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Newspapers: Items from the Altoona Tribune, May 7, 1918, Altoona, Blair County, PA

Contributed and transcribed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Judy Banja 

Copyright 2004.  All rights reserved.

Transcriber's Notes: 
Ellipsis (...) indicates material omitted. 
__ indicates section of newspaper has crumbled away, making the word
[ ] indicates a guess at the word(s) by the transcriber.

SELECTIONS from the Altoona Tribune, Tuesday Morning, May 7, 1918 - page 1


  Lewistown, May 6. - Henry Knepp, 70 years, sustained a fracture of the right 
shoulder and had his left ear torn off yesterday when the automobile in which he 
was riding turned turtle while coming down the big hill on Ards Ridge.  A defect 
in the braking machinery is said to have been the cause of the car getting away 
from the driver.


  When Charles E. Snyder, aged 27, and employed in the machine shops, refused to 
subscribe for Liberty bonds and made treasonable remarks in regard to them, 
Officer George K. Mosel, of the motive power police force, conducted an 
investigation, finding that Snyder, registered before an Idaho draft board, had 
failed to fill out a questionnaire and was reported as a slacker.  The Idaho 
draft board was communicated with and they ordered the man taken before the 
nearest draft board, which was done, Snyder being examined and accepted for 
military duty by East Side board No. 2.  He was taken to Camp Meade, Md., last 
night by Officer Mosel, where he will be detained and will probably face a court 
martial later.


John Furlong, Ex-City Fireman, Recovering From Injury in Texas.
  John Furlong, a former member of the city fire department and residing at 514 
Seventh avenue, will shortly be discharged from the U.S. army hospital at Waco, 
Texas.  He is a member of Uncle Sam's field artillery and was thrown from a 
horse, a couple of weeks ago, sustaining injuries that sent him to the hospital.  
He is now on the mend and expects to come home on a furlough soon.
  Word has been received by Mrs. F. P. Geist, of Warriorsmark, that her son, 
Sergeant William Wilson Geist, has safely arrived inFrance.  He is a member of 
company A, Fourth infantry.
  Lawrence McCann has returned to Camp Meade, after spending a 24-hour furlough 
with relatives and friends in the city.


  Three and a half million dollars will be turned over to the government by 
Blair county soon, as result of the Third Liberty loan campaign...

NOTE: Blair County obituaries have been saved in individual files.

  William W. Killinger, a respected citizen of Lock Haven who has many relatives 
in this city, died at his home at that place yesterday morning, aged 81 years.  
He is survived by eleven children.  Altoona relatives will attend the funeral, 
which will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at his late home.

  William Crawford Gill, aged 61, of Newton Hamilton, died on pneumonia at his 
home at that place on Thursday, May 2, after having been an invalid for the past 
twenty years.  He is survived by his widow and five children of East Juniata.  
Funeral services were held on Sunday at Newton Hamilton.

  Quite suddenly Monday at 1:55 p.m., W. M. Kendig, a widely known Pennsy 
employe, died of acute indigestion.  A curious coincidence is the fact that just 
a year previous to the very day, his brother, R. B. Kendig, chief mechanical 
engineer for the New York Central, died suddenly of the same disease. [continued 
from page 10]
  Mr. Kendig was in charge of the department of shop inspection in the office of 
the general superintendent of motive power.  He had been in Altoona for six 
years, coming from Williamsport, when he had gone from Renovo, where he learned 
his trade.  He was born October 23, 1872.  Surviving are his wife, a son and 
daughter, at home.  Three brothers and a sister also survive.  Funeral 
arrangements will be announced later.
  (Clinton county papers please copy).


  Paul Lytle, of Pinecroft, was arrested yesterday afternoon for parking an auto 
truck in front of a fire-plug at Eleventh avenue and Fourteenth street.  He was 
released to appear today.  Frank Endress was brought in for a like offense at 
Eleventh avenue and Twelfth street, at 4:40 p.m., and left security for a 


  James O'Rourke, who for several months was a deputy income tax collector in 
the local office in the postoffice building with Collector Caldwell, has won 
promotion.  He has been made a special field deputy and for the present will be 
located in Philadelphia to which city he was recently transferred.


  Fire starting from a burning flue ignited a roof at the home of Thomas Fox, 
1915 Fifteenth avenue, at 12:49 p.m. yesterday, and caused damage to the extent 
of $15.  A still alarm brought No. 1 fireman but they were not in service.

Lead of Other Cities Followed in What Is Considered a Patriotic Move and at End 
of Present Term German is Barred
Two Hundred and Forty-four Students Had Chosen it for Next Term - Marks of Those 
in German Classes Will Not Be Lost...

SELECTIONS from the Altoona Tribune, Tuesday Morning, May 7, 1918 - page 4



  Elmer Milligan, a former resident of this town but now employed in Mt. Union, 
was a week-end visitor with friends in town.
  Miss Anna Barto, of West Fifteenth street, is enjoying a several days' visit 
with friends at Pennsylvania Furnace
  Miss Madaline Moffet, of Mt. Union, has returned to her home, after having 
spent the past several days at the Ginter homestead, on East Eleventh street.
  R. J. Goodall, esq., of Denver, Col., is renewing old acquaintances in town.  
His many friends will be pleased to learn that he is now enjoying the best of 
  Dr. I. D. Metzger, of Pittsburg, was a pleasant caller with friends in town 
  The many friends of Jay Garman, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Garman, of Ninth 
street, will be pleased to learn that he has been commissioned a second 
lieutenant in the United States army.  Lieutenant Garman is now stationed at 
Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va.
  George C. Wilson has purchased a handsome Packard chummy roarster, which is 
eliciting much commendation from the automobile enthusiasts about town.


  In company with his son-in-law, W. F. Garver, and his daughter, Miss Leonore 
Garver, Edward Hair visited his Taylor and Bloomfield township farms on Saturday 
  H. M. Deitrick and wife were called to Altoona on Sunday last owing to the 
death of his nephew, William Deitrick, of that city.  They and the parents of 
the deceased have our sincere sympathy in their sad loss.
  Merchant J. P. Martin spent Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs. R. R. Fider 
and her husband.  We are pleased to know Mr. Fider is recovering from his recent 
severe injury in an auto truck accident.
  Miss June Little, of the Mountain City, was an over-Sunday guest at the home 
of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Green.  Her many friends were pleased to meet her.
  David Smith and wife, of Huston township, were visitors on Sunday at the home 
of his brother, J. W. Smith, of East Main street.
  Michael Wike and son, of Tyrone, spent some time on Sunday afternoon with his 
sister-in-law, Mrs. D. R. Wike, of this place.
  S. H. Mock, of Henrietta, and Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mock and Miss Cora Mock, of 
Woodbury, were visitors Sunday last at the home of I. S. Mock and family, of 
East Main street.
  J. B. Miller and wife were the guests of her aunt Mrs. Jacob Crilly, of 
Altoona, on Saturday.
  Grant Hite, his sons, Dr. E. M. and Carl Hite, and his daughter Miss Sarah, 
and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Burket were visitors in the Mountain City on Saturday.
  Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hileman and their son Roscoe, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles 
Wright were visitors among relatives and friends in the county capital on 
  Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Garver and their daughter, Miss Vera, are at the bedside of 
their son, Ivan, who was successfully operated upon for appendicitis a few days 
ago in Philadelphia.  His many friends wish him a speedy recovery.
  Mr. Bare and his daughters, Mrs. E. G. Robb and Mrs. Anna Bare Eldon, with 
Hobart Hair, enjoyed a delightful motor trip to Bedford on Saturday last.
  W. A. Replogle and wife were the guests of his brother, Irvin Replogle and 
family and Woodbury, on Sunday.
  Miss Sara Eldon is spending some time with friends in Philadelphia.
  Miss Laura Myers was a visitor among relatives in the Mountain City on 
Saturday last.
  Mrs. J. C. Hamer and her daughter Josephine have returned form a very 
enjoyable visit with her mother, Mrs. Pilkinton, of Philipsburg.
  H. G. Hair entertained the members of his large Sunday school class of young 
men at his home on Friday evening last.  A very enjoyable luncheon was served 
for the occasion and highly appreciated by all present.
  Miss Mary Daugherty spent Sunday with her cousin, Miss Myrtle Gorsuch, of the 
county capital.
  We are sorry to learn of the illness of Josiah Hite and wish him a speedy 
  Lieutenant Hobart Hair, of Penn state college, was an over-Sunday visitor with 
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hair, of this place.

Auto Accident.
  The Misses Mary and Grace McKnight and Martha Snowden, of this place, are very 
thankful for their escape from serious injury which they, in company with 
Messrs. Curtis and Yingling, of East Freedom, and Elwood Brown, of Martinsburg, 
met with on their return motor trip from Williamsburg on Sunday last.  The 
accident happened by their car stalling on a steep hill south of that place and 
running back because of defective brakes.  All but Mr. Curtis and Miss Mary 
McKnight were very forcibly thrown from the car when it stopped at a sharp curve 
in the road.  Mr. Brown, we are told, was rather seriously hurt, but the rest 
escaped with slight injuries and torn clothes.

SELECTIONS from the Altoona Tribune, Tuesday Morning, May 7, 1918 - page 5


Epworth League Election.
  The Epworth League of the First Methodist Episcopal church at the May meeting 
elected the following officers: President, r. M. White; vice-presidents - first, 
Miss Margaret Boy; second, Miss Alverta Bingham; third, Mrs. Frank Cillison; 
fourth, Miss Mary Sisler; secretary, Gilbert Houser; treasure, Miss Marion 
Hoffman; pianist, Miss Margaret Dewees; assistant, Miss Naomi Cullison.  Routine 
business was transacted and a literary program given by Misses Clara Cookerille 
and Matilda Houck.  Each gave an interesting reading and responded to an encore.

Jewish Women Elect.
  At the annual meeting of the Council of Jewish Women held last Sunday 
afternoon the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. William Weil; 
vice-president, Mrs. I. Scheeline; recording secretary, Mrs. Harry Bing; 
corresponding secretary, Miss Montgomery; treasurer, Miss Rae Goldstein; 
auditor, Miss E. Bendheim.

SELECTIONS from the Altoona Tribune, Tuesday Morning, May 7, 1918 - page 7



  Street Commissioner Charles Gallagher had a very thrilling and dangerous 
experience yesterday that may easily have been attended with fatal results, but 
Charlie seems to have been born under a lucky star and escaped with cuts and 
bruises.  He was engaged yesterday in repairing a terra cotta drain of the 
borough that drains into the river at the Gaysport bridge.  When about to 
descend the steep, rocky bank at that point, with a bag of cement on his 
shoulder, he lost his footing and fell precipitately with the bag of cement to 
the river bank, twenty feet below, landing just at the edge of the water.  He 
was somewhat stunned by the fall, as he landed partly on his head, but was able 
to soon regain his feet and was assisted to the top of the bank.  Dr. Frank R. 
Shoemaker was summoned and came to the scene of the accident in his coupe and 
took the wounded man to his office, where his injuries were given the necessary 
attention.  Mr. Gallagher received a deep cut on the top of his head and was cut 
and bruised about the arms and legs, the cuts bleeding profusely, covering him 
with blood.  Charlie has all the plucky qualities of his Irish ancestors and 
after his wounds were bound up he went to the river bank and finished his work.


  Sheriff Harry S. Holland, who last week received his commission as a captain 
in the U.S. army service, left on Sunday at noon for Charleston, N.C., to which 
place he had been summoned for duty.
  Hon. Howard H. Baldrige, of Omaha, Neb., is visiting his brother, Judge Thomas 
J. Baldrige, this week.
  Miss Emma Goodfellow, formerly of this place, now a resident of Pittsburg, is 
a guest of her brother, Frank H. Goodfellow, of East Allegheny street.
  Mrs. W. P. Tolston, of Blair street, has returned from Camp Hancock, Augusta, 
Ga., where she visited her son, Eugene A. Metzger.  Mrs. Tolston also visited 
Camp Lee, Virginia.


  The first Sunday of the Sunday school drive of the Methodist Episcopal Bible 
school brought the attendance of the school almost to the number reached on last 
rally day.  The attendance at the other public services yesterday was 60 per 
cent. above the average attendance for May, 1917.  One of the most pleasing 
numbers on the program of the evening service was Miss Ethel Nokes' recital of 
"The Prayer to the Waves' to be quiet while our boys are crossing over.
Appoint Workers.
  The Methodist Episcopal church has appointed the following persons to comprise 
the Woman's War work council.  The women will meet at the church this afternoon 
at 2:30 to organize, for the canvass of the membership for a contribution of a 
sum equal to an average day's wages or income, the money to be applied to 
equipment of chaplains for service among the boys in the service of Uncle Sam.  
Mrs. H. J. Evans, Mrs. Gertrude Henshey, Mrs. W. I. Woodcock, Mrs. Ernest Milton 
Robison, Mrs. W. H. Wolff, Mrs. J. Lee Plummer, Mrs. J. A. Martz, Mrs. Clara 
Haup, Mrs. W. E. Blackburn, Mrs. Emma Schilling, Mrs. Homer Rodkey, Mrs. J. W. 
Akers, Mrs. Erasius Akers, Mrs. William Powell, Mrs. William Fye, Mrs. Charles 
Simms, Mrs. H. H. Delozier, Mrs. W. U. Jones, Mrs. James Shade, Mrs. W. W. 
Kephart, Mrs. John B. Hunter, Mrs. James B. Gifford, Mrs. Ida Kaiser, Mrs. 
HarveyTreese, Mrs. Mary Marks, Mrs. Milton F. Poet, Mrs. Edith Dey, Mrs. Sarah 
J. Bracken, Mrs. Samuel Gray, Mrs. James Ritz, Mrs. M. E. Lykens, Miss Effie 
Davis, Mrs. Benjamin Davis, Miss Ruth Leedom, Mrs. Arthur Martz, Mrs. J. H. 
Himes, Mrs. John Law, Mrs. J. F. Bice, Mrs. India Kephart, Mrs. J. H. Wright, 
Mrs. John G. Sellers, Mrs. Walter Leedom, Mrs. Clarence Rumberger, Mrs. H. W. 
Showalter, Miss Mary Shoenfelt, Mrs. E. E. Harter, Mrs. James Sisson, Mrs. W. J. 
Ellenberger, of the Loop, Mrs. Chalres Campbell, of the Reservoir, and Mrs. 
Harvey Hyles.


Two Bargains in Homes - For Sale
  No. 719 Hickory Street, lot 50 x 140 ft., brick dwelling, four rooms on first 
fllor, four rooms and bath room second floor, finished attic, cemeted cellar, 
bath complete.  Electric light, hot water heat, from and rear porches.  Price 
  No. 1314 Walnut Street, lot 26 x 170 ft.  Three rooms, hall and pantry on 
first floor, three bedrooms, bath room on second floor.  Bath complete, electric 
light.  Price $1900.00
John N. Drass, General Insurance and Real estate, 410 Allegheny St. (near Court 
House), Hollidaysburg, Pa.


Names of Men Who Will Serve at the June Court.
  Sheriff William H. Orr, Jury Commissioners Martin L. McCartney and R. D. 
Stoltz, and County Commissioners' Chief Clerk Chester H. Edwards met at the 
court house yesterday afternoon and drew from the jury wheel the names of 
twenty-four voters of the county to serve as a grand jury, and sixty for the 
petit jury at the June term of quarter sessions or criminal court, that convenes 
at Hollidaysburg in the week beginning Monday, June 17.  The grand jury will 
meet at the court [continued on page 9] 

SELECTIONS from the Altoona Tribune, Tuesday Morning, May 7, 1918 - page 9

Hollidaysburg [Continued from page 7]
house the preceding week, Monday, June 10.
Grand Jury.
  Altoona - William Shaffer, J. M. Emory, W. P. Morgan, Harmin Winter, Samuel 
Creighton, E. J. Harshbarger, R. G. Yeager, John S. Foley, Harry L. Miller, C. 
E. Kieper, H. P. Stover, D. B. Yingling.
  Blair - Melvin Harpster.
  Duncansville - Earl Gibson, Homer C. Treese.
  Bellwood - S. T. Barr.
  Tyrone borough - J. E. Ardell.
  Tyrone township - John S. Fleck.
  Frankstown - William S. Reese.
  Freedom - Martin Walter.
  Hollidaysburg - H. A. McIntosh, George B. Kephart.
  Logan - Ed Bowser.
  Juniata borough - George A. May.
Petit Jury.
  Altoona - Albert G. Walters, E. H. Nicodemus, J. C. Hicks, F. H. Hutchison, J. 
C. Storm, Peter Seitz, Chas. O'Brien, Thomas Bloom, Roswell W. Glunt, Frank 
Knott, C. B. Hesser, Daniel Brandt, Michael O'Friel, John Gority, S. R. 
McFarland, Fred Geib, J. T. Hanlon, William E. Bell, T. M. Eynon, C. J. Maier, 
J. M. White, L. O. Harring, W. G. Huber.
  Antis - Thomas Johnson, Robert Oswald.
  Allegheny - George Jackson, George H. Barnes.
  Bellwood - W. B. Dysart, Don Stitt.
  Hollidaysburg - W. C. Schilling, Frank H. Goodfellow, A. B. Condron.
  Huston - George Grubb.
  Freedom - Archie Claar, H. E. Shaw, Isaac Booze, Joseph Flaugh.
  Frankstown - Dorsey Young.
  Logan - G. S. Young, T. S. Davis, George W. Parsons, C. C. Shultz, J. Y. 
O'Keefe, C. J. Marshal, G. W. Brandt, P. Corig, F. R. Beryhill, John R. Boker, 
William Pincin, George H. Wolfe.
  Juniata borough - H. T. Miller, A. B. Drake, John Anheiser.
  Roaring spring - Elmer snyder.
  Martinsburg - Daniel Straesser, W. R. Straesser.
  Tyrone borough - Frank Gardner.
  Newry - A. M. Lykens.
  Taylor - Benjamin Helsel.
  Woodbury - John Benner.


Special to the Tribune.
  Bedford, Pa., May 6. - Word was received here this morning by Ed. D. Heckerman 
that Fred L. Arnold, his nephew, of this place, had been serious injured while 
serving with his regiment the 15th Field Artillery, on the French front.  This 
is, so far as can be learned, the first Bedford county boy to be injured in 
foreign service.  Mr. Arnold, who is about 32 years of age, had been a salesman 
for Sharpe & Dohme, Baltimore druggists, for some time and although a native of 
Chester, had made his home here with his uncle and cousin for a number of years.  
He enlisted in the service last September at Altoona, and was sent to Columbus 
Barracks, O.; later, was sent to Camp Pine, Watertown, N.Y., and thence to Camp 
Merritts, N. J., from whence he sailed the first week in December.  A letter 
received by his relatives a few days ago stated that he was well but that was 
written prior to April 21, the date on which he was injured.  His relatives are 
anxiously awaiting particulars.


Former Tri-State Pitcher Dies in Army Camp in West.
  Dave Williams, also known to the Altoona baseball fans as Dave Bennett, is 
dead.  According to a dispatch received at Bloomsburg, Pa., he passed away in an 
army camp in Minnesota, of pneumonia.  He was a captain in the service and was 
in command of a company being trained for service.
  Williams came to Altoona in the days when the Tri-State was an outlaw 
organization.  He was secured from the Boston Americans, and went under the name 
of Bennett until the league was given protection and then he played under his 
correct name.  He was a good pitcher and was also a good hitter and was able to 
play most any position.

Independent A. C. Organized.

  The Independent A.C. baseball team has been organized and is now ready to 
stage games with all comers of teams who players range in age from 16 to 18 
years.  The team is composed of these players: McNelis, captain; Harris, 
McGinley, Santella, Meintel, Anderson, Klesius, Sutch, Lebo, Filer.  Teams 
desiring games should communicate with F. Leader, Bell telephone 3166.

SELECTIONS from the Altoona Tribune, Tuesday Morning, May 7, 1918 - page 10

DEATHS OF A DAY [Continued from page 1] 
NOTE: Blair County obituaries have been saved in individual files.

MRS. Nancy SHAW.

  Mrs. Nancy Shaw died Sunday morning at 6:30 o'clock at the home of her 
daughter, Mrs. J. H. Lovell, of Glasgow, aged 86.  She is also survived by one 
other daughter, Mrs. Ed. C. Dillon.  Her husband and one son proceed her to the 
grave.  Funeral services will be held this morning at 10 o'clock at her late 
home.  Interment will be made in Pleasant Hill cemetery, Glasgow.



  Mrs. Ralph Hamilton, of 908 Fifth street, a bride of two weeks, was last 
evening presented with a superb silver tea set, the gift of fellow clerks in the 
P.R.R. accounting department clearing house.  The lady was Miss June Ellis, and 
because her newly-made husband is called to serve his country, continues her 
work for the Pennsy.  That she is popular with her girl friends in the offices 
is attested by a pleasant invasion of her home last evening, when she was an 
easily drafted hostess to eleven fair guests.  She gave her friends a charming 
evening and they in turn made it memorable by presenting Mrs. Hamilton with a 
beautiful tea set.  Those of the visiting party were Misses George Kauffman, 
Mildred Stump, Mary Replogle, Lena Luddeke, Dorothy Viets, Martha Whitehead, 
Elizabeth Herr and Ruth Willis; Mrs. H. Krebs and Mrs. Kathleen Irvin.


  Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Haberstroh, of 909 Fourth street, left on Sunday evening 
for Frane, Pa., to attend the funeral of Mr. Haberstroh's uncle, the late C. H. 
Helm, which occurred this afternoon.
  Mrs. W. B. Ray, of 521 Eleventh avenue, entertained her sister, Mrs. Jane 
Brotherlin, of Collinsville, on Sunday.
  J. W. McCoy, of 501 Fifth avenue, spent the week end with his son Paul, of 
  Mrs. Mary O'Neil, a former resident, now of Philadelphia, is visiting friends 
in Juniata.
  Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Davis, of 610 Second street, were in Glasgow yesterday 
attending the funeral of their little niece.

SELECTIONS from the Altoona Tribune, Tuesday Morning, May 7, 1918 - page 11

Transfers of Real Estate Recorded

  The following realty transfers were placed on record in the office of Recorder 
of Deeds G. d. Irwin, at Hollidaysburg, yesterday:
  Charles R. Reese and wife to Lloyd C. Stevens, Tyrone borough, $2,325.00.
  Ruth A. Meadville to I. M. Jamison, Bellwood borough, $1,450.00
  Sarah G. Cochran and husband to John E. Cochran, Tyrone borough, $1.00.
  Elizabeth B. Sausser and husband to Allen M. Moser, Tyrone borough, $5,500.00.
  Preston F. Kagarise and wife to I. W. Grove, 329 Pine avenue, Altoona, 
  Christian Beck, et al, to Regina Criste, 2018 Fifth avenue, Altoona, 
Christian Beck, et. al, to Rosina Karl, 2016 Fifth avenue, Altoona, $3,000.00.
  Clarence S. McIntyre and wife to Daisy M. McIntyre, 2116 Eleventh street, 
Altoona, $1.00.

ADMINISTRATORS'S NOTICE - Estate of James Hampton, late of City of Altoona, 
deceased...SAMUEL G. GRIFFITH, Administrator, 904 Eleventh avenue, Altoona, Pa., 
J. F. Meck, Attorney.

EXECUTRIXES' NOTICE - Estate of Ann Jane Russell, late of City of Altoona, 
deceased...MARGARET J. RUSSELL, KATHARINE RUSSELL, Executrixes, 1800 Fifth 
avenue, Altoona, Pa., J. F. Meck, Attorney.

City Treasurer's Sale of Properties in the City of Altoona, in the County Blair 
and State of Pennsylvania, for City Taxes due thereon for the year 1918.
  By virtue of the several Acts of General Assembly of the Commonwealth of 
Pennsylvania, and the Ordinance of the City of Altoona relating to the sale of 
properties in the City of Altoona, for City Taxes due and unpaid, I will offer, 
at Public Sale, at City Hall, in the City of Altoona on Monday, June Third, 
1918, at 9:30 A.M., the following described real estate or such parts thereof as 
may be necessary to satisfy and pay the amount of the City Taxes due and unpaid 
against the same, and will continue the said sale from time to time, or adjourn 
the same, as may be found necessary.
  The amount of the Taxes and costs must be paid when the land is sold, 
otherwise the sale will be voided and the property immediately put up again for 
H. W. TURNER, City Treasurer of the City of Altoona.

[NOTE: List OCRed and read but not proofread.]


D. L. Counsman, 1812 Eighth St.
Geo. A. Patton, 1112 Thirteenth Ave.


G. T. Bell Est., 811-13-15-17-19-21 Walton.
Mrs. Margaret Collary, 701-3 Third Ave.
Craig & Culp, 1010 Fourth Ave.
Henry Elway, 824 Eighth Ave.
Mrs. Kate Filer, 805 Fourth Ave.
Mrs. Kate Filer, 807 Fourth Ave.
Adam Hoover, 804 Walton Ave.
John Muri, 1016-18 First Ave.
Salvation Army Trus., 710 Eighth Ave.
Eliz. Weissman, 1115 Second Ave.


Mrs. Letitita Askew, 1309-11 21st Ave.
Mrs. Letitita Askew, 1424-26 22nd Ave.
Mrs. Letitita Askew, 1428-30 22nd Ave.
Mrs. Letitita Askew, 1316-18 22nd Ave.
Mrs. Letitita Askew, 1301-3 22nd Ave.
Mrs. Letitita Askew, 1305-7 22nd Ave.
Mrs. Letitita Askew, 1313-15 22nd Ave.
Mrs. Letitita Askew, 1308-10 23rd Ave.
Mrs. Letitita Askew, 1312-14 23rd Ave.
Mrs. Letitita Askew, 1321-23 23rd Ave.
Mrs. Letitita Askew, 1329-31 23rd Ave.
A. S. Fisher, 1217 14th Ave.
L. R. Linton, 1304-6 24th Ave.
E. M. S. McKee, 1318 12th Ave.
Carl Schmidt, 1400-02 22nd Ave.
Patrick Smith, 1321-23 21st Ave.
Mrs. Ida Macklin, 1303 19th Ave.
Virginia Smith, 1319-21 19th Ave. 
Virginia Smith, 1327-29 19th Ave. 
Virginia Smith, 1312-14 21st Ave. 
Virginia Smith, 1313-15 21st Ave. 
Virginia Smith, 1412 21st Ave.
Virginia Smith, 1414 21st Ave. 
Virginia Smith, 1416-18 21st Ave. 
Virginia Smith, 1413-15 23rd Ave. 
Virginia Smith, 1320-22 222nd Ave. 
Virginia Smith, 132S-30 22nd Ave. 
Virginia Smith, 1425-27 22nd Ave. 
Virginia Smith, 1429-31 22nd Ave. 
Virginia Smith, 1300-2 23rd Ave. 
Virginia Smith, 1305-7 23rd Ave, 
Virginia Smith, 1401-3 23rd Ave. 
Virginia Smith, 1405-7 23rd Ave. 
Virginia Smith, 1409-11 23rd Ave.
Dr. Geo. F. Tate, 1201-1 1/2 13th Ave. 
Dr. Geo. F. Tate, 1203 13th Ave. 
Dr. Geo. F. Tate, 1205 13th Ave. 
Dr. Geo. F. Tate, 1207 13th Ave. 
Dr. Geo. F. Tate, 3205 15th Ave. 
Dr. Geo. F. Tate, 1207 15th Ave. 
Dr. Geo. F. Tate, 1209 15th Ave. 
Dr. Geo. F. Tate, 1211 15th Ave. 
Dr, Geo. F. Tate, 1213 15th Ave. 
Dr. Geo. F. Tate, 1210 15th Ave. 
Dr. Geo. P. Tate, 1217-19 15th Ave. 
May C. Trask, 1511 19th Ave. 
May C. Trask, 1513-15 19th Ave. 
May C. Trask, 1517 19th Ave. 
May C. Trask, 1315 17th Ave. 
May C. Trask, 1429-31 20th Ave. 
May C. Trask. 1307 21st Ave. 
May C. Trask, 1416-1S 23rd Ave. 
May C. Trask, 1417-19 23rd Ave. 
May C. Trask, 1317-19 22nd Ave. 
May C. Trask, 1321-23 22nd Ave. 
May C. Trask, 1401-3 22nd Ave. 
May C. Trask, 1421-23 22nd Ave. 
May C. Trask, 1425-27 23rd Ave.
Unknown, 1400-2 28th Ave. 
Unknown, 1404-6 28th Ave. 
Unknown, 1408-10 2051t Ave. 
Unknown, 1412-14 28th Ave. 
Unknown, 1425-27 28th Ave. 
Unknown, 1429-31 28th Ave. 
Unknown, 141% 25th Ave. 
Unknown, 1413-15 25th Ave. 
Unknown, 1409 25th Ave. 
Unknown, 1304-6 26th Ave. 
Unknown, 1308-10 26th Ave. 
Unknown, 1312-14 26th Ave. 
Unknown, 1301-3 26th Ave. 
Unknown, 1305-7 26th Ave. 
Unknown, 1321-23 26th Ave. 
Unknown, 1325-27 26th Ave. 
Unknown, 1420-22 24th Ave. 
Unknown, 1301-3 27th Ave. 
Unknown. 1305-7 27th Ave. 
Unknown, 1309-11 2 7th Ave. 
Unknown, 1313-15 27th. Ave. 
Unknown, 1317-19 27th Ave. 
Unknown, 1321-23 27th Ave. 
Unknown, 1404-6 27th Ave. 
Unknown, 1412-14 27th Ave. 
Unknown, 1416-18 27th Ave. 
Unknown, 1301-3 28th Ave. 
Unknown, 1305-7 28th Ave 
Unknown, 1309-11 28th Ave. 
Unknown, 1313-15 28th Ave. 
Unknown, 1317-19 28th Ave. 
Unknown, 1321-23 28th Ave. 
Unknown, 1325-27 28th Ave+. 
Unknown, 1329-81 28th Ave.
W. H. Wanamaker Est., 1404-6 26th Ave. 
Unknown, 1401-3 26th Ave.
D. Estelle Whithead, 1424-26 19th Ave. 
D. Estelle Whithead, 1328 21st Ave. 
D. Estelle Whithead, 1300-2 22nd Ave. 
D. Estelle Whithead, 1301-3 23rd Ave.


J. C. Albert, 1512 Third Ave.
J. C. Albert, 1614 Third Ave.
C. D. Burket, 1215 Sixth Ave.
Chas. F. Dangel, 1531 Walton Ave. 
Jas. W. Dunnigan, 1502 Third Ave, 
Jos. Greible, 1521-23 Logan Ave. 
Jos. Grieble, 1518-20-22 Logan Ave. 
Jos. Greible, 1524-26 Logan Ave. 
Jos. Greible, 1535 Walton Ave.
Jos. Hileman Estate, 1201-3 Bell Ave. 
Jos. Hileman Estate, 1205-7 Bell Ave.
Jos. Hileman Estate, 1209-11 Bell Ave. 
Jos. Hileman Estate, 1213-16 Bell Ave.  
Jos. Hileman Estate, 1217-19 Bell Ave. 
Jos. Hileman Estate, 1221-23 Bell Ave. 
Jos. Hileman Estate, 1225-27 Bell Ave. 
Jos. Hileman Estate, 1229-31 Bell Ave.
Robert C. Howe, 1510 Seventh Ave. 
Mrs. Catherine Lee, 1220 Third Ave. 
Mrs. Catherine Lee, 1231 Third Ave. 
John Schultz, 1517-19 Bell Ave.
Chas. H. Wertzberger, 1532-34 Walton. 
David Wertzberger, 1536-35 Walton Ave. 
David Wertzberger; 1544-4G Walton Ave.


W. B. Allen, 1311 20th St.
W. B. Allen, 2001-3 14th Ave.
Letitia Askew, 1605-07 21st Ave. 
Letitia Askew, 1609-11 21st Ave. 
Baker Elias Heirs, 2421-23 11th Ave. 
Baker Elias Heirs, 2425-27 11th Ave. 
Baker Elias Heirs, 2429-31 11th Ave. 
Jasper C. Barrette, 2700-2 13th Ave. 
Jasper C. Barrette, 2704-6 13th Ave.
S. J. Becker, 2021-23 20th St. 
S. J. Becker, 2025-27 20th St:
Bert Blumenthal. 2212-14 14th Ave. 
Wm. F. Bolyer, 2021-23 15th Ave. 
F. M. Campbell, 2501-3 11th Ave.
F. M.. Campbell 2506-7 11th Ave. 
H. A. Davis, 1909-11 16th Ave.
Mrs. S. E. Feeney, 2529-31 14th Ave. 
Daniel Gall, 2213 13th Ave.
Margaret Halton Estate, 2101-3 14th Ave. 
Margaret Halton Estate, 2129-31 14th Ave. 
Philip Halton, 2424-26 13th Ave. 
Mrs. K. Hammers, 2604-013 11th Ave. 
Wm. Hammond, 1815 14th Ave.
Felix Hanlon, 2300-02 Washington Ave. 
J. P. Haslet Estate, 2620-22 13th Ave. 
N. P. Haslet Estate, 2609-11 16th Ave. 
A. M. Heisler, 2216-18 19th St.
John Mouser, 2417-19 12th Ave. 
Celia Isaacsoni, 1905 15th Ave.
G. Kusner, 2225-27 Washington Ave. 
Mrs. B. McCoy, 2400-02 11th Ave. 
W. H Markley Estate, 2420-22 11th Ave. 
H. Markley Estate, 2424-26 11th Ave. 
W. H. Markley Estate, 2128-30 11th Ave. 
W. H. Markley Estate, 1905-07 10th Ave. 
Wm. C. Marks, 2417-19 11th Ave. 
Mrs. A. M. Mateer, 1013 Bridge. St. 
Mrs. A. M. Mateer, 1010 17th St.
Jos. J. Nagle, 2524-26 13th Ave. 
W. H. Pitzer, 30 Washington Alley. 
W. H. Pitzer, 32 Washington Ailey. 
W. H. Pitzer, 30 Washington Ave. 
Michael Poet, 2616 13th Ave.
Mrs. S. Nimer, 2219 Washington Ave. 
Anna L. Schneider, 2505-7 12th Ave. 
Anna L. Schneider, 2509-11 12th Ave. 
Anna L. Schneider 2513-15 12th Ave. 
Anna L. Schneider, 2517-19 12th Ave. 
Anna L. Schneider, 2621-23 12th Ave. 
Synagogue of Sons of Jacob, 1114 20th St. 
Harry B. Thompson, 2128-30 14th Ave.
H. B. Thompson, 2525-27 11th Ave. 
J. H. Tolliver, 2200 13th Ave.
J. H. Tolliver, 2202 13th Ave.
Sanford Treese, 2516-18 11th Ave. 
Unknown, 22110-2 15th Ave.
Unknown, 2204-6 Hilt Ave.
Unknown, 2324-26 12th Ave.
Unknown, 2312-14 13th Ave.
Unknown, 2316-18 13th Ave.
Unknown, 2521-23 13th Ave.
Unknown, 2601- 3 14th Ave.
Fred Wicker Estate, 2110-12 12th Ave. 
W L. Wicker, 2320-23 11th Ave.
Cocella(?)  Wilmore, 2317-19 11th Ave.
A. W. Westfall, 1103 19th St. 


M. N. & M. S. Bartley, 1615 Walton Ave.
Mr. P. G. Bell, 2506-08 Second Ave. 
James Brown, 2024 Sixth Ave. 
J. C. Brown 2201-3 Fifth Ave. 
Wm. Deffenbaugh, 2019 Fifth Ave. 
A. J. Engle, 24 St. Pleasant Ave. 
Stiles Gilliford, 2711-13 Fifth Are. 
Andrew Greiner, 2514 Fifth Ave. 
Jos. Grieble, 1600 Bell Ave.
Jos. Grieble, 1602 Bell Ave.
James Kirkpatrick, 2221-23 First Ave. 
John A. Lehle, 1604 Fourth Ave.
Michael Long, 1809-11 Fourth Ave.
John Loudon Estate, 2013-15 First Ave. 
Ms's. Ida McCartney, 1818 Eighth Ave. 
H. L. Rodgers, 510 Twenty-sixth St. 
Nora. Thompson, 2505-7 Pleasant Ave.
Nora Thompson, 2509-11 Pleasant Ave.
Mr. Henry Ramsey, 2410-12 First Ave. 
Henry M. Ramsey, 2414 First Ave.


Union B. & L. Asso., 215 Willow Ave. 
W. J. Byrne, 309-11 E. Walnut Ave. 
Mary Carlin, 1322 Third St.
It. H. Hamilton, 104 Spruce, Ave. 
Franklin L. Hamilton, 105-7 Beech Ave. 
Arthur K. Detwiler, 1411 First St
John Hamilton Estate, 100-2 E. Spruce. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 217-19 E. Cherry Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 129-31 E. Cherry Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 125-27 E. Cherry Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 216-18 E. Cherry Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 212-14 E. Cherry Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 213-15 E. Cherry Ave. 
Lewis T; Hamilton, 316-18 E. Cherry Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 312-14 E. Cherry Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 200-02 E. Spruce Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 204-06 E. Spruce Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 208-10 E. Spruce Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 212-14 E. Spruce Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 216-18 E. Spruce Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 220-22 E. Spruce Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 224-26 E. Spruce Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 228-30 E. Spruce Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 300-02 E. Spruce Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 304-06 E. Spruce Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 308-10 E. Spruce Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 312-14 E. Spruce Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 316-18 E. Spruce Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 320-22 E. Spruce Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 324-26 E. Spruce Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 300-2 E. Cherry Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 305-7 E. Cherry Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 101-3 E. Spruce Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 105-7 E. Spruce Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 109-11 E. Spruce Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 301-3 E. Walnut Ave 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 305-7 E. Walnut Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 229-31 E. Walnut Av. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 225-27 E. Walnut Av. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 221-23 E. Walnut Av. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 219 E. Walnut Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 301-3 E. Spruce Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 305-7 E. Spruce Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 309-11 E. Spruce Ave 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 313-15 E. Spruce Ave. 
Lewis T. Hamilton, 105 Spruce Ave.
Lewis T. Hamilton. 300-2 E. Willow Ave. 
Samuel Hyle, 325-27 Howard Ave. 
Samuel Hyle, 329-31 Howard Ave. 
A. Jessel, 125-27 E. Willow Ave.
Jas. G. Mitchell, 209-11 Spruce Ave. 
Jas. G. Mitchell, 225-27 Beech Ave. 
M. L. Nonemaker, 310 E. Walnut Ave. 
Louis T. Hamilton, 328-30 E. Spruce Ave 
Emerson Rutherford, 319 E. Walnut Ave.


Samuel Crowther, 416 Grant Ave.
G. E. Euszankas, 325-27 Walton Ave. 
Fisher & Seedenberg. 211-13 Sixth St. 
Frank E. Hoffman, 810 E. Fifth St. 
Mrs. M. E. Jones, 327 First Ave.
Mrs. Emma Lehder, 308-10 Fourth Ave 
W. L. Markley, 524-26 Walton Ave. 
W. L. Markley, 528-SO Walton Ave. 
W. C. Nash. 504 First Ave.
Mrs. Mary Ott, 501 Crawford Ave.
C. S. Shaffer, 520-22 Third Ave. 
S. C. Wilson, 327 Second Ave.
J. .D. Woessner, 525 Second Ave. 
J. D. Woessner. 112 Sixth St.
Mrs. Laura Steward, 510 Bell Ave. 


W. H. Baskins, 235 Walnut Ave. 
Sara Cawley, 2500-02 Ninth Ave.
E. J. Dillon, 2523 W. Chestnut Ave. 
Economy B. & L. Asso., 2418 Oak Ave 
Mark J. Farrell, 2604-6 Spruce Ave. 
A. Abelson, 1717 Margaret Ave. 
Mary B. Jones, 2408-10 Walnut Ave. 
Mary B. Jones. 2412-14 Walnut Ave.
H. T. Gantz, 2424-26 Maple Ave. 
George Loudon, 2401-3 Maple Ave. 
George Loudon, 2405-7 Maple Ave-
S. E. Loudon, 2110 W. Chestnut Ave. 
Prank Love, 2312 Ninth Ave.
Mrs. Anna Mateer, 2621-23 Broad Ave. 
David Orndorff, 2629 Walnut-Ave.
F. J. Shellar, 2001-3 Maple Ave.
D. E. Sprankle. 944-46 Seventeenth St. 
Streitt & Saupp, 1006-8-10 S. 27th St.


Milton Alexander, 321-3 E. Bell Ave.
J. W. Ansparger, Sr., 217-19 E. Sixth Av. 
Mut. Guar. L. Asso.. 121-23. Seventh Ave. 
Chas. D. Bowman, 222 E. Third Ave. 
Jerome Boyer. 210 Fourth Ave. 
Clara Bressler, 209 E. Fifth Ave. 
Geo. W. Bressler, 111 E. Sixth Ave. 
Geo. W. Bressler, 109 E. Sixth Ave. 
J. B. Burket, 213 E. First Ave.
E. S. Campbell. 201 E. Fifth Ave. 
Chas. Clare, 227 E. Fifth Ave.
Morris Conner 213-15 Fifth Ave. 
Morris Conner, 212 Fourth Ave. 
H. W. Corl, 100-2 Fourth Ave. 
Andrew S. Fisher, 212 E. First Ave. 
Andrew S. Fisher, 224 Seventh Ave. 
Andrew S. Fisher, 226 Seventh Ave. 
Andrew S. Fisher. 228 Seventh Ave. 
Andrew S. Fisher, 230 Seventh Ave. 
Andrew S. Fisher, 706 Third St. 
Andrew S. Fisher. 708 Third St.
E. J. Harkness, 217-19 E. Bell Ave. 
Jas. Heaton Heirs, 223-222 E. Craw. Ave. 
D. H. Kelly, 129 B. Fourth Ave. 
J. A. Kelly, 403 E. Bell Ave.
J. A. Kelly. 405-7 E. Bell Ave.
Peter Meehan, 121 E. Crawford Ave. 
J. K. Orr, 117 Sixth Ave.
A. S. Fisher, 714-16 Bellwood Ave. 
Susan Roth, 123 Fourth Ave.
Sylvester Weakland, 211 Second Ave. 
Lucy A. Wengert, 111 E. Third Ave.


J. S. Angeny, Jr., 112-14 22nd Ave. 
J. S. Angeny, Jr., 116-18 22nd Ave. 
J. S. Angeny, Jr., 120-22 22nd Ave. 
J. S. Angeny, Jr., 124-26 22nd Ave.
J. S. Angeny, Jr., 120-22 25th Ave. 
J. S. Angeny, Jr., 124-26 25th Ave. 
J. S. Angeny, Jr., 100-02 23rd Ave. 
J. S. Angeny, Jr., 104-06 23rd Ave. 
J. S. Angeny, Jr., 108-10 23rd Ave. 
J. S. Angeny, Jr., 101-03 23rd Ave. 
J. S. Angeny, Jr., 113-15 23rd Ave. 
J. S. Angeny, Jr., 117-19 23rd Ave. 
J. S. Angeny, Jr., 121-23 23rd Ave. 
J. S. Angeny, Jr., 125-27 23rd Ave. 
J. S. Angeny, Jr., 116-18 23rd Ave. 
J. S. Angeny, Jr., 101-03 24th Ave. 
J. S. Angeny, Jr., 105-07 24th Ave. 
J. S. Angeny, Jr., 109-11 24th Ave.
J. S. Angeny, Jr., 113-15 24th Ave.
J. S. Angeny, Jr., 117-19 24th Ave. 
J. S. Angeny, Jr., 121-23 24th Ave. 
J. S. Angeny, Jr., 125-27 24th Ave. 
J. S. Angeny, Jr., 129-31 24th Ave.
E. L. Bartholomew, 112-14 23rd Ave. 
Amella (?) Crilly , 1309 Fifth St.
Clara Duncan, 205 Maple Ave.
John, Gable, 900-03 25th Ave.
Keystone B. & L. Asso., 1901 Fifth St. 
Crist Green, 609 Twentieth Ave. 
Cleo. H. Gwin, 1906 Sixth St.
S. S. Hildebrand, 326 21st Ave.
L. B. Condrin, 301-03 23rd Ave. 
J. H. Larcomb, 1000-02 28th Ave. 
James Dunn Estate, 2512-14 Fifth St. 
J. G. Mitchell, 217-19 Pine Ave, 
H. L. Savage, 221-23 Pine Ave.
Frank L. Hamilton, 111 Pine Ave 
Geo. Nicodemus, 305-07 22nd Ave. 
Louis Plack, 309-11 23rd Ave.
W. D. Rhodes. 1942-44 Ninth St. 
Unknown, 1007-09 24th Ave.
Wierbaugh & Hess, 511-13 25th Ave. 
Wierbaugh & Hess, 515-17 25th Ave. 
Wierbaugh & Hess, 519-21. 25th Ave. 
Jas. Ross; 527 22nd Ave.


Ellis Brubaker, 3009-11 Walnut Ave. 
P. J. Flannigan, 2721 S. Tenth Ave. 
D. E. Furry, 2901-03 Maple Ave. 
D. E. Furry, 2905-07 Maple Ave. 
D. E. Furry, 3025-27 Maple Ave. 
Jas. Hand, 2808 Spruce Ave.
Jas. Hand, 2810 Spruce Ave.
Grace E. Mitchell. 2815 W. Chest. Ave. 
Minerva Scanlon. 2704-06 Broad Ave. 
T. M. Shade. 2305-07 W. Chestnut Ave.
M.  E. Stouffer, 963-65 Twenty-ninth St. 
Streitt & Saupp. 2801-03 Spruce Ave. 
Streitt &. Saupp, 2807-09-11 Spruce Ave. 
Streitt & Saupp, 2813-15 Spruce Ave. 
Streitt & Saupp, 2825-27 Spruce Ave. 
Streitt & Saupp, 2829-31 Spruce Ave. 
Streitt & Saupp, 1012 Allegheny St. 
Streitt & Saupp, 1014 Allegheny St. 
Streitt & Saupp, 1016 Allegheny St. 
Streitt & Saupp, 2721 Oak Ave. 
Streitt & Saupp, 2737-39 S. Tenth Ave. 
Streitt & Saupp, 2741 S. Tenth Ave. 
Streitt & Saupp, 2825-27 S. Tenth Ave. 
Harry Swisher, 2717 S. Tenth Ave. 
Unknown, 3029-31 S. Tenth Ave. 
Unknown, 3033 S. Tenth Ave.
T. W. Vaughn, 3012-14 Oak Ave.
                        may 7-3t-tues

SELECTIONS from the Altoona Tribune, Tuesday Morning, May 7, 1918 - page 12


  Hillside poker games were thriving in and about the city and constables were 
preparing to make an onslaught.
  G. S. Mitchell, wife and daughter, departed for Toledo, O., to attend the 
Order of Railway Conductors' convention and later to attend the World's Fair at 
  H.  J. Cornman, of this city, purchased the bay trotting mare of Charles A. 
Hull, a prominent Tyrone horseman.

Items Concerning Persons Whom You May Chance to Know

  John Newman, a former resident, has returned to his home in East End, 
Pittsburg, after spending the weekend in the city.
  Mrs. Thomas Eichelberger, of Chester, Va., who has been the guest of Mrs. 
Minnie Kipple, of 816 Seventh avenue, left yesterday to join her husband in 
  Joseph P. Harlow, chief store keeper at League Island navy yard, spent Sunday 
at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Harlow, of 1315 Fourteenth 
  A. J. Reilly, esq., has returned from Philadelphia and is at the Logan house.
  Mrs. J. L. Shillenn, of Clearfield, Is visiting among relatives in the city 
for a few days.
  Mrs. C. T. O'Brien has returned to her home in Clearfield, after spending 
several days here with friends.
  Dolph Knox has returned home from spending the week-end with relatives in 
Lewistown and vicinity.
  Mrs. Norval Miller, of 3006 Broad avenue, will leave this morning for Mt. 
Clemens, Mich., where she will undergo treatment for Rheumatism. Mr. Miller will 
accompany her to the sanitarium and will return to this city in a few days.


Head of City Army Recruiting Station Is Given Merited Promotion

  Sergeant Harry E. Smith, in charge of the Altoona army recruiting station in 
the Goldschmid building, has been promoted to first lieutenant in the United 
States Guard, according to advice from Washington yesterday.
  He will be called before an examining board soon, the official communication 
from the bureau of military affairs of the war department stated. although his 
appointment is assured.
  Sergeant Smith has an excellent military record during five years service. He 
enlisted on the cavalry and rapidly advanced to non-commissioned offices. A year 
ago he aspired to a commission as provisional second lieutenant, regular army 
field artillery. After a short term in that capacity, he resigned and became a 
sergeant in general service infantry, being attached to the local branch of the 
Harrisburg recruiting district.

Altoonan Is Released by Judge to Serve Nation. More "Soldiers of Sea"

  Three recruits for the regular army were obtained yesterday at the Goldschmid 
building recruiting office, and two men were taken for training stations of the 
marine corps by Sergeant Nale, of the Mateer building.
  William G. Downing, of 1102 Church street, Hollidaysburg, accepted for the 
army field artillery corps, and John W. Benson, Duncansville, was taken for the 
  Bruce N. Miller, of this city, who was serving a short term for assault and 
battery in the county jail, was granted permission by Judge T. J. Baldrige 
yesterday to enlist, after he had made proper petition. He is a painter by trade 
and was sent to the army station, accepted, and will leave soon. He has a wife 
and two children, who will maintain themselves on Miller's allowance.
  Raymond E. Wolf. 908 Third avenue, departs this morning for a marine corps 
training station, with Albert Borden, Mifflin. Thirteen men have been forwarded, 
including them, this month. Seven or eight others leave this week.


Paul Feather, 1809 Thirteenth Avenue, Dashes in Front of Machine
  Paul Feather, aged 12, of 1809 Thirteenth avenue, suffered minor contusions 
and lacerations of the face and right arm shortly before 7 o'clock last evening 
when he ran in front of and was felled by the motor car of Dr. C. E. Robinson, 
at Twelfth avenue and Sixteenth street. Young Feather was shoved a few feet away 
from the machine, which was promptly halted by the physician's chauffeur. The 
doctor, who was making a professional call in that section, hastily examined the 
boy and took him to the Altoona hospital where he was admitted at 7.20 P. M. He 
will likely be able to go home today.
  George Kohler, aged 22, of East Eighth street, employed at the Pennsy 
miscellaneous shop, was hit on the head by a pick, receiving a contused and 
puncture wound of the scalp, which was x-rayed at the hospital. He was working 
as a fireman when hurt.
  Alvin Greenwood, aged 23, 208 First avenue, had his left wrist fractured and 
contused, the member being x-rayed. Jesse Nagle, aged 43 of 525 Second avenue, 
suffered a severe burn of the left eyeball at Fourth street blacksmith shop 
where a hot scale hit him.
  John E. Carter, aged 20, 1413 Seventh street, pushed his left middle finger 
through a headlight at the passenger station yesterday morning, lacerating the 
member badly. A. Ellsworth Bollinger, aged 37, Broad avenue extension, had his 
left middle finger caught and crushed in a chain at the steel car shop.

Two Juniata Young Women Must Face Additional Charges in Philadelphia

  That Lillian Wilhide and Anna St. Clair, the Juniata girls arrested Saturday 
for complicity in a jewels theft at Baltimore, Md., previously relieved Miss 
Verna Flenner, Philadelphia, a cousin of the former, of valuables worth $700, is 
the accusation made against them Yesterday.
  Miss Flenner resides at 1149 Erie avenue, in the Quaker City with her mother. 
On April 2, after the girls, it is alleged, had been there a week, they 
disappeared simultaneously with a lady's gold watch, a gold wrist watch, hats, 
gowns, furs, lingerie, a necklace, a lavalliere and other property aggregating 
  Private and city detectives are at work on the case, but the girls could not 
be located. It now develops that they fled to Baltimore, where the second theft 
occurred on April 7. The Wilhide girl's cousin and her mother were unaware that 
the Juniata girls had run away from home, until several days after their advent.
  It is stated that the Wilhide girl obtained a job in a ten cent store, and her 
companion was employed in an office. The former's aunt lent them money each day 
for carfare and luncheon. A warrant will be sworn out in Philadelphia against 
them today. Baltimore officers are coming for the girls tomorrow, having secured 
extradition papers.
