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Census: 1790 Head of Household Census Index, A-L Twps: Chester County, PA

Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Robin L. W. Petersen.

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1790 Head of Household Census Index
Chester County, Part I


Branton, Caleb
Branton, Amos
Branton, William
Branton, Edward
Bennett, John
Darlington, Abraham
Darlington, Edward
Dilworth, James
Dilworth, Caleb
Dilworth, William
Forsythe, John
Gerret, Isaac
Jones, Thomas
Jones, Samuel
Penock, Eleanor
Seale, William
Holler, Philip
Weston, William
Morris, Andrew
Jeffers, Samuel
Marshal, Samuel
Logan, John
Broomer, Thomas
Gibbons, William
Barnett, John
Mote, John
Pyle, James
Ward, Elizabeth
Cox, Joseph
Clark, Abraham
Gertliff, Jacob
Shanklin, James
Thornsbury, Joseph
Moore, Joseph
Morrison, Hugh
Cuttle, Martha
Chandler, Thomas


Mendenhall, David
Mendenhall, Joshua
Mendenhall, Jonatn
Windle, Thomas
Black, Jno
Lockard, Wm
Whitaker, Pheneas
Buffington, Richd
Whitaker, Wm
Foster, Wm
Beakem, John
Word, Benjamin
Lockard, James
Taylor, Francis
Gutry, William
Gutry, James
Lockart, Phebe
Moore, Wm
Johnston, Wm
Bond, Joh
Davis, Robt
Finney, Jas
Richards, Adam
McFarland, Saml
Caster, Leo
Doan, Israel
McFarland, Elizabeth
Buller, Wm
Crisman, Elisha
Culbertson, Saml
Green, Jas
Devlin, Rodger
Green, Joseph Junr
Green, Joseph
Dugan, Joseph
Miles, Jas
Lewis, Isaac
Anderson, Wm
Anderson, Hugh
Ash, John
Cock, John
Byers, Sam
Batten, Jas
Batten, Enoch
Culbertson, Jno Esqr
Culbertson, Jno Junr
Coffer, Joseph
Cox, Mary
Cox, Andw
Craig, Robt
Kennedy, Jas
Clark, Jas
McDonald, Randle
Powel, Wm Junr
Darlington, Jno
Christy, Wm
Elton, Robt
Fisher, Thos
Freeman, Abel
Fisher, Wm
Fisher, Thomas Junr
Gutherie, Margaret
Greer, Nathan
Digan, Wm
Harlan, Henry
Sharky, Danl
Hardner, Abram
Jack, Adam
Irwin, Theophiles
Irwin, Margaret
Heding, Wm
Carnes, Jacob
Kennedy, Elisabeth
Crow, Jno
Lewis, Henry
Long, Wm
McLaughlin, Jno
McFarlan, Mary
McKinley, Elisabeth
McMahan, Saml
Thomas, Thomas
Powell, Wm
Powel, Thos
Motsby, Jno
Richards, Jesse
Rea, Joseph
Reed, Mary
Williams, Philip
Slugh, Henry
Smith, Jno
Stanley, Matthew
Temple, Wm
Thompson, Jas
Wampoll, Elisa
Eliott, Wm
Dugan, Jos
Walker, Jno
White, Mary
Writer, Jno
Farrel, Jno
Walker, George
Mullen, George
Hiddings, Jno
Guthry, Wm
Slink, Peter
Irwin, Jno
Temple, Thos
Tinney (Widow)
Mendenhall, Isaac
Chesnut, Robt
Carver, Jno
Hardy, Jno
Winn, Jno
Forbes, Andw
Leach, Dunkin
Willson, Jas
Alexander, Andw
Collins, Elisabeth
Thompson, Jas
Glen, Jas
Fulls, Frdk
Patterson, Molly
Arthurs, Wm
McCan, Jno
McCoy, Moses
Evans, Wm
Hagerdy, Danl


Wild, James
Wells, Jonathan
Whisler, Christian
Bell, Edward
Sterk, John
Phillips, Joseph
Benard, Adam
Rian, John
James, Elizabeth
Jones, David
James, David
James, John
Thomas, Morris
Cahoon, Martha
Waggoner, Casper
Hack, John
Hack, John Junr
Rapp, Philip
Page, Nathanl
Garding, Andrew
Visler, George
Anderson, Patrick
Anderson, Isaac
Bartholomew, Joseph
Buckwalter, Jno
Buckwalter, David
Buckwalter, Jacob
Coats, Moses
Coats, Thomas
Coffman, John
Conard, Joseph
Kerns, Jacob
Clemens, George
Davis, Lewelling
Davis, Lt Lewelling
Davis, Joshua
Davis, Rodger
Davis, Theophiles
Davis, James
Davis, Margaret
Davis, Israel
Defrederick, Philip
Deckel, Frederick
Dressel, David
Edwards, John
Fussel, Solomon
Francis, John
Funk, Elijah
Fussel, Wm
Griffith, John
Griffith, Jedediah
Gill, David
Holderman, Abram
Pennypecker, Jacob
Pennypecker, Matthias
Pergan, John
Place, Fredk
Roseter, John
Rhoads, Henry
Robison, Thomas
Roseter, Daniel
Smith, Yeost
Roseter, Sam
Ridheifer, Conard
Root, Daniel
Shimer, Fredk
Showalter, Joseph
Smith, Henry
Sturk, Henry
Starr, Joseph
Shenholtz, Martin
Sheldrick, David
Smith, Peter
Shutt, Henry
Taylor, Peter
Shook, Jacob
Thomas, Isaac
Thomas, Wm
Thomas, Wm (Mason)
Upperman, John
Wolf, John
Hodge, James
Hickman, Dedrick
Jones, Griffith
John, David
Jondatz, Jacob
Jones, Cadwalader
Ivister, George
King, John
King, Lawrence
Henry, James
Knowles, Wm
Lewelling, Wm
Longstretch, John
Lane, Edward
Lane, Sam
Little, Rodger
Mary, Christian
Morgan, Isaac
McCalla, Alexr
Martin, Rachel
Olloback, Mary
Polly, George
Pritchard, Anthony
Whistler, Abram
Waggoner, Boston
Waggoner, Casper
Wells, Jonatn
Williams, Jno
Williams, David
Worley, Catherine
Worley, Mary
Young, Peter
Yells, John
Youngblood, John
Alexander, Ezekiel
Boyars, Sam
Byarns, Wm
Buzard, Jacob
Channel, Jesse
Cleare, Philip
Davis, David (long)
Deel, David
Davis, Hezekiah
Dewees, Benjamin
Dempsay, Dennis
Gastim, Andrew
Ryan, Alexr
Fox, Matthias
Frock, Michael
Griffith, John (Ln)
Hiddinger, Bernard
Himble, Jacob
James, Jonathan
Jenkins, Thomas
Jones, Wm
Swink, Jacob
McCowen, Hugh
Knowles, John
Noblet, Abram
McCaraher, Charles
Pepper, John
Page, Nathaniel
Phillips, Joseph
Quay, Hugh
Brooks, George
Roseter, Thomas Junr
Staggers, Jacob
Styps, Christian
Steeters, Wm
Showalter, Daniel
Turk, John
Uppergran, Abram
Waggonsalor, John
Williams, Mordecai
Williams, James
Williams, William
Williams, Joseph
Whistler, Jacob
Williams, Isaac
Nugent, Francis
Yonce, Peter
Kenny, Daniel
Crespen, Thomas
Gutten, Joseph
Wiley, James
Knittels, George
Stickles, Michael
Jacobs, Richd
Bett (Black)
Bodley, Thomas
Williams, Thos
Ivory, George
Rankin, Jacob
Davis, David
Botwin, Rachel
Thomkin, Isaac
Goldwin, Charles
Branam, Henry
Ballaner, Lawrence
McCully, George
Ebra, Wm
Miller, Robt
Cavender, Wm
Taylor, Isaac
Coats, Benjn
Scofield, George
Willson, Jacob
Jones, Soloman
Pierce, Lewis
Starr, Isaac
Emry, Ludwic
Frazer, Lewis
Fussel, Bartholomew
Longstretch, Benjn
Edge, Harman
Brown, Susanna
Huntsberger, Martin
Doll (Black)
McClare, James
Ganger, George
Witsler, John
Purgen, John
Jinkens, Thomas
Davis, Levy
Davis, David Senr
Ash, John
Wilkinson, Thos
Hiddiner, Baraba
Maxwell, Jas


Hardeman, Conard
Rinehart, Jno
Longacre, Peter
Longacre, Jacob
Brower, Abram
Rinehart, Martin
Frick, Jno
Huster, Col. Jno
Baugh, Jno
Lantis, Jacob
Brower, Danl
Bromback, Jno
Grub, Conard
Stagers, Jacob
Ruce, Saml
Root, Boston
Sheafer, Adam
Richardson, Amos
Diffendaffer, Alexr
Potts, Anna
Souder, Jno
Custard, Benjn
Harris, Benjan
Alderman, Benjn
Refe, Christian
Grim, Conard
Benner, Christian
Snider, Conard
Nagle, Christian
Balley, Danl
Grub, Danl
Hills, David
Thomas, Danl
Benner, Danl
Brower, David
Brooks, David
Ditlow, David
Griffith, David
Grubb, David
Wells, Edmond
Wells, Saml
James, Evan
Bromback, Edwd
Bartholomew, Elizabeth
Evans, Enoch
Houk, Fredk
Houk, Fredk Junr
Yost, Fredk
House, George
McElheny, George
Davidseizer, Henry
High, John
Bear, Henry
Bener, Henry
Jones, Hugh
Evans, John
Whiteside, James
Livergood, Jacob
Livergood, Jacob Junr
Hartman, Jno
Souder, Jno Junr
High, John Junr
Smith, John
Acker, Jacob
Thomas, Jacob
Imhooft, Jno
English, Jno
Root, Jacob
Haws, Jacob
Bower, Jacob
Crossman, Jno
Grubb, Jno
Ditlow, Jno
Cummings, Jno
Pugh, Jno
Pugh, Jonatn
Swisher, Jacob
Linemger, Jacob
Munshour, Jno
Cummings, Jas
Bitting, Joseph
Acker, Jno
Denhower, Jacob
Hodge, Joseph
Swisher, John
Foulker, Henry
Fulker, Lewis
Urner, Martin
Holderman, Michael
Yardy, Michael
Swisher, Owley
Shew, Philip
Miller, Philip
Brown, Philip
Depane, Peter
Enmet, Peter
Mower, Peter
Kitler, Peter
Mower, Peter Junr
Pouts, Peter
Benner, Philip
John, Reese
Harley, Rodolph
Consinghowser, Rinehart
Suffelbin, Sebastian
Townsend, Saml
Root, Boston
Merideth, Simon
Davis, Thos
Miller, Valentine
Posey, Wm
Miller, Thos
Batman, Wm
Rhoads, Wm
Sohnberger, Jno
Roberts, Jno
Evans, Eli
Sink, Abram
Blyborn, Jno
Shunk, Laurence
Corbener, Daniel
Wibright, Jacob
Jenkins, George
Britton, Jno
Consinghouser, Rinehart
Jones, Joseph
Mower, Jacob
Frane, Henry
Willson, Jacob
Cooper, Wm
Rhea, Sam
Watts, Thos
Grub, Jacob
Urner, Martin
Rineworth, David
Stonemetz, Henry
Crook, Michael
Hawkins, William
Snider, Michael
Brown, Jno
Patterson, Israel
Kirkpatrick, Robert
Gray, Jas
Rutter, Edward
Russel, Jas
Freeman, Nathaniel
Savage, George
Holderman, Jacob
Dunhower, Godfrey
Ditlow, Abram
Barefoot, Sam
Holderman, Jacob Junr
Davis, David
Halloway, Jno
Gillam, Thos
Frane, Jno
Ash, Saml
Lord, Fredk
Pout, Jacob
Grub, Conard
Swart, Jacob
Bower, Jno
Ansilduff, Christian
Moldham (Illegible)
Cole, Jacob
Tyde, Jacob
Rinehart, David
Sturges, Joseph
Snider, Peter
Gullen, Nathan
Enote, Christian
Miles, Wm
Miles, Jesse
Lambert, Thos
Ridge, Daniel
Griffith, David
Yardy, Michael
Perry, Jacob
Pouts, Peter
Stroble, Ludwic
Bowan, Jno
Burges, Wm
Doweman, Philip
Craford, Thos
Crawford, Robt
Dunley, Thos
Moses, John
Peeling, Joshua
Ridge, George
Gelaher, Wm
Smith, Michael
Sebastion, Jno
Warren, Francis
Hollis, Peter
Willson, Jacob


Hall, Garvis
Douglass, John
Finch, Thomas
Ball, William
Coop, Samuel
Coop, Abiah
Coop, Joseph
Coop, Nathan
Coop, Jonathan
Carter, George
Marsh, Gravenor
Carter, Joseph
Chamberlain, John
Painter, James
Davis, Aser
Darlington, Thomas
Darlington, John
Dilworth, John
Antricken, Samuel
Miller, Sarah
Pugh, James
Fling, John
Fosset, Henry
Guest, Henry
Gregg, Enoch
Gibbons, Thomas
Gray, David
Holly, Benjamin
Hoops, Tobiah
Hance, Joseph
Jeffers, Emmor
Jeffers, Emmor, Junr
Seeds, George
Martin, George
Jones, Richard
Jeffers, William
Sylvester, Saul
Lewes, David (Farmer)
Lewes, Joseph
Townsend, Caleb
Mendinghall, Moses
Messer, William
Martin, Aaron
Ogden, Bonaniel
Painter, Samuel
Painter, Joseph
Powel, Benjamin
Park, Joseph
Person, Elizabeth
Pyle, John
Gesst, Joseph
Robinson, Joseph
Stroud, Richard
Jeffers, James (Mercht)
Spikeman, Thomas
Sharpless, Nathan
Starr, Ann
Sharpless, Joshua
Taylor, Tobias
Taylor, John
Taylor, Abraham
Townsend, William
Worth, Ebenezer
Wallerton, James
Wallerton, John
Hall, John
Dutton, David
Jeffers, Cheney
Underwood, John
Lyn, John
Hickman, Moses
Martin, Thomas
Dilworth, Joseph
Taylor, Deborah
Taylor, Isaac
Hopkins, James
Hoops, Elisha
Jeffers, Elias
Elliot, Peter
Finch, Joseph
Stephens, William
Bailet, William
Welch, William
Munrow, Mary
Johnston, Henry
Martin, Benjamin
Chamberlain, John
Jack (Black)
Sawney (Black)
Brinton, John Senr
Hyson, Henry
Wainright, James
Jackson, John
Tursey, Hannah
Baldwin, Joseph
Baymount, Thomas
Way, Samuel
Parson, Enoch
Reed, James
Gray, George
Bradley, George
Otley, William
Boggs, Phebe
Batten, Samuel
Brinton, John
Bailet, Thomas
Thornton, Patrick
Barr, John
White, Sarah
Ryan, Isaac
Townsend, Ann
Kairns, Simeon
Lewes, Davis
Graham, Daniel
Jeffers, James
Atley, Jacob
Davis, Mary
Batten, Thomas
Dutton, Francis
Brown, Thomas
Jones, John
Ramsey, Charles
Robinson, Mary
Bain, John
Gray, Anthony


Coats, Moses
Fleming, Josep
Wells, William
Boggs, James
Jones, Rushard
Keyes, Patrick
Thomson, Elesabeth
Walker, John
Fleming, John
Brooks, Mary
Hart, Mary
Sinclear, Jno
Jones, John
Jones, Jesse
Coats, Isaac
Coats, Saml
Martin, Thos
Pim, John
Miller, Robt
Baymont, Jacob
Thompson, Jas
Romans, Rachel
Stalker, Thos
Pim, Thos
Wilkinson, Josiah
McDannil, Jas
Reed, Jas
Cuningham, Saml
Early, Edwd
Lewis, Obed
Philips, Margaret
Davis, Joel
Robeson, Elisabeth
Camron, Jane
Stalker, Saml
Pim, Wm
Pim, Isaac
Romans, Joshua
King, John
Purdy, Leonard
Skeen, William
Mcfarlan, Isaac
Hunt, Samuel
Pettit, Jno
McDonnald, Wm
Trimble, Wm
Iller, Henry
Webb, James
Hughs, John
Baldwin, Jno
Downing, Joseph
Burd, Isaac
Fisher, Isaac
Willson, Saml
Downing, Hunt
Downing, Sam
Parnen, Aron
Whitaker, Jno
Williamson, Christr
Failen, Thos
Lewis, Barsheba
Fisher, Jacob
Jones, John
Downing, Richard
Webb, Joseph
Edge, John
Atherington, Henry
Woodard, Nathaniel
Park, Abia
Vallentine, George
Boldwin, Joshua
Boldwin, Samuel
Beney, William
Downing, Joseph
Nall, Andrew
Morrow, John
Thomson, Joshua
Dolvey, Abner
Henderson, David
Brandan, Sarah
Baldwin, Caleb
Ingram, John
Callagan, Hugh
Cain, John
McDarmond, John
Thomas (Black)
Downing, Thos
Vernon, Mary
Willis, Phebe
Hoops, John
Mendenhall, Griffith
Halley, Caleb
Cloud, Mordecai
Ingram, Jno
McMullen, Thos
Mercer, Mordecai
Ingram, Saml
Valentine, Robt
Valentine, Absalom
Williams, Cato
Speakman, Isaac
Morgan, Sarah
Bailey, Wm
Kinnison, Wm
Robison, Richd
Vickers, Thos
Stalker, Mary
Atherton, Henry


Worth, Mary
Davis, Jason
Fillson, Joseph
Green, Robert
Scouk, Henry
Armstrong, James
Armstrong, John
Morell, Robert
Crowley, Miles
Peoples, Alexander
McPherson, William
Lilly, David
Huddleson, Joseph
Scouk, Mary
Gladney, Joseph
Ingram, John
McKinley, Duncan
Young, Isabel
McCorkhill, Catharine
Mood, William
Chaffent, Joseph
Jordan, John
Steel, James
Powel, John
Wiley, John
Elliot, John
Elliot, Robert
McElheney, Elizabeth
Hutchison, John
Powel, Joseph
Jordan, Hugh
McCormick, James
Boughar, Jacob
Arthurs, Robert
Brown, Joseph
Anderson, John
Bailey, David
Bentley, Jesse
Bentley, Ruth
Boyd, John
Carson, Patrick
Chaffant, Jonathan
Cox, Eshock
Dougherty, Edward
Hannah, Abigail
Harlin, James Senr
Harlin, James Junr
Hamilton, James
Hunter, Hugh
Threw, David
Marsh, James
Mackey, Martha
Phipps, Elisha
Powel, Sarah
Thomas, Jacob
Wilsington, Abraham
Welsh, George
Welsh, James
Young, Robert
Humphreys, Jacob
Fullerton, John
Henry, John
Lilley, Elias
McPyle, Diana
Phipps, Isaac
Kell, Samuel
Lilly, John
Paxton, William
Eaton, Doctr David
McEntire, Patrick
Cashady, John
Dougherty, Patrick
Anderson, James
Roberts, David
Harlin, William
Gamble, Robert
Burton, Jonathan
Shoemaker, Peter
Staggers, Jacob
Thornton, Samuel
Welsh, Mathew
Townsend, William
Southen, Martha
Barret, William
Fullert, William
Arthurs, Joseph


Stamley, William
Beverly, Samuel
England, Vann
Taylor, Isaac
Woodrow, Isaac
Pierce, Jacob
Way, Benjamin
Goss, William
King, Robert
Cloud, Joseph
Cloud, Mordeica
Penock, John
Underwood, David
Jackson, Jesse
Pyle, James
Bailey, Joel
Taggart, William
Taggart, John
Stamp, William
Johnston, Caleb
Penock, Caleb
Allison, John
Moore, George
Messer, Daniel
Way, Thomas
Carrington, Mary
Vernon, Mordeica
Chaffant, Joseph
Allis, Arthur
Meloney, Daniel
Bailey, John
Windle, David
Nedrey, John
Moore, Nicholas
Pierce, George
Penock, Moses
Penock, Samuel
Penock, Joshua
Waine, Thomas
Mercer, Daniel Junr
Siddens, James
McCorman, Patrick
Pierce, Caleb
Pierce, Isaac
Coyle, Thomas
Cloud, Jeremiah
Halford, Diana
Reed, John
Dougherty, John
Maxwell, James
Pierce, Joseph
Cloud, William
Hart, Daniel
Malcomb, William
McConn, Arthur
Glasgow (Black)
Harry, George
Harlin, George
Frame, James
Allen, William
Bailey, Isaac
Jackson, John Junr
Bailey, Levi
Bailey, Caleb
Bailey, Eli
Brown, Nathaniel
Boys, Francis
Calvert, Isaac
Chaffant, Henry
Lloyd, Thomas
Gladley, Richard
Chaffant, David
Chaffant, Thomas
Chandler, George
England, John
Hayes, Thomas
Wilson, Benjamin
Jackson, Thomas Junr
Jackson, George
Jackson, Thomas Senr
Jackson, John
Jeffers, Henry
Glendening, Robert
Jackson, Jonathan
Carson, George
Loller, William
Messer, Abner
Preston, Thomas
Price, Jonathan
Pyle, Joseph
Pusey, Thomas
Penock, Isaac
Whelling, John
Pusey, Jesse
Pusey, Caleb
Pusey, David
Pyle, Abner
Moore, Jacob
Sellers, Paul
Scott, Joshua
Swain, Benjamin
Swain, Caleb
Swain, Samuel
Chaffant, Evan
Withers, Samuel
Bailey, Silas
Queen, John
Gossage, John
Woodard, Elizabeth
Woodard, Thomas
Wendle, William
Woodard, Caleb
Wickerson, James
Wickerson, Enoch
Wickerson, Abel
Taylor, Isaac
Carrington, Aaron
Watt, David
Cloud, Joshua
Harvey, Jesse
Young, Isaac
Barge, Philip
Garrison, Margaret
Logan, Joseph
Harry, Stephen
Chamberlain, Isaac
Miles, Bryan
Sampson (Black)
Gooden, Fanny
King, Robert
Ecueff, Joseph
Quintin, James
Mason, William
Leonard, Benjamin
Reed, Andrew
Steel, Jean
Swain, Jesse
Brogan, John
Temple, John
Moore, Nicholas
Henry (Black)
Brien, John
Glenn, John
Lighthouse, George
Penock, Joseph


Horn, John
Miller, Joseph
Miller, Peter
Sterret, Wm
Sterret, Wm Junr
Vanleer, Saml
Templin, Richd
Smith, Conard
Houston, Robt
Fitzpatrick, Hector
Bitler, Michael
Davis, Ellis
Baily, Edward
James, Wm
Price, Catherine
Harper, Jno
Scot, James
Hunter, Nicholas
McFarlan, Wm
Wines, James
Phillips, Joseph
McKee, David
Thomas, Susanah
Vance, Thomas
Blair, Wm
Kittener, Rodolph
Miller, Ezekiel
Potts, Anthony
Phillips, Nugent
Logan, John
Rutter, John
Hyme, Jacob
Simmers, Jas
Simmers, Robt
House, John
Nixon, John
Kenny, Thomas
Robeson, John
Winn, Jonatn
Hines, Patrick
Cox, Thomas
Sheafer, Philip
Boyles, Adam
Byrnes, George
Ligget, Mary
Winings, Jacob
Gaston, Jas
Dampman, Adam
Templin, Thos
Bull, Thos Esqr
Black, Edward
Brown, Wm
Brebnar, Phineas
Backhold, Barak
Cline, Jno
Curl, Henry
Dugan, James
Evans, Jesse
Evans, Owen
Evans, Elisha
Evans, Jeremiah
Griffith, Danl Esqr
Griffith, Wm
Getts, John
Gests, Jas
Gests, Wm
High, Jacob
High, David
Hetherby, Henry
Jenkins, Thos
Jenkins, Lewis
Kimes, George
Kirk, Isiah
Knower, John
Knower, Christopher
Loyd, Thomas
Lighton, Thomas
Legget, John
Lapsley, Charles
Miller, Michael
Massey, Jacob
Morgan, Morgan
Neill, John
Nogh, Christian
Price, George
Pugh, James
Pierce, Powel
Robeson, Jno
Robeson, Wm
Richard, Martin
Ramstone, Henry
Rutter, Thos
Rutter, Jno
Roberts, David
Steward, Robt
Willson (Widow)
Strohm (Widow)
Shinkle, George
Fulker, Henry
Thomas, Susanna
Thomas, Edward
Moses, Jacob
Templin, Wm
Vanleer, Doctr Banson
Wisbury, Jacob
Williams, Hugh
Wims, Jonathan
Wallaugh, Frederick
Wartman, Michael
Zimerman, Jno
Gaskey, Saml
Meredith, Enoch
Vance, Jacob
Shinkle, Philip
Grove, Peter
Everhart, Michael
Dolson, Jno
McWager, Edwd
Kimes, Stephen
Lewis, Thos
Ruth, Jas
Stephen, Jonas
Stephen, Jno
Vance, William
Cortz, Peter
Knox, George
Summers, Jas
Costner, Jacob
Warner, Philip
Miller, Catherine
Hammers, Jno
Smith, Jno
James, Daniel
Hinens, Patrick
Douhower, George
Noble, Jno
Horn, George
Edge, Jacob
Lowry, Jacob
Caston, Jas
Beaty, Saml
Cook, Elizabeth
York (Yellow)
Rhea, Catherine
Lyon, Jno
Mahan, Jno
Weaver, Christian
Beagle, Jno
Harrington, Jno
Corel, Jno
Evan, Joseph
Walters, Jacob
Smith, Jno
Cockle, Leonard
Rittenhouse, Isaac
Willson, Jno
Griffith, Abel
Roan, Jas
Crisman, Jno
Murry, John
Murry, Jacob
Warren, Francis
Gosler, Philip
Moore, Hugh
Hamilton, Thos
Williams, Jonatn
Jackson, Isaac
McDugal, Matthew
Loyd, Jno
Ferdick, Jacob


Anderson, James
Anderson, Quintin
Alexander, Robert
Ingram, Samuel
Bunton, Abraham
Brown, Ann
Brown, Elizabeth
Brown, William
Barret, William
Creoul, Alexander
Crawford, John
Cornelius, Isaac
Churchman, John
Correy, Robert
Cowens, Timothy
Churchman, William Senr
Drenen, Joseph
Douglass, John
Derrickson, Joseph
Donoughy, Philip
Dickey, Samuel
Ewing, Ann
Mullen, John
Irvin, John
Fulton, James
Fulton, John Junr
Fulton, John Senr
Fleming, Samuel
Gatchel, David
Gatchel, Joseph
Guy, Hugh
Hodson, Abel
Chamless, Anthony
Harrison, James
Hudders, John
Hillis, Robert
Hutchison, Samuel
Sheppard, William
Hamilton, Patrick
Junkins, John
Irvin, James
Johnston, William
Lewis, Elias
Lowney, Richard
McCormick, Henry
McGrew, Isabel
Malvin, John
McBeath, John
Maffet, John
Smith, William
Montgomery (Widow)
McCracken, Martha
McCorkhill, Mary
Moore, Phebe
McClean, William
Maxwell, Robert
McCormick, Sarah
McCracken, Thomas
Meek, Mathew
Mekiff, Thomas
Mackey, William
Power, Jean
Pugh, John
Pugh, Joseph
Pugh (Widow)
Perry, James
Patterson, Nathaniel
Power, Patrick
Reed, Adam
Rogers, Isaac
Rutherford, William
Ramsey, William
Sidwell, Abraham
Sidwell, Hugh
Simpson, John
Sidwell, Job
Smith, Joseph
Scott, Philip
Sidwell, Richard
Scott, Thomas
Pogue, James
Tanner, Joseph
Thompson, Robert
Townsley, Robert
Walker, Alexander
Wherry, David Junr
Wilson, James
Watt, John
Wilson, Mathew
Wherry, James
Boggs, William
Yaters, Samuel
Sissey, John
Spence, John
McClintock, John
Drenen, James
Drenen, Joseph
McCracken, John
Maxwell, John
Thornton, John
Hamilton, Richard
McCracken, Thomas
McClintock, William
Sheppard, Isaac
Maxwell, John
Ocheltree, John
Irvin, David
Simpson, John
Smith, William
Speer, Robert
McCord, James
Johnston, William
McCracken (Widow)
McAlister (Widow)
McCormick, Thomas
Wilson, Master
Boyd, Andrew
Hillis, John
Hodson, Joseph
Thompson, Joseph
Tanner, Philip
Mansfield, William
Cornelius, Stephen


Morrison, James
Moreland, John
Davis, Meshack
Landis, Fredk
Wayne, Mary
Brown, John
Fox, Henry
Tucker, John
Pottoff, Martin
Pollen, Isaac
Davis, Thomas
Bittle, Wm
Bittle, Saml
McCahen, Daniel
Morris, Lewis
Lewelling, David
Ruth, Henry
Watson, John
Witherby, Whitehead
White, Joseph
Minster, Nicholas
Haminger, Joseph
Thomas, Miles
Thomas, Thomas
Steele, William
Williams, John
Willson, James
Cornogg, Thos
John, David
Steele, James
Pierce, Richd
Prest, Matthias
Holt, Evan
Bradley, John
Evans, Evan
Horton, Nathan
Still, Elisabeth
Hunter, Wm
Davis, Mordecai
Francis, William
Johnston, Wm
Stephens, Robert
Morris, Morris
Atkin, David
Uble, Peter
Lamey, Stephen
Watkins, John
Jenkins, Margaret
Reece, Judith
Butler, Thos
Brown, Benjamin
Low, James
Reed, Wm
Thomas, Israel
White, Casper
Williams, Griffith
Scott, Nathan
Morris, Richard
Rice, David
Hughes, James
Massey, Joseph
Junkins, Saml
Reed, Jos
Davis, Jesse
Evans, Jno
John, Philip
Blue, Margaret
Griffith, Margaret
Minster, Zechariah
Sleazman, John
Garret, Joshua
Miskelly, Hugh
Ross, Thos
Davis, Mechack
McVey, William


Collins, Thomas
Todd, Robt
Slowan, James
Lewis, Joseph
Bartholomew, Jno Esqr
Bartholomew, Benn
Snider, Henry
Powel, Molly
Phillips, John
McFall, John
McCarrahy, Dennis
Coffman, Jacob
Fornystalk, Casper
Zook, Christian
Melon, Joseph
Melon, Rannel
Melon, John
Melon, Jacob
Elton, Nathan
Cloyd, David
Hibberd, Josiah
Adams, John
Rowland, Mordecai
Glasgow, Bob
Knox, Andrew
Dugan, Jno
Rider, Jno
Richards, Wm
Dilworth, Jos
Richardson, Jos
Richardson, Saml
Thomas, Griffith
Harris, Thomas
Harris, Wm
Templeton, Alexr
Templeton, Jno
Templeton, Jno Junr
Lapp, Michael
Rodgers, Abner
Phillips, Abner
Coffman, Jno
Kennedy, Thos
Bowan, Esther
Bolton, Isaac
Coffman, Christian
Cummings, Thos
Derbra, Daniel
Fisher, Christian
Fogle, Fredk
Hall, Jno
Howith, James
Jacob, Richard
Jones, Wm
Philips, Evan
Rice, Arthur
Roberts, Thomas
Sturges, Amos
Lewis, Hannah
Souders, Henry
Todd, Wm
Lamey, Edward
Kerlin, David
Smith, John
Pelen, Henry
Ryan, Wm
Smith, Jno (Carpenter)
Simmerman, Jacob
Bowen, Joseph
Haley, Margaret
Cuthburt, Jno
Craig, David
Sturk, George
Woolerton, Joseph
Williams, Betty
Zook, Jno


Heslet, William Esqr
Heslet, John Junr
Whiteside, John
Officer, Thomas
Pinkerton, John Senr
Wilson, Joseph
Patterson, Thomas
Stringer, John
Orr, Doctor
Boyle, William
Irvin, Samuel
Buchannen, Eceles
Miller, James
Smith, John
Parsons, James
Throsby, John
Ruth, Francis
Anderson, William
Longshear, Abner
Vogan, Robert
Simpson, Mathew
Kirkwood, Thomas
Linton, Jonathan
McElheney, William
Noble, William
Crossing, John
Watson (Widow)
McCowen, John
Swisser, Jacob
Killiard, Guy
Hamilton, James
Irvin, John Senr
Caruthers (Widow)
Smith, Abraham
McLaughlin, John
Steel, James
Bunton, William
Kerr, Joseph
Moore, James
Cochran, Stephen
McCorkhill, Robert
Cochran, Robert
Cochran, David
Cochran, Stephen Senr
Conner, David
Love, Thomas & Son
Cochran, John
Adams, Joseph
Bell, John
Burns, Robert
Black, Charles
Black, James
Cochran, James
Crosby, John
Cuningham, John
Copeland, George
Daniel, John
Futhey, Samuel
Glendining, James
Glendining, Adam
Gibson, Andrew
Hamil, Robert
Hamil, Eliezer
Hershberger, Jacob
Irvin, John Junr
Kyle, Joseph
Kirkpatrick (Widow)
Moore, John
Pusey, Joshua
Park, John
Park, Arthur
Rankin, James
Rommon, Isaac
Steel, John
Stringer, William
Steuart, William
Thompson, James
Wallace, John
Clinghan, William
Watson, Nathaniel
Kene, Thomas
Boggs, William
Sands, Mathew & Diamond
Kerns, Michael
Hogg, Robert
Fullerton, John
Murray, Baltzer
Peirt, Thomas
Cochran, Samuel
Irvin, David
Neil, Henry
Dougherty, Patrick
Martin, David
Morrow, James
Boyd, Catharine
McKimm, David
Terrence, James
Shaw, John
Morrow, Thomas
Paxton, Joseph Junr
Green, Jonathan
Murphy, Levi
Bennett, William
Lilly, Elias
McCleland, Robert
Shomaker, William
Sheridan & Campbell
McLaughlin, Charles
Maguire, George
Early, Henry
Futhey (Widow)
McGill, John
Gibson (Widow)
Frame, Thomas
McConnel, Daniel
Adams, Rebecca
Miles, James
Crosby, John
Cowen, William
Griffiths, William
Sheridan, James
Gray, Robert
Boyd, John
Cochran, Sam


Bowan, John
Miles, John
Hamilton, Joseph
Hoops, Joseph
Hoops, Aaron
Patterson, Eli
Meeham, John
Mathers, John
Hunt, William
Gooden, Richard
Ratuc, William
Warran, James
Harris, John
Steward, James
Moore, Samuel
Moore, Sarah
Taylor, John
Harris, Joshua
Hix, Edward
Dunn, William
Garret, Joshua
Woodard, Henry
Garret, Samuel
Lewes, Edward
Pratt, Abraham
Hoops, George
Hoops, Israel
Garret, Joseph
Garret, James
Davis, Sampson
Tussey, Isaac
Huffman, Henry
Huffman, Jacob
Farrel, Mary
Moylan, Genl Stephen
Wilson, Edward
Johnston, John
Hoops, Ezra
Clark, Thomas
Spikeman, John
Fairlim, John
Cooper, Joseph
Hemphill, James
Pierce, James
Thomas, Enos
Steepleton, Issca
McCay, Thomas
Vernon, Thomas
Henderson, James
Wale, Samuel
Mahoney, Daniel
Davis, George
Rogers, William
Jeffers, John
Hayns, Isaac
Buller, Mary
Mattock, Issca
Witherington, William
Henderson, Thomas
Smith, William
Patterson, Thomas
Brown, Adley
Garret, John
Aspridge, Joshua
McNeesh, Samuel
Wallerton, William
Spikeman, Isaac
Eachus, William
Eldred, Joseph
Entrieken, Samuel
Acton, Joseph
Evenson, Seth
Fitzpatrick, Daniel
Golden, Philip
Goodwin, Richard
Garret, Joshua
Garret, Mary
Graves, John
Hannens, John
Hoops, John
Hoops, Aaron
Hoops, Joseph
Hoops, George
Hoops, Caleb
Hoops, Thomas Junr
Hoops, Jesse
Harris, Isaac
Haynes, Jacob
Hemphill, James
Hannum, John Esqr
Hoops, Abraham
Kinnard, John
Johnston, Henry
Laph, Rendolph
McClenaghan, Robert
Mattock, Jonathan
Davis, Caleb Esqr
McClelland, Joseph
Moore, Doctr Joseph
Musgrave, Aaron
Patton, John
Pierce, George
Pratt, Abraham
Ross, Thomas Esqr
Rankin, John
Reese, Isaac
Reese, Thomas
Rute, Abraham
Rogers, James (farmer)
Rogers, James (weaver)
Rattew, John
Ryan, Charles
Russel, Pollas
Samuel, James
Swatts, Owen
Slack, John
Slepleton, Joshua
Speakman, William
Scofield, Nathan
Speakman, Elizabeth
Smith, Charles
Stringfellow, Sam
Swegow, Barnet
Speakman, Isaac
Sharpless, Wm
Thomas, James
Thomas, Enos
Underwood, Ann
Warner, John
Waller, Samuel
Worthington, Isaac
Worthington, Wm Junr
Webb, Isaa
Weaver, Joshoua
Brown, George
Walker, Joseph
Baymont, Joseph
Cain, John
Caldwell, George
Dunn, William
Denning, John
Dunn, George
Deing, Thomas
Davis, Sampson
Dusser, John
Eavenson, Aaron Junr
Griffith, Ezekiel
Hoops, Israel
Harton, John
Johnston, John
Lewis, William
McNuss, Saml
Miles, Joseph
Miller, Benjamin
Matthews, John
Patterson, Luluff
Rodgers, Michael
Ruth, Abraham
Stephenson, John
Taylor, Charles
Waters, Henry
Warner, James
Ash, John
Lewis (Black)
Woods, Robert
Hoops, Joshua
Robeson, Matthew
Highfield, John
Saldkill, Esther
Cheney, Thomas
Hullet, Samuel
Watson, Godfrey
Aronsellers, Doctr Jacob
Hender, James
Leonard, Benjamin
Williams, Gideon
Crust, Nicholas
Orson, Jonathan
Farrel, Mary
Jamison, Martha
Bain, William
Prichard, Ann
Shingler, William
Babb, Sampson
Trego, Benjamin
Bennett, William
Morrison, John
Dilworth, George
Gronley, Polar
Haynes, Caleb
Williams, Joshua
Poake, Jesse
Oakes, Flover
Wall, William
Byers, John
Hamilton, Andrew
Hunt, William
Dilworth, Charles Esqr
Platt, George
Joseph (Black)
Christy, Dennis
Lamey, Hannah
Oakey, Elisabeth
Miles, John
Hamilton, Joseph


McElduff, Jos
McCrosky, Jane
Saylor, Philip
Trego, Joseph Junr
Jones, Benjamin
Trego, Joseph
Pearsel, Richd
Thomas, Ezekiel
Thomas, Saml
Morton, Jas
German, German
Gibson, Isaac
Lee, George
Pearsel, Peter
Hunter, Wm
Smith, Melchoir
Barker, Eleaner
Corry, Matthew
Graham, Michael
Skeen, James
Lowry, Martin
Graham, James
Pearsel, Jeremiah
Buchanan, Hannah
Barr, Andw
Darlington, Jos
Owens, John
Gardner, Francis
Thompson, Wm
Sheller, Wm
Matthews, Robt
Kelly, Jas
McConahy, David
Graham, Jared
Graham, Arthur
Rinehart, Fredk
Hannick, Haner
Martin, Hugh
Gardner, Rachel
Todd, Jno
Marsh, Benjn
Hunter, Richd
Moore, Moses
Sellers, George
Irwin, Jared
Irwin, George
Irwin, Jno
Dutton, Saml
Graham, Jno
Bertholf, The Honorable Baron debullen
Loaskey, Jacob
McCamon, James
Road, Michael
Cloud, Jasen
Porter, Col. Nathan
Porter, Matthew
Buchanan, Saml
Graham, Mary
Zook, Jno
Millison, Jacob
Wondrel, Jno
Sterer, Danl
Daniel, Jno
Hannah, Jas
Gilley, John
Tim, Henry
Trego, Wm
Anderson, Jas
Aire, Saml
Aire, Elijah
Gilkey, Wm
Skun, James Junr
Moore, Jas
Curry, Jas
Buchanan, Matthew
Hunt, George
Ogleby, George
Allison, Jared
Irwin, Ezekiel
Irwin, Nathanl
Lawsey, Saml
Ellis, Elisha
Bittle, Jas
Workman, Jno
Marshall, Saml
Boggs, Jas
Crosby, Jno
Martin, Thomas
Trego, Ruben
Gardner, Andrew
Hacket, Jno
Strong, Jno
Tolbert, Benjamin
Hopper, James
Patton, Jno
Parker, Jacob
Jacobs, Charles
McKinley, Rachel
Hartman, Wm
Syll, Wm
Moore, Joseph
Gayley, Jno
Fitzgerald, Ambros
Kidman, James
Thomas, Philip
Stile, Jacob
Hamilton, John
Brown, Alexr
Thompson, Jno
Eder, Thomas
Sling, Elisabeth
McBride, James
Taylor, Jas
Kinkead, Jas
Haminger, Jno
Orlady, Henry
Miller, Hugh
Steward, Robt
Moore, Joseph


Taylor, James
Mason, George
Brown, Robert
Taylor, Abraham
Cooper, Robert Esqr
Lowns, George
Morgan, Jesse
Levis, Matthew
McCutchen, John
Hickman, William
Miller, David
Miller, Jesse
King, Robert
Rhea, James
McMullen, James
Wilkin, Capt Robt
Woodrow, Levy
Wooderfield, David
Hutor, Robert
Smith, Robert
Swain, Francis
Quigley, John
Hollis, James
Novel, Bond Cherry
Miles, Mordecai
Lamborn, Robert
Packer, Job
Richardson, John
Crossmer, John
Rowe, Isaac
Walter, Joseph
Walter, Joseph Junr
Levis, Samuel
Hollingsworth, Christn
Webb, Ezekiel
Walter, James
Shivley, Andrew
Shivley, Andrew Junr
Zempher, Jacob
Steward, Robert
Pierce, Caleb
Pyle, William
Simmons, William
Gregg, Isaa
Gregg, William
Gregg, Michael
Wascomb, William
Dixon, Henry
Dixon, William
Dixon, Enoch
Marshall, John
Pearson, William
John, Owen
Graham, Charles
Shields, Francis
Passmore, George
Wiley, Thomas
Wiley, Joshua
Plankenton, Peter
Wiley, William
Harlan, Joshua
Harper, Hannah
Colvert, William
Comley, Benjn
Harlan, Israel
Williams, Thomas
Barr, Robert
McMullen, Alexr
Hamilton, Gavin
Way, Caleb
Little, John
Simmons, John
Lamborn, John
Carlton, Thomas
Craig, Walter
Craig, John
Craig, Jacob
Harlan, Samuel
Johnston, Nathan
Harlan, Joseph
Harlan, Joshua
Bailey, Joshua
Harlan, Caleb
Kimber, Richard
Gregg, George
Mansel, William
Cloud, Jesse
Langley, John
Shipley, William
Passmore, Enoch
Clark, Gabriel
Clark, Mark
Hall, Jesse
Carpenter, William
McDowel, Thomas
Taylor, Caleb
Daniel, Jesse
McFadden, James
Kidd, George


Hume, William
Hoops, William
Patterson, David
Work, Samuel
Carl, William
Colston, Rose
Hasson, Hugh
Scott, Robert
Price, William
Booser, Richard
Whan, John
Cox, Michael
Anderson, John
Kennedy, Robert
Falls, Moore
Kennedy, Richard
Booser, Henry
Robinson, William
Kennedy, James
Lloyd, Robert
Richey, Abraham
Scott, William
Armstrong, John
Jenkings, Thomas
Lunn, Thomas
Butler, George
Mechlem, Easter
Evans, Samuel
Jordan, James
Brown, James
Evans, Col. Evan
Russel, Hugh
Hall, Joseph
Kennedy, Edward
Russel, Oliver
Williams, John
Whitting, John
Whitting, Benjamin
Mote, Isaac
Pusey, Joshua
Earsley, Thomas
Ferguson, Walter
Jordan, Thomas


Finney, John
Watson, John
Fulton, Alexander
Correy, Moses
Fulton, John
Ross, John
Hilliman, Martin
Winter, Robert
Floyd, William
Peghel, Samuel
Reese, Henry
Pure, Daniel
Roney, Patrick
Stone, John
Langdon, William
Hix, Edward
Strawbridge, Joseph
McClenaghan, Elijah
Finley, John E.
Walker, Major
Atterton, John
Bennor, Herman
Bear, Christian
Boyd, John
Barnet, Matthias
Brakenridge, David
Buchanen, David
Carswell, David
Carswell, Charles
Carswell, James
Carswell, Isaac
Farren, Edward
Brown, Joseph
Folk, Daniel
Fletcher, William
Gibson, James
Honn, John
Edmonston, Doctr Samuel
Halfacre, Philip
Jones, John
Johns, John
Kennedy, Montgomery
Love, William
Love, Samuel
MaGuire, Hugh
McAdams, Robert
Moore, Henry
Walker, John
Miller, John
Widows, John
Kinsey, George
Pyken, John
Patterson, Robert
Quigg, John
Martin, William
Ramsey, Samuel
Reed, William
Ross, Joseph
Showalter, Felly
Sullenburgh, Daniel
Kinsey, Benjamin
Strickland, John
Jackson, Tissey
Neal, John
Mercer, Thomas
Wilson, Jacob
Walker, Benjamin
Honn, William
Yoast, John
Brooks, George
Johnston, Samuel
Simcox, William
Powell, John
Cross, Samuel
Flenagen, William
Carlton (Widow)
Sibbits, John
Brown, Edward
Millhof, Peter
Lendover, Richard
Russel, Robert
Powel, John
Booth, Walter
Oteliff, Andrew
Burgantine, Peter
Dunlap, James
Moore, John
Thompson, William
Brakenridge, William
Burns, Thomas
Sullivan, John
Dunlap, James
MaGuire, Andrew
Ruhey, David
Scott, Andrew
Brickley, Elizabeth


Way, Hannah
McMichael, John
Williamson, James
Moore, David
Williamson, John
Bell, Hamilton
Wiley, John
Carson, Francis
Henderson, Edward
Fryar, William
Fryar, John
McCully, Francis
Cain, John
Booth, Charles
Moore, Joseph
Ross, John
Mackey, David
Williamson, John Junr
Miller, Robert
Holliday, Jacob
Crooks, Margaret
Whinney, Thomas
Flower, Richard
McGuffin, Richard
Jackson, John
Preston, Joseph
Pusey, Lewis
Thompson, William
Passmore, George
Kinsey, Thomas
Fell, Thomas
Whitcraft, William
Vangusty, Elizabeth
Flower, David
Atkinson, Joseph
Underwood, Jeremiah
Mitchener, Joseph
Wilson, Isaac
Richardson, Joseph
Mitchener, Barrack
Mitchener, Mordeci
Pusey, William
Benington, Thomas
Cook, John
Hindman, John
Allison, Francis
Allen, William
Alford, James
Baldwin, John
Butler, Jacob
Butler, Thomas
Cutler, Benjamin
Clayton, Samuel
Cook, Stephen
Chambers, John
Chandler, Allen
Connard, Isaac
Gothrupt, George
Herman, Abraham
Hoops, Daniel
Hays, Henry
Hoops, Francis
Jackson, Caleb
Johnston, William
Johnston, Joseph
Folk, Joshua
Kairns, William
Lamburn, Robert
Lamburn, Francis
Lindley, James
Morton, Thomas
Pusey, Joshua
Pusey, Elias
Penock, Jesse
Pyle, Job
Sharp, Samuel
Spikeman, Amos
Spikeman, Enoch
Smith, Joseph
Williamson, Francis
Woodard, Samuel
Webb, James
Wilson, John
Wilson, Ephraim
Wilkison, Francis
Ward, Philip
McCool, William
Temple, Stephen
Lamburn, Josiah
Neugin, Jacob
Carr, Alexander
Cook, Isaac
Morrison, Alexander
Morrison, Robert
Johnston, Thomas
Spikeman, Caleb
Baldwin, Henry
Mathews, William
Jackson, William
Kirk, Timothy
Chandler, William
Jones, Evan
Wiley, Thomas
McGregger, Moses
Butler, James
Brown, John
Bradley, Gilbert
White, Stephen
Mull, Joseph
Baldwin, John Junr