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NEWS: Items from the Altoona Mirror, January 17, 1921, Blair County, PA

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Altoona Mirror, Monday, January 17, 1921:


  Camp 49, I.O. of A., will install the officers for the coming term on 
Tuesday evening, Jan. 18.
  Mrs. W. E. Carner of Cleveland, O., is a guest at the home of Mrs. F. E. 
McElroy, of 1117 Fifth avenue.
  Firemen from No. 1 station were called out at 10.42 o'clock last night to 
the home of H. C. Gladfelter of 1311 Twentieth street for a flue fire.  The 
blaze was extinguished with a Rex.
  W. E. Luddy, night foreman of the Pennsylvania railroad roundhouse at 
Hollidaysburg, residing at 119 Sixth avenue, Altoona, has been made happy by 
a new arrival - a baby girl, to keep company with his two boys.
  The Willing Workers' class of the Grace Methodist Sunday school, E. W. 
Brubaker, teacher, will hold their monthly business meeting on Thursday 
afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of the president, Mrs. Ella Whitman of 
102 Chestnut avenue.  The change in time, from evening to afternoon, has 
been made on account of the evangelistic meetings being held at night.  All 
members are requested to be present.


  Wilbur F. Shope who was released last week by the court on a suspended 
sentence and later escaped from the army officers, was taken in custody 
Saturday night at his home at 804 Chestnut avenue by Police Sergeant Frank 
MacPherson.  He has been taken to jail and later will be taken before the 
court for sentence.  He with several others is said to have been implicated 
in the robbing of the Lang store in the Commerce building some time ago.  He 
entered a plea of guilty and was released with the understand that he join 
the army.


  While the members of the family of H. W. Wagner of 205 Fourth avenue were 
absent last evening, their home was entered and ransacked from top to bottom 
by burglars.  The police were notified, but a close inspection failed to 
reveal that anything had been taken.  They were evidently seeking money and 
were not concerned about anything else.


  Austin Bell was arrested early Saturday night at Union avenue and 
Sixteenth street on a charge of being drunk and disorderly.  He is being 
held on a warrant from Alderman T. L. Crawford on the charge of breaking a 
plate glass window at the M. L.? Weamer store, 1109 Sixteenth street.


  Matthew Fettersteck, aged 55? of 1606 First avenue, chief fireman in the 
Twelfth street boiler shop, was treated at the Altoona hospital this morning 
for a laceration of the left index finger, sustained at his work yesterday.
  Tony Spiridigluzzi, aged 35, of 1527 Walton avenue, a machinist helper, 
underwent an X-ray examination following an injury to his right clavicle, 
the photograph showing a fracture.  The fracture was reduced.
  William Merritts, aged 26, of Frankstown, while working at the eastern end 
of the westbound receiving yard at Hollidaysburg, tripped over a rail and 
fell, striking his left elbow, sustaining severe contusions.  He was treated 
at the dispensary.


  A contribution of $1, "cash," was reported by the Central Bureau of 
Charities this morning.  The coming of more severe winter weather will 
necessitate a heavier drain on the charity treasury and all available 
assistance both in money and donations will be needed to carry on the work.


  Executors in the estate of Michael J. McCann were authorized to transfer 
Pennsylvania railroad stock to Rose M. McCann.
  A subpoena was awarded in the divorce case of Michael Richette vs. Maria 
Richette.  Cruel and barbarous treatment is alleged in the case.
  In the case of Adeline Brusgatis vs. the Altoona and Logan Valley Electric 
Railway company, Dr. J. D. Findley and Dr. H. J. Sommer were appointed to 
make an examination of the plaintiff to determine the extent of his 
injuries, alleged to have been sustained when a car left the track at 
Baker's woods.
  A rule was awarded to show cause why James T. Dixon should not pay alimony 
to his wife, Kathryn A. Dixon.  A subpoena was awarded for a divorce action 
in the case.
  George D. Paul was appointed guardian of Ruth E. and Henry Paul, and his 
bond approved.
  Daniel J. Musselman was appointed supervisor of Freedom township, vice B. 
F. Bowers, resigned.
  George D. Paul, guardian of minor heirs of Henry D. Paul, was authorized 
to join in deed to J. Fred Dilling.
  A rule was awarded for the discharge of Mary Ellen Baker and Elsie Mabel 
Fulmer, executrices in the estate of Francis Marion Vancourt.
  A rule was awarded upon the parties in interest to accept or refuse 
partition in the estate of Levi Good.
  A subpoena was awarded in the divorce case of Margaret H. Cummings vs. 
Ralph T. Cummings, desertion being the charge in the case.
  The Altoona Trust company was appointed guardian of William Cowan, minor 
child of Bertha L. Cowan, deceased.
  The Central Trust company was authorized to transfer stock in the estate 
of Sarah A. Hutchison.
  A rule was awarded for the discharge of Tilden J. Custer, administrator of 
the estate of Jennie Kauffman.

Lessee of Burns Property on Sixteenth Street is Given Damages by Viewers 
Appointed by County Court.

  J. Luden Henry, A. D. Houck and William B. Manley this morning submitted 
their report to the county court at Hollidaysburg as viewers to assess the 
damages sustained by Minnie C. Roche, lessee of the Burns building at 1201 
Sixteenth street, by reason of the taking over of the building for the 
opening of Twelfth avenue.
  Mrs. Roche claimed $1,200 damages and the viewers awarded her $600.  She 
conducted a boarding house and claimed to be making a profit of 
approximately $200 per month, her lease having sixth months to run from the 
time she was obliged to move from the building.