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CHURCH: Benedictine Fathers, Part II, Cambria Co., PA - pp. 185-214

Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Romayne Shay McMahon
OCRed and proofread by Judy Banja 

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                                    Part II

                                 THE MISSIONS


                     By THE REV. MODESTUS WIRTNER, O. S. B.

                              PERMISSU SUPERIORUM


                    Rt. Rev. Alfred Koch, O. S. B., S. T. D.
                          Abbot, St. Vincent Archabbey


                             SAINT JOSEPH'S CHURCH
                            "HART'S SLEEPING PLACE"

When Prince Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin received his appointment from Bishop 
John Carroll of Baltimore to do missionary work on the Alleghany Mountains, of 
Pennsylvania, he found a hearty welcome in the pioneer Captain McGuire's 
settlement, near the present town of Loretto. (The first house was built there 
in 1784 according to the testimony of John McGuire. builder of a grist mill at 
Patton in 1848.) The first Catholic church in Cambria County, Pa., was dedicated 
on Christmas Day, 1799. by Prince Gallitzin at Loretto. This circumstance 
attracted many Catholic settlers, - at first from Ireland, then from Eastern 
Pennsylvania and Maryland, and finally from various parts of Germany. The 
settlers from Maryland were mostly of English descent. The colony grew rapidly 
and steadily, the march being east and west, but chiefly toward the north; the 
Irish settling upon a 4-mile strip of land from Ashville to the Loup while the 
Germans settled on land beginning west of Loretto to the Chest creek to 
Carrolltown, St. Boniface and Glen Connell, until by 1829 more than 100 families 
were from 8 to 16 miles distant from Loretto, a fact that naturally entailed 
many inconveniences and hardships on these good people.

On the occasion of Father Gallitzin's celebrating Mass and baptizing Charles 
Weakland in the house of his grandfather John Weakland on August 15, 1824, 
permission was given the people to build a church. The location being distant 
from the Ebensburg road no progress was made.

This road was approved by the Court at Ebensburg June 21, 1820, beginning at 
Ebensburg (the old Ebensburg-Carrolltown Road), passed through Carrolltown, 
through Sun Set Park, through John Weakland's homestead, now the Burley farm, 
then passed west around St. Joseph's church up the hill N. E., to the present 
Cross-road Hastings road to a chestnut tree - a line tree separating the St. 
Joseph's church property from the land east of it. This road led to Clearfield.


The other road but not the first built was surveyed 1819 on the petition of John 
Miller and others: beginning at Simon Litzinger (now Eckenrode) Mill and ending 
at a chestnut corner on the former route west of Hart's Sleeping Place, that is 
at the Kittanning Trail or the Indian Trail.

At last Father Gallitzin yielding to the persistent entreaties of the willing 
workers, called a meeting at Loretto, September 9, 1829, made up a subscription 
list of contributors of cash and building material, began building the same fall 
and winter and completed the church so far in the following summer that the 
sides and ceiling of the sanctuary were lined.

The Very Reverend Demetrius Augustine, Prince Gallitzin dedicated the log church 
in honor of St. Joseph on Sunday, October 10, 1830, celebrated Mass and baptized 
eleven children. See page 21.

The church was located on a parcel of land (10 acres) donated for that purpose 
by John Weakland, a lineal descendant of one of the three brothers, who came 
with the colony sent to Maryland by the Duke of Norfolk, Cecil Calvert, second 
Lord Baltimore, arriving March 25, 1634, and settled near the site of Baltimore, 

The Rev. James Bradley, in charge of the congregation at Ebensburg since the 
beginning of November, 1830, held services here once a month until October 1832, 
after which Prince Gallitzin came again on stated days. On May 23, 1834, the 
Rev. Terrence McGirr was placed in charge of St. Joseph's and Cameron's Bottom. 
Then came Father Henry Lemke, whom Prince Gallitzin had installed as pastor of 
the congregation at Ebensburg on December 23, 1834. He celebrated his first Mass 
here on the feast of the Three Kings, a Holyday of Obligation, January 6, 1835. 
It was dreadfully cold, there being no ceiling, the north winds whistled through 
the shingle roof and between the cracks of the logs. In the following summer he 
had the men calk the cracks with chunks of wood and clay then John Campbell 
lined the sides and ceiling.

Father Lemke celebrated Mass once a month on Sunday here, at Loretto, Ebensburg 
and at Johnstown, until the death of Prince Gallitzin, May 6, 1840, when Bishop 
Kenrick appointed him pastor of Loretto. He was then in charge of Loretto, St. 
Joseph's and Ebensburg. See page 49.


In 1836 Father Lemke urged the people at Jefferson (Wilmore) and at Summit to 
build churches. As in the case of St. Joseph's where no priest was living the 
building of the churches progressed very slowly. The church at Summit, called 
St. Patrick's, was completed in 1839 by the Rev. Patrick Rattigan, (appointed 
pastor of Johnstown, Jefferson and Summit in September 1839) and as tradition 
relates was inspected by Bishop Kenrick in 1840 when he left Loretto for the 
east. The church was enlarged and remodeled by Rev. Andrew Gibbs in 1844, and 
called St. Aloysius. The title of the church property at Jefferson is dated June 
10, 1837. Bishop Kenrick blessed the St. Bartholomew stone church on this 
property, August 22, 1840.

Rev. Hugh P. Gallgher having been appointed pastor of Loretto, September 27, 
1844, Father Lemke removed upon his farm and chapel (built 1840) at Carrolltown. 
There and at St. Joseph's he had alternately early and late services on every 

Father Lemke now gave more of his time to the missions: at the Loup (St. 
Augustine) he held services in the residence of Thomas Adams (see p. 51), of 
Henry Krise, and later as he states in his Autobiography, in the Krise school 
house; at Glen Connell in the residence of Martin Ballweber, of Jacob Gill and 
finally in that of John Thomas.

Bishop O'Connor (see next pages) transferred St. Joseph to the charge of Rev. 
Father Gallagher of Loretto who sent his curate the Rev. Nicholas Haeres in 
January, 1847 on Sundays to St. Joseph and missions until relieved by the Rev. 
Nicholas Stauber in September of the same year, who resided in the rectory built 
that year for the pastor.

Bishop O'Connor transferred all the Catholic missions in North Cambria County to 
the Benedictine Order in 1848, with the Very Rev. Peter Lechner, O. S. B., the 
first pastor. His curate the Rev. Thaddaeus Brunner O. S. B. entered his first 
baptismal record in the records preserved in the church at Loretto, Pa., on July 
18, 1848 and the Rev. Benedict Haindl, O. S. B., on June 4, 1849.

The Benedictines built the new brick church at Carrolltown which was dedicated 
on Christmas day, 1849, by the Very Rev. Celestine Englbrecht, O. S. B., and St. 
Joseph's became a mission attended from Carrolltown by the priest who had St. 
Lawrence in charge. On the fifth of


June 1860, St. Boniface church at St. Boniface was dedicated. From that date no 
Mass was celebrated here except on the annual feast of St. Joseph, until 
Rembrandt Peale of New York laid out the town of "St. Benedict," one half mile 
distant from St. Joseph's, when regular Sunday services were resumed on 
September 6, 1903 by the Rev. Boniface Wirtner, O. S. B., who resided at the 

In 1881 the Very Rev. Prior Otto Kopf, O. S. B. had the church weather-boarded, 
and in 1903 Father Boniface added the present sacristry to the church. During 
the administration of the Rev. Claude Geary, O. S. B., the belfry was built, a 
bell placed therein and blessed by the Rt. Rev. John J. McCort, D. D., on Labor 
Day, 1922. The hot air furnace was also placed in the basement of the church 
during that year, the out side chimney having been built previous to this date 
by the Rev. Herman Shorer, O. S. B. The church is well preserved.

Father Berthold Neuhauser, O. S. B.. succeeded Father Clarence in 1928 and is 
the present pastor. The centenary of the dedication falls on the 10th of 
October. Anticipating a pleasant day the celebration is temporarily set for the 
first Sunday of September, September 7th. A field day Mass will be celebrated to 
accommodate the reunion of all the friends of old St. Joseph's. The Rev. 
Lawrence Rogan, O. S. B., will deliver the sermon.

After the foregoing type were set the following notes of James Easly, Attorney 
at Law, of Carrolltown were handed me by Undertaker Easly of Hastings. The 
venerable and highly respected William Weakland (one of the three men who 
donated ten acres of land to St. Joseph's) was burried on April 13, 1878. A 
solemn Requiem High Mass was celebrated by the Very Rev. Prior, Amandus Kraemer, 
O. S. B., and a light organ had been put in place by the Carrolltown choir, 
which was played by W. C. Severin. This was the first occasion on which 
instrumental music had been played within the walls of the venerable old church.
The old church which bears mute though eloquent testimony to the zeal of the 
lamented and saintly Gallitzin was built in the year 1831 or 1832. (The correct 
date is 1829-


1830) under the supervision of Dr. Gallitzin. Its construction was originally of 
pine logs and the main building was some 44 feet in length by 32 feet in width 
and some 18 feet high to the ceiling with a gallery extending the width of the 
building and having a breadth of 13 feet, having a steep fall to the front or 
railing upon which inclination the benches (cannot be dignified with the name 
pews) are set leaning at an angle with the floor of the gallery. The gallery 
built later see P. 35, is supported at the front by a heavy girder resting at 
the middle aisle upon two plain posts which supports make no pretension to being 
perpendicular and claim no such superfluity as caps or base.

The sanctuary is separated from the main building and has a width of 26 feet 
contracting towards the rear to 17 feet and having a depth of 15 feet. The altar 
itself is very plain excepting the tabernacle upon which some effort at 
architectural display was made by the builders; this latter being made of hard 
wood, partly turned, cherry and maple predominating and left in their 
appearance, but surmounted with a plain black-painted cross with an emblem of 
the crucifixion of a rude cut from wood. The only other ornament of the 
sanctuary, which is entirely innocent of carpet or matting, is made up of three 
old style pictures, the center one representing St. Joseph and each of the other 
two pictures contain saints to the number of half a dozen. A plain corner shelf 
answered the purpose of a stand or table upon which the sacristan placed the 
cruits of wine and water and a plate or dish for the lavabo or washing the 
fingers. This last completed the furnishing of the sanctuary excepting that 4 
turned maple candlesticks added to the service and embelishment of the altar.

The vestry door opened from the right to the sanctuary by a side door hung by 
long, old style hand wrought iron, strip hinges reaching across the door which 
was itself completed by a gothic transom. The vestry room, 8 feet by 13 feet and 
7 1/2 feet high, furniture consisted of a rudely constructed bureau for the 
convenience of keeping the usual vestments and a kind of press or cupboard, 
having the same service in view, the bureau itself being surmounted by a 
tabernacle-formed receptacle for the sacred vessels to be kept under lock and 
key. The tabernacle was surmounted by an exceedingly crudely cut representation 
of the crucifixion made of wood evidently by some hand entirely guiltless of any 
pretension as a student of art, or a worker of


statuary. An old velvet black poke attached to a long stick and a candle 
extinguisher completed the furniture.

The interior finish of the main building was and remains very plain; the walls 
being unpainted and ornamented solely by plain, square, old style water-colored 
pictures of the stations of the cross. The light is admitted through four square 
windows of 24 lights each of 8x10 glass, save the sanctuary which is 
distinguished by being the possessor of one Gothic shaped window. The 
confessional is a plain box-formed affair, stuck angling into the corner and 
barely enough of room for the confessor, the penitent being obliged to kneel 
outside. Plain benches accommodated the worshippers in lieu of pews of more 
modern date. The gallery is lighted by three small windows of nine lights, each 
of 8x10 glass and is furnished with five rude benches leaning, as mentioned, 
forward, and to the accommodation of the choir.

The entrance to the building is by a double door, wide and roomy, and a main 
aisle of 6 feet. with two side aisles of about 20 inches in width. A large plain 
heating stove obstructed the middle aisle and gave heat and warmth to the 
building in winter. No useless flue obstructed the view but the stovepipe led 
directly up through the ceiling and roof, an old wooden coal-box, with a part of 
a hoop for a handle made up the stove furniture that was visible. Thus we found 
St. Joseph's on April 13, 1878." The first person to be buried in the St. Joseph 
cemetery was James McKinney, father-in-law of Michael Cunningham, George 
Weakland and Michael Barnicle. McKinney donated ten acres of land to the church 
but as it did not adjoin the other property it was bought for $10.00 by John 
Weakland who added 10 more to the original plot of ground.


                          FATHER HENRY LEMKE

In December 1844, Father Henry Lemke, with the consent of the Rt. Rev. Bishop 
Michael O'Connor, left here on a vacation for his old home in Germany. Whilst 
there he received many gifts and money from his friends for the purpose of 
building a church at Carrolltown. After ten months of vacation Father Lemke, 
rich in tokens of friendship, money, books, vestments, etc., returned to his 
American missions and entered his new record of a baptism at St Joseph on 
October 26, 1845. the last Sunday of the month. He received a hearty reception 
as may be seen from the following subscription, found in the effects of the 
deceased Isaac Weakland and handed the writer by William F. Weakland, his son, 
and now preserved at the Carrolltown Priory.

"We the undersigned Subscribers Promise to pay Rev. Peter H. Lemke, or to any 
other person or persons duly appointed by him to Receive the same, the sums of 
Money Set Opposite Our Names, For one year or more, Commencing from the first 
day of November A. D. 1845. The same to be paid in half yearly payments. And it 
is further understood that the aforesaid Rev. P. H. Lemke will perform twice a 
Month, on Sundays and the Holydays at the church of St. Joseph in Carroll, his 
functions of his Holy Catholic Religion."

     Subscribers Names                   Subscribers Names

Emericus Bender         $5.00       Thomas Kirkpatrick      $3.00
Wm. Weakland             5.00       Peter Huber              3.00
John Campbell            5.00       John Flick               3.00
George Weakland          3.00       Henry Miller             1.00
Samuel Weakland          3.00       Jacob Shabacher          3.00
John Weakland Jr.        3.00       John Luther              4.00
John Luther Jr.          1.00       Christian Buck           4.00
Adam Stoltz              2.00       Michael Kennedy          3.00
Lewis Craver             2.00       James Fagan              1.50
Lewis Moyer              2.50       James Rean               2.00
Joseph Bearer            1.00       Joseph Hounk             1.00
Peter Bostlet            1.00       John Shabacher           2.00
Henry Kole               3.00       Melchior Boslet          1.50
Jacob Bender             1.50       Joseph Gantner           1.50
Peter Gantner            2.00       Jacob Zorn               1.00


                   Saint Joseph's Church [photograph]


      Subscribers Names                    Subscribers Names

Jacob Keffer             1.00        Johannes Illig           1.00
Felix Short              1.00        Joseph Hogue             1.00
John Stoltz              1.00        Emanuel Dishart          3.00
John Berrer               .50        Joseph Luther            1.00
Peter Weibel             3.00        Augustine Luther         1.00
Francis Gellaspie        2.00        Joseph Cole              1.00
Daniel McCawley          2.00        Levi Luther              1.00
John Fresh               2.00        John Weakland            2.00
John P. Parrish          3.00        Joseph Benden            3.00
James Kennedy            3.00        John Wentz               2.00
Ulrich Strassler         2.00        Barnabas Byrne           1.00
Henry Buck               2.50        Joseph Karsh             2.00
                                     Henry Luther             1.00

Father Lemke gives in his Autobiography the reason why his pastorate at St. 
Joseph, in 1847, was taken away and given to the priest at Loretto. The Rt. Rev. 
Michael O'Connor, having found out that Father Henry had collected a nice sum of 
money in Germany, went to Loretto and in the company of the Rev. Hugh Patrick 
Gallagher to Carrolltown where he demanded the money collected by Father Henry 
Lemke in Germany, stating it was diocesan money and he wished to build a 
seminary at St. Vincent, Latrobe, where he wanted the Benedictines to give the 
students free tuition and board. When he refused this the Bishop said: "You 
traveled and collected money under my authority, and consequently I have a right 
to dispose of it." "You authorized me," I said, "to engage German priests for 
the new Diocese, of money nothing was said. I collected it for Carrolltown and 
there it has to be expended for the building of a church. I have three thousand 
dollars for that purpose in my hands and if you think they are not safe with me 
I shall transfer them to you if you give me a document under your hand and seal 
that this money is not to be expended for any other use than for the church of 
Carrolltown. This he refused. Upon that he went away in great anger. But he 
thought better of it in Loretto for he sent the priest from there with the 
desired instrument." - The Northern Cambria News, 1879.

Father Lemke then paid a visit to Bishop Kenrick of Philadelphia, a particular 
and dear friend, to whom he related what had taken place. When Father Lemke 
returned he found that St. Joseph's congregation had been taken


from him and was transferred to the pastor of Loretto who sent his curate the 
Rev. Nicholas Haeres to attend to the place from Loretto. Father Lemke continued 
to reside at Carrolltown until after he laid out the town of Carrolltown, sold 
the lots and saw quite a number of houses erected. He then returned to the 
jurisdiction of his former Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Francis Patrick Kenrick, who 
sent him to Reading to St. Peter's church. His first baptismal entry at St. 
Peter's is dated October 22, 1848.

The Day Book of Father Lemke, as well as of Joseph Bearer show that in the 
forties a man's wages for a day's labor was .37 1/2 cents a day. He lived in a 
1 1/2 story log house, the roof covered with 3 foot long clapboards made of red
oak and weighted down with stone or logs. The water did not seep through, but
people in the second story oftentimes found themselves covered with 2-3 feet of
snow in the winter mornings. Women and children went barefoot in the summer and
some even in the winter; among others may be mentioned the shoemaker's wife,
Mrs. John B. (Sherry) Hoffman with her 5 boys and 2 girls. Yet a man could go
hunting and come home before breakfast with a deer from whose hide moccasins
could have been made. There were no stoves in those days but a large fireplace
warmed the house and served as the cook stove, heated with 5-6 foot pieces of
wood. Cooking utensils were few and simple, wooden or pewter spoons and forks
were used, some times a board served as a plate in lieu of a pewter plate, the
horn of a cow served as a drinking cup.

The farmer sowed flax; the women pulled the same in the fall, laid it away to 
dry, knocked out the seed, then broke, scutched and hackeled the flax. The tow 
was made into ropes or also bags which lasted a farmer's life time, or into 
coarse cloth from which pants and coats were made that lasted for many years. 
Father Gallitzin as well as Father Lemke wore such clothing to encourage the 
industry and discouraged buying costly rainment. The fine flax was spun and 
weaved into fine linen, made into shirts, dresses, etc. Spinning and weaving 
kept many a woman at work until midnight after having done her house work and 
assisted her husband on the farm. Coffee made of acorns, rye or wheat was their 
drink. The women walked 20 or 25 miles to the market receiving 5 cents for a 
dozen of eggs, 7 cents for a pound of butter, and were oftentimes lucky that 
they were not obliged to go home without other coveted goods.


The forgoing was written to show the buying power of money. If a man could pay 
$5.00 when he received only .37 1/2 cents for a day's labor Would - if he lived 
to-day - pay as pew rent $66.66 receiving now $5.00 for a day's wages. Again the 
young man who then paid $1.00 per year to the support of the priest would now 
have paid $16.00 a year pew rent when he received $5.00 for a day's wages. In 
those days men did not have work every day, for day work was as scarce as money.

                                  JOHN HART

John Harris, the founder of Harrisburg, in his schedule of the Kittanning Trail 
or Path, 1756, estimated the distance from the Clear Fields, south of Ashville, 
to Hart's Sleeping Place as 12 miles; and from there to the Head of the 
Suequehanna (Chelisguagua creek at Kinport) 12 miles. It is three miles North of 
Carrolltown and a half miles east of St. Benedict.

John Hart, whose name is perpetuated in connection with Hart's Sleeping Place, 
was an old, honest, German Indian trader of Philadelphia, licensed as an Indian 
trader in 1744. He is also accredited in the Colonial Records, VIII, page 124 
and 135, as being the Provincial Interpreter of the Cherokee Indians at 
Winchester, Va., in June 1758. Long before he settled in the Juniata valley on 
the river, west of Standing Stone (Huntingdon), he crossed and recrossed the 
Alleghany Mountains, by the old War Path, with his pack horses, camping at 
Hart's Sleeping Place over night with his pack-horses loaded with peltries 
tethered near the fire to keep wild animals away from them. Finally he took up 
his residence along the Juniata river, there cuting down an immense tree he 
turned it into a trough, out of which he fed his horses and cattle, hence the 
name "Hart's Log," near Alexandria, Porter Township, Huntingdon County.

"It is stated that upon one occasion, when Hart was an old man, some Indians 
came into his settlement on a pillaging excursion. They knew Hart, and went to 
his cabin, but he happened to be from home. On his log they left a


tomahawk, painted red, and a small piece of slate upon which rude hieroglyphics 
were drawn, one resembling an Indian with a bundle upon his back, over whose 
head were seven strokes and whose belt was filled with scalps. In front of this 
drawing was the sun rising, and behind them a picture of the moon.

On Hart's return, he soon found that Indians had been about. The meaning of the 
articles left he could readily decipher. The red hatchet upon the log signified 
that Indians were about, but to him they laid down the hatchet. The picture of 
the rising sun signified that they were going to the east. The strokes indicated 
the number of warriors, and the bundle and scalps intimated that they would both 
plunder and murder. The moon signified that they would return at night."

The last Indian encampment of importance was made at Hart's Sleeping Place in 
the spring of 1781. Two spies reported to Colonel Albright at Frankstown that 
they saw a number of bark huts at Hart's Sleeping Place, that the Indians must 
have numbered 25 to 30. Captain Moor, of Scotch Valley, led the rangers and 
volunteers, Sunday, June 2, and started for the mountains. The path was close 
along the river, and the men marched in Indian file, as the path was narrow. 
When they reached the flat above where Temperance Mill stood, and within thirty 
rods of the mouth of Sugar run, the loud warwhoop was heard; a band of Indians 
rose from the bushes on the left-hand side of the road, firing a volley at the 
same time, killing seventeen, wounding five and the others escaping.

The nearest Indian village is indicated by a cemetery on the late James 
Kirkpatrick farm now owned by Joseph Fox but Peter Warcic is now living on it. 
Only a few years ago there were still three Indian headstones to be seen. An 
other Indian village was pointed out in the old chestnut grove on the Boyle 
estate now owned by Rembrandt Peale. The Shero, Bearer and Kirkpatrick children 
used to gather chestnuts there. Alice, wife of Lawrence Volk, daughter of Thomas 
Kirkpatrick, states that it is at the end of the road leading from the cement 
road up the hill to a patch of cherry trees around which live three families, 
and she saw six to eight Indian graves where those trees now stand.


                        ST. LAWRENCE, PA. –-- GLEN
                               CONNELL, PA.

The St. Lawrence farming district was formerly called Glen Connell. General 
McConnell, of revolutionary memory, a resident of Philadelphia, Pa., possessed 
June 1794, a large tract of land in what is now Chest Township and about one 
mile west of St. Lawrence. On an elevated spot of this land with an eastern 
exposure, which commanded a grand view of the surrounding country, Mrs. Ruth 
McConnell, the widow of the General's son Matthew, built about 1818, a 
magnificent mansion on the road leading to Carrolltown, and called her home Glen 
Connell. The doors, windows, etc., were brought from Philadelphia. Almost all 
traces of this mansion have disappeared from the Swope sisters estate. The 
windows in this mansion were used by Aloysius Swope in building there a new 
residence which was destroyed by fire in November 1927. At the time it was 
occupied by Marcellus Swope.

Other Catholics, of German birth, came by way of Burgoon's gap, and settled in 
the township. They attended Mass on Sundays at Loretto, but later at St Joseph's 
church at Hart's Sleeping Place. At an early date, about 1838, the Rev. Father 
Lemke held services occasionally in the Glen Connell mansion, and later farther 
east in Martin Ballweber's residence, then in Jacob Gill's house, and finally in 
that of John Thomas, who came here in 1824, and was the owner of a house with a 
very large room.

The settlement south of here the LOUP (now St. Augustine) was so called after 
one of the Delaware tribes of Indians, the Wolf, or as the French called them 
the Loup, the French word for wolf. The Loup Indians had a cemetery one mile 
east of the Loup on the farm of Sylas Ryan, and another one mile west of the 
Loup in the Indian Garden on the Thomas Adams farm now owned by Charles Glass. 
The other tribes were the Turtle and the Turkey. Father Lemke celebrated Mass at 
stated times at the Loup in the residence of Thomas Adams, then in that of Henry 
Krise, and finally, as he relates in his autobiography, in the Krise school 
house. (Correct page 51 according to this fact.)


The Rev. Henry Lemke, having returned from his vacation in Germany in October, 
1845, and now living on his farm at St. Joseph's church, took up a census of his 
congregation and missions. He informed the people that he was about to lay out 
the town of Carrolltown and build a church there, and there should be a church 
also in each of the missions. The people of Glen Connell and of the Loup should 
each take up a subscription and the one showing the greater subscription could 
build the church.

The people of the Loup, the larger settlement, at once took up the subscription, 
John Zerbe heading the list with a promise of $150.00 and Henry Krise promised 
five acres of land. On August 28, 1846, Henry Krise sold five acres and twenty-
five perches of land to the Rt. Rev. Michael O'Connor, D. D., in trust for the 
Roman Catholic Congregation of Clearfield Township for $50.00. Mr. John Zerbe 
received the contract to build a frame weatherboard church, which was so far 
completed that in September 1848, the Rev. H. P. Gallagher, who now had charge 
of the mission. performed the ceremonies uniting Henry Delozier and Margaret 
Krise in the bonds of holy matrimony. Later the church was plastered by Francis, 
father of Joseph Huber.

The families of Glen Connell, being few in number, having large farms, some 
unpaid, with but few acres under cultivation, and a distant market for their 
agricultural produce, were poor, yet desired a church in their midst. Martin 
Ballweber, Jacob Gill and John Thomas with Mrs. George Oexner were the chief 
advocates for building the church. George Oexner generously offerd to donate a 
piece of land. The deed to the land reads, that on October 15, 1849, John and 
Christina Oexner of Blair County, for a consideration of $2.50 sold five acres 
of land to the Rt. Rev. Michael O'Connor, D. D., in trust for the Roman Catholic 
Congregation of Glen Connell in White township. Father Lemke urged them to begin 
the preliminary work for a church of their own.

During the month of November, 1847, another meeting was held, most of the 35 
families agreed to build the church and on the following day, November 12, 
thirteen farmers began the work of clearing the forest. During the whole winter 
about the same number of men worked every day until the spring work kept them at 
home. About this time, Rev. Nicholas Haeres was placed temporarily in


charge of the mission. During the winter of 1848 and 1849 the farmers were again 
at work, cleaning the grounds, hewing the sleepers, hauling stone, lumber, etc. 
The solicitors extended their collecting tour to Sinking Valley, Hollidaysburg 
in Bair County, to Cambria, Indiana, and Westmoreland Counties and even to 
Pittsburgh. The following list of subscribers will show with what success the 
collectors performed their work.

                            December 15, 1847.
                    Glen Connell, Cambria County, Pa.

We, the subscribers, promise to pay towards the erection of a Roman Catholic 
Church the sum annexed to our names. The church will be built on the ground 
given by George Oexner in White Township, Cambria County, Pa. There will be 
three payments made as follows: (viz.) the first payment is to be paid by the 
first of April 1848; the second by the first of April 1849; the third by the 
first of January 1850; and such sums of money shall be paid over to the 
Treasurer appointed by the Building Committee. And we, the subscribers, agree 
and promise to pay the sums annexed to our names according to the above 
conditions, under lawful authorities otherwise to remain in full force and 

Martin Ballweber        $25.00          Martin Swam              5.00
Jacob Kibler, Sr.        16.00          Peter Woodley            5.00
Jacob Gill               25.00          Frederich Baker Jr.      5.00
Michael Kibler           15.00          Adam Huebsch             4.00
Charles Gill             15.00          Anthony Yaeger           4.00
John Thomas              25.00          Peter Wieber             5.00
Michael Ballweber        25.00          Michael Shardon          3.00
George Waltz             15.00          Michael Oexner           5.00
Simon Noel               10.00          Henry Baker Sr.          5.00
George Deatrich          20.00          Anthony Mitchell         5.00
Simon Noel Sr.           15.00          Simon Noel Jr.           1.50
John Waltz               15.00          William Burgoon          5.00
Jacob Thomas            $ 3.00          George Rutledge          1.50
John Ballweber            3.00          James McCans             1.50
George Oshel              5.00          James McDermitt          2.00
Jacob Kibler Jr.         18.00          William Gallagher        1.00
Jacob Kline, Sr.         10.00          Robert McCans            2.00
Daniel Noel               1.50          William Miller           2.00


                  Old Saint Lawrence Church [photograph]


Martin Deatrich          2.50          John Burgoon             5.00
Christopher Noel        18.00          Stephen McClain,
Joseph Baker            10.00            Sinking Valley         2.00
Philip Baker            14.00          Samuel Mitchel           1.00
Michael Yahner           2.00          M. W. Hasset             1.00
John Shardon            20.00          William Kelly            1.00
Daniel Kline             5.00          William J. Hammond      15.00
Augustine Bront          1.00          Aloysius Swope           5.00
Jacob Kline              2.00          William Evans            1.00
Caleb Gates              1.50          John Elder              25.00
Valentine Yahner         5.00          Sara Noel                2.00
Francis Anna             2.00          Francis Bearer           2.00
John A. Deatrich         5.00          Barbara Kibler           2.00
Francis Schimpf          4.00          Jacob Kline Sr.         10.00
Joseph Gill              8.00          Joseph Metzger, 100
Martin Yahner           12.00            lbs. of nails          6.00
Henry Helfenritter       5.00          Sebastian Kruis          5.00
Francis Swam Sr.         2.00          James Rhey, Ebensburg    5.00
Francis Glasser          5.00          John McCans, Loup        2.00
Peter Denny              5.00          James Kaylor             2.00
Francis Swam Jr.         5.00          Daniel Litzinger         2.00

                             Glen Connell, Pa.
                           Tuesday, May 3d, 1849.

On this day a meeting was held and it was decided by vote: that a frame church 
be built, 40x30 with a sanctuary 16 foot long added to the rear; that the 
building of the church be given to a contractor who will sign the contract; also 
that, whereas no subscription has been paid to the present time, a definite time 
be fixed, namely, the time of the first payment is extended to September 1st, 
1849; the second to September 1st, 1850; the last to September 1st, 1851. John 
Thomas was chosen, by a large majority vote, to be the Superintendent to oversee 
the whole work of building the church and this book of the minutes of the 
meeting and accounts was handed to him.

                    Peter Lechner, O. S. B., Pastor

               John Thomas                   Joseph Baker 
               Michael Kibler                Jacob Guell 
               John Shardon                  Frederich Baker 
               Jacob Kibler, Jr.             Charles Gill


          Martin Yahner                   Wm. J. Hammond
          Jacob Kline                     C. Noel
          Michael Ballweber               J. Waltz
          Jacob Kibler                    George Dietrich

                                Collected In 1849.

Michael McDade             $ .50          Joseph Creden (Cray-
Francis Cooper              3.00            ton)                     5.00
Joseph Trexler               .25          Philip Bradley, West-
Joseph Meier                1.00            moreland                 2.00
Henry Herber                1.00          William Litzinger, a
John Douglas                2.00            clock                    1.94
Michael Kennedy             1.50          Richard Adams, 2 bu.
George Nagle                1.00            wheat
James Donivan               1.00          Sam Blair, Ebensburg       2.00
Michael Durbin               .31          Augustine Fara-
Mr. Schields                 .31            baugh, Loretto           1.00
Peter Weibel                1.00          Peter Urban, Store-
Joseph Bearer                .25            keeper                   1.00
Nicholas Seymour            1.00          John Miller, Sr             .50
John Flick                  1.00          Martin Miller, Sr.
Jacob Sharbaugh             1.00            Loup, 3 bu. corn
George Weakland             5.00          John Carl, 3 bu. buck-
Lawrence Hoebauer           5.00            wheat
John Nidemier               5.00          Jacob Wagner, Loup,
Anthony Brandl              5.00            4 bu. corn
Simon Brandl                1.00          John Anderson, Loup,
Anthony Gill               11.26            2 bu. corn
William Weakland            4.00          Terance Delozier, a
Joseph Wharton and                          tabernacle
John Krise 1000 ft.                       John Syberts, Loup         1.50
of lumber                 $ 6.00          Jacob Dietrich             3.60
Louis Carl, 1000 ft.                      Teresia Dinsel, widow      5.00
of lumber                   6.00          Martin Schroth             2.00
Citizen of Blair County     1.00          John Baker                 3.50

In the beginning of June 1849 the excavation for the foundation was completed, 
and within 22 days Peter Woodley, Valentine Yahner, Martin and Francis Swam, 
stone masons, completed the foundation; no lime being on hand cut straw was used 
as a binder in making the mortar. John Elder, at whose mill the timber was 
sawed, raised the frame, and in the spring of the following year, 1850,
weatherboarded the building. In the fall a board kiln was built for


the purpose of drying the floor boards and the finishing lumber, and during 
March and April, 1851, the kiln was fired.

On June 21st Prior Celestine Englbrecht, O. S. B., of Carrolltown called a 
meeting of the Building Committee, John Thomas, Treasurer, John Elder, Jacob 
Gill, Jacob Kibler and Martin Yahner were present. The result of their 
examination of the books of the Treasurer was:

The total of money collected and handed to
  the treasurer John Thomas               $264.11
Personal subscription of John Thomas        25.00
Total paid for labor                               $186.04
Other expenses                                       54.93
Balance on hand                                      48.14
                                          -------  -------
                                          $289.11  $289.11

John Thomas resigned as treasurer, and Joseph Gill was then chosen treasurer, a 
position which he held until March 10, 1855. On November 1st Martin Strittmatter 
was paid $14.50 for having shingled the roof; the floor was then laid, the 
windows and doors put in place, and the church was now ready for services. In 
the fall of 1852 John Harber built the gallery according to the plan of St. 
Joseph's church, lined the walls and ceiling; pews now replaced the benches, a 
confessional was added, and now we come to the


The Very Rev. Prior Celestine Englbrecht, O. S. B., delegated by the Rt. Rev. 
Bishop O'Connor, D. D., blessed the church with the usual solemnities of the 
church on January 9, 1853, Sunday within Octave of Ephiphany and dedicated it in 
honor of St. Lawrence, the Martyr. The Rev. Francis Grimmer assisted at the 
ceremonies. After Mass Prior Clestine blessed the cemetery and the cross, then 
baptized the following children:

On January 9, 1853, I baptized Simon Hammond, born in Clearfield County, Pa., on 
December 8, 1852, legitimate son of Joseph Hammond and Catharine nee Noel. The 
sponsors were: Simon Noel and Magdalin Gill.


                          Saint Lawrence Church and Rectory


At the same time on January 9, 1853, I baptized Thomas Gill, born in Glen 
Connell on December 21, 1853, legitimate son of Anthony Gill and Elizabeth nee 
Wudring. The sponsors were: Jacob Thomas and Annie Hoebauer.

                                             P. Celestine Englbrecht, O. S. B.

Father Charles Geyerstanger, O. S. B., the pastor here held the services on this 
Sunday at Carrolltown. In 1854 Martin Yahner was awarded the contract of 
building the sacristy for the sum of $94.00.


At a settlement held on March 10, 1855, in the presence of Anton Gill, Joseph 
Gill, Jacob Gill, Jacob Kibler, Jacob Kline and John Thomas, members of the 
congregation, and of the Very Rev. Prior Ildephonse Boeld, O. S. B., the 
following was found:
The sum total of all income to the present time
  was                                                $1315.18
The church in Glen Connell costs                      1276.89
The balance on hand in the hands of the present
  Treasurer Joseph Gill is                           $  38.29
                                        Ildephonse Boeld, O. S. B.
                                        Jacob Kline,
                                        Jacob Kibler,
                                        John Thomas,
                                        Anthony Gill,
                                        Jacob Gill.

Glen Connel, March 19, 1855.

Joseph Gill resigned and John Shardon was elected Treasurer. During the year 
1856 John Thomas cleared two acres of land in the cemetery for $33.00. In 1864 
Father Edmund replaced the 1857 stove by a new large one, bought a bell, also 
gave the contract to build a belfry, and to remodel the church to George Waltz 
and Joseph Shero. The Rev. Denis Stolz, O. S. B., of Carrolltown, assisted by 
Father Edmund, gave a triduum mission and on Wednesday, July 1, 1879, closed the 
Jubilee ordered by His Holiness Pope Leo XII. Father Alban made some necessary 
repairs to the church in 1883 and bought a new reed organ. In July 1884, Father 
Maximillian succeedes as pastor.


In the St. Vincent Archabbey church, July 8, 1886, the Rt. Rev. Richard Phelan, 
D. D., Bishop of Pittsburgh, ordained to the priesthood the Rev. Joseph J. Eger, 
son of Dominic Eger and Mary Magdalin nee Gill (daughter of Jacob Gill). Father 
Eger celebrated his first Mass here on July 11, the feast of the Patronage of 
St. Benedict. Father Vincent Huber, O. S. B., the deacon of the Mass, preached 
the sermon, and Father Max, the pastor, was the subdeacon. After a quarter of a 
century in the faithful discharge of the sacred ministry, the good and zealous 
Father Eger returned to commemorate the greatest and happiest event of his life 
in the humble little church, and at the same altar offered up a solemn High Mass 
of thanksgiving on July 11, 1911; a host of friends and relations were present. 
The Rev. William S. Kress of Ohio, a classmate, delivered a beautiful discourse 
on the dignity of the holy priesthood, and paid a touching tribute to our 
beloved son of St. Lawrence. A large number of clergy were present who rejoiced 
with the Venerable Jubilarian and offered their heartiest congratulations. 
Father Eger is the Permanent Rector of St. Joseph's church, Braddock, Pa.

In October, 1886, the Rev. Anthony Wirtner, O. S. B., was appointed the first 
resident pastor of St. Boniface. He changed the order of Mass service here, so 
that in place of Mass on Sundays twice a month, now during the summer, beginning 
with Easter Sunday and ending on All Saints, Mass was celebrated on each Sunday, 
otherwise the services were unchanged. A mission, the fifth of the series, was 
given by the Redemptorist Fathers during the week of the 14-21st of June, 1896, 
and was well attended.

The Rev. Alto Herr, O. S. B., began, in 1899, to gather funds for a new church. 
When he left in February, 1900, he had to the credit of the building fund 
$850.00. His brother, Father Maximillian, continued the good work until relieved 
by the Rev. Raphael Wieland, O. S. B., who bought several acres of ground for 
the purpose of erecting thereon buildings for entertainments and picnics. From 
July to October, 1909, Father Clarence Kaiser, O. S. B., of St. George Church, 
Patton, came here until relieved by the Rev. Modestus Wirtner, O. S. B., and in 
January, 1910, Father Herman Schorer, O. S. B., became pastor but was succeeded 
in August by Father Method Shestik, O. S. B., who sold the coal underlying the 
picnic grounds, thus adding more money to the church building fund.


                            The Brick Church.

With the dawn of 1911 the much cherished hope of having a new church was 
realized. The contract for the brick building was let February 3, 1911. During 
the spring of that year ground was broken for the new church. The vast majority 
of the parishioners were active hauling brick, quarrying stone and hauling it to 
the foundation site. Too much credit cannot be given the church committee, 
Philip Gill, Maximillian Gill, Louis Dietrich, and George Warner, whose efforts 
towards the building of the new church were animated by a true Cathloic spirit.

The corner stone was blessed at 11 o'clock A. M.. June 11th, 1911, by the Rt. 
Rev. Bishop Eugene A. Garvey, D. D., assisted by the Very Rev. Prior of St. 
Vincent Archabbey, Father Method, the pastor, and the clergy from Carrolltown. 
The Bishop delivered the sermon. The church, a 46 X 75 feet brick building, 
modeled after the Roman style of architecture, will accommodate about 500 
persons, and costs about $18,000.00. It was designed by Sholler and Hirsch, of 
Altoona, and the contract of building was awarded to Francis X. Bauman of 
Carrolltown. About 50 families belong to the congregation. The Rev. Joseph Eger 
donated a statue of the Sacred Heart, Anthony Dietrich the Immaculate Heart of 
Mary statue; J. W. Gill, of Coalport, gave a sanctuary goblet and two pair of 
candelabra; Mrs. Philip Gill presented a golden crucifix and two candlesticks. 
The steam heating system was installed by W. H. Brown of Patton; the main altar 
was designed by the American Seating Co. of Chicago, who also furnished and 
installed the altar railing and the pews; the art glass windows were made by 
the Johnstown Stain Glass Company, and were donated by the following persons:

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dietrich       Mr. J. J. Leiden and family
Mrs. Anthony Gill                 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leiden
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gill         Father Method
Mr. Joseph Gill                   Michael Ropp, Jr.
Mr. Maximillian Gill              Mary Swam
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swope          Mr. Michael Neibauer, Hast-
  and family                        ings
Mr. George Warner and wife        Mr. Joseph Gill, Altoona
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Warner         Mr. J. W. Gill, Coalport
  and family                      Mr. Wm. Gill and family,
Mr. Sylvester Warner                Patton


In memory of Mr. and Mrs.         Mr. James B. McDermott,
  Joseph Wentz                      Greensburg
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gill          Mr. James McFeeley, Crab-
Mr. Anselm Kibler                   tree
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kibler        Miss Clara Wess, Crabtree
Mr. Alban Kronauer                Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ropp

           A stitch in time saves nine, also worry and interest.
          Subscriptions paid before the dedication of the church.

Adam Albright, Sr.       $ 10.00   John C. Rhoa               25.00
Joseph Drass              100.00   Michael Ropp, Sr.          30.00
Louis Dietrich            100.00   Michael Ropp, Jr.          30.00
Rev. Joseph Eger           25.00   Mrs. M. Ropp, Sr.          10.00
Mrs. Anthony Gill          10.00   Sholler and Hersh          30.00
James I. Gill              25.00   John Slavik                 5.00
Philip Gill               100.00   Albert Starron             10.00
Michael Kibler             25.00   Andrew Strittmatter        25.00
Philip Kibler             100.00   Mary Swam                  25.00
James Kirkpatrick          10.00   Henry Swope               100.00
Michael Kutruff            25.00   Michael Warner              5.00
Elizabeth Leiden          200.00   Anthony Yahner              5.00
J. J. Leiden              100.00   Herman Yahner               5.00
J. W. Long                 25.00   Jacob Yahner                2.00
Patton Clay Works          50.00   Private Subscription       28.00

                        Dedication of the Church.

Rt. Rev. Eugene A. Garvey, D. D., dedicated the church on Thursday, November the 
ninth, 1911. Promptly at 10:45 o'clock A. M., the Rt. Rev. Bishop intoned the 
ritual prayers which were taken up and continued by the Fathers who assisted 
him, namely: the Very Rev. Anthony Wirtner, Subprior of St. Vincent Archabbey, 
the Very Rev. Thomas Wolf, Prior of Carrolltown, the Rev. Fathers Maximillian 
Herr, of Johnstown, Herman Schorer and James Spalding of Carrolltown, Joseph 
Eger of New Castle, G. B. Welsh of St. Augustine, Modestus Wirtner of Nicktown, 
Raphael Wieland of St. Boniface and Marcellus Retger of Hastings.

After the dedication a solemn High Mass was celebrated by Father Raphael 
assisted by the Very Rev. Anthony and Rev. Herman as deacon and subdeacon with 
Father Maximillian as the master of the ceremonies. Present in the sanctuary 
were the Rt Rev. Bishop and visiting priests. The dedicatory sermon was 
delivered in a masterly style by


the Rev. Joseph Eger of New Castle, who took for his text: "Jehovah, I love the 
place of thy dwelling and the throne of Thy Glory." Psalm 29 verse 9. After the 
celebration of the Mass the Rt. Rev. Bishop administered the sacrament of 
Confirmation to a class of 50 boys and girls. The old church was sold and 
removed in fall of 1912.

The Rev. Adrian Krakowski, O. S. B., taking charge in September 1917, paid off 
the debt of the church and before he turned his pastorate to the Rev. Gabriel 
Schaller, O. S. B., September., 1926, he had to the credit of the new intended 
rectory building over two thousand dollars. Father Gabriel built the seven room 
brick rectory in 1927 and had the same heated by the hot water system. The 75th 
anniversary of the dedication of the church fell on January 9, 1928, but was not 
celebrated. The Rev. Clement Stratman, O. S. B., August 1928, to September 1929. 
had the misfortune to fracture his hip bone and Father Raphael Schatzel, O. S. 
B., assisted until the Rev. Damien, O. S. B., was appointed September 1929, 
Father Damien, who installed the Delco electric light system in the church and 
rectory, is now engaged in making the cemetery one of the many beauty spots in 
Northern Cambria County. There are 43 Catholic families in the parish.

                   Pastors of St. Lawrence and Assistants

                 Whose Names Appear in the Baptismal Record.

Rev. Henry Lemke, O. S. B.              to
Nicholas Stauber                          1847
Charles Geyerstanger, O. S. B.            1849
Benedict Haindl, O. S. B.                 1849
Maurus Zacherl, O. S. B.                  1851
Odilo van der Green, O. S. B.             1852
Francis Greimer                           1853
Ildephonse Boeld, O. S. B.                1853
Utho Huber, O. S. B.                      1853
Roman Hell, O. S. B.                      1854
Chilian Bernetzeder, O. S. B.             1855
Ulrich Spottle, O. S. B.                  1856
Oswald Moosmiller, O. S. B.               1856
Gabriel Blum, O. S. B.                    1857
Magnus Mayr, O. S. B.                     1859
   Who with the following also attended St. Boniface:
Placidus Pilz, O. S. B.                   1860


Isidore Walter, O. S. B.                  1861
Edmund Langenfelder, O. S. B.             1863
Agatho Steubinger, O. S. B.               1867
Paul Behrens, O. S. B.                  (1868)
Aemilian Wendel, O. S. B.                 1868
Michael Hofmayer, O. S. B.                1868
Urban Bayer, O. S. B.                   (1869)
Suitbert Demarteau, O. S. B.              1869
Michael Hofmayer, O. S. B.                1871
Edmund Langenfelder, O. S. B.             1877
Pius Preiser, O. S. B.                    1880
Alban Rudroff, O. S. B.                   1882
Maximillian Herr, O. S. B.                1884
Anthony Wirtner, O. S. B.                 1886
Anselm Sohenler, O. S. B.                 1891
Philip Kretz, O. S. B.                    1894
Constantine Leber, O. S. B.               1895
Alto Herr, O. S. B.                       1896
Maximillian Herr, O. S. B.                1899
Raphael Wieland, O. S. B.                 1904

   The last priest to come here from St. Boniface.

Clarence Kaiser, O. S. B.                 1908
Modestus Wirtner, O. S. B.           Nov. 1909
Herman Schorer, O. S. B.             Jan. 1910
Method Shestik, O. S. B.            Sept. 1910
Timothy Seus, O. S. B.                  (1913)
Claude Garey, O. S. B.                  (1913)
Bede Hornik, O. S. B.                   (1913)
Sylvester Schwab, O. S. B.              (1913)
Adrian Krakowski, O. S. B.                1917
Gabriel Schaller, O. S. B.                1926
Clement Stratmen, O. S. B.                1928
Raphael Schatzel, O. S. B.              (1928)
Damien Whelan, O. S. B.                   1929

In 1890 the village of St. Lawrence had a population of 53 and Chest Township 
527, which in 1920 dwindled to 465 and in 1930 to 379. When any one visited 
Carrolltown, in the fifties he brought the mail and left it at the tavern of 
Matthias Dietrich one mile beyond Glen Connell toward Coalport or left it with 
Simon Brendle, and on Sunday it was distributed at the church. The first 
Postmaster was John G. Gill, the blacksmith. The next was Jacob Kibler


with Mrs. John Campbell as his clerk, then Henry Leiden with Miss Cora Leiden as 
clerk, following him was Mrs. Jane Leiden and now George Leiden.

The first tavern was kept by Matthias Dietrich near the Gill school. A tavern is 
not exactly a saloon nor a hotel but a place where a traveler can have his meals 
and a bed for the night as well as stable room for horses that were to be fed 
and kept over night.

The first tavern in the village was opened by Adam Leiden in Martin Balweber's 
house in the beginning of the sixties. Later he built his own building which now 
is the only store building here. About the same time a Mr. Sneff opened a 
tavern, which was later conducted by George Crook and last by Joseph Huebsch. 
The building is now owned by Charles Gill. Another tavern was opened by John and 
Daniel Warner. Later it came into the hands of Joseph Roddy and was destroyed by 
fire but immediately rebuilt, and Joseph Warner tried to make it a success, then 
Charles Roddy who was followed by a Mr. Allison and finally James O'Brien under 
whose management it was destroyed by fire on November 29, 1912. On this spot 
Joseph Riner built his brick house.

The first store in the district was opened at the Wentz school by Joseph Gill. 
Later a Mr. Gordon started a store in the village in Squire John Gill house and 
later it was conducted by a Mr. Carson. About the time Gordon began Mr. Dickey, 
of Glen Hope built a store which later came into the hands of Mr. Nevlin and 
later was owned by Charles Langbein who added a harness shop and finally the 
store passed into the hands of Samuel Gill. George Warner lives there now. 
Henry Leiden opened a store in Adam Leiden's house about 1888 or there about. It 
is now conducted by his sons George and Herman Leiden.

George Oshel showed his grandson George Oshel, Jr., a deposit of lead back of 
St. Lawrence on Whitmer run, called by the 1895 Geological Survey So. Wilmer 
run. George Oshel Jr., supplied his neighbors with pure lead and also Giles 
Stephens of Beaver Valley. The location was lost, the creek changing its course 
when used for floating logs for rafting purposes. On the Herman Houck farm a 
deposit of red ochre, used by the Indians, was also used by Sebastian Kruis by 
adding oil to paint his buildings. The Swope Indian cemetery is found about one 
and a half miles south of


St. Lawrence, at the junction of the Swope run and the Swam run, the source of 
Rock creek. When last seen there were yet three Indian headstones there. The 
land was formerly owned by Peter Swope but now by Mat Kollar.


The small Indian head pipe decoration was found on the James A. 
   Wharton farm, near St. Augustine, Cambria County.

The large head was found at the watering trough on Michael Weber's
   farm in East Carroll Twp., Cambria County