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NEWS:   Cambria Freeman; 1909; Ebensburg, Cambria Cnty., PA

Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Patty Millich

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Cambria Freeman
Ebensburg, Pa.
Friday, August 6, 1909
Volume 43, Number 32

Local and Personal 

Miss Mae Schott and several young lady friends of Pittsburg spent a few 
days here last week. Miss Schott is the daughter of Mr. John Schott, 
formerly of this place, and has a host of friends here.

Sister Innocentia of Braddock and Sister Boniface of Baden, both 
Sisters of the St. Joseph community, are visiting in Ebensburg.  Sister 
Innocentia is a daughter of Mrs. Ellen McBreen of Julian Street.

Mr. Carl McKenrick and son, Damer, of Baltimore, are here visiting 
Carl's parents, J. F. McKenrick, Esq., and wife; also Paul L. 
McKenrick, Esq. and son and daughter of Kittanning.

Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Thomas and son, Perry, of Johnstown, returned from 
Ebensburg a few days ago where they were the guests of Commissioner 
John Owens, the father of Mrs. Thomas.

Rev. J. T. Jones of Iowa City, Iowa, is expected here this week. Mrs. 
Jones, who is visiting her home at New Washington, has so far recovered 
that she is able to be about.

It is reported that Roderic Ritter of Chicago, formerly of Ebensburg, 
will shortly move his family to this vicinity where he will reside 

Mrs. M. J. Binder and children of Hastings visited her sisters, Mrs. E. 
J. Luther and Mrs. J. A. Boney in this place during the past week.

Mrs. Abel Lloyd and daughter have as their guests Prof. J. D. Anderson 
and wife of Wilkinsburg and the Misses Lambert of Johnstown.

H. A. Tompkins of this place has purchased a new E. M. F. automobile, 
which arrived last week and is the first of its kind in town.

Harry Connell, a Pittsburg Division employee of the PRR, spent Sunday 
in Ebensburg with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Connell.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Shultz of Pittsburg are visiting friends in this 
place. Mrs. Shultz formerly was Miss Katherine Stokes of Ebensburg.

Dr. O. G. A. Barker of Johnstown, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Barker of 
Ebensburg, is enjoying an outing with a party in Canada.

The family of Landlord M. J. Stoltz of the Mountain House have been 
enjoying an outing at the Ben Jones farm in Cambria Township.

Mrs. Carl Rivinius gave a tea Monday evening in honor of Mrs. J. D. 
Anderson who is the guest of Mrs. Abel Lloyd in this place.

Mrs. W. W. Hicks of Williamsport is her visiting her daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. MacBain of Ebensburg.

Evan J. Bennett of Cambria Township, who has been seriously ill for 
several months, is gradually growing weaker.

Mrs. Harry Fredericks of this place is ill at her home on High Street.

Mrs. Sarah Brady of the West ward, aged ninety years, is critically 

Home from Auto Trip

The Hon. Edmund James has returned from an auto trip through the 
eastern part of the state.  Mr. James left here with W. I Stineman and 
Mrs. Stineman of South Fork and Miss Mildred James of Portland, Ind., 
his niece.  They went first to Gettysburg and then to other points, 
returning through Lewistown, Tyrone and Hollidaysburg.

This Family is to Have Big Reunion 

The first of the big family reunions usually held in this section of 
the county in the summer and fall is to be that of the Wissinger 
family.  This reunion is to take place at Maple Park, Walnut Grove,
Thursday, Aug. 12.  Last year 1,000 persons attended the affair.  The 
attendance this year is expected to be much larger.

These members of the Wissinger family compose the committee on 
arrangements for the outing:  Cyrus Wissinger, President; E. J. 
Wissinger, vice president; Walter Wissinger, secretary; L. D. 
Wissinger, treasurer; Adam Wissinger, Louis Kauffman, William Wissinger 
and George Thomas.

There will be speaking by a number of prominent persons, music and 
other events. The committee in charge is composed of Mrs. Adam 
Wissinger and Mrs. L. D. Wissinger.  Among others it is proposed to 
have addresses by the Rev. William M. Howe of Walnut Grove; the Rev. W. 
A. Wissinger of Greensburg; the Rev. W. S. Bell of Somerset Street, and 
the Rev. J. W. Wilson of Walnut Grove.

Invitations to the reunion have been sent out and will cover all parts 
of Cambria, Somerset and Indiana Counties.  The Wissinger family is a 
very large one and the attendance at Maple Park next Thursday is 
expected to be surprising.

Locating the Old Forbes Road 

John N. Boucher, Westmoreland County's historian, has received a letter 
from Prof. John Kennedy Lacock of Harvard College, stating that on 
August 16, he will begin the work of definitely determining the 
location of the old Forbes road from Bedford to Pittsburg.  He will be 
accompanied by Prof. Lacear of Wisconsin; Rev. C. P. Donohoe of 
Connellsville and many students of history, engineers and surveyors.  
Prof. Lacock is now at Harrisburg where he is having made copies of 
every warrant, patent and survey between Bedford and Pittsburg that 
touches on the old Forbes road.  From these and from maps and charts 
made by the English and sent to the war office at London, he hopes to 
locate the old road relic.

Sea Serpent off Hatteras 

This time the sea serpent appears off Cape Hatteras. Six feet around 
the body, 80 feet long and armed with fangs like sickles, he went 
slashing through the waves, hard by the Norwegian steamer, Simon 
Dumois, the captain of which reported having seen the sea monster.

Court News – Extracts

Judge Francis J. O'Connor in court here Tuesday morning handed down a 
lengthy opinion in which he grants a new trial to James L. Berkebile, 
former County Detective, who was convicted at the March session of 
Criminal Court of extortion, bribery and accepting money from bawdy 
house keepers.  Arguments on the defendant's motion for retrial of the 
case were heard in chambers at Johnstown a few months ago and the court 
had been holding the matter under advisement pending close examination 
of the authorities.  [snip]

J. J. Henry and Harry Bostic of Bakerton, accused of extortion, were 
sent to jail for six months.  [snip]

A decree was made in the petition of Adolphus Vanquals and Laura 
Vanquals who asked permission to adopt Dennis Dandoy, minor child of 
Austin Dandoy of Carroll Township.

A decree was also made in the petition of Kate G. Smith of Johnstown 
for the adoption of Catherine Naomi, Sarah Marion and Carl Conrad 
Dellette.  [snip]

The following subpoenas in divorce were granted:  John H. Fry vs. 
Margaret Fry; Ira Wagner vs. Margaret Wagner; Margaret Shomo vs. 
Charles Shomo and Louisa G. Miller vs. Levi R. Miller.