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Last modified: Sat, 21 Jun 2008, 06:08:49 EDT    Size: 2125
MARRIAGE: Edward F. GREEN to Lida J. GOODMAN, 1889, of Blair County, PA

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
S. M. (Sana) McGhee March 26, 2005, 7:15 pm

Copyright 2005.  All rights reserved.

Application for Marriage
Certificate No.:     901


1.  Full name of the man,		Edward F. Green
2.  Full name of the woman,		Lida J. Goodman
3. Relationship of the parties, either by blood or marriage,    None
4.  Age of the man,			Was 21 years of age on 28th Dec. 1888.
5.  Age of the woman, 			20 years. See consent of father.
6.  Residence of the man,		Cassville, Pa.
7.  Residence of the woman,  		Near Altoona, PA
8.  Patents' names - man,  		Austin and Mary Green
9.  Parents' names - woman,  		D. L. and ____ Goodman
10. Guardian's name - man,    		-----
11. Guardian's name - woman, 		-----	
12. Consent of parents or guardians, 			
13. Date of death of man's former wife, if any,    		
14. Date of death of woman's former husband, if any, Neither party was ever 
15. Date of divorce of man at any time,    
16. Date of divorce of woman at any time,   
17. Color of parties, 			White
18. Occupation of man,    		Telegraph Operator
19. Occupation of woman,     		Lives with her parents

Huntingdon County, ss.
     Personally appeared before me, Clerk of Orphan's Court in and for said 
County of Huntingdon, at Huntingdon, Pa.,                    
Edward F. Green and ________________________________
who, being duly qualified according to law, did depose and say that the 
statements above set forth are correct and true, to the best of  their 
knowledge and belief, & that there are no legal impediments to this intended 
Sworn and subscribed before me, this
29th day of March A. D. 1889                   E. F. Green
Juno. S. Bare				       ____________________
    Clerk Orphans' Court.

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