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NEWS: Items from the Morning Tribune, January 29, 1891, Blair County, PA

Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by JRB 

Copyright 2009.  All rights reserved.

Items from the Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, January 29, 

A Record of the Business Transacted at Yesterday's Session.

  The Blair county courts reconvened at Hollidaysburg, yesterday 
morning at 9 o'clock, Hon. John Dean presiding.  Following is the 
record of business transacted:


  Andrews - A subpoena was awarded in the divorce case of Lavinia Hamor 
vs. Harry A. Hamor.
  Same - John A. Smith, guardian of John, Roy and Benjamin McCartney, 
was given leave to join in the execution of a certain deed to John 
  Calvin - The application of W. C. Fletcher, esq., a practitioner 
before the supreme judicial court of Maine, for admission to the Blair 
county bar, was referred to the committee on examinations.
  Flick - A feigned issue to determine the ownership of a certain 
personal property was awarded between Mrs. Mary A. Oberly and Baltzell 
  Woodcock, W. I. - An order of sale for the payment of debts of 
decedent was granted in the estate of F. F. Greaser, deceased, of 
Huston township.  The bond of Levi D. Acker, the administrator, in the 
sum of $5,000 was approved.
  Baldrige - Henry C. Lorenz was appointed guardian of Bertha J. 
Rhodes, and directed to give bond in sum of $1,500.
  Craig & Bowers - The sale of the real estate of Edward Spearing, 
deceased, of Altoona, to Mrs. Eliza Spearing for $1,900 was approved 
and deed ordered to be executed by clerk of orphans' court.
  Greevy & Patterson - A subpoena was granted in the divorce case of 
Elizabeth Delozier vs. William O. Delozier.
  John Orr, esq., high sheriff of Blair county, came into court and 
acknowledged his deed for the property of William H. Quinn, situated on 
the corner of Dallas and Spring streets, Tyrone, sold to the Bald Eagle 
Building and Loan association for $1,925.
  Final disposition for the term was made of the following cases on the 
list for trial:
  In the case of Lewis Smawley vs. James Kearney and Peter Cassiday a 
non suit was entered.
  Annie Dunn et al vs. James Heaton's heirs.  Continued on account of 
the death of Mr. Blair.
  Emory E. Snyder vs. Samuel Dunlap.  Continued by consent.
  Monroe K. Reeves vs. John A. Murray and Jane Franks.  Continued by 
  Jacob Schandelmeier vs. Charles Ingold and J. Cloyd Kreider.  
Continued by consent.
  Mrs. Anna M. Swank and Husband vs. Barbara and James Rooney.  
Continued at cost of defendant.
  A. L. Goss vs. Mrs. Anna M. and John Cherry.  Settled.
  Ellsworth J. Ebbs vs. Letitia and Jere Long.  Continued at cost of 
  Charles L. Marshall vs. James A. Vaughn.  The defendant confessed 
judgment to plaintiff for $73.50
  Josiah Arthur vs. G. W. Dougherty and Mrs. Maggie Fagan, garnishee.  
A non-suit was entered, on payment of $20 to plaintiff.
  A. Ake vs. George Dougherty and Mrs. Maggie Fagan, garnishee.  
  In the case of Samuel Williams' heirs vs. Clara Emeigh and Abram 
Geiswhite, for damages sustained by the plaintiff, by the cutting down 
of trees on his land, in Snyder township, by the defendants, the jury 
found for the plaintiff $26.80, double damages.
  The trial of the case of Mrs. Anna M. Ray vs. William G. Waring and 
Edmund Waring occupied the major portion of the day.  This was a suit 
for $50 damages for breaking down the division fences between the lots 
of plaintiff and defendants, at Tyrone.  The evidence had closed in the 
case before court adjourned.  
  Court adjourned to meet on Thursday morning at 9 o'clock.


  Mr. John D. Love, of the Union street grocery, having purchased of 
the Kinkead estate the valuable property on Allegheny street, east of 
the Lutheran church, will, in the early spring, commence the erection 
of a suitable business building on the vacant portion of the lot.  
Building material for this purpose is now being placed on the ground.

Hospital Notes.

  Frank Ross, an Italian, was admitted last night, to be treated for 
rheumatism.  He is the same man admitted some time ago, who had been 
injured by a steel rail striking him in the chest.
  Frank Walters, of 309 Willow avenue, an employe of the freight shop, 
was treated for a severe contusion of the left hand.  The injury was 
caused by a heavy piece of metal coming in contact with the member.
  Michael Galanche, the Italian who was shot during the racket on 
Sixteenth street, Tuesday evening, was admitted yesterday for 
treatment.  It is not definitely known how bad his injury is, but it is 
not thought it will result seriously.  John Johns, the Italian who was 
so badly beaten, and who is accused of doing the shooting, admitted 
yesterday morning, is doing as well as could be expected.


Preston B. Furry, of our sister village, Loysburg, who for years has 
been the obliging clerk in the general merchandise store of H. B. 
Aaron, will in the spring take up himself the management of the large 
flouring mill owned by W. H. Aaron and so successfully operated for 
several years by J. S. Brown & Son.