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NEWS:  Cambria Freeman; 1907; Ebensburg, Cambria Cnty., PA

Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Patty Millich

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Cambria Freeman
Ebensburg, Pa.
Friday, 9 Aug 1907
Volume 41, Number 32

Local and Personal

Among those here from Johnstown at the funeral of Mrs. Benjamin Jones 
Monday were: Messrs. F. B. Jones, Dr. Emlyn Jones, Henry M. Jones, 
Florentine Jones, Miss Winnie Jones, Vernon Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Reed, 
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krebs, Gomer W. Walters, Philip Walters, William 
Lloyd Esq., Anderson H. Walters and James G. Ellis.

Miss Mae Pruner of this place, who won the Johnstown Journal Exposition 
contest and came out with the largest number of votes turned in from 
Cambria County in the recent contest, left Sunday for Johnstown where 
she took the early train Monday morning, accompanied with about 
fourteen others for Jamestown.

Miss Gertrude Englehart has gone to Chicago, Ohio, to visit her 
brother, Carl F. Englehart.  Before her return, accompanied by her 
brother, she will visit Detroit, Mich., Toronto, Can.; and Niagara 

Mrs. Frank Daggett of Toronto sang a beautiful solo in the Presbyterian 
church here Sunday evening and in the morning Prof. Chas. A. Rice 
delighted the congregation with a solo.

Mr. Lantzy of Spangler, Senior Lantzy of Susquehanna township, Henry 
Eger of Carroll Township and James Kirkpatrick of Carroll Township were 
FREEMAN callers Tuesday.

Timothy Jones, who was brought home from the Johnstown Memorial 
Hospital last week where he underwent a serious operation some time 
ago, is improving rapidly.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ludwig and Mr. and Mrs. William Leighty of this 
place drove to Moxham last Sunday and spent the day visiting relatives.

Mr. Howard Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Davis of the East Ward 
is here visiting his parents.  Howard is now located in Washington D. 

Thomas H. Hasson Esq. of Pittsburg, accompanied by his wife, came up 
Saturday evening for a two weeks' visit to Mr. Hasson's parents, Jas G. 
Hasson and wife.

Mrs. Dr. W. A. Mason of Roaring Springs who has been visiting Mr. and 
Mrs. George Porch returned home yesterday.

Dr. F. B. Roberts and Mr. Thomas Siviter of Pittsburg spent Sunday here 
with Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Roberts and family.

Mr. Thurman Jackson and Mr. Walter Williams of Patton spent a few hours 
with friends in this place Sunday.

Mrs. W. Milton Brown, who has been visiting the Lloyd family in this 
place, returned to Johnstown Monday.

James Dunn of Nant-y-Glo was in town Monday.

Wm. Chapman of Flinton was in Ebensburg Monday.

Ex-Sheriff Jos. A. Gray of Spangler was an Ebensburg visitor Tuesday.

Miss Edna Thomas of Hollidaysburg was visiting friends in Ebensburg 
last week.

Chief of Police Mullen and Charles Coyle of Johnstown were in town over 

Robert Treese and family of this place are visiting Mr. Treese's 
parents at Duncansville, Pa.

Mrs. Thomas Siviter of Pittsburg is the guest of her parents, Mr. and 
Mrs. C. T. Roberts of High Street.

Miss Ethel Zimmerman of Johnstown has returned from her visit with the 
Lloyd family of Ebensburg.

Mrs. Frank Daggett of Toronto, Canada, is visiting her parents, Mr. and 
Mrs. W. C. Shields of Lloyd street.

Late News of County 

Jonathan Lewis, a well known citizen of the Center Ward, is in a 
serious condition at his home following a paralytic stroke which he 
suffered Monday.  Mr. Lewis is a carpenter and had been working on a 
barn on the farm of Attorney H. H. Myers, about one mile south of town, 
and he was eating dinner at the time he was stricken.  Dr. Davison was 
called and found Mr. Lewis suffering from a paralytic stroke of the 
right side and his speech so affected that it is with difficulty that 
he can make himself understood.

Miss Kathryn Kerbey Seriously Ill 

Miss Kathryn Kerbey, daughter of Mrs. Martha Kerbey of the East ward, 
and the well known and highly esteemed stenographer in the office of 
the County Commissioners, is critically ill at her home and during the 
past week her many friends here were apprehensive that she might not 

There have been many rumors current as to the diagnosis of Miss 
Kerbey's disease, but yesterday Dr. F. C. Jones, the attending 
physician, in consultation with Dr. O. G. A. Barker and several other 
prominent doctors who happened to be in town in attendance at the 
meeting of the Cambria County Medical Society diagnosed the case as 
tubercular meningitis.

The young lady has been a great sufferer during her illness and while 
her condition at this time is most serious her many friends are hopeful 
for her ultimate recovery.

Blair Slayer for Gallows 

Altoona, Blair County, Pa., August 5 -- Rocco Cirullo, the Italian who 
was convicted of murdering his wife in Altoona last year, was this 
morning sentenced to be hung by Judge Martin Bell.  A motion for a new 
trial had been made some time ago by Cirullo's counsel and before 
passing sentence the court overruled the motion.

Occupies Old Clubhouse
John L. Sechler Proposes to Turn It into a Fine Resort

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sechler, formerly of Ebensburg, South Fork and 
Johnstown, have taken up their permanent residence in the old clubhouse 
of the South Fork Fishing Club. Mr. Sechler is the fiscal agent of the 
owners of the cottage located about the clubhouse and also promoter of 
the new town of St. Michael on the scene of the once famous dam.  Mr. 
Sechler intends to have one of the finest hotel resorts in the country.

Letters Lately Issued

   Estate of Daniel Matthews, late of Reade Township.  Will probated 
and letters testamentary issued to Harris Matthews and Dorris Matthews.
   Estate of Conrad Berschneider, late of Summerhill Borough.  Will 
probated and letters testamentary issued to Henry Berschneider and 
Ulrich Berschneider.
  Estate of Thomas Wills, late of Allegheny Township, to Joseph 
  Estate of Ann Findley, late of Johnstown, to George Findlay.
  Estate of Caroline Williams, late of Ferndale Borough. Will probated 
and letters testamentary issued to Davit, Franklin Williams and Stephen 
  Estate of J. G. Sealak, late of Barnesboro, to Joseph Sallay.
  Estate of John A. Anderson, late of Gallitzin Township, Daniel A. 

For Swissvale Wedding
Ebensburg Relatives of Groom Go to Witness Ceremony Tomorrow

The Johnstown TRIBUNE of Tuesday says Warren O'Hara of Ebensburg was 
among relatives in Johnstown yesterday and last night, stopping off on 
his way to Swissvale, where he will attend the marriage of his brother, 
Dr. Charles O'Hara to Miss Sara Porter Shultz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 
Samuel Shultz, at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, when the ceremony will be 
performed by the groom's uncle,.  Mrs. Rose O'Hara and son, Walter 
O'Hara, also of Ebensburg, were in Johnstown this afternoon on their 
way to Swissvale, being accompanied by Mrs. John T. McGahan of Broad 
street, an aunt of the groom.

Another Wreck Victim 

Kittanning, Pa., Aug. 8 -- Frank Critchlow, the fifth victim of the 
wreck on the Allegheny Valley division of the PRR, is dead at the 
Kittanning hospital.  Critchlow was the son of the Rev. John M. 
Critchlow, a prominent minister of Titusville and was 26 years old.


Johnstown, Pa., Aug. 8 -- Mrs. Crist Gossard of Conemaugh died and Mr. 
and Mrs. Joseph Stormer and children are critically ill as the result 
of having eaten some poisonous substance [word missing] they were 
served at dinner at a restaurant some days ago.

Delamater A Suicide 

George Wallace Delamater, former State Senator and later candidate for 
Governor of Pennsylvania on the Republican party ticket, shot himself 
through the head in the office of the Pennsylvania Steel Tie Company of 
which he was President, in the Diamond National Bank Building, 
Pittsburg, at 1:15 o'clock Wednesday afternoon and died a few minutes 

Melancholia is thought to have been the motive for the deed.

Funeral of Mrs. William Law

The funeral of Mrs. William Law, who died Friday at her home in 
Beaverdale, took place Monday, interment being in Blair county. Mrs. 
Law was 21 years of age and a daughter of Mrs. Reuben Diehl of Altoona.  
Besides her mother she is survived by her husband and a child a few 
days old.