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CHURCH: Benedictine Fathers, Part II, Cambria Co., PA - pp. 249-288

Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Romayne Shay McMahon
OCRed and proofread by Judy Banja 

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                                    Part II

                                 THE MISSIONS


                     By THE REV. MODESTUS WIRTNER, O. S. B.

                              PERMISSU SUPERIORUM


                                PATTON, PA.

Long before a white man set foot in Cambria County, Patton had been the site of 
an Indian town. The clear field extended from the present bridge, across Chest 
Creek, to beyond the silk mill with a cemetery above the bridge on the opposite 
side of the Creek on property now owned by John Bigos. The early settlers tell 
of seeing the cornstubbles and large heaps of clams on both shores of the creek. 
John McGuire built a grist mill for the Honorable John Buck in East Carroll 
Township in 1848 and in the following year 1849 he built another mill here on 
the Chest creek for himself. This place was then called McGuire's Mill until 
sold to Ferdinand Marks when it became Marks town. Marks built an overflow to 
his dam and when Squire Mellon saw it he objected to its location, claiming that 
a heavy rain would wash away the Indian cemetery, which soon after happened 
during the night washing a 16-20 feet hole in the opposite shore and removed all 
the Indian graves and grave stones. The inhabitants of Marks town were Ferdinand 
Marks, Henry Mellon, Simon Bortman, Augustine Burkey and Enoch Short.

In order to have better facilities for taking the coal from Hastings to the main 
line George B. Roberts, President of the P. R. R., built the main stem of the 
Cambria and Clearfield division from Garway through Marks town to Kaylor 
station, now Ebensburg Junction, including the Susquehanna extension from 
Bradley Junction to Spangler (and later to Cherry Tree in 1893) and put it into 
service on August 1, 1892.

The Chest Creek Land and Improvement Co. of Curwensville, Clearfield County 
surveyed and laid out the town of Patton, which increased so rapidly that 
Patton, taken from Carroll, Chest, Clearfield and Elder Townships, by a decree 
of the Court, dated September 4, 1893, was incorporated into a borough and named 
after Governor John Patton of Curwensville.

The Rt. Rev. Archabbot Andrew Hintenach, O. S. B., on a visit to Carrolltown, 
was informed of the necessity of building churches at Patton and Spangler. The 
Rt. Rev. Archabbot placed the facts before the Rt. Rev. Richard


Phelan, D. D., Bishop of Pittsburgh, who approving the building of the churches 
placed them in charge of the Benedictine Fathers. The Rt. Rev. Archabbot 
requested Father Edwin O. S. B., to acquire a site for the church and to begin 
building. Lots 1, 2, 3, in block 28, were bought on September 21, 1892, from the 
Chest Creek Land and Improvement Co., and another parcel of land on September 
29, 1892, from John Karlheim and wife. A meeting of all those interested in the 
erection of a church was called, the present site chosen, a building committee 
appointed to work under the direction of Father Edwin and finally the contract 
for a frame building 35x55 feet, seating capacity 350 persons, was let to D. A. 
Luther, a contractor of Carrolltown. The congregation took in all Catholic 
families living within two or three miles from town.

The Rev. Macarius Schmitt, O. S. B., the first pastor, arriving at Carrolltown 
in September, 1893, celebrated the first High Mass in the church, furnished with 
an altar and benches for pews, on October 7, 1893, and on the next day a Requiem 
High Mass. The choir of St. Boniface rendering the music and singing on both 
days. The church was dedicated by the Very Rev. Vincent Huber, O. S. B., Prior 
of St. Vincent Archabbey, on Sunday, November 5, 1893, in honor of the Blessed 
Virgin of Perpetual Help. Mass was now celebrated every other Sunday until 
September, 1897, when Father Isidore Fuesel, O. S. B., rented rooms from Mr. 
John Yahner. May 29, 1894, four acres of land were purchased from L. B. and 
George Cassidy for a cemetery.

The membership of the church growing so rapidly required a larger church, so 
ground was broken for a new edifice. The ceremony of laying the Corner Stone was 
held by the Very Rev. Michael Hoffmayr, O. S. B., Prior at Carrolltown, on March 
22, 1898, assisted by the Rev. Francis X. McCarthy of St. Augustine, the 
Benedictine Fathers Alto Herr and Maximillian Herr, of St. Boniface, Innocent 
Andelfinger of Hastings, who preached the sermon, and Eusebius Geiger, the 
pastor. The Rev. Edwin Pierron, O. S. B., took charge of the congregation in 
August and in April, 1899 finished the church, made of stone and brick, 56x120 
feet, seating about 800, in style of architecture Romanesque. The rectory was 
now built and in September of the same year completed by William Herbert, the 
contractor of the church.


Rt. Rev. Bishop Phelan, D. D., dedicated the church on Sunday, 23rd of April. 
Quite a number of priests of the region attended, and the dedicatory sermon was 
preached by the Rev. Edward Andelfinger, O. S. B., of St. Vincent College. The 
sanctuary having been built in 1905 the church was then decorated.

In July 1912, two parcels of land, 100x140, were purchased from William H. 
Sanford and H. C. Yeager for $4,000.00 On one of them a neat 12-roomed frame 
residence had been erected some years before which was to serve as a convent for 
the Sisters; on the other a two-story stone and brick parochial school was 
erected in 1912, finished in August, 1913, and opened on September 8, with an 
attendance of 210 children in charge of six Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of 
Mary from Scranton, Pa.

This arrangement, as far as architectural style demands, brings the church, 
rectory, school and convent in practical and convenient alignment with a 
frontage of 300 feet on 5th Avenue, - thus making it for a small rural town of 
3,000 population, one of the neatest church properties in the diocese of 

The Rev. Edwin Pierron, O. S. B., born in Selonge, Belgium, December 25, 1846, 
came to this country at an early age with his parents, who shortly after their 
arrival, moved to St. Nicholas, Wisconsin. Father Edwin met a Benedictine Father 
of St. Benedict College, Atchison, Kansas, who perceiving the budding vocation 
induced him to become a Benedictine. He entered the Benedictine Order at St. 
Vincent in 1869, and made his Simple Profession December 28, 1870, three years 
later pronounced his Solemn Vows, and on December 14, 1874, was ordained to the 
Holy Priesthood.

During his clericate years and the first few years of his sacerdotal life he was 
professor of English and Latin at St. Vincent College. He also took quite an 
interest in Botany and taught it at the College in the late seventies. In 1876 
Father Edwin received the first prize for the largest and best arranged 
Botanical collection at the Centennial Exposition held at Philadelphia. This 
collection is now in the College Museum at St. Vincent.

Father Edwin was one of the pioneer Fathers of the Benedictine Monastry at 
Belmont, N. C., where in 1878 he became the Director of the Belmont College 
connected with


                     St. Mary's Church, Patton [photograph]


the Monastery. In 1881 he was appointed assistant pastor at Carrolltown, and in 
February, 1890, was appointed pastor of St. Bernard's church, Hastings. In 
September, 1897, he was appointed curate at St. Boniface church, N. S., 
Pittsburgh, and in July, 1898, was made Pastor of St. Benedict's church, 
Baltimore, Md. Going to Baltimore he landed in the St. Agnes Hospital and on the 
following week removing to Cambria County took charge of the congregation at 
Patton. On July 11, 1922, he resigned his office as pastor here on account of 
infirmities due to old age but remained here living in a home built for him by 
Patton friends near the church, and was able to celebrate daily Mass until two 
days before his death, January 30, 1930. He died as the oldest in rank in the 
profession of his vows of the priests of St. Vincent Archabbey.

Father Edwin was an humble priest. He was offered the privilege of celebrating 
his first Mass on the Sunday following his ordination in the Archabbey church, 
but he celebrated a private Mass the day following his ordination. On the 
occasion of his Silver Jubilee and again on his Golden Jubilee of the priesthood 
friends requested him to celebrate the occasions, but he only said a private 
Mass of thanksgiving to God for blessings received.

Perhaps no priest in Northern Cambria County was better known than was Father 
Edwin. He was the beloved pastor of St. Mary's congregation from the time of its 
inception, and his acquaintanceship in Patton covered practically everybody, 
regardless of creed. Relatives of Father Edwin reside in St. Nicholas, 
Wisconsin. He had two sacerdotal nephews who preceded him to their eternal 
reward with five other sacerdotal nephews residing in the archdiocese of 

Father Edwin, having resigned his pastorate in June, 1922, on account of 
infirmities due to advanced age, the Rev. Henry Schwener, O. S. B., continued 
the work for Father Edwin. Father Henry has placed a hard wood floor in the then 
uneven floor of the sanctuary, a similar floor in the rectory to replace the 
worn soft wood floor and had the walls of the church cleaned so that it now 
appears to have been recently decorated.


               George Prindible is Knighted by Bishop McCort.

Patton, July 15, 1929. - St. Mary's church was crowded this afternoon by members 
of the congregation, priests of the Altoona diocese and numerous business 
associates of George E. Prindible; the occasion being the investure of this 
prominent Patton manufacturer as a knight of the Order of St. Gregory, one of 
the highest honors that can be bestowed upon a Catholic layman. The knighting of 
Mr. Prindible was at the instance of Pops Pius XI, whose edict elevating the 
Patton man to knighthood was read by the Rev. Father Henry O. S. B., pastor of 
St. Mary's church.

The papal orders, in Latin, were read by Father Henry and the translation was 
also given, following which Mr. Prindible entered the sanctuary and was declared 
a Sir Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great by the Rt. Rev. John J. 
McCort, D. D., Bishop of Altoona diocese. In honoring Mr. Prindible in 
accordance with the papal edict, Bishop McCort spoke in glowing words of the 
work of Catholic laymen of the type of George E. Prindible - and Dr. John B. 
McAneny of Johnstown, also present, who likewise had been selected for 
knighthood in the Order of St. Gregory.

The Bishop stated that while there are other Catholic men in the diocese 
deserving of Knighthood, Sir Knight Prindible and Dr. McAaneny were chosen as 
representatives of deserving men and for the manner in which they have for many 
years championed worthwhile ideals, together with their expression of Christian 

Bishop McCort gave Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament assisted by the Rev. 
Father J. E. O'Connor, pastor of St. Edward's church, Barnesboro, and the Rev. 
Father Alphonse, of the Holy Cross church, Spangler. Members of the Fourth 
degree assembly, Knights of Columbus, were present in full regalia. Sr. Knight 
Prindible is a member of Barnesboro Council Knights of Columbus.

Among the priests present were the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John N. Codori, LL. D., V. G., 
Johnstown; the Rev. Msgr. H. M. O'Neil, V. F., of Ebensburg; the Rev. James 
Graven and Innocent Strittmatter, Cresson; Victor Francovsky, and P. 
Trtztrzynski, Barnesboro; Pollard Farren, St. Augustine; James Padden, Chest 
Springs; George Quinn, Spangler; William Griffin, John Sullivan, the Rev. Dr. J. 
P. M. Doyle, T. O. R., Raphael Breheny, T. O. R., Loretto; Francis Smyth, 
Charles Smyth, T. O. R., Barnesboro; the Very Rev.


Thomas Wolf, O. S. B., Raphael, O. S. B., Carrolltown; Modestus Wirtner, O. S. 
B., St. Boniface; Marinus Ferg, O. S. B., Nicktown; Stephen Wieland, O. S. B., 
Hastings; Adrian O. S. B., Patton; Damien Whelan, O. S. B., St. Lawrence.

Among the laymen present were Dr. and Mrs. John Sagerson, Mrs. Mary S. Dillon, 
Philip E. Caulfield, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cavenaugh and Attorney C. C. Greer, 
Johnstown; I. E. Lewis and John Wolf, Ebensburg.

Although some families have left Patton during the administration of Father 
Henry the Catholic societies have a large membership. The Rosary society heads 
the list with 312 members; the Holy Name with 121; the Propagation of the Faith 
with 112 members. The Irish Catholic Benevolent Union, organized in 1907 with 30 
members has now over 124 members.

     President                        Lucy Cooper
     Vice-President               Josephine Lilly
     Treasurer                        Mary Fisher
     Financial Secretary            Jennie Sanker
     Recording Secretary              Mary Stoltz

The Catholic Knights of St. George was organized May 18, 1908, with 25 members 
and now has 146 members.

     1908                                                 1930

Rudolph Gauntner              President               George Lehman
Sebastian J. Burley        Vice-President             Milton Stoltz
I. T. Long               Recording Secretary       Maximillian Gill
I. T. Long                    Treasurer                  Ted Yahner

     The Ancient Order of Hibernians.

     President                         Mark Brown
     Vice-President                 Ronald Lamont
     Secretary Treasurer               H. S. Buck


                 St. George's Church, Patton [photograph]


                     S. George's Church, Patton, Pa.

The Slovaks of St. Mary's church from here and Thomas' Mill requested Father 
Edwin to sell them the old frame church to be used as a church for the Slovaks. 
Father Edwin replied the Bishop consenting that another church be established in 
Patton, he would donate them the old St. Mary's church building provided that 
they would remove it to the next lot, (on which later the house was built in 
which Father Edwin died), and that the priest could then live in St. Mary's 

This state of affairs having been presented to the Rt. Rev. Eugene A. Garvey, 
Bishop of Altoona, who requested the Rt. Rev. Andrew Hintenach, O. S. B., 
Archabbot of St. Vincent Archabbey, to take charge of the Slovak congregation, 
the Rev. Francis Xavier Traxler, O. S. B., of Spangler, was placed in charge of 
the new congregation. The Slovak families desiring to be away from St. Mary's 
church so as to live near their church, bought the present site on Second 
Avenue, then swampy ground for $400.00, built a stone wall foundation, tore down 
the old church and rebuilt it on its present site with a seating capacity of 250 
persons. The Rev. Father Rupert having installed a new altar in St. Nicholas 
church, Nicktown, donated the old marble altar to the church. When completed the 
church cost $3,561.17.

The Patton Courier, September 6, 1907 states: "A feature of Labor Day, Monday, 
September 2, was the dedication of the new Slavish Roman Catholic church. The 
different Hungarian and Polish societies marched from St. Mary's church to the 
sacred edifice headed by the Patton Silver Cornet Band and made an imposing 
appearance. The exercises were not conducted in English but were attentively 
listened to by a large congregation." The Rev. Edwin Pieron, O. S. B., dedicated 
the church in honor of St. George Martyr, assisted by the pastor Father Francis 
Xavier Traxler, O. S. B., and the Rev. Wenceslaus Sholar, O. S. B., who 
celebrated the High Mass and preached the dedicatory sermon, and the Rev. 
Marcellus Rettger, O. S. B., of Carrolltown.

Father Mercellus held services for the next three weeks.

Father Francis Xavier, coming from Spangler, held services once a month 
preaching his sermons in the langu-


age of the people, while the Rev. Ambrose Kohlbeck, O. S. B., coming from St. 
Vincent Archabbey held the services on the other Sundays until February, 1908, 
when the Rev. Clarence Kaiser, O. S. B., relieved him. However, the Rev. Albert 
Huber, O. S. B., and Sylvester Schwab, O. S. B., were each here visiting on two 

September, 1909, the Rev. Augustine Minkel, O. S. B., replaced Father Francis 
Xavier, coming once a month until August, 1910. The Rev. Modestus Wirtner, 0. S. 
B., relieved Father Clarence in November, 1909, and was succeeded by the Rev. 
Herman Schorer, O. S. B., in January, 1910.

The Rev. Method Shestik, O. S. B., September, 1910, was the first resident 
pastor. He bought an ostensorium and held also Sunday afternoon services every 
Sunday, placed two side altars in the church with the Pieta statue, improved the 
grounds to get rid of at least part of the swamp for a suitable place to erect a 
rectory which he began to build the following year and on May 3, 1912, took 
formal possessin of the same. During the same year in September he opened the 
St. George Parochial School in the hall beneath the church. A depression in the 
coal market made itself felt here and in the following year on the advice of 
Bishop Garvey the school was discontinued. The teacher received $108.75 for his 
term of teaching and the pastor $249.00 as his salary for the year.

The present rector, the Rev. Adrian Krakowski, O. S. B., took charge in 
September, 1917. In removing the last vestiges of the swamp the rectory is now 
surrounded by a beautiful lawn, lovely beds of flowers and a fertile garden. 
Father Adrian has paid the debt on the church, painted and placed a new roof on 
the church, bought an organ, frescoed and decorated the church, placed stained 
glass in the windows, placed new altars in the church, added a new room to the 
rectory, sold the picnic grounds and placed a heating plant in the church and 
rectory. The congregation is not large, yet able to meet all expenses. The 
Apostilship of Prayer has 96 members, the Holy Name Society 68, the Rosary 
Society 45, the Children of Mary 40, the Altar Society 24, the Young Ladies 
Sodality 23, the Ladies Aid 30, the Propagation of the Faith 32. The Catholic 
Knights of St. George are affiliated with the society at St. Mary's church.


                          The Indian Pottery Works.

The Indian vilage has been noticed at Patton. To those Indians must be referred 
the pottery works discovered about a fourth of a mile from here on Peter 
Strittmatter's farm on the road to Carrolltown. Aloysius T. Strittmatter states 
that when a boy of ten years his father while plowing the field along the road 
turned up (about four rods from the road and the same distance from the 
Carrolltown end of the woods) many pieces of nicely decorated Indian pottery. 
The spot was about 5 by 10 feet where the pottery was found. Aloysius and his 
brother Paul amused themselves smashing the pieces of pottery. Mr. Strittmatter 
is able to locate the spot where the pottery was seen but the place suffered a 
wash and it is about five feet of a dig to the bottom.


                   Holy Cross Church, Spangler [photograph]


                             HOLY CROSS CHURCH

                               SPANGLER, PA.

After starting a number of extensive coal mines in the vicinity of Hastings, the 
Blubaker Coal Company extended their operations to another field along the 
Susquehanna river, three miles due west from Hastings. Here they laid out 
another town, taken from Barr Township and made a borough by a decree of the 
Court dated November 13, 1893, and named in honor of Colonel J. L. Spangler. The 
surrounding population, being likewise Catholic, a demand for a church might 
reasonably be expected ere long. The facts having been placed before the Bishop, 
Archabbot Andrew Hintenach, O. S. B., requested the Rev. Edwin Pierron, O. S. 
B., to select a site for a church. Accordingly in April, 1892, he called a 
meeting of all citizens interested in the prospective church, at which several 
sites were proposed and their merits freely discussed. The location on which the 
old church (now called St. Patrick's church) was finally selected, a building 
commitee appointed, funds raised, a frame structure 35x55 feet built by William 
Lantzy and furnished late in 1893 at a cost of about $2,500.00. The Rev. Norbert 
Gerstl, O. S. B., appointed its first pastor, resided for a while at Carrolltown 
and then roomed with Michael Kirsch of Spangler, until the ladies of the 
congregation had placed furniture in the room in the basement of the church.

Later, some twenty families of Slovaks being members of the congregation, the 
Rev. Francis Xavier Traxler, O. S. B., was placed in charge in March, 1895. 
Three years later the church was too small. All the land between Spangler and 
Barnesboro was laid out in lots and streets ran from Barnesboro past the lot 
upon which now the new church was built. The new site was to be centrally 
located between Spangler and Barnesboro where fifteen Catholic families lived. 
The cemetery (so far all interments had been made in Carrolltown) was donated by 
John G. C. Bearer, and the new church lots were bought from the Spangler 
Improvement Co., 14th of October, 1899.

In the spring of 1889, ground was broken for the new church. On Sunday, June 11, 
1899, at 4 P. M., after Vespers


the societies left the church and proceeded to the new site, where the Very Rev. 
Michael Hoffmann, O. S. B., Prior at Carrolltown, blessed the Corner Stone and 
preached the sermon; present were the Benedictine Fathers Alto Herr, Rupert 
Tragesser, Innocent Andelfinger, Leonard Schlim, Othmar Knoll and the pastor. 
Architect William East drew the plans and John S. Dumm built the church for 

The Rt. Rev. Leander Schnerr, O. S. B., Archabbot of St. Vincent Archabbey, 
Latrobe, Pa., dedicated the church in honor of the Holy Cross on Sunday, 
December 17, 1899. A solemn High Mass was then celebrated by the Rev. Leonard 
Schlim, assisted by the Rev. Edward Andelfinger, O. S. B., who preached an 
elegant dedicatory sermon, and Aurelius Stehle, O. S. B., (later Archabbot) as 
deacon and subdeacon with Father Francis Xavier the master of the ceremonies. At 
four P. M., after Vespers the Rt. Rev. Arch-abbot blessed the bells. A couple of 
years later Andrew Carnegie presented the church with a large organ which means 
the congregation had to pay one half of the costs.

The expectations of Father Francis Xavier that the people would build upon the 
higher grounds near the church were not realized because the Electric Trolley 
Line began running on January 26, 1906, (abandoned August 1, 1926) over the old 
Plank or River road and the new comers built along that road.

The Holy Cross parochial school building was erected in 1921-22 by the Rev. 
Cornelius Enders, O. S. B., and blessed by the Rt. Rev. John J. McCort, D. D., 
on Labor Day, September 4, 1922. The dedicatory address was given by the Rev. 
Urban J. Peters, a son of the parish. The school (with 96 children for the 1929-
30 term) was opened September 5, 1922, by four Sisters of Mercy who moved into 
their convent on October 19, 1922. The first shovel of dirt making the beginning 
of the convent was lifted by the Rev. James Spalding, O. S. B., on April 4, 
1922. The Rev. Leopold Probst, O. S. B., D.Ph., the next pastor was instrumental 
in receiving for the congregation a $250.00 ostensorium which is indeed a 
wonderful piece of art. The reading of last year's statement by the Rev. 
Alphonse Farley, O. S. B., showed that the congregation is working courageously 
in harmony with the pastor in spite of the depression in the coal trade.

The report also shows that 130 members belong to the


Rosary Society, 60 to the Holy Name Society, 47 to the Children of Mary 
Sodality, 45 to the Ladies Aid with a Catholic population of 475. The Borough 
had a population of 3628 in 1920 which declined to 2985 in 1930.

Sixteen men of the congregation formed Branch No. 60 of the Catholic Knights of 
St. George which was organizon October 23, 1905.

     1905                                               1930
John McCormick             President               Francis Farrel
Peter Stoltz            Vice-President                Luke Kirsch
Anthony Schnabel           Treasurer                John Schisler
Anthony Schnabel      Recording Secretary            Joseph Kline
Francis Peters              Marshal               Nicholas Peters

                            An Indian Village.

Francis H. Bearer, son of J. G. C. Bearer states that an Indian cemetery was 
located on the Dan. Heimbach (Andrew Eckenrode) farm west of his father's farm, 
that about and before 1870 he oftentimes visited the cemetery and as fas as he 
remembers there were a dozen or more Indian headstones to be seen in the place 
among the trees. Sheriff Joseph Gray states that among those graves were buried 
the 13-year-old son of Isaac Gifford of near Nicktown and a young man named 
Barkstresser. With Sheriff Gray walked the writer to the place, N. E. of St. 
Mary's Greek Catholic church, and found the place had been under cultivation for 
some years and no sign of any tombstones. Daniel Garman relates that John Moore, 
a half breed, from here led Zephania Weakland, whom he blindfolded, to a place 
on the Moss Creek and showed him a deposit of lead in the creek.


                             RELIGIOUS CLERGY

                         Continuation of Page 147.

Carrolltown add:

The Rev. Michael Hlavcak, O. S. B., ordained July 2, 1916.

The Ven. Blase Strittmatter, O. S. B., professed July 2, 1926.

St. Lawrence:

The Rev. Joseph Eger, grandson of Jacob Gill, ordained 8th of July, 1886, is the 
Permanent Rector of St. Joseph's church, Braddock, Pa.

St. Boniface:

The Rev. Maurus Hartman, O. S. B., ordained June 8, 1895, and on June 13, the 
feast of Corpus Christi, celebrated his first Mass in St Boniface church. Father 
Maurus, born 11th November, 1868, at Bally, Pa., came here in the following year 
with his parents James Hartman and Barbara nee Angele and later made his higher 
studies at St. Vincent College, Latrobe, Pa., where he entered the Benedictine 
Order on July 11, 1890. Excepting one year at St. Anselm College, Manchester, N. 
H., he spent the term of his priesthood at St. Vincent Archabbey first as a 
professor then as the Procurator until the fall of 1911 when he was sent to St. 
Mary's, Pa. In the following May he attended the clerical conference at Erie, 
Pa., and was stricken with appendicitis which caused his death on the 17th of 
May, 1912. Interment took place in the St. Vincent Archabbey cemetery.

The Rev. Thomas Ott, son of Thomas Ott and Mary nee Blum, born June 1, 1872, 
baptized also by Father Michael Hofmayer, made his classical studies at St. 
Vincent College, Latrobe, Pa., and the theological course at St. Bernard 
College, St. Bernard, Alabama. Father Ott, ordained on the 25th of July, 1897 in 
Covington, Ky., by the Rt. Rev. Camillus Paul Maes, D. D., for the diocese of 


Ky., celebrated his first Mass here in St. Boniface church on August the first. 
Father Denis Stolz, who preached the sermon, and Father Maurus Hartman assisted 
as deacon and subdeacon, Father Alphonse as assistant priest with Father Alto, 
the pastor, as master of ceremonies. On the following Sunday he celebrated the 
High Mass at St. Lawrence. Father Ott was stationed at Lexington, Ky., Newport, 
Alexandria, Morning View and finally at St. John's Hill where he died on May 15, 
1907. Interment took place in the family lot in St. Benedict's cemetery, 
Carrolltown, Pa.

The Rev. Henry Becker, O. S. B., born August 10, 1876, son of Charles Becker and 
Catharine nee Huber, baptized by Father Michael Hofmayr, O. S. B., made his 
classical and philosophical course at St. Vincent College, Latrobe, Pa., and the 
theological studies at St. Anselm College, Manchester, N. H. Having been 
ordained to the priesthood on June 29, 1902, in the cathedral of Manchester by 
the Rt. Rev. Denis M. Bradley, the first Bishop of Manchester, Father Henry 
celebrated his first Mass on the following sixth of July at St. Boniface. 
Fathers Anselm and Maurus were the deacon and subdeacon, Father Alphonse Heimler 
the assistant priest, Father Vincent Huber the orator and Father Maximillian, 
the pastor, master of the ceremonies. Father Henry labored as the curate of the 
Sacred Heart Church, Elizabeth, N. J., from September 1902, to September, 1903; 
curate of St. Benedict's church, Newark, to September, 1903; professor at St. 
Benedict's College, Newark, to September, 1904; professor at St. Anselm College, 
Manchester, N. H., to 1909; curate at the Sacred Heart church, Elizabeth, N. J., 
to 1910; professor at St. Benedict's College, Newark to 1912; curate at St. 
Benedict's church, Newark, to 1927; rector of St. Raphael's church, Manchester, 
N. H., to October, 1927, when he was appointed as the Very Rev. Prior of St. 
Mary's Monastery, Delbarton, Morristown,, P. O., N. J.

The Rev. Placidus Rattenberger, O. S. B., although not born here, was ordained 
to the holy priesthood on the 21st of December, 1918, and celebrated his first 
Mass at St. Boniface on the next Sunday, December 22, 1918. Father Placidus is 
at present a member of the faculty of St. Emma's Industrial and Agricultural 
College, Rock Castle "Belmead," Powhatan County, Va.


         First row, left to right—Stephen Wieland, Marinus Ferg,
           Thomas Wolf, Modestus Wirtner, Berthold Neuhauser.
         Second row, left to right—William Goetz, Damien Whelan,
     Henry Schwener, Adrian Krakowski, Alphonse Farley, Kevin Lynsky.


The Rev. Brother Elijius Abel is with the Christian Brothers, San Francisco, 


The Rev. Francis Pearns, an orphan boy, was sent by the pastor of St. Nicholas 
church, to St. Vincent College, Latrobe, Pa., where he made all of his studies 
for the priesthood. The Rt. Rev. Regis Canivin, D. D., ordained him for the 
diocese of Pittsburgh and on Sunday, June 27, 1909, he celebrated his first Mass 
in St. Nicholas church. Father Pearns is in charge of St. Joseph's church, 
Roscoe, Washington County, Pa.


Rev. Bernard Weakland, baptized in St. Bernard's church, by the Rt. Rev. Eugene 
A. Garvey, ordained May 13, 1917, said his first Mass in St. Patrick's church, 
Spangler. He is listed in the Official Catholic Directory as stationed at 
Denver, Colorado.

The Rev. Frederic Strittmatter, O. S. B., born in Hastings, October 25, 1894, 
made his religious profession July 2, 1917, was ordained priest June 24, 1923, 
and celebrated his first Mass on Sunday, July 1, at 8 A. M., in St. Bernard's 
church. He was placed on the staff of professors at St. Vincent college and 
given charge also of the Sacred Heart church at Youngstown, Pa. In the summer of 
1929 he was appointed Director of St. Emma's Industrial and Agricultural 
College, Belmead, Rock Castle, P. O., Powhatan Co., Va.

The Rev. Denis Strittmatter, O. S. B., born in Hastings, August 18, 1896, made 
his religious profession July 2, 1917, raised to the priesthood June 24, 1923, 
and on July 1, at 10:30 A. M., celebrated his first Mass, Father Luke 
Eichenlaub, O. S. B., preaching the sermon. During the years of his priesthood 
he was one of the Professors in St. Vincent College, curate in the Abbey church 
for one year, then assistant pastor at the Sacred Heart church, at Jeannette, 
Pa., finally curate at St. Mary's church, N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. In 1929 he was 
placed at the head of one of the departments in St. Emma's Industrial and 
Agricultural College, Belmead, Va.

The Rev. Germane Anna, O. S. B., born at St. Boniface, March 25, 1898, made his 
studies at St. Vincent College


where he entered the Order, making his profession July 2, 1920, and was ordained 
to the priesthood June 13, 1926, celebrating his first Mass on the Sunday 
following in St. Bernard's church. Father Germane was sent to St. Joseph's 
church, Covington, Ky., as the assistant. In the following January his health 
became impaired and he was ordered to St. Vincent Archabbey where he remained 
until the anniversary of his first Mass when he died of pleurisy and 

The Rev. John C. Gordon, a former resident of this place, a 1914 graduate from 
the Hastings High school, made his theological studies at Mt. St. Mary's 
Seminary, Md., was ordained Tuesday, June 12, 1928, and celebrated his first 
Mass in St. Edward's church, Barnesboro.

The Rev. Innocent Strittmatter, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Strittmatter, was 
elevated to the priesthood in St. Leo's church, Altoona, by the Rt. Rev. John J. 
McCort, D. D., on February 3, 1929. He celebrated his first solemn High Mass in 
St. Bernard's church, Sunday, February 10, at 10:30 A. M. The text of the Rev. 
Urban J. Peters was: "You have not chosen me; but I have chosen you; and have 
appointed you, that you should go, and should bring forth fruit; and your fruit 
should remain; that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in My Name, he may 
give you." (John XV 16-19.) He is the assistant at St. Francis church, Cresson, 

The Rev. Cyprian Yahner, son of Isidore P. Yahner and Mary L. nee Wilt, was born 
at Hastings, December 28, 1902, made all his higher studies at St. Vincent 
College where he was professed as a member of the Benedictine order on July 2, 
1924. He was ordained on


The Rev. Anthony Choby of St. George's church was ordained February 27, 1926, 
celebrated his first holy Mass in St. George's church on Sunday, February 28. He 
studied at St. Vincent and finished at St. Francis, Loretto, Pa. He is assistant 
at St. Stephen's church, Johnstown, Pa.

The Rev. Jeremiah P. Flynn, son of Mrs. Ella Flynn and the late Jeremiah P. 
Flynn, born here ____, received his early education in the parochial school 
here, his higher studies in St. Francis college, was ordained by the Rt. Rev. 
Bishop John J. McCort, D. D., February 3, 1929, for


the diocese of Altoona. Father Flynn celebrated his first Mass at St. Mary's 
church, Sunday, February 10, at 10 A. M., with the Rev. Anthony Choby, a former 
Patton young man of St. George's parish, now of Johnstown, as deacon of the 
mass; the Rev. Joseph O'Leary, S. T. D., as subdeacon, the Rev. Father Henry, O. 
S. B., rector of St. Mary's church, as the Archpriest. The Very Rev. John P. M. 
Doyle, D. D., T. O. R., Rector of St. Francis Seminary preached the sermon. 
Father Flynn is the assistant at St. John's church, Johnstown, Pa.


The Rev. Urban J. Peters, born here July 16, 1895, baptized July 21, 1895 by the 
Rev. Francis Xavier Traxler, O. S. B., made his classical and theological 
studies at old St. Vincent, Latrobe, Pa. The Rt. Rev. Eugene A. Garvey ordained 
him a priest for the Diocese of Altoona on December 18, 1920, and on the 
following day, December 19, celebrated his first holy Mass in the Holy Cross 
Church. Beside doing parochial work Father Peters was the Diocesan 
Superintendent of the Diocesan schools for several years, then was appointed 
Diocesan Director of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith and Diocesan 
Director of the Association of the Holy Childhood. His address is the Rev. Urban 
J. Peters, 5536 Roselawn Avenue, Altoona, Pa.

The Venerable Patrick McKivigan, O. S. B., born in the Holy Cross parish on 
February 3, 1907, made his classical studies at St. Vincent College, Latrobe, 
Pa., entered the Benedictine Order and took his Solemn Vows on the second of 
July, 1927, and is now engaged in his theological studies.


                          SISTERS OF THE PARISHES

                              Add to Page 148.


     Sr. M. Margaret (Edna) Dunlap, O. S. B., St. Mary Convent, 4532 Perryville 
Road, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa.
     Sr. M. Pauline (Rosemary) Stevens, O. S. B., St. Mary Convent, 4532 
Perryville Road, N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa.
     Sr. M. Norberta (Anna) Michrina, O. S. B., St. Mary Convent, 4532 
Perryville Road, N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa.
     Sr. M. Callista Grasberger, O. S. B., Philadelphia.
     Sr. Mary of the Visitation Grasberger, Sister of St. Joseph.
     Sr. M. Vincentia Volk, Sr. of Charity, Greensburg, Pa.
     Sisters of the Good Shepherd are:
     Sr. M. Augustine (Mary E.) Burne. Buffalo, N. Y.
     Sr. M. Immaculata Kohler, Troy Hill, Pittsburgh, Pa.

                               St. Boniface.

     Sr. M. Lucy (Rose) Becker, O. S. B., Elizabeth, N. J.
     Sr. M. Josephine (Mary) Feldum, O. S. B., Cullman, Ala.
     Sr. M. Scholastica (Eve) Feldum, O. S. B., Alabama.
     Sr. M. Beatrice (Scholastica) Kline, O. S. B., Pittsburgh, Pa.
     Sr. M. Thais Abel, Sr. of Mercy, Pittsburgh, Pa.
     Sr. M. Apalonia Hahn, Sr. of St. Joseph, Baden, Pa.
     Sr. M. Boniface (Adaline Catharine) Kirkpatrick, O. S. B., New Jersey.
     Sr. M. Barbara (Helen) McMullen, O. S. B., Elizabeth, N. J.

                               St. Lawrence.

     Sr. M. Dolores (Catharine) Baker, O. S. B., Elizabeth, N. J.
     Sr. M. Martina (Annie) Baker, O. S. B., Elizabeth, N. J.


     Sr. M. Philomena (Anna) Yahner, O. S. B., Pittsburgh, Pa.
     Sr. M. Placida (Magdalin) Yahner, O. S. B., Pittsburgh, Pa.
     Sr. M. Rita (Rose) Yahner, O. S. B., Pittsburgh, Pa.
     Sr .M. Bertram (Catharine) Yahner, Sr. of Charity, Nazareth, Ky.
     Sr. M. Ludwina (Helen) Yahner, Sr. of Charity, Nazareth, Ky.
     Sr. Barbara Niebauer, Sr. of Mercy, Cresson, Pa.
     Sr. Vincent de Paul (Mary) Baker, Sr. of Charity, Greensburg, Pa.


     Sr. M. (Mary) Wilson, O. S. B., St. Mary's Pa.
     Sr. M. Bonaventure (Mary) Blobner, O. S. F., Glenriddle, Pa.
     Sr. M. Martha (Hilda) Kirsch, O. S. F., Glenriddle, Pa.
     Sr. M. Demetria (Mary) Kirsch, O. S. B., Glenriddle.
     Sr. M. Agnes (Helen) Kirsch, Sr. of Charity, Philadelphia, Pa.
     Sr. M. Balbina (Magdalin) Krumenacker, O. S. F., Glenriddle.
     Sr. M. Marinus (Gertrude) Krumenacker, I. H. M., Scranton, Pa.
     Sr. M. Martha (Martha) Nealen, O. S. F., Glenriddle.
     Sr. M. Margaret (Margaret) Nealen, O. S. F., Buffalo, N. Y.
     Sr. M. Barbara (Helen) Nealen, O. S. F., Arlington, Md.
     Sr. M. Martha (Christina) Soisson, O. S. F., Lancaster, Pa.
     Sr. M. Gervase (Mary) Springer, O. S. F., Glenriddle.
     Sr. M. Cyrilla (Magdalin) Snyder, O. S. F., Glenriddle.
     Sr. M. Alma (Alma) Soisson, Sr. of Mercy, Pittsburgh.
     Sr. M. Consuella (Geraldine) Kirsch, Sr. of Mercy, Cresson, Pa.
     Sr. M. Victoria (Clara) Smith, Sr. of Mercy, Cresson.
     Sr. M. Berchmans (Margaret) Ager, Sr. of Mercy, Cresson.


     Sr. M. Bernadine (Helen) Lieb, Sr. of Mercy, Cresson.
     Sr. M. Ricarda (Calista) Parrish, Sr. of Mercy, Cresson.
     Sr. M. Martha (Mary) Pfister, Sr. of Mercy, Cresson.
     Sr. M. Anicetus (Mary) Ragley, Sr. of Mercy, Cresson.
     Sr. M. Celine (Luella) Ragley, Sr. of Mercy, Cresson.
     Sr. M. Gervase (Viola) Wyland, Sr. of Mercy, Cresson.
     Sr. M. Ricarda (Lizzie) Kline, O. S. F., Trenton, Del.


     Sr. M. Geraldine (____) Yahner, O. S. B., Pittsburgh.
     Sr. M. Gervase (Frances) McMullen, O. S. B., Elizabeth, N. J.
     Sr. M. Casilda (Mary) Yahner, O. S. B., Pittsburgh, Pa.
     Sr. M. Frances (Rose) Huber, O. S. B., Pittsburgh, Pa.
     Sr. M. Gertrude (Hilda) Holtz, O. S. B., Pittsburgh, Pa.
     Sr. M. Eleanor (Philomena) Anna, Little Sr. of the Poor, New Haven, Conn.
     Sr. M. Cyprian (Mary) Yahner, I. H. M., Scranton, Pa.
     Sr. M. Cyrenus (Genevieve) Yahner, I. H. M., Scranton, Pa.
     Sr. M. Clementine (Elizabeth) Gunther, I. H. M., Scranton, Pa.
     Sr. M. Armilla (____) Nelson, I. H. M., Scranton, Pa.
     Sr. M. Immaculata (Margaret) Yahner, I. H. M., died April 25, 1930.
     Sr. M. Ferdinand (Olga) Gunther, Sr. of Mercy, Plainfield, N. J.


     Sr. M. Louise (Hilda) Peters, Sr. of Mercy, Cresson.
     Sr. M. Clotilda (Agnes) Binder, Sr. of Mercy, Cresson.
     Sr. M. Boniface (Adelaide) Kirkpatrick, Sr. of Mercy, Cresson.
     Sr. M. Christine (Olene) Dumm, Sr. of Mercy, Cresson.


     Sr. M. Rita (Ethel) Cunningham, O. S. B., St. Scholastica Convent, 7430 
Ridge Ave., Chicago, Ill.


     Sr. M. Joanna (Grace) Cunningham, O. S. B., St. Scholastic Convent, 7430 
Ridge Ave., Chicago, Ill.
     Sr. M. Collete (Pearl) Westrick, O. S. B., St. Scholastic Convent, 7430 
Ridge Ave., Chicago, Ill.
     Sr. M. Leonard (Jennie) Buck, Sr. of Mercy, Pittsburgh, Pa.
     Sr. M. Edwin (Elenore) Deptula, I. H. M., Scranton, Pa.
     Sr. M. Eymard (Helen) Dietrich, Sr. of Charity, Greensburg, Pa.
     Sr. M. Kevin (Beatrice) Nagle, I. H. M., Scranton, Pa.
     Sr. M. Aimee (Anna) Pinnacovich, I. H. M., Scranton.


                             THE DIAMOND JUBILEE
                            ST. BENEDICT'S CHURCH

The diamond jubilee celebration of St. Benedict's church proved a very 
successful event. Not a hitch occurred to mar any part of the program arranged. 
Large crowds attended the services Sunday morning and evening and Monday morning 
when the celebration closed.

A procession consisting of the members of the Angels' Sodality, Holy Name, St. 
John's Slavish Society and Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus and the Hastings 
band marched to the Monastery at 10 o'clock Sunday morning where they met the 
Rt. Rev. John J. McCort, D. D., Bishop of the Altoona diocese and clergy and 
escorted them to the church.

At 10:30 a. m. a Solemn Pontifical Mass at which Rt. Rev. John J. McCort, D. D., 
was the Celebrant, Assistant Priest, Very Rev. H. M. O'Neil; First Deacon of 
Honor, Rev. P. Aloysius, O. S. B.; Second Deacon of Honor, Rev. P. Stephen, O. 
S. B.; Deacon of the Mass, Rev. P. Alto, O. S. B.; Subdeacon of the Mass, Rev. 
P. Malachy, O. S. B.; Master of Ceremonies, Rev. P. Roger, O. S. B. Present in 
the Sanctuary were the following: Rt. Rev. Aurelius Stehle, O. S. B., Archabbot 
of St. Vincent; Chaplains to the Archabbot, Rev. James Graven and Rev. F. J. 
Eger. The following were also present in the Sanctuary: Very Rev. B. Conley and 
the Revs. Daniel Callahan, S. J., F. P. Corcoran, F. J. McCarthy, Leo Bailey, J. 
Hickey, P. Bohan, J. H. Farran, P. Farran, P. Modestus, O. S. B., P. Henry, O. 
S. B., P. Adrian, O. S. B., P. Stephen, O. S. B., P. Clarence, O. S. B.

Rev. P. Michael, O. S. B., delivered a very pleasing sermon, his language was 
simple and easily understood. He spoke of the solemnity of the occasion of the 
trials and sacrifices of the early settlers and the difficulties they had to 
overcome. Bishop McCort in a few remarks congratulated the pastor and members of 
the parish on the occasion and the success they made it.

At 7:00 p. m. Rt. Rev. Aurelius Stehle, O. S. B., was the celebrant at 
Pontifical Vespers. Assistant Priest, Rev. P. Aloysius, O. S. B.; First Deacon 
of Honor, Rev. P. Ste-


phen, O. S. B.; Second Deacon of Honor, Rev. P. Adrian, O. S. B.; Chanters, 
Revs. P. Marinus, O. S. B., and P. Henry, O. S. B., Revs. P. Alto, O. S. B., and 
P. Malachy, O. S. B.; Master of Ceremonies, Rev. Roger, O. S. B.

Vespers was followed by Benediction and Te Deum.

On Monday, July 12th, at 9 a. m. Pontifical Requiem Mass was celebrated with Rt. 
Rev. Aurelius Stehle, O. S. B., as Celebrant; Assistant Priest, Rev. F. J. Eger; 
First Deacon of Honor, Rev. P. Aloysius, O. S. B.; Second Deacon of Honor, Rev. 
P. Alto, O. S. B.; Deacon of the Mass, Rev. P. Michael, O. S. B.; Subdeacon of 
the Mass, Rev. P. Malachy, O. S. B.; Master of Ceremonies, Rev. P. Roger, O. S. 

The Mass was followed by procession of the Clergy and the members of the 
congregation to the cemetery, where prayers were offered for the deceased 
members of the congregation. This tribute to the dead ended the church services 
of the Diamond Jubilee.

The church was beautifully decorated for the affair and a great many strangers 
were present. The event will long be remembered by our people.

St. Benedict's church was dedicated December 25th, 1850, the celebration was 
extended to the present on account of weather conditions during the winter 

The Ladies' of the Altar Society served dinner in the school hall which was 
attended by several hundred people. —Carrolltown News, July 15, 1926.


The name Achsinnessink was given by the Indians to noted places where they 
placed a small rock, none others being in the neighborhood, to designate the 
place of their meetings. Such a place was reported by John Wirtner who in 1850 
worked for the Honorable John Buck, sawing logs when the season permitted or 
otherwise working on the farm in East Carroll Township. When leaving the farm 
for church at Carrolltown he went through the woods and William Cole's lane 
passing an Indian planted stone, at the end of the lane, covered with various 
hieroglyphics. The stone was on the lower part of the farm where the ravine coms 
up from James Cain's to where the old road was


changed or in other words the spot is on the lower end of Otto Lauer's farm. 
Stones being scarce here it was thought that Augustine Yost, after his dwelling 
burnt, used it in the foundation of his new house or it may be in one of the 
Cole's buildings. Many arrow points, skinning knives, etc., have been found on 
that farm. The stone was seen by James Byrne, Augustine Yost, John Buck, William 
Cole, Henry Bender, James and John Cain and others.

                          The Trappist Clear Field.

The Rev. Demetrius A., Prince Gallitzin, Pioneer Priest of Loretto and the 
Allegheny Mountains, in 1814, sent some of his parishioners to accompany the 
five Trappist Monks to their future Monastery at Carrolltown, where they located 
in the forest, on a small Indian Clear Field, about the size of a large potato 
field. The men helped the monks to build a wooden house. Augustine A. Lieb now 
owns the place.

                         The Eckenrode Mill Village.

This Indian village is located by the cemetery, one fourth of a mile south of 
Eckenrode's mill on the west side of the Chest creek. All traces of the 
tombstones have been removed to make room for a baseball ground. Henry J. Link 
states that when he moved, 1871, onto his farm he found rows of corn stubbles in 
the dense forest of 40-50 feet tall pine trees, across the Chest creek east of 
his farm and close to the Kuntzman farm. This would not be a quarter of a mile 
south of the mill. About a mile south of the cemetery tradition says there was 
lead ore deposited in Chest creek some distance north of the township road.

                   The Litzinger Cemetery or Indian Village.

This Indian cemetery, on the old Simon Litzinger farm, now owned by a Mr. 
Bloomberg, is reached by leaving the H. J. Eckenrode mill, formerly the 
Litzinger mill, for the north on the road leading to the Patton-Chest Springs 
cement road and is about a mile and a half distant in a bee line from the mill. 
Mr. Bloomberg states that there are 17 graves there on the high ground and 
located by four locust trees but all the stone markers were removed. According 
to one authority some of the graves are those of white people.


An Indian encampment was reported by James Douglas as having been located on his 
farm through which the Kittanning Trail passed. There was seen there where 
several very old and tall locust trees stand a grave in former days but the head 
stone is now missing.


                              HASTINGS, PENNA.
                          (Continued from page 247)

                             Holy Name Society.

President                            I. P. Yahner
Vice-President                       Alvin Dillon
Secretary                             E. R. Holtz
Treasurer                               Bert Buck

The society has a membership of 254 members.

                              Rosary Society.

President                            I. L. Binder
Vice-President                  Paul Strittmatter
Secretary                       Mrs. Vincent Link

                      Irish Catholic Benevolent Union.

President                         Mrs. Paul Holtz
Vice-President                    Mrs. Ed Cassidy
Financial-Secretary           Mrs. Wilfred Yaeger
Recording-Secretary              Mrs. Harry Kelly
Treasurer                       Mrs. Vincent Link

                      Catholic Knights of St. George.

President                            W. B. Dillon
Vice-President                        A. F. Baker
Recorder                           Charles Yahner
Financial Secretary                Edwin A. Holtz
Trustee                            John A. Bearer
Trustee                               A. F. Baker
Trustee                               Albert Gill
Marshall                           John A. Bearer
Auditor                              James Labell
Auditor                                Frank Gill
Auditor                               John Kovoch


                          WORLD WAR SERVICE MEN

Names of World War Service Men previously reported to this collection and not 
appearing on list reported on page 153.

                  St Benedict's Parish, Carrolltown, Pa.

Mannion, Henry                   Trexler, Francis

                  Bakerton. Mission of Carrolltown, Pa.

Beattie, Jos. G.                 McNally, Richard
Bender, Leo (Died)               McNulty, Richard
Bonjovanno, Frank                Nedimyer, Vincent
Cath, Edward (Wounded)           Mitchell, Albert
Delaney, Bernard                 Patterson, William
Germain, Joseph                  Quinn, John
Grey, Caleb                      Schilling, John
Grillo, Michael                  Sikorsky, Anyon
Henry, Robert M.                 Sponsky, Bernard (Died)
Kapello, Luis                    Tekluisky, Frank
McCormick, James F.              Veneskey, John
McDermott, Jos. A.               Visnesky, Clement
McNally, John V.                 Zadai, John (Died)
McNally, Joseph

                        St. Bernard, Hastings, Pa.

Abel, Henry                      Bobal, John
Abel, John                       Bobal, Michael
Adamovitch, Frank                Borne, Raymond
Akens, Percy                     Brazilla, John
Anna, Henry                      Byrnes, Joseph
Anna, Maurus                     Ciccatelli, John
Anna, Wilfred                    Costello, Stephen
Becker, Anthony                  Cunningham, Simon
Bills, John                      Delso, Arthur
Bills, Paul                      Dillon, Alban
Binder, Oscar                    Dolgas, John
Bobal, George                    Dolgas, Joseph


Drass, Edward                    Murphy, John
Dubinski, Andrew                 Niebauer, Benjamin
Duygen, Ives                     Nimiec, Michael
Eckenrode, Elsworth              Clesky, Pius
Endler, Francis                  Onella, Dominic
Fabian, Michael                  Ott, John
Fecko, Michael                   Overberger, Caspar
Fetsko, Steven                   Phillips, Alexander
Finet, George                    Rager, John
Forberger, Andrew                Riordan, Patrick
Fuller, Joseph                   Roberts, Fred
Gray, Wm. Jr.                    Rolenitis, Jos.
Guetgen, Francis                 Rubus, Peter
Guetgen, Victor                  Rubus, Wm.
Hahn, Henry                      Rusnak, Stephen
Hricko, Victor                   Sani, Francis
Huber, Marie                     Semelsberger, Bernard
Huber, Wilfred                   Semelsberger, John
Klein, Raymond                   Semelsberger, Rudy
Kline, Isadore M.                Shimp, D. F.
Koentz, Elmer                    Simon, Louis
Koval, Andrew                    Stitts, George
Koval, George                    Stitts, Joseph
Legross, Frank                   Stitts, Michael
Legross, Joseph                  Strassler, Elmer
McDermott, James                 Strittmatter, Amandus J.
McMullen, Cyril                  Strittmatter, Modestus
McQueeney, Jennings              Udicious, Joseph
McTigue, James                   Udicious, Anthony
Madigan, Charles                 Valant, Anthony
Maggio, Pietro                   Waltz, Henry
Madison, George                  Waltz, Modestus
Malosky, Matten                  Warner, Herman Valentine
Martucci, Anthony                Waxmunski, Jos.
Matsavage, Wm.                   Weakland, Edwin
Mikminetas, Joseph               Weakland, Harry
Miller, Bernard                  Wolfe, James
Miller, Herman                   Yeager, Cora
Miller, Modestus                 Yeager, James
Mureaile, Frank                  Yeager, Oscar
                                 Yeager, William


                         St. Nicholas, Nicktown, Pa.

Brickley, Wilmer                 Miller, Walter
Griscowish, John                 Natcher, Gilbert
Kirsch, Amandus                  Nealen, Andrew
Kirsch, Clemens                  Nealen, Gus
Kline, Joe                       Nealen, John
Klein, Urban                     Nealen, Rupoert
Kline, Wilfred                   Nealen, Urban
Kline, William                   Parish, Raymond
Krug, Gus                        Peters, Aloysius
Lieb, Earl                       Schlereth, Ben
Lieb, Raymond                    Sherry, Raymond
Lieb, Ruben                      Smith, Edwin
Luly, Nichol                     Soisson, Jos. Leo
McDermott, John E.               Stolz, Rupert

                           St. Mary, Patton, Pa.

Adams, Charles                   Delozier, Joseph
Anna, Marcel                     Delozier, Peter G.
Antico, Angelo                   Denlinger, William
Barnwell, Edw.                   Dietrick, Irwin
Barnwell, Frank                  Deitrick, Wilfred
Barnwell, James                  Donahue, Edw.
Bearer, Paul                     Dunnigan, Harry
Brennan, Thomas                  Dunnegan, Howard
Brown, Clark A.                  Farabaugh, Cydie
Brown, James                     Farabaugh, Modestus
Brown, Paul                      Farare, Joseph
Buck, Thomas                     Fasco, Pietro
Burkey, Edwin                    Fisher, Cyril
Cairn, James                     Flanagan, Edw.
Callaghan, Frank                 Geralmino, Joseph
Callaghan, John                  Geralmino, Nocolo
Callaghan, Patrick               Gill, Earl
Callaghan, William               Gillen, Francis
Campolongo, Pietro               Gudas, Anthony
Christoff, Louis                 Gudas, John
Collins, Edwin                   Gudas, Martin
Cooper, Edgar                    Hricko, Andrew
Cox, James                       Huber, Rudolph
Cozzitorto, Antonio              Kaminski, Frank
Czepanzki, Thomas                Karlheim, Amandus
De Capoli, Rafael                Karlheim, Raymond
Delozier, George                 Kirkpatrick, Edwin


Lacava, Joseph                   Petrusky, John
Lamadue, Howard                  Quinn, Thomas
Link, Charles                    Radwilla, Andrew
McConnell, Albert                Radwilla, Robert
McConnell, Charles               Rennie, Hugh 
McConnell, David                 Rennie, John 
McConnell, James                 Saltzgiver, Dennis 
McCoy, Walter                    Sheka, Andrew 
McMuldrin, James                 Shordon, Edw.
Macalusa, Mike                   Short, Benjamin 
Maklowski, John                  Short, Frank
Maurer, Fred                     Shuss, Albert 
Maurer, Leo                      Shuss, Charles 
Mittchell, Joseph                Skwiras, Charles 
Mittchell, Peter                 Squiras, Joseph 
Mittchell, Philip                Sunseri, Joseph 
Mittchell, William               Swope, Robert 
Montanaro, Fred                  Swope, Walter 
Mulligan, Charles                Thomas, Leo J.
Mullin, Andrew                   Tobar, John 
Noonan, Walter                   Tobar, Stanley 
Novik, Joseph                    Vezza, Domenico 
Overberger, Charles              Weakland, Basil 
Overberger, Edw.                 Welcher, Albert 
Palcho, John                     Yahner, Anthony 
Pandolfi, Domenic                Yahner, Max 
Peterino, Antonio                Yeager, Alfred 
Petrusky, Andrew                 Yerger, Snyder 
Petroni, Luigi                   

                             St. George, Paton, Pa.

Chobey, John                     Goods, Stanley
Demjan, John J.                  Gorgica, Stanley
Dietrick, Alvin                  Jacobs, Andrew
Dietrick, Gilbert                Jacobs, Michael
Drass, Meril                     Kayden, John
Drass, Thomas                    Kayden, Joseph
Dubransky, George                Kayden, Stanley
Dubbin, Sylvester                Kelly, Edward
George, John H.                  Kibler, Anselm
Gill, Leo                        Kibler, Henry
Gill, Vincent                    Kutruff, Leonard
Goods, Anthony                   Leiden, Cyril
Goods, John                      Lukash, John A.
Goods, Martin                    McConnel, August


MacInko, John                    Warner, George
Maskewicz, Stanley               Warner, Herman
Shika, Joseph J.                 Warner, I. J.
Smith, Charles                   Warner, Joseph 
Stasko, Steve                    Zahursky, John Jr.
Svapkovsky, Francis              Zodal, John (Died)
Warner, F. C.

                        St. Boniface, St. Boniface

Anens, Joseph                    Gemet, John G. (Gernet)
Anna, Henry                      Hahn, Henry A.
Anna, Wilfrid                    Kazamaier, John
Becker, Anthony                  Kupera, John 
Becker, Charles H.               Kramer, T. J.
Burkhart, Thomas                 Long, Wm.
Cence, Earl G.                   Mullen, Harry
Cence, Raymond                   Nuger, Frank
Endler, Augustine                Ott, Augustine
Endler, Edwin T.                 Ott, John E.
Endler, Frank Wm. Jr.            Semelsberger, Rudolph
                                 Thomas, Charles B.

                        Holy Cross, Spangler, Pa.

Binder, John                     McCombie, Herold
Brazilla, John J.                McCombie, Raymond
Byrne, Edward R.                 McCormick, Charles R.
Carr, Peter                      McMullen, Pat.
Conrad, James I.                 Peters, A. R.
Conrad. Pius A.                  Peters, Nicholas J.
Euskaskus, William               Peters, Theodore
Griffin, J. F.                   Schneider, Charles
Hartman. Leo E.                  Sexton, Louis T.
Hayes. Francis P.                Shortencarrier, Bernard M.
Kline, Rupert H.                 Whalen, John
Lulay, Nicholas                  Whalen, Leo


                          SOLDIERS BURIED IN NORTHERN
                               CAMBRIA CEMETERIES

                          St. Benedict's, Carrolltown

Philip Anstead                   Daniel Sullivan
Andrew P. Baker                  Pat G. Shannon
Abraham A. Burkey                John Saltsgiver
                                 Jas. J. Thomas
John Boyd                        Henry Weakland
John Byrne                       Peter Weakland
Francis Byrne                    John B. Winsel
Elias Driscoll                   Richard Yost
Valentine Dumm                   William Gray
Geo. W. Easly                    Vincent Reig
Edward Ebig                      Charles Dunlap
Thomas Eckenrode                 George E. Meisel
A. C. Farren                     W. A. Fagan
Edward Gilespie                  Nicholas Ahles
John Himmel                      Charles Langbein
Patrick Kane                     John Deitrich
Peter Kaylor                     S. J. Luther
Michael Kaylor                   Peter Weymer
Jacob Koontz                     Gerald Fox
Frank Luther                     Vincent Miller
John Koonsman                    Irvin Campbell
Andrew Miller                    Joseph Zavatsky
George Miller                    Nicholas Luther
John W. Miller                   Walter Farabaugh
W. McCombie                      Leo Bender
Robert McCombie                  Edwin Stolz
Thos. E. Meisel                  Walter Eckenrode
Leo Parrish                      Irvin Weakland
John Stolz                       Michael Wirtner

                        St. Lawrence, St. Lawrence.

Joseph Bauman                    John Waltz
Martin Dietrick                  Francis Swam
Charles Dietrick                 Peter Swope
Michael Yahner                   John Kibler 
Joseph Hipps                     Anthony Deitrich 
Jacob Kruise                     John L. Zaday 
Sebastian Kruise                 Jacob Kruise
Christopher Warner               John Deitrich
Joseph Warner


                               St. Joseph's.

Ambrose Barnicle                 William Miller
William Gray                     Urban Weakland

                           St. Nicholas, Nicktown.

Thomas Dumm                      Stephen Lance
D. T. James                      Berney McGee
James Flannigan                  Anthony Mohler
James McDade                     Jos. Miller
John Steinbiser                  Al Steinbiser 
John F. Nagle                    Gilbert Natscher 
Chas. Farabaugh                  Augustine Wyland 
Henry Dumm                       Wilmer Brickley 
Joseph Rehr                      

                            St. Mary's Patton.

George Beck                      Thos. J. Gilbert
John Saltsgiver                  John Nagle
William E. Litzinger             Patrick Donahue
Patrick Orr                      John Choby                       
Joseph Swope                     George Bott
Geo. Cassidy                     Howard Lumadue
Dr. Noonan                       Earl Campbell
                                 Clark Brown

                           Holy Cross, Spangler

Mathias Shortencarrier           John Griffin
James Schnabel                   Mike Griffin
James Dolan                      Lee Conrad
John Hubbard                     Jos. Baffino

                        St. Boniface, St. Boniface

John Cosgrove                    Frank Endler
Frank Yahner

                         St. Bernard's, Hastings

Patrick D. Reardon



The typographical errors of the first part of this book are due to lack of 
opportunity to read proof. The author being sick in the Mercy Hospital when it 
was printed in 1926.

Page 11 line 33 read cabin near Bradley Junction . . . and now owned by James 
   and Augustine Hott. P. 13 line 28—to Conewago.

P. 27 line 13—a village school teacher. His grandfather and the old village 
   doctor lived with them. P. 28 line 28—history.

P. 33 line 41—with bag. P. 34 line 45—after death.

P. 42 line 35—none except. P. 43—Gualbert. P. 44 line 28—responded.

P. 46 line 2—from below—The Day book of.

P. 48 line 30—after 1839 for and line 34—bare footed.

P. 49 line 20—in the northern part of the county.

P. 51 line 5—in the Krise school house, omit down etc.

P. 52 line 47—dearth of German. P. 53 line 17—monastery.

P. 57 line 35—Martha Soisson. P. 59 line 6—pusillanimity.

P. 60 line 9—a petition to the Holy Father to have a Priory of St. Vincent 
   raised into an Abbey. Line 39—be he a

P. 65 line 21—held on. P. 72 line 5—from below—The next day.

P. 74 lower 13—oratory was. P. 76 line 20—Anselm.

P. 78 line 17—who began. P. 87 line 4—in St. Vincenz.

P. 88 line 4 from below—Cahokia or Monks Mounds.

P. 89 line 18—island near Pittsburgh below Grant Hill.

T. J. Chapman in "Old Pittsburgh" page 63 says: "Grant Hill overlooks Fort 
Duquesne, and is scarcely a half mile from it. The hill was a rugged bluff with 
a steep de-


scent towards the fort. It was much higher than at present and was cut across by 
deep ravines." The deep ravines carried the waters from a pond to the Allegheny 
and Monongahela rivers thus forming an island.

P. 94 lower 9—over the Galbreath Road (completed 1789) to Frankstown to Bedford. 
   P. 104 line 5—Jerome. P. 99 lower line 7—Lemke and Rattigan. P. 118 line 
   40—In 1861 ... Anthony Schnable.

P. 107 line 5—ciborium. P. 121 line 9—At 3 o'clock P. M., the . . . and line
   16—Mary. Line 35—confessional.

P. 124 line 24—to the St. Joseph.

P. 127 line 24—contract of pointing the walls . . . with mortar

P. 128 lower 3 line—nee Flick. P. 131 line 24—Stratman.

P. 141 line 6—ought. P. 142 lower line 6—Anselm.

P. 145 after line 19 add—Andrew Zuchriegel, O. S. B., 1852-53.

P. 156 line 7—1524, also add—1551. The oldest university in America is the 
   Catholic University of St. Marc, Lima, Peru. Also read—1749. P. 158 line
   13—in the north of the county.

P. 175 rearrange the lines at the bottom of the page thus, 6, 2, 1, 5, 4, 3.
   P. 175 lower 4 line—James Yinger.

P. 20 line 30—compare. P. 35—the galary was built later.



                                       PART I

Church at:
    Sportsman's Hall                        14
    Greensburg                              14
    Loretto                                 14
    Ebensburg                               16
    Cameron's Bottom                        22
    Summit                                  51
    Wilmore                                 50
    St. Augustine                           51
    St. Lawrence                       51, 106
    Carrolltown                             99
    St. Boniface                           114
    Nicktown                           57, 118
    Hastings                               127
    Spangler                               128
    Patton, St. Mary's                     128
    Bakerton                               131

                                       PART II

Brubaker, the last Indian                  247
Carrolltown                                274
Elder, John                                215
Encampments                                198
Glen Connell                               199
Hart, John                                 197
Hart's Sleeping Place                      197
Hastings                                   241
Indian villages, etc.                      275
Jefferson                                  189
Lead, Indian deposits of                   238
Lemke, Rev. Henry                          193
Loup                                       199
Nicktown                                   229
Patton                                     249
Pastors, St. Lawrence                      211
Priests, native                            264
Sisters, native                            270
Spangler                                   261


Names of Patrons and Subscribers who made it possible to meet the expenses of 
placing Part II before the public:

     Barnesboro                             Hastings
M. J. Bacha                              I. L. Binder
Binder Bros. Hardware Co.                Guy Commons
Citizens Bank                            John Dvorchak
First National Bank                      H. J. Easly
Hoffman Ice Cream Co.                    First National Bank
Louis Luxenberg                          Hastings Bottling Works
Smith's Theatre                          P. O. Holtz
Sharbaugh & Lieb                         Holtz Auto Co.
                                         James McNelis
    Carrolltown                          Strittmatter Bros.
First National Bank                      Hastings Mercantile Co.
D. A. Luther Hardware and                B. J. Waltz
   Furniture                             I. P. Yahner
C. A. Sharbaugh
J. Edw. Stevens                             Patton
Stolz Bros.                              R. D. Buck
P. J. Weber                             Cambria Wholesale Grocery
M. J. Farabaugh                            Co.
The Carrolltown News                    F. E. Farabaugh
                                        Patton Clay Mfg. Co.
    Nicktown                            Zahursky Meat Market
N. F. Lambour                           Cambria Clay Co.
A. Schlereth                            C. W. Foresberg
                                        Stoltz Motor Company
   St. Benedict                         
Central Trading Corporation
                                            St. Lawrence
   Spangler                             Leiden Bros.
E. F. Dumm
L. Klafter                                  St. Boniface
John E. Riley                               Thomas Quinn

Read the book first and mention it when you patronize our advertisers. Remember, 
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