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NEWS:  The Alleghanian; 27 Aug 1863; Ebensburg, Cambria Cnty., PA

Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Patty Millich 

Copyright 2009.  All rights reserved.

The Alleghanian
Ebensburg, Pa.
Thursday, 27 Aug 1863
Volume 4, Number 48

Letter from Our Soldiers 
Camp in the Field, Alabama
August 13, 1863

Thinking a few lines from the Army of the Cumberland - from Co. C, 19th 
Regulars – might not prove uninteresting to your readers, I take the liberty of 
addressing you.  You are doubtless aware that after the battle of Stone river we 
lay some six months at Murfreesboro without moving.  The orders to march 
came at last on the 24th June.  The morning we left camp it commenced raining 
and rain was the programme for twenty-two days.  This made our situation very 
uncomfortable, notwithstanding which the boys remained in the best of spirits 
and were eager for the fray.  The roads soon became almost impassible and our 
trains were greatly delayed, which accounts for Bragg's escape.  You are aware 
of what took place during the Rebel general's retreat, so it is unnecessary for me 
to give particulars. Suffice it to say that in the operation of skedaddling, he lost 
some five thousand men.

If I am not greatly mistaken you may expect some news from this department 
soon which will cause a thrill of joy to penetrate every loyal heart and give the 
Copperheads reason to skulk dismayed to their holes.

Talking of Copperheads:  If these disloyal gentry only knew the true feelings of 
the soldiers toward them, it would give them but little consolation.  But perhaps 
to men so lost to all feelings of patriotism and principle as to sympathize with 
armed treason, it makes but little difference what soldiers think!  They would 
soon, possibly, bask in the good graces of Jeff Davis, the Devil and others of like 
ilk, than have the respect of the loyal and honest.  If so, we avow ourselves 
unable to cope with the difficulty – they are beyond the reach of moral surgery – 
so we are obliged to leave them to Jeff Davis and Devil.

We in the army have some respect for those in arms against us.  They at least 
have the courage to meet us in a fair field.  But for those cowardly miscreants 
who stab their country and its cause in the back, we have none.  They are 
beneath our contempt even. I pity their children; for the words and deeds of 
their slimy progenitor will be a stumbling block in their path forever.

One consolation to us is that the Copperhead fraternity composes but a small 
portion of the great mass of the people of the loyal States.  Abraham Lincoln was 
constitutionally elected President of these United States – that all men know – as 
such should be obeyed.  When the proper time arrives, if the majority of the 
American people desire a change of measures and men, they can have it and we 
will give them our hearty support.  In the meantime, we are bound by every 
dictate of honor and duty to support those in authority over us.

There is certainly some difference as regards pleasure, between a soldier's life 
and that of a citizen – the difference preponderating in favor of the latter.  Now, 
much as we desire to return to our fiends and homes, I am free to say that, so 
long as there is an armed traitor above ground, it is our determination to remain 
fighting for the old flag our forefathers bequeathed us – that priceless emblem of 
a liberty achieved after eight long years of deprivation and suffering.  The 
Rebellion must be put down at any cost.  To see our glorious old banner once 
more floating over every foot of Uncle Sam's farm - not a single star of its bright 
constellation erased nor a stripe obscured – would more than doubly repay us for 
all efforts directed in that behalf.  And these are the sentiments of nine-tenths of 
the Army of the Cumberland.

Yours, &c.

[Signed]  Thomas Davis

Sheriff's Sales

Following is an abstract of the real estate advertised to be sold by the sheriff of 
Cambria County, at the Court House, Ebensburg on Monday, 7th September, 

George Gates, Yoder township, 800 acres, 25 acres cleared with small cabin 

George Gates, Conemaugh township, 300 acres, 100 acres cleared with two 
story frame house, log barn, spring house and saw mill.

Samuel Henshey, Clearfield township, 801 acres and 145 perches with 
hereditaments and appurtenances.

George C. K. Zahm, Ebensburg, piece of ground with one story frame building.

Mary Ann M'Kinzie, Chest Springs borough, two lots of ground with large three 
story plank house and frame stable.

Stephen Kerns and Philip Kerns, Summerhill township, parcel of land with 

John R. Thomas, Ebensburg, lot of ground with two story frame house.

Alexander D. Goughenour, Sylvania, Conemaugh township, lot of ground with 
two story plank house and plank stable.

Richard J. Evans (one of defendants) Cambria and Carroll township, 300 acres, 
70 acres cleared with log house, frame barn, grist mill, saw mill, dwelling house, 
stable and blacksmith shop.

Eli B. Horner, Conemaugh township, 71 acres, 30 acres cleared with two story 
plank house and cabin barn.

John Ross, administrator of John B. Stewart, dec'd, White township, 49 acres, 
unimproved.  Also:  137 acres and 84 perches, White township, unimproved.

Edward Burk, Washington township, 130 acres, 1½ acres cleared with one and a 
half story plank house and large frame stable.

William Cree, White township, 65 acres, 35 acres cleared with two story log 
house, weather boarded and log barn.

George Banfield, Johnstown, lot of ground with two story plank house.

Elizabeth Perkins, Perkinsville, Taylor township, 146 perches with one and a half 
story frame house.

Elizabeth Kratzer, Allegheny and Clearfield townships, with 308 acres, 20 acres 
cleared with furnace building, copper shop, saw mill, twelve 1 1/2 story log 
houses, three two story log houses, two stables, coal house, two large frame 
stables, large coal house and large two story frame house.

William H. Aaron, Hemlock, Washington township, lot of ground with two story 
fame house.

James Glasgo, White township, 80 acres, 70 acres cleared with hewed log barn.

John Miller and Susan Miller, Cambria township, one acre with old house and old 

Charles Murray, Jackson township, 250 acres, 40 acres cleared with log house.

Cambria County Teachers' Institute 

The Executive Committee of this organization met at Cresson on Saturday last, 
and prepared a programme of exercises for the next semi-annual meeting – to 
be held at Wilmore on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 28th, 29th and 30th, 
September coming.  It is as follows:

Orthography:  Class drill by Mr. Thos. J. Chapman.  Lectures by Messrs. J. F. 
Allen and W. H. H. Freeman.

Reading:  Class drill by Miss Julia Wilcox and Miss Sue Magehan.  Lecture by 
Daniel W. Evans.

Penmanship and Drawing:  Essay by Miss Jennie Sterling.

Mental Arithmetic:  Class drill by Mr. Henry Ely.

Written Arithmetic:  Class drill by Mr. J. F. Parrish.

Lecture on Mathematics:  by Prof. D. B. Mahan.

Geography:  Class drill by Miss Lizzie E. Roberts.  Lecture by S. B. M'Cormick.

Grammar:  Class drill by Miss Mary M. Swank.  Lecture by Mr. S. Singleton.

Essays:  On the importance of Education to the individual and to society by Miss 
Mary J. Jones.  On the proper method of elevating the science of Teaching to its 
proper place among the learned profession by Miss Hannah Evans. On the 
influence of intelligence upon the morality of a community by Rev. B. L. Agnew.  
On Physical Culture forming one of the branches of instruction in our common 
schools by Mr. Schwartz.

Subjects for General Discussion:  Resolved, that public school exhibitions are 
injurious.  What books on Teaching should be read by the Teacher?

The understanding of the last Institute was that the next session would be held 
at Loretto; but this was found to be impracticable by reason that no building of a 
suitable character could be secured in the village.  Wilmore, occupying a central 
position as regards the county at large, will be found to be a good exchange.

Drafted Men Given the Same Bounties as Volunteers

There are few who understand that the provision of the conscription act place 
drafted men on terms of equality with volunteers, giving them the same 
Government bounty, the same title to pension, the same pay, the same 
everything.  When the statement has been made heretofore, many have 
discredited it; and to end all questions upon the subject, we quote from the act 

Sec. 2.  And be it further enacted, That all persons thus enrolled shall be subject 
for two years after the first day of July succeeding the enrollment, to be called 
into the military service of the United States and to continue in service during the 
present rebellion, not however, exceeding the term of three years; and when 
called into service, "shall be placed on the same footing in all respects as 
volunteers," for three years or during the war "including advance pay and bounty 
as now provided by law." 

The Draft 

On our opposite page we print the names of the persons in this county who were 
so "Fortunate" as to draw prizes in the late draft.  The drawing came off at 
Huntingdon on Thursday last and was conducted throughout with entire fairness.  
The manner of proceeding was about in this wise:  The names of all those liable 
to the draft in each sub- district were placed in the wheel; a blind man was then 
blindfolded, who, after the wheel had undergone a complete revolution, would 
draw forth a ticket; this ticket was read aloud, spelled, subjected to the scrutiny 
of the judges and finally passed to the clerks to be entered down.  Thus, until 
the quota of each sub-district had been drawn.

The total number drawn from the county was 781, which included the fifty per 
cent excess to cover exemptions.

Four citizens of this county, namely, Messrs. A. A. Barker, Wm. Kittell, C. L. 
Pershing and John M. Bowman, were present by special invitation to witness and 
participate in the drawing.

In this borough the number drawn was 21, politically classified as follows:  10 
Democrats, 10 Unionists, 1 Negro – the latter the only one in town, by the way.  
Lawyers, merchants, carpenters, laborers - almost every profession and class 
was levied upon for contributions.  No less than three printers were drafted – 
which is rather a "big thing" on the art preservation confraternity. In the county, 
four ministers of the Gospel were also "called."  Truly the presiding deity of the 
draft – stone blind Chance - is no respecter of persons!

There was no disturbance nor sign of disturbance manifest at the drawing. On 
the contrary, everything passed off quietly and in order.  It is furthermore 
noticeable that there is now no talk of "resisting the draft" or obstructing the 
workings of the law. The conviction has impressed itself on every mind that one 
of three things has to be done – put on a "Sub," pay $300 or go. And, like good 
men and patriots they hold themselves prepared for the execution of one of the 

The Draft for Cambria County – List of Names Drawn 

25th Sub-District of the 17th Congressional District
Allegheny, Loretto and Gallitzin:
204 names in the wheel and 62 drawn

William Becker
William Christy
James Bone
Nicholas Hank
John Walker
Nicolas O'Conner
Benedict Hight
Sylvester Little
Urbanus Rigle
Gallitzin Christy
Patrick Mealey
Jacob Bock
James Wills
Hugh Dougherty
Martin Waltz
John Bender
Daniel Hanlon
James C. M'Mullen
John A. Storm
William Douglass
Michael F. Adams
Thomas Rowland
Elias Behey
Englehart M'Connell
Earhart Farabaugh
John Gillin
Jerome Wills
Michael Fechler
Francis Gibbins
Thomas L. Parrish
N. Ardrel
Ansom J. Bradley
Anthony Huffman
Samuel A. Short
Edward Kehoe
Christian Echenrode
John Huffman
Jacob Cramer
Michael Moore
William Delancy
Charles Miller
Peter Brisband
Sylvester Parrish
John Shank
Caleb Douglas
Enos Becher
William Levy
John Bruce
John Will
Michael Vausner
Patrick Moran
Charles Tress
John Walters
John Bradley
David Coons
John G. Lake
William Tumbleson
John Bannan
Peter Smelsor
Philip Downey
Henry M'Ateer

26th Sub-District
Carroll Township and Carrolltown Borough
178 in wheel and 53 drawn:

William P. Buck
Joseph Sherow
Alexander Sinclair
Daniel L. Dumm
Patrick Murray
Leander Strong
Christ Carlhein
John Campbell
Martin Seymour
Philip Barnhart
John Yoner
Henry Horn
Sebastian Sibert
William Vance
Joseph Werther
Charles Feichner
Daniel Buck
George Shattick
Cryst Luther
Justic Apel
Martin Beck
Landling Goss
John Burkey
Martin A. Miller
Lawrence Koontzman
Anthony Meoler
Frederick Rininger
John Bookamyer
Henry Eckenrode
John A. Kennedy
William Day
Evan Abrams
Archibald Smith
Jacob Steger
Phites Fiester
John Hines
Casper Smith
Anthony Lyts
Thomas Douglass
Peter Wasser
Henry Shultz
Henry Stoltz
Bernard Carlheim
John Ott, Jr.
Peter Bertram
Adam Stoltz
John Shilling
John Wertner
William J. Nagle
Amos Rupert
William McNulty
Jacob Wedy
Clemens Fresh
John Nitzell

27th Sub-District
Susquehanna and Chest Townships
139 names in the wheel and 39 drawn:

Albert McCombie
Peter Beck
John McDonald
Jacob Yoner
Ambrose Lautzey
Levi Nagle
Anthony Noel
John W. Lamer
Adam Bowers
David Keith
Martin Gray
Vincent Platt
Peter Helistins
John H. Lamer
Francis I. Baker
Joseph Towle
Walker Westover
Conrad Yager
Henry Sutton
George Yager
John Beck
John H. Lenhart
Augustine Sutton
Joseph Wilson
Joseph Hibbs
Mathias Shortenkerchner
Charles McKinney
Daniel McGlaughin
Osburne McKeen
Thomas Kirkpatrick
William Gray
Joseph A. Elliot
William Fink
Jacob Glosser
Silas Byrne
James Ryan
Levi Blouse
Joseph C. Steen
John Waterson 

28th Sub-District
White and Clearfield Townships and Chest Springs Borough
208 names in the wheel and 67 drawn:

James F. McMullen
Adam Esch
Harry Kinsal
Dennis Cawley
Edward Flanders
John Krise
John J. Burns
William F. Riley
James Trexler
Samuel Coon
John T. Peterson
N. T. Holmes
Daniel Fogelson
Demetrius A. McDermitt
John McFall
John C. Hughes
Gideon Byers
James Hartzel
John Bardine
William Harkins
Henry Foster
David Westover
Patrick Hagan
Gideon Williamson
David A. Watt
Henry Shumo
Daniel D. Brand
Jacob Mahers
Arthur Wheaton
David Brown
Frederick Ranstead
William Frax
Jacob Glass
William Wharton
Bernard Shipley
Francis W. Poor
Michael J. Dunegan
Thomas Lovel
Patrick Madden
Joseph Troxell
G. A. R. Barker
John Sawer
Silas Adams
W. H. Green
Daniel Mathers
William Cohran
Peter Flanagan
James M. Towle
Philip Edmiston
Harrison Dood
J. A. Urban
Thomas Burns
J. Benjamin Beers
Andrew J. Hoover
Michael Waltz
Joseph Doyle
James Diver
Thomas T. Byrne
John H. Stoner
P. J. McKenzie
James Lanzen Root
Alexander Edmoston
Jacob Witters
John Conrad
Henry George
Henry F. Wagner

29th Sub-District
Washington and Munster Townships and Summittsville Borough
147 names in the wheel and 54 drawn:

John Dougherty
James A. Brown
Otho Biter
David McCartney
Thomas Bowland
James Bane
Lazarus Riggle
Henry Fick
Thomas Lago
John Itel of Joseph
John Biglin
Joseph Sanders
William Behey
James Christ
Stephen Rheuvern
John W. Gillespie
Thomas Donahoe
George Bane
William Durbin
William Tiley
Francis Donahoe
John M'Gaughey
John Carroll
George McCullough
Michael M'Call
William Brown
William J. Burk
Samuel F. Nole
Francis O'Haro
Charles O'Haro
Patrick Bradley
Henry Conlogne
Richard P. Sharp
Charles Johnston
James Myers
John Bowland
James S. Lucket
Bernard Kerney
William Carroll
A. P. Miller
Philip Farren
Matthew M'Hugh
George Lago
John Dailey
John Lily
Francis Culliston
Joseph M'Gough
John Diver
Christopher Reiscich
F. L. George
John H. Kennedy
William Brown of John
John G. Kaylor
Jacob Warner

30th Sub-District
Croyle and Summerhill Townships and Wilmore Boro
166 in wheel and 48 drawn:

Henry Sharp
George Dipp 
Bernard Connelly
James McDunn
Samuel Mowery
Lewis E. Delahunt
Daniel K. Davis
Frank Mullin
Daniel Longstreth
Joseph Weiss
Henry Sellers
Jesse H. Diamond
John McGough, Jr.
Aron Sherbine
James F. Skelly
William Neff
M. Lotz
Wm. Smay
Jno. Shorthill
William S. Gillman
Joseph Skelly of Michael
J. D. Piper
Joseph A. Knepper
Stephen A. Dimond
Sylvester Crum
William J. Burke
William W. Porter
Joseph Plummer
Daniel McGough
Edward Lynch
Woodburn Benson
John Litzinger
Adam George
W. Coulter
Charles Studt
William Kick
Matthew Mullin
Augustus Chestnutwood
Jesse Hines
Michael Skelly
William W. Clossin
Edward Grew
Joseph Martz
N. S. George
Michael F. Hammers
Oliver Crum
Albert Wilson
Richard Roberts

31st Sub-District
Richland Township
144 in wheel and 45 drawn:

Charles Helsel
Manassas Miller
Isaac Orris
Daniel Farren
David Harshbarger
John C. Smith
Jacob Webb
Syrus Brubaker
Jacob Floch
Franklin Rose
Daniel Bumbgardner
David Stull
Samuel Horner
Mathias Rively
Levi P. Lehman
August Kibler
George Fye
Alexander Otto
David Cotlow
Jacob Wendall
Joseph Shirey
Christian Bumbgardner
Peter Fulmer
Christian Mayer
J. J. Barnhart
John Noon
Hiram Shaffer
Josiah Helsel
James Rose
Daniel Varner
George Custer
John Orris
Levi Wingard
David C. Strayer
Jonathan Wissinger
Samuel Ripple
John Noon
John O'Harro
John Bumbgardner
David L. Gordon
Emanuel Webb
Samuel Varner
Jacob Grumbling, Jr.
John Shank
Josiah Livingstone

32nd Sub-District
Conemaugh, Taylor and Yoder Townships
239 names in the wheel and 79 drawn:

William M'Celvy
Henry Moose
Philip E. Constable
James Gallaher
Sylvester Hildebrand
John T. Cooney
Robert Agey
James M'Guire
Jefferson Horner
Levi Reighard
Daniel Rheam
Cyrus Griffith 
Richard Charleton
Adolphus Frank
William Noon
Emanuel Plough
Bracket Ayers
Wesley Gossart
Charles Vickroy
William Patterson
Thomas Herron
Noah Moyers
William Otto
William Kelley
Owen Boyle
Isaac D. Plough
David Custer
John A. Cough
Archibald Wissinger
Harvey Horner
Paul Symons
James W. Decker
John Burus
Charles E. Wilson
Samuel Fyock
John Finigan
Adam J. Strayer
Samuel Ream, Jr.
Henry Ream
Tobias Stutzman
John Listere
John George
Silas Goughnour
F. D. Barry
John J. Benshoof
Levi Marse
Ephriam Goughnour
William Sherer
Jacob R. Miller
Jacob J. Strayer
Daniel Noon
Andrew Campbell
John Baker
George Heidlingsfelder
Johnothan Eckel
Christian Strayer
William F. Coshun
John A. Noon 
James Kelly
David Berry
Levi Edwards
George Cann
William Varner
R. T. Anderson
Samuel H. Harshberger
Benjamin Benshoof
John Utzler
John E. Smith (colored)
William M'Means
David Hildeband
Abram B. Angus
Benjamin Kest
Thomas Kinny
John Katen
Edmond Bishop
Peter Adams
Henry J. M'Cartney
Patrick Murray
George Ford

33d Sub-District
Johnstown Borough, 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th Wards and Cambria Borough
417 names in the wheel and 144 drawn:

Charles Zipp
Sebastian Boxler
Thos. Leadbeater
Westley Wilson
George Plitt
Michael Fitzpatrick
Peter Mullen
Wm. Gelishart
John M. Brady
John Murray
Lewis Wolf
James Scott
David Creed
Bernard Keelin
John D. Jones
George Hoech
James Croby
G. H. Hite
Michael Hevern
George Wehn
Charles Cartwright
Henry Schnable
Michael Gallagher
Samuel Henry
Andrew Glass
Hugh McGrory
Charles Fluber
George S. Brubaker
William J. Davis
William A. Murray
Atty. Jonothan Wolford
Hiram Hawk
Gale Heslop
William Masterson
Maximilliam Werdr
Josue Foster
Patrick Powers, Esq.
Gotleip Bantley
Augustus Dangers
Isaac Ause (colored)
William Dugans
J---- Folson
William Clark
Downey Colp
Evan Davis
Jabes Constable
John Murphy
Bernard McDonald
Roache B. McCabe
Archibald Pane
Henry Wounell
Charles Fritsche
John Trezise
Charles Bowan
Henry Fritz
Samuel Kooker
Jonothan Horner
Philip Wendell
William Eantertrout
Henry McCloskey
Richard Jones
John James
Patrick Moore
John Burket
John J. Fisher
John Kearney
Terrence Hughs
George Reese
John Cook
William Neville
Michael Finegan
David Davis
Godleip Leiberger
Peter Mullin
John W. Owans
Thomas Bishop
Patrick Corley
Anthony Menelis
Robert W. Hunt
Douglas Wright
William Boyd
Henry Shearer
John Williams
Wilson Herrington
Andrew Layton
George Fritz
Jacob Horner
Thomas Scott
George H. Wendell
James Ford
John Frank
John Carroll
Cornelius McAnany
John James
Charles Evan
Cyrus E. Tittle
Hiram Herrington
Bernard Ward
Henry Adamdofer
Even W. Jones
William Fritzgerald
James Kean
Henry Davis
Patrick Kelly
Benjamin Williams (colored)
Henry Smith
Harrison Gathagan
William Slater
Charles Frank
Gustabus Boster
Jeremiah Beam
Adam Miller
Peter Randolph
Edward Carroll (colored)
Henry Miller, Jr.
Charles Warner
Samuel W. Horner
William Gardner
Charles Plitt
George R. Slick
Charles Clayton
George Kean
Owen McCaffrey
Cornelius Harkins
Daniel Litzinger
John Morphe
William Dill
John M. Davis
Joseph McVey
William Richards
William Lewis
Lewis Leitenbarger
William Cadugan
Daniel Fariss
Richard Hitchings
James M. Sinclair
Martin Covy
Jenkin Thomas
David Sinzheimer
J. A. Huffman
Joseph John Raenhart
John W. Morgan
Fuches [as listed in the newspaper]
David Jones

34th Sub-District
5th Ward Johnstown, Conemaugh and Milville Boroughs
382 names in the wheel and 115 drawn:

Reese Edwards
John Asquith
Victor Voehtly
David Hudson
Henry Burns
William Campbell
Sebastian Boxler
Adam Kemory
Stephen Mackill
John Carus
Daniel O'Niel
Henry Reed
William Noland
Charles Mahony
Patrick Hannahan
John Gore
Robert Bowen
William O'Brien
John Crofe
Robert Barkley
Edward Connery
James Downey
J. Clark Beam
David Livingstone
Michael Ryan
Patrick M'Cabe
John Fry
Adam Hemdzman
David Kimmell
John Purcell
Levi B. Homberger
Lewis Beauler
James D. Clark
Patrick Flynn
John Sullivan
Samuel Small
Lewis Williams
Andrew Zipp
Patrick Duffy
John Keiper
John Cross
John Darby
Richard Lewis
Frederick Kress
George Holfetter
John Williams
John T. Horam
Herman Coleman
Frederick Proctor
Benjamin Marsh
David R. Stutzman
Peter Keelan
Hamilton P. M'Dowell
Jacob Somers
Michael Doran
William F. Causer
Michael O'Brien
Patrick Dougherty
Thomas Jennings
Hiram Swank
Leander Vaugh
William D. M'Clellan
Philip W. Walker
Timothy Lanzy
Joseph Berkeypile
Frank Gilbert
Henry S. Smith
John M'Ghee
John Satterlee
James Kelley
John Leif
William A. Alter
Michael Barry
Edward Thomas
August Zipp
Daniel Laulegan
George Stork
James N. Rea
Thomas Gorman
John W. Haynes
Rev. Peter M'Garbey
Edward Dinges
Benjamin Reese
Joseph O'Brien
Josiah Hudson
Samuel Rhodes
Thomas Judge
John Q. O'Brien
Bernard Riley
John Fagan
Casper Hertzburger
Daniel M'Ginley
Richard Ellis
John Douse
H. M. Lewis
James Conely
George W. Kuntz
Harman Kleinmier
Daniel C. Morris
Bernard M'Kiernan
Rev. Val. Lobenmyer
David Bee
Dennis Hartigan
Geo. Brown
John Sloan
Jacob Brawlier
George M. Wilson
Anthony Preston
Thomas Sweeney
William Miller
Nicholas Holfter
George W. Statler
Daniel Thomas
John Barnett
Benjamin L. Agnew

35th Sub-District
Cambria and Blacklick Townships
104 names in wheel and 36 drawn:

William A. Makin
Thomas G. Davis
Oliver Reed
Richard J. Roberts
Robert Litzinger
John O'Harro
Peter Long
Samuel R. Rees
William Calor
John Fibert
William R. Jones
Christian Shinafelt
Lewis J. Jones
Luther Styles
Abner Lloyd
Amos Rowland
Owen Rowland
Richard W. Gittings
Rowland R. Davis 
John Hasson, Jr.
Elias D. Powel
George C. Rager
Charles Homan
Evan Bennett
John A. Jones
Morris J. Evans
John F. Boring
John Shealer
John Murray
John Flickendoof
Richard W. Price
William Martz
Benjamin W. James
David B. Jones
Samuel Thomas
William H. Davis

36th Sub-District
Ebensburg Borough and Jackson Township
121 names in the wheel and 41 drawn:

James Hunt
James Singer
William M. Jones
James C. Easily
Jeremiah A. Fagan 
Samuel Burkhart
William Purson
Samuel Reed
John B. Dougherty
David McKeen
J. Todd Hutchinson
Newton I. Roberts
Geo. W. Oatman
Benjamin F. Williams
Israel Dishong
David Davis
Daniel J. Evans
Daniel C. Zahm
Henry Onstead
Jacob Bracken
Richard Griffith
William Strayer
Jacob Dishong
Hugh J. Brennen
Thomas J. Lloyd
John Steinbiser
Abram Biers
James P. Perkins
Jeremiah Brown
Jacob Shoemaker
George Huntly
Even D. Evans
Samuel W. Davis
John Galbraith
George Varner
William H. Paul
Jacob A. Stutzman
Abram Blain (colored)
Alfred H. Constable
Philip S. Noon
John Rodgers