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CHURCH: Benedictine Fathers, Cambria Co., PA - pp. 44-66

Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Romayne Shay McMahon
OCRed and proofread by Judy Banja 

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                      By the Rev. Modestus Wirtner, O.S.B.

                               PERMISSU SUPERIORUM

                                 Copyright 1926

                          Rev. Modestus Wirtner, O.S.B.

                              THE REV. PETER HENRY
                                  LEMKE, O.S.B.

                   Pioneer Priest of the Alleghenies; Assistant
                          To The Rev. Prince Gallitzin

                           THE FOUNDER OF CARROLLTOWN,


James Farrell                    1.00    Joseph Huber                     2.00
Thomas Elder                     1.50    John Fresh                       1.00
Jacob Klein                      3.00    James Fagan                      1.00
Michael Ballweber                1.00    Jacob Keebler                    1.50
John Thomas                      1.50    Henry Bender                     2.00
Jas. Driskel                     1.00    Michael Cunningham               1.00
Jacob Keefer                     1.00    Jacob Nagel                      2.00
Andrew Strittmatter              2.00    John Platt                       2.00
Augustine Farabaugh              1.00    Francis Swam                     2.00
Peter Zeiger                     1.00    Michael Weakland of John         2.00
George Fresh                     1.00    Sarah Byrne                      2.00
George Moyers                    1.00    William Baker                    1.00
John Campbell                    2.00    Conrad Hartman                   1.00
Anthony Rudler                   1.00    Landlin Gutwalt                  1.50
Jacob Kuntz                      1.00    John McConnell                   1.00
Lewis Craver                     1.00    Michael Murray                   1.00
Michael Weakland                 1.00    Michael Noon                     0.50
Francis Gillesphy, Jr.           1.00    George Dumm                      1.00
John Gillesphy                   1.00    James Kennedy                    1.00
Jacob Huber                      1.00    Ulrich Strassler                 1.50
Thomas Kirkpatrick               1.00    Michael Wasner                   1.00
James Platt                      1.00    Peter Woodley                    1.00
Joseph Birrer                    1.00    Frederick Baker                  1.00
Nicklaus Swam                    1.00    Frederick Fruesch                1.50

In the month of September, 1835, Bishop Kenrick wrote to Father Lemke directing 
him to meet him at Bellefonte to accompany him on a visitation tour throughout 
the western part of the state. Father Lemke promptly responded and met the 
Bishop at the appointed place. They traveled all over the country, generally in 
stage coaches, but frequently in farmers wagons. The Bishop examined into the 
condition of the various stations, dedicated churches, and administered the 
Sacrament of Confirmation. At many places Father Lemke was called upon to preach 
in German after the Bishop had preached in English.

After the Bishop had finished his visitation Father Lemke returned to his post 
of duty at Ebensburg. His spiritual activities extended over the whole county, 
except Loretto, and even there he attended the sick calls. Moreover he had also 
the care of Centre and Clearfield Counties, of which he was relieved in the 
summer of 1836. On one Sunday of the month he visited Loretto on account of the 
German Catholics; One Sunday St. Joseph's church, and on the third Sunday St. 
John's church, Johnstown, where there were twelve Catholic families with a large 
number of men working on the canal and the Portage Railroad. He and Father 
Gallitzin were the only priests in the county, but he did not complain, "but 
everywhere I went", he says in Leben and Werken, "I found it light work, for 
Gallitzin had been before me and commenced it, laying the solid foundation."

Hart's Sleeping Place, sometimes called the Weakland settlement, which formed 
the congregation of St. Joseph's church, had long seemed to Father Gallitzin 
well fitted to serve as the nucleus of another Catholic town, upon the plan 
which he had himself carried through, after years of toil and bitter opposition, 
and with keen penetration he saw in Father Lemke's immense energy and persistent 
nature, one well able to put the wish into practice, once he could be inspired 


                 "The Old Chapel" at Carrolltown, Pa. [photo]


the desire of undertaking it. "He was continually urging me," says Father Lemke, 
"to do there as he had done in Loretto, promising to give me every aid and 
assistance (23).

                    Lemke Buys a Farm at St. Joseph's Church

In the spring of 1837 Father Lemke was able to purchase 181 acres and 155 
perches of land from one of the son's of John Weakland, adjoining the land on 
which St. Joseph's church was erected. It is now the Thomas Kirkpatrick estate. 
The deed was not recorded, as part of the farm was not yet patented.

              Very Reverend D. A. Gallitzin to Rev. Thomas Heyden.

                                                      Loretto, Jan. 24, 1838. 
Rev. and dear Friend.

Last spring Rev. Father Lemke, with the view of forming a permanent church 
establishment, hath purchased some improved land, for which he paid the first 
instalment. On the first of April he is obliged to pay two hundred dollars, as 
the former owner is going to remove to Illinois, and cannot possibly do without 
his money, unfortunately I am unable to assist my friend Lemke." (24).

Father Lemke moved onto his farm sometime in 1837 according to Rev. Oswald 
Moosmueller in St. Vincenz in Pennsylvania, page 26. He took into his house a 
pious widow, Mrs. Mary Koch, with her children, who brought her furniture and 
thus relieved him from the necessity of furnishing his home. From Hart's 
Sleeping Place he went in every direction where Catholic settlers were to be 
found. He was seldom at home, only one Sunday in the month, yet everything was 
well taken care of. He was a wonderful expert and fearless horseman. It was his 
delight, during his career as a missionary, to give to the admiring settlers 
exhibitions of his skill in riding and subduing wild and untrained colts.

An exhibition of this in the little town of Munster is described by Hon. Jas. J. 
Thomas in the Souvenir of Loretto Centenary page 272: "Father Lemke was on his 
way to Jefferson (Now Wilmore), and stopped for dinner at the tavern kept by 
Peter Collins. When the time came for him to resume his journey, the horse, a 
spirited young sorrel, was brought out in front of the tavern in readiness for 
the priest to mount. From the action and appearance of the animal the bystanders 
judged that this would be no easy matter; yet Father Lemke, taking the reins 
from the hostler and refusing all profferred assistance, jumped like a flash 
into the saddle. Then commenced the display of horsemanship. The animal had 
apparently made up his mind that he would throw Father Lemke, and that he would 
not go to Jefferson that day; yet during the whole scene of rearing, plunging 
and kicking the priest maintained his seat as if he were glued to it, all the 
time refusing to permit any of the spectators, who feared for his safety, to 
interfere. Despite the determination of the horse to have his own way he was 
compelled to yield to the stronger will and superior skill of his master; and 
eventually both he and his rider disappeared in a cloud of dust on the road to 

The day book of Mr. Joseph (father of Lewis) Bearer, shows that Father Lemke 
hired men to clear the land in 1837, who off and on


                     Father Lemke's Dwelling at Carrolltown


continued the work until the land was sold and then also worked on the new 
purchase "The Curtis Clay Tract." When in 1839 Father Gallitzin heard that he 
intended to call the settlement at St. Joseph's in honor of his patron and 
friend, Gallitzin, the good old venerable missionary vigorously objected and 
suggested the name of Carrolltown in honor of Bishop Carroll, the first Bishop 
of the United States. Although it must have been a great trial for Father Lemke 
to yield the point so close to his heart, he did so and the town was to be 
called Carrolltown.

Bishop Kenrick's Diary: "July 17, 1839. We proceeded on horseback to the home of 
Prince Demetrius Gallitzin. I went the next day to Hart's Sleeping Place in 
Susquehanna Township, twelve miles distant from the home of Prince Gallitzin; 
there I confirmed seventy-three persons, in the church of St. Joseph, on the 
nineteenth day of July. Here lives the Rev. Father Lemke on land which he bought 
with his own personal money. There are about one hundred and twenty families in 
the congregation; they are generally poor people, but they are strong in 
practical piety and sincere worth. The pastor is much esteemed for his devotion 
to duty and zeal for religion. He requests, however, to be relieved of the 
burden of visiting the sick in Loretto, and also of the care of the faithful of 
the congregation in the town of Johnstown, because they are too far away.

"July 22, which was the seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost. I confirmed 128 
persons in the church of St. Michael, Loretto. Seventy were confirmed the day 
before. The Rev. Peter Lemke celebrated the Mass.

"July 24, I went to Johnstown by railroad. I confirmed seventeen persons in this 
church. The Rev. Peter Lemke, who visits this mission the third Sunday of each 
month, assisted me."

Father Lemke records no baptisms in his Records from September 1839 to 1840, for 
Johnstown. The bishop's remark, that the people of St. Joseph's are generally 
poor, reminds me of one of Father Lemke's old stories: one day when he was in 
the clearing, burning logs, a bare footed young man with his bare foted girl 
came up to him and asked where they could find Father Lemke, for they wished to 
get married. He accompanied them to the parsonage, and then directed them to 
knock at the front door whilst he in the mean while entered the house by the 
rear door, washed himself, put on his clerical garb, then entered the office to 
receive the visitors. Knowing that the couple lived in the outskirts of the 
parish he directed them to the church, where he heard their confessions and then 
united them in the bonds of holy matrimony.

About this time Father Lemke, under the patronage and advise of Father 
Gallitzin, established two other missions, the one in the north-east at the 
Loup, later called St. Augustine, the other in the north at Glen Connell, later 
called St. Lawrence. A great many Catholic settlers had located there, and as 
the land around about was quite fertile they were fairly prosperous.

During lent, 1840, Father Gallitzin was not well. On Easter Sunday, after 
celebrating low Mass at a late hour, he was scarcely able to reach his room. 
Father Lemke was informed of the illness, but he himself was ill from a cut in 
the foot which he had given himself while chopping wood, and did not go to 
Loretto. A few days later Father


Gallitzin sent his sled, Father Lemke got out of his own bed of illness and late 
at night arrived at that of his friend. Dr. Armand Aristide Rodrigue, who was 
attending Father Gallitzin, gave it as his opinion that the illness would prove 
serious, so Father Lemke remained. Father Gallitzin died on the 6th of May. 
During his death agony Father Lemke and Father Heyden, who had meanwhile 
arrived, said the prayers for the dying, in the presence of Father Gallitzin's 
parishoners. Father Lemke took charge of the funeral, as Father Gallitzin had 
given him instructions. Rev. Father Heyden sang the Requiem Mass, assisted by 
the Rev. Fathers Bradley, McGirr, Lemke and Rattigan. Father Heyden preached the 
English sermon and Father Lemke the German. (25).

Upon Father Gallitzin's death, Father Lemke promptly announced the fact to the 
bishop and in reply to his message received orders to take charge of the Loretto 
congregation, and to make his residence at Loretto. Father Lemke was very loth 
to do this, as his own congregation, St. Joseph, and his property there would 
fall into decay. The bishop however insisted; so he took up the work at Loretto, 
at the same time continuing his missionary labors at other stations. He was now 
the only resident priest in the county. This fact necessitated an amount of 
labor on his part, hard at present to appreciate, or as the bishop expressed 
himself on October 29, 1830, in Father Gallitzin's case: "the work would require 
the strenuous labor of three priests at least."

Whilst engaged in his missionary labors, in the performance of which he 
constantly travelled from one end of the county to the other, either on foot or 
on horse-back, he gradually was impressed with the fact that Hart's Sleeping 
Place was not the most desirable place. It was not, he thought, the center of 
the Catholic population. He consequently decided to make a new settlement 
farther south, at a place which he believed to be the center of the Catholic 
population. A belief in which he was supported by many of the most prominent 
Catholics, and especially by Squire Bender, who was looked upon by all settlers 
as a paragon of wisdom. Squire Bender's views were strengthened by the fact that 
he had bought Hanna Shoefield's tract of 413 acres and 18 perches at a tax sale 
for 92 cents on the 30, June, 1834. (26) This land adjoined the "Curtis Clay 
Tract" which was now for sale. There were, however, some difficulties and 
opposition to be overcome. In the first place he had purchased a farm at Hart's 
Sleeping Place; and in the second, the settlers around Hart's Sleeping Place 
objected to the establishment of a new church within a few miles of their own.

                         The New Location of Carrolltown

In 1840 Father Lemke sold his farm at Hart's Sleeping Place to John Ivory, his 
former host at Ebensburg, on the installment plan and on the 5th of February 
1844 (27) handed him the deed. He then immediately bought on the 22nd of June, 
1840 (28), from William S. Vaux, executor, The Curtis Clay Tract of land 
consisting of 395 acres, then owned by the heirs of George Vaux, and now the 
site on which Carrolltown is situated. With all the energy and enthusiasm of his 
nature Father Lemke applied himself to the founding of his projected settlement. 
Old settlers for miles around, who had learned to regard


him with tender affection, flocked to his assistance, and gave him in labor in 
clearing the forest what they could not give in money. He encouraged settlers to 
buy land, clearing forests, making roads, being to them all for the time, 
lawyer, doctor, and priest in one. His unfailing cheerfulness, hope and aid did 
much to encourage and sustain the many homeless emigrants who began to flock 
there. Looking for a proper location for his house he discovered a vein of coal 
which (29) was promptly opened. His day book shows that the first person in 1841 
to be charged for coal was: "Dr. Pfaff got 27 bu. coal at 10 cts, per bu.; Peter 
Urban got 10 bu. coal at 10 cts. per bu.; sold 45 bu. coal to a stranger for 45 

Father Lemke says in his Autobiography: "John Campbell had been living on the 
land and cleared some acres on the choicest spot around his cottage, so that I 
had an opening to erect a substantial log house with cellar and spring house and 
a frame house with chapel, and got about twenty acres of wood land cleared, all 
in the first year." On the southern (30) slope of a hill, with the assistance of 
thirty volunteers, he built over a spring, the source of the West Branch of the 
Susquehanna River, a two story house, the lower story being a spring house and 
cellar, the upper story a living room and a kitchen; a covered porch encircled 
three sides of the building and a bell was placed in the south gable. Peter 
Gauntner (31) did the mason work and Peter Urban looked after the carpenter 
work. Twenty paces north east of the house he built a log chapel. Later he added 
a frame addition to it, thus it became a small church in which Sunday early Mass 
was celebrated for the people living in the vicinity of Carrolltown and late 
Mass at St. Joseph until Christmas 1850. The dwelling house is in a fair 
condition at the present time.

Bishop Kenrick's Diary: "Aug. 21, 1840, I confirmed 30 in the church of St. John 
Gaulbert, Johnstown.

"Aug. 22, 1840. I blessed a church under the invocation of St. Bartholomew, near 
Jefferson. I confirmed also 40 persons.

"Aug. 23, 1840. I confirmed 120 in the church of St. Michael, at Loretto. The 
Rev. Peter Lemke has the administration of this congregation since the month of 
May of this present year, when, on the sixth day, the Rev. Demetrius A. 
Gallitzin departed out of this life."

The Rev. Matthew W. Gibson was ordained by Bishop Kenrick, in August, 1841, and 
was sent to assist Father Lemke at Loretto. He said his first Mass there on 
September the eighth. He assisted at Loretto in 1841, but soon judged himself 
capable of taking sole charge of a congregation. Accordingly in 1842 Father 
Lemke imitated Father Gallitzin's example by installing Father Gibson in the 
center of his missionary work, namely at St. Bartholomew, Jefferson, where the 
people desired a resident priest. The Baptismal Records, preserved at Loretto, 
show us the extent of his missions.

"Register of Baptisms, Marriages, etc., of the mission which comprises 
Ebensburg, Summit, Jefferson (Wilmore), Johnstown, Recevoir (South Fork Dam) 
from the first of October, 1841, when I Matthew William Gibson received 
Jurisdiction from the Rt. Rev. Francis Patrick Kenrick, Bishop of Philadelphia." 
Other places mentioned in the Records are Viaduct and Halfway House.


Father Lemke attended Loretto, Hart's Sleeping Place and these stations: at 
Ashville he celebrated Mass in the residence of (32) Joseph Conrad in a room 
later called the 'Mass Room'; at the Loup, (St. Augustine) in the residence of 
Thomas Adams, of Henry Kreis and when the attendance became larger, in the 
school house down towards the Beaver Dam, according to some, perhaps also in the 
house of Francis Hoover, close to the present church; at Glen Connel (33) (St. 
Lawrence) in the house of Martin Ballweber, then of Jacob Gill and finally in 
that of John Thomas, an 1824 settler, who had the largest house and near the 
present church.

                The Rev. Lemke to M. A. Frenaye, of Philadelphia.

                                                   Loretto, Pa., July 6, 1843.

“. . . . . My respects to the Bishop and tell him that the Rev. M. Gibson lives 
now since about, 6 or 7 weeks, with me at Loretto, and also that I have 
investigated the affairs of the church in Jefferson and saw no great danger and 
difficulties as have been expected." (34).

These difficulties were overcome by Father Lemke giving Father Gibson work in 
the parish of Loretto, but he himself now spent most of his time at Carrolltown, 
looking eagerly forward to the day when Carrolltown would be a reality.

In 1843 the diocese of Pittsburgh was erected with the Rt. Rev. Michael 
O'Connor, D. D., as the first Bishop. There were in the diocese 14 priests, 33 
churches, a Catholic population of nearly 45,000, 12,000 being of German origin. 
The status of Cambria county was: Loretto, St. Michael's, frame, 1800; Jefferson 
(now Wilmore), St. Bartholomew's, stone, 550; Johnstown, St. John Gaulbert's, 
brick, 400; Ebensburg, St. Patrick's, frame, 250; Hart's Sleeping Place, St. 
Joseph's log, 300; Summit, St. Aloysius' church in course of construction, 
frame, 500. The Rev. H. Lemke and the Rev. M. Gibson.

In the last week of February 1844 Father Gibson left for Worchester, Mass. The 
Bishop then sent the Rev. Andrew P. Gibbs and Thomas B. O'Flaherty as 
assistants. Father Lemke gave the pastoral residence at Loretto over to the 
assistants for the time being, and he resided principally at Carrolltown.

This arrangement gave him more time to oversee the clearing of the neglected 
site for his town. In the fall the bishop sent a third priest to Loretto. Father 
Kittel in "The Souvenir of Loretto Centenary" page 67 states: "Rev. Hugh Patrick 
Gallagher became pastor (of Loretto) September 27, 1844, and remained until 
1852." He made his first baptismal entry October 1844. Father Lemke made his 
last baptismal entry in Loretto on October 12, 1844. Now he was able to devote 
his whole spare time to his settlement. When he had conceived the idea of 
founding a town, he fondly looked forward to a time, when he could build a fine 
church there, but sufficient funds were lacking. Now before he began his final 
work he desired to spend a vacation in Europe. He distinctly states in his 
Autobiography that he did not ask the favor of being allowed to collect money in 
Europe. He wrote to the bishop for leave of absence to spend a vacation in 
Germany. "The Bishop granted me, not only leave of absence, but authorized me in 
writing to engage in his name German priests for the new diocese." (35).


                      Lemke Takes a Vacation

On October 14, 1844 Father Lemke handed Mr. Christopher Ruh a deed for 60 acres 
of land which he sold him for $160.00. He arranged his affairs for a temporary 
absence. On December 1st the first Sunday in Advent he celebrated Mass in St. 
Joseph's church and bade farewell to his parishoners, and said Mass again on 
Christmas day in the cathedral of Strasburg.

He was cordially received by his old friends in Germany and was given an 
attentative ear to all that he had to relate of the new world. The first person 
among his friends whom he met was Dr. Raes, whose poignant joke in Schlosser's 
castle gave to America one of her most zealous and successful missionaries. His 
dear patron and friend, Bishop Sailer, was dead, and also his successor, Bishop 
Wittman. At Saltzberg he was present at the consecration of his dear friend 
Diepenbrock as Prince-Bishop of Breslau. Bishop Diepenbrock offered him a 
position in his diocese, but Father Lemke thought that the Germans of 
Carrolltown were in greater need of his assistance than those of Breslau. His 
old patron Schlosser gave him five hundred florins for his church in America and 
King Louis of Munich gave him 3,000 florin for the same purpose. Bishop 
Diepenbrock, later Cardinal, in 1850, offered him any and as many books of his 
library as he wished to take along.

Father Lemke was of the opinion that in America there was a large field of 
activities for a conservative Order such as that of St. Benedict. In a letter of 
January 29th, 1835, he wrote: "What think you, my dearest friend; would it not 
be a great thing if a number of congenial religious and lay brothers would 
settle among these plain, honest people, and would, according to the old 
Benedictine custom, clear up forests, and engage in teaching the arts and 
sciences, pray and educate the people? The necessary freedom for such work 
exists here and land can be bought, many thousands acres, at from one to two 
dollars an acre, but where is the money to come from for such a purpose? If the 
ground were purchased, the rest would follow. The messengers of the gospel did 
not thrive in our German forests in carriages; nor did they in the beginning 
live in palatial monasteries. This is really the only way in which Catholicity 
will ever get a proper foothold here, and will be enabled to influence the lives 
of the people of this country. Every thing else is lamentable patchwork, and, 
depend upon it, I have already learned the full meaning of this proposition." 
(Mainzer Monatschrift.)

In Munich he met several Benedictines of the Monastery of Metten, who had charge 
of the Royal Institute of Munich. The Benedictines showed a disposition to learn 
all they could about America, and he availed himself of the opportuinty to plant 
in their minds his ideals about the field of labor for them there. After dinner 
Father Boniface Wimmer, O.S.B., informed him that he had read the Catholic 
papers and the Annals of the Foreign Missions, and, learning of the death of 
German priests in America, made up his mind long ago to go there and found a 
Monastery; in fact he had now the approbation of the Papal Nuntius in Munich 
Monsignor Morichini, of the Coadjutor Bishop Prince Reisach and of the Directors 
of the St. Louis Mission Society. Father Lemke urged him to establish his 
community in the


diocese of Pittsburgh, at the same time offering his land as a site for the 
Monastery and himself as a candidate for admission into the new community.

After ten months of vacation Lemke, rich in tokens of friendship, money, books, 
vestments, etc., returned to his American missions. He went directly, with boxes 
and baggage, to Loretto to make his monthly visit to the German Catholics of the 
congregation. From there he went to Carrolltown and engaged Augustine Farabaugh 
to transfer his boxes from Germany to the residence of John Wirtner, Sr., who 
should store them in his storeroom in the tannery, about a half mile south of 
Bradley Junction. The last baptismal record entered into the Records of St. 
Joseph's church by the priest from Loretto was dated Oct. 21, 1845. Father Lemke 
made the next entry on Oct. 26, the last Sunday of the month.

                        The Rev. Boniface Wimmer, O. S. B.

Father Boniface Wimmer, with the consent of his Abbot, wrote to Bishop Michael 
O'Connor for permission to establish a monastery in his diocese. The bishop 
cheerfully gave his consent. He also wrote to Father Lemke that, the bishop 
having given his consent to the establishing of the monastery, he and his 
companions would leave next summer for Carrolltown. In the meanwhile he 
announced in the papers that he was ready to receive vocations and assistance 
for the new monastery to be established in America. In the following year Father 
Lemke bought 79 acres of land on the 5th of June, 1846. Some weeks later he 
received another letter stating that Father Wimmer and his companions would 
leave for America during the last week of July. Father Lemke then bought 226 
acres more on the 14th of September. Rt. Rev. William Quarter, Bishop of 
Chicago, had heard of the intended monastery in America, also wrote to father 
Wimmer, inviting him to come to his diocese. Father Boniface Wimmer and 
companions left Metten on July 25, 1846. (36). At Rotterdam they boarded the 
ship Iowa, and after a peasant voyage landed at New York on the 16th of 
September. On board the ship Father Wimmer wrote his second letter to Bishop 
O'Connor, which he mailed in New York.

Boniface Wimmer's reception in America was not encouraging. Father Lemke was not 
there to meet him. Prominent ecclesiastics, to whom he had letters of 
introduction, shrugged their shoulders in pity when they heard of his project. 
He was informed that others had already tried to do what he now intended and 
failed. Nay, there had been a Trappist Monastery began at Carrolltown and was 
abandoned. Lemke is only seeking a buyer for his poor land. But Father Wimmer 
was a man of remarkable courage and will-power and hence these representations 
did not cause him to falter. "I have come so far and with the help of God I will 
try." Three days later (37) when he was about to leave the New York depot for 
Philadelphia he met Father Lemke. Father Lemke was introduced to each member, 
but what a disappointment. In place of a twenty fully fledged Benedictines there 
was only one, Father Boniface Wimmer, four students of theology, who expected to 
become Benedictine priests, and fifteen were to become lay brothers. Under the 
present circumstances he could not make up his mind to become a Benedictine.


                    RT. REV. BONIFACE WIMMER, O.S.B. [photo]
                        Founder of St. Vincent Archabbey


He escorted Father Wimmer and his companions by railroad on September 19, to 
Philadelphia, where they remained only one day, then to Columbia where they went 
by canal to Hollidaysburg. Here a number of teams were secured to take their 
baggage to Ebensburg. The candidates walked to Carrolltown, where they arrived 
on Wednesday September 30th, the day on which Bishop O'Connor held the first 
diocesan synod.

Father Wimmer began to take his bearings. His first impression of his new home 
was rather disappointing; not much land was under cultivation, and that was 
studded with stumps; the roads were rough, stony and hilly. In a valley, almost 
surrounded by hills, there was a farmhouse and a barn, a short distance away 
there was another house in course of construction, St. Joseph's church was about 
three miles father northward. Here then the little colony was to erect a 

Bishop O'Connor promptly answered Father Wimmer's letter, which is preserved in 
the St. Vincent Archabbey archive. He says that "I can not explain how it 
happened that you did not meet Father Lemke who had gone to New York for that 
very purpose. In a few words I give you a cordial welcome and I look forward 
with exceedingly great pleasure to see a monastery of St. Benedict erected in 
this diocese. Be not solicitous about the conditions, which I placed in my 
former letter to you, for they will be made agreeable to you and for the good of 
religion. I am pleased that you say you have the intention to call upon me in 
Pittsburgh. The best time would be next week when we are holding the diocesan 
synod and on the first Sunday of October the church of the Redemptorist Fathers 
is to be blessed with great solemnity. I will receive you with great pleasure 
and I thank God that you have given this new sign of good will toward our 
diocese. I am sure that before you receive this letter you will have seen Father 
Lemke who will give you all the information of which you speak."

I commend myself to your prayers and remain your most humble servant in Christ.

                                                         M. O'CONNOR,
                                                                Ep. Pittsburgh. 
Pittsburgh, 25 Sept. 1846

Father Lemke offered to sell Father Wimmer his land at Carrolltown, and this 
offer Father Wimmer thankfully took into favorable consideration. But now he 
must pay his respects to Bishop O'Connor and seek his advice. He met with a 
cordial reception and welcome into the diocese. The principal subject was, of 
course, Father Wimmer's project. The Bishop was favorably impressed and offered 
to assist the young Benedictine colony in every possible way. He, being better 
informed, did not consider Carrolltown a favorable location for the future 
monastery and seminary. In lieu thereof, he offered St. Vincent's in 
Westmoreland County, which had many advantages over the mountain town. On the 
following day the bishop, in company with Father Wimmer, visited the place. Here 
he saw a brick church, a brick parochial residence and other buildings, situated 
in center of a large area of fertile and gently sloping land, many acres of 
which had been brought under clean cultivation. The location commanded a 
magnificent view of the surrounding country, and in particular of the


                    RT. REV. AURELIUS STEHLE, O.S.B. [photo]
                         Abbot St. Vincent's Archabbey


beautiful wooded Chestnut Ridge on the eastern horizon. The country was settled 
by many German Catholics, the climate was milder and the projected Pittsburgh-
Philadelphia railroad would pass near by, which would be of the greatest 
advantage to the seminary.

Without committing himself any way Father Wimmer returned to Carrolltown. Here 
he found everybody busy. He made known the bishop's offer to his companions, and 
its many advantages over Carrolltown. Before they came to a decision, a 
petition, signed by almost all the members of St. Vincent congregation, was 
handed to Wimmer inviting and entreating him to locate in their midst. Father 
Wimmer now informed Father Lemke, to his great disappointment that he would not 
buy his farm. To such a degree was this disappointment shared by the good people 
around Carrolltown, that there was some difficulty in getting them to help 
Father Wimmer away with his luggage (38). They had been most desirous to have a 
religious community in their midst, and now that their wishes in this matter 
were about to be gratified, they were most loth to give up the opportunity. 
Father Wimmer made up his mind on the 15th of October, 1846, to leave the 
following day.

After the Benedictines had gone Father Lemke rearranged his plans. For nearly 
two years he fostered the idea of assisting in founding the monastery, and 
becoming a member of the community. He made great preparations for their coming, 
went to New York to meet them and was disappointed in seeing only one, so that 
he could not make up his mind to join them. He would at least offer them his 
land for the monastery and thus become instrumental in founding it, but now all 
his hopes were blasted. The land which he bought he now sold to an advantage. 
The first tract of 79 acres he sold on Nov. 7th to John Flick; the other tract 
of 226 acres he sold on Nov. 3, to Bernard Lambour, his hired man, who was 
anxious to have his family come here from Germany. Father Lemke told Lambour 
that the farm was advantageously situated and that some day a town would be 
built there and that he reserves 15 acres for the church. This agreement was not 
made in writing but was an agreement made between gentlemen. (Thus Sr. Martha 
Lambour, granddaughter of B. Lambour) St. Nicholas Church was built in 1866 and 
the village was called St. Nicholas but later changed on account of the 
postoffice to Nicktown. Father Lemke then rented his farm to Blase Noel and sold 
at public sale all his farm goods. He now decided to devote himself more 
exclusively to his priestly duties. He attended to St. Joseph's Church at Hart's 
Sleeping Place and to the missions and proceeded with his plans of laying out 
the town of building a church at Carrolltown.

                         Lemke Sells Lots In Carrolltown

No date for the sale of the lots in the town has been found, but the dates of 
the actual transfer of titles, as seen in the Recorders Office, are as follows: 
on April 27, 1847, sold two lots to J. Peter Urban; on December 24, 1847, sold 
two lots to Martin Schroth and eight lots to Mary Catherine Koch. On January 11, 
1848, one lot to


John Flick; on January 27, donated ten acres of land to the Rt. Rev. Michael 
O'Connor, D. D., in trust for the Catholic Congregation of Hart's Sleeping 
Place, also in the same year on January 22, a lot to John Itel and another to 
John Sharbaugh; on September 21, sold two lots to Mary Catherine Koch, two lots 
to Francis Strittmatter, one lot to Peter Strittmatter and one lot to Peter 
McDade; on October 9, sold to the Benedictine Order 298 acres. On September 22, 
1849, sold to Jacob Huber one lot and another to Paul Strittmatter; on September 
28, sold a lot to Peter Strittmatter and one to John Sharbaugh. On March 28, 
1850, one lot to Francis H. Strittmatter.

Father Lemke now seriously thought of leaving the mountains and returning to the 
jurisdiction of his former Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Francis Patrick Kenrick. He, 
however, was tied down by his interests at Carrolltown. One day to his great 
relief, Father Boniface Wimmer, O.S.B., appears and offers to buy his land. The 
story runs thus:

Bishop O'Connor, in a letter dated June 26, 1847, to the Very Rev. Boniface 
Wimmer, advised him not to build a college annexed to a monastery having a 
seminary . . . Since Wimmer had in mind to build such institutions, he advised 
him to build each in a different locality, and made him here a splendid offer of 
a very suitable place ... (Moosemiller in Erzabt Bonifaz Wimmer, p. 39.)

Father Wimmer took the advise under consideration. In October he, accompanied by 
the Very Rev. Peter Lechner, O.S.B., went to Carrolltown to visit his old friend 
Lemke and to see what progress the town had made. On this occasion Father Wimmer 
offered to buy Father Lemke's farm, of 29S acres, and buildings which he had 
erected for his own use. Father Lemke was very well pleased and accepted the 
offer. The transfer of title was made on October 9, 1848, for a consideration of 
$3,000, payable in yearly installments of $300. Moosemiller, in his chapter on 
Carrolltown, has made several mistakes. He says, that Bishop O'Connor assisted 
Wimmer with $2,000 in the transaction, this, I think is another mistake. There 
is no document in the St. Vincent Archive to prove it. Being now free Father 
Lemke secured his exeat from the diocese, and went back to Bishop Kenrick in 

Bishop Kenrick sent him to Reading, to St. Peter's church where he became 
associated with Father Henry Balfe. His first baptismal entry at St. Peter's is 
dated October 22, 1848. He worked one year on this mission. The spirit of 
trusteeism, which had driven him away from Holy Trinity in Philadelphia shortly 
after his arrival in America, still prevailed among the Germans in Reading, and 
he found in the lawlessness which it engendered a very annoying disdain of his 
own ideas of authority.

Whilst at Reading he translated into German and published Father Gallitzin's 
pamphlet, entitled, "A Defense of Catholic Principles." This literary work, 
together with his parochial duties, gave him ample occupation, but he was 
apparently discontented. His last baptismal registry at St. Peter's church is on 
August 19, 1849.


            Lemke Returns To Carrolltown; Becomes A Benedictine Monk

On September 22, he wrote, at Carrolltown, two titles of transfer of towns lots, 
and three more titles on the 28th. Later in the fall he paid a visit to St. 
Vincent's. In his Autobiography he says: "I was quite astonished and felt great 
remorse about by puislanimity, when I saw what Father Wimmer had brought about 
with that material with which he had come to me in 1846. New buildings were in 
progress of construction, the young theologians who had come with him and made 
profess and were ordained. Three Benedictines from three different monasteries, 
one of them, a very learned man and author of several works, Father Peter 
Lechner, had joined the house. There were, therefore, already eight priests, 
seven aspirants for priesthood in minor orders, twenty-six lay brothers and 
nineteen novices and aspirants." This list agrees with that of Father Moosmiller 
with the exception of the number of novices for that year.

If the mind of Mrs. George Waltz, daughter of John Stolz, failed her not, then 
Father Lemke remained in Carrolltown until he entered the Benedictine Order in 
1851. Father Lemke found the widow Stolz in destitute circumstances. A certain 
man had cheated her or withheld from her money due her deceased husband. In her 
name he took up the case against that man. The case was put off from one term of 
court to another, but Lemke remained until she obtained her money.

Father Boniface Wimmer wrote to the Mission Society of Munich on the 7th of 
November, 1851: "The two priests here (at Carrolltown) with whom the aged 
missionary Father Lemke now lives, have the care of 260 souls in the parish. 
They also attend missions in Clearfield and Indiana Counties and in many other 
places, where the Germans have no priest of their own."

Father Lemke finally made up his mind to become a Benedictine. He entered a 
baptismal registry at Carrolltown on the 30th of November, 1851. He then went to 
St. Vincent's Monastery. Father Lemke and the Rev. Joseph Billon, a priest who 
had labored on the missions in Canada for eleven years, received the holy habit 
of St. Benedict on the second day of February, 1852, and began their novitiate.

According to Rev. Oswald Moosemiller in St. Vincenz, page 116 and in Erzabt B. 
Wimmer, page 145: "With great difficulty a room was alloted to each priest," not 
to speak of a spare room for a visitor. In order to ease the situation, Father 
Henry, as he is now called, was sent to Carrolltown in the latter part of 
February, 1852, to continue his novitiate under the direction of Father 
Celestine Englebrecht, O.S.B., the Prior at Carrolltown. Here he also assisted 
in the church.

During the year of his probation, he, at one time, hesitated to make his 
profession, but recalling to mind the words of the Lord: "No man putting his 
hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the kingdom of heaven," he 
persevered and as he says: "I made my profession on the second of February, 
1853, in the church of Carrolltown" into the hands of the Very Rev. Superior, 
Boniface Wimmer, O.S.B. The Rev. Boniface Wimmer entered a baptismal record on 
January 30, 1853 at Carrolltown.


Father Henry remained at Carrolltown as the assistant priest. Before entering 
the Order he had bought, in 1851, 260 acres of land in the Hopper Valley and in 
1854, the Fisher estate being for sale, he also bought it. Now he looked forward 
to the day, as also Father Boniface did, when a Monastery and college would be 
built in this fertile valley (39).

                            Lemke Leaves for Kansas

During the year 1855, whilst Father Boniface was in Rome with a petition into an 
Abbey, a misunderstanding arose between Father Henry and some of his younger 
confreres. Father Henry, to whom Father Boniface had given permission to live 
either here or in some other house of the Order, now formed the resolution of 
becoming a Trappist Monk in Kentucky (40). On the journey there, Father Henry 
met a member of this branch of the Benedictine Order in Pittsburgh, and it 
became evident to him that he did not have a vocation for such a heroic life. On 
the contrary, the attractive letters of Dr. Aristide Rodrigue, received while at 
Carrolltown, enkindled in him the Kansas fever, "Go West, young man", and he 
went to St. Louis to become a missionary again. At Westport, Missouri, he met 
Dr. Rodrigue, and with him, during Christmas week, went to Lecompton, Kansas. It 
was here that he had the fever and was so seriously ill.

In the meanwhile Father Boniface Wimmer returned from Rome to the United States 
as the first Benedictine Abbot. He sent a letter to Father Henry, who was now in 
the Kansas Territory. He answered the letter as follows: (41)

                                           Kansas Territory, February 8, 1856. 

The Rt. Rev. Abbot:

"Your letter of the 3rd of January I received yesterday, very fortunately, for 
all communication between here and the States has been cut out for several 
months . . . . Next week, if possible, a caravan will go, passing through Fort 
Leavenworth, into the State of Missouri for food. I will go along in order to 
see Bishop Miege, who is at present in Leavenworth. He knows of my presence here 
through Dr. Rodrigue and others, and wrote to me at Westport, a beautiful 
letter, inviting me to work in his small diocese (from the Rocky Mountains to 
the border of Missouri.) . . . . Let me lay before you my ideas and plans. 
Permit me and authorize me, as a Benedictine to live in this Territory under 
your authority and dependant upon you. Send me therefore some brothers. Every 
man, be a citizen or one who has declared his intention of becoming one, has the 
right to preempt a quarter of a section of land (160 acres). If I had three 
brothers with me, we would preempt a whole section (one square mile). I am 
acquainted with the Surveyor-General and he as well as his assistants, among 
whom there are several Catholics, will assist me in every way. I have already 
chosen the locality. It is on the Miami River, where a reminant of the half 
civilized Indians live. The Jesuits had here formerly a mission, which they gave 
up years ago. If a Catholic priest does not soon take up the work, the Methodist 
or some other sect will.




The wrong method of christianizing the aborigines was in vogue. All scolding and 
faultfinding is in vain. They must be accustomed to cultivate the soil and live 
a domestic life, and here a community, which gives then the good example and 
with charity seeks their welfare, can accomplish much. They are distrustful but 
that is no wonder, when a person considers how they were treated. When a person 
has gained their confidence, they are obedient and as confiding as children. If 
I, as said, had here with me some good industrious brothers, I would at once 
build a chapel and some log houses, and fence in a portion of the prairie, so 
that by midsummer, we would have to a great extent our own eatables, for the 
productiveness of the prairie, especially for corn, potatoes and vegetables is 
immense. Cattle and hogs can thrive almost the whole year without being fed and 
become fat. Thus a Benedictine Monastery in the far west could be founded in the 
right manner, in poverty and humility as everything great has begun.

The Abbot gave his consent to the plans of Father Henry as may be seen from the 
following letter. He wrote:

                                                    Leavenworth, July 4, 1856.

The Rt. Rev. Bishop is highly gratified and authorizes me to write that he will 
have the deed made in the name of the Benedictine Society. Namely, some Catholic 
families have located on a beautiful section of land towards Nebraska and a man 
of influence has asked for a priest and has promised some property. The Bishop 
promises $500.00 towards the erection of a church. . .

"P. S. July 5th. I would request that you send me a chest full of goods. . . . 
In it I expect to find a small breviary, a Benedictine Ordo, a sick call outfit, 
a chalice and vestments.

"Tomorrow morning I will depart into the wilderness. I recommend myself to the 
prayers of my confreres."

                                                   Doniphan, August 28, 1856.

"There seems to be a fatality hanging over your letters. Two of them, as you 
know, were lost. In the last letter of the 27th of July, (my birthday 1796) I 
received today . . . . In my last letter from Leavenworth I wrote that I was 
ready to go to my new place of work. This I have done. I arrived here during the 
beginning of July. They have laid out a city . . (here a lengthy description of 
the place, the harbor, the sale of lots, etc.)

"Now I have, in the nicest part of the city, about one hundred feet higher than 
the river, a whole square of 12 lots, 308 feet long by 264 wide. I have also 
began building so as to have my residence under roof before winter. Until then I 
will fare bad enough.

"An Irishman has erected upon his lot a hut, 14x16. He has a land claim and 
shanty thereon, about two miles from the city, where he with his family 
cultivate the land during the summer. He rented me his city residence, which has 
neither a floor nor a plastered wall. Near by there is a family, which does the 
washing, baking and furnishes me with milk and water. Morning and evening I make 
my own coffee, tea and soup, but for dinner I go to the hotel in order to get a 
good meal each day. I sleep upon a straw tick which lies on slats.


As regards my parochial activities, the parish, on the civilized side reaches 
half ways to Leavenworth, on the other side to the border of the state of 
Nebraska, and on the other indefinitely to the Rocky Mountains. My church is a 
wooden shanty, which was erected for a carpenter shop, and my parishioners are 
in petto. Certainly there are individual Catholic families scattered everywhere. 
Most of them are lukewarm and it will cost me much labor to bring them back as 
fervent Catholics. Some are half Indians, where the Irish and American Catholics 
have intermarried with the Indians . . ."

At the request of Bishop Miege, the Abbot sent Father Augustine Wirth and Father 
Casimir Seitz, who had just completed his theological studies but was not yet 
ordained, to Kansas on April 1st, 1857. They arrived on Holy Thursday evening at 
Leavenworth. Father Henry met his confreres on the following Sunday evening. The 
Bishop sent Father Henry to Lecompton and Father Augustine to Doniphan. Father 
Casimir was ordained on the second Sunday after Easter and went also to 
Doniphan. Among the missions attended from Doniphan was Atchison. Father 
Augustine soon came to the conclusion that this was the place for a monastery. 
Accordingly he removed to Atchison.

Meanwhile changes had taken place among Father Henry's family affairs in Europe 
that called for another trip to the land of his birth. Toward the end of the 
Year 1857 he returned to St. Vincent's Abbey and on the road escaped a ship 
wreck, as he wrote to the Abbot, on November, 6, 1857. He tells him not to worry 
if he has read of accidents on the Missouri River, for within the last two weeks 
there was an explosion in one steamboat, another sank in the river and about 6 
to 8 are ice bound or stranded on sand banks, among the latter, was he. At 
present he is in a farm house situated on the opposite shore, about 7 or 8 miles 
from Independence. The next year The Rev. Francis Cannon and Edmund Langenfelder 
were sent to Atchison. Now the large and stately Monastery and College of St. 
Benedict flourishes in the city.

Father Henry called at Carrolltown, as may be seen from the Baptismal Register 
on April 18 and August 15, 1858, and attended to his affairs in Clearfield 
Township. According to Dr. Flick, he took his departure for Germany in the early 
part of 1859. The exact date is not known. He wrote to his friend, Mr. Johnston, 
from Asbach, Germany, on September 16, 1859, and from Vienna, Austria, on 
December 21, 1859. In his Vienna letter he stated that he had collected about 
six thousand dollars for the monastery, and that he expected to remain at Vienna 
a long time. He spent the greater part of the year among his friends in Germany 
and during that time wrote and put into the press the life of Gallitzin, "Leben 
und Werken des Prinzen Demetrius Augustin Gallitzin." Unfortunately, the 
documents from which this life was written never came to light since.

                              Lemke In New Jersey

Upon his return to America in 1861, the Abbot gave him charge of St. Michael's 
church, Elizabeth, N. J. Father Henry performed his first baptism in St. 
Michael's, July 21, 1861, and his last May 1st, 1870.


In a letter to his friend in 1862, he said that he had a nice little parish of 
nice people who were attached to him, that he had many friends who came to see 
him, and that he had a rubber of whist in the evenings for a past time.

The church being too small for the ever increasing congregation, he wished to 
build a new large St. Michael's church but in a different locality than the one 
favored by the parishioners, so he left there and came across the New York 
Central Railroad tracks, thinking that the people would follow, however in this 
he was mistaken, as is shown by the few that followed him. The objection was 
that the new church, so far away from the old site, would eventually become 

In the meantime the Benedictine Sisters built an Academy, there, the ground 
floor of which was used as a church and called St. Henry's, the second and third 
floors being used as Academy. Certificate of Incorporation of St. Henry's Church 
was recorded April 18, 1871. Later when the present large church was built it 
was called the Sacred Heart Church, of Elizabeth. Father Henry performed the 
ceremonies of his first baptism at St. Henry's on April 17, 1870, and on the 
next day his first marriage ceremony, and his last baptism on December 25, 1876.

On July 25, 1876, he celebrated the Golden Jubilee of his elevation to the 
priesthood. It was an occasion of congratulation and joy not only to the good 
Father Henry himself but also for his numerous friends of the clergy and laity. 
Bishop Corigan of Newark and Bishop McQuaid of Rochester were among those 
present. The members of the congregation presented him with a golden chalice of 
exquisite workmanship. The nuns gave him a set of rich gold cloth vestments. The 
clergy of the diocese contributed a purse of $700. With the best wishes of his 
friends he withdrew from Elizabeth into the retirement of his old home at 
Carrolltown, January 25, 1877, at the age of 81. Here as a humble monk, in the 
simplicity of the Benedictine life he dwelt in the Priory until his death.

                              Father Lemke's Death

During his quiet life here, his admirers induced him to write his reminiscences 
for the edification of future generations. These reminiscences began to be 
published serially in the columns of The Northern Cambria News, a paper 
published at Carrolltown, beginning on June 7, 1879, No. 9, and ending abruptly 
about the middle of the Father Lemke's Autobiography, November 22, 1879, No. 33. 
It is a most valuable document from a historical point of view, but many facts 
and dates must first be verified.

Thus he writes of his first visit to St. Joseph's church on January 6. 1835, "I 
baptized a round dozen." The fact is that Father Gallitzin baptized a round 
dozen of children on October 10, 1830, the day when he dedicated the church of 
St. Joseph. The sketch on the location of Carrolltown appeared three times in 
the News, yet not once were the facts given verified. He calls the land "the 
Drinker Land". It is the Curtis Clay Tract of Land, at this time called "the 
estate of the late George Vaux" which Lemke bought from William S. Vaux, 
Trustee. "If I


could only get rid of my farm (at St. Joseph) I would buy it and such an 
opportunity offered itself very soon. John Ivory bought it . . and I bought the 
Drinker Land." (The actual transfer of the property to Mr. Ivory took place on 
February 5, 1844.) "I had an opening to erect a substantial log house with 
cellar and spring house and a frame house with a chapel. and got about 20 acres 
of woodland cleared, all in the first year. (This would be 1840. I was always 
informed that the log house was built in 1843 and that later the frame addition 
was added to the chapel. Several old timers tell me that they cannot swallow the 
idea that 20 acres of land were cleared from July to the time when snow would 
stop the work.) During the second year I laid out a town (he made the first deed 
for town lots on April 27, 1847, and the next on the 24th of December, 1847) 
which I intended to name after my friend Gallitzin. But when my friend Gallitzin 
found this out, he protested against it." (Lemke bought the Vaux estate on June 
22, 1840, but Gallitzin was then already dead, having died on May 6th, 1840.)

After an illness of several weeks Father Henry died a few minutes before nine 
o'clock on November 29, 1882 at the age of 86 years, four months and two days. 
The funeral was held no Saturday, December the fourth. The Solemn Requiem began 
at 10 o'clock. After the Mass and Solemn Absolution, a touching and eloquent 
tribute was paid to his memory by the Rev. E. A. Bush of Loretto. His remains 
were lovingly laid to rest in the lot set apart for the Fathers of the 
Benedictine Order.

A neat and pretty monument marks his last resting place at the foot of the 
Mission Cross and almost within the shadow of the church, the founding of which 
was the dream of early manhood.

                          REV. P. HENRY LEMKE, O.S.B.
                                   FOUNDER OF
                               BORN JULY 27, 1796
                             CONVERT APRIL 21, 1824
                             PRIEST APRIL 11, 1826
                       SOLEMN PROFESSED FEBRUARY 21, 1853
                               DIED NOV. 29, 1882.
                                    R. I. P.

Dr. L. Flick, in the American Catholic Historical Society Records, Vol. IX, page 
191: "Father Lemke's work in Cambria County, pa., was supplementary to that of 
Father Gallitzin, and in its results can only be judged in conjunction with it. 
He worked for a while under the direction of Gallitzin, and after the latter's 
death, along the same lines. The fruit of these two men's labors, as far as it 
can be measured, is a truly Catholic country in the greater part of the district 
which their labor covered. In the little towns of Loretto, Carrolltown, St. 
Augustine, St. Lawrence, and St. Boniface, and the country around


about them, Catholic customs and practices are as well fixed and Catholic faith 
is as deeply planted as in any Catholic country in Europe. There one can see at 
any time during the summer the practical illustration of Millets' Angelus, and 
find the most scrupulous observation and celebration of Catholic holidays.

The seeds of faith that have been carried by emigrants from this little Catholic 
colony into the far West, and indeed into all parts of the United States, and 
that were scattered upon fruitful soil to grow into powerful influences for good 
in other communities, constitute an element in the good work of these men, which 
is difficult to estimate properly. The many vocations for the priesthood and for 
religious life in the cloister which have emanated from those parishes; the 
strong and well-grounded faith; the truly Catholic lives of many of the young 
men and women who have gone forth from there to live in other places, are more 
tangible fruits of their labors. But it was the indirect spreading of the Gospel 
by the good example of those well grounded in Catholicity that constituted the 
chief inspiring motive of both Gallitzin and Lemke in their work in that remote 
obscure district on top of the Allegheny Mountains; and it is by the secondary 
results and their labors should be judged. Prince Gallitzin as been criticised 
for using so much energy in founding a little town in the heart of the Alleghany 
Mountains, when he might have devoted it to more brilliant results in some large 
city. The result of his labors, however, demonstrate the wisdom of his foresight 
and the correctness of the principles upon which his work was based. Father 
Lemke had similar ideas to those of Gallitzin before he joined him, and found in 
Gallitzin's work a corroboration of his views, and therefore be me a worthy and 
capable disciple of Gallitzin. Their work is unique, and will ever stand out 
prominently in the history of the Church in the United States; and their names 
will ever be linked as the Apostles of the faith in the Alleghany Mountains."