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NEWS:  CAMBRIA FREEMAN; 1906; Ebensburg, Cambria Cnty., PA

Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Patty Millich

Copyright 2009.  All rights reserved.

Cambria Freeman
Ebensburg, Pa.
Friday, 4 May 1906
Volume 40, Number 17

Items Local and Personal 

  John Leonard of Gallitzin was in town yesterday.

  T. Stanton Davis was in Johnstown Saturday on business.

  Bert Sheaffer of Vintondale was in Ebensburg the early part of the week.

  W. L. Hite who resides near Belsano was an Ebensburg visitor Wednesday.

  Mr. Jonathan Owens left Monday evening for a few days visit to Philadelphia.

  C. H. Barker returned home Thursday evening from Indiana county where he had been 
on business.

  T. B. O'Hara was in Johnstown yesterday with the intention of purchasing a team for 
his farm in Cambria township.

 Attorney R. E. Cresswell and Miss Jessie Helsel, his stenographer of Johnstown, spent 
Wednesday in this place.

  Misses Mary Thomas and Bertha Sharbaugh of Carrolltown are spending the week in 
Johnstown among friends.

  Mr. and Mrs. George Myers of Pitcairn spent Sunday in Ebensburg with Mr. Myers' 
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Myers.

  Attorneys H. W. Storey and M. E. Stephens were among the Johnstown attorneys here 
attending court Tuesday afternoon.

  Carl Dick of this place left Wednesday for Seward, Pa., where he remained several 
days looking after business matters.

  Mrs. Jennie Turner arrived in Ebensburg this morning and is located at her summer 
cottage where she will remain during the summer.

  Owen Rowland who has been visiting his sons in Iowa returned home last evening.  
Evan, one of Mr. Roland's (sic) sons is sheriff of Cook county, Iowa.

  Mrs. Joseph Brown of the Cambria House is in this place attending the funeral of her 
cousin, Mrs. Annie Miller at Altoona on Wednesday of this week.

  W. A. McGuire of this place returned Monday evening from a few days visit to 
Johnstown.  He was accompanied by his father, Richard McGuire of Allegheny township.

  C. A. Pannebaker, a brother of C. P. Pannebaker, and a member of the printing 
fraternity located in Pueblo, Colorado, was in Ebensburg on a short visit on Thursday.

  Andrew Little of Loretto, who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis at the 
Mercy Hospital at Pittsburg, has recovered and was in town on Thursday.

  Mr. and Mrs. George Myers and family of Pitcairn came here last week for a visit.  
George is just recovering from typhoid fever and we are glad to learn is getting along all 

  John Shettig of the hardware firm of Shettig Bros. of this place, departed Tuesday for 
Pueblo, Col., where he will visit his brother, Anselm, who is seriously ill.

  Mrs. Mary A. Miller of Williamsport has brought an action of divorce against her 
husband, Stewart Miller of Vetera, this county.  Desertion is alleged as the ground for 
seeking the dissolution of the marital ties.

  Mr. Roy Fife who has been recuperating in Ebensburg for the past month, returned to 
his home in Pittsburg on Wednesday.  Mr. Lester Fife, his brother, spent Sunday with 
him at Hotel Bender.

  Miss Eva Zeek, who for the past couple of years has been the stenographer in the 
office of Attorney Evans & Evans, has resigned her position and will leave for Altoona 
the end of this week, where she has accepted a similar position.

  Miss Margaret Rhey, who for a number of years made her home at the Mountain 
House in this place, but for the past winter has been at Cresson, spent a few days in 
Ebensburg with her friends before her departure for Kentucky where she will stay for 
some time, after which she expects to return to Ebensburg to make her home.

  Mr. C. C. Ludwig, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Ludwig of this place, left Tuesday for 
DuBois where he will attend a business school.  He expects to be absent about six 
months. Clifford is one of Ebensburg's most estimable young men and one of Cambria 
county's most promising young teachers and leaves with the best wishes of a large circle 
of friends.

  L. E. Kaylor will restock his farm in Allegheny township. Sometime ago Mr. Kaylor 
disposed of all the personal property on his farm and rented the premises to Joseph 
Long.  Mr. Kaylor has again taken possession and has engaged Mr. Long to operate the 

News from Blandburg

  Forest fires have been all around the town.  Friday night of last week the fences and 
buildings of Joe Frank's were endangered but people from Blandburg assisted in beating 
the fire back so that very little damage resulted.

  The Blandburg M. E. Parsonage is being enclosed by a new fence.

  Friday evening of last week Mrs. Dr. Gearhart and her class of students had quite a 
brilliant musical festival in Golden Eagle Hall.  It was largely attended and the 
entertainment was a magnificent success.

Local Happenings 

  After eloping with the star boarder in Philadelphia and then being deserted, Mrs. Frank 
J. Crook of Cresson has returned to the home of her husband's parents and has asked 
forgiveness but according to Mr. Crook there will be nothing doing in that line for her.  
Mrs. Crook left Cresson several weeks ago with Fred Simmons, a Pennsylvania railroad 
brakeman, and after arriving at Philadelphia, was deserted by Simmons, who is said to 
have a wife in Greensburg. Simmons also took the savings of Mr. Crook which Mrs. 
Crook had given to him for safe keeping.

Gallitzin Shooting
Foreigner Shot Three Times by His Companions
Gallitzin, April 30

  In a fight among coal miners at this place last night, Rabino Spriano, an Italian, was 
shot three times, once in the back and twice in his left arm and is now in a serious 
condition at the Altoona Hospital.

  A crowd of foreigners gathered in the foreign district here and had a heated argument 
relative to the strike trouble.  It is said Spriano suggested that they go back to work. His 
fellow countrymen argued with him and one of the party drew a revolver and fired three 
times at him.

  The injured foreigner was given temporary treatment by a local physician and sent to 
the Altoona Hospital where an unsuccessful effort was made last night to locate the 
leaden pellet.

  Spriano's assailant was taken to Ebensburg this morning and lodged in jail to await the 
outcome of his victim's injuries.

A Forest Fire
Bad Blaze Starts West of Ebensburg Saturday

  A bad fire broke out along the Blacklick railroad west of Ebensburg Saturday afternoon 
and was carried by the wind up to the Pittsburg Pike back of Jamestown.

  It was only after the greatest effort on the part of those engaged in the fight that the 
residence of Lewis Griffith in Cambria township was saved.  Mr. Griffith was away from 
home and his wife and family were unable to combat with the fire.  When a number of 
Ebensburgers reached his buildings, some empty boxes that had been piled behind the 
chicken coop were already on fire, and the buildings about were threatened, but after 
hard work the men diverted the course of the flames and Mr. Griffith's buildings were 

  The flames were extinguished Saturday evening by the employees of Webster Griffith 
who owns a lot of timber in that vicinity.