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NEWS:  Cambria Freeman; 1907; Ebensburg, Cambria Cnty., PA

Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Patty Millich

Copyright 2010.  All rights reserved.

Cambria Freeman
Ebensburg, Pa.
Friday, 16 Aug 1907
Volume 41, Number 33

Items Local and Personal 

Mrs. T. L. Gibson and two children, Carolyn and Thomas, of Baltimore, 
arrived in the city this afternoon and will remain for a few days as 
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Conrath of Park avenue.  They came 
from a visit to the vicinity of Apollo and before returning to their 
Maryland home, will spend a couple of weeks at Ebensburg where they 
formerly resided. (Johnstown TRIBUNE)

The Misses Fannie and Ada Lloyd, daughters of ex-Postmaster Fes Lloyd, 
went to South Fork yesterday afternoon on a visit to their sister, 
Nellie, wife of Dr. Fitzgerald of that place, who has been ill with 
typhoid fever but who is now on a fair way to recovery.

John Herzog, road supervisor, president of the school board and a 
prosperous farmer of Allegheny township, was an Ebensburg visitor 
yesterday and called at THE FREEMAN office in company with our old 
friend, Ed Lenz, of the same township.

McDonald Owens of Jackson, Mo., a nephew of Capt. Morgan McDonald of 
this place, whom the captain had never seen, while on his way to the 
Jamestown exposition, stopped off Wednesday to see his uncle.

George Gurley of this place and his brother, Frank of Pittsburg, who is 
spending his vacation here, went down to St. Augustine Friday and will 
spend a few days with their sister, Mrs. E. R. Dunnegan.

Miss Josephine Cassidy of Altoona who has spent the past few weeks with 
her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Cassidy, in the West ward, 
returned to her home on Saturday evening last.

Mrs. Wm. J. Dufton, formerly of Ebensburg, but for the past five years 
a resident of Clearfield, Pa., is visiting her brother-in-law and 
sister, W. A. Tomkins and wife of Ebensburg.

Miss Elsie Milliken of Phoenixville, Pa., and the Misses Mary McKenrick 
and Margaret Cole of Altoona are guests of Miss Elsie McKenrick of this 

John Manion of Patton, a former landlord of the Central Hotel in that 
place, drove up yesterday and spent a few hours in town, returning home 
in the evening.

Jacob Kress and family of Johnstown have been stopping for several days 
at the Mountain House enjoying the invigorating mountain air.

The Rev. Jesse Hill and family of East Liverpool, O., are visiting Mrs. 
Hill's mother, Mrs. Evans, in this place.

C. F. Buck, John Pfeister, C. J. Hogue and Postmaster John F. Parrish, 
all of Cresson, were visitors here yesterday.

Attorney Emory H. Davis was in Johnstown Friday and Saturday of last 
week on legal business. 

Philip Evans and wife of Johnstown are visiting Mrs. Lydia Evans, Mr. 
Evan's mother, in this place.

George Myers of Pitcairn is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James 
Myers in this place.

Robert E. Treese and Wm. Richlien of this place are in Pittsburg this 
week on business.

Jury Commissioner Albert C. Hines of Barr township was in town 
yesterday on business.

George Porch, the piano dealer, went to Altoona Wednesday on a business 

Ex-Sheriff George M. Wertz of Johnstown was in town on Monday.

E. J. Bearer of Barnesboro was in Ebensburg Wednesday on business.

Dr. D. H. Shoemaker of this place is home from a visit to friends in 

G. H. Osman of Jersey Shore is in town visiting his brother, undertaker 
O. H. Osman.

Deputy Prothonotary Stewart S. Kinkead is visiting friends in 
Philadelphia and Atlantic City.

Mr. and Mrs. George Porch are visiting Mrs. Porch's sister, Mrs. George 
Moyer of Johnstown.

Misses Mabel and Margaret Swoyer of Altoona are visiting Mr. and Mrs. 
George Kinkead of Horner Street.

Mrs. Mary Griest of Mt. Union is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 
F. Smith of the East ward.

Attorney John W. Kephart and wife, accompanied by several lady friends, 
went to South Fork yesterday in Mr. Kephart's auto.

Mrs. Gibson, who spent the past month with friends and relatives in 
different sections of New York state, returned to her home in this 
place Wednesday.

Miss Augusta Hendrickson and Miss Martha Shoemaker of Bellefonte, who 
have been the guests of Mrs. M. K. Collins in this place, returned 
Thursday afternoon.

Albert Flick and wife of Altoona who has been spending the summer at 
Carrolltown drove up and spent a few hours in town yesterday, returning 
to Carrolltown in the evening.

Late News of County

John Barijona was brought to Ebensburg Monday morning and after a 
preliminary hearing before Squire A. J. Waters, was committed to jail 
to await the outcome of the injuries of another Italian whom he shot 
Sunday night at No. 4 Commercial mine near Vintondale.  The prisoner's 
victim was given temporary treatment by Dr. Vedder of Big Bend and was 
sent to Johnstown Monday afternoon.

Robert Friedoff of the Summit was seriously injured by being crushed 
between two cars while one of the branch local trains was shifting on 
the warehouse tracks at Cresson on Wednesday evening of last week.  Mr. 
Friedoff is employed by the PRR company as a trackman at the local 
freight station.  He was taken to his home at the Summit after which 
his wounds were attended by Dr. Lynch.

Dennis Litzinger of Grafton, W. Va., a native of Cambria County, but 
who has stopped off in Ebensburg Saturday for the purpose of seeing old 
friends and acquaintances.  Mr. Litzinger is 84 years of age, hale and 
hearty, and travels without any fear of being unable to take care of 
himself.  Mr. Litzinger left Ebensburg 60 years ago, as the member of 
the "Cambria Guards," and served through the campaign in Mexico and his 
first inquiry on reaching Ebensburg was after his old comrades-in-arms, 
Ex-Sheriff John A. Blair and Squire Joshua D. Parrish, the only Mexican 
war veterans left in the old town.  Mr. Litzinger expects to visit the 
northern portion of the county before returning home.

Is Wanted for Murder 
Foreigner Who Killed His Companion While at Work in the Coal Mines at 
Gallitzin, July 23rd Last

District Attorney James W. Leech of Cambria county has offered $100.00 
for the arrest and the detention of Vincenzo Mazza, alias Jim Matsie, 
who on the 23rd day of July, 1907, stabbed to death Jim Scarose by 
plunging a stiletto through his heart while the two were at work in the 
coal mines at Gallitzin, where the murderer was employed as a driver 
and his victim worked as a miner.

Mazza or Matsie, is an Italian, aged about 22 years, is about 5 feet, 5 
or 6 inches tall and weighs about 145 or 150 pounds, has a brother 
living at Amsbury. [next sentence missing] Mazzo is a native of
southern Italy, having been born and partly reared in Sicily.  He came 
to this country several years ago and can speak fairly good English.  
After killing Scarose, Mazza went from the mines to the house of a 
friend, washed himself, changed his clothes and then escaped to the 

Ask Change of Name

The Sisters of Mercy of St. Aloysius Academy, Loretto, Pa., through 
Attorney John W. Kephart, have presented a petition in court, asking 
that the corporate name of their organization be changed to the 
"Sisters of Mercy of Mt. Aloysius Academy of Cresson, Pa.," and that 
the principal place of business be changed from Loretto to Cresson, and 
the object of the petition is merely to have the facts conform to the 

Testimony in Divorce

William Davis, Esq. of Ebensburg has been appointed commissioner to 
take testimony in the case of Mrs. Mary Dever against her husband, 
Joseph Dever, in a suit for divorce. Desertion is alleged.  
Commissioner Davis will sit at his office in Ebensburg Friday of next 
week to take testimony in the suit.

Letters Lately Issued 

  Estate of John D. Fisher, late of Patton, to A. C. Fisher.
  Estate of Joseph Calose, late of Johnstown, to Nunzio Duca.

John Grubb 

  Released from jail recently after serving a sentence for stealing 
silverware in Moxham, John Grubb, aged 31 years, of Dale, a suburb of 
Johnstown, Saturday night swallowed carbolic acid and died a few hours 
later in great agony.  Grubb was the third member of the family to go 
by the acid route within a few months.

Portage Foreigner Dies at Hospital from Injuries 

Fred M [remainder of last name faded and rest of sentence faded] who 
was admitted to the Memorial Hospital a few days ago, suffering from 
injuries sustained in an accident at the mines there, died at the 
Johnstown institution Tuesday afternoon, aged about twenty-six years.  
His remains were turned over to Undertaker Brady and the funeral took 
place from St. Casimir's Polish Catholic Church at 8:30 o'clock 
Wednesday forenoon with interment in Lower Yoder Cemetery.

Struck Head Against Rock
John Dagnall, A Young Man of Nant-y-Glo, Meets Death in Creek While 

Nantyglo, Aug. 12 -- While bathing with a number of other boys of this 
place in Blacklick Creek yesterday afternoon, John Dagnall, an orphan, 
dived from the bank, struck his head against a rock three feet under 
the surface and was drowned before his associates could rescue him. 

Dagnall, who was seventeen years of age, and some other lads went in 
swimming soon after dinner yesterday and were having a good time in the
water.  They had been in about 30 minutes when the entire crowd started 
for the bank to dive into the stream. Dagnall led the party and was the 
first to leap. His head struck the rock and when he failed to come up 
the entire crowd started in for him.  The boys found the body floating 
along the bottom of the channel and soon lifted it to the surface, but 
life was already extinct.  After the body had been taken from the 
water, the boys attempted to resuscitate their companion but without 