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CHURCH: Benedictine Fathers, Cambria Co., PA - pp. 167-184

Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Romayne Shay McMahon
OCRed and proofread by Judy Banja 

Copyright 2005.  All rights reserved.


                      By the Rev. Modestus Wirtner, O.S.B.

                               PERMISSU SUPERIORUM

                                 Copyright 1926

                          Rev. Modestus Wirtner, O.S.B.


                                KNOW YOUR TOWN!



                              Know Your Own Town!

Do not let a summer slip away without getting a little better acquainted with 
the beauty spots and the places of historic interest near your own home. A girl 
visited California from a historic New England town and a number of the people 
she met asked her questions about the vicinity of her home. To her mortification 
there were few of the questions that she could answer. If "See America first" is 
a good motto, so is "See your own State", or "Know your own Town."


Carrolltown and Campbelltown were incorporated, March 30, 1858, into a borough 
and called Carrolltown, Cambria County, Pa. The first election was held at the 
school house in the said borough on the 19th of April, 1858, according to an act 
of Assembly passed on March 30, 1858 and entitled: An Act to Incorporate the 
towns of Carrolltown and Campbelltown in the County of Cambria into a Borough." 
The result of the election was:

     Justice-of-the Peace - Henry Scanlan. 
     High Constable - Samuel Dillon.
     Burgess - James Fagan.
     Councilmen - Joseph Behe, Francis Strittmatter, Lawrence Schroth, Simon
Schroth and Adam Stolz.
     School Director - Benjamin Wirtner, (3 years).
     School Directors - John Platt and John E. Maucher, (1 year).
     Judge of Election - Peter Strittmatter.
     Inspectors - John Duly and George Trenkle.
     Assessor - James Fagan.
     Assistant Assessors - Francis Flick and Simon Schroth.

The Burgess and Town Council met at the residence of James Fagan, Burgess, on 
July 27, 1858, and appointed J. E. Maucher, Clerk, and Benjamin Wirtner, Street 
Commissioner. At the Town Council meeting, May 5th, 1860, Burgess Jacob Yaegly, 
appointed Augustine Farabaugh, Simon Schroth and Michael Lehmeyer as the "Fire 
Inspecting Committee", and Henry Scanlan as the "Town Surveyor."


                               List of Taxables

Of the Borough of Carrolltown, for the year 1858:

Barker, A. A.             $ .72      Maucher, John E.              2.15
Behe, Joseph               1.75      McMullen,   
Beringer, Joseph            .90      Moore, Thomas B.              2.35
Binder, Lucian              .90      Moore and Riddle              3.10
Barberich, Joseph          1.00      Noel, William A.              3.00
Borkey, John Sr            4.25      Oswald, Albin                  .40
Borkey, John Jr.,           .25      Parrish, John                  .87
Bridsbeck, Wolfgang         .90      Platt, John Sr                 .91
Campbell, John Sr          6.45      Scanlan, Henry                4.85
Campbell, John Sr          1.32      Schnabel, John                1.60
Campbell, Robert           1.00      Schreiner, Andrew              .75
Carroll, Christopher       1.70      Schroth, Lawrence             4.10
Carroll, James             2.00      Schroth, Martin               1.00
Cruis, Jacob                .35      Schroth, Simon                 .35
Dillon, Charles             .25      Seidel, John                   .80
Dillon, Samuel              .80      Sharbaugh, Jacob               .50
Drinkle, George J.         2.05      Sharbaugh, John               2.05
Duly, John                  .40      Sier, Charles                 1.10
Eastman, Edmund            2.00      Stich, Julius                  .50
Eberstaller, Joseph        1.60      Stich, Lawrence               1.00
Ellwanger, Paul             .75      Steigerwalt, Michael          1.00
Fagan, James               2.50      Stolz, Adam                   1.50
Flick, Francis             1.30      Strittmatter, Francis         4.90
Forstner, Martin           1.50      Strittmatter, Francis          .19
Grasberger, Francis        1.69      Swam, Martin                  1.00
Hatch, Horace J.            .50      Wimmer, Boniface              7.00
Hoble, Clement             1.50      Wimmer, George                2.02
Fehrnbach, Augustine       4.00      Wirtner, Benjamin             3.50
Jones, William             1.00      Yinger, James                  .50
Kirkpatrick, Archibald     1.50      Yeagly, Jacob                  .80
Lehmyer, Michael           1.05      Zolner, Joseph                 .50
Little, John               1.06      Campbell, John Jr.,            .60
Lemke, Peter, Rev.         9.50      

There was also an occupation tax assessed.

         The school tax was                   $139.52
         The road tax was                       89.34
         The Borough tax was                    34.59
                                                                June 21, 1858.
The original list was presented to the writer by Dr. J. V. Maucher.

Rev. P. Henry Lemke sold the first lot in the town, which he, complying with the 
wish of the Rev. Prince Gallitzin, called Carrolltown, in honor of Bishop 
Carroll, the first Bishop in the United States, to Peter Urban on April 27, 
1847. During the course of that year Mr. Urban built the first log house in 
Carrolltown. This was the first


boarding house in the town. A few feet south of this house he built a large 
store-room in which he stored the goods that were sent to him from Philadelphia. 
These goods he disposed off to the settlers. On January 29, 1852, Mr. Urban sold 
his property to Henry Scanlan.

Mr. Scanlan moved into the house south of the boarding house, and there, as 
postmaster, opened the first post office in town. The boarding house was rented 
to Francis Grasberger, our first organist, who conducted the place as a hotel 
until February 5, 1859.

Mr. Scanlan then rented the building to Joseph Core who likewise conducted the 
place as a hotel. Mr. Cole was also engaged in the lumber business. One of his 
teamsters was Frederich Isenberg. The day, on which news arrived at Carrolltown, 
that Richmond had fallen, was a day of celebration. Some of the citizens bored a 
hole into a large chestnut stump in the church lot, opposite the present C. A. 
Sharbaugh residence. The hole was filled with rock powder and primed. Whilst the 
men were arguing who should fire the shot, along comes Mr. Isenberg (or 
Isenbrod), with his team. It was then decided that a Republican man should fire 
the shot and the job was given to Mr. Isenberg. He applied the match to the 
shavings, but before he got away, the blast went off. He staggered backward 
about twenty feet and fell. The doctor was called and pronounced him dead. He 
was taken home and at midnight the corpse was covered with perspiration, but on 
the following day the rigor mortis set in before he was buried.

Mr. Scanlan sold the hotel to Dominic Eger on January 11, 1869. Julius Stich 
acquired the property some time in the seventies. Mr. Stich added a brewery to 
the place and then the town had three breweries and eleven taverns.

Joseph Farabaugh was the next owner of the place. He conducted a photo gallery 
in the second story of the building. He later sold out to his son Michael 
Farabaugh, who later sold it to Augustine Lieb. The building was destroyed by 
fire soon after the transfer. Now the corner lot is owned by the Westrick Motor 

The second house in the town was built by Martin Schroth in 1848 and in the 
following year he established the Sun Brewery. Father Lemke encouraged the 
industry, hoping that the Germans, now having beer, would not touch whiskey. In 
1853 the brewery was destroyed by fire and the present building was erected upon 
the ruins. In 1866 Mr. Schroth sold his brewery to his son-in-law Henry Blum. 
Across the street, Lawrence Schroth, son of Martin Schroth, bought lot 68 on 
October 23, 1854, built the St. Lawrence Hotel, and kept the leading hotel in 
town until his death. It is now conducted by his son, Martin.

Charles Volk, on the lot north of Martin Schroth, was in the business of brewing 
beer in the early fifties, but remained at it only one year.

The third log house was built in 1848 by Lemke for Mrs. Catherine Koch on the 
spot now vacant, south of the Hohenzollern Hotel.

In 1858 Andrew Geis and Julius Stich began brewing beer but after a year Geis 
bought out Stich's interest. A. Geis died July 10, 1864, and Julius Stich, the 
executor sold the brewery to Francis Barbrich, who resold it to Mr. Stich. 
Julius conducted the brewery suc-


cessfully for many years and finally sold it to Frederic Eger who sold it to 
Celestine Farabaugh. It was next owned by Henry Swope in whose hands it was 
destroyed by fire. James McGonigle bought the lots and erected a beautiful hotel 
on the corner. The next owner of the hotel was Jobe Stevens, then Frank Schirf. 
Now it is owned and conducted as a first class hotel by E. J. Bearer as the 
Bearer Hotel.

James Carroll, an Irishman, bought a lot on October 10, 1850, and erected 
thereon the first store in Carrolltown. In 1858 he went out of business and 
rented the building to Andrew Haug, who conducted the second tinware shop in 
town. On February 5, 1859, Francis P. Grasberger bought the building and 
conducted a store, but also added wet goods to his sales. Mr. Carroll enlisted 
in the army in 1861.

John W. Sharbaugh bought the place on June 16, 1869, and conducted therein a 
general merchandise business for many years. Mr. Sharbaugh sold his location and 
business to Andrew Eckenrode, who had been conducting a store in the store 
building now owned and conducted by Adam Fees. In his old days Mr. Eckenrode 
transferred his location and store to his son-in-law Holden Chester.

Soon after Mr. Sharbaugh sold his store, he opened, three doors north of his old 
store, a ladies dry goods store, which at the present time is owned by L. A. 

John Campbell was living on the Curtis Clay Tract, (the George Vaux estate) when 
Father Lemke bought it on June 22, 1840. On January 18, 1842, Father Lemke sold 
to John Campbell 81 acres and 10 perches of the northern portion of this tract. 
In 1851, Mr. Campbell laid out a portion of this land in town lots and called 
the place Campbelltown, which was separated from Carrolltown by Campbell street. 
Tal Delozier, a carpenter, built the first house in this town on the corner lot 
where now Benjamin Wirtner's brick house stands.

Richard Proutfoute ran a shook-shop on his farm, now owned by Mrs. Helen Swope, 
on the road to Glen Connell, and another in Campbelltown. A bundle of shook 
consisted of enough staves to form a hogshead, which had been shaved and put 
together and prepared for everything but the heads and then taken apart and then 
bound together with hickory bands to facilitate transportation. These shooks 
were sold and sent to the West Indies to transfer molasses, sugar, etc. 
Teamsters hauled the shook to Hollidaysburg and loaded them on the canal boats.

Harry Hatch was the timekeeper and Jerimiah Flinton was the superintendent of 
the Campbelltown shop. Under him worked John Stolz, Mr. Peach, Henry Campbell, 
Jacob Yeckly, Lawrence and Julius Stich, Edmund Eastman, William Kelly, David 
Horst and John Campbell. Jerimiah Flinton died, aged 35, on June 23, 1856, or as 
others express it, was killed by H. Campbell who struck him with a stave. After 
this the men refused to work in the shop. Across the road from the shop John P. 
Parrish had built and ran a tavern. Proutfoute bought his stable, moved it 
across the street and in this building the shook business was continued.

In the month of November 1855, Christopher Carl hauled the Honorable A. A. 
Barker and family from Ebensburg to Carrolltown, kept them over night and the 
next morning hauled them to the empty


priest's house at St. Joseph's church. Here Barker lived a few years and opened 
a small shook shop on the Boyle estate. He cut and hauled the staves on a hand 
sled to his shop, shaved them, and sent them to Hollidaysburg.

When R. Proutefoute sold his farm, he sold the Campbelltown shop at a sacrifice 
to Mr. Barker. John Stolz became the foreman and conducted the business until 
1875, when the shop was closed. Mr. Barker also ran his cooper shop on the 
Boyle's estate near Foxburg, another at the Kirk farm, where the Kirk boys were 
engaged, one at St. Lawrence, another at St. Boniface on the Klein farm, also at 
Moss Creek in connection with the Penn saw mill, a saw mill near Plattville and 
finally bought Moore's mill near Dan Fritz's place. Mr. Barker later bought the 
Snyder hotel at Ebensburg, moved there, and conducted a store in the hotel 

Johnston Moore and James Kepler, on October 23, 1854, bought lots 65 and 66 
opposite J. Peter Urban's boarding house. They erected a building there and 
conducted a large store. On July 21, 1862, A. A. Barker bought the property and 
continued running the store. William Noel was for many years the chief clerk in 
the store. The men who worked for Barker did all their trading here.

On December 17, 1885, Joseph Gray bought this property, remodeled the building, 
and conducted a hotel therein. The next owner of the hotel was Albert Flick, 
then followed Vincent Stolz, after whose death Adam Fees became the owner. Mr. 
Fees sold the building to Mr. Joseph Wirtner, who died January 7, 1926, a 
congenial man who conducted an excellent hotel.

John P. Parrish conducted a tavern in the early fifties, opposite the shook 
shop. In 1854 he sold out to Thomas B. Moore. A few years later Joseph Cole was 
in charge of the tavern until he, in 1859, removed into the house that Henry 
Scanlan bought from Peter Urban. Lawrence Stich then bought the vacated tavern.

Across the alley from Lawrence Stich, John Glasser built the Star Hotel which he 
conducted until his death. His son Charles continued the business for one year.

Simon Schroth, a carpenter, was a specialist in buying nuts. On one occasion he 
bought from Peter Sharbaugh, 140 bushels of chestnuts. After the war Schroth 
built his store north of L. Stich's tavern, and for many years accommodated the 
public. In 1866, Simon Kline hauled 25 bushels of chestnuts from Glen Connell 
which Schroth had bought from Squire Gill. These nuts were shipped to New York 
and other cities.

John C. O'Neil opened a store opposite Wirtner's tannery. This store he sold to 
James Fagan who sold there both wet and dry goods. On October 24, 1854, Fagan 
bought lot 86 and moved his store there. Later he rented this store to George 
Crook and Jacob Kuntzman, under whose management the store was destroyed by 
fire. Paul Elwanger bought the lot on July 15, 1856 and erected a large building 
thereon. Here he conducted a tavern and in the rear of the building a cabinet 
shop. The property is now owned by Alexander Grieff, who lives in it.


Michael Steigerwalt lived at first on the site where Luther's hardware now 
stands, and opened the first tailor shop. Dr. J. E. Maucher lived with him. 
Steigerwalt bought the corner lot opposite the church and erected a building 
thereon. George Wimmer rented this in 1854, but soon after Mr. Steigerwalt 
bought the store, and with Dr. Maucher, ran the store. In 1864 he sold his 
merchandise store to Honorable Ex-Sheriff John Buck, Peter Little and Jacob 
Sharbaugh, who then conducted a general business. Later Mr. Buck bought the 
interest of his partners in the store and was an active man in his store until 
old age compelled him to retire from business.

Mary Eisenburg sold her property, September 18, 1869, to Augustine Walters, who 
opened a store in the same. A few years later a Mr. Tittlebaum bought the store 
but, after a time found it too small for his business, sold his building to 
Charles Langbein and removed his store up town across the street. Some time 
after John Haug bought the store Ind for 30 years accommodated the public. In 
1905 Robert Dillon and William Wetzel became the owners. In the following year 
Mr. Dillon bought the interest of his partner in the store, and has, up to the 
present time, enjoyed an excellent trade.

Charles Langbein used the building that he bought as a tavern. He sold his 
business to Judge John J. Thomas, who conducted it as a hotel. Later it became 
the property of Julius Rager, as a hotel. On November 5, 1901, the hotel became 
the property of Joseph Wirtner. Later it was sold to Edward Blum and now it is 
owned by Rudolph Wentz.

Percival L. Eck bought, July 1, 1873, Dr. James Oatman's residence and opened a 
store in it. The store is now in the hands of his son, William H. Eck.

Shortly before A. A. Barker sold his store Harry Scanlan opened a shoe store. 
After the sale of Barker's store William Noel bought this store and continued 
his sales until he removed to Hastings.


Thomas R. Scanlan, son of Squire Henry Scanlan, was the first to represent the 
lawyers here in town in the beginning of the seventies. His brother-in-law, 
James Easley, was the next. Then came James Null. At present Frederick J. Fees 
is here to advise persons in regard to the facts and intricasies of the law. 
Sons of Carrolltown practicing elsewhere are Edward Flick at Altoona, and 
Benjamin Wirtner, Jr., practicing for some time at Greensburg, where he died in 


Mr. and Mrs. William Myers opened the first bakery in 1888, and kept their store 
open for five years. After that for a number of years Mrs. Simon Huber catered 
to the public until the death of Andrew Mangold. Then Mrs. Josephine Mangold 
continued the business for a number of years. Now several stores offer baker's 
bread for sale.


In 1888 the Carrolltown Bank was opened in the Buck store. Later the bank was 
reorganized and changed its name to the First National Bank of Carrolltown, and 
moved into its present quarters. Anicetus


W. Buck was the President of the bank for many years. The present President of 
the bank is C. A. Sharbaugh, with F. J. Brophy, as Cashier and C. C. Adams, as 
Assistant Cashier. The bank enjoys a large patronage and is ranked among the 
safest in the country.


In 1876 a colored barber was busy in this line of profession in Schroth's hotel. 
During that year Otto Glasser came to Carrolltown. In 1878 he opened his 
tonsorial parlor to the public and kept it open to the satisfaction of the 
public ever since. Anthony Stich has been competing in the business for the last 
20 or more years.


John Sharbaugh, the first blacksmith, bought the lot south of Martin Schroth's 
brewery on January 22, 1847, and during that year opened his shop. The next 
blacksmith, about 1855, was Francis Flick, who bought a lot opposite Mr. 
Sharbaugh on January 1, 1864, built a residence thereon. Valentine Thomas, an 
apprentice of John Sharbaugh, recorded his purchased lot on the 11th of March, 
1867, erected his shop and residence thereon. Clark J. Thomas followed. Later 
came William P. Bender who ran his shop in what was formerly John Wetzel's 
wheelwright shop. Francis Bertram bought Bender's business and after some years 
sold it to Philip Seymour our present blacksmith.


Wolfgang Fribeck built John Groskopf's and Peter Weibel's houses. Work being 
slack Fribeck went West.

                         CONFECTIONERY AND BOOK STORE

A first-class confectionery and book store is now run by Mrs. W. Scanlan.


Among the early cabinetmakers may be found Francis and Peter Strittmatter, Adam 
Stolz, George Trenkle, Joseph Behe, John Hogue, Paul Ellwanger and Henry Behe.


Here are to be found John Duly, Tal Delozier, George Driscol, George Waltz, 
Joseph Shero, John, Francis, Celestine, Sylvester and Edward Buck, John Scanlan, 
Joseph Kaylor, Pius McNulty, Zeno, Adrian and Stephen Buck, and George Hecker.

                               CLOTHING STORE

Mr. C. A. Sharbaugh began dealing in gents clothing and shoes in 1881. After a 
few years he was obliged to enlarge his store. At the present time he is the 
leading clothing merchant in Northern Cambria County.



The first on the list is J. Peter Urban, the builder of our church. Demetrius A. 
Luther, builder of the first Catholic church at Patton. P. M. Swope, Amandus 
Buck, Michael Buck and F. X. Bauman.

                             CHIROPRACTIC DOCTOR

The chiropractic profession is represented by Dr. Theodore Vogel who graduated 
in the National College of Chiropractic in Chicago, Ill.

                               DENTAL DOCTORS

The first dentist here was Dr. P. L. Eck who opened his office a few doors north 
of Chester's store in the early seventies. Then came Dr. Francis Sloan. Now Dr. 
George Miller relieves the pains of the tooth-aching paternity. Dr. Augustine 
Flick son of Francis Flick, is practicing in Chicago, Ill. Dr. Emil Sloan, son 
of Dr. Francis Sloan, graduated as a dental doctor last year.

                         MEDICAL DOCTORS AND SURGEONS

Dr. Joseph Eberstaller was the first medical doctor to live here. Next came Dr. 
John E. Maucher, then Dr. Brallier, then Dr. Tidiman. In the latter part of the 
sixties came Dr. James Oatman, who left in 1873. Dr. Evans. Dr. James Buck, who 
was a few years with Dr. Oatman went to Germany to take a special course and was 
replaced pro tem. by Dr. A. Taite. Then followed Dr. James Buck, Dr. Adelbert 
Maucher, Dr. M. A. Wesner, Dr. J. B. Green, Dr. William Eck, and Dr. John 

The following physicians were born here: Drs. Michael Buck, Lawrence Flick, LL. 
D., James Buck, Adelbert Maucher, John L. Walters, Isidore Strittmatter, LL. D., 
Joseph V. Maucher and E. F. Arble. The present staff of doctors and surgeons are 
Drs. George H. Sloan, Joseph V. Maucher, E. F. Arble and Vincent Mulvehill.

                           A GREAT WORLD BENEFACTOR

Dr. Lawrence F. Flick, born here on the 10th of August, 1856, is an 1875 
graduate of the classical course of St. Vincent College, Beatty, Pa., a graduate 
of the Jefferson Medical College of 1879. After a few years of general practice, 
he has given a special study to the dreaded disease, tuberculosis, and has 
mastered it. He has been the president and controlling physician of the hospital 
at White Haven Sanitarium for the free treatment of that disease.

Henry Phipps of Pittsburgh, who recognized the work of an expert, founded and 
endowed the Phipps Institute of Philadelphia. A new idea was to be put into 
practice, namely concentrated effort upon a single disease for its 
extermination. Dr. Flick is the founder and the guiding spirit of the scientific 
work of the institute, which was organized in 1903. Then 80 per cent. of the 
patients died when admitted to the sanitarium, now more than 80 per cent leave 
the sanitarium cured. In conquering this disease Dr. Flick has proven himself as 
one of the greatest benefactors of the world.


                                 DRUG STORES

The first drug store was opened to the public by Dr. John E. Maucher in the 
building bought from Paul Ellwanger on January 14, 1865. On the south side of 
the building Dr. Maucher erected a beautiful residence, which is now owned by 
James Green. During the year 1877, the doctor put up a large building, north of 
C. A. Sharbaugh's clothing store, and removed the drug store into the rear of 
the building. The front part of the building was used by R. F. Maucher and 
Weakland as a general store from 1878 to 1881. After that R. F. Maucher 
established a drug store in the building which, in 1887, was bought by Dr. J. V. 
Maucher. Some time later Dr. E. F. Arble also opened a drug store in his 

                               FURNITURE STORE

In the eighties C. A. and S. H. Buck advertised in the Carrolltown News. At 
present furniture is handled by Luther's Hardware & Furniture Store.

                                FIRE COMPANY

The first effort made towards protection against fires, was made by Burgess 
Jacob Yaegly on May 5th, 1860, when he appointed Augustine Farabaugh, Simon 
Schroth and Michael Lehmeyer as the "Fire Inspecting Committee." At first our 
only fire protection was the volunteer bucket brigade. This was the forerunner 
of the Fire Hand Pump Brigade. In April, 1907, a fire engine was bought. At the 
present time there is a regular Fire Brigade which uses the latest improvements 
in conquering fires. A large commodious fire house on Church street houses fire 
engines and apparatus equal to any in the state.

                                 FLOUR MILL

The flour and feed mill was built in 1878 by a company composed of the following 
men: Andrew Strittmatter, Benjamin Wirtner, John Buck, M. J. Buck, and H. J. 
Eckenrode. At the present time Mr. W. A. Eckenrode, who is running the mill, 
enjoys a large patronage.


We have Sharbaugh's Garage owned by Earl Sharbaugh; Main Street Garage, by Clark 
Thomas; The Westrick Motor Company, and The Carrolltown Battery and Auto 

                                 GOOD ROADS

The road from here to Ebensburg, part of which is still in use, passed to the 
east of our present improved road. The old road was sometimes nearly impassible. 
So the Ebensburg and Susquehanna Plank Road Co., was formed in the early fifties 
and a new road was from below Spangler to near Carrolltown.

The Toll Gate was at Francis Luther's cross roads. Mr: Luther sold his farm on 
June 29th, 1866, to Jacob Lieb, who conducted a store located on the divide. 
This road was planked all the way from Ebensburg to Carrolltown and on the River 
Road, also a short stretch


at the cross roads. It was during Mr. Lieb's time that the road was abandoned 
and became a township road by purchase. Lieb sold his farm to Andrew 
Strittmatter on November 19, 1863. The cross road to Nicktown was soon after 
moved a quarter of a mile south, for the sake of having a level road. William A. 
Farabaugh bought the farm on April 24, 1913.

On January 26, 1906, The Carrolltown News published a notice that the electric 
trolly line was open to the traveling public. This road connected, for fast 
service. Carrolltown with Patton, St. Benedict, Spangler and Barnesboro.

During the years 1923 and 1924 Main street was improved as a cement road. In 
1925 the last part of the improved road to Ebensburg was competed. Carrolltown 
now enjoys improved roads to Ebensburg, Cresson, Loretto, Patton, St. Boniface, 
St. Benedict, Spangler, Barnesboro and to Nicktown, thus making Carrolltown the 
hub of the wheel of improved roads.

                              HARDWARE STORES

On April 14, 1851, Mr. William Singer bought the corner lot opposite Benjamin 
Wirtner's brick residence, erected thereon a dwelling house and a tinner shop. 
Here he made beside tinware also pewter plates and spoons. Mr. Singer was a 
large and powerful man and a fast traveler. In 1861 he went to Ebensburg to take 
the train for Pittsburgh. When he arrived at the depot the train had just left. 
Mr. Singer then walked to Cresson and arrived at the depot just as the train was 
pulling into the depot.

John Wirtner began his apprenticeship under Mr. Singer and finished as a tinner 
under William Maloney of the Summit. In 1858, Mr. Wirtner opened a hardware 
store in Fagan's house, which had just been vacated by our first shoemaker. In 
1859 Mr. Wirtner bought the triangle lot, (next to Albert Farabaugh), and built 
his own store. On April 22, 1864, he bought Mrs. Duly's lot and erected thereon 
a residence and a store. Here he lived and conducted his hardware store until 
1880 when he sold his property to James Sharbaugh.

Philip J. Dietrich was an apprentice of Mr. Wirtner. In the fall of 1880 he 
opened a hardware store which he successfully operated for several years. John 
Strittmatter bought the store but after a few years retired from the business 
and it came into the hands of Demetrius A. Luther. The store is now conducted by 
Mr. Luther's children.

Andrew H. Haug was the second tinner in the town. He opened his place of 
business in the fall of 1857, in James Carroll's store. When Mr. Frank 
Grasberger bought the place in 1859 Mr. Haug left for Pittsburgh. Later he 
returned and bought Jacob Zirn's building and entered the hardware business. 
After a few years he added the Hohenzollern hotel to his business. Here he 
remained until his death.

                               HARNESS MAKER

At the tannery Benjamin Wirtner had a man, James Singer, working for him at the 
harness making business. The next at the trade was Ferdinand Sier, who began 
here about the year 1857. In 1865 he transferred his shop into the shop vacated 
by John Wirtner. Here he con-


tinued his business until the latter part of the seventies. James Yinger was 
also operating a successful shop. The next in this business was Alexander Grieff 
on the property bought from Ellwanger. Mr. Grieff still accomodates all the 
people around the neighborhood.


There are two insurance agencies in the town. A. P. Myers conducts the one while 
C. A. Glasser has the other.

                                LIGHT AND GAS

During the month of October, 1906, while drilling for oil on the D. A. Luther 
farm, gas was found. The gas belt at this point is 1500 feet deep. Four wells in 
all were drilled, and each had at the well, a pressure of from 701 to 800 
pounds. On May 24, 1907, the work on the gas line was completed and the company 
began to place meters and to put gas into service. Theodore Vogel has the honor 
of being the first to have his house piped. Peter Huber has been looking after 
the interest of the company, but at the present time the gas pressure is very 
low. This caused the people to request the Penn Central Light and Power Company 
to furnish them with electricity. Church, houses and the streets are now lighted 
by electric lights since November, 1919.

                                LIVERY STABLES

These were usually in the hands of the mail carrier. Our mail in former times 
came through Ebensburg. Among the livery men may be mentioned John W. Sharbaugh, 
P. L. Eck, Adam Fees, William Schettig, M. M. Eckenrode, and now D. A. Weakland.

                                 MEAT MARKET

In 1853 Christopher Carl removed into town and opened the first meat market. His 
son, Bernard Carl, succeeded him in 1873, and continued in the business until 
1889, when he removed to Hastings. Late in the fifties Albian Oswald also 
engaged in this business until November 24, 1862, when he sold his building to 
Mrs. Mary Eisenburg. Edward Farabaugh then began to sell meat from a wagon but 
later opened a shop in the town. In 1889, Christopher Stolz succeeded Bernard 
Carl and until his death conducted an excellent meat market. His sons O. F. and 
R. E. Stolz are now continuing the business at the old stand. Paul Weber also 
has conducted a meat market for a number of years and has a good stand.

                               MILLINERY STORE

The first representative in the millinery trade was Mrs. Mary Naylor who opened 
her store in the sixties. She was followed by Mary Davis, then by Miss Sara Ann 
Burns (Mrs. Fred Eger), by a Miss Burns (Mrs. Walt), by Miss Fannie Wetzel. Mrs. 
Jones, of Ebensburg, next opened a branch store, in which Miss Regina Rosensteel 
was the fore lady. The Misses Annie and Aline Sharbaugh were also in the 
business for a time. So were the Misses Mary and Catherine Haug (Mrs. George W. 
Sloan). Mrs. Rose Farabaugh conducted a millinery store for over two score of 
years. At the present time Miss Fannie


Wetzel conducts a large and beautiful millinery store. It may not be out of 
place to mention that Augustine Walters and John W. Sharbaugh added a millinery 
department to their stores.


The pioneer here was Herman Sharbaugh in the Buck building. He was followed by 
Elmer Schroth in the building next to Otto Glasser, until destroyed by fire, 
after which he opened up the Nixon Theater in the Haug building and operated it 
until the building was destroyed by fire on March 7, 1926.


The Carrolltown brass band is something of the past. A conservatory of music has 
been in successful operation for many years under the leadership of Miss Hattie 
Sharbaugh. Miss Sharbaugh has favored the public with many excellent musical 
entertainments. The large crowd of people, who attended these, give ample 
testimony of her great ability as an artist.

                             THE CARROLLTOWN NEWS

The first newspaper published in Carrolltown was called The Northern Cambria 
News and was established Saturday, April 13, 1879, by T. Scott Williams. In 1887 
we read The Carrolltown News, J. O. Creery, Editor and Proprietor." The paper 
changed hands quite often. It was owned and published by T. W. Letts and George 
Waltz. It passed into the hands of J. S. Foley and Joseph Gray. Then it was sold 
again to Joseph Farabaugh, then resold to the sons of Joseph Gray. It finally 
passed into the hands of George E. Hipps, the present owner, and is published as 
a good, wide awake, clean newspaper, well edited and keeps its subscribers 
posted with news up to date.

                                 NEWS STAND

A news stand is conducted by Frank C. Thomas.

                              PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY

The first photograph gallery was established by P. L. Eck in the early 
seventies. Then came Joseph Farabaugh and now his son Michael Farabaugh is 
patronized by the public.

                                PLAINING MILL

The first plaining mill was installed by contractor D. A. Luther, in order to 
facilitate the execution of his contracts. The next mill was built by Peter 


Rudolph and Edward Miller, at present, are busy on the job.



Henry Scanlan, Francis Grasberger, William Noel in Barker's store, Dr. J. E. 
Maucher, Honorable John Buck, Peter Campbell, Francis Donohue, George Hipps and 
at present Lawrence Grieff.


A good, first class restaurant is the delight of the townspeople. A. J. Severin 
caters to the public.

                                 SAW MILLS

Joseph Behe's saw mill was built below the tannery. On the 23d of March, 1872, 
Henry Behe, the fireman had trouble in keeping up sufficient steam, so he 
weighted down the safety valve. After dinner Joseph Behe started to saw logs but 
Henry had forgotten to remove the weights from the valve and an explosion 
resulted, killing two boys, John Behe and John Zollner, each aged 14 years. 
Henry Behe was injured by the boiler falling upon him. In the building were 
Joseph Behe, the owner, John Owens, William Richter, and Charles Gantner who was 
the first to crawl out. The large saw log, on the carriage, saved the lives of 
these men.

The next saw mill was put up by Vincent Rieg on the Monastery farm on west 
Campbell street.


The first (parochial) school in Carrolltown was opened in 1855, in the house 
that Rev. Lemke had built. It was a summer school of a 4 or 5 months term. The 
teacher was the Venerable Brother Raphael Eigner, O.S.B., and the studies were 
taught in German. The other nearest log school buildings were, one in the north, 
about 100 feet east of the trolly station near Buzzardtown, the other log school 
was at Luthers cross roads at the mouth of the present Railroad tunnel. Whether 
school was taught or not for the term depended upon the number of pupils, who 
could be brought together to guarantee the expense of a teacher.

Bernard Carl says that the first public school in Carrolltown was held in the 
vacated Volk brewery, the building north of Schroth's (Blum) brewery. Old lady 
Elizabeth Gamfersack was living in the building and rented the front room for 
the school. Only one 3 month term, 1857-58, was taught in this school and he, 
Bernard Carl, attended the school. Formerly he attended the winter term at 
Luther's school. Whether the first election for town officials, held on the 19th 
of April, 1858, was held in this or in the new school was not stated.

The first school built in town was a two story building erected on the monastery 
grounds on West Church street. The lower story was used for the school and the 
upper as the town hall. The first teacher was John Kennedy, nicknamed peg leg 
Kennedy, he having only one leg. Francis P. Tierney taught from November 1861 to 
March 1862; Josephine Luhr, October 1362, to March 1863; Kate O'Brien, November, 
1863, to March, 1865; Michael McColgan, November, 1865, to March, 1866; Thomas 
Foley, October, 1866 to April, 1867; Dr. M. A. Wesner,


November, 1867 to April, 1868; Agnes Wilkenson, November, 1868 to March, 1869; 
William Severin, November, 1869 to March, 1870. During this term the school had 
been divided and Rose Griffin taught the second division in the room under the 
church building. Miss Griffin later entered the community of the Sisters of 
Mercy, Pittsburgh, and was known as Sister M. Louis.

Some time after the parochial school was reopened the old school building was 
sold to Celestine Buck and was later resold and now does service as an office 
room in Earl Sharbaugh's garage. The second a brick school building, was erected 
in 1898, but it is now replaced by a large commodious building in 1925.


The first shoemaker held forth in Fagan's house about the year 1855. The next 
was John Schnabel also in Campbelltown. Next came Lutzian Binder, who was 
followed by Edward Binder. Then came Michael and Andrew Zollner. In later years 
Andrew Lipple and now John Victor is at the service of the people.


In 1860, Henry Scanlan was appointed by the town council, as the city surveyor, 
a position which he held until his death. Another surveyor, although living in 
the country, was Paul Yahner.

                                  STONE MASONS 

Frederick, George and Nicolas Snyder and also Charles Poss worked at the 
building of the church in 1849-1850. Later in 1883 Prior Otto gave work on the 
church account to Matthias Farabaugh, Baltasser and Louis Klein and Martin 
Miller. Still later Albert Farabaugh and brothers were at similar work about the 


The first tailor was Michael Steigerwalt, then located where now Luther's store 
is located. Then followed George Glasser, John Glasser, Philip Glasser, a Mr. 
Oscar, then Theodore Vogel.


In 1855, Benjamin Wirtner built, in Campbelltown, a house and tannery, which 
gave the very best of evidence of this energetic man's work until old age 
compelled him to retire in 1893.


Francis Strittmatter, a cabinet maker, was the first undertaker. The price of a 
coffin was regulated by its length, usually one dollar per foot. The days of 
simplicity of funerals seems to be passed. Prayers, not pomp, is what the poor 
soul asks. Now pride at funerals seems to rule. Each one desires to outdo his 
neighbor with the show of a costly coffin. Paul Ellwanger followed. Then the 
next under-


taker was Joseph Behe, also a cabinet maker, who was assisted and succeeded by 
his son, Henry Behe. After the death of Joseph Behe, Celestine and Sylvester 
Buck entered the business. When Celestine Buck died Mr. J. Edward Stevens began 
here as an undertaker. He has a mortuary in connection with his undertaking 


Joseph Zollner, who lived across Campbell street from Benjamin Wirtner, was the 
first watchmaker. Later he moved his place of work and residence north of the 
shook shop. In 1876 Alex Denk was here but remained only two years. Mr. Henry 
Pothoff, a Mr. Blackburn, Hawsworth, Dyer, Linsey, Benjamin Pothoff are names to 
be remembered. At the present, in his spare moments, Otto Glasser assists people 
in cases of necessity.

                                 WATER WORKS

In 1892 or 93 a large reservoir was built on the heights of the monastery farm. 
The pumping station was located on the Miller farm on the old Loretto road. For 
years Simon Huber looked after the pumps and oftentimes during the summer days 
kept them company until late at night. So far Carrolltown was not without water.


The first wheelwright was old John Wetzel who opened his shop on the premises 
where now Mat Eckenrode lives. David Wetzel who had been assisting his father, 
later opened a shop in the building where now Philip Seymour has the blacksmith 
shop. John Wetzel, son of David Wetzel, continued the business in this shop 
until his death. The next wheelwright was Harry Bender, but at present Francis 
Bertram accomodates the public in that building. Robert Yinger was making a 
living at the blacksmith trade but also worked at the wheelwright during the 
days that Dave Wetzel was active.

                               THE BIG CYCLONE

Made its appearance on Holy Saturday, 1867, during the time when the people were 
attending the four o'clock afternoon service of the Resurrection. The cyclone 
started at Cameron's Bottom, passed east of Hopple's hill, then west of the 
Monastery and crossed over the town from Julius Stich's brewery to Lawrence 
Stich's tavern, on down through the forest in the hollow and spent its force in 
Clearfield County. In its course it uprooted trees, at Julius Stich's brewery it 
took along everything that was loose, at Lawrence Stich's it picked up his coal 
house, carried it across the street down into the hollow. Mrs. John Stolz, who 
lived north of the shook shop, held her front door shut, but the wind opened the 
rear door and took everything loose together with a pile of lumber down into the 
forest where it uprooted the trees, forming a path about 125 feet wide in the 


                               THE BIG FIRE

Carrolltown had the largest fire in its history on September 12, 1913. Its 
origin is unknown. "The fire broke out in W. J. Schettig's livery barn and was 
discovered at 9 o'clock. The flames spread rapidly to the P. L. Eck livery barn, 
the Lawrence Schroth estate barn, then to the Gray building, which was a grocery 
store conducted by A. J. Severin and the Brunswick Alleys on the first floor and 
lodge rooms on the second floor, the third floor was unoccupied. The Scanlan 
residence, occupied by H. I. Sharbaugh and family, was the last to go. Several 
other buildings, at different intervals, were on fire but men stationed on the 
roofs succeeded in extinguishing the sparks. Loss about $22,000." - Carrolltown 


1184 - Johnstown
1467 - Spangler
1735 - Hastings
1734 - Patton
1967 - Nicktown
2022 - Ebensburg
2118 - Bradley Junction
2144 - St. Lawrence
2173 - Carrolltown
2185 - St. Boniface
2188 - Gallitzin
2732 - Summit of Laurel Hill

                            THE CARROLLTOWN FAIR

The first Annual Fair of the Cambria County Agricultural Association was held at 
Carrolltown on October 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th, 1887. The officers were:

     President - Vincent Reig.
     Vice President - Charles Anna.
     Treasurer - P. J. Dietrich.
     Secretary - R. F. Maucher.
     Directors - Henry Hopbell, Henry Krumenacker, Casper Lieb, C. F. O'Donnel,
Jacob Kirk, Alec Leslie, Raphael Hite, John H. Hoover, C. A. Buck, Dr. J. L.
Walters, Alec Grieff and P. P. Miller.



1 - The Rev. Oswald Moosmiller, O.S.B., St. Vincenz, p. 49.
2 - St. Vincenz, p. 47.
3 - Sarah M. Brownson, Life of D. A. Gallitzin, p. 116.
4 - Brownson, p. 117. This fact is very doubtful.
5 - Brownson, p. 110. 
6 - St. Vincenz, p. 43. 
7 - St. Vincenz, p. 48. 
8 - St. Vincenz, p. 52.
9 - Lemke, Leben and Wirken des Prinz D. A. Gallitzin.
10 - Brownson, p. 363.
11 - Brownson, p. 391.
12 - Emericus is the German way of spelling the name. In Italian it is Amerigo, 
     in Latin, Americus and in English, Americ. The girls name is America. St. 
     Americ, the son of St. Stephen, King of Hungary, is honored among the number
     of Saints on the 4th of November. America is the only continent named after
     a Saint, Saint Americ.
13 - The Northern Cambria News, 1879. The Carrolltown News, 1885. 
14 - Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, XIII,
     227. A. D. 1902.
15 - The Carrolltown News April 22, 1926.
16 - Brownson, p. 395.
17 - Bishop Kenrick's Diary
18 - Baptismal Records.
19 - Bernard Carl, Francis Westrick, William Cunningham.
20 - St. Vincenz, p. 205.
21 - The original contract is preserved in the office of the Recorder of Wills 
     at Ebensburg;, Pa.
22 - The original is preserved in the Archives of the American Catholic 
     Historical Society at Philadelphia.
23 - Lemke: Leben and Wirken.
24 - Letter in Brownson: Life of D. A. Gallitzin, p. 433.
25 - Leben and Wirken, also in Autobiography of Lemke.
26 - 27 - 28 - Records in the Recorder's Office at Ebensburg.
29 - Lemke's Day Book.
30 - St. Vincenz, p. 202.
31 - Lemke's Day Book.
32 - John Zerbee, of St. Augustine, Pa.
33 - George Kibler, of St. Boniface, Pa.
34 - Records: American Catholic Historical Society, Philadelphia.
35 - Autobiography of Lemke.
36 - St. Vincenz, p. 29.
37 - St. Vincenz, p. 31.
38 - St. Vincenz, p. 36.
39 - Erzabt Wimmer, by Moosmiller, p. 139.
40 - Letter of the Very Rev. Demetrius de Morogna to Abbot Wimmer.
41 - Original Correspondence. Centra Blat and Social Justice, 1925, p. 89, 
     etc., by the Rev. Felix Felner, O.S.B.
42 - Father Lemke's Autobiography in the Northern Cambria News, Vol. 1, 1789.


43 - Autobiography of Lemke, also in Leben and Wirken.
44 - Brownson: Life of Prince Gallitzin, p. 433.
45 - Lemke's Autobiography, also Brownson, p. 404.
46 - American Catholic Historical Society, Philadelphia.
47 - 48 - Records in the Recorder's Office at Ebensburg.
49 - The Book of the Minutes of the Church Committee.
50 - The Book of the Minutes of the Church Committee.
51 - John Wirtner, Francis Buck and Mrs. George Waltz.
52 - Church Account Book of St. Lawrence.
53 - The Book of the Minutes of the Church Committee.
54 - 55 - John Wirtner.
56 - Note written in the Baptismal Records by Father Celestine.
57 - Baptismal Records. St. Vincent Journal, Vol. III, p. 6.
58 - The Baptismal Records here and at St. Mary's, Pa.
59 - Note in the Baptismal Records here and in the St. Lawrence Day
60 - The Book of the Minutes of the Church Committee.
61 - The Autobiography of Lemke.
62 - Mrs. John Wirtner and the Convent Chronicles of St. Mary's, Pa.
63 - St. Vincenz, p. 229.
64 - Bernard Carl, Helena Wirtner Huber, Walburge Binder Scanlan.
65 - Charlotta Glasser Wegman, daughter of George Glasser.
66 - Benjamin Wirtner.
67 - St. Vincent College Catalogue.
68 - Lewis Bearer, the godfather.
69 - Church Records and Mrs. John Wirtner.
70 - John Wirtner.
71 - The first communion of the Venerable St. Martha Soisson, O. S. F.
72 - Francis Buck, Bernard Carl, Walburge Scanlan.
73 - The Ven. Sr. Martha Soisson and the Church Records.
74 - Monastery Records and Mrs. George Waltz.
75 - Convent Chronicles of St. Mary's, Pa.
76 - The Interment Book.
77 - The writer was one of the servers on the occasion.
78 - The Book of the Minutes of the Church Committee.
79 - As related by Father Denis to the writer.
80 - The Book of the Minutes.
81 - The Church Records here and at Nicktown.
82 - The Church Account Book.
83 - The Church Account Book.
84 - 85 - The Rev. Edwin Pierron, O.S.B.
86 - St. Vincent Journal, VIII, p. 419.
87 - The Church Records.
88 - St. Vincent Journal, X. A. D., 1901.
89 - The Rev. Clement Strattmen, O.S.B.
90 - The Sunday Publication Book.
91 - 92 - 93 - The Publication Book and The Carrolltown News.