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NEWS: Items from The Cambria Freeman, July 15, 1904, Cambria County, PA

Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Patty Millich

Copyright 2008.  All rights reserved.

Cambria Freeman, Ebensburg, Pa.
Friday, July 15, 1904
Volume XXXVIII, Number 28

Local and Personal

  Warden Reynolds of the county jail has been a busy man this week 
overseeing a gang of Sheriff Lenhart's boarders who have been working 
around the jail.  The appearance of the jail yard is much improved and 
as the work was done without cost to the county, Warden Reynolds is 
deserving of credit.  The Commissioners have also been making some 
improvements around the jail.  Walks are being laid and other 
improvements are under way. Such endeavors are very creditable to the 
county. The Commissioners have the right idea.
  Miss Margaret River of Freeport, Pa., is visiting Mrs. Oscar Kinkead.
  Mr. Cyrus Jones is spending a week at Philadelphia & Atlantic City.
  A couple cases of smallpox have been discovered in Conemaugh.
  Attorney and Mrs. S. L. Reed are spending a few days at Atlantic 
  Mrs. Kate Fenlon is visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Bearer of 
  Mrs. Annie Lyte and children of Kane are visiting friends in this 
  Miss Julia Bishop of Harrisburg has opened her cottage for the 
  Mrs. Edie and daughter, Mrs. Stull of Harvey's Lake are visiting 
friends in town.
  Misses Frances and Anna Thompson are visiting Miss Martha Davis of 
  Mr. Seward Jones and family of Boston are spending the summer in this 
  Mrs. W. I. Stineman of South Fork is visiting her parents, Mr. and 
Mrs. Ed James.
  Mrs. Olin Thomas of West Virginia is visiting her father, Mr. John 
Owens of this place.
  Fritz Krebs of Johnstown is visiting his uncle and aunt, Commissioner 
and Mrs. Benj. Jones.
  George Myers of Pitcairn has returned after a weeks visit with 
friends and relative in this place.
  Mrs. Sarah Davis of Wilkesbarre returned to her home last week after 
visiting relatives here.
  Mr. George Beaver of Pittsburg is spending a two weeks vacation in 
Ebensburg and Hastings.
  Walter McMurray of New Washington spent the past ten days with his 
sister, Mrs. J. T. Jones.
  Mrs. Albert Morris of Barnesboro is visiting her parents, Dr. and 
Mrs. T. J. Davison in this place.
  Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Ritter of Chicago who have been visiting 
relatives in this place returned home.
  Mrs. Fitzgerald of South Fork spent a few days in Ebensburg with her 
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fes Lloyd.
  The Misses Weldons and Master Richard Weldon of Pittsburg arrived 
last week to spend the summer in Ebensburg.
  Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ludwig and Mrs. E. F. Spencer of Van Ormer spent 
several days with friends in this place.  
  Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis and family of Altoona are visiting Mrs. Davis' 
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis of this place.
  Miss Clymens of Eastern Pennsylvania is visiting her brother and 
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Clymens in this place.
  Mr. and Mrs. Labaugh of Altoona spent a few days recently with Mrs. 
Labaugh's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Englehart.
  Rev. Jno. Lancaster of East Conemaugh, formerly pastor of the M. E. 
Church in this place, visited friends here last week.
  Miss May Humphreys, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Humphreys of 
Johnstown, is spending the summer with relatives in this place.
  Mrs. Treese and little daughter of Duncansville was the guest of her 
son, Mr. R. E. Treese and family in this place over the Fourth.
  Mrs. Mildred Swaney and son, Homer, of Seattle, returned home last 
week after spending a month with Mrs. Swaney's sister, Mrs. Cyrus 
  Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dagget of Buffalo N. Y., Mr. Leonce Shields and 
Miss Helen Martin of Pittsburg spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. W. 
C. Shields.
  Among those who spent the Fourth in this place were Miss Maud 
Shoemaker, Dr. E. B. Roberts, and Dr. O. G. A. Barker of Pittsburg; 
Herbert Evans and Olney Davis of Johnstown; Arthur Evans and Mr. and 
Mrs. Milton Bolsinger of Windber.

Bright News from Patton

  Cowher's livery stable changed hands last week. A gentleman by the 
name of T. M. Rosser being the purchaser.  Evidently the new proprietor 
is not much skeered of the new trolley line.
  Mrs. E. C. Brown and little son, Samuel, returned last week from a 
trip to the great lakes.
  Our aesthetic friend, Dr. Worrell, has lately purchased a handsome 
Upright piano in order to gratify his musical taste.  The Doctor is 
also devoted to flora culture as evinced by the beautiful display of 
blooming roses on his front lawn.
  Reuel Sommerville, Esq., delivered an address on patriotism at the 
meeting of the Epworth League Sunday evening.
  Mrs. J. W. VanWert is making a visit to her former home, Wellsboro.  
During her absence, the Doctor is boarding at the Palmer House.
  Prof. B. I. Meyers, Principal of our schools, returned last week from 
a visit to Shirleysburg.  In company with Joe Lingle and Paul Barton, 
he started Monday on a six-week tour through northern New York.
  Landlord James Gillice of the Miners Rest has just placed in that 
popular Hotel an electric piano which produces the finest and sweetest 
of music.  Mr. Gillice is a musician of note, being a skillful 
performer on many instruments, particularly the piano and most of his 
spare time is occupied in manipulating the keys of that wonderful piece 
of musical mechanism.
  W. C. Hubbard, Charles Walters, J. R. Cordell and Geo. Howe, all of 
the School Board, went to Pittsburg last week to inspect the Carnegie 
Institute with a view of having the new addition to our building 
conform to it in appearance and incidentally to examine some heating 
plants in the various schools of that city.
  Hopeful Otis Winslow, Prohibition Candidate for Prothonotary, spent 
several days last week in Elk County, fixing his political fences.  He 
reports everything in fine shape up there and if his efforts in Cambria 
County and "Seldom Seen" are as successful, he may be elected
  Dr. H. W. Ferguson has returned from a visit to his old home,  
Canaudaigna, New York.
  Our friend, D. Walter Ritchie has moved that new wife of his and what 
other belongings he possesses into the rooms over the Patton Supply 
Company Store recently vacated by Dr. N. W. Bailey.  Ritchie says he 
will now begin to enjoy life and will have his own vine and fig tree 
under which to luxuriate.
  Dr. H. A. Seitz, a few days ago acted as defendant counsel in an 
interesting case before Justice Boone.  The doctor displayed rare legal 
acumen and was successful in every point, except securing the verdict.
  John and Jake Dinsmore went to Punxsutawney last week to enjoy a 
short respite from their arduous duties.
  The Westover ball team which was billed to play with our boys last 
Saturday failed to materialize owing to the wet weather.
  Dr. Murray has had a telephone placed in his office and is connected 
with the Huntington and Clearfield Company exchange.
  William Denlinger, Jr., is rapidly convalescing from his recent 
attack of typhoid fever.  We hope it will not be long until we see his 
bright and pleasant face upon our streets.
  Burgess Harper has returned from his summer vacation and we notice a 
marked improvement in corporate affairs since he has resumed control of 
the helm.
  Will Bennett a few days ago ventured too near the business end of one 
of the mules belonging to Mr. Wertner.  The mule resented the 
familiarity and struck out with its right foot landing a sledge hammer 
blow in the region of Will's solar plexus.  As a consequence our young 
friend is laid up for repairs and has time to reflect on (mules) 
"inhumanity to man."
  Miss Teresa Williams was called to Altoona last Saturday by the 
serious illness of her sister who resides at that place.
  Mr. Albert Rumberger made a business trip to Rossiter last week.
  Fred Rees, one of the clerks in C. F. Pitt's store, was in Huntingdon 
early this week.
  With all the noise and excitement and there was lots of it on the 
Fourth of July, we did not learn of a single accident, for which we 
were truly thankful.
  Geo. O. Brady of the Bazar has something in his windows to keep 
people looking.  This week it is an Indian scene.
  Squire Mellon is sanguine of Democratic success next fall.  He says, 
we "are going to win, we are bound to win, we can't be defeated."

Nicktown, July 9:

  The Fourth passed off very quietly at this place.
  Mike Luther of Ebensburg was in town Wednesday.
  Mrs. Rose Sier of Allentown, Pa., is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. 
Nicolas Lambour.
  Harry Lieb and his sister, Emma, called on Carrolltown friends 
  John Dumm and wife of Spangler were in town one day last week.
  Mrs. Clara Hopple is very ill.
  Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Springer, a son; also to Mr. and Mrs. 
Lawrence Luther, a son.
  Miss Virginia Soissoin went to Jeannette where she will spend the 
summer with her aunt, Mrs. Miller.

Barnesboro, Pa., July 9:

  Constable Miller of Hastings Thursday arrested two Hungarians from 
Greenwich for an assault upon a fellow countryman.
  Charley Cole, the popular young Johnstown traveling man, made it 
pleasant for the boys here Wednesday.
  Elmer Henry the well known Carrolltown landlord spent Wednesday in 
  Huddy Kirkpatrick, head engineer for the Pennsylvania Coal and Coke 
Company at Hastings, spent Sunday at the home of Dan Miller
  Mike Ryan of Patton went through Barnesboro last week on a bicycle.  
  John Hubbert of the Globe Hotel celebrated his Fourth on the Fifth.
  The Fourth passed off very quietly in Barnesboro. Hundreds of people 
from this vicinity left for all parts of the State last week to spend 
the Fourth with parents and relatives. 
  Al Hoppel, a former hotel man of Spangler, but now of Pittsburg is 
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wyland of Spangler and his parents at 
  Peter Thurston the Moss creek landlord was in town this week and he 
says that he will play his Moss Creek ball team against any other team 
in the north of the county for any amount.
  John Burns of Windber is visiting his parents.


  Frank Shoemaker is suffering from a fractured shoulder and Mrs. David 
Williams from a broken limb.

A Busy Bee

  John Bee of Cresson became busy it is alleged the other day and flew 
away from Jno. McNally's till with three hundred dollars of stolen 
sweets.  Squire Burgoon decided that the place for Bee was in a cell 
and he was bound over to court and languishes in jail awaiting trial.

Nantyglo Lot Contest

  The lot at Nantyglo was won by Mrs. James Kiley of Twin Rocks. Gold 
watch for selling most chances on lot was won by Miss Etta Conrad.  
Second, Miss Jennie Meyers; third, Miss Gertrude Lynn.

Draw a Jury of True Men
  Following are the lists of jurymen for September term of court drawn 
from the wheel:

Grand Jury

Marshall Daly, heater, Johnstown, First Ward
E. E. Dunnegan, merchant, Clearfield township
C. Hetrick, coal operator, Hastings
W. E. Dixon, clerk, East Conemaugh
Simon Adams, teamster, Black Lick township
Gregory Mullen, farmer, Portage township
D. A. Garman, farmer, Susquehanna township
W. H. Sharp, clerk, Johnstown, Fifth ward
T. W. Smay, farmer, Croyle township
Dennis Flynn, miner, Patton, First ward
N. J. Hoffman, farmer, Richland township
Pryce Davis, clerk, Johnstown, First ward
Luke Burgoon, farmer, Dean township
D. H. Brown, farmer, Washington township
Isaac J. Hughes, farmer, Summerhill township
James G. Patton, blacksmith, Portage borough
Wm. Lehmeier, restaurateur, Carrolltown borough
L. J. Bearer, farmer, Susquehanna township
H. M. Harmon, carpenter, Johnstown, Eighth ward
R. J. Bannon, blacksmith, Loretto
D. Harshberger, mill hand, Johnstown, Sixth ward
S. P. Grimes, miner, Dean township
John Fox, laborer, Johnstown, Fourteenth ward
Winfield W. Evans, laborer, Johnstown, Fourth ward

Traverse Jury - First Week

Hugh Canavan, hotel keeper, Portage borough
Jno. D. Wissinger, farmer, Adams township
H. S. Alshouse, teacher, West Taylor township
Wm. Hamilton, laborer, Johnstown, Fifth ward
James Cole, mill hand, Johnstown, Nineteenth ward
Wm. Horner, laborer, Johnstown, Ninth ward
Alexander Storey, farmer, Croyle township
R. L. Bower, merchant, Reade township
C. A. Sharbaugh, merchant, Carrolltown
John Gates, R. R. Engineer, South Fork, First ward
Milton Metzgar, farmer, West Taylor township
Howard Miller, farmer, Richland township
James Shoemaker, farmer, Croyle township
Thos. Harvey, miner, Barnesboro
Charles Yeckley, storekeeper, Gallitzin
William Sanker, farmer, Allegheny township
Jno. Dunn, engineer, Johnstown, First ward
Chas. H. Suppes, coal operator, Johnstown, Eighth ward
H. A. Englehart, clerk, Ebensburg
Francis Shettig, farmer, Carroll township
Wm. Beatty, laborer, Johnstown, Thirteenth ward
Michael Ryan, laborer, Johnstown, Fourteenth ward
Joseph Beiter, hotel keeper, Johnstown, Second ward
Patrick Keelan, miner, South Fork
Jno. Springer, farmer, Carroll township
William Kenney, mill hand, Johnstown, First ward
Nicholas Anstead, butcher, Patton
Albert Skelly, farmer, Croyle township

Traverse Jury - Second Week

Charles Gillen, miner, East Taylor
C. M. Crouse, hotel keeper, Wilmore
Stephen Campbell, weight master, Carrolltown
C. C. Walters, hotel keeper, Patton
Henry Blough, farmer, Richland
Peter J. Strittmatter, farmer, Carroll township
Frank Tremellon, clerk, Johnstown, Sixth ward
Casper Miller, farmer, Susquehanna township
John Hunter, mine foreman, Spangler
Patrick Callihan, miner, Patton
John C. Friedhoff, farmer, Munster township
T. P. Stephens, mill hand, Johnstown, Eighth ward
George W. Gallagher, farmer, Portage township
Wm. Scroth, J. P., Carrolltown
Frank Jones, laborer, Ebensburg
Daniel Farren, laborer, Munster township
E. W. Blough, engineer, Johnstown, Eighth ward
Bart Hobart, farmer, Clearfield township
J. R. Cornelius, laborer, Patton
George Schulters, mill hand, Johnstown, First ward
Frederick Snyder, blacklick, [sic] Barr township
Wm. McGough, merchant, Johnstown, Fifth ward
Patrick Whalen, hotel keeper, Spangler
Thomas Gregory, miner, Carroll township
Henry M. Jones, clerk, Westmont
Patrick Darby, laborer, Johnstown, Twelfth ward
Charles Prescott, miner, Patton
Joseph W. Koch, foreman, Johnstown, Sixteenth ward
S. H. Beers, farmer, White township
Wm. Crum, laborer, Wilmore
Robert E. Jones, gentleman, Ebensburg.

Petit Jurors - Second Week

Henry Stevens, laborer, Johnstown, Eighth ward
Charles McDermott, clerk, Johnstown, Eleventh ward
Frank Mooney, laborer, Johnstown, Third ward
James G. Darby, real estate agent, Johnstown, Tenth ward
Milton S. Harris, clerk, Johnstown, Sixth ward
O. H. Stiffey, pattern maker, Johnstown, Seventeenth ward
Basil Bender, miner, Lilly
Thomas Cassidy, engineer, East Conemaugh
George H. Davison, agent, Barnesboro
Isaiah Sherbine, farmer, Summerhill township
R. D Jones, coal dealer, Johnstown, Eleventh ward.
Jacob Kelly, farmer, Adams township
Fred Frank, Ex. Ward, Johnstown, Fourth ward
Wm. C. Smith, clerk, Hastings
G. W. Speece, J. P., Barnesboro
Charles G. McCauliffe, ganger, Carrolltown
Howard Thomas, Laborer, Elder Township
Harry G. Dunmire, machinist, South Fork
James E. Scott, mill hand, Johnstown, First ward
Thomas Cox, miner, Patton
Leonard Jones, teacher, Cambria township
Frank Burgraff, laborer, Johnstown, Ninth ward
Charles W. Moran, blacksmith, Loretto
Frank Hoyer, miner, Croyle township
Michael Bracken, gentleman, Gallitzin
Harvey Adams, car inspector, Johnstown, Twenty-first ward
James Oiler, mill hand, Stonycreek township
Joseph Manthe, laborer, Johnstown, Ninth ward

Petit Jury - Second Week, No. 2

W. L. George, laborer, Wilmore
Charles T. Stevens, policeman, Johnstown, Thirteenth ward
Wm. Bloom, farmer, Richland township
J. S. Killens, lumber dealer, Barnesboro
Frank Colbert, laborer, West Taylor township
Frank Jones, machinist, Johnstown, Fifth ward
Joseph Beringer, farmer, Clearfield township
John Hysong, carpenter, Gallitzin
Ivan Linton, gentleman, Johnstown, Eighth ward
W. C. Hubbard, carpenter, Patton
Arthur Doran, laborer, Johnstown, Twelfth ward
Edward D. Brawley, farmer, Carroll
Patrick McCarthy, miner, Barnesboro
Joseph Redmond, laborer, East Conemaugh
J. E. Jones, painter, Gallitzin 
Peter Garner, farmer, Reade
Charles Brookbank, laborer, Summerhill
Lewis Eppley, machinist, Rosedale
Henry Bowman, blacksmith, Johnstown, Fifth ward
Adam Reade, mill hand, Johnstown, Eleventh ward
Jno. McCauley, laborer, Johnstown, Seventeenth ward
Jno. Spellian, laborer, Johnstown, Ninth ward
J. L. Strausbaugh, laborer, Johnstown, Eighth ward
Christ Leap, clerk, Lilly
Edward McDevitt, mill hand, Johnstown, Seventeenth ward
W. E. Zimmerman, clerk, Franklin
James Comer, agent, Johnstown, Second ward
Wm. Axmaker, carpenter, Johnstown, Second ward
M. A. Overdorff, pattern maker, Johnstown, Eighteenth ward

Traverse and Petit Jurors - Third Week

Hugh Hughes, farmer, Summerhill
Samuel Hammond, merchant, Barnesboro
M. P. Kearney, carpenter, Lilly
Harvey Clawson, blacksmith, Blacklick
Albert Buck, farmer, Allegheny
Harry Anderson, farmer, Barr
James Fitzharris, machinist, Johnstown, Thirteenth ward
William W. Myers, farmer, Richland township
Blair Short, hotel keeper, Lilly
James Mangus, carpenter, Johnstown, Second ward
Wilford Jones, mill man, Johnstown, Tenth ward
John Heubner, clerk, Johnstown, Fourth ward
Wm. Krosser, farmer, Croyle township
Jno. Fritz, gentleman, Johnstown, Third ward
J. L. Gill, farmer, Chest township
Bernard Schonhart, mill hand, Johnstown, Tenth ward
Henry McDermitt, laborer, Barr township
Harry Patterson, farmer, Barr township
Samuel Irvin, conductor, Patton
Rev. J. H. Lancaster, minister, East Conemaugh
Peter Flick, farmer, Allegheny
George H. Page, brakeman, East Taylor township
John H. Boyle, farmer, Croyle township
John Weimer, engineer, Johnstown, Thirteenth ward
Jno. F. Long, R. R. Foreman, Cambria township
Wm. Shank, farmer, Adams township
John O'Connell, brakeman, Johnstown, Twelfth ward
Wm. Hand, miner, South Fork
Harry Smay, farmer, Summerhill township
John Hason, mill hand, Johnstown, Second ward
Patrick Campbell, miner, Adams township
Thomas McCullough, laborer, Loretto
Edward M. Bailey, plumber, Johnstown, Second ward
Joseph A. Gray, real estate dealer, Spangler
Fred Bland, Jr., clerk, Reade township
James Adams, motorman, Johnstown, Twenty-first ward
John C. Groome, laborer, Portage
Sylvester Masters, foreman, Johnstown, Eighth ward
Sylvester Hutzler, laborer, Adams township
Alexander Jordan, farmer, Reade township
William Murray, miner, Gallitzin
Thomas Hanna Jr., laborer, Washington township
John Schmidt, farmer, Croyle township
L. Z. Bloom, carpenter, Ebensburg
E. J. Bearer, liquor dealer, Barnesboro
Charles Stough, painter, Ebensburg
Charles Maist, laborer, Johnstown, Fifth ward
John D. Ayer, farmer, Barr township
Charles Heisel, clerk, Johnstown, Second ward
James Sheehan, farmer, Chest township
William C. Myers, mill hand, Johnstown, Seventh ward 
L. P. McDermitt, clerk, Cresson township
Henry T. Cuna, laborer, Hastings
Jonathan Roseman, miner, Ferndale borough
A. J. Blackburn, laborer, Johnstown, Twentieth ward
Abel Peden, farmer, Upper Yoder
John Shriver, teamster, Franklin
Wm. Mark, laborer, Blacklick township
Amaudus Entler, laborer, Elder township
John Sellman, laborer, Lower Yoder township