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Tax Lists: 1803 for Buffalo, Connoquenessing, Middlesex, and Slippery Rock Twps: Butler Co, PA

Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Ed Book.

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1803 Tax List

Buffalo Twp., Butler Co., Pa.
145 taxables

Transcribed by Ed Book

In 1803 Buffalo Twp. was much larger than the current Buffalo Twp.  It
included the entire eastern third of the county south of an east-west line
drawn from the northern corner of the western boundary of the County.  In
regards to the current townships, this area includes all of Buffalo,
Clearfield, Donegal, and Winfield Townships, portions of Clinton, Concord,
Fairview, Jefferson, Oakland, and Summit Townships, the Boroughs of Chicora
and Saxonburg, and parts of the Boroughs of East Butler and Karns City.

This information is from pages 47 through 49 of the 1895 Butler County
History. This source also includes the number of cows/oxen/horses owned, the
valuation, and the amount of the tax, but since this information seemed of
limited usefulness to genealogists, it has not been transcribed.


Name                  Acreage   Comments

ALLISON, Robert         400     (weaver)
ANDREW, Joseph          600
BARNHART, Jacob         200
BARNHART, Jacob, Sr.    400
BARNHART, Philip        200
BARNHART, Rudolph       200
BELL, George            400
BISH, Jacob             400
BLACK, Archibald        400
BONNER, John            200
BOVARD, James           400
BOYLE, Patrick          400
BROWN, Andrew           400
BROWN, Hugh             ---     (sawmill)
BROWN, John             250
BROWN, William          400
BURROWS, John           200
CAMPBELL, James         400
CARR, William           270     (blacksmith)
CARVAN, Michael         100
CHRISTY, Archibald      400
CLUGSTON, John          400
COLMER, William         200
COOPER, John            400
COYLE, Elenor           400
COYLE, John             200
CRAIG, James            200
CRAIG, John             400
CROOSIKS, Peter         400     (weaver)
CRUIKSHANK, Andrew, Jr. 400
CRUIKSHANK, Andrew, Sr. 400
CUMBERLAND, John        125
CUMBERLAND, Thomas, Jr. ---
CUMBERLAND, Thomas, Sr. ---
CYPHER, Mary Ann        400
CYPHER, Matthias        400     (weaver)
DENNY, James            ---
DOUGHERTY, George       400
DOUGHERTY, Neil         400
DUFFY, John             400
DUGAN, Andrew           266
DUGAN, Dennis           400
DUGAN, Hugh             400     (single man)
DUGAN, Michael          400
DUGAN, Neil             400
DUGAN, Thomas           400
DUNSEATH, Robert        100
DURNEIGH, John          200
EMPISH, John            400
ESINGTON, Joseph        ---
FAIR, John              400
FAIR, Michael           400
FERRY, Edward           400
FORQUER, John           400
FORRINGER, DeWitt       300
GALLAGHER, Hugh         400
GALLAGHER, John         400
GALLAGHER, Peter        400
GILLESPIE, Hugh         600
GILLESPIE, John         400
HAGGERTY, Thomas        200
HALL, Samuel            400
HALL, Steven            400
HANLEN, Moses           400
HANLEN, Robert          400     (single man)
HANLEN, William, Sr.    400
HANLEY, William         400
HARKINS, Robert         200
HARSHMAN, Jacob         400     (weaver)
HAZLETT, James          ---     (single man)
HAZLETT, William        400
HEMPHILL, Adam          400
HEMPHILL, James         400     (still)
HEMPHILL, John          400     (single man)
HUNTER, Charles         400
HUNTER, Noble           600
JACKSON, Thomas         400
JONES, Caleb            200     (grist-mill)
KELLER, Leonard         100     (weaver)
KINKAID, Samuel         400
KIRKPATRICK, John       400
LAFFERTY, Patrick       200
MCBRIDE, Patrick        400
MCCOLLOUGH, John        400     (pottery)
MCCUE, Charles          400
MCCUE, Daniel           200
MCDERMOTT, Paul         400
MCELROY, Hugh           400
MCFADDEN, Manus         200
MCGEE, John             400
MCGINLEY, John          300
MCKIM, Andrew           400     (tannery)
MCLAFFERTY, Neil        100
MCLAUGHLIN, Patrick     300
MILLIGAN, James         400
MILLIGAN, Samuel        ---     (single man)
MOORE, William          400
MOREHEAD, David         400     (weaver)
MURDOCK, Widow          400
MURRAY, Neil            200
NICKERSON, John          50
O'CULL, Dominick        400
O'DONNELL, Arthur       400
O'DONNELL, Connell      ---
O'DONNELL, Dennis       ---     (single man)
O'FARREN, Patrick       400
ORNER, John             200
PETERS, Jacob           ---     (single man)
RAY, William            150
REDICK, William         175     (single man)
REEP, Leonard           400
RIDDLE, Samuel          400     (or ROBERTSON, George)
ROBERTSON, George       400     (or RIDDLE, Samuel)
ROGERS, CONNEL          400     (tailor)
ROOKE, William          400
ROWLAND, Amos           250
SANDERSON, Henry        400
SAWYER, Benjamen        400     (gristmill)
SILVEZ, Jacob           400
SILVEZ, John            200
SILVEZ, Leonard         200     (blacksmith)
SILVEZ, Peter           ---     (single man)
SMITH, Arthur           400     (single man)
SMITH, Henry            100
SMITH, Hugh             400     (single man)
SMITH, Jeremiah         ---     (single man, carpenter)
SMITH, Jeremiah         400
SMITH, Matthew          400
SMITH, Robert           ---     (single man)
SNYDER, John            400
STEWART, George         400
STEWART, Stophel        400
STOREY, Alexander       400
STOREY, James           ---     (single man)
STOREY, William         ---
SWEENEY, Charles        400
TOWER, Henry             40     (tannery)
WALKER, James           400
WALLACE, John           ---     (single man)
WALLACE, Samuel         200
WAYLE, Alexander        400     (weaver)
WILES, Frederick        400
WILSON, William         400
WINTERS, John           400
WINTERS, Thomas         200

The owners of Depreciation land in Elder's district are given as follows:
A.B. PETERS, Claudius BARTUR, Benjamin FRANKLIN, Andrew KENNEDY, John
SCOTT, Elijah WEED, John WILKINS, Jr., and William TODD.


Connoquenessing Twp., Butler Co., Pa.
254 taxables

In 1803 Connoquenessing Twp. was much larger than the current
Connoquenessing Twp.  It included the entire western third of the county
south of an east-west line drawn from the northern corner of the western
boundary of the County.  In regards to the current townships, this area
includes all of Cranberry, Jackson, Lancaster and Muddy Creek Townships,
portions of Connoquenessing, Adams, Brady, Forward, Franklin, and Worth
Townships, the Boroughs of Evans City, Harmony, Mars, Portersville, Prospect
and Zelienople, and parts of the Boroughs of Connoquenessing and West

This information is from pages 50 through 54 of the 1895 Butler County
History. This source also includes the number of cows/oxen/horses owned, the
valuation, and the amount of the tax, but since this information seemed of
limited usefulness to genealogists, it has not been transcribed.


Name                  Acreage   Comments

AKINS, John             400
ALLSWORTH, Andrew       ---
ANDERSON, Eliakim       100
ANDERSON, James         200
ANDERSON, James        1400
ARMSTRONG, William      ---     (single man)
BARNES, Aaron           ---
BARR, John              400
BAYLES, John            ---
BEIGHLEY, Henry         400
BEIGHLEY, John          400
BEIGHLEY, Peter         350
BOGGS, Robert           400
BOLTON, Moses           800     (gristmill)
BOLTON, William         300
BOWERS, George          400
BOYCE, Wm.              100
BOYD, George            400     (single man)
BOYD, James             250
BRANDON, Thomas         100
BROOKS, John            400
BROWN, Joseph           400
BROWN, Robert           400
BRYSON, Alexander       400
BURNSIDES, James        200
CALLAHAN,Jeremiah       ---
CAMPBELL, William       300
CARSON, John            150
CARTER, Daniel          400
CARTER, William         400
CASEY, James            400
CHAMBERS, John          200
CHAMBERS, Joseph        ---     (single man)
CHAMBERS, Lims          422
CHRISTIE, James         200
CHRISTIE, Marvin        400     (single man)
CHRISTIE, Thomas        300
COATES, Abner           300
COLLINS, John           ---
COMPTON, John           200
COOK, Levanus           100
COVERT, Morris          200
COVERT, Philip          100
COZENS, Thomas          400
CRATTY, James           ---     (single man)
CRATTY, John            400     (distillery)
CRATTY, June            400
CRATTY, William         400
CRAWFORD, Joseph        350
CRAWFORD, Stephen       400
CRISWELL, William       400
CRITCHLOW, James        200
CRITCHLOW, John         400
CRITCHLOW, William      200
CROWE, John             ---     (single man)
CROWE, William          280
DAIRY, Francis          172
DAIRY, John             400     (single man)
DAVIDSON, James         ---     (single man)
DAVIDSON, James         400
DAVIDSON, Peggy         400
DAVIS, Benjamin         400
DAVIS, Isaac            400
DAVIS, William          800
DICK, John              400
DICK, William           ---
DODDS, Thomas           400
DODDS, William          250
DUNCAN, Samuel          400     (distillery and mill)
DUNLAP, James           200
DUNN, John              200
DURE, Henry             ---
EVANS, Henry, Esq.      400
EVANS, Isaac            400
EVERS, William          400
FEZELL, Barnard         330
FITZSIMMONS, Patrick    ---     (single man)
FORRESTER, William      500
FREEMAN, Ann            200
FREEMAN, William        ---     (single man)
GALLAGHER, John         400
GARVIN, Alexander       400
GARVIN, Benjamin        400
GIBSON, Israel          244
GILLILAND, Adam         ---     (single man)
GILLILAND, Andrew       300
GILLILAND, Barnabas     ---
GILLILAND, David        400     (G. and S. mill)
GILLILAND, Hugh         400
GILLILAND, Thomas       400
GIRTY, Thomas           400     (single man)
GLASS, John             200
GLOVER, James           400
GRAHAM, Angus           300
GRAHAM, Daniel          400
GRAHAM, Daniel          800
GRAHAM, Daniel, heirs   400
GRAHAM, John            400
GRAHAM, Malcolm         400
GRAHAM, Matthew         400
GRAHAM, William         200
GRAY, Thomas            400
GUNN, John              400
HAINES, John            400     (G. M.)
HAYS, Robert            400
HINDMAN, John           200
HUDSON, Joseph          400
HUGHES, James           ---
HUGHES, John            ---
IRVINE, James           100
JOHN, Daniel            400
JOHNSTON, Adam, Jr.     200
JOHNSTON, Adam, Sr.     400
JOHNSTON, Benjamin      400
JOHNSTON, James         400
JOHNSTON, William       400
JOHNSTON, William, Capt.600
KERR, John              ---     (single man)
KIESTER, Peter          400
KILGORE, William        100
KING, Lawrence          200
KIRKER, William         200
LERKEN, William         200
LIST, William           400
LITTLE, Joseph          200
LOFFER, Henry           200
LONGLEY, Thomas         100
LYON, Thomas            400
MAGEE, James            400
MAGERS, James           400
MAGERS, Samuel          200
MARTIN, Daniel          400
MARTIN, John            ---     (single man)
MARTIN, Michael         300
MARTIN, Robert          ---     (single man)
MARTIN, William         ---
MARTIN, William         400
MCALLISTER, Archibald   ---
MCCAHAN, James          400
MCCAHAN, Thomas         ---
MCCALL, Samuel          ---
MCCANDLESS, Robert      400
MCCANDLESS, William     400     (distillery)
MCCANDLESS, William     400     (tailor)
MCCLURE, Abdiel         370
MCCLURE, Andrew         180
MCCLURE, John           ---     (single man)
MCDONALD, Colin         400
MCDONALD, Daniel        400
MCDONALD, John          400     (single man)
MCDONALD, John, Jr.     400
MCDONALD, William       ---     (single man)
MCDOWELL, Daniel        350
MCFARRON, Joseph        ---
MCGINNIS, Charles       ---     (single man)
MCGINNIS, Charles       100
MCGOWAN, Andrew         400
MCGREW, James           400
MCKINNEY, Peter         400
MCLAUGHLIN, Benjamin    300
MCLEOD, Agnes           400     (single man)
MCLEOD, John            ---     (single man)
MCLEOD, John            400
MCLEOD, Mordecai        400
MCLEOD, Mordecai        400
MCLEOD, Norman          ---
MCLEOD, William         400
MCNAIR, Dunning         200
MCNICKLE, Alexander     400
MEANS, Joseph           200
MEANS, Thomas           400
MEEKER, Rosa            350
MILLER, Robert          400     (single man)
MINNIS, James           ---     (single man)
MINNIS, John            300
MINNIS, William         ---     (single man)
MONTOOTH, Henry         520
MOORE, Aaron            400
MOORE, David            200
MUHLEISEN, Nicholas     400
NASH, James             180
NASH, Jesse             400
NEELIS, William         100
NESBIT, Thomas          ---     (single man)
NETHERCOAT, William     500
O'HARA, John            300
PARKS, James            800
PARKS, Matthew          400
PLUMMER, James          400
POPE, John              400     (single man)
PORTER, Thomas          200
PORTER, Washington      400
PYLE, William           ---     (single man)
RAMSEY, Alexander       400
RAMSEY, James           400
RATHBUN, Clark          400
RATHBUN, Thomas         400
RERL, Casper            400
REYNOLDS, Robert        400
RICHARDSON, John        400
ROBERTS, Joseph         100
SALTZMAN, John          400
SANDFORD, Francis       400
SCOTT, Thomas           230
SHANNON, George         ---     (single man)
SHANNON, John           300
SHANNON, Robert         400
SHANNON, Samuel         ---     (single man)
SHANNON, Samuel         150
SHANNON, Thomas         100
SHEAFFER, Henry         400
SHEAFFER, Peter         ---     (single man)
SHOCKNEY, James         300     (single man)
SHORTS, Robert          200
SHORTS, William         400     (single man)
SKILLEN, Samuel         400
SKILLEN, William        400
SNYDER, Conrad          350
SPEAR, John             400
STEEN, William          400
STEPHENSON, Nathaniel   400
STEPHENSON, Tobias      200
STEWART, James          ---
STEWART, Robert         216
STEWART, Robert         400
STEWART, Robert, Jr.    400
STEWART, Samuel         ---
STOOLFIER, George       ---
STOOLFIER, Joshua       400     (single man)
SULLIVAN, Charles       300
SUNS, Joseph            200     (single man)
THOMPSON, Andrew        ---
THOMPSON, James         400     (single man)
THOMPSON, John          400     (B.G.)
THOMPSON, John          400     (Muddy Cr.)
THOMPSON, Matthew        50     (single man)
THOMPSON, William       400
UDDO, George            200
WALKER, John            400
WALKER, Louis           400
WALKER, Robert          600
WALLACE, James          350
WELSH, Henry            ---     (single man)
WELSH, John             ---
WHITE, Edward           400
WHITE, Matthew          400     (tannery)
WIGTON, John            350
WILKINS, John, Jr.     1090
WILSON, Alexander       200
WILSON, Andrew          400
WILSON, James           200     (single man)
WILSON, Louis           400
WILSON, Thomas          400
WILSON, William         ---     (single man)


Middlesex Twp., Butler Co., Pa.
326 taxables

In 1803 Middlesex Twp. was much larger than the current Middlesex Twp.  It
included the entire middle third (as divided by lines running
north-to-south) of that part of the county south of an east-west line drawn
from the northern corner of the western boundary of the County.  In regards
to the current townships, this area includes all of Middlesex, Butler,
Center, and Penn Townships, portions of Adams, Brady, Clay, Clinton,
Connoquenessing, Concord, Forward, Franklin, Jefferson, Oakland, and Summit
Townships, the City of Butler, the Borough of Valencia, and parts of the
Boroughs of East Butler and Connoquenessing.

This information is from pages 54 through 59 of the 1895 Butler County
History. This source also includes the number of cows/oxen/horses owned, the
valuation, and the amount of the tax, but since this information seemed of
limited usefulness to genealogists, it has not been transcribed.


Name                  Acreage   Comments

ADAMS, John             400
AGGAS, Thankful         400
ALEXANDER, John         200
ALLEN, Stephen          400
ALLEN, Thomas           400
ALLISON, James          200
ANDERSON, Allen         300
ANDERSON, Francis       100
ANDERSON, John          ---
ANDERSON, John          150
ANDREW, William         200
BARBER, Samuel          150
BAUMGARDNER, Henry      400
BAYLES, John            400
BEIGHLEY, Jacob         400
BEST, Alexander         200
BEST, Robert            400
BORLAND, James          200
BORTMASS, Adam          400
BOYLE, David            ---     (single man)
BOYLE, Francis          200
BRACKNEY, John          400
BRACY, Samuel           400
BRATTON, Paris          400
BREWER, Stephen         200
BRINKER, Abraham        ---
BROWN, George           200
BROWN, Jacob            400
BROWN, James            100
BROWN, William          200
BURBRIDGE, Thomas       300
BURKHART, Jacob         200
BURKHART, John          300
BURNS, Edward           ---     (single man)
BURNS, James            200     (single man)
BYERS, John             400
CAMPBELL, Alexander      50
CAMPBELL, Alexander     200
CAMPBELL, John          400
CAROTHERS, John         100
CAROTHERS, Thomas       400
CARSON, James           200
CARSON, John            200
CARSON, Robert          200
CASNER, Henry           400
CHRISTY, Andrew         400
CHRISTY, Andrew         400
CLOWS, John             400
COCHRAN, Alexander      400
CONWAY, Hugh, Jr.       200     (single man)
CONWAY, Hugh, Sr.       100
CONWAY, John            400     (single man)
CONWAY, William         400
COOK, Samuel            300
COPELAND, Samuel        296
COWDEN, John            300     (single man)
CUNNINGHAM, Agnes       400
CUNNINGHAM, Andrew      ---     (single man)
CUNNINGHAM, Archibald   400     (single man)
CUNNINGHAM, Hamilton    ---     (single man & distillery)
CUNNINGHAM, John        500     (single man)
CUNNINGHAM, Mary        300
CUNNINGHAM, Samuel     1000     (grist and sawmill)
CURRY, Isaac            400
DAVID, John             200
DAVID, John             400
DICKEY, Thomas          400
DOUGAL, Thomas          400
DOUGHERTY, Daniel       100
DOUGLAS, James          300     (distillery)
DOUGLAS, John           200
DUFFY, Charles          400
DUKE, David             ---     (single man)
DUNBAR, John            ---
DUNBAR, Samuel          400
DUNNING, Thomas         400     (distillery)
ELLIOTT, John           200
ELLIOTT, Robert         366
ELLIOTT, William        200
ERWIN, David            ---
ERWIN, Robert           400
EVANS, Joseph           400
FERGUSON, James         400
FINDLEY, David          400
FINDLEY, James          400
FINDLEY, Samuel, Esq.   300
FITZSIMMONS, Patrick    ---     (single man)
FLEEGER, Christian      300
FLICK, Jacob            100
FREEMAN, William        400
FRYER, Abraham          400
FRYER, Francis          400
FRYER, Peter            400     (single man)
FULTON, James           400
GALBRAITH, John         300
GALLAGHER, Hugh         400
GARDNER, Arthur         200
GARDNER, James          400     (single man)
GIBBS, Hugh             400
GIBSON, Jane            200
GIBSON, St. Clair       300
GILCHRIST, James        ---
GILLILAND, James        400
GOLD, Joseph            400
GRAHAM, Patrick         300
GRAHAM, Robert          300
GRAHAM, Robert          400
GREEN, John             ---
GRIFFIN, John           400
GRINDER, Philip         400
GUFFY, James            400
HAGENS, Bernard         400
HAMILTON, Alexander     400
HAMILTON, Robert        400
HARBISON, James         350
HARBISON, William       250
HARKINS, Robert         200
HARPER, David           200
HARTMAN, Philip         400
HARVEY, Patrick         400
HAYS, George            100
HAYS, James             200     (single man)
HENRY, Peter            400
HIGGINS, Edward         ---
HOGE, James             150
HORTON, Thomas          400
HULTZ, William          300
HUNTER, Henry           100
HUTCHISON, Alexander    400
HUTCHISON, George, Esq. 400
HUTCHISON, William      400
JOHNTSON, Robert        400
JONES, Jacob            400
KEARNS, Francis         200
KELLER, John            200
KENNEDY, Ambrose        400
KENNEDY, Henry          180
KENNEDY, James          100
KENNEDY, John           400
KENNEDY, John, Sr.      400
KENNEDY, Martin         100
KENNEDY, Robert         200
KENNEDY, William        ---
KENNEDY, William        300
KERR, David             ---
KERR, James             ---
LEFEVRE, Isaac          400
LINDSEY, Walter         400
LINHART, Jacob          400
LINN, Robert            400
LYON, John              400
MARTIN, James           ---
MARTIN, Richard         400
MARTIN, Thomas          400
MARTIN, William         400
MARTIN, William, Jr.    400
MATTHEWS, Agnes         400
MAXWELL, James          400     (single man)
MAXWELL, Robert         300
MCBRIDE, James          400
MCBRIDE, John, Esq.     370
MCCALL, Robert          400
MCCANDLESS, George      400
MCCANDLESS, James       400
MCCANDLESS, John        400
MCCANDLESS, William     400
MCCASLIN, Andrew        200
MCCLEARY, John          200
MCCLEARY, Thomas        200
MCCOLLUM, James         400
MCCOOL, John            100
MCCURDY, James          200     (single man)
MCCURDY, John           400
MCDONALD, William       400
MCELFISH, Joshua        ---
MCGAFFEY, George        400
MCGEE, Bernard          200
MCGEE, Hugh             ---     (single man)
MCGINNIS, John           50
MCGINNIS, Robert        300
MCGOWAN, John           400
MCGOWAN, John, Sr.      ---
MCJUNKIN, David         400
MCJUNKIN, David         400     (single man)
MCJUNKIN, James         400     (single man)
MCJUNKIN, John          ---     (single man)
MCKEE, James            400     (single man)
MCKEE, Thomas           270
MCLAUGHLIN, James       400
MCNAIR, Dunning         200
MCQUISTION, John        400
MEANS, Joseph           ---
MILLER, James           200
MILLER, Richard         200
MILLER, Silas           300
MOORE, Garret           400
MOORE, James            400
MOORE, James            400     (single man, distillery)
MORROW, John            400
MOSER, John             ---     (single man)
MOSER, John, Sr.        400
NEAL, Martha            200
NEGLEY, Jacob           400
NEYMANN, Elizabeth      400
NEYMANN, John           200
NEYMANN, William        500     (grist mill)
NEYMANN, William, Jr.   200
OZENBAUGH, Abram        400
PARKS, James            ---
PARKS, John             400
PATTERSON, David        400
PATTERSON, James        400
PATTERSON, Robert       400
PATTERSON, William      200
PATTON, Robert          250
PETERSON, Garret        ---     (single man)
PETERSON, Peter, Jr.    400     (single man)
PEW, John               ---     (single man)
PHILLIPS, James         400     (single man)
PIERCE, Amos            300
PIERCE, Daniel          212
PIERCE, John            400
PLANTS, Jacob           400
POTTER, George          100
POTTS, John             300
POWELL, John            400
PRIMER, Valentine       500     (sawmill)
PRYOR, John             400
QUINN, Edward           300
QUINN, John             ---     (single man)
RANKER, John            100
RARDEN, William         196
RAY, James              400
RAY, James, Esq.        200
RAY, John               400
REED, John              400     (single man)
REX, George             400
RIDDLE, Hugh            400
RIDDLE, Robert          400
RIDDLE, Samuel          200
RIDDLE, Samuel          400     (Bear Creek)
RIMBEY, Benjamin        ---     (single man)
RIPPEY, Samuel, Esq.    400     (distillery)
ROBB, Hamilton          400
ROBB, John              400
ROBB, Samuel            400
RODEBAUGH, Adam         400
RUDOLPH, Jacob          400
RUSSELL, David          400
RUSSELL, James, Jr.     400
RUSSELL, James, Sr.     300
RUSSELL, Philip         ---
RUSSELL, Samuel         400
RUST, Henry             400
SAGERSON, Patrick       400
SCOTT, George           400     (single man)
SCOTT, James, Jr.       400
SCOTT, James, Sr.       400
SEFTON, Henry           200
SHANOR, Adam            400     (distillery)
SHRYOCK, John           400
SMITH, James            400
SMITH, Jep              400
SMITH, Thomas           200
SPEAR, John             400
ST.CLAIR, Archibald     400     (distillery)
STEEL, John             ---     (single man)
STEEL, Mary             370
STEWART, James          400     (distillery)
STEWART, John           400
STEWART, Robert         170
STINCHCOMB, George      400
STOUGHTON, John         100
STOUGHTON, William      400
STRAWICK, Andrew        400
STREATOR, John          400
SUMNEY, Jacob           400
SUTTON, Daniel          ---     (single man)
SUTTON, David           300
SUTTON, Jeremiah, Jr.   400
SUTTON, Jeremiah, Sr.   400
SUTTON, Joseph          ---
SUTTON, Joseph          ---     (distillery)
SUTTON, Philip          ---     (single man)
SUTTON, Platt           ---
TANNEHILL, John         100
THOMAS, Benjamin        400
THOMPSON, Anthony       400
THOMPSON, Hugh          ---
THOMPSON, John          400
THOMPSON, John          400     (blacksmith)
THOMPSON, John          400     (Con. Creek)
THOMPSON, John          400     (weaver)
THOMPSON, Martin        400
THOMPSON, Moses         400     (single man)
THOMPSON, William       100
THOMPSON, William       400     (single man)
THORN, John             400
THORN, John             400     (tanner)
THORN, Robert           400     (single man)
TIMBLIN, George         400
TIMBLIN, Joseph         400
TRIMBLE, Thomas         100
TRIMBLE, William        400     (single man)
TURK, Andrew            ---     (single man)
TURK, James, Jr.        400     (single man)
TURK, James, Sr.        ---
TURK, John              400
TURNEY, Adam            400
WALLACE, Benjamin       200
WALLACE, John           400
WALLACE, Robert         200
WARMCASTLE, Francis     400
WASSON, Hugh            400
WASSON, William         600
WATSON, Thomas          200
WHITE, William          200
WHITEHEAD, Felty        400
WHITMIRE, Francis       400
WIGFIELD, Matthew       200
WILSON, James           200
WILSON, William         400
WONDERLY, John          400
WOODCOCK, John          400
WRIGHT, Alexander       400
WRIGHT, William         300     (B. C.)  (? = Bear Creek ?)

'The reputed owners of land in CUNNINGHAM's district of this township were
James CUNNINGHAM, D. CAMPBELL 's heirs, Ebenezer DENNY, George EDDY, James
GALBREATH, Ferdinand GORDON, John HOLLINGSWORTH, Benjamin HORNER, or Frances
Joseph WIRT, and John WILSON.'


Slippery Rock Twp., Butler Co., Pa.
261 taxables

In 1803 Slippery Rock Twp. was much larger than the current Slippery Rock
Twp. It included the portion of the county north of an east-west line drawn
from the northern corner of the western boundary of the County. In regards
to the current townships, this area includes all of Slippery Rock,
Allegheny, Cherry, Marion, Mercer, Parker, Venango, and Washington
Townships, portions of Brady, Clay, Concord, Fairview and Worth Townships,
the Boroughs of Bruin, Cherry Valley, Eau Claire, Fairview, Harrisville,
Petrolia, Slippery Rock, and West Sunbury, and parts of the Boroughs of
Karns City and West Liberty.

This information is from pages 59 through 63 of the 1895 Butler County
History. This source also includes the number of cows/oxen/horses owned, the
valuation, and the amount of the tax, but since this information seemed of
limited usefulness to genealogists, it has not been transcribed.


Name                  Acreage   Comments

ADAMS, John             300
ADAMS, Peggy            ---
ADAMS, Thomas           200
ADAMS, William          400     (2 mills)
ALLEN, John             200
ALLSWORTH, James        400     (single man)
AMMERY, WILLIAM          91
ARMSTRONG, David        400     (2 mills)
ARMSTRONG, George       200     (single man)
ATWELL, John T.         400
ATWELL, John, Sr.       200
ATWELL, Robert          400
BAKER, Patrick          200
BARNET, Nelly           100
BARRON, Samuel          200
BEATTY, Ebenezer        400
BELL, James             200
BELL, John              400
BELL, Rebecca           100
BLACK, Robert           ---
BLACK, Samuel           400
BLACK, William          400
BLAIR, John             400
BLEAKNEY, Joseph        400
BRADY, Ezekiel           24     (blacksmith)
BROWN, Alexander        200
BROWN, Ebenezer         400
BROWN, John             ---
BUCHANAN, James         150     (single man)
BURROWS, John           130
CAMPBELL, Andrew        400
CAMPBELL, Ann           400
CAMPBELL, James         200
CAMPBELL, John          130
CAMPBELL, Samuel        400
CANAAN, Edward          400
CARNAHAN, Abraham       400
CARROTHERS, John        400     (tannery)
CHAMBERS, James         400
CHAMBERS, John          200     (single man)
CHRISTY, David          250
CHRISTY, John, Jr.      180
CLARK, Thomas           400
COCHRAN, Robert, Sr.    150
COLE, Edward            200
COLLINS, William        400
CONLEY, John            300
CONN, Robert            400
CONN, William           ---     (single man)
COOK, Andrew            400
COOK, Peter             ---     (single man)
COOPER, Nathaniel       100
COOPER, Stephen          50
COOPER, Zebulon         400
COSBY, James            400
COULTER, Abigail        ---
COULTER, James          100     (tannery)
COULTER, Samuel         300
COULTER, Thomas         250     (sawmill)
COURTNEY, John          300     (single man)
COVERT, Luke            150
CRAWFORD, George        400
CRAWFORD, John          400
CRAWFORD, John, Sr.     800
CUNNINGHAM, Robert      400
CURRY, Adam             400
DAUBENSPECK, George     200
DAUBENSPECK, Philip     200
DICKEY, John            200
DIXON, William          400
DOBSON, George          200
DONOGHEY, Alexander     300
DOUGLASS, Edward        ---     (single man)
DOUGLASS, James         200     (single man)
DOWNING, James          200
DOWNING, William        ---
DUNLAP, Alexander       200
EANEAZ, Sarah           400
ELDER, James            400
ELLIOTT, John           400
ELLIOTT, William        408
EUARD, Joseph           400
EVANS, Henry            200
EVANS, John             400     (grist mill)
FERGUSON, William       ---
FLETCHER, Benjamin      300
FOWLER, Archibald       384
FRENCH, Harris          400
FUNK, Adam              400
GAWEAL, William         ---
GEIGER, Michael         400
GIBSON, James           400
GIBSON, Levi            400     (distillery)
GILCHRIST, Alexander    ---
GILMORE, Joseph         400
GRAHAM, Edward, Jr.     200
GRAHAM, Edward, Sr.     200
GRAHAM, Samuel          200
GRAHAM, Thomas          200     (single man)
GRAHAM, William         ---     (single man)
GRANT, Alexander        400
GROSSMAN, Benjamin      ---
HAGERTY, James          400
HALE, James             ---     (single man)
HALL, William           400
HARDY, James            400
HARRIS, Ephraim         300
HAWK, Andrew            ---
HENDERSON, Hugh         100
HILLIARD, Alexander     100     (single man)
HILLIARD, Charles       400
HILLIARD, Francis       ---     (single man)
HILLIARD, Guy           400     (single man)
HILLIARD, Guy, Sr.      350
HILLIARD, Jacob         200
HINDMAN, John           200     (single man)
HINDMAN, Robert         200
HINDS, John             ---     (single man)
HOCKENBERRY, John       150
HOGAN, James            400
HOGAN, William          400     (single man)
HOLLAND, William        400
HUMPHREY, Thomas        200
HUTCHISON, William      228
IRWIN, Samuel           400
JACK, Benjamin          388
JACK, William           400
JAMESON, John           400
JAMESON, Robert         400
JARVIS, Reuben          100
JARVIS, Richard         400
JOLLY, Thomas           300
JORDAN, John            400
JORDAN, Robert          200
KEIFFER, Frederick       15
KELLY, Archibald        200
KELLY, Jonathan         200     (blacksmith)
KELLY, Joseph           200
KELLY, Michael          400
KENNEDY, Joseph         283
KIMES, Peter            100
KNOX, James             400
LAVERE, Andrew          400
LAVERE, Daniel          200
LAVERE, John            100
LEASON, Robert          100
LINEBERGER, John        ---     (single man)
LOGAN, Robert           400
LOGUE, John             200
LOWRIE, John            800
MAHAN, Walter           300
MARTIN, Charles         ---
MARTIN, John, Jr.       400     (single man)
MARTIN, John, Sr.       400
MCANNALLY, Patrick      400
MCCOLLOUGH, William     ---     (single man)
MCCONNELL, Daniel       400
MCCOY, Charles          400     (distillery)
MCCOY, Phillip          400
MCDADE, Daniel          200
MCDONALD, Alexander     ---
MCKIMMONS, Gabriel      300
MCLAUGHLIN, William     400
MCMAHON, Abner          150
MCMICHAEL, William      300     (single man)
MCMURRAY, Samuel        200
MCNEES, James           200
MCNEES, John            ---
MCNEES, William         400
MCSPARRIN, Archibald    ---     (single man)
MCSPARRIN, Duncan       400
MCWRIGHT, Charles C.    ---     (tailor)
MEALS, George           ---
MEALS, Samuel           300     (blacksmith)
MEALS, Samuel, Jr.      ---     (single man)
MECHLING, Jacob         200
MILLER, Frederick       400
MILLER, John            ---
MOORE, John             400
MOORHEAD, James         200
MORRIS, Jonathan        400
MORROW, William         150
MORTIMER, David         400     (single man)
MURPHY, Henry           400
MURRIN, Hugh            400     (distillery)
MURRIN, James           400     (single man)
NEATE, Thomas           400
NEWELL, Rebecca         400
PARKER, George          400
PARKER, John, Esq.      400     (one slave)
PARKER, Washington      200     (single man)
PARKER, William         400     (single man)
PATTERSON, Thomas       400
PISOR, Jacob            400
PISOR, John             400     (single man, distillery)
POLLOCK, Charles        400
POLLOCK, James          400     (single man)
PORTER, Andrew          400
PORTER, Robert          400
PORTERFIELD, Samuel     400
RAMSEY, Alex            400
REDDICK, John           400
REED, James             400
REED, Robert            400     (tannery)
REEP, Isaac             400
ROBERTSON, John         150
ROSENBERRY, John        400
SAY, James              100
SCOTT, James            200
SHAKELY, Michael        400
SHEVER, John            100
SHIELDS, James          400
SHIELDS, John           300
SIMPSON, James          400
SLOAN, Samuel           280
SMETHERS, Christian     200
SMITH, Elisha           400
SMITH, James            400
SMITH, John             100
SMITH, Joseph           400     (distillery)
SNYDER, Philip          200
STEINTORF, Henry        400
STEVENSON, John         400
STEWART, Andrew         300
STOREY, Robert          ---     (single man)
STUDEBAKER, David       400     (single man)
STUDEBAKER, Joseph      400
SULLINGER, John         170
SUTTON, Avad            400     (single man)
SUTTON, Robert          400
TAGGERT, John           400
TANNEHILL, Melzer       250
TAYLOR, Robert          400
TOM, Joseph             400
TRAXLER, Peter          ---     (single man)
TRUBY, John             400
TURNER, James           300
TURNER, William         400
VAN HUSTON              200     [? perhaps HUSTON, Van ?]
VANDERLIN, John         400
VANDYKE, John           400
VANDYKE, Richard        200
VARNUM, Enoch           400
VINCENT, James          400
WADDLE, James           ---     (single man)
WADDLE, Robert          400
WADDLE, Thomas          ---
WADDLE, William, Sr.    250
WALSH, John             400
WALTER, Abraham         250
WALTER, David           100     (single man)
WARD, George            400
WHITE, James            200
WILEY, Alexander        350
WILEY, Joseph           200
WILKINS, John           400
WILSON, John            400
WILSON, John, Jr.       200
WILSON, Louis           400
WILSON, William, Capt.  400
YOUNG, Alexander        200     (distillery)

The 1895 History alphabetized 'Van Huston' under 'V', but it seems possible
that Van may be a given name.