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Huntingdon-Cambria County PA Archives Marriages.....Drake, Annie - Hoover, Dorsey June 30, 
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
S. M. (Sana) McGhee April 30, 2005, 9:06 pm

Application for Marriage, License & Duplicate Certificate
Certificate No.:     12607

     We, the undersigned, in accordance with the statements hereinafter contained, the facts set 
forth wherein we and each of us do solemnly swear are true and correct to the best of our 
knowledge and belief, do hereby make application to the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of 
Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, for a license to marry.		
						Dorsey Hoover		
					  	Annie Drake

1.  Full name and surname - Man:  Dorsey Hoover
                                             Woman:  Annie Drake

2. Relationship of the parties, either by blood or marriage - Man:  No	
                                                                                               Woman:  No	
3.  Color - Man:  white	
                 Woman - white

4.  Occupation - Man - Painter
                           Woman - Domestic

5.  Birthplace - Man:  Johnstown, Pa.
                         Woman:  Saltillo, Pa.

6.  Residence - Man:  Wayne, Pa.
                         Woman:  Saltillo, Pa.

7.  Age - Man:  26
               Woman - 19 -  Oct. 17. 1927

8.  Consent of Parents or Guardian - Man      ----
                                                           Woman:  yes

9.  Previous Marriage - Man - No
                                      Woman - No

10. Date of death or divorce of former wife or husband - Man:  -----
                                                                                           Woman:  -----

11. Is applicant afflicted with any transmissible disease - Man:  No
                                                                                            Woman:  No

12. Name and surname of father and mother - Man:  Thomas & Mary
                                                                          Woman:  Creveling & Della

13. Maiden name of mother:  Man - Mary Rickabaugh
                                               Woman - Della Senft

14. Residence of father and mother - Man:  Dec'd. - Mother:  Mt. Union, Pa.
                                                           Woman:  Saltillo, Pa.

15. Color of father and mother - Man:  White
                                                    Woman:  White

16. Occupation of father and mother - Man:  Dec'd. - Domestic
                                                             Woman    "          "

17. Birthplace of father and mother - Man:  Penna
                                                           Woman:  Penna

18. Is applicant an imbecile, epileptic, or unsound mind, or under guardianship as person of 
unsound mind, or under influence of any intoxicating liquor or narcotic drug?
     Man:  No
     Woman:  No

19. Has the man within five years, been an inmate of any county asylum or home for indigent 
persons - No

20.  Is the Man physically able to support a family? - Yes

Sworn and subscribed before me this 29 day of June A. D. 1928		
James S. McCall       
(Official Seal) Official Title Clerk O.C.
My Commission expires ________________ 

To any Minister of the Gospel, Justice of the Peace, or Other Officers or Persons Authorized by 
     You are hereby authorized to join together in the holy state of  Matrimony, according to the 
rites and ceremonies of your church, society or religious denomination and the laws of the 
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Dorsey Hoover of full age and never heretofore 
married  and Annie Drake likewise of 19 age and never heretofore married 
	Given Under My Hand and Seal of the Orphans' Court of the said County 
of Huntingdon, at Huntingdon, Pa., this 29 day of June A. D. 1928
				James S. McCall    Clerk

                       DUPLICATE CERTIFICATE                           No.12607
	I, Rev. George Hime hereby certify, that on the 30 day of June one thousand nine 
hundred and Twenty Eight, at Saltillo Pa. Dorsey Hoover and Annie Drake were by me united in 
marriage, in accordance with license issued by the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon 
County, Pennsylvania, numbered 12607.  
						     Rev. George Hime
						      Minister of the Gospel

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