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Clearfield County PA Archives - Biographies: Reed, Matthew William  September 1850 - March 4, 1928

Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by:
Charles Reed March 23, 2008, 12:38 pm

Copyright 2008.  All rights reserved.

Author: Charles M Reed Jr.

Matthew William Reed was born September 1850 in Clearfield Co. Pennsylvania to 
Amos Read and Sina Reed as located in the 1900 Census of Happy Twp, Graham 
County Kansas (Sep 1851) and the 1850 Census of Lawrence twp, Clearfield 
County Pennsylvania (age is in months). Jemima Tilda Mclinsey was born in 1862 
Clearfield County at or near Clearfield (According to David Lewis Reed's 
Affidavit of birth signed by Andrew Jackson Mclinsey- brother to Jemima). Her 
parents are James Mclinsey and Cathrine Spencer. 

     The Read/Reed and Mclinsey families were settlers of the Clearfield area 
and appear to have been leaders in the society there. The Read/Reed ancestors 
are know to have built a Fort named Fort Reed in Lockhaven, Clinton Co. 
Pennsylvania. The Read/Reeds belonged to several society groups in Clearfield 
and one was married to Govenor Bigler of Pennsylvania. One wrote stories under 
the heading of "Pioneer Jane". 

     Matthew and Jemima married in Clearfield Co. around 1881. David Lewis was 
born to them in 1882. Sometime between 1881 and 1889 Matthew and Jemima split 
apart. The children are being raised by various families. I'm not sure they 
were part of the orphan train because they kept in contact. One of the 
children, John Wise even has legal papers giving his gaurdiansip to George O 
Farr. Matthew Read is shown as a widow in the 1900 census, however, later 
records show him as divorced. 

     During that time period, David L Reed (1882-1966) is being raised by 
Walter Mcnutt. Mcnutt is noted in the area history for building the first 
frame house in Ashrock, Rooks County Kansas. I also located a record that 
shows David attending the Ashrock School there. David was also an indentured 
servant to J.W. Hulter (or Huster) for a while. Mariam J. "Mamie" (Reed) 
Bright (1884-1963) is raised by the Hary C. Robbins family in Woods and 
Alfalfa Counties of Oklahoma. Hary was married to Mary C Everet, Mamie's 
future mother in law. James Nelson "Jim" Reed isn't located during that period 
but later moves to the Roll/Streeter, Rogermills Co. Oklahoma area. Charles L. 
Reed is raised by the Zachry Greer family in Rooks Co. Kansas. Arvey Jessie 
(Reed) Graves was adopted by the Martin L. Graves family in Planville, Rooks 
Co. Kansas. And Jemima apparently had, a boy from another relationship, John 
Wise. Even though not blood related, John Wise takes care Matthew W. Reed in 
his later years. In the 1915 Turkey Creek, Barber County Kansas census there 
is a M.W.Read who appears to be Matthew William. he lives near J.A.Wise and 
E.P. Wise who appear to be John Ardery and Ella Pearl. Matthew eventually 
moves to Roll, Rogermills Co. Oklahoma and lives with John and Ella Pearl Wise 
but is also close to Jim and Mamie. Mamie moved in with Jim after her husband 
was killed in 1913. 

     Matthew died March 4, 1928, and is buried in the Silent Home Cemetery 
there (According to the Cemetery index on U.S.Genweb) and Matthews funeral 
record from the Grubitz and Sons Casket Dealer (now the Savage Funeral Home of 
Elk City, Oklahoma) and his Death Certificate which shows him as divorced. 

     NOTE: This family is related to the Thomas Reed and Dolly Letson family 
which entered the U.S. through Havre De Grace Maryland. The two sons, John and 
William, started the family lines in the United States. The family is said to 
be of Scotch or Irish descent. 

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