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Clearfield County PA Archives Marriages.....Shimmel, Rosa - Gaisart, Roman October 30, 1906
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Jan Kuhn November 7, 2008, 6:08 pm

Clearfield County Marriage Book 21 page 107
Certificate No.:     14014

Clearfield County Marriage Gook 21 1906-1908 Page 107
No. 14014 Application for Marriage License
Full name of man: Roman Gaisart
Full name of woman: Rosa Shimel
Relationship: no
Color: white
Age of man: 25
Age of woman: 27
Occupation of man: miner
Occupation of woman: domestic
Residence of man: Wallaceton, Pa
Residence of woman: Wallaceton, Pa
Parent name man: Roman ----
Parent name woman: Sarah Owens
Prior marriage man: yes
Prior marriage woman: yes
Dissolved by death date of man: no
Dissolved by death date of: woman: date not given
Dissolved by Divorce Date and Cause : man: 1903
County of Clearfield, ss:
     Personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace of said County of 
Clearfield, Pa. Roman Gaisart & Rosa Shimmel who, being duly qualified 
according to law, did depose and say that the statements above set forth are 
correct and true to the best of their knowledge and belief.   Roman Gaisart 
Rosa Shimmel
Sworn and subscribed before me this 24th day of Oct A. D. 1906 James K. Turner 
J. P.
No 14014         Marriage License
State of Pennsylvania
County of Clearfield, ss:
     To any Minister of the Gospel, Justice of the Peace or other Officers or 
Persons authorized by Law to Solemnize Marriage: 
     You are hereby authorized to join together in the holy state of 
Matrimony, according to the rites and ceremonies of your church, society, or 
religious denomination, and the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Roman Gaisart         of full age former marriage dissolved by Divorce 1903
and Rosa Shimmel   Likewise of full age former marriage dissolved by death of 
husband date not given
     Given under my hand and Seal of the Orphans' Court of said County of 
Clearfield, at Clearfield, Pa., this 25 day of Oct A.D. 1906 N. L. Dehaan Clerk
No 14014   Duplicate Certificate of Marriage
     I, H. C. Wallace hereby certify that on the 30th day of Oct one thousand 
nine hundred and six at Wallaceton Pa Roman Gaisart and Rosa Shimmel were by 
me united in marriage, in accordance with license issued by the Clerk of the 
Orphans' Court of Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, numbered 14014
                       H. C. Wallace Minister of the Gospel
When returned Oct 31, 1906

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