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MARRIAGE: S. Cloyd BRUBAKER to Cora HOUCK, 1893; groom of Altoona, Blair County, PA

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
S. M. (Sana) McGhee April 3, 2005, 12:15 pm

Copyright 2005.  All rights reserved.

Application for Marriage, License, Consent, & Duplicate Certificate
Certificate No.:     a900

                          APPLICATION FOR MARRIAGE LICENSE

No.  a900.
1.  Full name of the man,	S. Cloyd Brubaker	
2.  Full name of the woman,	Cora Houck		
3.  Relationship of the parties, either by blood or marriage, 	none
4.  Age of the man,		Twenty years
5.  Age of the woman, 		Nineteen years
6.  Residence of the man,	Altoona. Pa
7.  Residence of the woman,  	Petersburg. Pa
8.  Patents' names - man,  	Isaac and Mary Brubaker
9.  Parents' names - woman,  	W. B. and Lydia Houck
10. Guardian's name - man,    	-----
11. Guardian's name - woman, 	-----	
12. Consent of parents or guardians, 	Both filed to No. a900
13. Date of death of man's former wife, if any,    		
14. Date of death of woman's former husband, if any,  Neither party ever 
                                                      married before
15. Date of divorce of man at any time,    
16. Date of divorce of woman at any time,   
17. Color of parties, 		White
18. Occupation of man,    	Brakeman
19. Occupation of woman,     	None

Huntingdon County, ss.
     Personally appeared before me, Clerk of Orphan's Court in and for said 
County of Huntingdon, S. Cloyd Brubaker and ___________________               
who, being duly qualified according to law, did depose and say that the 
statements above set forth are correct and true, to the best of  his knowledge 
and belief, and that he knows of no reason why this marriage may not be 
lawfully made.
Sworn and subscribed before me, this	    S. Cloyd Brubaker.
18th day of Oct. A. D. 1893            	    ________________
                                M. W. Isenberg       

No.  a900	                  MARRIAGE LICENSE.
To any Minister of the Gospel, Justice of the Peace, or other officers or 
persons authorized by law to solemnize marriage: 
     You are hereby authorized to join together in the  holy state of 
Matrimony, according to the rites and ceremonies of your church, society or 
religious denomination and the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, S. 
Cloyd Brubaker and Cora Houck
of Huntingdon at Huntingdon, 
this 18th day of October  A. D. 1893.
						  M. W. Isenberg
						      C.C.B.	Clerk.

And the said S. Cloyd Brubaker and Cora Houck being minors, the consent of  
fathers of the said minors to the contemplated marriage was first given before 
said Clerk (by legal certificate), filed and duly signed, attested and duly 

                           DUPLICATE CERTIFICATE
No.  a900
	I, A. B. Hoover hereby certify, that on the 19th day of October 
One thousand eight hundred and ninety 3 at Petersburg Huntingdon Co. Pa
S. Cloyd Brubaker and Cora Houck were by me united in marriage, in accordance 
with license issued by the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon County, 
Pennsylvania, numbered  a900.  Ret.  Oct 21, 1893                           
						A. B. Hoover
						   Minister of the Gospel

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