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NEWS: Selections from "Legal Troubles," Altoona Times, July 7, 1903, Blair County, PA

Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Judy Banja 

Copyright 2005.  All rights reserved.


Judges Bell and Shull Hear Arguments on Various Matters in Process of 

  The following matters were considered by Judge Bell at motion and petition 
court yesterday:
  E. E. Sheller, esq., was appointed auditor to distribute the funds in the 
assigned estate of Jacob Levy and wife.
  The return of mortgage to A. B. Hicks of $1,500 on the real estate of Joseph 
Max Furer, deceased, was confirmed nial.
  A decree of incorporation was made to the Charlottesville Cemetery 
association, Tipton, Antis township.
  J. Lee Plummer, esq., was appointed master in the divorce case of Martin 
Everhart vs. Jennie Everhart.
  A rule was awarded for the discharge of B. W. Roller, administrator of the 
estate of Arthur Roller, deceased.
  Charles W. McNelly, guardian of Charles Wilson McNelly, was authorized to 
sell the property on Sixth avenue and Fourth street, Altoona, to Thomas Weir, 
for the sum of $16,000, and the sale is approved.
  The Central Pennsylvania Trust company was appointed guardian of minor 
children of C. Hauser, sr., deceased.  Bonds of guardian, in sum of $300 each, 
were approved.
  D. E. North, esq., was appointed auditor in the estate of C. Hauser, sr., 
  A decree of adoption was made to William A. and Hattie McFarland for Harriet 
Garrett, minor child of Fred Garrett.
  On petition of William Lewis, praying that his sister Mrs. Isabella Friday, 
be adjudged a lunatic, his honor fixed Aug. 3 as the time for hearing the 
  The Central Pennsylvania Trust company was appointed guardian of minor 
children of Annie E. Henry, deceased, guardian to give bond in each case for 
  On petition of William Bouslough for the satisfaction of a mortgage executed 
to Jacob R. Bouslough, the court authorized the sheriff to give notice to the 
parties to make answer to October term.
  The city of Altoona vs. Mrs. Catharine Keegan, rule granted to show cause 
why said writ should not be quashed.  Returnable at argument court.
  Citation directed to issue on George Parsons, executor of John G. Kline, to 
file account.  Returnable at argument court.
  The city of Altoona vs. Mrs. Sarah Rickabaugh, rule awarded to show cause 
why writ should not be quashed.  Returnable at argument court.
  R. A. Henderson, esq., was appointed master in divorce case of H. E. Fries 
vs. Mrs. Celia Fries.
  In the estate of Joseph Harlin, deceased, the return day in the partition 
proceedings fixed for the first Monday in August.
  On motion of J. F. Sullivan, esq., attorney for John Eckels, jr., the rule 
heretofore granted is made absolute and the sheriff is directed to pay J. F. 
Sullivan the sum of $23.
  Margaret V. Doran, now Sister Mary Josephine, and Ellen A. Doran vs. B. F. 
Books, certiorari argued by J. F. Sullivan, esq.  Decision deferred.
  The case of Dr. J. M. Sheedy, guardian of Dennis Cronin, et al.  The 
controversy is relative to one-third interest in the estate of John Cronin, 
deceased, which plaintiff claims.  Argued by T. H. Greevy for the plaintiff, 
and by W. L. Pascoe, esq., for the defendant.  Decision deferred.
  There was quite a controversy in court on the application for the 
appointment of a guardian for John Wendt, who has been away from home for more 
than a year.
  It appears that a step-mother in the Wendt home has caused an estrangement 
between the father and some of his children.  John testified that he left home 
more than a year ago because his father beat him with a piece of stove wood.
  Rebecca, a 16-year-old sister, who has also left home, corroborated John's 
story and said her father beat her with the same weapon.
  Albert Wendt said that John was a bad boy, that he refused to go to school, 
stayed out late at night and got to stealing.
  His honor appointed Charles B. Thompson guardian to consent to John's 
employment by the railroad company.

Altoona Times, Tuesday morning, July 7, 1903