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1800 Federal Census Butler County, Pennsylvania (Index: Surnames A-Z)
  Copyright.  All rights reserved.
  The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the 
  general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that 
  this material not be used in a commercial manner.  All submissions 
  become part of the permanent collection.
  Abstracted by Lynn Beatty from public records.  Edited and 
  formatted by Maggie Stewart, May 2006.  Submitted by 
  Lynn Beatty.   
  Proofread by Maggie Stewart.
  Both above notices must remain when copied or downloaded.
  NOTE:  For more information on Butler County, Pennsylvania, 
         Please visit the Butler County, PAGenWeb page at 
  This work follows all guidelines of the USGW Census Project,
  This is the 1800 Federal Census Butler County, Pennsylvania
  LAST NAME     FIRST NAME   PAGE  SHEET  FILE NAME   DIVISION                      
  *             *            315   123A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  *             John         366   148B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Adams         Jas          358   144B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Adams         John         325   128A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Adams         John         359   145A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Ages          Thankful     324   127B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Aims          Aaron        355   143A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Aitkins       John         338   134B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Alexander     John         321   126A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Allen         John         350   140B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Allison       Robert       333   132A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Anderson      Alex         316   123B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Anderson      Eleacum      342   136B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Anderson      Jas          333   132A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Anderson      John         317   124A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Anderson      John         318   124B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Andrew        John         336   133B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Andrew        William      318   124B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Armstrong     Danl         350   140B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Ashberson     James        340   135B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Atwell        Jno          361   146A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Atwell        John         359   145A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Atwell        John         360   145B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Atwell        Robt         360   145B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  B?            Willm        367   149A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Bails         John         345   138A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Baker         James        321   126A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Baker         James        347   139A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Barhart       Jacob        335   133A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Barker        John         316   123B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Barnes        Thom         356   143B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Barnett       Timothy      355   143A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Barr          John         343   137A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Barron        Willm        365   148A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Barrons       Willm        327   129A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Bash          Jacob        336   133B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Baugh         Adam         327   129A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Baumgardner   Henry        329   130A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Beaty         Ebenezer     364   147B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Beighley      Jacob        329   130A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Beighly       Henry        346   138B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Beighly       Jno          346   138B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Beighly       Peter        347   139A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Bell          James        344   137B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Bell          John         363   147A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Bell          Sam          354   142B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Best          Alexander    320   125B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Best          Robert       320   125B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Beyers        John         324   127B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Biggs         Benjamin     323   127A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Black         Archibald    332   131B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Black         John         360   145B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Black         John         361   146A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Black         Sam          358   144B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Black         Willm        356   143B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Blair         James        345   138A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Blair         John         358   144B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Blakeney      Jas          359   145A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Boagan        Thomas       331   131A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Boggs         Robert       341   136A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Bonner        John         332   131B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Bonner        John         345   138A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Borris        John         363   147A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Boulton       Moses        346   138B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Boulton       Willm        346   138B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Bower         George       341   136A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Boyd          Geo          340   135B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Boyd          James        340   135B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Brady         Ezekiel      362   146B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Brewer        Stephen      326   128B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Briner        Henry        348   139B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Brison        Alex         338   134B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Brooks        John         344   137B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Brown         Alexr        360   145B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Brown         Geo          368   149B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Brown         George       315   123A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Brown         James        316   123B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Brown         John         335   133A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Brown         John         360   145B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Brown         Robt         339   135A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Brown         William      315   123A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Brown         Willm        335   133A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Brown         Willm        366   148B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Buckhart      Jacob        316   123B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Buckhart      John         316   123B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Budd          Cunketon     326   128B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Burbridge     Thoms        321   126A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Burnsides     Jas          346   138B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Campbell      Anna         351   141A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Campbell      James        365   148A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Campbell      John         358   144B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Campbell      Sam          352   141B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Campbell      Willm        347   139A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Cannan        Edwd         361   146A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Carnahan      Abram        354   142B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Carson        James        330   130B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Carson        John         339   135A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Carson        Robert       326   128B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Carswell      William      343   137A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Carter        Dan          348   139B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Cawl          Dimneck      331   131A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Chambers      Jas          359   145A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Christy       Andrw        327   129A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Christy       Archibd      334   132B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Christy       Jas          342   136B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Christy       John         352   141B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Christy       John         352   141B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Christy       Thoms        341   136A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Clark         Thoms        363   147A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Clendenen     Jas          316   123B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Clifford      Hugh         363   147A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Clifford      Hugh         364   147B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Clowes        John         321   126A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Coast         Hugh         356   143B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Coates        Abner        342   136B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Cocher        Geo          351   141A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Cochran       Alex         343   137A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Cochran       Alexander    343   137A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Cochran       Robt         358   144B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Cochran       Robt         363   147A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Cole          Edw          360   145B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Collins       Willm        351   141A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Condon        John         336   133B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Connel        Willm        341   136A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Connelly      John         351   141A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Connely       Jas          353   142A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Connoway      Hugh         350   140B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Connoway      Willm        352   141B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Cooke         Andw         359   145A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Cooke         John         361   146A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Cooke         Salvanus     349   140A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Cooper        John         337   134A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Copeland      Samuel       326   128B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Corby         James        366   148B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Coulter       Abigale      356   143B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Coulter       Jas          356   143B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Coulter       Sam          356   143B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Coulter       Thom         356   143B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Courtney      John         357   144A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Cousins       Thoms        344   137B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Coutney       William      356   143B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Coyle         John         332   131B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Craig         John         336   133B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Craty         Jno          338   134B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Crawford      Jas          355   143A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Crawford      Jas          356   143B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Crawford      Jno          355   143A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Crawford      Stephen      340   135B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Cresty        Archib       323   127A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Crookshank    Andw         333   132A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Crother       John         349   140A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Crothers      John         358   144B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Crothers      John         366   148B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Crutchlow     Jas          338   134B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Crutchlow     Willm        338   134B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Cumberland    John         352   141B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Cunningham    Geo          317   124A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Cunningham    Henry        322   126B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Cunningham    John         317   124A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Cunningham    Matthw       317   124A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Cunningham    Robt         357   144A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Cunningham    Saml         317   124A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Curry         Isaac        324   127B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Dandefor      Hughson      362   146B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Danderland    Jno          359   145A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Dane          Thoms        362   146B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Daugherty     Daniel       323   127A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Daugherty     Geo          334   132B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Daugherty     Neal         334   132B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  David         James        341   136A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  David         James        343   137A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  David         John         315   123A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Davis         Benjn        344   137B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Davison       John         329   130A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Deary         Francis      343   137A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Derry         John         339   135A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Dick          William      339   135A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Dickey        John         352   141B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Dickinson     Anne         356   143B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Dickinson     Saml         333   132A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Doagan        Mich         331   131A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Dobster       Geo          366   148B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Dobston       Geo          349   140A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Dodds         William      339   135A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Dondehlugh    John         320   125B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Donely        Alexr        365   148A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Donglas       Sarah        320   125B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Douglass      Andw         366   148B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Douglass      James        327   129A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Douglass      Sam          327   129A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Duffy         Charles      323   127A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Duffy         Philip       362   146B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Dugan         Dennis       334   132B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Dunbarr       Sam          329   130A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Duncan        Sam          340   135B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Dunlap        Alexr        359   145A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Dunlap        Jas          346   138B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Dunlap        Thoms        358   144B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Durnfon       John         334   132B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Elder         James        357   144A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Elliott       John         366   148B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Elliott       Robert       326   128B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Elliott       William      317   124A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Elliott       Wm           367   149A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Elsworth      Jas          355   143A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Empty         Jno          332   131B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Evans         Henry        340   135B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Evans         Isaac        347   139A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Evans         John         363   147A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Evans         Joseph       318   124B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Eward         James        357   144A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Fair          John         333   132A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Fair          Mich         333   132A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Fergason      James        335   133A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Ferron        Patrick      335   133A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Filly         Roger        346   138B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Finley        James        327   129A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Finley        Sam          328   129B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Fish          Nathan       324   127B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Fleck         Jacob        323   127A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Fleghers      Christy      324   127B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Fleming       Thomas       326   128B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Fletcher      Benjn        351   141A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Forker        John         331   131A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Forrester     Wm           342   136B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Fowler        Archibald    367   149A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Freeman       Thoms        341   136A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Freeman       Thoms        350   140B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  French        Aaron        359   145A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Freyer        Abram        330   130B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Freyer        Peter        321   126A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Fulton        James        325   128A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Funk          Adam         366   148B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Furgason      Willm        336   133B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Furgason      Willm        352   141B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  G?            Thoms        323   127A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Galbraith     Eliza        333   132A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Gallahar      Jeremh       349   140A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Gallaher      John         334   132B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Gallaher      Peter        334   132B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Gallaspie     Hugh         331   131A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Gallaspie     John         331   131A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Garver        Benjn        340   135B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Garves        Benjn        344   137B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Garves        Rich         360   145B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Gibb          Hugh         318   124B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Gibson        ?ur          325   128A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Gibson        Israel       348   139B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Gibson        Jas          353   142A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Gibson        John         354   142B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Gibson        Levy         354   142B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Gilleland     Davd         348   139B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Gilleland     Hugh         341   136A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Gilleland     James        325   128A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Gilleland     Sarah        349   140A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Gilleland     Thoms        349   140A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Gilmore       Hugh         359   145A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Gilmore       Jas          359   145A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Girty         Thoms        348   139B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Glansey       Wm           345   138A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Glover        James        343   137A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Gold          Joseph       319   125A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Gordon        James        329   130A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Graham        Anges        348   139B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Graham        Dan          347   139A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Graham        Dan          347   139A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Graham        Daniel       349   140A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Graham        Malcam       347   139A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Graham        Patrick      321   126A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Graham        Robt         328   129B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Graham        Sam          355   143A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Grahm         Matthw       340   135B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Gray          Thomas       341   136A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Green         John         357   144A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Griffy        John         327   129A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Grimes        Edwd         350   140B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Guffey        James        322   126B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Gunn          John         343   137A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Hagerty       James        351   141A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Hail          Benjn        346   138B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Hall          Sam          336   133B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Hall          Stephen      336   133B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Hamilton      Alex         320   125B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Hamilton      Robt         329   130A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Hanlen        Moses        331   131A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Hanlin        William      331   131A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Harbison      Jas          316   123B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Harbison      Wm           316   123B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Hardy         James        365   148A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Harkley       James        362   146B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Harper        Davd         328   129B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Harper        Davd         353   142A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Harvey        Patrick      325   128A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Haughenbery   Jno          367   149A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Havedon       *            316   123B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Hawks         Allen        358   144B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Hayes         Robt         340   135B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Hays          George       316   123B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Heakin        Andrew       357   144A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Hearns        Frances      317   124A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Hearns        William      317   124A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Heggarty      Thoms        332   131B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Hemphill      Adm          332   131B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Hemphill      Jas          332   131B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Hemphill      Jno          332   131B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Henshaw       John         326   128B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Hersay        James        341   136A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Hilyard       Guy          356   143B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Hindman       John         351   141A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Hineman       John         342   136B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Hogan         James        353   142A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Horton        Thoms        326   128B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Hudson        Joseph       349   140A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Huffer        Frederick    323   127A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Hultz         Willm        323   127A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Humes         Willm        348   139B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Hunter        Charles      332   131B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Hunter        Noble        331   131A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Hutchison     Alex         319   125A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Hutchison     Willm        353   142A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Hutchison     Wm           321   126A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Irwin         Alex         366   148B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Irwin         Jno          367   149A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Irwin         Robert       318   124B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Irwin         Robt         348   139B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Irwin         Rubin        356   143B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Irwin         Sam          350   140B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Jack          Benjn        364   147B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Jack          Willm        355   143A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Jackson       Thomas       335   133A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  John          Daniel       349   140A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Johnson       Adm          343   137A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Johnson       Adm          343   137A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Johnson       Benjn        343   137A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Johnson       Thoms        367   149A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Johnson       Willm        338   134B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Johnson       Willm        343   137A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Jolly         Thoms        356   143B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Jomeson       John         351   141A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Jones         Jacob        319   125A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Jordan        John         360   145B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Keister       Peter        340   135B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Kelly         Archd        353   142A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Kelly         Jas          364   147B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Kelly         Jonathan     365   148A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Kelly         Michl        357   144A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Keneday       Henry        330   130B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Keneday       Martin       330   130B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Keneday       Robert       315   123A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Kenneday      Ambrus       325   128A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Kenneday      Jas          360   145B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Kenneday      John         325   128A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Kenneday      Wm           325   128A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Kerr          David        315   123A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Kerr          James        315   123A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Kerr          John         358   144B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Kesins        Joseph       345   138A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Kimes         Jos          363   147A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Kinkead       Sam          335   133A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Kirkpatrick   John         336   133B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Kymes         Peter        361   146A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Langley       Thoms        345   138A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Larimore      John         321   126A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Lauffers      Bartel       348   139B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Laughry       Willm        345   138A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Laverty       Patrick      336   133B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Lawn          Robt         344   137B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Lenhart       Jacob        316   123B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Levere        Danl         364   147B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Levere        John         363   147A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Linn          Robert       323   127A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Little        Francis      344   137B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Little        Joseph       345   138A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Livere        Andw         362   146B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Loage         John         353   142A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Logan         Robt         364   147B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Long          Hetty        344   137B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Lorey         Jno          355   143A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Lumsmoney     Jacob        318   124B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Mackelfesh    Joshua       320   125B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Mahon         Wallace      362   146B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Manna         Robt         354   142B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Martin        Alex         353   142A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Martin        Charles      367   149A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Martin        Danl         345   138A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Martin        James        321   126A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Martin        John         353   142A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Martin        Thom         324   127B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Martin        William      323   127A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Marton        Hough        365   148A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Marton        Mary         366   148B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Mash          Simon        333   132A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Matthew       Thomas       319   125A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Maxwell       Robert       319   125A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McAlroy       Hugh         332   131B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  McBrice       John         330   130B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McBride       James        329   130A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McBride       Patrick      334   132B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  McCandles     Geo          322   126B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McCandles     John         322   126B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McCandles     Robt         322   126B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McCandles     Robt         338   134B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  McCandles     Will         322   126B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McCaul        Robt         326   128B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McCausland    Andw         330   130B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McCausland    James        320   125B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McClammons    Hugh         352   141B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  McCleary      Thomas       319   125A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McClure       Abdiel       339   135A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  McClure       Andw         339   135A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  McCollam      Jas          339   135A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  McCollam      John         339   135A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  McColm        Jas          316   123B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McConnal      Dan          363   147A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  McCoy         Charles      359   145A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  McCoy         Sam          361   146A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  McCullogh     Jno          337   134A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  McCurdy       John         318   124B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McDead        Dan          367   149A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  McDonald      Alexr        360   145B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  McDonald      Danl         346   138B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  McDonald      Danl         346   138B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  McDonnal      Colen        347   139A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  McDonnal      John         347   139A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  McDonnal      Willm        318   124B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McDurment     Paul         336   133B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  McElin        Charles      333   132A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  McEmelly      Patrick      360   145B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  McEwing       Matthw       340   135B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  McFerren      Jas          350   140B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  McGee         James        345   138A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  McGee         John         334   132B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  McGinley      John         334   132B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  McGinnes      Charles      342   136B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  McGinnes      Robt         325   128A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McGlaughlin   Buryman      341   136A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  McGlaughlin   James        323   127A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McGlaughlin   Patrick      336   133B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  McGlaughlin   Willm        362   146B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  McGowan       Andw         342   136B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  McGowan       John         322   126B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McGowan       John         322   126B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McGrew        James        339   135A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  McJunkins     David        325   128A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McKesick      Dan          319   125A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McKimm        Willm        354   142B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  McKimms       Andw         331   131A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  McKinny       Hugh         367   149A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  McKinny       Peter        347   139A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  McKisick      David        365   148A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  McLarkey      Dan          326   128B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McLine        Jacob        352   141B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  McLine        John         352   141B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  McLoud        Jno          367   149A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  McLoud        John         345   138A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  McLoud        Mordicai     346   138B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  McLoud        Mordicai     349   140A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  McLoud        Norman       346   138B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  McLoud        Willm        340   135B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  McLoud        Willm        345   138A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  McMeans       Joseph       315   123A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McMichael     Christian    328   129B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McMichael     Robert       328   129B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McMichael     Robt         329   130A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McMulin       Sam          361   146A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  McNees        Jas          364   147B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  McNees        William      364   147B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  McQuiston     John         319   125A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  McRight       Charles      355   143A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  McSperon      Duncan       364   147B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Means         Robert       349   140A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Means         Thoms        349   140A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Miles         Thoms        363   147A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Miller        Geo          353   142A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Miller        John         354   142B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Miller        Liles        321   126A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Miller        Richard      318   124B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Milliron      Nicholas     346   138B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Millroy       Jno          368   149B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Mitchel       James        357   144A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Mitchell      James        317   124A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Moore         Aaron        338   134B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Moore         Andw         320   125B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Moore         George       350   140B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Moore         James        321   126A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Moore         John         360   145B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Moore         Jonathan     361   146A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Moore         William      334   132B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Morehead      James        358   144B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Morow         Susah        348   139B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Morrison      Mordecai     346   138B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Morrow        John         322   126B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Morrow        John         353   142A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Morrow        Willm        366   148B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Mortimore     John         351   141A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Muntooth      Henry        342   136B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Murphy        Henry        350   140B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Murrin        Hugh         357   144A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Murry         Neal         333   132A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Musser Senr   John         318   124B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Neal          Thoms        368   149B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Neat          Martha       328   129B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Neigh,am      Willm        319   125A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Nellis        Willm        348   139B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Nickenson     John         335   133A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  O+Donnal      Arthur       334   132B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  O+Donnal      Dennis       331   131A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  O+Hara        John         342   136B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Osenbougher   Abram        323   127A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Parce         Amos         329   130A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Parker        Geo          355   143A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Parker        John         354   142B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Parker        Leanna       354   142B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Pascal        Richd        342   136B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Paterson      Davd         329   130A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Paterson      Robt         329   130A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Paterson      Thoms        358   144B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Paterson      Thoms        359   145A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Patterson     Jas          318   124B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Patterson     Willm        327   129A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Patterson     Willm        348   139B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Patton        Robt         327   129A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Patton        Robt         348   139B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Perkins       Robert       331   131A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Peterson      Peter        322   126B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Pierce        John         322   126B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Plants        Jacob        325   128A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Poiser        Jacob        363   147A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Pollock       Charles      355   143A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Porter        Andw         358   144B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Porter        John         361   146A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Porter        Robt         363   147A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Porter        Willm        360   145B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Preamer       Valentine    318   124B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Purveyard     Jas          335   133A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Quin          Edward       316   123B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Ramsey        Alex         345   138A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Ramsey        James        342   136B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Randels       Robt         344   137B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Rathburn      Clark        338   134B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Ray           James        321   126A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Ray           John         364   147B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Reap          Leonard      337   134A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Redick        Hamilton     354   142B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Redick        John         354   142B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Redick        Willm        335   133A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Reed          John         330   130B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Reed          Robt         365   148A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Reidebaugh    Adam         324   127B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Repray        Saml         315   123A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Riddle        Hugh         326   128B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Riddle        Matthw       356   143B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Riddle        Robert       327   129A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Riddle        Sam          327   129A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Ritchey       Alex         354   142B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Robb          John         319   125A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Robb          Sam          318   124B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Rogers        Connal       331   131A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Rosenberger   John         354   142B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Rowland       Aneas        336   133B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Rudolph       Jacob        319   125A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Rufner        Geo          332   131B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Rupel         Davd         328   129B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Rupel         James        328   129B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Rust          Henry        324   127B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Sagerson      Patrick      330   130B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Saintclair    Arch         324   127B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Saltsman      John         347   139A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Sanford       Francis      339   135A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Sarver        Benjn        332   131B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Say           Jas          364   147B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Scott         James        355   143A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Scott         Thoms        350   140B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Sermon        Thom         329   130A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Shannon       John         339   135A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Shannon       Robt         338   134B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Sheilds       Jas          363   147A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Sheiner       Adam         317   124A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Shels         Jas          365   148A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Shirky        Anthy        362   146B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Shirley       Hugh         357   144A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Sholl         Philip       359   145A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Short         Robt         347   139A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Shorts        Richd        349   140A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Shouneck*     Andrew       315   123A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Shryhock      John         328   129B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Silvey        Jacob        337   134A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Silvey        Jno          337   134A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Simpson       Jas          353   142A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Singey        Walter       368   149B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Skillen       Willm        338   134B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Skillin       Sam          339   135A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Slaytor       John         319   125A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Sloan         Jno          361   146A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Sloans        Sam          357   144A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Smith         Elisha       365   148A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Smith         Elisha       367   149A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Smith         James        353   142A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Smith         Jane         351   141A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Smith         Jeremiah     331   131A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Smith         Jesse        327   129A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Smith         Joseph       351   141A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Smith         Margaret     334   132B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Smith         Matthw       337   134A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Smith         Thomas       317   124A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Snyder        John         334   132B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Soctt         James        318   124B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Stanly        James        320   125B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Steel         Jane         347   139A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Steel         Mary         326   128B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Steel         William      343   137A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Stenchecomb   Geo          325   128A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Stentive      Heny         367   149A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Stevenson     Tobias       344   137B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Stewart       Robt         341   136A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Stewart       Robt         341   136A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Stien         Willm        358   144B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Stoolfire     Jas          344   137B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Story         Alexr        335   133A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Stoverspeck   Geo          352   141B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Stuart        James        322   126B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Stuart        Robert       350   140B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Studebecker   Jos          364   147B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Sulevan       Charles      342   136B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Sutton        David        316   123B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Sutton        Jeremiah     350   140B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Sutton        Jeremiah     350   140B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Sutton        Robt         360   145B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Sutton        Saml         362   146B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Sweany        Charles      333   132A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Swenzer       Peter        325   128A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Syphers       Matthw       333   132A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Tanehill      Milsey       366   148B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Tanihill      John         366   148B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Tegart        James        365   148A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Tegart        John         365   148A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Thom          Jas          354   142B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Thomas        Benj         326   128B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Thompson      Andw         342   136B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Thompson      Hugh         328   129B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Thompson      Jno          338   134B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Thompson      John         323   127A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Thompson      John         329   130A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Thompson      John         348   139B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Thompson      Willm        322   126B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Thompson      Willm        341   136A   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Thomson       Anthony      324   127B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Thorn         John         317   124A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Thorn         Joseph       317   124A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Thorns        John         324   127B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Tiger         James        367   149A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Timline       Geo          328   129B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Timline       Joseph       328   129B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Tosner        Henry        336   133B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Tre*          John         361   146A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Trimble       Thos         315   123A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Trimble       Willm        325   128A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Trueby        Jno          355   143A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Turk          James        320   125B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Turk          John         320   125B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Turner        James        351   141A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Turner        Willm        368   149B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Vanderland    Jno          361   146A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Vandyke       John         361   146A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Vernon        Enoch        352   141B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Vinsant       James        358   144B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Wakefield     Matthw       315   123A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Walker        James        337   134A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Walker        John         342   136B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  WAllace       James        344   137B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Wallace       John         320   125B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Wallace       John         335   133A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Wallace       Robert       320   125B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Wallace       Samuel       335   133A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Ward          Geo          364   147B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Warson        Hugh         328   129B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Warson        Wm           328   129B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Watson        Thoms        326   128B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Wattle        Robt         362   146B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Welch         Jno          362   146B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  White         Benjn        332   131B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  White         Jas          362   146B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  White         Jas          364   147B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  White         Matthw       340   135B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  White         Samuel       333   132A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  White         Willm        323   127A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Whitehead     Felty        324   127B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Whitmire      Frances      324   127B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Wilely        Jos          362   146B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Wiles         David        350   140B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Wiley         Alexr        321   126A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Wiley         Alexr        366   148B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Wilson        Alex         340   135B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Wilson        Andrew       344   137B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Wilson        Francis      365   148A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Wilson        John         357   144A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Wilson        Lewis        338   134B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Wilson        Lewis        352   141B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Wilson        Thomas       357   144A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Wilson        Thoms        344   137B   pg315.txt   Connoquenessing Township      
  Wilson        Willm        337   134A   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Wilson        Willm        352   141B   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Winter        John         351   141A   pg351.txt   Slippery Rock Township        
  Woodcock      Jno          315   123A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Wray          James        320   125B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Wray          John         319   125A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Wray          Willm        336   133B   pg315.txt   Buffalo Township              
  Wright        William      327   129A   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Wright        Willm        322   126B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township            
  Young         Simon        324   127B   pg315.txt   Middlesex Township