; Samuel Hunter, 100 a.; Arthur Simpson, Robert Armstrong, 100 a.; 
Denis Dougherty, Neal McGlaughlin, James Wallace, 200 a.; Andrew 
Stephen, 100 a.; William Calhoon, 10 a.; James Thorn, 100 a.; John 
Cochran, 30 a.; Patrick Gillespy, 100 a.; Archibald McCollogh (ye land 
Jas. Wilson's), 50 a.; Philip Kinder, Jacob Sider (the land Henry 
Deyarmond's), 100 a.; John Montgomery (youngest), 60 a.; William 
Chambers, 100 a.; Joseph White, 50 a.; John Smith, 100 a.; John Ross, 
100 a.; James MacKnight, 50 a.; Andrew Caldwell, 100 a.; William 
Wallace, 60 a.; John Barnett, 50 a.; William Barnett (black), 50 a.; 
William Barnett (white), 20 a.; David Patten, 200 a.; Thomas McCormick, 
200 a.; Robert Gilchrist, 222 a.; William Bell, 100 a.; Matthew Cowden, 
200 a.; Robert Taylor, 400 a.; Matthew Brown, 100 a.; Catherine Harris, 
100 a.; Thos. Mays, 100 a.; Thos. Alexander (schoolmaster), John 
Gilchrist (smith), 240 a.; James Calhoun, 100 a.; William Woods, 40 a.; 
Robert Carson, 30 a.; Henry Harley (ye land Peter Miller's), 150 a.; 
Henry Sharp, 100 a.; William McKnight, 100 a.; John McCollom (ye land 
John Nives), 150 a.; David English, 100 a.; Thos. Sturgeon, 150 a.; 
Andrew Stuart, 100 a.; Robert Stephen, 20 a.; John Wiley, 100 a.; John 
Neil, 50 a.; Alex. Johnston (big Alick), 100 a.; William Armstrong, 
John Cavet, 100 a.; John Johnston, 100 a.; James Gayly, 50 a.; Henry 
MacElroy, 100 a.; John Johnston (whitelocks), 100 a.; John Montgomery 
(Patrick's son), 50 a.; Robert Heslat, 50 a.; John McKeever 50 a.; John 
Jameson, 100 a.; Robert Curry, 150 a.; Alex. Meharg, 50 a.; Robert 
Wright, 100 a.; William McClure, Joseph Wilson, 50 a.; Alex. 


Malton (ye land Thos. Forster's).  Land Holders - All these the time 
was so short, I had not time to go to their houses, but they're all 
land holders.  John Wiggins, James Thorn, Joseph Ross, James Potts, 
Widow Cavet, Moses Swan, George Clark, John Ross, Robt. Montgomery, 
Widow Wiley, John Scott, Hugh McCormick.  Widows - Widow Cunningham, 50 
a.; Widow Calhoun, 100 a.; Widow Smith, 100 a.; Widow McKnight, 50 a. 
Fled from ye Indians - Anthony Thompson, Barney Tolan, Hugh Gibson, 
Michael Gibson, John Chambers, Alexander Murray, John Young, James 
Miller, James Murray.  Freemen - Joseph McCord, inmate to Patrick 
Montgomery; Daniel Lindley, at Valentine Sturn's; Alexander Caldwell, 
at Thomas Chambers'; John Sterling, Samuel Steel, at William Steel's; 
Thos. Mays, Jr., at Thos. Mays'; William Simpson, Robert Barkley, at 
John Shields'; John Collier, at his father's; Jeremiah Brandon, at 
George Ellis'; Charles McKillip, at Richard McClure's; Phillip 
Donnelly, at Valentine Sturn's; James Black, at Widow Boal's; Patrick 
McGranahan, at Jacob Awl's; Jacob Awl (tanner), Richard Carson, at John 
Carson's; Patrick Hodgon, John Patrick, at Andrew Stewart's; Jonathan 
Cummins, at John Harris'; Charles McGranahan, John Forster, at Justice 
Forster's; James Eakins, Jr., William Cowden, at Matt. Cowden's; John 
Simpson, at Thos. Simpson's; Moses Dickey, Jr., John Montgomery, at his 
father's; Robt. Montgomery, at John his father's; Robert Fruit, at 
Andrew Huston's; Walter Clark, Geo. Clark's son; William McClure, at 
Oliver Wiley's; Luke McCool, an old man at Thos. Dugan's.  Refused to 
give their Return (Covenanters) - Alexander Brown, James Brown, Ben. 
Brown, William Brown, John Caldwell, James Eakin, Peter Corbit, Geo. 
Fisher, one nager. - HUGH STUART, Collector. 

                            Paxtang - 1758.

  James Armstrong, Jacob Awl, James Armstrong (tenant), John Albright, 
Thomas Alexander, William Armstrong, Thomas Allen, James Alexander, 
Thomas Armstrong, George Alexander, Robert Britwell, Widow Boyd, 
Benjamin Brown, Martin Brown, James Brown, Alex. Brown, William Brown, 
John Bell, John Bell (tenant), Walter Bell, Samuel Brice, William Bell, 
John Barnett, William Barnett, Sr., William Barnett, Jr., Richard 
Carson, James Collard, James Calhoun, John Carson, William Carson, 
Michael Cassel and Michael Casel, Jr., John Chambers, William Chambers, 
Andrew Chaeren(?), Peter Eaby, William Chambers, John Caldwell, Martin 
Cowden, Widow Cochran, John Cochran, George Clark, John Cavet, John 
Chambers, Andrew Caldwell, William Calhoun, James Cilley, John Carson, 
Moses Dickey, Thomas Dockham, Rev. John Elder, James Ekins, Jr., David 
English, Robert Fruit, Thomas Forster, Esq., Richard Fulton, Frederick 
Foster, George Fisher, Samuel Galbraith, George Gross, Robert Gray, 
Michael Graham, George Gray, John Gray, Patrick Gillespy, George 
Gillespy, John Harris, Andrew Huston, William Hannah, Widow Hannah, 
Widow Harris, Samuel Hunter, Robert Haslet, John Johnston, Robert 
Jones, John Johnston, Alexander Johnston, Philip Kinter, Edward King, 
Thomas King, Sr., Thomas King, William Killpatrick, William Kerr, 
Robert Killcreese, James Killcreese, John Killcreese, John Kisler, 
(Landlord's Part), John Lukins, James Lisk, Jonas Lerue, Samuel Laney, 
Henry McSeney, Richard McClure, William McClure, Thomas Mays, Widow 
McKnight, Hugh McGillap, John Means, Samuel Martin, Tinnle McKnight, 
Stofel Man, John Montgomery, William McMullen, John McCaver, John 
Montgomery, Sr., John McChulen, William McKnight, Alexander McClure, 
Alexander Maugham, Robert Montgomery, John Montgomery, Thomas McArthur, 
Hugh McCormick, Alex. Murry, Patrick Montgomery, Robert Montgomery, 
Alexander McHort, John Neal, William Nicholson, Robert Potts, David 
Patten, Thomas Rutherford, James Reed, Henry Renick, Jacob Roop, John 
Ross, Joseph Ross, Timothy Shaw, Thomas Simpson, Samuel Simpson, 
William Steel, James Smith, Robert Stuart, Nicholas Stugh, Hugh Stuart, 
John Shield, David Shield, George Sheets, Henry Sharp, Edward Sharp, 
William Sharp, Joseph Sherer, Frederick Swicker, Jeremiah Sturgeon, 
Andrew Stuart, Andrew Stephen, James Sloan, John Smith, Widow Smith, 
Christian Swartz, John Steel, Valentine Starn, Thomas Sturgeon, John 
Scott, Michael Tafer, Thomas James and William James, Adam Torence, 
William Thorne, James Thorne, James Williamson, William Willson, John 
Willson, Jr., Joseph Willson, Joshua White, Robert Wright, Robert 
Whitley, Thomas Willey, James Wallace, John Wright, Widow Wil-


ley, David Walker, James Woodside.  Freemen - William Boggs, Isaac 
Bell, James Bell, John Bell, Robert Cochran, William Cowden, John 
Cowden, John Conrad, Arthur Cuningham, Alexander Diver, William Davis, 
Andrew Eakins, Robert Eakins, William Gibbons, Joseph Gray, John 
Hannah, Daniel Linwell, Thomas Little, Thomas Mays, Charles McCannahan, 
William McCardney, Andrew McCollum, Thomas McArthur, Thomas McCord, 
William Montgomery, Nathaniel Paul, Robert Renick; John Rutherford, 
John Sterling, Samuel Steel, George Sheets, William Smith, David 
Sterrett, Robert Fruit, Thomas Kennedy.

                    Paxtang Continental Tax - 1779.

  John Alleman, Stophel Alleman, Conrad Alleman, Chrisley Alleman, John 
Armstrong, John Achia, Jacob All, Jacob B. Brand, George Bennett, 
Conroad Burghough, John bowman, William Brown, John Barnett, John 
Barnett, Sr., Andrew Berryhill, Alexander Berryhill, William Boyd, 
Thomas Bell, Peter Bobb, William Bell, Thomas Braman, Henry Bolls, 
Peter Brener, John Boyer, James Burd, John Bowman (weaver), Bearfoot 
Brunson, Jacob Barkley, Casper Byerley, Felty Beaker, Philip Brown, 
Conroad Bobb, John Barris, Widow Boggs, John Buck, John Boughman, Sam 
Byers, John Brand, Max'll Chambers, Robert and Roland Chambers, Hugh 
Crocket, George Consort, Robert Caldwell, John Cavits, William Calhoon, 
John Chambers, William Cochran, James Cochran, Widow Caldwell, Hugh 
Cunningham, John Clendining, William Carson, Cornals Cox, Samuel 
Clemins, John Cline, James Cogley, John Cogley, James Crouch, Land sold 
by Carson, James Collier, John Clark, Frederick Cassel, Michael Cassel, 
George Carson, Richard Carson, Daniel Cooper, John Cassel, Matthew 
Calhoon, Samuel Cochran and James Sherer, James Cowden, John Cambel, 
James Cavit, Archibald Cambel, Philip Crinar, James Duncan, Robert 
Duglas, George Dickson, William Dickey & Porter, Peter Duffey, 
Christian Demmey, John Doneley, John Dinsey, John Davis, Rev. John 
Elder, Robert Elder, John Elder, Joshua Elder, John Elder, Jr., Adam 
Eckert, Stophel Earnist, Abraham Eagle, Joseph Flora, Jr., George 
Facklan, John Foster, John Fritz, Phillip Fisher, John Flackameer, 
Joseph Fultain, Bernard Fridley, George Fridley, Joseph Flora, Sr., 
Vandel Fachlar, Frederick Foster, Tames Finney, John Garber, John 
Gilcrist, Esq., John Gallaher, George Gray & Joseph, John Gauday, 
William Gibbins, John Graham, John Gilcrist, John Gray, Joseph Gregg, 
Robert Gilcrist, Joseph Hutchinson, Samuel Hutchinson, Andrew Huston, 
John Hatfield, Joseph Hufman, William Hetrick, Patrick Heaney, Henry 
Humbarger, John Hilton, Jacob Haldiman, John Harsha, John Harris, James 
Harris, Martin Houser, Tice Hoove, Patrick Hogan, Alexander Hetherton, 
John Hersha, Alexander Johnson, John Jamison, Peter Isonhaver, James 
Johnson, Joseph Ervin, William Kerr, Thomas King, William Keays, John 
Kinsley, William Kelso, Jacob Kerr, Joseph Keller, John Kisnor, Adam 
Kitchmiller, Will'm Kirkpatrick, Edward King, John Little, John Larkey, 
Widow Lider, Patrick Lusk, Adam Lampart, Michael Lyms, Francis and 
George Lerue, Jacob Lymes, John Maxwell, John Means, Alexander 
McHargue, William McMillen, George McMillen, William McRoberts, John 
McElhenney, Thomas McCormick, Robert Montgomery, Jacob Millar, Hugh 
Montgomery, John Matthews, John Meader, David Montgomery, James McKee, 
John Moor, Thomas Miller, George Millar, James McCoard, Jonathan 
McClure, Rowan McClure, Alexander McClure, Richard McClure, John Mumma, 
Thomas Murray, James Mahan, William McClure, Jacob Millar, John 
McKeary, Rev. Joseph Montgomery, William Montgomery, William 
McClanahan, Joseph Mark, John and James McKinney, Robert McWhorter, 
Thomas McArthur, John Murray, Andrew McClure, Robert Neel, Francis 
Nieckel (col.), Eliab Neagley, Widow Nab, George Heviland, John Noop, 
Abraham Nidigh, Christian Paige, Michael Peasinger, David Paton, 
Michael Pitner (Bitner), John Parthimar, Stephen Poorman, George 
Pancake, John Postlethwaite, Jacob Poorman, Jacob Peck, George Page, 
Peter Pancake, George Pile, Felty Pancake, Samuel Rutherford, Simeon 
Reardon, Hugh Robertson, Paul Randolph, James Rutherford, George 
Renicar, John Roop, Jacob Roop, Sr., Jacob Roop, Widow Renick, Capt. 
John Rutherford, David Ritchey, Michael Smith, Jacob Stricklar, Jacob 
Springer, Henry Stoner, John Steel, George Shanklin, William Simonton, 
William Swan, Richard Swan, Frederick Switser, Matthew Smith, Esq., 
George Shoop, Larence Smith, Stophel Soop, Jeremiah Sturgeon, George 
Sheets, Andrew Stewart and 


Charles, Samuel Simpson, Sr., Joseph Simpson, Samuel Simpson, Jr., 
William Smith, Stophel Smith, Felty Snider, Andrew and Zach. Stephen, 
Hugh Stephen, Felty Spangler, Jacob Smith, Jacob Siders, Michael 
Sheaver, Michael Smith, Widow Shell's place, Joseph Shaw, Barnard Soop, 
Petter Smith, Elijah Stewart, George Sheets, Hugh Stewart, Leonard 
Sheets, John Shoemaker, Petter Shearer, Andrew Smith, Mary and Joseph 
Smith, Jacob Shafner, Robert Smith, David Toot, George Tevibaugh, 
Christley Temey, John Thompson, George Williams, Hugh Ray, Robert 
Wiley, John Wiggins, Josiah White, Leonard Wallower, Thomas Wiley, 
Joseph Wilson, Jr., Robert Whitehill, Mathias Winagel, James Wallas, 
John Winderley, Samuel Wiley, John Wilson, Sr., John Wilson, Jr., John 
Wilson, Jr., Alexander Wilson, Joseph Wilson, Sr., Joseph Wilson, Jr., 
Abner Wickersham, Hugh White, Widow Whitley, Moses Vance, Conrad 

                           Middletown - 1779.

  Mark Snider, Christian King, Daniel Con, Peter Shuster, John Snider, 
George Lowman, Felty Welker, Abraham Tarr, Henry Davis, Henry McCan, 
John Lenning, Peter Richart, John Myers, Henry Shaffner, Henry Harris, 
Martain Hemperley, Nicolas Castle, George Metsker, Philip Graft, George 
Fry, Christian Spayd, Ludwick Hemperley, Abraham Gross, Daniel Huffman, 
Dr. Robert Kenedy, Jacob Snider, Henry Millar, Frederick Zebernick, 
John Mitcher, John Bacenstose, John Holaback, John Defrance, Michael 
Gross, Conrad Wolfley, William Walls, Jacob King, Thomas and William 
Crabb, Alexander Jamison, Philip Shockey, Christian Shortz, Adam Means, 
George Gross, Patrick Scott, Samuel Parks, Thomas Minshall, David 
McClure, Daniel Dowdle, Thomas and Henry Moor, Peter Millar, Adam 
Millar, George Aman, David Atley, Philip Parthemore, Christian Heppeck, 
Paul Hemperley, Christopher Seabaugh, Henry Myers, Samuel Seratzy, 
Philip Etley, Frederick Hubley, William Crabb.  Young Men - Conrad 
Toot, Joseph Burnett, William Cowden, James Spence, Robert Douglas, 
Anthoney Whikerel, John Miller (weaver), William Wilson, John Fleming, 
John Cochran, John Whitehill, Henry Bitner, Richard Hughs, John Darby, 
John Boyd, William Wright, Robert Elder, Thomas Strahan, James Currey, 
John Baird, Barnard Fridley, John Millar, George Smith, William 
Lochery, Adam Ritter, Frederick Overlander, William Witner, John Millar 
(stonecutter), Emanuel Bollinger, Michael Gross, David Shaw, Matthew 
Gilchrist, James Wiggins, Melhar Millar, Charles McCoy, Hugh McLay, 
Lodwick Dagon, Henry Alleman, John Page, John Fisher, Mathias Winagel 
(saddler), Stephen Poorman, Robert Clark, William Murray, Mungo Linsey, 
Abraham Brunson, William Stewart, Jacob Sider, David Toot, John Parks, 
Robert Gray, Thomas Murray, Peter Pancake, John McKnighton, John 
Shearer, John Stoner, Samuel Smith, Robert Marshall, Jacob Fridley, 
John McCaghan, Andrew Berreyhill, George Woods, Nicholas Nagle. 

                          Upper Paxtang - 1779.

  Robert Armstrong, Sr., Robt. Armstrong, Jr., William Ayers, Richard 
Allison, Peter Brown, William Bell, John Bell, Sr., John Bell, Jr., 
Joseph Brown, John Brown, James Birney, Felty Brough, Widow Baskin, 
William Boyce, James Buchanan, James Bell, Thomas Black, James Black, 
Dan Black, Robert Boyd, Thos. Barnett, Robert Boyd (stiller), Hugh 
Calhoon, ____ Campbell, George Clark, John Chambers, Peter Corbit, John 
Cochran, William Campbell, Samuel Cochran, Joseph Colligan, James 
Clark, Robert Crawford, John Colligan, John Duncan, John Dice, David 
Davis, Jacob Eyman, John Elder, Adam Eckard, Stephen Forster, William 
Forster, William Foulks, James Forster, Conrad Fry, John Garber, Thos. 
Gallagher, Adam Gartner, Michael Garber, John Gilmore, Thomas George, 
Alexander George, Alexander Givins, William Gonow, Larry Hatton, 
Michael Herman, Anthony Hoone, George Holmes, Marcus Hulings, John 
Hatfield, Isaiah Jones, Isaac Jones, David Ireland, William Johnston, 
Widow Kessler, John Kinter, Thomas Kearns, William Kennedy, John Kays, 
William Linsey, James Leonard, Pat Lafferty, Joseph Little, Henry 
Little, Henry Leek, Henry McCloskey, Abraham Monnoy, Robert McGill, 
Patrick McElhare, John Mellan, Patt Martin, John Meetch, Robert McCord, 
James McCall, John McFadden, James Murray, John Mordock, Joseph 
McElrath, Arch'd Murray, Widow Minsker, Widow McComb, John Murray, 
David McCracken, James McNamara, Martin Newbecker, Thos. Oarim, Sam'l 
Plough, Malachi Powell, Aaron Pecker, James Peacock, John Ryan, Sr., 
John Richmond, Alexander Randels, John Ringler, John Ryan, Jr. 


Conrad Rhoads, William Smith, Joseph and George Straw, Conrad Smith, 
Jacob Striker, Ludwick Shellman, Patt Sufferin, Thos. Sturgeon, Peter 
Snagerty, Michael Stiver, Robert Smith, John Simpson, Alexander Spear, 
James Sloane, George Simmons, John Taylor, Samuel Taylor, George 
Taylor, Jacob Tindorff, John Thomas, William Thompson, Thos. Thompson, 
Henry Vanderbach, Robert Walker, James Walker, Hugh Watt, Michael 
Yanelet.  Freemen - John Snagerty, John Goldenberry, George Simmers, 
Herman Leek, Conrad Leek, Geo. Bell, Geo. Cochran, Peter Sturgeon, 
Philip Newbecker, Philip Tinturff, Christley Eyman, Jacob Eyman, John 
Ayres, John Boyce, James Spear, Henry Taylor, Isaiah Winn.  Non-
Resident Land-owners - Jacob Rizet, Peter Landish, Ruben Hains, John 
Cline, James Tillman, John Leadick, George Fry, John Cline, Bulls Land, 
Isaiah Jones, Peter Pelley, Alexander Bartram, Timothy Mattlack, John 
Flora, John Mumma, Person Harshaw, Bertram Galbraith, Robert Neal, 
Mich'l Herman, McClure's land, Dinnis Dougherty, John Meetch, Joseph 
Little, Widow Duncan, Widow Scot, Frederick Humble, Jacob Waggoner, 
Christian Hattocks. 

                   Upper District, Wiconisco - 1779.

  John Bonshart, Benjamin Buffington, Ludwick Bretz, Stephen Bend, 
Charles Barger, Cutlip Cline, Widow Cline, Widow Cooper, Philip 
Clinger, John Coleman, Michael Divler, Mathias Divler, John Didde, Joel 
Free, Anthony Fralick, George Fight, Peter Grubb, Peter Huffman, 
Nicholas Huffman, John Huffman, Jacob Herman, David Herman, Henry 
Haynes, Peter Heckart, Abraham Jury, Samuel Jury, William Ingram, Adam 
King, Stophel Lark, Daniel Leman, Jacob Mitz, John Miller, John Motter, 
John Myers, George Minnich, Nicholas Meek, Abram Neighbour, Geo. Nigla, 
Henry Omholtz, Joseph Philips, Richard Peters, John Powell, Jacob 
Bickel, William Rider, John Rider, Philip Roscoulp, George Riddle, 
George Supe, Yost Stiver, Michal Salady, Fitter Stonebreaker, Stophel 
Shessly, John Sheesly, Jacob Sheesly, Jacob Shotts, Linord Snider, 
Jacob Smith, Lodwick Shotts, Michael Shadel, George Seal, John Salady, 
Zacheus Sponingberry, Abraham Snider, Christian Snoak, Michael Titrich, 
James Woodside, Martin Weaver, Henry Wolf, Adam Wertz, Jacob Weaver, 
Henry Werfel, Peter Woobery, Andrew Yeager, The Rev. Mr. Enderline.  
Free men - Ludiwick Shotts, Jonathan Woodside, John Philips, John 
Herman, William Armagost, Jacob Easterly.

                    Located Tracts, Wiconisco - 1779.

  George Free, James Baeham, Nicholas Miller, Henry Winover, Abraham 
Riggey, Andrew Boggs, Stophel Martin, Crawford's land, Peter Isk, 
Abraham Reggey, John Shough, Isaac Keller, Frederick Stonebreaker, 
Martin Lowman, Thos. Carmichael, Geo. Eakard, Simeon Snider, Landis 
Winger, Arthur Tikert, Patt Work, Frederick Sleigh, Caleb Day, Simeon 
Snider and Groff, Aaron Levi, Bertram Galbraith, Daniel Williams, Felty 
Overlady, Michael Miller, Jacob Whitmore, William Poor, George Fry, 
John Cline, John Meckland, Philip DeHaas, Martin Cryder, Michael 
Groscolp, Simeon Brand, Frederick Deigh, Henry Wails, Sam. Sleight, 
Levi Simeon, Doctor Light, John Clendinin, George Free, John Didde, 
George Hawk, Blacher's land, Daniel Wolf, Simeon Snider, Daniel Mawer, 
Geo. Shaddle, Christley Snider, Phipil Reel, Michal Welker, Henry 
Minsler, Jacob Shaver, John Hackard, Jacob Covel, Andrew Rigla. 

                       West End of Derry - 1756.

  Adam Baum, Matthew Laird, William Spencer, Hugh Black, Thomas Black, 
James Ireland, John Laird, Adam Walker, Robert Taylor, William Breden, 
David Campbell, James Russell, Moses Patterson, John Cook, John 
Crockett, John Penelton, William Thompson, Lawrence McGill, Isaac 
Penelton, Moses Campbell, James Willey, William Sterrett, Samuel 
Murray, Robert Ramsey, James Walker, James Willson, William McCobb, 
William Drennan, James Semple, Thomas Park, Robert Bradshaw, Matthew 
Willson, Joseph Candor, Moses Willson, Stophel Shoop, Alexander Fleck, 
Adam Waggoner, James Carothers, Peter Barsh, John Singer, Jacob Couts, 
Dewalt Baker, Simon Singer, George Bombaugh, Henry Corber, Anthony 
Weirick, Peter Spengler, Peter Grossglas, David Etley, Edward Martin, 
John Tice, John Fleming, George Beaver, Francis Newcomer, Henry Hart, 
Jacob Albright, Max Spidle, Peter Kinder, James Chambers, Andrew 
Robinson, James Clark, Thomas Hall, Robert Willson, John Carr, John 
Vanlear, James McCoye, Samuel Shaw, Robert Carothers, John Weir, Hugh 
Carothers, Andrew Weir, George Wedaberger, Rob-


PORTRAITS: Gen. John Kean; William Ayres; Robert Harris; Hugh Hamilton


[blank page]


ert Armstrong, Andrew Hershey, John Mullen, Martin Brand, Ulry Hipsher, 
James Russell, Jacob Bromek.  Freemen - James Swaty James Harris, 
Robert Brety, Thomas Care, John Bowman, John Clark, Robert McKee, James 
Vanleer, James Henry, James McCormick, Mr. Hipsher's stepson, one 
Kennedy at James Cander's, William Fomly. 

                       East Side of Derry - 1758.

  Robert Allison, Jacob Albright, Adam Burckholder, John Bowman, Joseph 
Berryhill (weaver) Robert Boyd, William Boyd, Wendel Bow, John Campbell 
(Duncan's estate), John Campbell (McCord's land), James Campbell, 
Vincent Cooper, Michael Cassell, John Chestnut, Charles Clark, John 
Campbell, Anthony Carman, John Duncan, Leonard Deininger, Thomas Eakin, 
Nicholas Ebert, John Early, John Espy, George Espy, William Espy, 
Ludwick Elser, David Foster, Robert Foster, Widow Foster, James Foster, 
Melchoir Flenckpow, Henry Freek, Philip Fishburn, John Gourly, Jacob 
Grove, Frederick Hummel, John Kay, Anthony Hemperly, George Henry, 
Patrick Hay, Robert Hay, Hugh Hay, Widow Hall, John Hall, David 
Johnson, Adam Kettering, Felty Kettering, John Keesemer, Patrick Kelly, 
George Kelly, Stophel Liverton, Jacob Longnecker, Jacob Leman, John 
Logan, Thomas Logan, Felix Landis, Jr., Frederick Morral, John 
Montgomery, David Mitchel, Wendel Minick, Andrew Moor, William Moor, 
John Moor, John Maybane, John Maybane, Jr., Jacob Martin Robert Mordah, 
Samuel Moor, Widow McCallen, Robert McCallen, John McCullough, Robert 
McCleery, William McCord, Neil McCallister, Thos. McCallen, John 
McCallister, John McQueen, Josiah McQueen, John McQueen, Jr., Nathaniel 
Nesbit, John Over, Widow Binneogle, Moses Potts, Jacob Brunk, Abraham 
Reamer, Philip Reamer, Abraham Reigal, John Roan, David Rea, Conrad 
Rash, Andrew Roan, John Rea, William Robinson, William Sawyer, Christly 
Snyder, John Sawyer, Jacob Steely, Christly Stickley, George Balsbach, 
Lumbard Shellan, Widow Sloan, Peter Dollenbough, Felty Dollenbough, 
John Tanner, David Taylor, William Willson, John Walker, Henry Walker, 
James Walter, John Walker, Conrad Washhon, Archibald Walker, James 
Willson, James Walker.  Freemen - Joseph Carmony, Thomas Mitchel, James 
Carson, James Morton, Robert Kennedy, John Mordah, Robert Mordah, Jr. 
  [I have been Eleven Days taking the return of the within Township.
December 20th, 1758.]

                       West Side of Derry - 1758.

  Jacob Albright, Robert Armstrong, Widow Blackburn, Anthony Blessly, 
Michael Bachman, Thomas Bell (blacksmith), William Bredan, Hugh Black, 
Martin Brand, Adam Baum, Peter Barsh, George Bombaugh, George Beaver, 
Dewalt Baker, Thomas Black, Arthur Chambers (for James Chambers' land), 
William & John Carson, Hugh Carothers, James Clark, James Carothers, 
Jacob Couts, Joseph Candor, Robert Cryder, Arthur Chambers, Robert 
Chambers, Moses Campbell, John Crocket, Adam Dulker, William Drennan, 
David Etley, George Frey, John Fleming, Michael Gensel, Michael Hoover, 
Jr., Ulry Hipsher, Frederick Hummel, Adam Hamaker, Thomas Hall, Andrew 
Hershey, Jr., Michael Hoover, John Harris, Esq., James Ireland, John 
Carr, Peter Kinder, John Laird, Matthew Laird, Felix Landis, Samuel 
Murray, Lewis Murray, John Newcomer, Albert Nelson, James Nelson, 
Robert Nelson, Francis Newcomer, Thomas Park, Moses Patterson, John 
Porterfield, Samuel Reed, James Russell, Sr., James Russell, Robert 
Ramsey, Andrew Robinson, William Stricker, Stoffel Shoop, William 
Starrett, Daniel Straw, Geo. Stevenson, Esq., William Spencer, Mathias 
Stahl, Peter Spengler, Simon Singer, John Singer, Philip Shuger, Widow 
Semple, Max Spidle, James Shaw, Alexander Sterrett, Jacob Stouffer, 
Robert Taylor, John Tice, John Vanlear, John Vance, John Willson (non-
resident land), George Westberry, Conrad Wolfley, Adam Waggoner, 
Matthew Willson, Robert Walker, Moses Willson, Samuel Walker, Anthony 
Weirick, Lawrence McGill, Edward McConnal, Hector McClain, Samuel 
McCormick, William McComb, Robert McKee, Widow McKee.  Freemen - James 
Harris, George Shinlin, Lawrence Stricker, Frederick Cassler, John 
McCollough, James Vanlear, James Henry, James Snoddy, John Waugh, 
Andrew Lenny, James Fenton, James Walker, John Bowman.  

                         Derry Township - 1769.

  Adam Slaymaker, Alexander Fleck, Andrew Bayer, Abraham Strickler, 
Anna Ireland, Abraham Derr, Andrew Shredly, An-


thony Blessly, Abraham Copa, Archy Montgomery, Adam Thomas, Adam Baum, 
Bedy Blackburn, Bernard Queen, Christy Stouffer, Jennie Chambers, 
Cassel Beyers, Christly Smith, Christly Brunner, Christly Alleman, 
David McHorter, Galloway's land, David Clinn, David From, Benjamin 
Hershey, David Johnson, Felix Landis, Frederick Hess, Frederick Zeller, 
Frederick Brandsletter, Frederick Shott, George Balsbaugh, George 
Pfeil, Henry Slaymaker, Henry Landis, Henry Fritz, Handel Wentz, Henry 
Hoover, John Semple, John Kaufman, John Brindel, John Hamaker, John 
Laird, Jacob Haldeman, John Raysor, John Borrish, John Singer, Jacob 
Smith, John Hershey, Jacob Lime, Joseph Brinn, James Russel, Jacob 
Metzger, John Abler, John Witmer, James Shaw, Jacob Ross, Joseph 
Kinder, John Carr, Jacob Nissly, Isabel Hall, Joseph Reif, John 
Fleming, John Evans, John Parthemore, Moses Wilson, Martin Houser, 
Mathias Young, Moses Campbell, Mathias Bricket, Max Spidle & Son, 
Matthew Laird, Martin Brand, Michael Hoover, Nicholas Bass, Peter 
Berst, Peter Bucks, Peter Grosglass, Robert Crotter, Robert McKee, 
Robert Walker, Robert Dollar, Robert Brickey, Galloway's land, Robert 
Allison, Robert Ramsey, David Ramsey, Stophel Alliman, Oliver Ramsey, 
Samuel Rich, Galloway's land, Sarah Chambers, Samuel Clark, George 
Bower, Christopher Bogner, Andrew Ridlinger, Martin Reaf, Adam Dean, 
Michael Kramer, Widow Wetherholt, Peter Spate, Jacob Reigert, Christian 
King.  Freemen - Frederick Stahl, Daniel Staper. 

                         Derry Township - 1770.

  Robert Allison, Stophel Alliman, John Abler, Christy Alliman, Jacob 
Albright, George Balsbaugh, Elisha Blackburn, Peter Bucks, Anthony 
Blessly, Martin Brand, Peter Berst, Cassel Beyers, Adam Baum, Martin 
Brand, Ludwick Brand, John Boorish, Nicholas Bass, Joseph Brim, George 
Bails, Mathias Bricker, Christley Braneer, John Parthemore, Abraham 
Copa, Daniel Clim, Moses Campbell, Sarah Chambers, Samuel Clark, John 
Carr, Robert Crotter, Isaac Chambers, Abraham Derr, William Denn, Jacob 
Dudmilen, William Ears, John Evans, Alexander Fleck, Henry Fretz, John 
Fleming, David From, Peter Grosglas, Joseph Galloway, Archy Montgomery, 
John Gingrich, Adam Hamaker, Frederick Hess, John Hamaker, Jacob 
Haldeman, Michael Huber, Henry Hamaker, Andrew Hershey, David McHorten, 
Isabell Hall, Anna Ireland, David Johnson, John Kaufman, Jacob Kass, 
Robert McKee, Joseph Kinder, Adam Lambert, Henry Landis, Peter Landis, 
Mathew Laird, William Laird, John Laird, Jacob Linn, Wendel Minek, 
Jacob Max, Jacob Metzger, Elias Nagly, Henry Nover, Jacob Nissly, John 
Prentill, William Brinton, Bernhard Queen, John Rayson, James Russell, 
Samuel Reith, Thomas Ramsey, Robert Ramsey, Joseph Reif, Stophel 
Rernsway, Max Spidle, Andrew Sherdly, Max Spidle (inmate), Christly 
Stouffer, John Singer, Christly Smith, Abraham Strickler, Frederick 
Shott, Jacob Smith, James Shaw, Daniel Sharrat, John Sampel, Ulry 
Sharr, William Shaw, Stophel Shoop, Adam Thomas, Henry Thomas, Moses 
Wilson, Wendel Wentz, John Witmer, Robert Walker, James Welsh, Matthew 
Young, Frederick Zeller.

                          Frederick Town - 1770.

  Peter Spare, Jacob Reigert, Susannah Wetherholt, Bastian Crawas, John 
Cramer, Christian King, Frederick Hummel, Widow Emerick, Ludwick Shad, 
Jacob Haman, Andrew Ridlinger, Adam Deen, Bernard Fridley, Jacob Myer, 
Christopher Bogner, John Philips, Jacon Isaac, Henry Bessem, Andrew 
Herauf, Henry Sheaffer.  Freemen - Henekel Ebert, Wm. Krap, Bernard 
Folk, Samuel Hall, Jacob Fridley, George Shoop.

                   East End of Hanover Return - 1750.

  Joseph Willson's land, 100 a.; John Dixon, 100 a.; Hugh McQown, 100 
a.; John Ramsey, 100 a.; Edward McMurray, 100 a.; Jacob Stuckey (upon a 
rented place), Mathias Plouts, 100 a.; William Stover, 100 a.; Jacob 
Stover, 100 a.; Thomas Strain, 50 a.; John Myers, 100 a.; William 
Woods, 100 a.; Robert Strain 50 a.; Joseph Todd, 100 a.; John Todd, 100 
a.; Walter Bell, 140 a.; Jos. McCourtney, 50 a.; James Dixon, 100 a.; 
William Thomson, 50 a.; John Strain, 100 a.; Robert Heslet & 
Porterfield (upon a rented place), John Crawford 100 a.; William 
Robinson, 100 a.; Peter Stuart's land, 100 a.; Humphrey Cunningham, 100 
a.; Stophel Sees, 100 a.; Henry Hover, 100 a.; Samuel Grevy, 50 a.; 
Thomas Shoula, 100 a.; John Young, 200 a.; Adam Reed, 200 a.; John 
Sloan, 100 a.; John Sloan, 100 a.; Samuel Sloan, 100 a.; William Young, 
200 a.; Joseph Clark, 100 a.; Abraham Williams, 200 a.;


Jack Williams, 100 a.; William Clark, 100 a.; George Titel, 100 a.; 
Jonathan Hide (freeman), Robert Gibson (freeman), Joseph Haupt, 100 a.; 
Hugh Gilliland, 150 a.; John Foster, 100 a.; Widow Nidig, 100 a.; John 
Andrew, 100 a. Durst Brightbill, 200 a.; William Watson's land, 100 a.; 
Robert Berger (a poor man), Brice Innis, 200 a.; John Morton, 50 a.; 
Thomas Prest, 200 a.; John ______, 150 a.; Jos. Greenlee, 50 a.; John 
Thomson, 40 a.; Andrew McMehon, 40 a.; Anthony McCreight, 50 a.; George 
Shekley (upon a rented place), John Creage, 160 a.; Patrick Gillespie, 
100 a.; John Grevy, 100 a.; Alexander Thomson, 100 a.; Alexander Sloan, 
100 a.; Joseph Grevy, 100 a.; Samuel _____, 100 a.; John Brown, 100 a.; 
Barnet McNitt, 50 a.; John McCloone, 50 a.; Jacob Ricar, 50 a.; Adam 
McNiley, 50 a.; John Henderson, 50 a.; John Andrews, 100 a.; Patrick 
Brown, 50 a.; Lazarus Stuart, 100 a.; John Coningham, 100 a.; William 
Coningham, 100 a.; Joseph Stuart, 200 a.; Leonard Longe, 100 a.; Walter 
McFarland's land, 150 a.; Peter Walmer, 100 a.; Joseph Smiley, 80 a.; 
Jacob Moser, 50 a.; Moses Vance, 100 a.; John Bruner, 100 a.; Peter 
Hetrick, 100 a.; John Kechiler, 50 a.; John Gilliland, 100 a.; Henry 
Bachman, 100 a.; Mathias P _____, 100 a.; Philip Maur, 100 a.; Mike 
H_____, 50 a.; George Shepard, 100 a.; Paul Shepard, 50 a.; Joseph 
Young, 50 a.; Martin Light, 50 a.; _____ _____, 100 a.; Young John 
Tike, 50 a.; John Toops, 100 a.; Jacob Toops, 100 a.; Roudey Hauk, 100 
a.; Peter Bucher, 30 a.; Philip Colpe, 50 a.; _____ _____, 50 a.; 
Benjamin Clark, 100 a.; Joseph Williams, 100 a.; Widow Tittle, 100 a.; 
Anthony Rosenbome, 200 a.; John Stuart, 100 a.; Jacob Ricar, 30 a.; 
Robert Hinkroad, 100 a.; Conrad Ick, 50 a.; Jonathan Hume (freeman), 
Robert Gibson (freeman), Frederick _____ (freeman). 

                      East End of Hanover  -  1756.

  Durst Brightbill, Andrew Karsnits, John Foster, John Young, Martin 
Light, William Young, James Williams, Joseph Hoof, Daniel Angony, 
Samuel Sloan, John Sloan, Mathias Door, James Clark, Isaac Williams, 
John Stuart, James Young, John Andrew, Adam Reed, Esq., Benjamin Clark, 
George Tittle, John Forney, John Dubbs, John Weaver, Rudy Houk, Jacob 
Dubbs, Anthony Rosenbom, John Tibbin, Jr., John Tibbin, Sr., George 
Sheffer, Devolt Angony, William Clark, Peter Hedrick, Nicholas Winter, 
Adam Harper, James Stuart, Lazarus Stuart, Patrick Brown, John 
Cunningham, Henry Weaver, Stophel Sees, Adam McNelly, Jacob Rigard, 
Thomas Price, John Crawford, William Graham, Alexander Martin, William 
Thomson, John Mire, James Dixon, Walter Bell, William Woods, James 
Todd, James McCurry, Christopher Ploutz, Brice Innis, George Miller, 
Isaac Sharp, Jacob Stover, William Stover, John Jacob Stover, John 
Thomson, John Dixon, William James, Widow Cunningham, Leonard Miller, 
John Anderson, Anthony McCreight, James McCrory.  Freemen - William 
Wootsen, John Hume, Thomas Hume, John McClure, Samuel Endsworth, John 
Compbler, John Egterson, Anthony McCreight.

                      West End of Hanover  -  1756.

  Mathew Snoddy, Joseph Willson, John McCormick, Henry McCormick, Adam 
Hamaker, Widow Parks, Lorance Ralican, David McClenaghen, Sr., David 
McClenaghen, John McNeely, James Finney, Thomas Finney, Robert 
Snodgrass, Robert Love, Samuel Young, Daniel Shaw, John Woods, Charles 
McClure, John Taylor, John Hutchinson, Daniel Brown, Widow Rodgers, 
Seth Rodgers, Samuel Stewart, Hugh Rogers, Wm. Rogers, Joseph McKnight, 
James Baird, William Thompson, William Truesdell, Matthew Thornton, 
Francis McClure, William Rogers, John Brown, Alexander McElhenny, 
Samuel Robinson, Thomas French, James Finney, James French, Thomas 
Sharp, John Sharp, John Cooper, William Cooper, John Thompson, David 
Furgison, William Allen, John McClure, James Wright, Thomas Robinson 
(miller), Michael McNeely, James Robinson, John Stuart, Thomas 
McMullin, John Miller, Robert Martin, Samuel Stuart, Gyon Strain, James 
Rippeth, Robert Wallace, James Willson, Matthew Taylor, Hugh Willson, 
Antoney Ealor, William Galbraith, Benjamin Wallace, Samuel Barnett, 
Robert Porterfield, Joseph Hutchinson, Robert Montgomery, Philip 
Ambrister. - FRANCIS McCLURE, Collector. 

                       Hanover Assessment  -  1769.

  Samuel Sterret, 150 a.; John Shergs, 100 a.; Archibald Sloan, 150 a.; 
Samuel Sloan, 150 a.; John Stuart, 200 a.; James Stuart, 200 a.; 
Lazarus Stuart, 200 a.; George Shover, 150 a.; James Ripeth, 100 a.; 
Hugh Ripeth, 100 a.; William Ripeth, 50 a.; James                                                  


Robinson, 200 a.; E. Rosenbery, 100 a.; Effey Robinson, 260 a.; James 
Riddel, 150 a.; James Riddel, Jr., 150 a.; Ketren Rogers, 100 a.; John 
Rogers, 100 a.; Adam Rogers, 100 a.; Adam Rogers, 80 a.; Philip 
Robinson, 190 a.; Joseph Ripeth, 80 a.; George Rogers, 100 a.; James 
Rogers, 200 a.; Jacob Richer, 100 a.; Thomas Robinson, 100 a.; Adam 
Reed, Esq., 290 a.; Christian Ramberey, 100 a.; Robert Huston, 150 a.; 
Joseph Hutchison, 120 a.; Joseph Hutchison 150 a.; John Hay, 100 a.; 
Robert Hume, 190 a.; Bartholmew Heans, 100 a.; John Hutchison, 200 a.; 
Adam Harper, 320 a.; Peter Hetrick, 150 a.; Joseph Huff, 150 a.; Ruddy 
Hooke, 100 a.; John Henderson, 100 a.; John Hill, 200 a.; Thomas Hume, 
100 a.; John Haloback, James Beard, 100 a.; Robert Bell, 255 a.; 
William Brown, 150 a.; William Barnet, 150 a.; Andrew Brown, 100 a.; 
William Brandon, 100 a.; Daniel Brown, 100 a.; Thomas Bell, 100 a.; 
Thomas Bell, 180 a.; Martha Barnet, 200 a.; Samuel Brown, 100 a.; John 
Brown, 200 a.; John Brown, 100 a.; William Brown, 100 a.; George 
Brightbill, 218 a.; Barnet Besore, 100 a.; Mathias Besor, 100 a.; Jacob 
Besor, 100 a.; William Cooper, 100 a.; Adam Clemar, 50 a.; John 
McCollough, 150 a.; William Clark, 150 a.; William Clark; Benjamin 
Clark, 200 a.; James Clark, 90 a.; John Campbell, 200 a.; William 
McClure; Mary Conyngham, 100 a.; Elizabeth Conyngham, 200 a.; John 
Crawford, 100 a.; Frances McClure, 100 a.; James McClure, 100 a.; John 
Crawford, Jr., 50 a.; Henry Counts, 80 a.; James McClure, 150 a.; James 
Parke, 100 a.; Thomas Price, 65 a.; Mary Price, 120 a.; Robert 
Porterfield, 100 a.; Matthew Snodey, 120 a.; Robert Snodgrass, 120 a.; 
Joseph Snodgrass 140 a.; John Stren, 100 a.; John Smiley, 100 a.; 
George Smiley, 100 a.; Daniel Shaw, 150 a.; Samuel Stuart, 150 a.; John 
Stuart, 100 a.; John Swan, 100 a.; John Tibney, Sr., 100 a.; John Tubs, 
100 a.; Jacob Tubs, 200 a.; George Tittel, 150 a.; William Thompson 
(weaver), 100 a.; William Ferguson, 200 a.; Thomas French, 100 a.; John 
Foster, 211 a.; Walter McFarland, 200 a.; Ruddy Fray, 200 a.; John Fox, 
200 a.; Thomas Finey, 50 a.; James Finey, 100 a.; James Finey, Sr., 180 
a.; Thomas Finey, 50 a.; James French, 50 a.; James Low; Samuel Young, 
50 a.; William Young, 230 a.; John Young, 295 a.; Robert Martin, 100 
a.; Robert Montgomery, 80 a.; John Montgomery, 250 a.; Thomas McMullen, 
150 a. Freemen  -  John Parke (weaver), James Petticrew (weaver), 
George McMullen (weaver), William Clark, John McClure (weaver), William 
Clark, John McClure (weaver), George Shanklen (weaver), David Stren 
(shoemaker), William Dermond (weaver), Samuel Robinson, Robert Hill, 
John Wilken (schoolmaster), Hugh Willson, James Andrew (blacksmith), 
James Andrew, John McFarland (carpenter), William Willson; William 
McElheney 200 a.; Samuel Endsworth, 100 a.; Doctor John Letes; 
Sebastian Kinsner, 150 a.; William Allen, 200 a.; Joseph McNutt, 100 
a.; Matthew Gelor, 100 a.; Robert Brown, 100 a.; Mary Dermond, 200 a.; 
James Wright, 100 a.; Matthias Poor, 100 a.; Patrick Brown, 90 a.; 
William Diver (tailor); John Dixon, 250 a.; James Dixon, 200 a.; John 
Andrew, 150 a.; John Andrew, 200 a.; Timothy McGuire, 200 a.; James 
McQuown, 265 a.; John McQuown, 299 a.; Brice Innis, 229 a.; William 
James, 190 a.; John Gettey; William Graham, 111 a.; Edward McGlanigen, 
100 a.; William Graham, 130 a.; John Gililand, 100 a.; James Greenlee, 
100 a.; John Graham, 100 a.; Hugh Glenn, 50 a.; James Todd, 200 a.; 
John Thompson, 200 a.; James Taggert; John Thomson, 130 a.; William 
Thornton, 100 a.; William Thomson, 80 a.; William Trousdal, 200 a.; 
John Thomson, 100 a.; John Tibens, 100 a.; John Taylor, 150 a.; James 
Willson, 199 a.; Hugh Willson, 199 a.; Robert Wallace, 200 a.; Joseph 
Willson, 100 a.; Samuel Walkers, 150 a.; John Woods, 100 a.; James 
Willson, 100 a.; Joseph Willson, 103 a.; Andrew Woods, 190 a.; Thomas 
Willson (weaver); Peter Walmer, 130 a.; James Williams, 98 a.; John 
Weaver, 100 a.; James Willson, 200 a.; William Wattson, 100 a.; Henry 
McCormick, 150 a.; John McCord, 100 a.; David McClanochan, 150 a.; John 
McClanochan, 150 a.; John McCormick, 100 a.; Anten McCreight, 80 a.; 
William McClure, 90 a.; Thomas McClure, 90 a.; John McClure, 100 a.; 
Eleanor McClure, 150 a.; William McClintock, 390 a.; Alexander McColm, 
100 a.; John Cameron (one cow), William Gargin (one cow), John Glenn 
(one cow). 

                     Hanover Assessment  -  1782.
  Capt. William Allen, Joseph Allen, James Andrew, Widow Andrew, 
Francis Alberthal, Nicholas Alberthal, Michael Broughtman, John Brown, 
Sr., William Brown, Esq., Samuel Bell, Widow Baird, William Brown, 
Samuel Brown, Jr., Philip Brand, John Brown, Joseph Barnet, William 
Branden, Jacob Bowen, 


Andrew Brown, George Brouse, Michael Brown, Philip Bomgartner, Peter 
Bridbile, John Bridbile, Capt. Daniel Bradley, Balzer Bomgartner, John 
Bear, Robert Bell, John Backer, John Bomgartner, David Caldwell, Jacob 
Cook, Esq., Andrew Cooper, James Calhoon, Richard Crawford, John 
Cooper, Widow Crawford, Joseph Crain, William Cathcart, George Crain, 
Patrick Cunningham, Capt. Ambrose Crain, Widow Campbell, Benjamin 
Clark, Jr., Michael Cunkle, Andrew Carvery, Henry Clover, John Craig, 
James Caldwell, James Dixon's widow, Richard Dixon, Sankey Dixon, 
Richard Dearmond, John Dollinger, Peter Ebersole, Robert Ewing, 
Christian Earley, Josias Espy, John Entsworth, Emanuel Tuye, Samuel 
Ferguson, Michael Finlaw, Adam Firebough, Thomas Finey, Robert Fleoman, 
John Ferguson, Widow French, Anthony Fox, Richard Finley, Samuel Finey, 
Casper Freeman, Thomas Frederick, Robert Folten, Timothy Green, Esq., 
Joseph Green, John Graham, Hugh Glenn, James Graham, Capt. William 
Graham, Henry Graham, Henry Graham in trust, Robert Greenlee, Curtis 
Grubb & Co., Christian Huber, John Hering, Andrew Horner, Adam Hamaker, 
John Hume, Leonard Humbarger, Joseph Hutchison, Abraham Host, James 
Hamble, John Harper, Conrad Helm, Henry Hess, William Hedrick, Peter 
Hedrick, George Hedrick, Thomas Hume, Widow Hill, Isaac Harrison, David 
Hoy, John Huber, George Haynes, Joseph Hutchison, Sr., Richard Johnson, 
James Johnson, Israel Low, Andrew Kerr, Robert Kenaday, Thomas Kennedy, 
Andrew Killinger, Samuel Kearsley, Ludwig Kleck, Peter Kingrey, Daniel 
King, Maj. Abraham Latcha, Widow Leidy, Jacob Lose, John Lose, Henry 
Lowmiller, Widow Low, John McClintock, William Montgomery, Esq., 
William Montgomery, Capt. William McCullough, William Miskimons, James 
McMullen, John McCown, John McCown in trust, William Michael, John 
McCormick's widow, Robert Moody, Thomas McNear, Widow McCormick, James 
McClure, Conrad Moyer, George Minig, Jacob Moyer, Killian Mark, George 
Mease, Jacob Millen, John McCord, Daniel Musser, William McFarland, 
Michael Moura, John McCallen, John McCallen in trust, Capt. James 
McCreight, Thomas McCord, David McGuire, Martin Miley, Barnard McNutt, 
Daniel Miller, James Porter, James Parks, Robert Porterfield, Michael 
Polse, Joseph Pirkey, Nicholas Poor, Frederick Peasore, Mathias 
Peasore, George Peasore, George Peasore, John Bruner, John Pickel, 
James Pet, Col. John Rogers, Jacob Righard, William Robinson, Jacob 
Ram, James Ripeth, James Robinson, William Ripeth, James Rogers, Widow 
Ram, Jeremiah Rogers, William Riddle, William Rogers, John Robinson, 
John Rouck, Samuel Robinson, George Rumberger, Peter Rambol, Peter 
River, John Rayer, David Ramsey, William Ramsey, Philip Rank, Martin R. 
_____, George Ramsey & Co., John Romatch, John Righard, John Righard in 
trust, Jacob Road, Adam Stone, Balzer Stone, John Snodgrass, Samuel 
Sturgeon, Widow Swan, Samuel Stewart, John Snyder, Robert Sturgeon, 
Peter Spelsbough, William Snodgrass, John Sterritt, Henry Sharp, Jacob 
Sant, Jacob Sprecher, John Simmerman, Ulrey Sachery, William Snody, 
Henry Sigler, Widow Stewart, John Shuby, Michael Seltzer, Archibald 
Sloan, Widow Stewart, William Stewart, Q. M., Philip Seidensticker, 
Nicholas Snyder, Peter Smelzers, William Sloan, Henry Shoe, Abraham 
Stine, John Symon, Alexander Sloan, Widow Strean, John Shue, Ludwig 
Searing, Valentine Shouffler, John Tod, David Tod, Robert Templeton, 
James Tagart, William Trous, John Thompson, John Thompson, Sr., George 
Title, William Thome, Jacob Tups, John Tubbin, Jacob Tubbins, James 
Tod, Capt. James Wilson, Thomas Walker, Widow White, Andrew Waler, 
George Ward, James Waller, Andrew Wilson, Hugh Wilson, James Wilson, 
Sr., George Wallmore, John Weaver, Jacob Wolf, Deobald Wentling, 
Christian Wingard, Abraham Wingard, Peter Walmore, Sr., Peter Wallmore, 
John Winter, Bartholmew Wentle, William Young, Jr., James Young.  
Inmates  -  Benjamin Fulton, Jacob Houck, John Martin, Robert Fulton, 
Neal Matten, John Elder, Alexander Foster, John Patterson, David 
Moffett, Francis Ferguson, David Kingrey, William Clockey, James 
Wilson, Robert Lues, Hugh Morris, Valentine Spelsbough, George Bruner, 
Frederick Bickel, John Stover, Michael Moyer, John Moore, Patrick 
Gallent, James Bradden, Robert McFarland, William Fleeman, John Dunlay, 
Robert Strain, David Hays, Alexander Mc_____, James Johnson, Alexander 
Hechet, William Cunningham, Charles McElroy, Hugh Jolly, Henry Menig, 
George Maura, John Pitre, John McBride, John Young (smith), Smith, 
Andrew Young, Henry Bruner, John Wallmore, James Robinson, Jacob 
Creamor, Peter Weiry, John Arm-


strong, George Espy, Adam Weaver, Eave Huffnagle.  Freemen  -  John 
Young, Nicholas Bruner, John Bruner, Henry Stone, Henry Peasore, Duncan 
Sinkler, Martine Miller, William Hume, Hugh Rippelly, Edward Striddle, 
John Morrison.  People living over the mountain  -  John Smiley, Jacob 
Graff, Jacob Fealer, George Unger, Peter Bucher, Casper Grasson, 
Christian Fox, Thomas Smiley, David Petticrue, Conrad Smith, John 
Shups, George Sider, Abraham Alles, John Carverry, Peter Kling.